Brown rice: recipes. How to cook brown rice

There are quite a lot of varieties of this cereal, but most often housewives of the European part of the continent use only a few varieties of white rice for cooking. At the same time, in Asian cuisine, rice is presented in a wider and more varied assortment, since dishes made from it are traditional in Asian countries.

What is the reason for such differences in varietal preferences, and what do Asian women know about rice that Europeans do not? Everything is learned by comparison, as popular wisdom says. Therefore, let's try to compare some familiar varieties of white rice with brown, unpolished varieties traditionally used in Asian cuisine, and not only from the point of view of healthy and wholesome nutrition, but also the technology of its preparation.

How to cook brown rice - nutritional value and taste

To begin with, let's pay attention to the fact that brown rice is a whole, more natural grain, without polishing. The structure of rice grains, like all cereals, is approximately the same: the upper layers, covered with a harder shell, not counting the peel, contain niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, a significant part (70%) of minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc) and up to 80-85% of valuable organic oils. Brown rice is rich in fiber, but contains only 10% vegetable protein. It has a beneficial effect on the body's protective functions, improves the functioning of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. The outer husk of brown rice gives it its characteristic color and nutty flavor.

After being hulled and polished, rice grains acquire the white color familiar to the European population, transparent or not, depending on the variety, different sizes and shapes. Closer to the middle, in the rice grain, according to its structure, there are mainly carbohydrates - up to 80%. The remaining 20% ​​white grain contains the same vitamins and minerals as brown rice, but this ratio makes you think about your choice and preferences. White rice has a neutral, familiar taste; it quite easily and quickly absorbs the taste of spices and all the ingredients of the dish during the cooking process, especially since it is cooked within 10-15 minutes.

How long to cook brown rice - cooking features

The speed of cooking white rice is its only significant advantage, which is why most residents of European cities prefer to constantly include it in their diet. Brown rice cannot be rushed; it is a product that needs to be prepared without fuss, and this is the philosophy that is more characteristic of Asian peoples.

White rice will have the taste that all the ingredients added to the dish will give it, and the characteristic nutty note of brown rice is not lost, but forces you to carefully select ingredients to create a harmonious taste of the dish.

The only difficulty in preparation, if this can be considered difficult, is the long soaking and rinsing of brown rice. Directly during the cooking process, cooks and technologists usually advise changing the water twice and rinsing the brown rice. Otherwise, its preparation is no different from cooking regular white rice. After washing and soaking, unpolished cereals are kept for some time in clean and cool water (up to 10 hours). It is better to prepare brown rice in advance by soaking it overnight. Particularly long soaking of unpolished grains is recommended for those dishes where, due to the technological features of the preparation, it is impossible to drain and change the water during the cooking process (pilaf, rice meatballs, stews with rice, casseroles). Rinsing during cooking can be used when brown rice is cooked as a side dish for meat or fish. By the way, the brown variety has one significant advantage over white rice: it does not overcook, and dishes have a crumbly texture.

If you doubt that brown rice can be as tasty as regular rice, and the decision to include unpolished grains in your diet on a regular basis has been made, then consider several recipes for dishes where the taste difference will not be noticeable at all, and the nutritional value of the dish will be improved while reducing calories consumed.

How long to cook brown rice with pumpkin in milk


    Pumpkin, nutmeg 150 g

    Sugar 50 g

  • Rice, unpolished 100 g

    Milk 350 g

    Ghee 75 g

Preparation procedure:

Soak the washed rice in water overnight, as technologists advise. In the morning, boil it twice (5-7 minutes each) in plenty of water, rinse and drain the water, set aside. Cut the peeled pumpkin into small cubes and sauté in oil until half cooked. Add sugar until the pumpkin caramelizes and lightly browns. Place boiled rice and sautéed pumpkin into boiling milk and cook for five minutes. Season with salt and sugar to taste. Remove the pan from the stove and cover with a flannel napkin. In 20 minutes breakfast is ready.

How to cook brown rice with apple and dried fruits

Product composition:

    Green apple, peeled 200 g

  • Butter, ghee

    Crushed peanuts (roasted) 70 g

    Dried apricots 120 g

    Prunes, pitted 50 g

    Unpolished rice, boiled 300 g

    Sugar and salt to taste


Place boiled brown rice, prepared the day before, in a ceramic pan or distribute into portioned pots, generously greased with oil. Peel and core the apple and cut into cubes. Washed dried fruits, steamed with boiling water, finely chop. Place a layer of dried fruits on the rice, then apples. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Prepare a sweet gravy from boiling water (1 cup) and sugar, and pour over the rice in the pots. Place them in the oven to bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. Cover the pots with lids or foil before baking.

