Classic beer brewing. How to brew the perfect beer yourself at home

Beer- most popular drink with low alcohol content throughout the world. It is in demand among all age categories, despite the fact that it is unofficially considered a youth drink. This intoxicating drink was invented back in Ancient Egypt and is still produced not only on a factory scale, but also in private breweries and only for oneself.

Preparing beer at home is not as difficult as it seems and it turns out much tastier than its store-bought malt brother. Recipes for this foamy drink differ in cooking technology and additional ingredients. Depending on them, you can get different shades and aftertastes left by this alcohol.

Beer can be prepared without using special equipment, so home cooking is quite popular. Factory devices can be easily replaced with homemade designs. And the drink itself, made from natural raw materials and not from factory concentrate, turns out to be very bright, rich and unique.

Every self-respecting lover of this drink should know how to brew beer at home. Buying a bottle in a store is much easier, but the result will be worth the effort.

To properly make this foamy drink, you have to work hard. Its production takes a lot of time and effort. Using homemade raw materials requires additional time. The easiest way is to use ingredients purchased in a special store. In this case, be sure to follow all prescription instructions. Experiments in such production are only possible for the most experienced brewers. To achieve the correct result you need to use step by step recipe brewing beer, which describes in detail each stage with all important nuances and proportions.


Beer, which is produced at home in large volumes, requires special equipment for production.

  • Large volume containers. Most often, pots, buckets or tanks with a volume of more than 20 liters are used. One container is required for making wort, the second for fermentation. Braga can be prepared in several smaller vessels.
  • Food thermometer. It is required to comply with strict temperature conditions dictated by manufacturing rules.
  • Containers for further storage. These can be plastic or glass bottles of any convenient size. Greater preference is given to glass, since it does not retain odors, and darkened glass also protects the drink from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cooling. During the cooking process, you will need to reduce the temperature of the wort. Pots with cold water or an ice bath.
  • Water seal. During the fermentation process, it removes the carbon dioxide produced. You can use either a special device or an ordinary medical glove with holes in the fingers.
  • Long spoon. It is used to stir ingredients. The preferred material is metal or wood.
  • Hydrometer. This device allows you to measure the density of the resulting liquid. It is used for greater ease of manufacture and can be excluded from the inventory list.


Beer at home is no different in its components from the factory product. Traditionally it is brewed from the following ingredients:

  • Water.
  • Malt.
  • Hop.
  • Yeast.

The water should be as clean as possible, preferably spring water or artesian water. In the absence of such, the water is carefully filtered several times or purchased bottled in a store. The remaining ingredients should preferably be specialized. In the absence of brewer's yeast, ordinary food yeast is used. The malt should be light and have a sweetish flavor. Hops are selected depending on the desired result. It can be bitter and aromatic. All cones should have a yellow or red tint.

How to make beer at home?

In order to make the most popular intoxicating drink at home, you need to strictly adhere to traditional recipe without neglecting any of the points. Before preparing it, you need to make all the preparations so as not to be distracted by it in the future. For home brewery You will need the entire list of equipment and ingredients. We brew beer ourselves at home in several stages:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Mashing the wort.
  3. Boiling.
  4. Cooling.
  5. Making mash.
  6. Bottling.
  7. Excerpt.

Each stage has its own manufacturing conditions and principles, each of which requires special attention.


At this stage, all preparations of equipment and raw materials are made, the availability and quality of all ingredients are checked, and the prepared containers are sterilized. You can prepare yeast in advance for adding to the wort. To do this, they are “awakened” with a small amount of water and infused for about half an hour.

Brewing itself requires special attention. Home cooking requires careful preparation of containers. They must be as clean as possible, pre-sterilized. The correctness of the further process and the duration of storage of the finished product depend on this.

Mashing the wort

To obtain beer, preparation must begin with crushing malt and combining it with hot water. This breaks down starch to form sugar and soluble substances. You can grind it either using a special crusher purchased at a specialized store, or using an ordinary mechanical meat grinder. An easier option is to buy pre-prepared and crushed grain.

