Turkish coffee recipe in Turk. How to brew coffee in Turkish

Making Turkish coffee at home is quite difficult, but you can still try it. It is enough to know a few nuances of proper preparation, purchase a Turk of a suitable size, and then at least the classic recipe will be possible to implement with your own hands.

Coffee is an essential part of breakfast in Turkey. It is believed that coffee beans were first brought to this country by merchants from Syria approximately in the 15th century. But only a century later, during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, coffee gained enormous popularity among the nobility, and over time, among ordinary residents of the country.

A special person was appointed to brew the drink in the Sultan's kitchen. The process of making coffee is as follows: green beans were fried in large frying pans, then manually ground to a powder, and then the resulting mass was poured with water and boiled.

There are other versions about the appearance of coffee. For example, they say that it was first used in the countries of North Africa and in Asia. But the drink still owes its incredible popularity to the Turks. They also invented a container for brewing coffee, called a Turk, or cezve.

To this day, the city of Istanbul is considered the most “coffee” place in the world. Even today there is a street there that sells Turkish coffee of the highest quality.

Turkish coffee set

To prepare a Turkish drink, you need the following specific kit:

  1. Container for preparing a drink. Coffee is brewed in the usual narrow-necked Turks. In Turkey they are called "cezva". It is necessary to use exclusively copper.
  2. Sand. Making real coffee is not allowed over an open fire; the container is placed on heated sand.
  3. Porcelain coffee cups for serving.

Making Turkish coffee has several secrets:

  1. Proper preparation of the drink does not involve the use of pre-ground beans. They must be fried and crushed immediately before brewing the drink. This is the only way its taste will be as saturated with the aroma of oils as possible. An important nuance is that the grains should not cool down after frying. The coffee powder is sent to the Turk while still warm.
    In ground store-bought coffee, the oils are not retained in the same volume as can be obtained using the above-described method of preparing raw materials.
  2. The water for the drink should initially be cool.
  3. The foam that inevitably forms during brewing is poured into small cups in which the coffee will be served. Gourmets note the special taste note that it gives to the drink.
  4. Coffee should not be brought to a vigorous boil, otherwise it will acquire a hint of bitterness. The liquid is brought only to a slight boil, but then 2 - 3 times. Each time a foam appears that needs to be used in the manner already described.

Important! The volume of the Turk should correspond to the expected volume of coffee at the exit. Be sure to fill the water up to the level of the neck.

Turkish coffee - a classic Turkish recipe

At home, preparing Turkish coffee on sand is not very convenient, so we will consider an affordable option - on the stove.

The classic Turkish coffee recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • 150 ml cool purified water;
  • 1 – 2 teaspoons of ground coffee beans (depending on the preferred strength of the drink).

The preparation is quite simple:

  1. Pour ground coffee into the Turk and place it on the lowest heat so that the container warms up.
  2. In just a minute, add water.
  3. We wait until it starts to boil, periodically stirring the contents with a spoon. At the same time, it should not scratch the walls and bottom of the Turk.
  4. At the first boil, foam will begin to form. Leave it in place and remove the Turk from the heat. Let the drink sit for a few minutes until the foam goes down. Then we set the Turk to warm up again. The process must be repeated three times.
  5. Rinse the cups with boiling water to warm them up.
  6. Pour the drink, after collecting the foam with a spoon, and place it on the surface of the coffee.

On a note. If you prefer a sweet drink, you can add sugar to it. The crystals are poured into the Turk along with ground grains. Stirring sugar into already brewed coffee is considered to be in bad taste.

With the addition of garlic and honey

  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground coffee;
  • 100 ml cold water;
  • ½ garlic clove;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

This recipe suggests using water that has been pre-heated until almost hot.

  1. Mix coffee with crushed garlic.
  2. Place the mixture in a pot and fill it with water. Cook using the usual method.
  3. Place honey in a heated cup and pour in fresh coffee.
  4. Pour sugar on top of the foam for decoration. The drink does not mix after pouring into a cup.

