Pitted grape confiture. Isabella grape jam, sultanas, green, white, black, seeded and seedless for the winter: the best recipes

Thick fragrant grape jam is a delicious preparation for the winter. The consistency of the delicacy is suitable for baking, and its extraordinary taste will transform any dish. Preparing this wonderful treat is quite simple, you will certainly like the result.

How to make jam from Isabella grapes for the winter?


  • grapes - 775 g;
  • sugar - 245 g;
  • lemon juice - 25 g.


First prepare the grapes properly. For jam, it is better to select large berries, then it will be possible to remove the seeds without difficulty. If you are using overripe and soft grapes, squeeze the pulp into a container along with the seeds, then boil the mass for a couple of minutes and strain through a large sieve. Thus, the bones will not fall into the jam. Now boil this mixture, combining with the unrubbed peel.

Sprinkle pitted grapes with sugar, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Put on minimum heat, wait until the mass boils and cook in this mode for 20 minutes.

The readiness of the jam can be checked with a tricky test: place the saucer in the freezer for about 10 minutes, and half an hour after cooking, put 1/2 teaspoon of jam on the saucer and put it back in the refrigerator for a minute. Take out the saucer of jam and run your finger along it, forming a kind of groove. If it does not immediately become numb, the jam is ready! And if the mass is liquidish, boil for a couple more minutes.

Spread the finished, slightly cooled jam in a hot sterile container and seal with lids.

Kishmish grape jam - recipe


  • kishmish - 965 g;
  • sugar - 735 g;
  • lemon.

    Grape jam for the winter. The best recipes with photos


First prepare the grapes. Rinse it thoroughly, remove all dirt and tails, remove the berries from the branches. Now proceed directly to the process of making jam. First, pour all the berries into a suitable saucepan, preferably enameled. Put this container on the stove and heat it up a little to get the juice from the berries. Now add the lemon wedges and add the sugar. At this stage of cooking, add fire and cook the future jam, remembering to constantly stir and remove the foam, which will form often and in large enough quantities. The jam will be ready when it has thickened enough.

This delicacy can be tasted as soon as it cools down. And you can prepare for the winter by corking in sterilized jars. The treat will thicken more as it cools.

Grape marmalade - recipe

An excellent view of blanks for the winter is grape marmalade. Such an exquisite delicacy is good to serve with tea or you can use it to prepare various confectionery products. Of course, for the preparation of grape marmalade, you need to use only table grapes.

Georgian grape marmalade without sugar

Let's figure out how to make marmalade from grapes. We choose sweet grapes. Cook in an enamel saucepan, stirring with a wooden spoon. Sterilize containers and lids.


Carefully separate the berries from the comb and rinse thoroughly with running cold water. Now briefly lay the berries in a pot of boiling water, in which a little baking soda is dissolved (for 5 kg of grapes, 0.5 tablespoons of soda). After 5 minutes, drain the water, knead the berries with a crush and rub through a rare sieve to separate the juice and pulp from the skin and seeds. The resulting mashed mass is transferred to a clean saucepan and boiled over medium-low heat until tender. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn. We pack hot in small sterilized glass jars. We cork when it cools, after the formation of a crust on the surface of the marmalade.

grape marmalade recipe

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 liters of grape juice - 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.


We wash the bunches well and carefully separate the berries. We put them in a saucepan and boil with continuous stirring over low heat. Knead, boil a little, then add sugar and cook in several stages until thickened. In the interval between boiling, we filter through a rare sieve.

Marmalade from grapes

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 kg of table grapes - 200 g of homemade grape wine (of the same color) + 1 kg of granulated sugar.


Rinse the grapes, carefully separate the berries from the ridges, put them in a saucepan, pour over the wine and boil with continuous stirring over medium-low heat. Wipe through a rare sieve, add sugar, dissolve it and boil until tender in several stages. We lay out in sterilized jars.

Grape marmalade with quince


  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • quince - 200 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g.


Pure grapes (without a comb) boil, cool and wipe through a rare sieve. We quickly cut the quince into 4 parts each, remove the seed pods with seeds, sprinkle with lemon juice and chop with a billhook into small pieces (or cut with a knife). Mix with grape juice, add sugar and boil over low heat until tender.