Ground malt, located in a fabric bag, is dropped into water heated to 75 degrees. It is made from cotton or gauze folded in several layers. The grain is cooked for an hour and a half at a stable temperature of about 70 degrees. Under these conditions it turns out soft pleasant taste And optimal strength at 3 - 4 degrees.

After the time has passed, you need to check the liquid for the absence of starch. When adding iodine, the drink should not turn blue. In order to skip the checking step, it is enough to increase the cooking time by 10 - 20 minutes.

After this, the temperature rises by 10 degrees for 5 minutes. After this, the bag of malt is removed and washed with a couple of liters hot water, which is then added to the raw materials.

Boiling the wort

Brewing beer home production does not exclude the cooking process. The wort is brought to a boil and hops are gradually added to it. Immediately after boiling, add one third, after half an hour the second is added. The remaining hops are added after another half hour of boiling, after which the whole mass is kept on the fire for another quarter of an hour.

Must be maintained throughout the entire stage heat preparing wort. The liquid should bubble continuously, releasing steam.


Cooling of the brewed wort should occur very quickly. The liquid should cool to a temperature of 25 degrees within a quarter of an hour. If there is no special immersion cooler in the inventory, the container is transferred to a bath filled with very cold water or ice. When the required temperature is reached, the liquid is poured through the filter into a previously prepared container.


Yeast prepared in accordance with the recommendations indicated on the package is poured into the cooled wort. The taste that the beer gets depends on how they are prepared. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, sealed with a water seal and left to age. Infusion time is one and a half weeks. The room temperature should match the directions on the yeast packet. Most often you need to stick to a standard room environment.

The completion of this stage is determined by the hydrometer or the cessation of gas formation. The device verifies 2 samples 12 hours apart. If the discrepancy becomes several hundredths, the process can be completed.

Capping and carbonation

At this stage, the beer is saturated with carbon dioxide to raise taste characteristics and foaming. To do this, 8 grams of sugar per liter of beer is added to the bottles, and the mixture is infused for a couple of days. The finished drink is filtered from sediment by removing it through a tube. Beer is poured into a storage container, filling it just a couple of centimeters from the neck. This space is left for residual gas formation. It is convenient to use special brewing bottles with a removable lid. Since they are not very common, ordinary plastic or glass containers are used.


Brewing homemade beer is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. But you should be patient a little longer to get better results. The bottled beer is aged for a month to obtain a richer taste. The finished foamy drink can be stored on the refrigerator door for a little more than six months.

Brewing secrets

It is extremely difficult to brew beer at home. Beginners always use the secrets of experienced brewers, which are carefully stored and passed on.

  • In order to make high-quality and deep taste at home, you need to cook with brewer's yeast and clean water from sources.
  • Different types of malt have different flavor tones. You can get smoked, chocolate, coffee and even caramel flavors.
  • During fermentation, beer should not be canned so as not to oversaturate it with oxygen.
  • The foam that forms on the mash must be removed regularly.
  • For additional aeration, the malt is poured in a small stream from a height.

Beer recipes

Recipes homemade beer made from hops and malt can be either traditional, used for centuries, or have a new interpretation. A simple recipe for an intoxicating drink contains only the main ingredients. More complex ones can include up to 20 various additives. Before you make beer, you need to decide what specific recipe it will be prepared according to.

An old recipe for homemade honey beer

The cooking recipe includes:

  • Yeast – 50 grams.
  • Honey – 2 kilograms.
  • Hops (cones) – 30 pieces.
  • Water – 10 liters.

The hops are boiled for a couple of hours in water over low heat. After this, the mixture cools a little and honey is slowly poured into it. The syrup is still cooled to 25 degrees. After this, yeast is added to it. The wort is infused for a week in a dark room, but it is closed only after a day. The finished beer is bottled for storage.

Simple recipe with molasses

This recipe is more complex, and the finished drink is somewhat reminiscent of honey beer. To prepare you need:

  • Molasses – 2 kilograms.
  • Water – 20 liters.
  • Hops – 90 grams.
  • Yeast – 500 grams.
  • Flour – 100 grams.

The hops are boiled in water and strained. After this, molasses is added to it. The syrup is boiled for half an hour and poured into a container for subsequent cooling. At this time, the wort is prepared from yeast mixed with flour and a small amount of water. It is added to the main cooled mass. The container is tightly closed and kept in a warm place for half a day. After this, the room is changed to a colder one and the beer is aged for another 3–4 days. The finished drink is bottled and stored in a cool place.

