Raf honey coffee recipe. Various recipes for raf coffee

Lovers of delicious, aromatic coffee know many recipes for preparing this drink. One of the new brewing options is Raf coffee.

This type of drink was invented in Russia in the late 90s of the last century. That is, just two decades ago, a new recipe was invented. The traditional recipe for making Raf coffee involves mixing all the ingredients at the very beginning of the creation of the drink, and not adding at the end, as a normal coffee recipe suggests.

Features of the drink

Raf coffee on Wikipedia is described as an aromatic coffee drink with a light creamy foam, the image of which we see in the photo. To obtain foam, liquid cream is mixed in a coffee machine with ground beans. What can be unusual in a familiar drink with cream or milk? But it's one thing to pour the dairy product after making the coffee. It is completely different to mix milk and coffee before adding water.

Wikipedia explains in detail how to prepare and serve this wonderful drink.

It turns out that Raf coffee looks most beneficial in a large cappuccino cup. In this case, the fragrant mixture is sprinkled with decorative powder, which decorates the product, and arouses the desire to drink the entire cup to the bottom. If you serve Raf coffee in a voluminous transparent glass, you can appreciate the beauty of each layer of this drink.

About successful combinations

Until now, every barista tries to make Raf coffee in a coffee machine. But cook in an original way, according to a personal recipe.

Initially, there were 5 options for making Raf coffee:

  • Based on standard espresso.
  • Based on a large glass or a small cup.
  • With added sugar or vanilla sugar.
  • With the addition of chilled cream.
  • With whipped cream.

Until now, everyone tries to make Raf coffee in their own way. Someone mixes coffee with milk and cane sugar, someone adds syrup. But to take a sample of the same coffee as Rafu, it is recommended to adhere to the classic recipe.

Classic version

The very first homemade Raf coffee recipe included:

  • Espresso 25 ml.
  • 5 grams of vanilla and the same amount of regular sugar.
  • Cream, the fat content of which is not higher than 15% - 100 ml.

The cup or glass in which the drink is supposed to be served needs to be warmed up.

  • Pour cream into a pitcher and add sugar.
  • We start the coffee machine and prepare an espresso.
  • Pour the espresso into a pitcher containing the sweetened cream and beat the ingredients until an airy but persistent froth is obtained.
  • Pour the finished drink into a prepared, warm dish and sprinkle with powder.

Wikipedia emphasizes that the preparation time for a drink is no more than 10 minutes. At the same time, the temperature is 70 0 ะก, and the calorie content of Raf coffee is 170 kcal.

  • Double the amount of espresso to get more brew in volume. The amount of sugar and cream is adjusted to taste.
  • To make delicious coffee at home, like Rafu, with a reduced calorie content, it is recommended to dilute the cream with milk. The fat content of milk supplements should be below 10%.
  • If vanilla sugar is replaced by vanilla, you need to try the drink. With an excess of vanillin, the finished product may taste bitter.

Cook at home

It takes a little effort to make Raf coffee at home. Often, the power of a home coffee machine is not enough to get the dense foam shown in the photo. Therefore, in order to surprise loved ones with an original drink, you should proceed as follows.

Prepare the required components:

  • A teaspoon of finely ground coffee.
  • Water 45-50 ml.
  • Low-fat cream - 100 ml, so that the calorie content of the drink is low.
  • A teaspoon of vanilla sugar and regular sugar.

Cooking technology:

  • Preparing espresso in a coffee machine. If there is none, we cook in a regular Turk. In the second case, the coffee should be filtered, eliminating small inclusions from the liquid.
  • Heat the cream without boiling.
  • Pour the heated cream into the coffee and add the sugar. By the way, sugar can be added to the cream at the warming stage.
  • Beat the mixture with a mixer until a thick, airy foam appears.
  • Pour the drink into a warmed cup and enjoy the great taste.

You can learn more about the cooking technology in the video.

Not everyone knows what Raf coffee is. Wikipedia notes that this is a delicious drink with delicate, creamy vanilla notes. This drink is only 20 years old, but it has already earned the love of coffee lovers. Moreover, Raf coffee takes pride of place in numerous coffee cards. Today it is prepared not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. The advantage of preparing the drink is the absolute freedom of the barista. Everyone can supplement the recipe with their own ingredients.

Concluding the above

If you want to surprise your household or guests of your home, it is recommended to make original Raf coffee. What it is? Wikipedia will tell you. Reviews of coffee lovers claim that this is a special drink that warms, brings together and cheers up. Whether it is true or not, everyone should find out and form their own opinion about Raf coffee.