Cooking with spices

A very spicy drink is made using the following recipe:

  • 200 ml water;
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground coffee;
  • 1 carnation inflorescence;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 1 cardamom pod;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon chips;
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar.

The cooking process is not much more complicated than those already described:

  1. In a heated pot, combine spices with sugar.
  2. Warm the mixture for a few seconds, then add coffee and fill the contents of the container with water.
  3. Cook the drink over very low heat, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar and vanilla. We carefully monitor the foam - it should not escape.

This coffee turns out incredibly aromatic. However, we can say that this drink is for the rare lover of rich flavors.

We offer two more options for spicy Turkish coffee.

With ginger

  • 150 ml water;
  • 1 tsp. ground coffee;
  • a pinch of ground ginger;
  • ¼ tsp. Sahara.

The cooking process is the same as in the classic version. Coffee with spices and sugar is heated in the Turk, and then the contents are filled with water. A small amount of sugar makes the bright spicy taste a little softer.


  • 150 ml water;
  • 1 ½ tsp. ground coffee;
  • ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife or 2 - 3 shavings from a cinnamon stick.

The preparation of the coffee drink follows the same procedure as with ginger. It is believed that it is better to use cinnamon shavings - they preserve the taste and aroma better than ground spices.

Turkish coffee in a coffee maker with sand

Today you can purchase a special device for making coffee in sand. A coffee maker with sand includes a roasting pan, a Turk and, in fact, the quartz sand itself. The device is connected to the mains. The sand warms up quickly, all that remains is to place the Turk with its contents in it and prepare a drink in just a few minutes.

This method has only one drawback - the rather high cost of the entire preparation set, compared to a regular Turkish coffee maker or automatic coffee maker.

You can use any of the recipes listed in the article.

An alternative option could be an ordinary deep frying pan, separately purchased sand and a copper pot of suitable volume. Thus, coffee can be brewed in a Turk on sand without purchasing a special expensive device.

With orange juice

An unusual drink with a citrus taste is obtained by replacing the water with freshly squeezed juice from fresh oranges:

  • 100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 1 teaspoon coffee;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar.

First of all, warm up the empty Turk a little. Then add coffee and sugar, mix and pour in juice. Boil, almost bringing to a boil, three times.

Unusual recipe with chicken yolk

This option for serving coffee is considered very tonic and nutritious:

  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
  • ½ egg yolk;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • 100 ml water.

Beat the yolk until foamy. We brew coffee in the same way as in the classic preparation. Place the foam in a cup, and then fill it with coffee.

Note! This coffee can be served both cold and hot.

Turkish coffee with pepper

  • 1 teaspoon coffee;
  • a couple of pinches of ground pepper;
  • 5 g butter;
  • 100 ml water;
  • a pinch of fine grain salt.

First we brew coffee. After the first signs of boiling, add pepper, oil, and salt. Stir while bringing to a boil a second and third time.

Proper serving of Turkish drink

Certain nuances of serving coffee, according to coffee lovers, make its taste even more interesting. So, for example, it is considered good form to slightly warm the cups in which the drink will be served. By the way, real Turkish coffee is usually poured into small porcelain cups called “fincan”.

Coffee is rightfully considered a unique drink. Thanks to its exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste, it is popular in all countries of the world. Leading manufacturing companies have developed many options for coffee machines, but none of them convey the taste the way a Turk does. A simple device, which we will talk about today, will help reveal all the qualities of ground grains. Let's look at the important aspects in order and provide practical recommendations.

Which coffee to choose

Before we talk about brewing ground coffee, you need to choose a base for the drink.

Coffee type
The most popular varieties are Robusta and Arabica. As a rule, “robusta” is used extremely rarely, since the final composition is strong, tart, and bitter. In our country, the Arabica variety has gained wide popularity - coffee with optimal bitterness and light sourness.

Coffee grinding
Depending on the degree of grinding, coarse (coarse), medium, fine (fine) and ultrafine grinding are distinguished.

