Classic recipe for canning cucumbers. Crispy pickled cucumbers

To make delicious cucumbers for the winter, you need to consider recipes for canning in liter jars. The options for preparations are quite varied; pickled cucumbers are especially popular. They come as an addition to dinner and are included in the first and second courses.

Simple canning recipe

If the housewife doesn’t have a lot of free time, you can make rolls using a simple recipe. Crispy cucumbers will be a wonderful treat on the holiday table. Every invited guest will want to know the preparations. For rolling, you don’t need a large set of seasonings; everything you need can be found in the house.

The marinade differs from the classic brine; it contains delicate notes and an original aftertaste.


  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • dill - 1 umbrella;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • cucumbers - 500 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 3 peas;
  • vinegar - 5 g.


  • We wash the cucumbers and select whole ones. Vegetables should not be damaged. If there are yellow specimens, they cannot be rolled up.
  • Soak vegetables in cool water. This requires no more than 2 hours.

  • Let's start preparing the jars. We wash them and sterilize them over steam. Pour boiling water over the lids.
  • Place dill and bay leaf in a separate container. Pour boiling water over everything and let stand for a few minutes. This will allow the flavors to fully develop and impart spicy notes to the vegetables.

  • Wash the pepper, cut it into cubes, remove the seeds. We throw the resulting pieces into jars.

  • Add dill, garlic and pepper to the pepper.

  • Let's start preparing the cucumbers. We cut off the tails on both sides and carefully fill the jars with fruits. It is best to place cucumbers vertically.

  • Pour boiling water into the jars, cover with lids, and let steep for about 20 minutes.
  • At the end of the allotted time, pour the liquid into the pan and place the dishes on the fire. We are waiting for the water to boil.
  • Pour boiling water into jars.

  • Let's start preparing the marinade. Fill the pan with water, add salt and sugar. The components must dissolve.
  • Remove the liquid from the jars and pour brine into the containers. Finally, add vinegar.

  • We roll up the jars with lids, turn them over, and cover them with warm material.
  • As soon as the preserves have cooled, we place them in the basement for further storage.

Crispy cucumbers

One of the simplest ways to preserve cucumbers in liter jars for the winter. Allows you to get very tasty and appetizing gherkins. To do this, you need to prepare a small list of ingredients, and a delicious appetizer will be ready. Even a novice housewife can cope with this task.

    Do you preserve cucumbers in liter jars?


  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • horseradish leaves - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 6 pcs.;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice - 2 peas;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • dill - 1 umbrella;
  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • vinegar - 20 g.


  1. We clean the cucumbers, remove the branches, and cut off the tails.
  2. Throw the vegetables into a container and fill with cool water. They should sit in the water for about 4 hours.
  3. Let's prepare the jars and prepare the marinade. We wash the greens well and remove dust and sand. We peel the garlic.
  4. We wash the jars. For convenience, you should take a sponge and laundry soap.
  5. Pour horseradish leaves, currants, and dill into jars. Throw in garlic, pepper, bay leaf.
  6. We take the gherkins out of the water, shake them off, and carefully place them in jars.
  7. Finally, add vinegar to the preservation.
  8. Pour boiling water over the lids.
  9. In the meantime, let's start cooking. Fill the pan with water, add sugar and salt. Bring the water to a boil.
  10. Pour the brine into jars and cover them with pre-sterilized lids.
  11. Place a pan of water on the fire, place jars of fruit in it, and boil for no more than 7 minutes. This time is enough for the fruits to change color and the marinade to begin to boil. Such sterilization will allow the preservation to last as long as possible.
  12. We screw the lids on the jars, turn them upside down, place them in a dark place, and cover them with a blanket.

As soon as the preserves have cooled, we put them in a secluded corner. In a month you will be able to taste the delicacy.

Spicy cucumbers

Canning cucumbers for the winter in liter jars is the best option. The small volume allows you to quickly consume very tasty vegetables. In addition, such a container takes up little space in the refrigerator.