You can add gelatin or agar-agar to grape marmalade (this is done towards the end of the process), so it is better preserved.

A cup of tea in the family circle can also be served with marmalade made from pears or watermelon peels.

If you are thinking about what other tasty and fragrant jam to prepare for the winter, make jam from Isabella grapes. Have you ever made grape jam? Be sure to try cooking. From "Isabella" jam turns out tasty and fragrant, and also very beautiful in color. Both adults and children will be happy to eat such jam. In a slow cooker, making Isabella grape jam is not difficult at all.

Jam-jelly from Isabella grapes in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • grapes - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 4.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Grapes tear off the branches.

Jam from grapes for the winter

Rinse the grapes thoroughly, then drain in a colander to drain excess water.

Pour water into the slow cooker and pour 1.5 cups of sugar. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. Stirring occasionally, wait for the sugar to dissolve completely.

Then put the prepared grapes into the hot syrup. Let the grapes boil for 5-10 minutes without switching the mode.

Then strain the jam through cheesecloth. Press the grapes well. Return the strained jam to the slow cooker. Add the rest of the sugar.

Boil the jam for 30 minutes by setting the "Extinguishing" mode. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up. The jam will thicken as it cools.

Jam from grapes "Isabella" classically in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking process:

Sort the grapes carefully, immediately discard spoiled berries to the side, as they can spoil the taste of the finished jam. To make jam, choose large juicy berries.

Remove the seeds from the berries and put them in a slow cooker or bowl. Sprinkle prepared grapes with sugar. Stir and leave overnight, or for 8-10 hours.

Then stir the berries again. If they stood overnight in a bowl, transfer them, along with the juice that has stood out, to a slow cooker.

Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the jam for 2 hours.

While the jam is preparing, prepare the jars. Wash and sterilize them. Arrange the jam in jars and roll up with sterilized lids.

Jam from grapes "Isabella" with seeds in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • grapes - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 4.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 0.3 l.

Cooking process:

First of all, carefully sort the grapes and wash them, separating the berries from the branches. Place the berries in a colander to drain the water.

Meanwhile, pour water into the slow cooker and add sugar. Turning on the "Extinguishing" mode, boil the syrup. Remember to stir the sugar and water until the syrup is ready.

When the sugar is completely dissolved in water, put the grapes in the slow cooker. Boil the jam for 10 minutes without switching the mode. Then, turning off the slow cooker, let the jam cool completely.

Then turn on the “Extinguishing” mode again and boil the jam for about 10 minutes. Let the jam cool completely again.

For the third time, repeat everything the same way: that is, boil the jam in the “Extinguishing” mode for 10 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.

But you can make jam a little easier. From water and one and a half cups of sugar, cook syrup in a slow cooker, as described above. Then add the prepared berries to the slow cooker. Boil the jam and turn off the slow cooker. Wait for the jam to cool completely.

Then pour three more cups of sugar into the slow cooker. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode again. Cook jam for 30 minutes. Remember to stir the jam from time to time.

Lay hot jam in jars and roll up with metal lids. Wrap and leave the jam overnight, then put it in a cool place to wait in the wings.

This berry is not only very tasty, but also healthy. It contains vitamins C, P, minerals and organic acids. Jam made from grapes is a favorite delicacy of many sweet tooth. One has only to work a little, and in winter you can surprise your family and friends with an unusually delicious dessert.

Each housewife knows many secrets of how to make such a sweet tasty, beautiful, perfect consistency. But there are a few tips that are sure to come in handy for novice cooks.

In order for the delicacy to please in the winter, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use only fully ripe berries.
  2. Jam is brewed either from one type of grape, or 2-3 varieties are combined.
  3. Fruit can be crushed. In the process of cooking, they will quickly acquire the required consistency. Then they should be covered with sugar for several hours (they should let the juice go). Another way: everyone is divided into two portions. One is crushed, covered with sugar and boiled for 10 minutes, and the second is added to the already boiled mass as a whole and boiled until tender.
  4. Drop a little jam on a cold plate. If the drop does not flow over the surface, it is ready.

Before cooking, the berries must be properly processed. It's not difficult at all. Wash under running water. Remove all soft, bursting, spoiled fruits in which the fermentation process has already begun. Next, separate the pulp from the skin with your hands and spread them into two pans.