Coarse grinding is used when coffee is prepared in express coffee machines or filter coffee makers. In addition, based on coarse grinding, you can prepare a drink in a Turk; it will turn out without sediment.

Experts call medium grinding universal. With its help, you can brew coffee both in a professional machine and at home on a stove - in a Turk.

Finely ground coffee is chosen by people who have geyser equipment for brewing the drink. The composition is also excellent for cooking in a Turk, but sediment may appear.

Superfine or ultrafine grinding is used less often than all others. Real Turkish coffee is brewed on the basis of this type; it is also used for coffee makers, which require the release of the final product through small grains, similar in structure to flour.

Important! All the necessary information about the variety, grinding and degree of roasting is on the front side of the package. If you have a coffee grinder, give preference to whole beans, which need to be ground immediately before brewing.

Coffee class
If we talk about the quality of coffee beans, there are 4 classes: first, second, highest and premium segment.

Of course, the premium class is considered the best option. In this case, the grains will be ground uniformly without large particles. However, if it is not possible to purchase an extra class, give preference to the highest or medium; the low option should be abandoned immediately.

Roasting degree
The taste of the finished drink, its strength and consistency depend on the roasting of the beans. There are 4 degrees (1-4). If you don't like too strong coffee, choose the second or third stage. The first roasting category is suitable for connoisseurs of soft drinks. It all depends on individual preferences.

Turka is a tool that came from ancient times; it allows you to fully convey the taste and aroma of the selected coffee. Of course, coffee machines simplify the process, but they are inferior to the “manual” preparation option.

Coffee brewed on a stove using a Turk (also called a cezve) is a truly unique delicacy. For this reason, it is recommended that you choose your accessories carefully.

Types of cezve
Depending on the available subspecies, clay, ceramic and copper Turks are distinguished. All of them have a number of features and properties.

  1. Clay Turk. The disadvantage of the device is that the walls absorb the taste and aroma of coffee beans. For this reason, when choosing a clay cezve, it is important to consider that it is recommended to cook only one type in it. Otherwise, the taste and smell will mix and spoil the invigorating drink.
  2. Ceramic Turk. Initially, it was in such a cezve that our ancestors prepared coffee. However, due to excessive fragility and fragility, the device faded into the background. If you have a ceramic Turk in good condition, give preference to it.
  3. Copper Turk. Due to the fact that the cezve has thick walls and a bottom, the coffee heats up evenly. This cooking option is considered the most common, but only 90% of the taste and aroma are transmitted.

If we talk about other types of cezves available, there are silver and gilded Turks (collector's series). It is better to refuse them, since such devices were made for decoration, and not for domestic use.

Technical characteristics of the Turks
When choosing a cezve, give preference to the option that has a narrow neck and a wide bottom. This design ensures uniform heating, as a result of which the water boils away much more slowly.

If we talk about the volume of Turka, one mug is about 65-70 ml. water. It is important to remember forever that the size of the cezve directly affects the taste of the finished drink. If possible, it is better to purchase a small turk in which you can brew 1-2 servings of coffee.

What can replace Turk?

Not all people have a Turk, but everyone wants to enjoy a natural drink. In order not to buy a cezve, we will consider current replacement options.

  1. Geyser coffee machine. The device is rightfully considered an analogue of the Turk. It consists of a lower compartment for water, a tap, a container for ground coffee and a kettle for the final drink. After pressing the “Start” button, the water in the lower compartment warms up and passes through the tap, which is aimed at the coffee grounds. The finished composition flows down, filtering the ground grains. As a result, you get delicious coffee without foam or grounds.
  2. French press. A household appliance not intended for brewing coffee. You can brew crushed grains, infuse them and strain. This replacement option is suitable for people who are used to drinking coffee with a large group, as well as for those who do not like to see the remains of ground beans in the cup. The taste of the final drink is much inferior to a Turk and a geyser coffee maker.
  3. Saucepan or saucepan. If you have a small saucepan or thick-bottomed saucepan lying around in your kitchen, use the utensil for brewing coffee. The disadvantage of this option is that the grounds rise along with the foam and settle very slowly. At the same time, the aroma evaporates, distorting the entire drink. If you decide to brew coffee in a saucepan/saucepan, cover the container with a lid and leave a small gap to allow steam to escape. Make sure that the coffee does not boil over or burn; these are the most common mistakes.