By adding spices such as cloves and coriander to the marinade, you can get piquant cucumbers. They will appeal to lovers of spicy dishes and will help diversify the daily menu.


  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • coriander - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 4 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 80 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • cucumbers - 500 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • dill - 1 umbrella;
  • cloves - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 500 ml.


  • Throw the cucumbers into cool water. This is especially true for fruits that were collected from the site a few days before seaming.

  • We are preparing the jars. To do this, they need to be washed and sterilized. We throw pre-prepared spices into containers.

  • We fill the jars with vegetables.

  • Throw dill on top.
  • Let's start preparing the brine. Fill the pan with water, add sugar, salt, vinegar. Bring the liquid to a boil.

  • Pour boiling water into containers.

  • Sterilize jars with contents in a water bath. For this purpose, put them in a saucepan, pour in water, and bring it to a boil. Sterilize the jars over low heat, 5 minutes will be enough. This time will be enough to acquire an olive color.
  • Remove the jars from the pan, screw on the lids, and turn them over.

  • As soon as the preserves have cooled, we turn the jars over and put them in the basement for permanent storage.

Preservation with citric acid

There are a lot of recipes for canning cucumbers for the winter. Many housewives choose liter jars for seaming; the result is tasty, crispy fruits. Each recipe is individual. Some people add vinegar to the marinade, while others prefer to use citric acid.

To give canned vegetables a piquant taste, add red pepper to the recipe. Such a simple ingredient will add some spice to the dish.


  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • extragon - a bunch;
  • basil - a bunch;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • dill - umbrella;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • cucumbers - 500 g;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • citric acid - 5 g.


  • Let's start sterilizing the jars over steam.
  • Immerse the prepared greens in boiling water and throw them into jars.

  • Peel the garlic and add it to the greens.
  • Throw the pepper pod into the jar.
  • We begin to compact the cucumbers. But before doing this, dip the vegetables in boiling water 3 times and place them in containers.
  • Throw currant leaves on top.
  • Add salt, granulated sugar, and citric acid to the prepared containers.

  • Place a container of water on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour boiling water into jars and roll up the lids.

  • We turn the cans over and insulate them with a blanket.
  • As soon as the preserves have cooled, we place them in the basement for permanent storage.

Bulgarian cucumbers

When preserving cucumbers for the winter in liter jars, every housewife wants to get very tasty fruits. The Bulgarian recipe will be a real find. The brine turns out aromatic and the cucumbers are crispy. This result can be achieved thanks to well-chosen seasonings.

Our grandmothers used the recipe and passed it on to their children. That is why it is so popular and is often used at home.


  • vinegar - a few drops;
  • currant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • hot capsicum - 1 pc.;
  • dill - umbrella;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • cucumbers - 500 g;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 6 pcs.;
  • mustard beans - 5 g;
  • black pepper - 6 peas;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • citric acid - 5 g.


  1. We wash the vegetables thoroughly and fill them with cool water. This requires at least an hour. Soaking will allow the fruits to become strong.
  2. Wash the greens and pour boiling water over them.
  3. We sterilize the jars, fill them with cucumbers and herbs.
  4. Fill the jars with boiling water and cover with lids.
  5. Pour the liquid from the jars into a saucepan and boil. We repeat the procedure 2 times.
  6. Let's start preparing the brine. Add salt and citric acid to the water. We are waiting for the water to boil.
  7. Pour the marinade into jars and seal them with lids.
  8. We turn the jars over and cover them with a blanket. After 24 hours, we place them in a basement or cellar for further storage.

Canned cucumbers are one of our favorite dishes. They can be consumed separately or combined with appetizers and salads. The fragrant fruits will be a wonderful treat on a festive table; even gourmets will want to try them.

