Strawberry jam in the microwave. Jam in the microwave Strawberry jam in the microwave

You can improve the jam a little and cook it in the microwave. You don't even need to be a miracle cook to do this! It seems that berries mashed with granulated sugar are the fastest way to prepare them for the winter, but this jam is made, in my opinion, even faster.
Using this simple and affordable recipe, you can even prepare jam in the microwave from frozen berries even in winter.

Raspberry jam in the microwave

In this way, jam is prepared from raspberries, honeysuckle, strawberries, gooseberries, apples, cherries, etc.

I often use this recipe for raspberry jam not only for the winter, but also when I need to quickly make something sweet for tea or a pie filling. \ Everyone knows about the benefits of raspberry jam for colds and flu, but during pregnancy this berry should be consumed in very moderate doses, as it increases blood pressure, it is better to give preference to black currants.

We will need:

Fresh raspberries - 500 g;
juice of half a lemon;
granulated sugar - 250-300 g.


We sort out the berries
Place in a microwave safe dish.
Pour lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Mix.
Place the container with jam (do not cover it with a lid) in a regular microwave oven for 15-17 minutes and bring it to readiness at 100% power level.
Stir once during cooking.

If the jam is being prepared for the winter, then immediately transfer it hot into a clean, sterilized jar and close it tightly or screw it with a metal lid.

When using frozen berries, you do not need to defrost them first; just keep them in the microwave for 3-4 minutes longer.

Blackcurrant jam in the microwave

For those who don’t like to tinker with preparations for a long time, I offer a fairly simple and quick recipe for currant jam, which we will prepare in the microwave - great taste in just a couple of minutes.

It may be hard to believe right away, but the delicacy turns out to be excellent, and considering how little time we spend on it, this recipe will become an indispensable assistant for any housewife, especially since the harvesting season has already begun. True, there is one drawback: jam can only be made in small portions, but very quickly and without much effort. In general, if this year you are too lazy to spend several hours on preparations, then I recommend that you make currant jam in the microwave at home.

We will need:

Black currant – 500 grams
Sugar - 350-400 grams
Pink pepper - 1 teaspoon


- So, we sort out the berries and wash them thoroughly, then put them in a colander. As soon as the currants dry, transfer them to a container with a volume of at least 2.5 liters and add sugar, mix everything and leave for an hour.

- During this time, the berry will release juice, and we can start making jam. Turn on the most powerful mode on the microwave and place the container with currants in it, bring it to a boil, take it out and mix everything.

- Now we put the jam in the oven again for 2 minutes, after which we take it out again, add pepper, mix and put it in the microwave for 5-8 minutes.

— The jam is ready, so we pour it into sterilized jars, and when it cools down, close the jars tightly with lids. Store the jam in the refrigerator or other cool place.

The taste of this delicacy is delicious, despite the speed of its preparation.

Strawberry jam with rhubarb

The amount of resulting jam is so small that sterilization and processing are not necessary. The jam can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

We will need:

1-1 ½ cups chopped rhubarb (about 1.2 cm cubes)
2 tbsp. water
1 cup crushed strawberries
1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. dry pectin
2 cups sugar


You can use both fresh and frozen berries for jam. Crush them in a bowl and measure out one glass. Frozen berries must thaw before use.

1. In an approximately 4-quart microwave-safe container, combine rhubarb and water. (I use a 2.5 liter bowl and it almost overflows.) Partially cover the container with plastic wrap, leaving an opening for steam to escape. Heat in oven on high for 2 minutes. Remove the film. Wipe up any liquid or stains with a paper towel.

2. Add strawberries and lemon juice. Stir in pectin until dissolved. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Microwave uncovered for 2 minutes (high power). Stir and skim the jam from the sides of the bowl. Cook again for 2 minutes, then stir. Repeat at minute intervals until the jam foams and thickens, stirring and skimming each time.

3. Test the jam for readiness. Pour about 1-2 tsp. jam onto a chilled plate and place in the freezer for a couple of minutes until it has cooled to room temperature. A film forms on the surface. If you carefully remove it with your finger or fork, the film should wrinkle, which means the jam is ready.
If not done, place back in oven at minute intervals. Stir slowly until foam subsides; remove excess foam. Stir slowly for 2-3 minutes to prevent the berries from floating.

