Dried fruit compote: benefit or harm, composition, vitamins, calories. Is it possible to drink dried fruit compote for a nursing mother, a pregnant woman, a child from what age? Dried fruit compote: the benefits of vitamins or irreparable harm to the body

Delicious, healthy, high quality - like a breath of energy for your body. However, don't be too careless when choosing the main ingredients...

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He is loved by children and adults. The magical delicious aroma warms you in the cold winter season, and the fruity taste takes you to the distant warm summer ...

But once it was associated with the Christmas holidays and was the head delicacy of the kids. What has changed over the years? Compote or, as it is often called, uzvar entered the ranks of everyday drinks? So there is nothing surprising in this. Many have the opportunity to harvest dried fruits from their own garden in the summer. So the drink becomes not only useful, but also free.

Speaking of utility. So much noise around dried fruit, which was allowed to boil and brew a little? Yes something like that. Only the key word should be "fruit". And about their useful properties, especially in the cold season, you can talk for hours ...

Dried fruit compote - benefits, benefits and only benefits?

Before talking about the positive aspects of this drink, it is worth considering its composition in more detail. Everyone chooses the latter according to his taste or based on financial capabilities.

The most popular components of the "average compote" are: apples, pears, plums, peaches, dried apricots, raisins, strawberries, blueberries, cherries. They can be combined at your own discretion, creating more and more new flavors of this drink.

Or mix it all together, resulting in a real storehouse of iron, zinc, vitamin C, sodium and potassium.

In the same way, you can achieve a specific goal of improving certain functions of your body. It is enough just to get acquainted with the characteristics of your favorite dried fruit.


Easily remove harmful substances from the body, providing first aid for poisoning and other ailments. Prunes are also able to quickly increase the level of hemoglobin, cleanse the blood. Just be careful not to add smoked dried fruit to the compote. Its properties may be no less useful, but the taste of the drink will leave much to be desired.

Dried apricots

It will become a faithful assistant for those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. It will also improve performance and mood. Do not forget about one more property of dried apricots, which was highly appreciated by lovers of diets and proper nutrition: this dried fruit has a powerful diuretic effect, promotes weight loss, and helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Cooking is easy if you follow our tips and tricks!


They help to easily survive depressive states, contribute to the normalization of metabolism, control intracranial pressure.


They keep the body in emotional tone, especially during the cold and rainy season, saturating it with useful micro and macro elements, vitamins. They have the function of regulating metabolism, quickly removes toxins and helps with diseases of the liver / genitourinary system.


It will provide first aid for swelling of the limbs, strengthen the cardiovascular system and contribute to the regulation of blood flow. In addition, the body will replenish potassium reserves, and the nervous system will become more stable in stressful situations.


Fans of this dried fruit are not afraid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (in particular arthritis), due to the high content of calcium in it.


Yes, it is also sometimes added to compote, especially if the body is overworked, is in constant nervous tension, and suffers significant physical exertion for a long time. Additional indications may be diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Helps improve vision, can help in the complex treatment of iron deficiency.

Strawberry Raspberry

It contains a high level of vitamin C, which provides invaluable support for viral and colds.


It is an excellent antidepressant, increasing not only mood, but also the performance of the thyroid gland.

INTERESTING. In addition to strengthening the whole body, its defenses, organs and systems, dried fruit compote copes well with a hangover by removing toxins from the body / restoring water balance.

Harm from Uzvar: all possible options

Considering that dried fruit compote is included in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, diabetics and even babies, it is impossible to believe in the harm from this drink.

But he still exists. True, in a relative sense:

  • Some components of dried fruit compote can cause an allergic reaction, both in an adult and in a child. But this does not mean that you should give up your favorite drink. It will be enough to remove the allergen from it or replace it with any other component.
  • If dried fruits are not homemade, but purchased, it is important to consider the possibility of treating them with chemicals to extend the shelf life / kill insect larvae. An important aspect will be the appearance of the berries, the absence of mold, sand, foreign objects on them.
  • But even homemade preparations can suffer from pests, especially if stored inappropriately.
  • Diabetics should take into account the fact that all fruits contain glucose, so compote should be sweetened with great care.