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables for canning. Canning cucumbers does not require any complex skills from the housewife, and the rich harvest of cucumbers and their cheapness during the season make you think about how to use natural wealth in the most rational way. The popularity of the snack is also explained by the fact that canned vegetables go well with any dish. So pickled cucumbers are a welcome addition to meat, poultry, regular potatoes, and any side dish.

Pickled cucumbers in jars

Pickled cucumbers for the winter are made using vinegar. Pickling cucumbers is easy. The marinade needs to be brought to a boil, pour the cucumbers into jars and sterilize. You can add citric acid and spicy herbs to the twist. Pickled cucumbers are both an everyday snack and a decoration for the holiday table, especially on New Year's Day. However, if you try and take the preparation issue seriously, making enough jars of canned cucumbers for the winter, then you won’t have to wait until the holidays. You can regularly open pickled cucumbers in jars and enjoy their piquant taste.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter

We have already briefly described how cucumbers are canned for the winter. Let's look at some important details. The taste of cucumbers can be shaded and improved with the right additive. Some people use blackcurrant leaves, others add dill, tarragon and horseradish. However, this is largely a matter of taste and habit. Therefore, take a recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter from someone whose cucumbers you liked. You can conduct a “field study” - make different jars, labeling where and what you put. For the next season, you will only have to choose the most successful recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter.

Preserving cucumbers is very popular in Russia. In addition to pickled cucumbers, you can also preserve cucumbers without vinegar. This is popular. Cucumbers are salted cold - soaked in cooled brine. Cucumbers are also fermented in barrels. Choose according to your taste! Canning cucumbers for the winter: work once, enjoy all winter!

Recipes for cucumbers for the winter are very diverse. Cucumbers can be preserved whole or sliced, in salads, and even made into cucumber jam. But almost every recipe for rolling cucumbers can be described either as a recipe for pickling cucumbers (sourdough) or as a recipe for pickled cucumbers.

Preserving cucumbers without vinegar is called pickling or sourdough. How to pickle cucumbers? Before you pickle cucumbers, keep in mind that pickling cucumbers takes time - pickling cucumbers takes place within 3-10 days. Cold pickling of cucumbers means soaking cucumbers in cooled brine. And for quick salting, the brine for cucumbers is preheated. Pickling cucumbers with vodka preserves their color. Dry salting of cucumbers is very interesting - in this case, cucumbers sprinkled with salt release juice, no water is used. Pickling cucumbers in the classic version means pickling cucumbers in a barrel, preferably an oak one. The recipe for barrel cucumbers is simple, but it is the wooden barrel that gives the cucumbers a special taste - pickled cucumbers cannot be confused with anything else! Pickled cucumbers are often stored without additional heat treatment in a cool, dry place. But canning cucumbers is also possible - after salting, they are placed in jars, filled with hot brine and rolled up. Pickling cucumbers with mustard gives an interesting taste and guarantees that cucumber preparations will not “explode.”

Pickling cucumbers - twisting cucumbers with the addition of vinegar. How to pickle cucumbers? The marinade for cucumbers is brought to a boil, then the cucumbers previously placed in jars are poured over them and sterilized. You can also pickle cucumbers with citric acid.

Pickled crispy cucumbers, delicious pickled cucumbers with mustard are indispensable on the winter holiday table. A cucumber salad for the winter will also come to the aid of the housewife. Canning cucumber salads, pickling cucumbers for the winter, pickling cucumbers in jars, canning cucumbers - the recipes for all these preparations are varied and allow us to diversify our menu.

From the recipes on our website you will learn detailed answers to questions: how to roll cucumbers, how to pickle cucumbers in jars, how to pickle cucumbers correctly, how to make a canned cucumber salad, how to roll cucumbers in tomato sauce. And also how to make crispy canned cucumbers, how to wrap pickled cucumbers for the winter, how to prepare pickled crispy cucumbers and pickled cucumbers for the winter, and even how to wrap canned cucumbers with ketchup and canned cucumbers with mustard. After all, we have hundreds of different recipes for prepared cucumbers, recipes for canned cucumbers, including a recipe for sour cucumbers, a recipe for pickled cucumbers, a recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers, barrel cucumbers, a recipe for pickled cucumbers...