How long to cook brown rice with vegetables and meat


    Carrots, yellow 150 g

    White onion 200 g

    Sweet pepper 100 g

    Tomatoes 300 g

    Blue eggplants 120-150 g

    Chicken fillet 0.6 kg

    Unpolished rice 150 g

    Fresh herbs 200 g

    Oil, olive 150 ml

    Garlic 20 g

    Ground spices:


    black pepper,


    Bay leaf

Preparation procedure:

Wash and peel the vegetables, basil, parsley. Cut the onion, eggplant (without skin) and lettuce into cubes. Grate the carrots. Blanch ripe tomatoes, remove the skin and rub through a sieve.

Cut the prepared meat into cubes with a side of 1.5-2.0 cm.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the meat cubes. Add onions and carrots. Separately, brown the peppers and eggplant in a frying pan. Add them to the saucepan. Place brown rice, pre-soaked and rinsed in cold water, on top and spread in an even layer.

Season the tomato juice puree with spices, salt and pour into a saucepan. Add hot boiled water to cover the dish by 3 cm. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. Serve the stew on a large platter. Garnish with fresh chopped herbs.

    Unpolished rice has a much shorter shelf life than processed rice. It is for this reason that it is offered in relatively small quantities in retail chains. If you like to stock up on cereals for future use, then store the rice in a tightly closed glass container to protect it from foreign odors, the penetration of bugs and excess moisture.

    For a glass of pre-soaked rice, add 2 glasses of water. If the moisture content of the cereal is too low, then the amount of water needs to be increased slightly. It is not recommended to add water to rice during cooking. If it suddenly becomes clear that there is not enough water, turn off the heat, close the lid and cover the pan, leaving it like that for a couple of hours: the water will not boil away and evaporate uselessly, but will be absorbed into the rice.

    Rice is cooked by throwing it into both cold and hot water. Cook the cereal in cold water with the lid closed over low heat. From the point of view of preserving nutritional properties in the product, this cooking method is more useful. When placing rice in boiling water, the lid of the pan is usually left on. You need to salt the rice no earlier than 10 minutes before cooking.

    If you need rice to make sushi, choose the round variety for cooking. It will give you the required viscous consistency.

    The longer the grains of rice, the more crumbly the side dish made from it will be.

    If during the cooking process of rice it is noticed that the water has become too cloudy, this indicates poor quality of the grain - it has cracked and releases starch. To get a crumbly side dish in this case, and not a viscous porridge, add butter before the cereal sticks together. There is another way: remove the pan from the stove, drain the cloudy water, drain the rice through a colander and rinse. Taste it. Put the rice back into the pan, add a little boiling water to steam the side dish, add oil, stir and put on low heat for 2-3 minutes, cover with a lid - the rice will cook.

Today I want to tell you how to properly cook brown (brown) rice and offer several easy-to-follow cooking recipes. You will be able to please your loved ones with new but delicious dishes. Many people know that rice is good for health. I wrote in an article you can read. But the subtleties of cooking are a mystery to most housewives.

How to cook brown (brown) rice

From the brown variety you can prepare dishes that you would prepare from the usual, familiar, white one. However, it is necessary to take into account that brown takes much longer to cook than white, almost twice as long, and when finished it is a little tougher. If you want to prepare fluffy rice as a side dish, follow a few tips:

To soften and speed up the cooking process, rice is washed in running water and soaked for 2-3 hours. Soak the rice overnight and it will cook in 20 minutes, tender and fluffy.

We learned how to cook rice as a side dish, it’s time to tell us what dishes we can prepare from it.

How to cook pilaf - recipe

To prepare pilaf we take:

  • Rice - 1 glass,
  • Water - 2.5 glasses,
  • Carrots - 1 large,
  • Garlic, pepper, cilantro, salt - to taste.

How to cook brown rice pilaf according to this recipe:

  1. Pour water over the cereal and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook until the water is absorbed.
  2. Fry the garlic in oil (oil optional), then add the carrots, grated on a medium grater, and adding 2 cups of water, simmer until tender.
  3. Combine the stewed carrots with rice, mix thoroughly, add salt and pepper and simmer together a little more. When serving, sprinkle with cilantro.

Recipe for rice with turkey and vegetables

To prepare the dish you will need: brown rice - 200g, leek - 1 piece, green peas (can be frozen) - 200g, turkey, fillet - 300g, celery - 100g, garlic, black pepper, salt, soy sauce, vegetable oil - to taste.