And most importantly: this is not a drink for daily use. Even if you change the ingredients every time, the body will quickly get enough of them, which can lead to disgust. Therefore, everything in moderation, everything is fun.

Compote is a drink loved by everyone since childhood. Dried fruits are a very common ingredient in it. A drink with them has refreshing properties, is full of vitamins and copes well with thirst. And, most importantly, it is very useful, because it contains natural dried fruits that you can cook yourself. Dried fruit compote - the benefit or harm prevails in this drink, we will consider in our article.

What is included in the compote with dried fruits?

As a rule, dried fruits are used in the autumn and winter seasons, when fresh products are difficult to obtain. Dried fruits can be prepared from apples, dried apricots, prunes, peaches, apricots, raisins, plums, cherries, strawberries. Ingredients may vary depending on taste, but in any case, such a drink will be healthy and nutritious.

Dried fruits enrich the compote with useful minerals, namely: zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, PP, sodium and many others.

The calorie content of compote depends directly on the amount of sugar used. The smaller it is, the healthier the drink. On average, the calorie content of compote is 60-70 kcal per 100 g.

What is the benefit of dried fruit compote?

Useful properties of compote can vary due to the dried fruits included in it. Its main useful quality is the ability to strengthen the immune system. It is especially useful to drink it in autumn and winter, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins. At this time, the body is most weakened and it needs to make up for the deficiency of trace elements. The second equally important property is the ability to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Below we will consider the effect of dried fruits on the health of the body.

The benefits of prunes and dried apricots in dry form

Normalize the work of the stomach, have a laxative effect. Helps improve performance and help reduce weight.

The benefits of dried pears and apples

Benefits of dried raisins

The properties of raisins are unique: it strengthens blood vessels, helps reduce swelling and prevent their occurrence. Raisins are indicated for use by people with heart failure.

The benefits of dried figs

This dried fruit is able to cheer up, it is useful for use in violations of the thyroid gland. Regular use of this product in drinks improves the functioning of the endocrine system. It also improves memory performance.

Benefits of dried peaches

These fruits break down fat best. They are especially recommended to include in the diet of people with gout and rheumatism.

Benefits of dried bananas

The benefits of dried cherries

It is indicated for poor blood clotting and low hemoglobin levels.

The benefits of dried strawberries

It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, as a result of which it is very useful in the season of colds and viral infections. And in combination with citruses, the drink becomes an indispensable medicine when the temperature rises.

Dried fruits compote: delicious and healthy homemade drink for adults and children

Possible Side Effects of Dried Fruit Compote

Dried fruit compote - good or bad? Any even the most useful product may have contraindications, dried fruits are no exception.

Why dried fruits can be dangerous?

They should be purchased only from a trusted seller due to the following circumstances:

  1. They are highly concentrated active substances, excessive consumption of this product can exacerbate chronic diseases;
  2. Dried fruits are processed with chemicals, preservatives are added to them in order to increase the shelf life.

To whom are dried fruits contraindicated?

  1. Indigestion, ulcers or gastritis;
  2. Diabetes mellitus (use is not dangerous with a low sugar content in the drink);
  3. Pacreatitis;
  4. Obesity;
  5. Allergy to some components.

Dried fruit compote recipes

Let's describe some ways of preparing this tasty and fortified drink.

Compote with dried apples

This is probably the most popular compote recipe, since almost everyone grows apples and it is not difficult to get them.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and add dried apples to taste. The more you add them, the richer the taste you will get. Compote is boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then add sugar to taste and cover the pan with a lid. Let it brew for an hour.

This compote is rich in fiber and trace elements - magnesium, zinc, iron, ascorbic acid.

Compote with dry pears

The recipe is similar to the previous description. A tip when preparing dried pears is to remove the peel from them, since its presence can have a fixing effect. Pear compote well cleanses the body of toxic substances, thereby helping the liver.

Assorted dried fruit compote

In the composition of dried apricots, peaches, prunes. The secret of preserving all vitamins is simple: dried fruits do not need to be boiled, it is enough to pour them with boiled water and let them brew for 2 hours. Dried apricots and dried peaches contain potassium, which helps in the work of the heart muscle, as well as magnesium and calcium, no less necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system.