Well, tell me, who doesn’t love spicy, tangy, crispy pickled cucumbers? Who doesn’t already have the best recipe for storing them in jars for the winter, passed down from generation to generation? Every housewife sooner or later finds such a recipe and preparing juicy vegetables for the winter turns into a wonderful tradition, as well as eating them on holidays in salads, as a snack or just a tasty addition to a hearty lunch or dinner.

Crispy pickled cucumbers are loved by both adults and children. Their main secret, of course, is that homemade canned food turns out natural and tasty. Both our own cucumbers from the summer harvest and store-bought cucumbers are used, but always the freshest ones. After all, where does the crunch come from in a limp old cucumber?

Today I will tell you about recipes for making very tasty pickled cucumbers with a mandatory attribute - a ringing crunch!

Step-by-step recipe for making crispy pickled cucumbers - preparation with vinegar

What is the most important difference between pickled cucumbers and salted ones? The correct thing is that they are filled with a marinade of spices, salt, sugar and, of course, vinegar. Vinegar in this recipe becomes the most important preservative, the one that prevents the cucumbers from spoiling, and the dominant note in the taste.

I know that there are big fans of pickled cucumbers, who have such a love for this type of preservation solely for their spicy sour taste.

The second most important components after vinegar are aromatic herbs and spices, as well as other vegetables and even berries, which decorate the taste of cucumbers and make it recognizable.

The most common recipe, which can rightfully be considered basic, is crispy pickled cucumbers with herbs from the garden and garlic.

To prepare these cucumbers you will need:

  • small or medium-sized fresh cucumbers - 1 kg,
  • fresh dill - 2 umbrellas or small bunches,
  • black currant leaves - 4-6 pieces,
  • horseradish leaves - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • black pepper - 6 peas,
  • allspice - 8 peas,
  • cloves - 2 sticks,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - tablespoon,
  • vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons or vinegar essence 70% - 2 teaspoons.

This number of cucumbers fits into two liter jars. All spices and herbs are calculated per liter of marinade. Approximately this amount of marinade will be needed to preserve crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter.

Only small cucumbers no larger than 12-13 centimeters are suitable for pickling; set aside large cucumbers for pickling. Always check the firmness of the vegetables and the thickness of the skin. Too thin and delicate skin, which is easy to pierce with a fingernail, will not crisp in the end.

Cucumbers for pickling must have pimples and a uniform dark green color, without yellow spots or butts. Yellowness indicates that the cucumbers did not have enough moisture during the growth process. These won't make crispy pickled cucumbers either.


1. Thoroughly wash the cucumbers you are going to pickle in advance. Make sure they are fresh without signs of spoilage and do not have limp, soft sides.

Pour cold water over the cucumbers and leave to soak for 4 hours. In an ideal situation, especially in the summer heat, the water should be changed if it gets warm, back to cold.

2. Wash all the leaves and herbs for the marinade. Prepare spices in the required quantity.

3. Sterilize jars and lids. There are many ways to do this:

  • place the jars upside down over a pan of boiling water using a special lid with holes,
  • heat the jars with a little water in the oven,
  • Boil the jars with a little water in the microwave.

I use the latter method because it is very simple and fast. You just need to wash the jar of baking soda, then pour about 1-2 fingers' worth of water into it and put it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. The water in the jar should actively boil for a couple of minutes, the rising steam will sterilize the glass. As my husband says: “nothing will remain alive.”

The key is to remove them carefully because they will be extremely hot. Use potholders, mittens and towels.

The lids are sterilized by boiling them in a pan of water. Five minutes of boiling is enough.