  1. Not everyone likes to see leftover grounds in their cup, so it needs to be filtered. To do everything correctly, after brewing coffee, tap the bottom of the Turk on the edge of the table, then pour in a teaspoon of ice-cold purified water.
  2. In order to get coffee without any foreign odor, use only filtered drinking water. It does not contain metals or impurities. Never bring the liquid to a boil; it should simmer over low heat.
  3. If you don't brew coffee often, choose whole beans. They need to be chopped before cooking. If you use ready-made grinds that have been sitting for a long time, the coffee will turn out unsaturated.
  4. To avoid getting a drink with strong bitterness (especially for the Robusta variety), do not put too much ground mixture in the Turk. Stick to the optimal mark, which will allow you to make a drink suitable for the whole family.
  5. If you want to surprise your guests with an invigorating aroma that will last for a long time, proceed as follows. Before pouring the drink, warm up the mugs (microwave, water or steam bath, pouring boiling water over them, etc.).
  6. To reveal the taste and enhance the aroma, place a pinch of crushed table salt (not iodized, not sea) on the bottom of the Turk. Don't be afraid that the coffee will become salty, this won't happen.

How to brew Turkish coffee: classic (with foam)

After choosing a base and a suitable cezve, you can start cooking. The final drink will be tart with light foam on the surface.

  • drinking water - 90 ml.
  • fine salt - 1 pinch
  • coffee (preferably finely ground) - 35-40 g.
  • granulated cane sugar - 20 gr.
  1. Wash the cezve, rinse it with boiling water, and wipe it dry. Add a pinch of crushed table salt, add granulated sugar and ground coffee, do not stir.
  2. Carefully begin pouring in the pre-cooled water so that the bulk mixture does not rise too much. Turn on the burner to the minimum mark, place the Turk on the stove.
  3. During the boiling process, you will notice that the composition begins to foam and darken. When the coffee rises exactly to the edges of the cezve, remove it from the heat and allow the foam to settle. The main thing is not to miss this moment so that the drink does not spill outside the Turks.
  4. After the foam has subsided, place the device on the stove again and wait for the next approach. Repeat simple manipulations (remove it from the stove, wait for the foam to settle, put it on the stove) about 4-5 times.
  5. During the cooking process, special attention must be paid to the foam head. It covers the drink, as a result of which it retains the aroma. If the foam disappears, the coffee will begin to bubble and the drink will be spoiled.
  6. After final preparation, tap the Turk on the edge of the table, heat the cups, and pour the drink over them. Add condensed milk or whipped cream if desired.

Lattes and cappuccinos are prepared using espresso, so it makes sense to consider this recipe.

  • ground coffee (medium or fine grind) - 40 gr.
  • purified water - 75 ml.
  • beet sugar - 10 gr. (at the discretion of)
  1. Wash and dry the Turk, pour ground coffee into the container, turn on the stove to the minimum mark. Place the cezve on the burner and lightly fry the ground grains. At this stage, you can add granulated sugar or skip this step (if you don't like sweet coffee).
  2. Heat drinking water to 40 degrees, carefully pour it into the cezve along the edge of the device. Wait for the drink to boil; as soon as this happens, remove the Turk from the stove. Stir with a wooden spatula and return to the heat.
  3. Wait for the second boil, then carry out the previous manipulations again. Repeat the steps 3 times, then turn off the burner, heat the cups and pour the coffee into them. Cover with a saucer and let sit for 1 minute.

How to brew Turkish coffee in a Turk

The second classic recipe is to brew coffee in a Turkish cezve. If you want to surprise your guests, this method is ideal.