  • Fill the cereal with water at the rate of 1:2 (two parts water - 1 part rice), and set to cook.
  • Over medium heat, fry the turkey with onions and leeks, cut into rings.
  • Then add green peas and finely chopped celery to the frying pan and simmer until tender.
  • Place the stewed vegetables and turkey into the prepared rice, add salt, garlic, pepper, soy sauce, and simmer together for about five minutes.

How to cook brown rice with vegetables

You will need:

Rice - 200 gr., 500 gr. zucchini, tomatoes - 4 pcs., eggplant - 1 pc., red pepper - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., garlic, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil, parsley - to taste.

Butter for seasoning rice.

  • Rinse the cereal, add water (1 part - 2 parts water), cook until tender for 35-40 minutes.
  • Cut the eggplants, add salt and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Zucchini, red pepper, tomatoes, chopped onion and garlic. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, add parsley and spices, simmer over low heat until tender.

Season the finished porridge with butter, serve with stewed vegetables, garnished with herbs.

Brown Rice Salads - Recipes

  1. Recipe No. 1. For the salad you will need: cereal - half a glass, half a sweet red pepper, half a cucumber, walnuts - 2 tbsp. spoons, onions, salt, parsley - to taste. For salad dressing: olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon and orange juice.
  • Boil the cereal until tender, add finely chopped vegetables, season and... bon appetit!
  1. Recipe No. 2. You will need: 200 gr. brown rice, 100 gr. canned tuna, 1 can of canned red beans, 1 red bell pepper, 2 stalks of celery, onions, salt, parsley, pepper - to taste.
  • Boil the cereal until tender. Finely chop the vegetables and combine with the cereal, add seasonings. Bon appetit!

I suggest watching the video, here is a recipe on how to cook brown or brown rice. I really liked it for its simplicity.

The benefits and harms of brown rice is an interesting topic for those who like to try unusual products in their kitchen. To evaluate the properties of cereals, you need to understand what its features are.

How is brown rice different from regular rice?

White and brown rice grains belong to the same grain. The only difference between them is the processing.

  1. White cereals are grains that are thoroughly cleaned and polished before being packaged and sent for sale. The process removes the husk and germ. This treatment can significantly extend the shelf life of the product and protect against contamination by harmful microorganisms. At the same time, the beneficial properties are significantly reduced - the cereal loses up to 90% of the valuable substances in its composition.
  2. Brown cereals are grains that have undergone minimal processing and therefore have retained fiber and nutrients in almost full volume. However, at the same time, microorganisms and mold harm brown cereals much more often, and rice becomes very soft when cooked.

The two types of grains differ in nutritional value. Since brown grains have more fiber and white grains have more carbohydrates, brown rice is considered a more dietary product.

Chemical composition of brown rice

To fully appreciate the benefits of brown cereal after minimal processing, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. Brown rice contains:

  • fiber - it is this component that is preserved in large volumes with minimal processing;
  • B vitamins - niacin and pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • vitamins E and K;
  • vitamin H;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium and iron;
  • copper and zinc;
  • manganese and sodium;
  • phosphorus, iodine and selenium.

It is very important to note that brown cereal does not contain gluten, a gluten that often causes allergies in children and adults. Anyone can use it without fear of stomach upset.

Calorie content and glycemic index of brown rice

The calorie content of brown rice is only 362 kcal per 100 g of product - this is an average nutritional value. The composition of the grain is mainly represented by complex carbohydrates - up to 77.2 g, but brown rice also contains about 7.5 g of proteins and about 1.8 g of fat.

The glycemic index of the product is 45-50 units, which makes it suitable for use with diabetes - there are no glucose spikes from brown rice.

Benefits of brown rice for the body

Brown cereal has a number of valuable health properties. The benefit of the product is that it:

  • satisfies hunger well, replenishes energy and has a tonic effect;
  • does not contain gluten, so is ideal for people with gluten intolerance;
  • strengthens the nervous system and promotes healthy brain activity;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and improves heart function;
  • increases concentration and memory;
  • regulates intestinal function, has a slight fixing effect;
  • helps with liver function, promotes rapid removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • Serves as a prevention of cancer due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition.

Medicinal recipes based on brown rice

Brown grains are very useful in a regular diet, as they help prevent the development of many ailments. However, the benefits and harms of brown rice for the body are clearly manifested in pre-existing diseases; sometimes the properties of the product are used for treatment.