4. Place aromatic herbs, leaves and spices into prepared and slightly cooled (so as not to burn your hands) jars.

Place 1 dill umbrella (or small bunch) in each jar. Divide the blackcurrant and horseradish leaves in half. Also, two cloves of garlic in each jar and the same amount of peppercorns. Essentially, all spices are divided equally into two jars. For what? So that the marinade and cucumbers in two different jars have the same taste.

5. Now comes the fun part. Did you love Tetris as a child as much as I did? Why Tetris? Yes, because it’s the turn of cucumbers to take their place in the jars. To do this, they need to be spread out as tightly as possible.

Never use crooked cucumbers for pickling. This Tetris will be too difficult. Good, even cucumbers must first be placed vertically so that the maximum amount can fit. And then lay it horizontally on top. If necessary, cucumbers can be cut into pieces to fill the entire space of the jar.

Crispy pickled cucumbers should fill the jars as much as possible.

6. Boil a kettle or saucepan of water. Then pour boiling water over the cucumbers placed in the jar to the very top. Right along the edge of the can.

Boiling water will sterilize cucumbers and herbs. Leave the jars for 15 minutes with boiling water inside.

7. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour a liter of water into a separate saucepan, add salt, sugar, pepper and cloves.

Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring. Salt and sugar should completely dissolve. Let simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Immediately add vinegar to the marinade.

8. Once the marinade is ready, drain the boiling water from the cucumbers and replace it with marinade. Fill it in the same way to the very edge of the jar. There should be enough marinade to fill both jars.

Once poured, close the lids. If you use twist ones, then wrap them as tightly as possible to the maximum of your strength. If there are special thin lids for seaming, then keep the seaming device on hand and roll them up right away.

9. Once screwed, turn the jars upside down and place them on the lids. Check with a napkin or finger to see if liquid is seeping out at the neck. If it leaks, then it is necessary to urgently replace the caps with new ones. To do this, you can sterilize more lids than jars. Spares never hurt.

Wrap the inverted jars in a thick, thick blanket and leave to cool until they reach room temperature. This will take at least a day, so immediately think of a place where your jars will stand until they cool down and will not disturb anyone.

After a day, or better yet two. Check the jars again for leaks and calmly put them in the cupboard for ripening.

Delicious crispy pickled cucumbers will be ready after a while, and are best consumed in winter. Bon appetit!

Crispy pickled cucumbers in liter jars with currants

Another interesting recipe for making pickled cucumbers, which I discovered a couple of years ago. I really love it when the cucumber marinade is prepared with the addition of a variety of flavors. I myself experimented with berries, vegetables, and spices. I liked the recipe with black currants for its uniqueness. It also came in handy when the berries and cucumbers ripened at the dacha. If you have the same situation, then be sure to try making crispy pickled cucumbers with currants.

To prepare 1 kilogram of cucumbers you will need:

  • fresh cucumbers - 1 kilogram,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • greens or dill inflorescences - 2 umbrellas or small branches,
  • black currant leaves - 2 leaves,
  • cherry leaves - 4 leaves,
  • black currant berries - 4 sprigs,
  • hot red pepper in pods - 1 piece,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs,
  • allspice peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  • table rock salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons (80 grams).

How to prepare crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter:

Since in the first recipe I described in great detail almost all the steps for pickling cucumbers, in this one I will do it more briefly so as not to repeat myself. After all, many things will have to be done in exactly the same way.

1. First of all, soak the cucumbers in cold water. It is this process that will help them become elastic and crispy later, even after long marinating in jars. We pickle cucumbers for the winter, which means we won’t be eating them anytime soon.

Pour cold water over the cucumbers and leave for at least 3 hours.

2. Sterilize well-washed jars with baking soda. For 1 kg of cucumbers you will need 2 jars with a capacity of 1 liter. If there are more cucumbers, increase the number of jars and marinade ingredients proportionally. So for two kilograms of cucumbers, multiply all numbers by 2.