Advice! If the fruits are ripe, it will be possible to separate them quickly. You will have to tinker with unripe berries.

How to make grape jam?

There are many ways to prepare this delicacy. Each one is delicious and flavorful in its own way.

A simple step by step recipe for the winter

The secret of this dessert is citric acid or fresh lemon as a natural preservative. For a more spicy taste, you can put 2 tablespoons of cinnamon.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of grapes - 2 cups of granulated sugar;
  • 1 dessert spoon of citric acid.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the berries and puree with a hand blender.
  2. Rub the resulting mass through a large sieve to remove the bones.
  3. Bring the puree to a boil, stirring frequently.
  4. After boiling, pour sugar, citric acid, cinnamon into the pan. Simmer the jam over medium heat for about half an hour.
  5. If you want to get a very thick consistency, add gelatin. One package is stirred in hot water until the lumps disappear.
  6. The cooked composition is removed from the stove and, if desired, rubbed again through a sieve (now fine). Pour water with gelatin, mix.
  7. The finished product is poured into sterilized containers and closed with iron lids.

From Isabella grapes

For 1.5 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar. If the fruits are sour, the sweet product will go more.

Cooking process:

  1. Pre-prepared pulp of grapes is brought to a boil.
  2. After 10 minutes, the mass will become homogeneous.
  3. The cooled mixture is ground through a large sieve.
  4. The pulp is combined with the peel and again put on the stove until the skins are completely softened.
  5. Now you can add sugar.
  6. After that, the jam is boiled for another 15-20 minutes until cooked. Don't forget to stir it.

From sultana grapes

Required components:

  • 1.5 kg of sultanas;
  • glass of water;
  • 300 g sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Make syrup.
  2. Put berries.
  3. Cook over low heat until tender.

From white grapes


  • 1.5 st. water;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • 1 tsp vanilla.

Cooking process: make syrup, put fruits and cook until tender.



  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking process: mash the berries, boil in water, grind through a sieve, add a sweet product and cook until tender.



  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 1 st. water.

Cooking process: prepare the grapes, pour into the previously made syrup, cook for about ten minutes.

Jam in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • white grapes (800 g) mixed with black (200 g);
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

Cooking process:

  1. Process white berries with boiling water and cold water. From the dark ones, remove all the bones. Pour into the multicooker.
  2. Add sugar with citric acid.
  3. Mode - "Cooking", duration - 2 hours.

Advice! Ready jam should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with metal lids. This will keep the delicacy for a long period.


  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • one hundred grams of water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

Cook similarly to previous recipes.

With mint


  • 0.5 kg of sweet grapes;
  • 100 g of water;
  • a few leaves of fresh mint.

Cooking process: put everything in a saucepan, cook until the desired consistency. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add mint. Such jam can be made both with seeds and grind to get a homogeneous mass.



  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 500 g of sugar;

Cooking process: the berries must be chopped, rubbed through a sieve. Cook until ready. Remove the stick before the end of the process.

with an apple

Required Ingredients:

  • grapes + sour apples (per kilogram);
  • granulated sugar (400-600 g to taste);
  • water (120 ml).

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare grapes for jam.
  2. Peel the skin from the washed apples and remove all the seeds along with the partitions.
  3. Cut into pieces.
  4. Put fruits in a saucepan, fill with water and cover with a lid.
  5. When all the ingredients boil, turn the heat down to a minimum and cook for 30 minutes under the lid, stirring occasionally. This time is enough for the apples to soften and change color. But the grapes will still remain firm.
  6. Pour sugar and continue to cook without a lid for another 20-25 minutes.
  7. Remember to stir the jam every 10 minutes.
  8. Ready jam is poured into sterilized containers.

Storage of prepared treats

Store such jam in a dark, cold place, hermetically sealed. Otherwise, he will wander.

When it's time to make preparations for the winter, you definitely need to take care of a delicious accompaniment to winter evening tea parties. Grape jam is a sweet and delicate delicacy that can be an independent dish, the basis for baking, marinades and sauces, as well as used as an additive to cheeses, toast, biscuits. You can cook it from any variety, you can even mix it. Suitable as overripe and cracked fruits, and not ripe. The main thing is not to use rotten and spoiled ones - this will harm your health and spoil the taste.

