Fermented milk products - types and composition. The benefits and harms of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are essential for the body. Their distinctive feature is their high nutritional value, as well as the presence of a number of useful qualities. They are prepared through lactic acid fermentation and contain bacteria that secrete antibiotics that can suppress the causative agents of such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis and typhoid.

Over many years of use, fermented milk products have practically proven their healing effect on the human body, so their demand in nutrition is understandable. The slightly spicy, pleasant, refreshing taste whets the appetite and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. And alcohol and carbon dioxide in milk drinks optimize the functionality of the vasomotor center.

Fermented milk has been an integral part of every person’s diet since childhood, not only because of its pleasant sour taste, but also due to the presence of lactic acid in it. The abundance of macro- and microelements helps to actively fight putrefactive microorganisms in the body, and intestinal function improves.

Fermented milk products are divided into two categories:

  1. Fermented milk flavored with bacteria. These include: curdled milk, yogurt, rennet cheese.
  2. Products formed due to lactic acid and alcohol fermentation: kumiss, kefir, shubat.

These are delicious and healthy dishes for all family members. Their selection and storage should be taken responsibly, because fermented milk products can bring not only benefits, but also harm to health.

The benefits and harms of fermented milk products

In the production of most of these products, special additives are used (to improve taste, nutritional value and aroma), which not only affect their composition, but can also cause unwanted side effects, such as allergies.

Beneficial features

The benefit of fermented milk products lies in the ease of absorption by the body of the nutrients they contain. And the main advantage is the presence of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They cleanse the body of putrefactive pathogens that can cause intoxication.

After just a couple of weeks of regular use, the body will stop suffering from self-poisoning, kidney function improves, and most importantly, the liver returns to normal.

Other benefits of fermented milk products:

  • contribute to the renewal of intestinal microflora;
  • help in the fight against constipation, colitis;
  • recommended for use by people who suffer from intoxication of heavy metal salts;
  • rich in vitamins B, E, D;
  • prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into intestinal cells;
  • help reduce gas formation;
  • good for absorption, easy to digest;
  • suitable for people with individual lactose intolerance;
  • normalize intestinal activity;
  • used as a prophylactic against tuberculosis;
  • help increase calcium absorption.

Fermented milk contains almost all amino acids: albumin, lysine, leucine, globulin and others. With a mixed diet, such products increase the nutritional value of protein, which is part of cereal crops.

Potential Harm

A person's age affects their ability to digest certain foods. This fully applies to milk. After 30-40 years, about 3% of people in our country lose the ability to digest milk sugar (lactose). Dairy dishes are fraught with side effects for them: nausea, vomiting, bloating and other allergic reactions.

When lactose enters the stomach, it is broken down into two components: galactose and glucose. Glucose is converted into energy, and galactose is absorbed only from breast milk. When it enters an adult body, it accumulates in the cells of the body. Because of this, the percentage of people with dairy intolerance is increasing.

Intolerance manifests itself within an hour with the following symptoms:

  • gas formation;
  • painful spasms;
  • nausea;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

The resulting allergy can manifest itself in the form of:

  • skin rashes;
  • vomiting;
  • swelling of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • mucous discharge from the nose.

Adverse reactions may occur due to the amount of dairy products consumed. Experts believe that the harm of fermented milk products (in large quantities) may also include the following formidable symptoms:

  • removal of calcium from the body;
  • the occurrence of gastric ulcer;
  • growth of cancer cells in adults.

The best healthy lactic acid products

Sour milk is necessary for children and adults to maintain health and well-being. Let's list the most useful variations.

Curdled milk . It is obtained by the process of natural ripening. The milk is first pasteurized, then homogenized and cooled to the desired temperature. A bacterial starter is added to the resulting mixture and left to ferment using a thermostatic method.

When preparing curdled milk with different flavorings, additives are added to the milk even before the pasteurization process, and aromatic additives are added immediately before fermentation.

Ryazhenka . It is a type of curdled milk. It is prepared from full-fat milk through long-term heat treatment. It has a sour taste and a creamy brownish color. This is a traditional dish of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. Ryazhenka is well digestible and contains a healing set of vitamins and minerals. One glass of this drink can fill the body with a quarter of the daily requirement of calcium. Contraindicated for stomach ulcers.

Yogurt . It is a special type of curdled milk. This diet drink is often found in America and Europe. The Balkan Peninsula is considered its homeland. Whole milk is used for preparation. The starter is Bulgarian stick and thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus, which must be taken in a 1:1 ratio.