  • drinking water - 145 ml.
  • extra fine ground coffee - 23-27 gr.
  • sugar (preferably cane) - optional
  • ground cardamom - to taste
  1. Cool the water to a temperature of 30 degrees. Take a cezve, add ground coffee, cardamom and granulated sugar (optional), pour in water and mix the mixture with a wooden spatula until it becomes a porridge.
  2. Turn the heat to low and wait until the foam rises to the edges. After this, remove the Turk from the stove, pour the resulting foam into a preheated cup.
  3. Repeat the steps 2 more times, waiting for it to boil, skim off the foam during each approach. Now turn off the burner and wait 3 minutes for the grounds to settle. Pour the remaining coffee into a cup and start drinking.

How to brew coffee with milk in Turkish

  • ground coffee - 35 gr.
  • milk (fat content from 3%) - 60 ml.
  1. Pour the milk into the Turk, place it on the stove and bring it to a temperature of 45-55 degrees. After this, add ground coffee to the heated liquid and put it back on the fire.
  2. When the drink begins to foam, remove the cezve from the burner and set aside for 2 minutes. Then repeat the steps 2 more times. Pour the mixture into cups, sweeten (optional), and enjoy the mild taste.

In addition to the fact that cinnamon gives the drink a refined and sophisticated aroma, it also reduces appetite.

  • drinking water - 110 ml.
  • cane sugar - 15 gr.
  • coffee (fine or medium grind) - 25 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 5 gr.
  1. Wash and dry the Turk, warm it over the fire so that the moisture completely evaporates. Cool the device, add granulated sugar, cinnamon and ground coffee, and again hold the Turk over the fire.
  2. After 1 minute, pour in drinking water, set the burner to low, and place the cezve on it. Wait for the drink to boil, remove the Turk from the stove, pour a little coffee into a cup (preheated).
  3. Next, bring the mixture back to the first boil, heat it up, and pour the “top” into a cup. Repeat the manipulations 3 times, after the final preparation, let the coffee brew for 2 minutes.

It is not difficult to brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot if you follow simple rules. Consider milk-based options with added cardamom or cinnamon. The main condition for preparing an invigorating drink is considered to be uniform heating. You cannot get delicious coffee by brewing it over high heat. Stick to the mark between medium and minimum power, otherwise the composition will lose flavor or boil away.

Video: how to brew coffee in a Turk

Turkish coffee embodies all the passion and reverent attitude of the Turks towards this drink. Cooking it correctly is not an art accessible to everyone. The taste of the drink can be different - from light and sweet to tart and bitter. The unusual invigorating aroma and pleasant aftertaste remain unchanged.

To make coffee on sand, you need. A proper cezve has a wide base and a narrow neck. The ratio of the neck to the lower part should be 2: 3. The lower part should have an oblong shape in order to sink as deep as possible into the sand.

The ideal materials for Turks are copper and silver. It is this cezve that warms up evenly, giving the drink that unique aroma.

Water for Turkish coffee must be purified, without foreign impurities and salts. A delicious drink can only be prepared from the finest quality product of the finest grinding.. The grains cannot be roasted in advance - this must be done immediately before cooking. The ideal grinding consistency is achieved using a special wooden mortar.

Timeless classic

How to brew coffee on sand correctly? Traditionally it is cooked in a roasting pan with sand and a small amount of small pebbles. The Turk should be immersed in hot sand up to the neck. The container must be periodically moved around the fryer, but so that it does not come into contact with the bottom of the fryer.

To prepare classic Turkish coffee, you need to pour cold water into the Turk, add spices and herbs. Those who like a sweet drink can add sugar at this stage. Ground grains are poured only into hot water. During the cooking process, you need to constantly stir the water - this will help to avoid incomplete dissolution of the grains.

Cooking methods may vary. Some professionals first heat the sugar in a pot, then add water and add ground grains. To prepare one serving, 5–15 g of ground beans are required, depending on taste preferences and desired strength.