Homemade table beer recipe

The table variety is traditional and very common. Like a wine of this category, it does not have a bright, sharp taste or smell. To prepare you need:

  • Water – 10 liters.
  • Wine – 50 milliliters.
  • Hops – 50 grams.
  • Raisins – 50 grams.
  • Malt – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Sugar – 1.2 kilograms.
  • Yeast – 20 grams.

Mix 1 cup of water, sugar, wine, raisins and hops in a saucepan. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for 40 minutes. The resulting liquid is filtered and mixed with the bulk of the water. After which the solution is boiled again, then cooled to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Prepared yeast is mixed into this liquid. Ready mass infuse for one week with periodic removal of foam from the surface. After this, the beer is bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

Vilna beer recipe

Vilna beer is distinguished by its unique ingredients:

  • Malt – 1 kilogram.
  • Honey – 1.8 kilograms.
  • Seedless grapes – 300 grams.
  • Hops – 800 grams.
  • Breadcrumbs – 300 grams.
  • Yeast diluted with water – 70 grams.
  • Soda – 50 grams.
  • Salt – 2 grams.
  • Water – 15 liters.

All ingredients are ground and mixed in a saucepan with 3 liters of water. You should get a thick but soft liquid. It is covered with gauze and infused for 24 hours. After this, another 3 liters of water are added. The mass is again covered and infused for another 24 hours in the same place. After this, the remaining water is added and the mixture is cooked over low heat for 8 hours. After removing from the stove, add soda and leave for a couple of hours. The resulting liquid is filtered and sealed in jars. The beer is infused for a week in the cold and three days in the heat.

Even the most simple recipes Making homemade beer requires skill, attention and compliance with many nuances. Also required minimum set equipment that you can’t do without. But if you really want it and comply with all the requirements, you will no longer want to go back to using store-bought products.

“Brewing beer at home is not at all difficult, as it might seem at first glance. The only difficulty is to select the right ingredients and keep the drink for the required time.

Dark beer contains dried hops, but if you can't find them, you can always substitute yeast.

The main ingredient of beer is malt. It can be anything - rye, barley or wheat. You can buy ready-made malt, but you can also prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to germinate the grain, dry it and grind it into powder.

How to make malt for homemade dark beer

Without this ingredient it is impossible to prepare a foamy drink, and if you are a fan of homemade dark beer, then it is best to prepare the malt in advance and store it in a jar. Place any grain in one layer on a baking sheet and cover with water. In a warm place, the grain will germinate on the third day. After this, put the baking sheet in the oven and dry it. You can grind dried grains into flour using a meat grinder, coffee grinder or a regular rolling pin.

The next important ingredient in a dark beer recipe is dried hops - you can buy it at the pharmacy. The container must be glass, several times larger than the volume of the drink - otherwise the beer will leak out during fermentation.

Mix prepared or purchased malt with chicory, pour into a large enamel pan or a bucket and fill with 3 liters of water. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Add sugar, stir, add the remaining water, add hops and lemon zest, remove from heat.

Leave the prepared wort for fermentation in a warm place - fermentation should take place at a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Beer wort should stand for at least three hours until it cools completely.

Prepare clean and dry bottles or jars with lids. Fold a piece of gauze into several layers and strain the drink.

Pour the strained beer into cans and bottles, close tightly and place in the refrigerator or cellar. Keep the beer at a cool temperature for 3 weeks and you can try it.

Homemade dark beer prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months - this will make it even more rich and aromatic. It is best to drink the drink chilled with salted nuts or a piece of dried fish.

Beer is one of the ancient drinks, known to mankind since the Neolithic era, along with honey, kvass and wine. Some scientists even believe that grain crops began to be grown not for bread, but specifically for making beer. This article will discuss a method for preparing it at home, without specialized equipment.

How to brew beer at home - what you need

  • Two pans with a volume of 5-6 liters.
  • Aluminum colander, piece of gauze, 5-6 liter bottle from bottled water. And a thermometer for water up to 100 Celsius.