4. Pour into clean jars; wipe the edges. Seal with metal ring lids or plastic lids. Place on a towel-lined surface and leave at room temperature overnight. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

This recipe is for making in a 1200 watt microwave. If yours is more powerful, cook at 70% of its power and vice versa, if less, cook longer.
Don't double the number of berries.
Be careful when stirring the jam, as... the steam will be very hot.
You can use a heat-resistant silicone spatula to scrape the jam off the sides of the bowl.
Since we did not make the jam in the usual way and did not freeze it, there is no need to leave a few centimeters to the lid of the jar.

Strawberry jam

Using frozen strawberries as an example, I want to show how to quickly and easily make jam in the microwave. In general, you can make jam or jam from almost any berries and fruits in the microwave. The ratio with sugar is usually close to 1:1. Berries and sugar should be placed no higher than half of the microwave-safe dish. These can be bowls, buckets or suitable containers that can be covered with a lid on top. The time and number of cooking cycles varies depending on how thick the jam you want to end up with.

I like to use frozen berries because I don’t make large stocks of jam for the winter, but prepare it periodically throughout the year as needed and in small quantities. In addition, frozen berries are usually already sorted and fully prepared for use.

To make jam we will need:

Strawberries - 2 cups
Sugar - 2 cups


Rinse frozen berries, this is especially important if they are purchased. Place the berries in a special microwave-safe container or other suitable container (plastic or glass).

Sprinkle the berries with sugar and let them thaw slightly at room temperature or defrost slightly in the microwave.

Some models have a “defrost” mode for this, or you can simply use low power 180-300 for about three minutes.

The berries should release juice that will completely moisten the sugar.

Gently mix the berries, juice and sugar. Cover the dish with a lid, leaving small gaps for steam to escape, or with a special dome for cooking in the microwave. In this case, condensation will drip from the edges of the lid, but the inner surface of the microwave will be protected from possible splashes.

Options for cooking modes.

Option 1. Set the power mode to 900 and the time to 8-10 minutes. During cooking, you need to stop the process 2-3 times and stir the jam.

Option 2. Set the power to 600-750 and the time to 12-15 minutes. During cooking, you need to stop the process 2-3 times and stir the jam.

If you want to get thicker jam and with a more viscous syrup, then after about half an hour you can repeat the selected cooking cycle in whole or in part.

Microwave jam is ready!

Fragrant and tasty strawberries have only one drawback - once picked, they do not keep fresh for long. Maximum - a couple of days in a cool place. Or even just a few hours in the heat. Therefore, in order to be able to enjoy this gift of nature even after the strawberry season, many ways have been invented. Fresh ones can be preserved, even dried, or delicious tinctures can be made with them.

A delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood and beloved by many is jam. Not everyone knows how to cook correctly. You can often encounter the fact that this delicate product turns out either too thick or watery, and even worse, if the berries boil over and turn into unaesthetic rags. To avoid such problems, in many families good recipes for canned sweets are inherited from grandmothers and mothers. But now a lot of tips on how to cook can be found on the Internet.

When preparing this sweetness, you need to find out the following main points:

How much sugar to use;

How many boiling approaches to do?

To begin with, you need to choose the berries wisely. They should be ripe and flavorful, but not overripe, too soft or bruised. All strawberries must be sorted out, spoiled ones must be removed, all stems and sepals must be removed, and thoroughly washed to remove sand and dirt. By the way, not all housewives remove sepals - there is an opinion that they are also useful, because they contain additional microelements and vitamins.

Here are a few that are quite successful. In each case, the final product will vary, but it will turn out delicious.

Jam made from “as if fresh” strawberries

For every kilogram of strawberries, 0.4 kg of sugar is taken.

Prepare the berries as described above, place them in a saucepan with high sides and cover with sugar. Place in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Remove

Place on low heat. Boil and cook for 5 minutes. The jam will be thin, but aromatic and not overcooked. Pour into pre-washed, dried containers and cover with prepared tin lids. Seal, turn the jars over, wrap them and let them cool.

Recipe for small, non-meaty strawberries

Prepare the berries before making the strawberry jam, set aside. Boil the syrup over medium heat, stirring all the time with a wooden slotted spoon (take 1.5 kg of sugar for 1 glass of water). After boiling, boil for 5 minutes and set aside. If you notice impurities, it is better to strain. While the syrup is hot, strawberries are poured into it and left for 6 - 8 hours. Then the jam is boiled twice and cooled. After boiling for the third time, leave it boiling for 5 minutes. The product is considered ready if a drop of syrup has thickened so much that it does not spread on the plate. Next, place in sterilized jars and seal with tin lids.