The main thing during the brewing process is to remove the coffee from the roaster in time. As soon as the foam rises to the neck, the cezve must be removed from the heat. A boiled drink has nothing in common with divine aromatic Turkish coffee. The foam is placed in hot cups and the boiling process is repeated at least 3 times.

Nothing should be added to the finished drink so as not to damage the foam. Milk and cream are never added to classic Turkish coffee.

Original recipes

The uniqueness of Turkish coffee lies in the variety of its flavors, among which every coffee lover can find his favorite. The main thing is to always remove it from the heat as soon as a cap of foam appears.

  • Spicy drink recipe. Mix 10 g of sugar with 5 g of cinnamon and the same amount of vanilla. Add 1 clove bud and 1 cardamom pod. Warm the Turk, pour in the spicy mixture, and after a few seconds add 10 g of ground grains. Add 150 ml of water, cook over low heat.
  • Refreshing cocktail recipe. This refreshing cocktail is perfect for a hot summer evening. The combination of strong ingredients in the recipe gives new sensations and drives away fatigue. Warm the cezve, add 5 g of crushed grains, add 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice, add sugar to taste. Cook over low heat. Fresh orange juice can be replaced with lemon juice.
  • Recipe for a cheerful morning. To enhance the effect of caffeine, a little is added to Turkish coffee. Pour a mixture of 2g pepper and 3g salt into the Turk, heat it, add 100 ml of water, add ground grains. After the first rise of foam, you need to add 5 g of butter and let the drink boil again.
  • A recipe with a twist. Turkish coffee with garlic and honey is an unusual recipe that not everyone understands. When preparing, it is important to correctly observe all proportions and sequence of actions. Cut half a small clove of garlic into small pieces, mix with ground grains. Place the mixture in a pot and add hot water. Cook in the traditional way. Pour the finished drink into a cup, add 5 g of honey, sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top.

You cannot stir the drink - everything must dissolve on its own. Garlic combined with honey makes Turkish coffee incredibly tasty and aromatic.

How to make a delicious drink at home

Is it possible to make coffee with sand at home? You can prepare this aromatic Turkish drink at home. There are many special devices, autonomous devices for its preparation. But the prices for such units are not encouraging. In order to brew Turkish coffee at home, you can use a traditional, economical method.

To properly prepare Turkish coffee at home you will need:

  • deep frying pan with thick walls and bottom;
  • quartz sand – it warms up faster;
  • salt – it helps the temperature to rise quickly and reduces the preparation time of the drink.

Pour sand with a small amount of salt into a frying pan and place on the stove. The mixture must be constantly stirred for uniform and rapid heating. Pour 10 g of ground grains into a pot, add ice water, add a few grains of salt and spices. Place the cezve in the heated sand, remembering that making coffee on sand has an important rule: the bottom of the Turk should not come into contact with the bottom of the frying pan.

Carefully move the cezve in the sand, without letting the drink boil too much. As soon as the foam cap begins to rise, the Turk needs to be removed from the sand and returned to its place after half a minute. Repeat the procedure 2–6 times.

It’s nice to start the day with a cup of invigorating Turkish coffee, to drive away fatigue after hard work, it’s nice to dream and think about good things in his company.

photo: depositphotos.com/yingko, furo_felix

First of all, you need to choose a good one Turk(this utensil is also known as cezve, srdjep, dalla, ibrik). The variety of Turks is very wide, but there are several conditions that distinguish good Turks from bad ones.
First of all, it's the material. The Turk should conduct heat very well and at the same time should not enter into chemical interaction with coffee, sugar and spices.

Metals cope well with this task; the Turks make from aluminum, stainless steel, copper And silver. The best thermal conductivity of these metals are copper and silver, however, due to their cost silver turks They are more like works of art. That's why coffee lovers prefer copper turks with an internal coating of food-grade tin or silver, which protects copper from oxidation.