To cleanse joints of salts

Healthy cereals are used to regulate metabolism, remove excess salts from joints and protect bone tissue from arthritis and arthrosis. It is necessary to prepare the following remedy:

  • a small amount of brown rice is laid out in 5 identical glasses - 2 large spoons of cereal for each;
  • pour cold water over the cereal, number the glasses and put them away in a dark place for a day;
  • after a day, the water is carefully drained from the glasses, and then the cereal is filled with fresh water;
  • the procedure is repeated for 5 days in a row;
  • on the 6th day of soaking, rice from the first glass is boiled and taken for breakfast, after which fresh grains are poured with water again;
  • on day 7, boil and eat rice from the second glass, also soaking a new portion of cereal in the empty container.

According to the given scheme, the useful product continues to be taken in the morning for 40 days in a row. During the cleanse, it is important to drink more plain water and eat plenty of vegetables to replenish the loss of potassium in the body. After drinking the rice infusion in the morning, you are allowed to have lunch with any food, but not earlier than 4 hours later.

To cleanse the body

The properties of brown rice allow for general cleansing of the body. To do this, pour 100 g of cereal with a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes under a closed lid.

Take the decoction in a third of a glass, strained and cooled to a warm temperature, 1 time per day. It is recommended to carry out treatment for 10 days, and then take a break so that there is no harm. When used wisely, the healing agent will speed up metabolism and promote the rapid removal of toxins. This will not only normalize weight indicators, but also improve blood quality, and the liver will experience less stress.

For pancreatitis

During the acute phase of the disease, patients are usually shown fasting - this allows for faster relief of pancreatic inflammation. However, within a couple of days after the disease subsides, brown rice can be returned to the diet. In small quantities, when consumed twice a week, the properties of the product will not cause harm, but great benefit, since they will help regulate digestion. In order not to injure the pancreas, the product must first be thoroughly boiled or even ground in a blender.

For diabetes

The benefits and harms of brown rice for diabetics depend on the rate of consumption of the product. Brown grains contain vitamins, folic acid and fiber, so brown rice is very useful for diabetes - it helps maintain glucose levels at the desired level. The amount of fast carbohydrates in the product is reduced, and rice does not lead to sudden spikes in sugar, but helps to maintain a balanced state of health.

However, in large volumes the properties of the product are dangerous for the digestive tract. If you eat too much of it, the harm will result in flatulence and bloating, and constipation is possible. Brown rice, if consumed in moderation, can cause you to gain weight, and this will definitely cause harm in diabetes mellitus.

The benefits and harms of brown rice for weight loss

The benefits of unpolished brown rice are that it is extremely rich in fiber. But, unlike the white variety, it contains little starch, and the calorie content of the grains is reduced. All this makes brown cereal an ideal product for dietary nutrition. When consumed, waste products quickly leave the body, and a person quickly loses excess weight. A diet based on rice has a positive effect on your well-being and appearance; the product gives you a good mood and is responsible for a surge of strength.

However, the benefits and harms of brown rice for weight loss are closely related. The product has fixing properties; if you eat it too often and too much, it will lead to constipation. Cereal is also harmful for people with severe obesity, chronic intestinal and stomach diseases, heart and vascular diseases.

Basic principles of the brown rice diet

In order for the benefits of brown unpolished rice to be maximized and the product not to cause harm, it is important to follow several rules while on a diet.

  1. To avoid constipation, the product must be combined with fresh or stewed vegetables, salads, and herbs.
  2. Vitamin deficiencies may occur on a diet, so it is important to supplement rice with nuts and dried fruits.
  3. While losing weight, be sure to drink enough water, green and herbal tea. This will help prevent constipation and other bowel problems, and will also replenish your potassium stores.
  4. To prevent the properties of brown rice from causing harm, the product should be consumed in an amount of no more than 200 g at one time.

The total duration of the rice diet should be no more than a week. Five- and three-day rice diets are also used.

Advice! You can have fasting days on healthy grains. In this case, during the day you need to eat only small portions of brown rice and drink plenty of water.

The use of brown rice in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of brown rice are used in homemade self-care recipes. Rice benefits both skin and hair - it supplies them with valuable elements and gives them strength, has a cleansing and nourishing effect.

Rejuvenating face mask

Using the beneficial properties of brown rice, you can remove fine wrinkles, tighten your facial skin and make it fresher and more elastic. To do this you need:

  • grind 2 large spoons of rice grains;
  • mix with 2 large spoons of heavy cream or natural yogurt;
  • Apply for a quarter of an hour to a previously cleansed face.