Isabella grape jam


  • 1.5 kg Isabella grapes
  • 600 gr sugar
  • Juice of one lemon


Process the berries. To do this, sort and rinse well. Transfer to a saucepan and cover with water, cook for 5-7 minutes. After that, they will become soft and rub well. Grind the pulp through a sieve, transfer to a saucepan. Add sugar and lemon juice. Heat over medium heat and bring to a boil. Simmer until well thickened, about 25 minutes. Arrange in sterile jars, roll up, wrap until completely cool.

Jam from grapes for the winter. Recipe for unripe berries.

When the fruits did not have time to pick up sugar and ripen, they do not need to be thrown away, they must be prepared according to our recipe!


  • 2 kg grape berries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • Lemon


Prepare the berries, rinse and sort. Boil in a small amount of water for easy pitting. Grind the boiled berries for several minutes through a sieve. Transfer the mass to a saucepan, cover with sugar and heat slowly. Cut the peeled lemon into small pieces and add to the pan. Boil for about 20 minutes until fully cooked. Delicious grape jam is ready! Arrange in sterile jars, twist, cover and leave to cool completely.

When preparing blanks from grapes, only the pulp of the berries is usually used. But the skin, which is often thrown away, contains many useful substances. Including pectin, which is responsible for stabilizing the product. Therefore, the use of grape skins will not only make the product more useful, but also improve its consistency.

How to determine the readiness of jam from grapes

When cooking and boiling, the jam is liquid, so it is not always clear whether it has reached readiness or not. But there are several ways to accurately determine the degree of readiness of a dish:

  1. Remove the test spoon, put it on a cold saucer. Put in the refrigerator for a minute, take out and check for readiness.
  2. Directly in the pan, draw a spoon over the contents and make a groove, the finished jam should not immediately drain.
  3. Take jam in a spoon, try to drain it back. If the thickening is good, then it will slowly drain. Therefore, the dish is ready.

There are many recipes for grape jam. In this article, we have selected for you the simplest and at the same time not banal cooking methods. We hope you enjoy them.

  • Popular and original recipes for peppercorns in ...
  • Rules for growing grapes - the choice of variety, location, ...
  • Grapes began to be cultivated so long ago that even historians find it difficult to say the exact date.

    Now grapes are bred in almost all regions where there is no icy winter. Otherwise, the vine may freeze due to frost.

    The benefits of grapes

    There are several thousand varieties of grapes. Many of them differ not only in taste, but also in the content of substances. Some researchers have come to a surprising conclusion: the composition of grapes is almost the same as that of human milk.

    The main place in the composition of grapes is given to water (60-85%) and glucose with fructose (10-33%). Also in the berries are a lot of malic, salicylic, silicic, phosphoric, tartaric, citric, succinic and formic acids. There is also a small amount of oxalic acid.

    Grapes are rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP. A special place is occupied by phosphoric acid, vitamin K and vitamin P, which are responsible for the state of the circulatory system - hematopoiesis, blood clotting, blood pressure.

    The composition of grapes includes pectins, glycosides, as well as trace elements: potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, cobalt.

    The skin of grape berries is rich in tannins and essential oils.

    The use of grapes helps to improve metabolism, facilitates expectoration in case of respiratory diseases, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Wine, juice, compotes, vinegar, marinades are made from grapes. And also it is dried and used in the form of raisins. Grape jam is not brewed too often. But it turns out so tasty and nutritious that it is worth paying attention to.