In its natural form, yogurt has a pure sour milk taste. In combination with sugar, it is sweet, and fruit and berry yogurt has a characteristic taste with the aroma of fruit syrup. The drink is slightly viscous, the consistency is homogeneous.

Varenets . Made from baked milk. The role of the starter is performed by thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus. The method of preparation and properties are similar to fermented baked milk.

Kefir . The technology for its production involves interaction with special fungi that can produce alcohol in the finished kefir. The drink may differ in fat content and readiness:

  • one-day - contains the least amount of lactic acid alcohol;
  • two-day – contains more lactic acid than one-day;
  • three-day - stands out with the greatest strength due to the content of a high percentage of alcoholic substances and acid.

The antibacterial properties of kefir are much stronger than those of yogurt. It is useful for anemia and pneumonia.

This is a favorite product of people losing weight, which improves the digestive process, serves as an antiseptic and antibiotic. Helps absorb vitamins throughout the day.

Kumis also rich in vitamins. It is an excellent tool in the fight against tuberculosis, and most importantly, helps prevent it. For preparation, milk, whey and sugar are used, mixed well and fermented with yeast.

Cottage cheese . It is formed during the fermentation of milk with the gradual removal of whey. The modern market offers several types:

  • low fat – best for diabetics;
  • low-fat – an excellent choice for allergy sufferers;
  • classic - a universal type of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is the most useful product due to the presence of protein, minerals, and vitamins. It is easily digestible, calorie content is 226 calories per 100 grams of product. Cottage cheese is popular among followers of weight loss diets, as well as people suffering from liver diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese miraculously promotes the dissolution of fats in the human body. It strengthens the skeletal system, increases hemoglobin levels, and has a great effect on the nervous system. The product is useful for children's and women's bodies.

Sour cream . Lactic acid bacteria give sour cream its taste, smell and appearance; they also contribute to the colonization of the intestines with the necessary microflora, setting it up for proper functioning.

Sour cream contains a lot of iron, manganese, copper and other equally useful minerals. It contains fatty, organic acids, animal proteins, natural sugar, carbohydrates, biotin. Due to its balanced composition, this product is absorbed much better than milk, cream, yogurt and even kefir. The beneficial properties of sour cream also include:

  • stimulation of brain performance;
  • improved muscle functionality;
  • increased performance;
  • enhancing male potency;
  • main supplier of calcium for children.

Cosmetologists have also found use for sour cream. Masks help improve the condition of the skin, tone it, and make it more elastic. The product is actively used in the fight against sunburn.

Acidophilus milk . It is a mixture of acidophilus bulgaric bacillus and cow's milk. It has a specific taste and viscous consistency. Due to the unpleasant taste, it is consumed with the addition of cinnamon, honey, sugar and other additives.

Acidophilus milk is administered as complementary food to infants, but with caution so as not to cause unwanted allergic reactions. As for adults, taking this drink is recommended if you have:

  • kidney and liver problems;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious diseases.

Acidophilus milk is contraindicated only for people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Fermented milk products are important and beneficial for the body in any form, no matter if we are talking about yogurt, cottage cheese or yogurt, and it is difficult to single out the healthiest fermented milk product, since each of them has its own advantages. These versatile treats will help you lose weight and build muscle. They will also become an integral ingredient in nourishing skin masks.

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Fermented milk products have long and firmly taken their place in the daily diet of modern people. Their success is explained not only by the specific natural sourness in taste, but also by the beneficial effect that has a multifaceted effect on the body. Nutrition experts note that in terms of their properties and composition, fermented milk products have no analogues, which is why it is so important to include them in your diet. Moreover, the list of such products is quite diverse, and each person will be able to find in it what they like. In different countries, some fermented milk products may be called differently, but, in essence, they are the same thing. So, fermented milk products include:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • acidophilus;
  • tan and ayran;
  • kumiss and other drinks.

The benefits of fermented milk products

Our great-grandmothers knew about the benefits of kefir, the first product obtained from the fermentation of milk. It was used not only internally, but also externally, making brightening and rejuvenating masks for the face and hands, or using it as a hair balm. Nowadays, for these purposes you have to buy three different jars produced at the factory, but the beneficial properties of kefir do not change from year to year.

Due to the content of beneficial microbes, fermented milk products normalize intestinal microflora, improve gastric motility, metabolism and pancreas function. It has been noted that people who often consume fermented milk products have clearer skin and an improved complexion. Microelements and vitamins are present in large quantities in fermented milk products. For example, a serving of cottage cheese contains the daily norm of calcium and phosphorus, a large amount of B, C and PP, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Probiotic fermented milk products are considered especially useful, i.e. enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They contain active substances that help eliminate dysbiosis, constipation and diarrhea. Products such as “bifidok”, “biokefir”, “adidobiofilin” and others with the prefix “bio” reduce the consequences of consuming antibiotics, alcohol and other substances that disrupt the body’s ecosystem. Such fermented milk products are indispensable for food poisoning, as they destroy pathogenic microbes and putrefactive formations in the stomach.