Hair rinse

Homemade conditioner based on brown rice helps make curls more manageable, shiny and smooth. Prepare a useful remedy as follows:

  • a small handful of rice grains is poured with water;
  • insist for several minutes;
  • the grains are washed and then filled with a fresh portion of water;
  • insist for another 5 minutes.

After this, the water from the resulting infusion is filtered and the hair is washed along the entire length. 10 minutes after using the rinse, the hair should be rinsed again with clean warm water. With regular use of the product, curls become softer and gain additional volume.

Cooking Brown Rice

The structure of brown rice is quite different from white rice; it is tougher and not so easy to heat-treat. Therefore, you need to prepare cereals using a special method so that the beneficial properties of brown rice are fully revealed.

How and how much to cook brown rice

If you prepare a healthy product following simple rules, the rice will delight you with its softness and pleasant taste with a nutty note. Its calorie content will remain very low.

  1. Before cooking, brown rice must be soaked - and for a long time. The cereal is poured with water and kept covered for 6 hours or overnight, and then the grains are washed, fresh cold water is poured in and soaked for another half hour.
  2. First, boil the cereal over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then drain the water from the porridge, add fresh water and cook for another quarter of an hour.
  3. The pan with the finished porridge is not placed on the table immediately, but is first wrapped in a blanket or foil and kept covered for another half hour so that the rice “arrives.”

At first glance, it seems that the recipe for making simple porridge is very troublesome and multi-step. However, the results are worth the effort. If you boil brown grains in the same way as white ones, then their taste and beneficial properties will not be appreciated. Moreover, poorly cooked unpolished rice can be harmful, since substances harmful to the human body will remain in its shell.

What does brown rice go with?

Brown rice is a product that is suitable for use with a wide variety of dishes. If you wish, you can simply boil healthy, fiber-rich porridge for breakfast. However, the properties of brown rice also appear when used:

  • with fresh vegetables and vegetable side dishes;
  • with meat and fish;
  • with seafood and egg dishes;
  • in soups;
  • in stuffed delicacies.

Rice can be eaten together with fruits and herbs, legumes and many fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, milk. Cereals are often found in famous recipes of Italian and Asian cuisine; brown rice is often used in the same recipes as regular white rice to enhance the nutritional properties of dishes.

Harm of brown rice

Despite its enormous benefits, brown rice can potentially cause great harm. This feature is associated with several of its properties.

  1. Rice grains contain toxic arsenic compounds that are dangerous to human health. There are much more of them in brown rice than in white rice, since the product is not thoroughly processed. To make rice truly safe, it must be thoroughly washed and boiled, changing the water. Then only beneficial properties will remain in the cereal, and the harm will be eliminated.
  2. Unprocessed brown rice contains many nutrients and rich moisture reserves. This is precisely its benefit for the body, however, the product suffers more often from microorganisms and fungi. It is necessary to carefully follow the rules for storing brown rice, to prevent mold from appearing on the surface of the grains. If the cereal begins to emit an unpleasant odor or tastes bitter, it should be thrown away immediately.

Important! You need to eat healthy brown rice in small portions and not every day. No more than three times a week.

Contraindications to eating brown rice

The health benefits and harms of brown rice depend on the presence or absence of certain ailments. For certain diseases and conditions it is completely contraindicated. The product should not be used if:

  • allergies to rice grains of any type;
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases - rice aggravates existing diseases and leads to exacerbations;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gastritis, ulcers and a tendency to flatulence - the properties of rice provoke constipation, bloating and increased gas production.

How to select and store brown rice

The popularity of brown rice is gradually increasing, and today it can be purchased both in specialized health food stores and in regular supermarkets. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to several points.

  1. The rice grains in the package should be approximately the same size and color. The noticeable heterogeneity of rice indicates its low quality.
  2. The shade of quality brown rice is light brown. A color that is too light or too dark indicates that the rice is fake or spoiled.
  3. The package of brown rice should not contain foreign grain grains, debris or husks.

It must be remembered that brown rice is an extremely healthy and at the same time perishable product. Such features affect its cost - the price of cereal cannot be too low.

As for storage, it is recommended to keep rice not in an open bag, but in a dry container in a place with good ventilation. The container lid must be tightly closed. Rice can be refrigerated. This will not affect its beneficial properties, but the risk that the product will quickly deteriorate will be lower.

Brown rice should not be kept warm or in an open sunny place. Under such conditions, the oils in the grain shell will begin to oxidize, and the grain will become unusable. Since rice can absorb extraneous flavors, it is better to place it away from other foods.


The benefits and harms of brown rice are a matter of proper storage and preparation of the product. If you boil rice correctly and eat it in small portions, then in the absence of contraindications, it will bring undoubted health benefits.