A drink made from these dried fruits relieves the body of excess fluid, reduces swelling, and has a laxative effect. It is especially useful for pregnant women, as it can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When using dried fruits, be sure to rinse them well with water or soak in milk. Milk will absorb all the toxic elements and dried fruits will have more nutritional value.

Dried fruit compote has been a favorite drink of many since childhood. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, and is good for the health of most people.


Useful properties of compote from dried fruits and berries apply to all organs and systems of the body. This drink has several positive effects on the body:

  • stimulates the immune system;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • provides the body with certain vitamins and minerals;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Raisins and dried apricots in compote have a good effect on heart health and relieve swelling. A large amount of potassium is especially useful for people with heart failure. Prunes treat constipation and purify the blood.

  • improve brain function;
  • strengthen memory;
  • support thyroid health;
  • improves mood and relieves apathy.

The iron-rich drink helps to cure anemia and restore health after blood loss. It will be useful for fasting people and vegetarians.

Blueberries and strawberries in the composition of the drink will give it a bright aroma. These berries strengthen the immune system and contain vitamin C. They help to avoid colds and treat coughs.

The light bactericidal effect of the drink contributes to the speedy treatment of viral diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system. The diaphoretic effect allows you to gently lower the temperature with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.

Dried fruit compote is much healthier and cheaper than supermarket juices. The absence of preservatives and dyes makes it safer than any ready-made drink from the store.

The fruity aroma of the drink improves mood. For this, he is loved by most children and adults. It is believed that regular use of dried fruit compote helps to avoid seasonal infections and not to catch a cold in the off-season.


The benefits and harms of a drink depend only on the quality of its ingredients. Compote of good dried fruits does not cause any harm to health if it does not contain an excessive amount of sugar. To make the drink even healthier, you can replace sugar with honey.

In rare cases, unpleasant symptoms appear after dried fruit compote has been drunk. Whether it will benefit or harm depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Rumbling in the abdomen and a slight laxative effect are not considered unhealthy, but may cause discomfort.


Dried fruit compote is a healthy drink that is allowed even for people after most operations. It is important that among the fruits and berries used there are no those that cause individual intolerance. Allergy to dried apricots and prunes is extremely rare, and you should be careful when adding exotic fruits and bright berries.

For people who monitor the amount of sugar in their diet, it is advisable to cook unsweetened compote. The taste of the drink can be improved with a little honey.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Dried fruit compote is suitable for both pregnant and lactating women. The drink rarely causes allergies and has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body. It is believed that it improves lactation and promotes the speedy recovery of the body after childbirth.

Compote without overseas dried fruits is suitable even for baby food from the age of 3 months.

Composition (vitamins and trace elements)

The calorie content of the drink is from 36 to 90 kcal per 100 ml. The value depends on the sweetness of the selected fruits and the amount of sugar.

The exact composition of the drink depends on the set of its ingredients. The content of useful substances in compote is known, which is brewed according to the classic recipe without exotic fruits. The amount of vitamins and minerals in this drink is shown in the table.

How to cook

To prepare 3 liters of compote, you need:

  • sort and wash 200 - 300 grams of dried fruits;
  • pour fruit with water;
  • bring the liquid to a boil and immediately turn off the stove;
  • wrap the pan in a thick towel and set the compote for several hours.

Most dried fruits have a sweet taste. Adding a lot of sugar to the drink is not worth it. 3 liters will require less than half a glass of granulated sugar.

For 8 - 10 hours, the drink becomes the most saturated and tasty. It is convenient to cook it in the evening, so that the compote is ready for use by morning.

There are many recipes for making a drink based on dry fruits and berries. Sometimes the ingredients are soaked in cold water and added to the boiled compote in different sequences.


Compote mixture of dried fruits is stored in a dry place. It must not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Ready compote can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The most useful is a fresh drink, so it is advisable to drink it in 1 - 2 days.

How to choose

It is better to make compote yourself than to buy it ready-made. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of dried fruits and find out the amount of sugar in the drink. Ready-made compote of normal quality costs about 100 rubles per 1 liter.

You need to figure out what is more, benefit or harm in dried fruit compote before including it in the diet of adults or children. Tasty and fragrant natural drink is traditionally used to quench thirst, prevent beriberi and strengthen the immune system. Unfortunately, not all housewives follow the rules for preparing the composition. Many do not even think much about the set of ingredients used, adding to the product everything that is at hand at the moment. Such experiments can lead to not the most pleasant results.