Raf coffee compares favorably with many other espresso-based coffee drinks. It has a uniform structure and an incredibly delicate creamy taste. True, this effect is achieved only with strict adherence to the cooking technology. Therefore, it is so important to strictly adhere to the instructions in the recipe.

Raf is called a coffee cocktail, which has gained immense popularity in a short period of time. It's easy enough to recognize him. The drink literally melts in your mouth, has a vanilla aroma, and creamy notes are clearly felt in the taste.

History of the coffee drink

The history of raff coffee begins in the nineties of the last century. Then, in the vastness of the post-Soviet space, the coffee culture was just emerging. There were very few establishments in which one could find various types of beverages based on coffee beans.

The origin of the famous cocktail happened in one of these coffee houses. Then the barista decided to please one visitor, whose name was Raphael. He said that he did not like the rich taste of espresso and asked for a softer drink. Then the employee of the establishment mixed a portion of coffee with cream in one cup. The drink turned out to be so tasty that friends of the foreigner to whom it was first served began to order it. When they came to the coffee shop, they ordered coffee, like Raphael's. Over time, the formulation was shortened to the modern "coffee Raf".

Composition and calorie content

The cocktail contains a portion of espresso for 100 grams of cream, as well as sugar. Moreover, not only ordinary, but also vanilla is added. The calorie content of a 150 ml drink is 150 kcal. The high energy value is due to the addition of cream and sugar. If additional supplements are added to the composition, there will be even more calories.

Raf coffee is a complete dessert that cannot be classified as a dietary one.

It is not served with halva and other sweets. The drink itself is quite sweet and nutritious.

Difference from cappuccino and latte

These drinks are prepared from the same ingredients, but there is a significant difference between them. For example, the difference from cappuccino lies in the intricacies of preparation. When creating raff, cream is added directly to the cup and mixed with the coffee there. In the case of cappuccino, the milk product is whipped with a cappuccino maker and then poured into the finished espresso.

When preparing a latte, lay out all the ingredients in layers. The first of these is heated milk. Then black coffee is added, and creamy froth is poured on top. It is extremely important here that the ingredients are not mixed.

Classic recipe

The classic raff is the cocktail that was prepared in the early nineties. The preparation method involves the use of special equipment designed for whipping cream and brewing espresso. In this case, you will need the following products:

  • 50 ml freshly brewed coffee;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 15 g each of plain and vanilla granulated sugar.

The following steps are taken:

  1. Espresso is brewed.
  2. All components are placed in a pitcher and whipped.
  3. The cup is warming up.
  4. The finished drink is poured into prepared dishes.

Is it possible to make raff coffee at home

It is quite possible to prepare raff coffee at home. In this case, you need to brew the espresso in a coffee machine or coffee maker, and then mix it with the rest of the ingredients in a pitcher. Even in the absence of modern coffee machines, you should not give up this cocktail. It is allowed to use a coffee turk and a regular whisk.

Recipes with various flavors

Making raff coffee at home is allowed using a number of additional ingredients. Due to this, the taste of the cocktail will be even more refined and multifaceted.


Orange raff coffee will certainly appeal to exotic lovers. To prepare it you will need:

  • 50 ml espresso;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 20 mg orange juice;
  • equal proportions of vanilla sugar and regular granulated sugar (one teaspoon each).

A cocktail is being prepared according to a classic recipe. The only difference is the addition of orange juice, which must be filtered before being added to the composition.


Honey Raf coffee deserves special attention. When preparing it, granulated sugar is not used. Despite this, the drink is tasty and tender.

The following products are used:

  • 50 ml espresso;
  • 100 g cream;
  • one and a half teaspoons of honey.

The following manipulations are performed:

  1. All components are mixed in the pitcher.
  2. The liquid is actively whipped.
  3. The finished drink is poured into a heated dish.

If desired, you can additionally sprinkle the surface with cinnamon.


Peanut cocktail is not so popular, but those who have tried it at least once prefer this option. It is appreciated for its extraordinary, rich taste.

The following ingredients are used:

  • a portion of espresso (50 ml);
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 30 g peanut butter;
  • cane sugar or caramel syrup (to taste).

The recipe for making raf coffee comes down to performing the following actions:

  1. Peanut butter is diluted in a little water. It should acquire a consistency similar to sour cream.
  2. Add granulated sugar or syrup to the composition.
  3. Pour the resulting workpiece into a pitcher.
  4. Milk is warmed up a little and added to the composition.
  5. Freshly prepared espresso is poured there.
  6. The liquid is whipped and poured into cups.