How to cook delicious brown rice? Housewives ask this question when they want to prepare dishes from this healthy grain. This type of rice is considered the most popular, as it is not processed or polished.

The natural brownish husk gives the rice its characteristic color. It may not look very beautiful, unlike white, already sanded and processed, but in this form the grain retains more benefits. Unprocessed rice grains are rich in minerals and vitamins and contain fiber. There are 331 kcal in 100 grams of product.

Eating brown rice helps rid the body of harmful substances and toxins, helps lower blood sugar, and also prevents the development of inflammatory pathologies. Unpolished grain is a food additive to the regular diet, as it has a healing effect.

In connection with the above, it is useful to include brown rice in the diet for the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, inflammatory pathology of the digestive tract, salt deposition, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, problems with nerves, and so on. Its regular use will normalize metabolic processes, which will have a positive effect on your appearance. No wonder it was included in the diet of beauties who had radiant skin and silky hair.

All of the listed beneficial properties of brown rice will inevitably disappear after grinding and special processing. Accordingly, it is better to cook it in this form, the main thing is to find out how to cook it tasty.

How to cook rice deliciously?

When preparing brown rice to make it tasty and soft, it is necessary to begin with the process of thoroughly washing it; this will help remove dust from the surface of the grain that has fallen onto the grains during cultivation, as well as during transportation of the grain. In addition, rinsing it under running water will help reduce the amount of harmful components with which the rice was processed.

The grain should be washed in cold water until the liquid is completely clear. After which it is advisable to lightly scald it with boiling water. And then pour cold water over the rice grains again. Then you can start preparing it.

An important step is soaking the brown rice. The washed cereal is placed in a deep container and filled with cold water. It is better to carry out this procedure overnight, but six hours of soaking is also quite enough, which can be done in the morning, and the rice can be cooked deliciously in the evening.

The prepared rice is placed in a saucepan at the rate of one glass of cereal to three glasses of cold water. Then add salt to the container, in the amount of a teaspoon and bring everything to a boil. Cook the cereal over high heat for about ten minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer for another half hour under a closed lid.

After cooking, the rice is kept covered for another fifteen minutes, as a result, the water from the pan is completely absorbed into the rice. Then you can use brown rice in accordance with your culinary preferences, all that remains is to season it, add vegetables or other ingredients and you can start eating.

Brown rice will be tasty as a side dish; it goes well with various vegetables, meat, and seafood, but it is better not to cook milk porridges from it, just as you should not put it in pies fillings. It will go well with the following spices: cumin, turmeric, chili pepper, and other spices.

Greek casserole with brown rice, cheese and zucchini

You can cook brown rice deliciously in a casserole. First, prepare it as described above in the amount of 100 grams. Then let it cool and wash it. Next, add one chicken egg and grated cheese in the amount of 100 grams. Mix these components well.

Next, prepare a baking dish, grease it well with butter, then put the casserole base, represented by a mixture of rice, egg and cheese, into the container. Place the container in the oven for five minutes. Then we clean a small zucchini squash and grate it, not forgetting to squeeze out the juice.

Next, mash 200 grams of feta with a fork and mix with zucchini, then add 2 eggs to these ingredients, as well as diced bell peppers and a bunch of fresh chopped herbs. Then pour 10% cream into this masa, add salt and pepper to taste.

After that, put the finished filling on a lightly baked rice base, and then put the mold in the oven for thirty minutes, while the temperature in the oven should be 180 degrees. Five minutes before it’s ready, you can sprinkle the delicious casserole with grated cheese, which will create an appetizing crust for our dish based on brown rice. Bon appetit!

Risotto with brown rice

You will need a glass of brown rice, which should be well washed and soaked. Next, you need to finely chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil along with two chopped cloves of garlic. After the sautéing becomes translucent, add chopped carrots to it.

Then add a glass of prepared brown rice to these ingredients and steam it a little under the lid. Next, pour in 600 milliliters of chicken broth in parts and simmer for 20 minutes. After which you can add different aromatic spices: basil, chili pepper, sweet paprika, mix everything well.

Approximately ten minutes before the end of heat treatment, add ketchup. This dish can be eaten on its own, or served well as risotto as a side dish for fried chicken.

Cook rice, whether peeled white or unpeeled brown, deliciously and bon appetit to you!