To prepare compote from dried fruits, it is recommended to use dried berries and fruits, the water content of which is less than 20%. To get the maximum benefit from such drinks can only be expected if the ingredients are dried in a natural way, without the use of chemicals. Ideally, these should be home-made blanks without mold and signs of damage.

Most often, supporters of traditional medicine prepare compote from dried apricots, but drinks based on apples, pears, raisins, plums, and strawberries have no less pronounced therapeutic properties. Regardless of which ingredients will be used as a base, the finished product will be rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

Compote, cooked from dried fruits, perfectly quenches thirst, tones, uplifts the mood, especially on winter days. The rest of the beneficial properties of the drink directly depend on what ingredients appear in its composition.

  • Almost all of the fruits and berries listed above contain vitamin C. This substance helps to remove toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system. The chemical compound does not allow the development of beriberi, scurvy, seasonal depression.

Tip: Do not introduce dried fruit compote into the diet if you have extra pounds. It contains from 60 to 80 kcal, depending on the set of components. Abnormal use of the drink can lead to rapid weight gain, despite its ability to remove excess fluid and speed up metabolic processes.

  • and prunes help to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This drink is great for anemia. It also eliminates problems associated with impaired digestion.
  • Dried plum perfectly cleanses the blood and other body fluids from all harmful components.
  • Apples, pears and dried grapes in the compote stimulate metabolism, help to overcome the blues and other unpleasant manifestations of sunlight deficiency.
  • is an excellent remedy for edema. It strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls, unloading the circulatory system.
  • If you add a little to the compote of dried fruits, you can not worry about the state of the thyroid gland and get rid of mood swings. And this product improves memory and stimulates brain activity.
  • Dried is very useful in diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is able to remove toxins, slags and heavy metals from the body.
  • should be included in compotes with excessive physical and mental stress, heart problems, chronic depression and overwork.
  • It will not be an extra ingredient in dried fruit drinks. It will increase the level of hemoglobin, improve the quality of vision and relieve eye strain.
  • A liquid containing garden or wild strawberries can bring the healing process closer to coughing or sore throats.

When deciding which fruits and berries to use for making compotes, it is necessary to be based not only on personal preferences and taste requirements, but also on the properties of the ingredients. This will allow not only to enjoy drinking drinks, but also to improve health and improve the quality of life.

The benefits of dried fruit compote during breastfeeding

Doctors often recommend that nursing mothers include a variety of dried fruit compotes in their diet. The natural composition will speed up the process of recovery of the female body after pregnancy and childbirth, increase its endurance and allow you to survive such a difficult period of the first year of a child's life. It will also become a source of trace elements for the baby himself, who will receive them along with mother's milk.

Here are a few more benefits of drinking a healing liquid after childbirth:

  1. Dried fruits normalize stools and relieve constipation, which are not uncommon in this period.
  2. A drink with raisins will stimulate lactation, become a source of potassium and calcium.
  3. If used when cooking, you can get rid of the headache that occurs against the background of overwork.

Dried fruit compote can also be given to babies, starting from 3-4 months. Unlike drinks made from fresh ingredients, it rarely causes allergies or other disorders. If you start giving the child a composition, starting with half a spoon, you can relieve him of constipation, prevent the development of anemia and other deficient conditions. Over time, a single dose should be gradually increased, bringing it to 100 ml.

Harm of dried fruit compote

Negative consequences from the use of the composition of natural products are extremely rare. To reduce such risks to a minimum, you need to remember a number of rules and recommendations:

  • The quality of the ingredients used must be carefully checked. Some housewives make a big mistake when they brew a drink from those dried fruits that are unsuitable for food. This practice can lead not only to indigestion, but also to severe poisoning.
  • You should not buy dried fruits for compote, which literally shine from the juice and look very appetizing. Such signs indicate the chemical processing of blanks. There are practically no useful substances in them, and they will not please the taste after heat treatment.
  • In the diet of children, such a dish should be introduced very carefully, starting with a minimum portion. The children's body is more susceptible to the action of allergens; even the most ordinary apples can provoke an unexpectedly violent reaction in it.
  • Traditional compotes with sugar should not be drunk by diabetics. As sweeteners, it is better to use honey. It is added to the already prepared composition, which has cooled down to at least a temperature of 60ºС. If the temperature is higher, the beneficial substances in the composition of honey will begin to break down.