    Grape jam: the subtleties of cooking

    • Mass grape harvest begins in August-September, and some late varieties ripen only in October.
    • For jam, white and black grapes of initial ripeness are used. The most delicious jam is obtained from grape varieties such as Rizamat, Chaush, Delight, Talisman, Agadai, Nimrang, Muscat, Kishmish, Isabella.
    • The berries should be firm, unrumpled, with no signs of rot. Therefore, they are removed from the brushes very carefully, immediately removing the stalks. Overripe grapes are discarded, from which it will be possible to make wine or make jam.
    • Grapes quickly deteriorate, it has a wine smell, so the jam is cooked on the same day that the harvest was harvested.
    • Grapes - the berry is very tender, so it is not washed under the tap, but dipped several times in a container with plenty of water.
    • It is advisable to use seedless or seedless grapes. You can cook jam with seeds, but it is considered to be of lesser quality, because not everyone wants to pull these bones out of the dessert during tea drinking.
    • Since there is a lot of liquid in grapes, it is recommended to blanch it before cooking. So that he does not have time to cook, after this procedure, he must be quickly cooled in ice water.
    • To prevent the grapes from wrinkling during cooking, they are poured with sugar syrup and kept for several hours. During this time, the syrup evenly penetrates into the berries, preventing them from cracking.
    • For syrup, it is best to take light sugar, since yellowish granulated sugar can give a burnt aftertaste to delicate grape jam.
    • In some cases, grapes are covered with sugar. This can be done if the bones were previously removed from the berries.
    • The readiness of the jam is checked by the state of the syrup. If a drop of syrup does not spread on a cold saucer, then the jam is considered ready. It should also be noted that the grapes in the finished jam sink to the bottom.
    • Experienced housewives assure that it is not necessary to cook grape jam until thick: it is in the grape syrup that all the charm lies. It can be used in baking to impregnate cakes and added to compote.
    • If jam is made from sweet grapes, then citric acid is added to the syrup during the cooking process. The amount depends on taste preferences.

    Grape jam: method one


    • grapes - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1.2 kg;
    • water - 1 tbsp.

    Cooking method

    • Carefully separate the grapes from the branches. Fold in a colander and wash, dipping several times in a container of water. Leave in a colander or put on a sieve to drain excess liquid.
    • Pour water into a wide saucepan, bring to a boil. Remove from stove. Put the berries in a colander in small batches and dip in this hot water. Blanch for two minutes. Cool in cold water. Transfer the grapes to a cooking bowl.
    • In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from water and sugar. Pour the berries over them, put on moderate heat and cook for 20 minutes, removing the foam that appears.
    • Remove the bowl from the fire. Let the jam brew for 8 hours.
    • Put it back on the fire and cook for 40 minutes at a low boil. Stir occasionally with a spatula, being careful not to burn the jam.
    • Carefully pour the syrup into a separate bowl and boil for 15 minutes.
    • Prepare sterile jars, which must be absolutely dry at the time of pouring the jam. Put berries in them. Pour in boiled syrup.
    • Cool completely. Close with parchment.

    Grape jam: method two


    • grapes - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1.2 kg;
    • water - 1 tbsp.;
    • vanillin - to taste.

    Cooking method

    • Carefully separate ripe berries from twigs. Rinse well in cold water.
    • Fold in a colander and blanch for 1-2 minutes, dropping the berries in hot water, the temperature of which should not exceed 80 °. Cool quickly in cold water.
    • Let the liquid drain and place the grapes in a cooking bowl.
    • In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from water and sugar. Fill them with grapes and leave for 10 hours.
    • Pour the jam syrup into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour over the berries again. Again, leave the jam to infuse for 10 hours.
    • Put the jam on moderate heat and cook until tender, skimming off the foam. At the end of cooking, add vanilla and mix gently.
    • Cool the jam in a basin, and then transfer to clean, dry jars. Close with parchment.

    Grape jam "Five minutes"


    • grapes - 1.5 kg;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • water - 1 tbsp.;
    • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

    Cooking method

    • Free the grapes from the twigs. Leave only whole and strong grapes. Rinse with plenty of water.
    • Pour sugar into the cooking basin, pour water and put on a small fire. While stirring, boil the syrup.
    • Dip the berries in the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. If foam appears, be sure to remove it.
    • Put citric acid, mix. Increase the heat to medium and simmer the jam for another 5 minutes.
    • Place hot in sterile jars. Seal tightly.

    Seedless grape jam


    • grapes, pitted - 0.8 kg;
    • sugar - 0.8 kg;
    • water - 3/4 tbsp.

    Cooking method

    • For this jam, take large grapes. Separate the berries from the stalks. Wash in plenty of water. Put on a sieve and wait 10 minutes.
    • Cut each berry in half and remove the seeds. Place in a cooking bowl.
    • Divide all the sugar in half. Leave one half, and fill the other with grapes. Leave overnight.
    • The next day, put the remaining sugar in a saucepan, pour water and boil the syrup. Cool slightly. Fill them with grapes.
    • Place the basin on the stove. Cook at a moderate boil until tender, removing the foam. As soon as the berries begin to settle to the bottom, the jam is ready.
    • Cool the jam in a bowl. Transfer to clean dry jars. Cover with parchment paper or tracing paper.