Diet on fermented milk products

From a nutritional point of view, kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt are excellent low-calorie foods for weight loss. They quickly saturate the body, while leaving a feeling of lightness in the stomach. Dietary fermented milk products are those in which the fat content does not exceed 9% per 100 g. Cottage cheese is an ideal source of protein, which is why athletes love it so much. It helps keep muscles toned and promotes their growth. And muscles, as you know, are the main consumer of calories. Experts say that to maintain a slim figure, it is enough to have a fasting day on fermented milk products once a week. During this day, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and metabolism will accelerate. This will be the impetus for losing excess weight.

Harm of fermented milk products

The consumption of fermented milk products is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and high acidity. In the presence of gastritis and pancreatitis, only fresh cottage cheese, sour cream and other fermented milk products are suitable for food, no more than one day has passed since their preparation. People allergic to lactose should exclude almost all dairy products, including fermented milk, from their diet. True, science has made a profound breakthrough in this matter, and dairy producers are already offering consumers lactose-free dairy products.

Only the lazy don’t know about the benefits of milk and kefir. For example, a glass of hot milk with honey is recommended for better sleep, kefir - again at night, especially if there is a large amount of meat in the diet. Despite the fact that both products belong to the dairy group, they have different beneficial components, and each of them is perceived by the human body in its own way. Statistics generally say that about 40% of people do not drink milk, because after drinking it they feel a heaviness in their stomach. This is due to the low activity of the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar. People who are prone to this should include fermented milk products in their diet - milk sugar has already been broken down in them.

The following facts also testify in favor of kefir, fermented baked milk, and other fermented milk products:
high saturation;
alcohol that accumulates over several days (if the proportion is no more than 0.6 g/100 ml) stimulates digestive processes;
the absorption of proteins contained in fermented milk products occurs faster and better;
the presence of natural, absolutely harmless antibiotics has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;
the diuretic process is more pronounced due to the enrichment of fermented milk products with potassium, which makes kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt indispensable in case of weight loss and getting rid of edema.

What are fermented milk products and how does the process of their production proceed?
The basis is whole cow's, goat's, mare's milk, sheep's milk (the most common animals are listed). Derivatives - cream, skim milk, whey - can also be used as the main ingredient.

The peculiarity of the manufacture of fermented milk products is that ripening is achieved by adding yeast or lactic acid bacteria. To destroy and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in milk, it is often pasteurized or boiled before fermentation. The final result of all these processes is a consistency that already has the smell and taste inherent in the finished products.

Based on the nature of fermentation, fermented milk products can be divided into two categories:
- obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation - yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, acidophilus and acidophilus milk;
— obtained as a result of lactic acid and alcohol fermentation: kefir, kurunga, kumiss and others.

What are the benefits of fermented milk products in general?

They are absorbed three times faster than milk. They contain more lactase than lactose, so they are easily tolerated by the body, help the intestines return to normal after various types of infections, and therefore relieve diarrhea.

Fermented milk products are the main suppliers of protein and calcium, which are simply indispensable for growth. They also contain phosphorus and other microelements in optimal proportions, which promote the absorption of much-needed calcium, especially for children. The absence of the latter leads to serious developmental disorders of the body. This is not only a delay in growth, formation of bones and teeth, but also increased nervous excitability, blood pressure and vascular bleeding, the appearance of caries, and disruptions in the functioning of the heart.

Whatever preventive properties are cited as arguments for the usefulness of fermented milk products, the main one among them is the suppression of the growth and development of harmful microorganisms - breeding grounds for diseases. Microbes poison the human body with products of fermentation and decay, as a result of which the intestines cease to be a barrier to toxins and foreign microbes. Thus, the body is gradually poisoned, the functioning of the liver and kidneys is disrupted, and age-related diseases become more active.

In just a couple of weeks, fermented milk products contribute to the return of the intestinal microflora to a normal state, the disappearance of phenol and indole from the urine, as a result of which physiological functions and biochemical processes are restored.