In general, sweet natural drinks are tolerated by the body very well. The first positive changes in the state can be noted within a few days after the start of their use. By the way, breaks in such "therapy" can not be done. Products do not cause addiction or glut.

Rules for making dried fruit compote

Cooking delicious compote is very simple, making it also useful is not much more difficult. First of all, you need to choose quality components. Here you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. We take products of a light color, their shade should be as close as possible to the natural, characteristic of fresh products.
  2. You can not take glued elements, they must crumble.
  3. The smell is allowed only fresh, slightly sour, without the slightest hint of mustiness or mold.
  4. Before starting work, you need to take a piece of dried fruit and rub your skin with it. If there are no traces left, the workpiece can be processed.

The finished product will have the maximum number of useful elements if you use the quick cooking method. To implement it, you need to take 300 g of a fruit or berry mixture, rinse well and pour 3 liters of drinking water. The mass only needs to be brought to a boil and can be removed from the stove. Now it must be wrapped in something warm and left in this state for 8-10 hours. The compote is ready, it should be drunk within 6 hours, after which the valuable substances will begin to break down.

"And the compote?!" the parasite and alcoholic Fedya is surprised in the well-known film Operation Y.

And after receiving a glass of refreshing drink, pours half and, adding vodka, turns it into an alcoholic cocktail.

But it was not in vain that compote was an obligatory dessert in those days.

It was not only a very tasty and well refreshing drink.

Knots and compotes are exceptionally healthy.

Compote: composition and methods of preparation

For the preparation of compotes, dried fruits and berries, frozen and, of course, fresh are used. To begin with, put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar, the amount of which depends on the sweetness of the berries and fruits from which the drink is prepared. After the sugar has dissolved, spicy spices and even wine can be added to the sugar syrup, and then the fruits are placed. It is useful to replace sugar with honey. In order to preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is not recommended to boil the compote for a long time, and it is even better to remove some ingredients from the fire immediately. Just a few minutes to hold in boiling syrup:




Then the pan is removed from the heat and the drink is allowed to brew. In the same way, a healthy compote of dried fruits is prepared, which are thoroughly washed beforehand. Dried fruits can also be placed in a thermos and poured with strong boiling water. True, in this case, they should brew for at least 8 hours.

To preserve the vitamin, rich in taste and color, immediately turn off the fire, after adding to boiling syrup:

citrus fruits;






For a beautiful design of the drink, soft varieties of berries and fruits can be decomposed into prepared containers and poured with boiling syrup. This method of preparing compote is also suitable when using frozen foods.

Drink compote pre-strained and chilled.

Compote: what are the benefits for the body?

Healthy compote is an excellent substitute for all store-bought juices and drinks. The latter do not contain any vitamins, which are usually advertised so loudly, and their sugar content is so high that their daily use threatens the development of diabetes. The health benefits of compotes prepared at home are incomparable. They not only quench thirst deliciously, they enrich the body with the most important vitamins and minerals:

Peach and apricot compotes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, nervous system and maintain visual acuity;

Compotes from cranberries, viburnum and currants will strengthen the immune system;

Apple-pear drink will cleanse the body of toxins;

Compote, with the addition of raspberries, is an excellent restorative and slightly antipyretic agent for seasonal colds;

Plum compote will produce a mild laxative effect.

What can we say about dried fruit compotes, which in the cold season are able to fill the body's need for vitamins, iodine and iron.

Compote: what is the harm to health?

Sweet compotes, first of all, are harmful to those who have diabetes. And even if sugar is not added to the drink, fruits and berries contain sucrose to a large extent. And therefore, with diabetes, it is better to refuse compotes, so as not to cause unwanted harm to your body.

With increased acidity in the stomach, compotes can play the role of an additional irritant. This will lead to heartburn and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, berries and many fruits retain vitamin C even after heat treatment.

Urolithiasis, kidney problems and a tendency to edema also indicate the need to carefully approach the choice of diet. Compotes in this case should be drunk with extreme caution and in small quantities.