Rice is one of the staple foods; there are brown (brown) and white types of the product. The grain is processed by light grinding, its shell retains a brownish color, and the cooked porridge has a slightly unusual taste. For anyone who wants to make their diet rational, nutritionists recommend eating brown or brown rice, which experts call “cargo.” This cereal supplies the body with all the necessary minerals and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The benefits and harms of brown rice for the body

To obtain this type of cereal, when processing the grain, only the protective shell (husk) is removed, but the kernel and most of the bran are not touched, so almost all nutrients are preserved. Beneficial properties of brown or brown rice:

  • It's nutritious and satisfying. The carbohydrates found in brown (brown) rice are burned completely.
  • The protein that this type of product contains is necessary for muscle tissue, serves for the formation of cells, and ensures their normal functioning.
  • Does not contain gluten, which is a strong allergen.
  • The high content of B vitamins ensures the smooth functioning of the nervous system and the formation of energy.
  • Fiber removes toxins and waste, cleanses the digestive tract, normalizes intestinal function, and reduces the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Brown or brown rice can normalize blood pressure and kidney function. With its regular use, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the development of myocardial infarction and hypertension is prevented.

Unlike white, brown (cargo) rice has greater value for humans. Polished cereal (the white variety of the product) is processed and contains few minerals and vitamins. Brown rice contains a large amount of minerals, dietary fiber, protein, polyunsaturated fats, and is rich in B vitamins. It is useful for people with diabetes, because The cereal has a low glycemic index and helps lower blood sugar.

With regular use of brown or brown rice in the diet, the following occurs:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improvement of cardiovascular activity;
  • strengthening muscle tone (important when losing weight);
  • improvement of skin condition, hair structure;
  • The level of cholesterol and triglyceride fats, which are deposited in problem areas, decreases.

But you should not eat brown (brown) rice more than 2-3 times a week, otherwise constipation and bloating may occur. This product is not recommended for people prone to these conditions. Also, harm to the body can be caused if it is stored incorrectly. After purchasing, you need to place the opened package of cereal in the refrigerator, because its shell contains oils that oxidize when exposed to air, sunlight, and the product begins to deteriorate.

Composition and calorie content of brown rice

Brown rice has a rich composition (100 g of product contains 330 Kcal). He contains:

  • fiber;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • essential amino acids;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • proteins and minimal amount carbohydrate;
  • vitamins C, A, E, group B (B1 (thiamine), B9 (folic acid), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine));
  • magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc.

How to cook it correctly and for how long?

To maintain health, it is recommended to include brown (brown) rice in your diet. When cooking, it is better to combine it with vegetables, fish; you can prepare pilaf with chicken, lamb or pork. This product is tougher than its white counterpart, so it takes longer to cook. If you are making a side dish out of it, cook it like this:

  • soak the cereal in cold water for several hours (preferably overnight);
  • cook for 10 minutes, after boiling, remove from heat, rinse;
  • add water and cook for another 15 minutes;
  • remove from the stove, drain the liquid, cover with a blanket, leave for 10 minutes.

Brown rice recipes

There is nothing complicated in cooking dark rice (cargo), but there are some peculiarities. It takes much longer to prepare than regular polished (white) - more than 30 minutes. Cooked cereal can be very hard, and to get a soft and crumbly porridge, you need to soak it in cold water for several hours before cooking or even overnight. This dish is an excellent side dish, dietary and low-calorie.

With vegetables and mushrooms in a steamer

Dishes cooked in a steamer turn out healthy, tasty and juicy. Brown (brown) rice is very easy to prepare using this technique. We take the prepared cereal and water at a ratio of 1:2, rinse it well with cold water, put it in a steamer bowl, add a little salt to the water and pour it over the cereal. Set the timer in the steamer for 30-35 minutes, when the time is up the dish is ready.

  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • porcini mushrooms (or any brown ones) – 3 pcs.;
  • vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, corn, celery) - to choose from;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • rice (brown or brown) - 1 tbsp.


  1. Take the mushrooms, cut them into cubes, finely chop the garlic.
  2. Place rice (brown) in the steamer basket, pour water, add mushrooms and garlic.
  3. We put the vegetables in another compartment. As soon as they are ready, cut them into small pieces and add to the finished cereal.
  4. Close the lid. The dish is infused for 10 minutes and served.

With chicken in a frying pan

It doesn’t take much time to cook rice (brown) with chicken in a frying pan. Use a deep frying pan with a lid. The recipe is very simple, and the finished dish will not only be tasty, but also filling. Chicken meat becomes juicy and soft when cooked. But the most important thing is that this dish is considered dietary and low-calorie, so you can include it in your diet even when losing weight.