    Pitted Isabella Grape Jam


    • grapes - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 600 g;
    • water - 200 ml.

    Cooking method

    • Ripe grapes carefully separate from the branches. Rinse in several waters.
    • Put a third of all sugar in a saucepan, pour water and boil the syrup. Dip the grapes into it and warm it over low heat for 5-6 minutes, removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
    • Remove from stove and let cool.
    • Put back on the fire, add the remaining sugar. Cook the jam on moderate heat for 25-30 minutes.
    • Pour hot into sterile dry jars and seal tightly.

    Grape jam with cinnamon and cloves


    • grapes - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 800 g;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • lemon juice - from one lemon;
    • cinnamon - 1/6 tsp;
    • cloves - 2-3 buds.

    Cooking method

    • Remove the grapes from the branches. Immediately remove all rotten and green fruits. Wash thoroughly in cold water. Place in a cooking bowl.
    • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Put in cinnamon and cloves. Put on fire and bring to a boil with low heat. Boil for 10 minutes to let the spices release their flavor into the syrup. Strain it through several layers of gauze.
    • Pour hot syrup over grapes. Leave it in syrup for 8 hours.
    • After standing, cook over moderate heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove again and let stand for 8 hours.
    • The next day, add lemon juice to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.
    • Pour hot into sterile jars. Cover with sterile lids and seal tightly.

    Note to the owner

    Other fruits and berries can be added to grape jam: apples, pears, gooseberries. In this case, the number of grapes is reduced in proportion to other fruits.

    Instead of cinnamon and cloves, you can put mint or lemon balm, and replace lemon with orange.

    Liquid jam is recommended to be hermetically sealed with lids. If the jam turned out to be thick, then it is cooled, and then laid out in clean jars and covered with parchment paper. But then such jam should be stored in ideal conditions so that it does not ferment.

    In the arsenal of every housewife there are several branded recipes for jam from berries and fruits. Many people are familiar with the tastes of jams from raspberries, strawberries, cherries, gooseberries, currants, raspberries. However, jam made from sweet grapes and orange or sultanas with apples and pears was not tried by everyone. In vain, jam from wine and table varieties, along with fruit mixes, have excellent taste qualities.

    Jam out white grapes or from small black raisin pitted with honey notes is incredibly useful. They put it in pastries, coat cakes with it, drink it with tea. The main thing is to choose and adapt a recipe for yourself, learn how to cook it correctly on the stove or in a slow cooker.

    Classic cooking technology

    For jam for the winter from raisins and seedless grapes, varieties with dense skins are suitable. Delicious marmalade is obtained from Karaburnu, Kishmish, Haggadah, Rizamat, Rapture, a late variety of Isabella with a specific smell. Excellent taste in jam from unripe grapes. Berries have a lot of propectin, which is transformed into pectin when cooked. It gels well and brightens the taste of the dessert.

    The principle of preparing confiture and jam is the same:

    • Berries are torn off from bunches, spoiled specimens are thrown away.
    • Rinse several times under running water and spread in one row on a towel.
    • The bones are removed or left. Their presence or absence determines the taste of jam from unripe grapes.

    The hard skin is removed by hand or the berries are blanched in boiling water, then rubbed through a sieve. You can immediately sprinkle with sugar in a ratio of 2: 1 and put on fire or boil until softened and add crystals to the squeezed juice. If ripe berries are taken for harvesting, the volume of sand is halved.

    How to make jam from Isabella grapes for the winter with seeds

    For confiture, moderately ripe berries of white and dark varieties are used. For the classic jam recipe from Isabella need Ingredients:

    • water;
    • 1 kg of grapes;
    • 1 kg of sugar.


    1. The berries are placed in a saucepan, pour 1/3 tbsp. water and put to boil until juice appears. I stand on medium heat for 12 minutes until the skin bursts.
    2. Pour 300 g of sugar, add juice from half a large citrus.
    3. Gauze is laid on a colander, put it in a large container. The sweet mass is overturned, crushed with a pestle.
    4. The ends of the gauze are connected into a bag and scrolled around the axis, trying to squeeze out all the liquid.