Sterilization can be done quickly in the microwave. Simply pour about 100 grams of water into a jar and place it in the microwave for 3 minutes. The water will boil and the steam released will sterilize the jars.

3. Place spices in prepared jars. In each jar put: 1-2 cloves of garlic, a currant leaf, two cherry leaves, a ring of red hot pepper, a sprig or inflorescence of dill, a bay leaf.

4. Place cucumbers on top of the herbs. This is done with the highest possible density. The bottom row of cucumbers is placed vertically. And the top is filled with cucumber pieces, even if they are small rings. Place currant berries on top, 5-8 pieces per jar (that is, one sprig). You can also put a small sprig of dill on top. This will make crispy pickled cucumbers even more flavorful.

5. Boil water in a kettle and immediately after turning it off, fill the jars with cucumbers to the very top. Cover with lids that have previously been sterilized in boiling water. (place a ladle of water on the stove and let the lids boil in it for a few minutes). Let sit for 1-0 minutes and drain the water.

6. Repeat pouring boiling water over the cucumbers for 10 minutes. But after the second filling, do not pour out the water, but carefully pour it from the jars into a large saucepan. We will prepare the marinade from this water. The aromas of cucumber, herbs and currants are now mixed in it, and the color has become slightly pinkish due to the berries.

7. Add salt, sugar, pepper and cloves (that is, all the remaining spices) into the marinade water and stir. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes, then remove from the heat and add the required amount of vinegar to the marinade. Attention! Do not boil with vinegar; it is added at the end.

8. Pour the finished hot marinade into jars with a large ladle. The liquid should cover all the cucumbers to the edge of the jar.

9. After this, immediately close the lids. Screw them very tightly and turn the jar upside down. Check the edges of the jar near the lid to make sure there is no leaking water. Now place all the jars together and wrap them in a blanket. In this form, they should stand for a day or even more until the jars have cooled completely.

After this, the jars can be put away in a dark place, such as a closet, and stored until winter. In this form, crispy pickled cucumbers do not spoil for a very long time, and when you open them, you will definitely like the result.

Help yourself to your health!

Recipe for making crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

Traditionally, I share a video recipe, which I also used when preparing cucumbers. It will help you understand the whole process more clearly. In this recipe there is no need to sterilize jars and lids for preparing cucumbers. You may find this helpful.

As you can already see, the harvesting principles are very similar. The difference will mainly be in how much extra flavor your crispy pickles will take on, depending on what spices and herbs are added to the marinade.

Pickled cucumbers with chili ketchup - an original and very tasty recipe

  • bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • allspice - 4 peas,
  • garlic - 2-4 cloves,
  • black pepper - 6 peas,
  • salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 70-80 g (7-8 tablespoons).
  • Preparation:

    The preparation of these pickled cucumbers is quite standard, with the exception of the marinade. Therefore, for a more detailed description, you can go to the beginning of the article to the first recipe.

    1. Pour cleanly washed cucumbers with cold water and leave for 3-4 hours.

    2. Sterilize the jars using your favorite method. (you can also read about this in the very first recipe; I’m sharing my proven method).

    3. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into the pan, then add salt, sugar and chili ketchup. Mix well and let it boil. After 2-3 minutes of boiling, remove from heat and pour in vinegar.

    4. Place bay leaves, garlic and pepper into jars, dividing the spices equally between the jars.

    5. Then place the cucumbers very tightly.

    6. Now pour the very hot, just boiled marinade over the cucumbers in the jars. The marinade should not have time to cool down. It will be red in color and the crispy pickles will look like they were cooked in tomato juice.

    7. Hot jars, immediately after pouring the marinade, must be screwed on with lids or rolled up (depending on what you are using), turned over and placed on the lids. Check the seals of the jars. Cover with a blanket and leave for a day until completely cooled.

    The result will please you very much. Bon appetit!