Features of dried fruit compote: benefits and harms

Calorie content of 100 g of dried fruit compote is equal to 60 kcal. And we are talking about a drink without added sugar. Dried fruit compote contains natural sugars and does not contain fats and proteins. B vitamins, as well as sodium, potassium and iron are part of this healthy drink. Dried fruits for making healthy compotes should be stored in tightly closed containers, away from sources of moisture, light and excessive heat. Before preparing the drink, dried fruits are washed well or even soaked for several hours (which is not at all necessary).

The benefits of such compotes are based on their composition:

Dried apricots - optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

Prunes - effectively cleanses the body of toxic substances and increases the level of hemoglobin;

Apples - peel;

Pear - contributes to the normalization of intracranial pressure;

Raisins - normalizes bowel function, fights diarrhea, strengthens blood vessels.

Dried fruit compote is incredibly useful for poisoning and in the treatment of colds.

However, compote can harm the body if a person suffers from problems associated with the work of the stomach and intestines. With increased acidity and existing ulcers, assorted dried fruits can cause an exacerbation of painful symptoms and indigestion. In addition, with elevated blood sugar levels, drinking such a drink is contraindicated, since it is itself oversaturated with sugars. This, by the way, is a contraindication for those who are trying to lose weight or are prone to obesity.

Features of apple compote: benefits and harms

Calorie apple compote 85 kcal per 100 gr. The drink contains vitamins B, A, C, magnesium, iron and folic acid. Useful properties of apple compote will help in the treatment of arthritis, inflamed joints, diseases of the intestines, kidneys, liver, bladder. Apple compote is good for health during the fight against excess weight. He quickly recovers strength after exhausting physical exertion. Increases the level of hemoglobin. Symptoms of low stomach acid can be eliminated by drinking apple compote.

Apple compote is harmful during periods of exacerbations, pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers.

Cherry compote features: benefits and harms

For 100 g of cherry compote 99 kcal. This drink is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene.

Due to the high content of magnesium and iron, cherry compote is recognized as the healthiest drink that can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Cherry compote is good to drink in the summer. It perfectly quenches thirst. And among other things, such a refreshing healthy cherry drink awakens the appetite. Therefore, cherry compote is so useful for a growing child's body.

With increased acidity of the stomach and existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the use of compote should be minimized in order to avoid harm from it. And with pronounced exacerbations after a glass of cherry compote, it is better to completely abandon this drink.

Compote for children: useful or harmful?

Children are very fond of delicious juices and various carbonated drinks. But it is much more useful for the child's body to drink natural homemade compote. In terms of taste, it is in no way inferior to store-bought drinks, but its benefits are simply invaluable.

Homemade compotes are easy and quick to prepare. Their benefits to the body can be regulated by the berries and fruits used for cooking. In addition, the sugar content is also completely controlled in the process of preparing a drinkable dessert. Compotes will help support the children's body in the season of colds and colds. In the process of treatment, berry compotes give their vitamins and help to recover faster. And finally, it's just very tasty and perfectly quenches thirst.

Compotes actively awaken the appetite. Therefore, parents whose children are always difficult to feed can resort to this useful little secret.

However, under special circumstances, compotes can harm the child's body:

Increased acidity of the stomach;



Diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Strawberries in compote can provoke an allergy in a child. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether they used it fresh or as part of an assortment of dried fruits.

Compotes: tasty and healthy

Useful compotes are prepared from all berries and fruits that are eaten. Adding sugar to a drink is not an integral part of making the drink. The French were the first to taste this delicious and healthy dessert. Although initially it looked more like fruit puree, which, by the way, is still prepared in many restaurants in France.

In the usual perception, compote is a light, tasty, refreshing drink with its coolness. But you can also drink it warm. It can be consumed along with the pulp. Berries taken to make compote can be poured with boiling fruit syrup, resulting in a very tasty fruit and berry compote.

Healthy compote can be prepared all year round. Not only dried fruits, but also frozen berries and fruits can always be prepared in advance. In addition, you can stock up on compote by preserving it in sterilized jars. In this form, compote can be stored for several years without losing its useful properties. Then, even in the most severe frost, you can easily enjoy a natural vitamin drink. Or complement any festive table with a chilled healthy drink.