How to brew beer at home - ingredients

Pilsen barley malt approximately 1.5 kg, give or take depending on what kind of pans you can find.
6 gr. hops for bittering and 6 gr. hops for aroma. And, of course, yeast and water.

Brewing beer at home

  • The first thing we need to do is take a pan, pour 3 liters of water into it and heat it to a temperature of 66-67 degrees. After this, the heating must be turned off. Next, slowly add the malt and stir it at the same time. When adding malt, the water temperature should drop to approximately 62-63 degrees. Now close the lid and wrap for 40 minutes.
  • After 40 min. we need to add a little boiling water to our mash, thereby raising the temperature to 72-73 degrees. If you can’t raise the temperature with boiling water, you can turn on the gas or stove for a short while, while constantly stirring the mash and monitoring the temperature.
  • After raising the temperature, the mash needs to be wrapped again for about half an hour.
  • Half an hour has passed and now we need to put our beer base on the fire again and heat it to 78 degrees and wrap it again for five minutes, this is necessary to stop the processes.
  • At this time, pour 3 liters of water into the kettle and heat it to a temperature of 78 degrees. We will need it later for washing the wort.
  • Five minutes have passed, now we need to pour our mash through a colander into the second prepared pan, and slowly pour the remaining grain with water and combine it with our main wort.

  • We drained and spilled the wort, now we put the main pan back on the fire and bring it to a boil. After about 20 minutes, add bittering hops to the wort, and after another 50 minutes, add aroma hops and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • The entire brew took us 80 minutes and now we need to cool our wort in the sink to 50 degrees Celsius.

  • Pour the wort into the bottle through a funnel, after placing gauze in it.

  • We put the bottle under cold water and cool its contents to 20-28 degrees. You can just wait for it to cool down naturally. We take our fermentation container out of the sink, check the temperature and if it is what we need, shake the bottle, saturating the liquid with air so that the yeast added further wakes up.
  • After adding the yeast, insert a water seal into the bottle cap to allow gas to escape, you can use a rubber glove and leave to ferment for 10 days.

Ten days have passed and we hope you were patient and didn't drink beer sooner. All that remains is to pour it into a suitable container and you can go to your neighbors.

Dark beeralcoholic drink, which is produced through alcoholic fermentation of wort from barley malt, hops, and water. Unlike light beer, it is made from dark, or caramel, malt. Thanks to this technology, a drink of a pleasant color with a pronounced aroma and a bitter aftertaste is obtained.

It is believed that dark beer is always stronger than light beer, but this is not entirely true. Anyone familiar with beer production technology knows that The strength of this drink is related to the amount of malt used, and its color. The so-called “live beer” is very popular; this name often means unpasteurized beer.

Varieties and types

Dark beer has several varieties that originated a long time ago. True, there is no strict classification in brewing. So, in some countries, the intoxicating drink is divided into light and dark, in others it is classified according to the degree of fermentation.

The most famous varieties dark beer are:

El– beer produced in Great Britain and Belgium. Most types of modern beer are classified as ales.

Porter– dark beer, belongs to strong varieties (4.5-4.9%), has a characteristic wine flavor. Porter is different rich taste, as well as a pronounced malt aroma. In the production of this type of beer they use burnt sugar and dark malt. It is believed that porter is always a strong beer, although the strength of English-made drinks is only 5%.

Porter was first produced by the English brewer Ralph Harwood (18th century). Initially, they planned to produce porter as a substitute for ale, which was so loved in the UK. Porter was intended as a drink for working people because it is very nutritious. Even the name “porter” is translated from English as loader.

There is an opinion that what is now considered distinctive features porter, was actually a kind of disguise in order to make the drink cheaper.

Yes, him dark color allowed to hide the cloudiness, and the bitterness of the malt masked the imperfect taste of the black beer. The porter received its signature sourness thanks to the addition of sour ale. The strength of porter was more a tribute to the times than the whim of the brewers who produced it. Beer was supplied to all the colonies of England, which means it should not spoil during transportation. The strength of the drink contributed to this.