Saturation with useful and nutritious substances, bioactive products is another function that fermented milk products perform. Vitamins, peptides, amino acids and other essential microelements enter the body precisely thanks to kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and other products of this group. When taking antibiotics, fermented milk neutralizes their harmful effects on the intestinal microflora. Consumption of fermented milk products increases immunity, the body's ability to resist infections, and has an anti-allergenic effect.

Types of fermented milk products in countries around the world and their healing properties

Milk is simply a healthy food product, while fermented milk products have healing properties and prolong life. Thanks to this, they have gained incredible popularity, which is increasing every year.
They are distributed all over the world. They are called differently in different countries. Thus, kumiss is popular in Kazakhstan, leben is an Egyptian fermented milk product, cellar milk is available in Norway, and similar in name - matsoni and matsun - in Georgia and Armenia, respectively. The more common name is ryazhenka, the country of origin of which is Ukraine. Chal, ayran, katyk are all varieties of fermented milk products. Enriched by adding bifidobacteria to them, they receive the prefix “bio” or “bifi” and become several times more beneficial for the body.

The most popular, and therefore consumed, are kefir, fermented baked milk, and less commonly, acidophilus. Few people think about products such as buttermilk or whey. Meanwhile, these products are simply irreplaceable to quickly recover from various types of injuries; to maintain muscle mass; people suffering from atherosclerosis; and those who have reached the age of 50 years. What all of the above cases have in common is that calcium is washed out of the body, causing bones to become brittle. Whey and buttermilk contain high amounts of vitamins and calcium, as well as proteins and lecithin, which protect our blood vessels from cholesterol, and at the same time have a low fat content. Both products are the result of processing other dairy products: whey - after making cottage cheese, buttermilk - after churning butter.

About the benefits of yogurt They say a lot, but not all of them are equally useful. The most valuable for the body are low-fat ones, without heat treatment. When choosing yogurt in a store, you should definitely pay attention to storage conditions and check the expiration date. The presence of bifidobacteria in the product (also known as probiotics) helps suppress pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines, synthesize vitamins, absorb proteins, and also destroy toxins that arise during metabolism. It has been proven through scientific research that probiotics are an excellent prevention of intestinal infections and cancer. There are many varieties of yoghurts, so the recommendations for consumption are different: natural ones are suitable not only as a second breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner, but also an excellent substitute for sour cream for dressing salads, and sweet ones will be an excellent dessert - tasty and healthy. It is recommended to drink bio-yogurt in small sips, slowly.

Another product that contains a lot of protein is cheese. But it has disadvantages - high calorie content and the presence of a large amount of fat. It is better for people who are overweight to avoid using it. An alternative to it is low-fat cottage cheese. But it’s not worth writing off cheese from the diet at all, especially for people suffering from diseases of the liver, intestines, gallbladder, stomach, insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes, and pancreatitis. The milk fat of cheese is broken down independently, without the participation of bile and the pancreatic enzyme lipase.

The benefits of cheese also include the presence of a complete set of fat-soluble vitamins in the product. Calcium and phosphorus are concentrated in it to a greater extent than in cottage cheese - the amount of vitamin B increases sharply, 150 times, when the cheese ripens. For better absorption, it is recommended to use grated cheese rather than sliced ​​cheese. But in any case, calcium will be completely absorbed.

In the vastness of Central and Northern Asia, the most common product is kurunga made from cow's milk. Its healing properties are as follows:
strengthening the secretory-motor function of the digestive glands;
improvement of redox processes;
improvement of blood composition;
increasing immunobiological properties and reactivity of the body;
enrichment with vitamins and proteins;
kills putrefactive processes developing in the intestines.

Plant milk: what is it and what is it eaten with?
The nutritional value of plant milk and regular milk is equal. The advantage of the first is the absence of cholesterol, which is harmful to health, as well as the prevalence of healthy monounsaturated fats over saturated fats, which are harmful to the body.
There are soy, nut, and grain milks.
Soy milk is made from different varieties of soybeans, so it will have different tastes. The best option would be an organic soybean product, since when soybeans are grown in the usual way, a lot of pesticides accumulate in it. Soy milk, due to the presence of plant estrogens - isoflaphones - reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. It is the fattest among all plant milks.

Peanut butter, made from almonds, has been known since the Middle Ages. Almonds are mixed with water and sweetener is added. The resulting mixture is low in calories. Calcium and vitamins are often added to it.