    Canning is perhaps one of the most important activities for every housewife, because on warm summer days you want to prepare as many fruits and vegetables as possible for the winter. For preservation, medium-sized fruits are usually chosen, but what to do, for example, with large cucumbers? Overgrown vegetables can be used for pickling and preparing a variety of salads. Proven recipes from experienced housewives will help you prepare a delicious vegetable appetizer for the winter, which can be served both on an everyday and holiday table.

    Pickled large cucumbers

    Delicious and crispy canned cucumber slices will become a favorite snack for the whole family. Making this preparation is quite simple; the rich taste of pickled vegetables will surprise everyone.

    Ingredients for one 0.5 liter jar:

    • several sprouted cucumbers;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 branches of fresh dill;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 15 grams of granulated sugar;
    • 15 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
    • 10 grams of salt;
    • 25 milliliters of sunflower oil.

    How to prepare large pickled cucumbers for the winter:

    1. Before you start canning cucumbers, you should prepare the jars. Wash the 0.5 liter glass container thoroughly and then sterilize it. At this stage, you should boil and cool the water, which will be needed later for preparing the marinade.
    2. Prepare all the necessary vegetables, peel them and rinse them under running water. Trim the sides of large cucumbers.
    3. Cut the cucumbers and carrots into equal-sized slices. If you are using small cloves of garlic, it is not necessary to cut them. Large garlic should be cut into several pieces.
    4. Place 2 branches of dill and 2 cloves of garlic on the bottom of the prepared jars.
    5. Next, place 6 carrot rings in each jar.
    6. The next step is to lay out the cucumber rings.
    7. Place the required amount of sugar, salt in each jar, add cooled boiled water, as well as oil and vinegar. The liquid should reach the edges of the jars.
    8. Place filled pint jars in a large saucepan and cover with sterile lids. Then you need to fill the pan with water up to the hangers of the cans. The sterilization process will take 15 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then you can start rolling up the cans. Turn the workpieces upside down and wrap them well in a blanket.

    Cucumbers, preserved in pieces with citric acid (for large cucumbers)

    The taste of such preparation will pleasantly surprise relatives and guests; at first glance, it will be difficult to recognize which vegetable is rolled up in the jar. The cucumbers turn out aromatic and juicy. This option for canning overripe fruits will undoubtedly become one of the most favorite, since such recipes for vegetable preparations are simple and at the same time original.


    • 1 kilogram of cucumbers;
    • 50 grams of tarragon greens;
    • 200 grams of carrots;
    • 200 grams of onion;
    • 5 grams of citric acid;
    • 25 grams of salt;
    • 1 head of garlic.

    Making a delicious preparation with tarragon and citric acid:

    1. Wash large cucumbers, carefully cut the skin from each fruit, and remove the seeds. Then you should cut the vegetables into medium pieces or in the form of large straws.
    2. Wash the carrots, peel and cut them in the same way as the cucumbers.
    3. Peeled onions should be cut into half rings.
    4. Disassemble the head of garlic into slices, then finely chop.
    5. Chop the well-washed tarragon greens.
    6. At the next stage of preparation for canning, you need to combine vegetables with herbs, add the required amount of salt and citric acid. Now all this should brew and release the juice.
    7. Next, you need to boil the salad for 10 minutes and put it in jars. After sterilization, we complete canning by sealing each jar of salad with a key.

    This preservation can be used as a dressing for pickle soup, soup, as well as a variety of vegetable dressings. The workpiece is perfectly stored at room temperature.

    Cucumbers with sweet peppers

    This recipe successfully combines two vegetables, each of them acquiring bright, unique flavors. Light spicy notes of spices are successfully combined with the sweetness of pepper, filling the cucumber with a pleasant spiciness.


    • 1 kilogram of cucumbers;
    • 500 grams of sweet pepper.

    Marinade components:

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 250 milliliters of vinegar;
    • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
    • 8 peppercorns;
    • 70 grams of coarse salt;
    • 2 bay leaves.