Porter has several types:

Stout- an intoxicating drink derived from porter. It began to be brewed in Ireland as the darkest and strong look Porter The name “stout” is translated from English as “proud”. This type was first described by the brewer Arthur Guinness, after which all strong beers began to be called stout. Over time, it became a separate variety. Today, stout is produced much less strong than porter; it has a burnt taste and aroma of coffee. The British began to add oats when producing this drink, which had a beneficial effect on the taste of the beer: it became softer, with a nutty aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of beer are determined by its composition. Spanish scientists have concluded that dark beer contains large quantity free iron than light. This is due to the fact that a certain amount of iron is contained in malt and hop extracts, which are necessary for the production of the intoxicating drink. Research has proven that the most a large number of gland is in dark beer Spanish and Mexican production.

Scientists now agree that it is much healthier to drink a moderate amount of dark beer than light or non-alcoholic beer.

How and with what to drink?

To feel true taste this intoxicating drink, you must adhere to some rules. So, it is better not to cool the beer too much, as this will negatively affect its taste qualities. Optimal temperature For the perception of beer, 12 degrees Celsius is considered.

This drink goes great with potato chips, shrimp, meat dishes, fish.

How to cook at home?

Dark beer can not only be bought in the store, but also prepared at home. For this we need very few ingredients: 2 kg of malt, 1.5 kg rye flour, 100 yeast, 200 g hops and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

To begin with, flour is mixed with malt and diluted with warm water until smooth. Beer is brewed in a pan, in the bottom of which you need to drill a hole to drain the wort. This hole is covered with gauze, and the mass resulting from mixing malt and flour is carefully transferred to a pan and placed in the oven. The dough should be well fried. The next day, it is doused with boiling water and the resulting wort is drained. The wort is poured into a saucepan.

Yeast is diluted in advance with water and sugar and added to the wort with hops. The liquid is left to ferment overnight, then the beer is bottled and sealed. Dark beer will be ready to drink in a week.

Use in cooking

In cooking, dark beer is used to prepare some dishes.

For example, you can make pork in dark beer. To prepare it you will need 1 kg of pork, a bottle of dark beer, onion, herbs, spices, starch. Pork is boiled in water with spices, then the meat is removed and beer is poured into the broth, boiled for 1 hour. high fire. IN small quantity dilute the starch with water and carefully add it to the broth with beer, add sugar, citric acid. The resulting sauce is poured over the boiled pork.

Pork is served with potatoes, legumes, and rice.

The benefits of dark beer and treatment

The benefits of beer have long been known folk medicine. This intoxicating drink is often used as natural remedy stimulating digestive processes.

A glass of beer, like any other alcohol, causes an increase in appetite.

Many people avoid drinking beer because of the risk of adding a few extra pounds. This is not entirely true, because The calorie content of dark beer is only 48 kilocalories per 100 g. If you don't snack on fatty foods or other high-calorie foods, you don't have to worry about weight gain.

Harm of dark beer and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance and excessive consumption. Beer is contraindicated for pregnant women, children, and people with chronic diseases.

Many people believe that to make quality beer at home you need to buy a mini-brewery, but this statement is wrong. By and large, expensive equipment is imposed on people directly by manufacturers, this marketing ploy, no more. Along with the equipment, the sales manager will be happy to “sniff” you with a ready-made concentrate for dilution and fermentation. To avoid this, consider important aspects And classic recipe brewing beer.

Ingredients of homemade beer

To make beer at home, the first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the main ingredients you will need. Each component has its own characteristics and must meet certain requirements.

Ideally the product good quality does not sink in water, emits pleasant aroma, It has sweetish taste and whipped form. When cut, the inside of quality malt is whitish in color, not brown or red.

To be able to use the product as the main component of beer, it must first be soaked and grown at a temperature of 14 to 27 degrees, then removed and dried.

The last point is the most important, from proper drying The color of the future foamy drink depends on the malt. If you would like a beer dark shade, dry the malt in the oven, lightly roasting it. If you want to make a light-colored beer, dry the malt naturally.

After drying, it is necessary to grind the product in a convenient way until grains (not dust) are formed. All of the above steps will take you from 4 to 6 days.