Strawberry jam in the microwave

There is also an option for those who like to cook strawberry jam in the microwave.

This is for small volumes of conservation. For 0.5 kg of berries, measure 0.45 - 0.5 kg of sugar. Place the strawberries in a special container under a lid in a microwave oven at 800 power for 4 minutes to release the juice. Take it out, add sugar and stir. And again in the microwave for 13 minutes. place, but without a lid. It is necessary to periodically take out the dishes and stir the jam, making sure that it does not run away or burn. Remove and place hot in sterilized jars and seal.

And in winter, open the jar and enjoy the taste of sultry summer.

Summer is the time to prepare for the winter. The beginning of summer pleases us with fragrant strawberries. There are strawberries, so we make jam. There are many different ways to make it, but we suggest you microwave strawberry jam.
The peculiarity of this method is the speed of the process, saving not only time, but also sugar. The berries remain intact, the color is bright red, and the taste is not cloying, but with a delicate sourness.

The jam will be thicker and the aroma more intense if you pick strawberries in dry weather.


– strawberries – 1 kg;
- granulated sugar - 300 - 400g;
- a pinch of citric acid.

To keep the berries intact, choose small, firm strawberries. Contact with water should be minimal. Therefore, we wash the berries very quickly, in small portions, immersing them in water with a colander.


The output will be 1 liter of delicious strawberry jam.

Place small portions of berries in a colander. We immerse the colander in water several times and remove it. While the water is draining, remove the damaged berries and tear off the tails of whole ones.

While the sugar is dissolving, prepare two half-liter jars and lids for them. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into washed half-liter jars, place them in the microwave and heat for 6 minutes at full power (800W).

Place the bowl with strawberries in the microwave and cook for 8 minutes at 800W. Remove, add citric acid, mix gently and cook again for 8 minutes.

Transfer the hot jam into jars and place them in the microwave for another 5 minutes. Strawberry jam is ready.

All that remains is to close the jars with airtight lids, turn them upside down and leave them to cool. We store jars of jam in a cool pantry.

Author of the material: jolli1

Most often I cook strawberries and cherries, I also tried blackberries, and frozen ones. Such berries have already been sorted, and even the pits of cherries have been removed. Here you will need those berries that you yourself froze for the winter or purchased.

When purchasing frozen goods, give preference to berries frozen by shock - they then better retain their shape in the finished product, and sold by weight or in transparent packaging - in this case, the quality of the product and the amount of ice and snow can be seen.

Sort the fresh berries, wash and let excess water drain.
Rinse frozen berries, if necessary, if they are purchased and not your own, without defrosting them in cold water.

Choose a tall plastic or glass container for cooking, because when boiling, the foam from the berries rises high. The amount of berries and granulated sugar should not exceed half/middle of the container.

Place the berries in a cooking container and cover them with granulated sugar. If the jam will be served in the coming days, then use a minimum of sugar; it is quite possible that the ratio of berries to sugar is even 2:1.
If you plan to store the jam for a long time, then the sugar ratio is maximum 1:1.

In addition to the berries, spices, herbs and even aromatic herbs can be added. For sweet berries, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice or lemon peel to taste, i.e. a strip of zest. The lemon ingredient will not only add a pleasant flavor, but will also contribute to better thickening of the finished jam as it cools.

Cinnamon and/or orange zest go well with many berries and fruits. Improvise for variety and in search of that signature taste. Cooking small portions of jam in the microwave facilitates this and is convenient for this.

Before cooking, fresh berries must stand for some time to give the necessary juice and saturate them with sugar.
First defrost frozen berries on medium power (300) for 3-5 minutes depending on their quantity.
To cook berries, you need the MAX mode, i.e. this is 900-1100 for different models of microwave ovens.

If the size of the chamber allows, then in parallel with the jam you can also prepare sterile jars for it. To do this, you need to wash them, pour ¼ part water and place them next to the jam for 1 cycle.

The time of the first cooking cycle is 7-10 minutes; in the middle of cooking or after its completion, you need to stir the berries and continue cooking at the same power 1-2 more times for 5-10 minutes. The time depends on the amount of jam, for example, for half a kilo it is 5 minutes, for 1 kg it is closer to 10 minutes. After the third cycle, the jam will be especially thick with a more viscous syrup, and the soft berries will lose their shape.