The second important point is form. It should be wider at the bottom and have a narrow waist. The optimal size ratio is 2-3. The narrow neck reduces the evaporation area and thus preserves aroma coffee. For cooking on the sand make a more elongated lower part for burial in the sand. Each Turk is characterized by a recommended volume for cooking; sometimes the volume is indicated by the number of cups (it should be borne in mind that Turkish coffee cups the volume is significantly less than those accepted in Russia and amount to about 65 ml). That's why coffee lovers Turks have different volumes, so you can choose the appropriate size depending on the required volume.

The third point important for the ease of use of the Turk is pen, it is desirable that it be long and poorly conduct heat (does not get warm), for example, wooden. The screw-on handles are convenient for storage.

Selection of Turkish coffee

The main requirement for Turkish coffee, in addition to quality and taste, is the degree of grinding. The grinding should be very very fine, literally to dust. If the grind is coarser, it will affect the taste and may cause discomfort from large particles in the mouth. This degree of grinding is very difficult to obtain at home, so many people prefer to buy factory-ground coffee using professional equipment. The standard of Turkish coffee is Mehmet Efendi coffee - the most famous koef producer in Turkey with a long history and high reputation. One of the few stores in Turkey where you can see a queue in the morning is the Emhmet Efendi stores. Turks often prefer to buy coffee in a store rather than grind it at home.

Video: Classic method of brewing coffee in a Turk

How to cook in a Turk. Recipe by Mehmet Efendi.

  • using coffee cup as measured, pour cold water into Turk/cezve (note that the quality of water affects the quality of brewed coffee)
  • add two teaspoons of coffee (average 5g) and some sugar (optional)
  • Stir while cooking in a Turk over low heat. coffee spoon
  • when the coffee rises second time, pour half the coffee into a coffee cup
  • coffee left in the cezve cook another half a minute, and then add along with the grounds to the coffee cup
  • wait half a minute until the coffee grounds settle to the bottom of the cup
  • Turkish coffee usually served with a glass of water. Water prepares taste buds for the aroma of coffee

When cooking for a large group of people, it is best to prepare semi-sweet Turkish coffee so that the taste does not differ much from the preferences of the visitors.

  • Always use clean drinking water. Chemicals and compounds (such as chlorine) affect the taste of coffee.
  • Always use high quality, freshly roasted Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee, which is ground and packaged immediately after roasting.
  • Please note that if you grind coffee in household coffee grinders for a long time to a fine state, the coffee may overheat and change the taste.
  • Store coffee in well-closed containers:
    • Keep the coffee storage container clean.
    • Do not add a new portion of coffee until the previous one is finished.
    • Do not use a wet or dirty spoon to remove coffee from the container.
  • Do not use soap or other cleaning agents on utensils used to prepare coffee. If you must use a detergent, ensure that no traces of the detergent remain after rinsing thoroughly. Any residue can greatly affect the taste and aroma of the coffee.
  • Use unscented soap to wash coffee cups and rinse them well with plenty of water
  • When preparing Turkish coffee in specialty coffee makers, follow the cleaning recommendations in the user manual.
  • Brew coffee immediately before use in the required quantity. If you leave the coffee without drinking it, it will get cold and lose its aroma.

Popular recipes

Classic Turkish coffee


  • 90 ml cold drinking water

Turkish coffee with yolk


  • 7 grams of finely ground coffee (for example Mehmet Efendi)
  • half a beaten egg yolk
  • 5 grams sugar
  • 90 ml cold drinking water
  1. Add sugar, 90 ml of cold drinking water
  2. Add the beaten yolk to the cup

Turkish coffee with pepper


  • 7 grams of finely ground coffee (for example Mehmet Efendi)
  • 3 grams ground black pepper
  • 1 gram salt
  • 3 grams butter
  • 90 ml cold drinking water
  1. Pour coffee into the Turk / coffee maker BEKO BKK 2113 M
  2. Add pepper and water to the cezve
  3. We put the Turk on the fire / put it in the coffee maker and press the start button
  4. After the readiness/beep signal, remove the Turk and pour the coffee into a cup
  5. Add salt and butter to the cup
  6. Stir and let it sit for about half a minute.