    To make jam from Isabella grapes, the juice is poured into a saucepan, the remaining sugar is added and the syrup is boiled down to a medium consistency. This takes 30-40 minutes. Spicy lovers can add a spoonful of cinnamon, 3 clove buds or 4 cardamom pods. To preserve the amber color, it is easier to put a cinnamon stick and remove it when packaging. The mass is laid out warm in sterilized jars. After cooling, store in a cool place.

    Pitted grape and orange jam

    With the addition of citrus notes, the taste of the dessert becomes better.


    • juice from 2 large oranges and zest from 1 citrus;
    • 2 kg of berries;
    • 2-3.5 kg of sand - depending on the degree of ripeness of raisins
    • 0.5 l of water.


    1. Skins are removed from the berries, the mass is brought to a boil and boiled for 4 minutes, diluted with water.
    2. To get rid of the seeds, the pulp is pressed through a sieve, the grated peel and juice are added.
    3. Keep on high heat until bubbles appear. Reduce the flame, cook the mass for 20 minutes with frequent stirring, not forgetting to remove the foam.
    4. Check readiness before removing from heat. Syrup is dripped onto the edge of the saucer. If it spreads, cook for another 3-5 minutes.

    How to make fruit jam

    Antonovka, other sour varieties of apples enrich the jam with a slight sourness, fruity aroma, boil well and make the confiture thicker. In the proposed recipe, the slices soaked in syrup remain intact.


    • fruits - 3 kg;
    • seedless raisins - 1 kg;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • juice and zest of 1 orange.


    1. Apples are peeled, finely chopped, combined with berries and water.
    2. The container is placed on medium heat. Cook until the slices soften, gently stirring the mass.
    3. Then add sugar, grated peel and juice, keep on fire for another 10 minutes.
    4. Arrange in hot jars and seal with sterilized lids.

    Recipe for jam with apples in a slow cooker


    • sultana grapes;
    • water;
    • 1 kg of apples;
    • 500 g of gelfix sugar;
    • lemon juice;
    • 3 pods of cardamom;
    • cinnamon stick.


    1. Pour raisins with boiling water for 3 minutes, then pour over with cold water.
    2. Apples are cut into slices.
    3. Raw materials are placed in a bowl.
    4. Gelfix sugar and 130 g of water, lemon juice, cardamom ground in a mortar, cinnamon stick are added.
    5. Set the mode "jam" or "quenching".

    After 2 hours the jam is ready. It remains to cork and turn the jars upside down until cool.

    Pear delicacy

    Jam from small grapes with fruit is a useful filling for pies, thick jam for the winter from grapes with stones.


    • 2 kg of ripe pears;
    • 1.3kg sand;
    • 1 kg of green grapes;
    • 1 orange and lemon;
    • 300 ml of water.


    The amount of sugar depends on the type of pear. If they are sweet, 1 kg is enough.

    1. The fruits are cleaned of seeds and hard skin, finely chopped with a knife.
    2. Remove the zest from citruses and cut into thin circles, not forgetting to remove the bitter seeds.
    3. All ingredients are put in a saucepan and boiled for 20 minutes.
    4. For flavor and thickness, grated lemon peel is added along with sugar 10 minutes before readiness.
    5. Beat the mass with a blender until smooth.

    How to cook confiture for the winter from grapes with gelatin and citrus

    From small unripe berries, a delicious dessert is obtained.


    • granulated sugar - 600 g;
    • white grapes - 2 kg;
    • orange + lemon;
    • gelatin crystals - 1 tbsp. spoon.


    1. The berries are placed in a container, sprinkled with sugar, left for 2 hours until the juice appears.
    2. Move to the burner, shake the pan periodically. Boil 2 minutes.
    3. After cooling, the process is repeated 5-6 more times.
    4. If the raisin contains seeds, after heat treatment they float up and are easily removed with a slotted spoon. Seeds are good for the intestines, so it is not necessary to catch them.
    5. After 4 heating, the zest is removed from the citruses, finely cut and mixed into confiture.
    6. Diluted gelatin or a package of Gelfix is ​​added 5 times at the end, beaten with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Half of the berries can be left whole.

    Bon appetit.