Raf lavender coffee helps to relax, relieve stress. To prepare it at home you will need:

  • one and a half teaspoons of crushed coffee beans;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • half a teaspoon of lavender flowers.

The following actions are performed:

  1. Espresso is brewed in a Turk or coffee machine.
  2. Lavender blossoms are mixed with granulated sugar and ground into a powder in a coffee grinder.
  3. The resulting powder is added to the espresso.
  4. The cream is warmed up and poured into the drink.
  5. The resulting liquid is actively foaming.


To make coconut raff coffee, you need to take care of the following ingredients:

  • 120 ml of espresso;
  • 110 ml coconut milk;
  • granulated sugar (to taste).

Applying this recipe at home, the following actions are performed:

  1. Mix coconut milk with hot espresso.
  2. Add sweetener to the composition.
  3. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender.
  4. Pour the finished cocktail into a glass or cup.

If desired, you can decorate the surface with coconut flakes.


When applying this recipe, you will need the following components:

  • 100 ml of espresso;
  • half a banana;
  • 30 g granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 100 ml of cream.

There are just a few steps to take:

  1. Black coffee is brewed and cooled.
  2. The banana is chopped with a fork.
  3. All components are mixed in one container.
  4. The resulting mass is whipped and poured into a tall glass.


The cocktail is slightly salty due to the use of cream cheese. When preparing it, the following are used:

  • 100 ml of black coffee;
  • a couple of tablespoons of cream cheese;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml of cream.

Cooking is carried out in several stages:

  1. A coffee drink is brewed from the beans.
  2. All other components are added to it.
  3. The resulting mixture is whipped with a blender.


To make vanilla raff coffee, you will need the following products:

  • 10 g of ground coffee beans;
  • 55 ml of water;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 15 g granulated sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla.

Cooking boils down to performing the following manipulations:

  1. Pour coffee powder into a Turk and pour in water.
  2. Place the container on the stove and set aside as soon as the foam appears.
  3. Strain the resulting drink.
  4. Add a little warmed-up cream and all other products to it.
  5. Beat the liquid with a blender until foam appears.

Raf cheese coffee

To make cheese raff, you will need the following products:

  • 50 g creamy soft cheese;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 15 g of ground coffee beans;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • to taste pepper, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Cooking is done in stages:

  1. In a Turk, coffee powder with salt and spices is brewed.
  2. The remaining products are added to the finished drink.
  3. The mixture is actively whipped with a blender. As a result, the consistency should be uniform.

As a rule, raff coffee is served in cups designed for cappuccino. In this dish, the powder on the surface looks impressive. It is also allowed to pour the cocktail into transparent glasses. Moreover, everyone will be able to appreciate its creamy color and original air cap.

The drink should be served in pre-heated containers. Thanks to this, he will fully reveal his taste and aroma qualities. The cocktail is placed on the table immediately after the completion of the preparation process. It is imperative that the foam has not yet settled by this time.

Among the many coffee drinks, raf deserves special attention. This is one of the few coffee recipes that were invented in Russia. He has excellent taste and has gained popularity outside the country. There are many recipes for its preparation. One has only to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

It just so happened that our coffee culture in recent years has developed strictly in line with foreign trends: takeaway coffee, alternative brewing methods, our own blends and roasting - all of this was adopted by us from more advanced coffee countries. It was all the more surprising for me to learn that Raf coffee, the absence of which in the bar list today automatically deletes any establishment from the category of fashionable, did not come to us from abroad at all.

It all started in Moscow, in the Coffee Bean coffee shop, where this drink was invented for a regular visitor named Rafael. Other regulars soon began asking the barista to make "coffee like for Raf", and a few years later, when this cocktail made its way into other coffee houses, the name was shortened to simple "Raf coffee". The main advantage of Raf coffee is its simplicity: if you can make it, then you will also succeed in Raf. Well, I see the moral of this story as follows: life must be lived at least in such a way that some good drink is named in your honor.

Raf coffee


3 minutes


100 ml espresso

200 ml cream 10%

2 tsp vanilla sugar

Raf coffee is one of the few coffee drinks that has earned its own name, and yet it is as easy to prepare as a regular cappuccino. The main feature of raff coffee is that all its ingredients are mixed, and only after that they are whipped into a homogeneous drink, where the main thing is not a frothy head (as in cappuccino), but a smooth consistency saturated with bubbles. I made the raff with aerochchino, the handy frother that comes with mine, but you can of course make it with any other cappuccinatore.

Raf coffee is best prepared one portion at a time. Combine 100 ml of cream and a shot of espresso, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, beat until smooth, pour into a clear glass and serve. Once you have mastered this classic raff coffee recipe, you can start experimenting: try replacing vanilla sugar with a spoonful of liquid honey or syrup with your favorite flavor, which you usually use to make cocktails.