    The process of preparing delicious vegetable preparations for the winter:

    1. Peel large cucumbers, then cut into 8 equal-sized pieces or cut them into medium pieces. Using a teaspoon, carefully scoop out the seeds.
    2. Prepared vegetables must be blanched in boiling water for 2 minutes, then immediately cooled by placing in a bowl of cold water.
    3. Blanch the peppers for 1 minute. Next, remove the skin, remove the seeds, and cut into several pieces.
    4. Place pepper slices tightly together with cucumber slices in prepared jars and pour hot marinade over them. Pasteurization of filled cans is carried out at 90 degrees. It will take 20 minutes to pasteurize 1-liter jars, 25 minutes for two-liter jars, and 35 minutes for three-liter jars.
    5. After this, it is worth cooling the workpiece completely and transferring it to a pantry or cellar for storage.

    "Mother-in-law's tongues" from large cucumbers

    An appetizer under this name can be prepared not only from zucchini and eggplant, but also from large cucumbers. The taste of the preparation is unusually delicate and refined; no one will guess that it is made from overgrown fruits.

    Ingredients for 2 750 ml jars:

    • 2 kilograms of large cucumbers;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 100 grams of sugar;
    • 15 grams of salt;
    • 5 grams of citric acid;
    • 5 buds of cloves;
    • 5 peas each of black and allspice.

    The process of preparing “mother-in-law’s tongues”:

    1. Wash large cucumbers, remove the skin from each fruit using a knife, and then cut into pieces, the thickness of which will be 1.5 cm.
    2. Start preparing the brine. To do this, add salt with spices and sugar to the required amount of water. Bring the spice mixture to a boil.
    3. Place the cucumber pieces in a large saucepan, pour boiling brine over them and let sit for 10 minutes. You can place a press on top.
    4. Transfer the cucumber slices to the prepared glass container, placing them tightly inside the jar.
    5. Bring the brine to a boil again, pour the cucumbers into the jars and seal.

    “Caviar” from overripe cucumbers

    Fragrant, juicy and very tasty “caviar” is obtained from large cucumbers. An original vegetable appetizer is an excellent solution for a holiday table.


    • 6 large cucumbers;
    • 1 onion;
    • 5 medium sized tomatoes;
    • 3 carrots;
    • 2 bell peppers;
    • 35 milliliters vegetable oil;
    • 10 grams of salt;
    • ground black pepper to taste.

    How to make “caviar” based on large cucumbers:

    1. Peppers and cucumbers must be washed. Peel the cucumber peel with a knife, carefully remove the seeds from the inside. Cut the bell pepper into two parts, cut out the partitions, and peel the pulp from the seeds.
    2. Peppers, peeled onions and cucumbers must be cut into small pieces.
    3. Peel the carrots using a vegetable peeler, rinse them along with the tomatoes under running water, and grate everything.
    4. Heat a thick-bottomed pan over heat, add vegetable oil. Place the cucumbers there, wait until the released juice has evaporated by half.
    5. Now you can put the onions in the pan, after a few minutes add the carrots along with the tomatoes and peppers. Season the vegetables with spices and salt. During stewing, it is necessary to stir all the ingredients in the pan to avoid burning.
    6. When all the liquid has evaporated, you can put the snack in sterile jars. The process of sterilizing jars in a double boiler will take no more than 2 minutes.
    7. Seal jars of caviar with sterilized lids. The workpiece must cool completely at room temperature; the “caviar” must be stored in the refrigerator.

    To enrich the taste of vegetables, you can add a little granulated sugar, vinegar, and Khmeli-Suneli seasoning during stewing.

    Overgrown cucumbers: recipe for the winter (video)

    The above recipes will help every housewife prepare excellent snacks from overripe vegetables; home-canned food will surprise your whole family with its bright taste. Canning is a great way to experience the “taste of summer” and enjoy it to the fullest.