Turkish coffee with ginger


- 3 grams of ground ginger
- 5 grams of sugar

  1. Pour coffee into the Turk / coffee maker BEKO BKK 2113 M
  2. Add ginger, sugar, water
  3. We put the Turk on the fire / put it in the coffee maker and press the start button
  4. After the readiness/beep signal, remove the Turk and pour the coffee into a cup

Turkish coffee with cognac

- 7 grams of finely ground coffee (for example Mehmet Efendi)
- 30 ml cognac
- 10 grams finely grated orange zest
- 5 grams of sugar
- 90 ml cold drinking water

  1. Pour coffee into the beaker of the BEKO BKK 2113 M coffee maker
  2. Add sugar to the cezve
  3. Add 90 ml of cold drinking water to the cezve
  4. We put the Turk on the fire / put it in the coffee maker and press the start button
  5. After the readiness/beep signal, remove the Turk and pour the coffee into a cup
  6. Add cognac and orange zest to coffee
  7. Stir the coffee and let it sit for about half a minute.
To the beginning" url="http://hierapolis-info.ru/tureckij-kofe.html">

In those days, green grains were roasted in shallow pans, then ground into flour by hand, and finally mixed with water and brought to a boil. The first coffee shops were located in the modern district Eminenu, which is not far from Egyptian Bazaar. By the way, Eminonu is still in this area in the city Istanbul there is a street where they sell Turkish coffee of unrivaled quality. Gradually, the culture of drinking coffee spread throughout the Ottoman Empire, but especially strongly in the territory of modern Turkey. Drinking coffee has become firmly established in customs, becoming an element of national culture, along with other Turkish national drinks, For example, Turkish tea. Remember - in Turkey coffee is a constant part national breakfast.

Features of preparing Turkish coffee

The recipe for making Turkish coffee is simple. However, there are several rules that must be carefully followed. First, the water for making coffee should be at room temperature. Under no circumstances use water from a cooling cooler or, conversely, from an electric kettle that you boiled a couple of minutes ago. Secondly, it is good form to slightly warm up small porcelain cups called “finjan”. Otherwise, the Turkish coffee poured into them will quickly cool down. Simply rinse the Finjan with boiling water and cover with a small towel. Thirdly, never use old ground coffee, which will noticeably sour. Always use a small bag of freshly ground beans (usually 100 grams per family, consumed in 3-4 days). By the way, in a coffee shop or factory, coffee beans are roasted and then, without allowing them to cool much, they are ground into flour. This is one of the secrets of making Turkish coffee. And finally, the last rule. Ground grains are combined with water only in specially shaped copper vessels. They should not be made of steel or aluminum (unfortunately, such “creations” can be seen in Russian stores). Finally, coffee is brewed in vessels on the surface of heated sand or on coals, but in no case over an open fire. Only compliance with the six conditions listed above will provide the conditions for preparing real Turkish coffee according to a traditional recipe.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to adhere to these rules at home, mainly in terms of the fineness of grinding the grains. But there is good news - quite compact devices for safe heating of Turks on sand have appeared on sale, which will not spoil the appearance of your home kitchen.

On the contrary, in modern Russian coffee shops they widely use grinding of ready-roasted beans to the flour stage, as well as brewing coffee in professional roasters with sand. In other words, coffee shops have all the conditions for “proper” coffee brewing on a large scale.

We learned that Turkish coffee is prepared on the surface of hot sand in specially shaped copper vessels. In Russia they are called "Turka", however, in Turkey they are called differently - "cezve". When water boils, coffee flour releases a special substance that forms a thick brown foam on the surface of the water. It is especially appreciated by coffee lovers, so it is immediately poured into Finjan. It is worth noting that the boiling process usually continues once or twice to obtain a thick foam, but is never brought to a violent boil. The Turks themselves say that at such a moment the coffee “dies”, and the drink will taste bitter and unpleasant to the taste.