One of the most popular types of coffee drink has become the recently appeared Raf coffee. It is prepared from traditional ingredients: coffee, cream and sugar and leaves no one indifferent.

History of the coffee drink

The history of its origin is interesting. The creator was a barista girl from a small coffee shop in Moscow. It happened at the end of the last century. She was interested in one of the regular visitors. His name was Raphael. What she noticed was his regular visits without ordering coffee. He never drank it. Then she offered him a cocktail of espresso, milk cream and vanilla sugar. The client liked the drink, and he began to come here every day with his friends, ordering this cocktail.

Gradually, orders began to appear "Make a drink like Raphael." Then the term "Like Raf" appeared. The result was a new coffee called Raf that spread far beyond the coffee shop. Over time, he acquired various variations with all kinds of spices, syrups and drinks.

Cooking method

Classic Raf contains 25 ml of espresso, 5 g of sugar and the same amount of vanilla, fifteen percent cream - 100 ml.

  1. Preheat the glasses or cups in which the drink will be served.
  2. Pour the vanilla sugar and plain sugar into a pitcher (one teaspoon each).
  3. Add the prepared espresso to the container.
  4. Beat all ingredients with a steam wand until foam forms.
  5. Fill cups with ready-made drink, garnish and serve.

The peculiarity of its preparation is one nuance - all components are whipped with coffee at the same time. In its original form, it was cooked in the cup itself. But that was at the very beginning.

To use this recipe for making raff at home, you need a coffee machine. What if she's not there? Don't despair. You can brew it in a Turk, and be sure to strain the drink. Small particles can spoil the drink. The cream needs a lot of heating to get hot. Mix everything, beat with a whisk or blender. The main thing is to get foam. It must be admitted that it is extremely difficult to achieve a thorough effect at home, but it is possible to come close to the original.

Recipe options

The many options for raff recipes will please you and will want to cook them yourself. For example, orange drink.

Required products:

  • cream with a fat content of 11% - 250 ml;
  • orange juice - 20 ml;
  • espresso - one portion;
  • orange essential oil - two drops;
  • vanilla syrup - 20 ml.

Cooking completely coincides with the classic recipe. Orange chips will serve as a decoration for the drink.

Raf will be ideal if you use freshly squeezed orange juice, rather than store-bought. A subtle orange sourness will add a fresh aroma, and lovers of new coffee drinks will appreciate the citrus raff.

Soothing drink lavender raff women order more often. The magical scent of lavender will create an atmosphere of romance, fill it with charm and originality. There are no additional methods for preparing a drink. Only a floral note is brought in, created by the combination of sugar and lavender flowers. These two components are mixed and ground thoroughly.

By adding a teaspoon of honey, we get an extraordinary honey raff... This drink should be served in cups in which cappuccino is served. Its pleasant soft taste brought victory to the creator participating in coffee competitions in several nominations. The honey aroma is perfectly set off by a pinch of cinnamon.

In coffee shops you can find such a type of drink as nut or peanut Raf... It does not differ in prevalence and popularity. However, those who have tasted it note the amazing rich taste of the original cocktail. The recipe is slightly different from the classic as it contains peanut butter, caramel syrup or cane sugar.

There is an opinion that the pasta should be from an American manufacturer. It is believed that there are much more nuts in this product than in other similar products. Before cooking, the pasta must be diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream. All components are whipped in a coffee machine.

Dispensing a drink

In coffee shops, the raf you ordered is served in the same cups in which they bring cappuccino. The explanation is the portion similarity (about 120 ml). Also served in transparent glasses. In the first case, decorative sprinkling with either grated chocolate or cocoa is possible. In the second version, the airy creamy-vanilla foam that covers the drink looks amazing.

The main thing is that the dishes in which the raf is served should be comfortable in the hand, because the exciting effect of coffee depends half on both the serving and the dishes.

Another nuance that should not be forgotten - be careful with the addition of vanillin, so as not to spoil the pronounced taste with bitterness.

Influence on the figure: cheese and coffee diet

Those who care about their figure (we are talking more about women) need to know the following information. Raf, made according to the classic recipe, contains 135 kcal in 130 ml of drink. It's up to you to drink or not drink.

By the way, about how not to gain weight with coffee. Many people know the cheese and coffee diet. Trusting the reviews, you can lose a sufficient amount of extra pounds in a few days. In addition, this drink, invented in France, is exquisite and incredibly tasty. The preparation is easy. A couple of pieces of cheese are added to hot ready-made coffee. Some eat it with a spoon, others drink coffee first and then use melted cheese.