Only used for making beer pure water from the Artesian well. The main advantage of purchased water is considered to be thorough processing and bacteriological control. If it is not possible to purchase it, first filter the liquid and let it stand for two days. Water should not have a strange taste, smell, and especially color.

The density and taste of the future beer depends on the right choice. Carefully examine the raw materials, give preference to cones of yellow-green or red shades, which have yellow-beige dust under the scales. It is important to know that the buds should not be dirty green or brown.

Everything is much simpler here. Live brewer's yeast is used to make foamy beer. If you can't get beer ones, buy regular ones.

The product serves to naturally saturate beer with carbon dioxide. It is preferable to use brown (cane) sugar. For accurate calculation quantities must be guided by proportions: 1 liter of beer accounts for 9 grams. granulated sugar.

Let us present you with a classic recipe, thanks to which you can get both dark and light beer. As mentioned above, it all depends on the malt drying technique.

Required ingredients:

  • hop cones - 50 gr.
  • clean water - 27 l.
  • barley malt - 3.5 kg.
  • live brewer's yeast - 30 gr.
  • sugar - 210 gr.

Required tools:

  1. Dark plastic bottles for bottling the finished product.
  2. 7-8 meters of gauze. Enameled pan for 27-30 liters for boiling wort.
  3. A container for fermenting the composition with a tight-fitting lid (preferably a water seal).
  4. Thermometer for precise temperature control. Rubber or silicone hose with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm for pouring the drink.
  5. A bath filled with cold water and ice cubes is necessary to thoroughly cool the wort.
  6. White container and iodine to determine the presence of starch. A hydrometer, as well as a wooden spatula with a long handle for mixing the composition.

Stage No. 1. Sterilization of instruments
An important point in preparing beer at home is complete sterility. Otherwise, you will not get beer, but mash. Wash your tools in advance, rinse them with hot water, wipe them dry and dry until the moisture evaporates. Do not pour boiling water over the thermometer; wipe it with a wet sponge.

Stage No. 2. Wort preparation
As stated earlier, prepare the wort for subsequent processing (soaking, growing, drying, grinding). Pour 24 liters of clean water into the pan (leave 3 liters), bring the mixture to a boil, keep the temperature at 80 degrees.

To prevent the wort from burning, make a bag of gauze measuring 1 * 1 meter (fold it in 3 layers). After this, transfer the malt into a bag and immerse it in a pan of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid, reduce the heat, cook the mixture for 1.5 hours, constantly monitor the temperature, it should be between 62 and 73 degrees.

If you would like to receive more Reviver, stick to 62 degrees, but if the goal is to brew beer with an intense flavor, keep the temperature at 71-72 degrees. The best option is to boil the wort at 65-66 degrees. In this case, the beer will be 4% ABV with a fairly rich and moderate flavor.

Stage No. 3. Checking for starch
After 1.5 hours, it is necessary to check the wort for the presence of starch, or rather, for its absence. For these purposes, take a white saucer and scoop out 20 ml. wort and pour into a container.

After this, add 2 drops of iodine solution and evaluate the result. If the color of the composition changes to blue, increase the cooking time by another quarter of an hour. If the shade remains the same, there is no starch, so proceed to the next step.

Turn up the heat and bring the temperature of the wort to 80 degrees. Boil the mixture in this mode for about 5 minutes, then remove the bag with the composition.

Pour the remaining 3 liters of filtered water into a separate pan and bring it to a boil at 80 degrees. Next, rinse the bag of malt in this water and pour the liquid into the first pan.

Stage No. 4. Mixing wort with hops
Bring the wort to a boil, or rather, until the first bubbles appear. Next, add exactly 17 grams. hop cones, boil the composition for half an hour, then add another 15 grams. hops Continue boiling for 45 minutes, then add the remaining buds. Cook the mixture over medium heat for about 20 minutes, a total of at least 95 minutes.

Stage No. 5. Cooling the composition
At this stage, there is a risk of bactericidal neoplasms in the composition of the drink, so follow the instructions strictly and do not hesitate.

Carefully take the pan and move it to the bathroom, place it in ice water and cool to a temperature of 25 degrees. This step will take about 20-25 minutes, keep checking the temperature with a thermometer.