  • skinless chicken (take chicken breast, turkey or veal) – 200 g
  • rice (brown or brown) – 50 g
  • shallot – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • tomatoes – 1 pc.
  • water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • turmeric – 1.25 tsp.
  • greens (coriander, basil, mint) to choose from - 1 bunch
  • sea ​​salt - to taste
  • olive oil - to taste


  1. Make minced meat using a blender.
  2. Pour brown (brown) rice with water so that it covers the grain. Let it cook over medium heat.
  3. Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 2 minutes, remove the skin from the tomatoes, remove the seeds, and cut into small cubes.
  4. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  5. Pour one tablespoon of olive oil and water into the pan. Add onion and garlic and cook until soft.
  6. Add tomatoes, simmer for 10 minutes, add a teaspoon of turmeric. If desired, you can add lime juice (1 tbsp) and fresh minced ginger (1 tsp).
  7. Place the minced meat in a frying pan and simmer until done (15 minutes).
  8. Mix the resulting mass with rice and decorate with herbs if desired.

Recipe for pilaf in a slow cooker

Pilaf is prepared not only in a cauldron, deep frying pan, but also in a slow cooker. When using brown (brown) rice, the dish becomes aromatic and tasty, and takes on an unusual color. Juicy chicken is ideal for this recipe, and the added spices will make the dish more original. Pilaf made from brown rice is filling and low in calories. When following a diet, it is consumed in small quantities.

  • brown or brown rice - tbsp.
  • water – 2 tbsp.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • hot pepper - to taste (1 pod)
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • salt - to taste


  1. Pour brown (brown) rice into a cup, rinse well (otherwise the pilaf will contain grains of debris).
  2. Peel the onions, peppers and garlic, chop them, grate the carrots (finely).
  3. Place the prepared vegetables into the multicooker container, turn on the “Baking” mode (suitable for preparing pilaf), and set the timer for 5 minutes. We do not add oil.
  4. Add washed rice (brown), the required amount of water, salt to the vegetables, set the “Buckwheat” mode.
  5. After the signal about the end of the program, the pilaf with brown rice is ready.

How is this type of rice useful for weight loss?

Brown or brown rice is low-calorie, 100 g of product contains only 330 Kcal. This is enough for body weight to begin to gradually decrease. With a high content of fiber and dietary fiber, intestinal function and its microflora improve, toxins and harmful substances are removed, which helps speed up the process of losing weight. Unprocessed brown (brown) rice is very nutritious, satisfies hunger, and provides the body with essential substances.

Cooking brown (brown) rice for weight loss:

Option #1

  • Take 1 tbsp. rice cereal, rinse, boil in a saucepan in 2 tbsp. water (30-35 min.).
  • Remove from the stove, wrap, after 15 minutes. The porridge is ready.

Option No. 2

  • Add brown rice and cook for 30 minutes.
  • Turn off the stove, cover the pan with a towel, and leave for 15 minutes. for swelling.

Option #3

  • 1 tbsp. Boil washed brown rice in 5 tbsp. water.
  • Place in a colander, rinse with hot water, place in a pan, and wrap with a towel for steaming.

Option No. 4

  • Bring washed brown or brown rice to a boil in 2 tbsp. water, place in the oven for 45 minutes.
  • To make the porridge more crumbly, the cereal should be soaked in cold water for several hours before cooking.

For effective weight loss, use a diet with brown (brown) boiled rice. This cereal is consumed in its pure form, without oil, sugar and salt (serving 60 g). The diet is strict, fish and meat are not used, so you need to diversify your diet with fresh or stewed vegetables and fruits. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The rice diet is designed for only 1 week. Pregnant women should not use this weight loss method.

  • Breakfast: a portion of porridge, grapefruit, green apple or pear (no more than 2 pieces per day).
  • Lunch: a portion of porridge, a cup of vegetable broth, stewed or steamed vegetables (cauliflower, white cabbage, kohlrabi, carrots, zucchini, beets).
  • Dinner: a portion of porridge (low-fat pilaf is allowed), a cup of vegetable broth, vegetable salad, you need to alternate steamed prunes (several pieces) and figs, almonds (10 pieces), walnuts (4 pieces).

Twice a day you are allowed to eat 2 teaspoons of honey and fruit salad. Every other day you need to include 1 glass of yogurt or low-fat kefir in your diet. You can prepare a vegetable salad from carrots, cabbage, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and celery. Season the salad with lemon or grapefruit juice. The diet of each day should be different from the previous one. If you are patient, the result will not disappoint. After finishing the diet, it is advisable to carry out any fasting day once a week.

Photo: what it looks like, unpolished brown rice