The choice of cheese is scrupulous, giving preference to more expensive ones. The same is true for coffee. Instant drink is not suitable for these purposes.

A separate recipe for cheese raff has not yet been provided by anyone.

Coffee myths

But there are myths about coffee:

  1. Heart disease is caused by drinking coffee. However, a proven fact suggests that coffee drinkers are much less prone to such diseases than those who deny this drink. But it doesn't hurt to be careful.
  2. The harmful effect of the drink on the gums and teeth is not confirmed by anything. Scientists have proven that coffee helps to strengthen teeth. Take only a quality drink.
  3. The negative effect of drinking coffee on pregnancy also turned out to be fiction.
  4. You don't get fat from coffee. And even from coffee with sugar. But with milk you need not get carried away.

Craftsmen, in love with their work, are constantly in the process of creativity. They create incredible flavors and unbeatable drinks. In the process of this work, a truly masterpiece was created, which differs from the previously invented drinks. Raf Cheese is the world's first salty coffee with cheese.

Top 15 coffee drinks

The world of coffee is immense. To understand the coffee variety, check out the Top 15 Beverages. He will help you figure out their differences.

  1. Espresso is the base of coffee drinks, the base component.
  2. Ristretto or short espresso is a drink for a couple of sips. There is less caffeine in a cup of this coffee than in the previous drink.
  3. Double espresso - doppio.
  4. Lungo is a long espresso.
  5. Americano with the main principle of separate serving (espresso, hot water, milk on request).
  6. Cappuccino, like espresso, is drunk at the bar. Visually, it is a clear contrast of colors (brown and white), the texture is ideally thick and smooth.
  7. Milk coffee latte has a predominantly milky flavor, but with a little foam.
  8. Latte macchiato differs in that coffee is poured into milk. Usually - milk in coffee.
  9. Small cappuccino - espresso macchiato.
  10. Flat white - flat white, has a thin corduroy foam.
  11. A coffee-raff that tastes like a slightly melted ice cream or creme brulee.
  12. Irish - Irish coffee. This top contains the only alcoholic drink with a pronounced contrast: cold cream, hot coffee, Irish whiskey.
  13. Iced coffee - frappe.
  14. Greek coffee is a cool coffee drink with chocolate sauce.
  15. The ideal coffee for those with a sweet tooth is affogato, a truly unique dessert.

Raph coffee ... What is it? What is this unusual drink hiding behind a short name? Coffee with a delicate creamy taste and a pleasant fluffy texture will delight espresso lovers with its taste. Interestingly, most of the recognized coffee brewing options came from abroad, and only raf has Russian roots. The history of the invention of this drink is very interesting.

History of creation

Raf coffee - what is it? How did it come about? This drink was first made in a Moscow cafe called Caffee Bean in 1996. New (unusual at the time) cafeterias offered a huge number of all kinds of coffee options. And one of the regular visitors to this establishment once said that he doesn't really like the coffee taste. To try to please the client and not fall face down in the dirt, the barista of this cafe came up with a recipe that combined coffee, cream and sugar. The result was a very original cocktail, which was presented to the capricious client. This man's name was Raphael, or Raph for short.

After a while, looking at their friend, who is drinking an unusual drink with pleasure, Raf's friends also wanted to try it, and began to ask for the same coffee as Raf's. This is how the name appeared - raff coffee.

Despite the fact that this drink has appeared almost 20 years ago, it is not often found in local coffee shops. It can be tasted only in some places in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Be sure to try raff coffee sometime. You already know what it is.

What does the drink consist of?

Its composition is very simple. In the classic version presented to Raphael for judgment, there were only a few ingredients. Today, different cafes offer variations with different syrups. These are the components:

  • 25 ml classic espresso;
  • 100 ml of 10% cream;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar or a 50/50 mixture of vanilla and regular sugar.

Raf coffee, the recipe of which involves mixing the components at the initial stage of preparation, turns out to be very tasty.

Cooking method

First, prepare a classic espresso. To do this, take 7 grams of finely ground grains and pour 30 ml of cold water. Heat it over low heat until foam appears. Remove from stove.

Second, combine the cream with the sugar and heat until hot and the sugar dissolves.

Combine the espresso and the creamy mixture and whisk the mixture with a whisk or cocktail blender. It is the persistent foam mass, which is formed due to thorough whipping, gives a special taste. The best way to serve the drink is in transparent glasses.

Now you all know about raff coffee, what it is and how to make it at home. Bon Appetit!