After you have reached the desired mode, prepare a second container, which is intended for fermentation. Fold gauze over it in 5 layers, then carefully pour the wort the first time. In order for the composition to become saturated with oxygen, it is necessary to repeat the transfusion 3 more times from the first container to the second and back.

Stage No. 6. Fermentation process
Before mixing yeast with wort, dilute it with warm boiled water and leave for a quarter of an hour to activate ( exact time excerpts indicated in the instructions). At the end of the time, pour them into the wort and mix well with a wooden spatula.

To strictly comply temperature regime, which is so important for making homemade beer, you need to familiarize yourself with the type of yeast in advance.

If the label indicates that top-fermenting yeast is added to the wort at a temperature of 19 to 23 degrees.

As for bottom-fermenting yeast, they must be added to the wort at a temperature of 7-15 degrees.

After mixing the wort with yeast, close the container with a lid and take it to a dark room. Leave for 1.5 weeks, while it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature at which the yeast works. After 10 days, the yeast moves from the active phase to the passive phase, by which time the beer will become light.

To determine the readiness of the drink, use a hydrometer. Take readings in 2 stages, in which the second is carried out 12 hours after the first. If the difference in samples is insignificant (hundredths), feel free to proceed with further manipulations. In cases where the indicators fluctuate significantly, extend the fermentation process for another 2 days.

Stage No. 7. Spilling and carbonation
This stage involves saturating the drink with carbon dioxide; this must be done for the appearance of foam and the corresponding taste sensations.

Sterilize the bottles that will be filled, dry them and add granulated sugar based on 9 g. per 1 liter of composition. Due to the sugar, light fermentation will begin, as a result of which the beer will be saturated with carbon dioxide.

Place the hose in the pan so that it does not touch the bottom, walls or surface of the drink. Keep the handset level in the middle. Place the other end of the hose into the bottle and fill it, retreating 2 cm from the neck.

At the end of bottling, close the lids tightly and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. It is important that the temperature in the room/cabinet is constantly maintained at 21-23 degrees. In this case, for the last two weeks you need to shake the drink daily. When carbonation is complete, move the bottles to the refrigerator or cellar.

The process is complete, but can be improved taste sensations, if you leave the beer for another 3 weeks in a cold place. Ultimately, thanks to your efforts, the output will be 23 liters of high-quality, and most importantly, real beer with a strength of 4-4.5%.

Store the product in the cellar or refrigerator for no longer than 8 months, unopened. Once you open the bottle, the shelf life will be reduced to 2 days. If the bottles are transparent, you should wrap them in dark bags.

Pure filtered water - 11 l., molasses - 0.55 l., live brewer's yeast - 150 ml., hops - 50 ml.

  1. Pour 11 liters of water into an enamel pan, boil for 10 minutes, then add water. Reduce heat and simmer until the characteristic molasses aroma disappears.
  2. Sew a small bag out of gauze, place the hops there and put it in water, simmer over medium heat for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the stove, remove the hop cones, and wait for the mixture to cool completely.
  3. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, slowly pour in the yeast, stirring at the same time.
  4. Fill the bottles, but do not cap them. Wait until foam appears in the neck area.
  5. Next, remove the foam, close the bottles with caps, and put the beer in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.

Juniper based beer

To prepare you will need: live brewer's yeast - 100 gr., juniper berries - 800 gr., clean water - 8 l., liquid honey- 180 gr.

  1. Pour water into an enamel pan, cover with a lid and boil for 15 minutes. At the end of the period, add the juniper and cook for another 45 minutes over medium heat.
  2. Strain the mixture several times through 4 layers of gauze, cool the mixture to room temperature.
  3. Pour in liquid honey, stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon, add brewer's yeast. Stir and cover tightly. Place the drink in a dark cabinet to ferment.
  4. After raising the yeast, mix the composition, pour into bottles and immediately close the lids. Leave for about 7-10 days in a dark, cool place.

Making homemade beer is not difficult if you make sure you have the necessary ingredients and tools in advance. Don't neglect preparatory stage, it sets the direction for further brewing. Sterilize containers thoroughly and be sure to maintain temperature conditions. Dry the malt naturally or roast it in the oven to achieve the desired color of beer.

Video: brewing real grain beer at home