For a grain milk base take rice, oats, a mixture of cereals - rye, wheat, barley, tertiary, amaranth, spelt. The sweetest of all is rice, as rice syrup is added to it. Oatmeal differs in the amount of fiber - a glass of such milk contains 10% of its daily requirement. The composition includes, in addition to oats, pea flour and powder of several types of cereals and seeds.
Plant milk can be regular, chocolate, or vanilla.
Despite all the benefits, there are also side effects. For example, the presence of isoflavones in soy milk increases the risk of breast cancer. But the negative consequences are more than offset by the benefits.
When buying plant-based milk, pay attention to the presence of the same substances that are characteristic of cow's milk: calcium, riboflavin, B12. Avoid plant-based drinks with added sugar or sweeteners as little as possible. Remember that they cannot replace the usual when feeding newborns.
Most often, plant milk is used only as a supplement. For example, in breakfast cereals, muesli, coffee. But don't limit your consumption to this only. The cocktails are very tasty; they can easily replace regular milk in other dishes. Experiment, try, and find your taste.

Milk and fermented milk products have been consumed for thousands of years. Their benefits have been proven more than once, so doubts go away. Bon appetit and good health.

Kristina Firsova

Video about the benefits of fermented milk products:

A huge refrigerator display case with bags, jars, bottles, cups. And everything is bright, colorful, delicious. Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets, yogurt, ayran, cottage cheese, yogurt... Don't pass by! This is one of the most useful sections of the store. Don't know what to put in your cart, so you don't take anything? By denying yourself dairy products, you are depriving yourself of a piece of health and beauty. What's better, let's figure it out together. By the way, there are even more useful articles on the website ihostess.ru - this is a women's magazine about beauty and health.

If you are not going to cook milk porridge or add cream to your coffee, then stick to a fermented milk product. After all, they can be used even by those people who are prescribed special nutrition for illnesses gastrointestinal tract. Lactase, which is often difficult for the human body to perceive, is broken down during fermentation, and people with a lactose deficiency can consume the product. Fermented milk products are absorbed faster - in just one hour, kefir is processed by the body by 97%. During the same time, milk manages to be absorbed by only a third.

Eating fermented milk products helps regulate bowel function. With constant use of yoghurt, kefir and yogurt in the menu, the skin cleanses. The body is more intensively enriched with calcium - in an acidic environment, calcium is absorbed many times better. This is important at the time of active growth of the body. In kindergarten and school, a child must receive fermented milk products, which will ensure the formation of a strong skeleton and prevent osteoporosis in the future. Fermented whole milk increases the amount of vitamins and microelements, and lactic acid protects the body from infection through the intestinal walls.

For kefir In addition to fermented milk, alcoholic fermentation is also typical. The older the kefir, the more alcohol it contains. The five-day strength reaches 0.8%. With the help of kefir, you can improve the functioning of the intestines - one-day kefir weakens, three-day kefir strengthens. After two weeks of using the drink, intestinal function improves; after three weeks, the body begins to work with clockwork precision.

For cooking curdled milk They use whole milk fermented with different types of microorganisms. This is how you get ordinary, mechnikovsky, acidophilic, Ukrainian (Varenets) and southern curdled milk. Another difference between Varenets and ryazhenka from other fermented milk products is that sterilized milk is used for Varenets, and baked milk for ryazhenka. Ryazhenka is not low-fat, while yogurt and kefir can have 1% fat content. The disadvantage of products prepared by sterilization and heating is prolonged heating, which destroys many useful substances that are so necessary for nutrition during illnesses.

Acidophilus curdled milk(acidophilus) is produced by fermenting milk with microorganisms of the corresponding name. Its difference is in a denser consistency, the absence of whey secretion and a stronger effect on pathogenic intestinal microflora. This product is good for diarrhea and constipation, nausea, boils, ulcers and sunburn.

Yogurt It is also made by fermenting milk with special microorganisms, but it is also enriched with pectin, starch, cream, protein, mixed and whipped in a special way. Due to its less acidic environment than kefir or yogurt, yogurt can be consumed by small children and people with high acidity of gastric juice. The disadvantage of yogurt is that different milks are used to prepare it - whole, reconstituted, sterilized. To choose the most useful product, you need to carefully read the label. Of course, we are talking about natural yogurt without additives, which has a shelf life of no more than a month and which smells like milk, not fruit or berries. Bio-yogurt is more useful because poorly processed modified starch is not added to it.

Sour cream is a product with high fat content (from 25% to 58%). Modern sour cream is produced by fermenting cream, while previously the top fatty layer was simply removed (swept away) from fermented milk left for several days.

Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein. And, since this is a fermented milk product, it also contains easily digestible calcium. Therefore, cottage cheese cannot be replaced in the diet of children. Milk protein is easily digestible, so cottage cheese is useful as a food for various diseases, during periods of increased physical activity, and in old age.

You can also find in stores ayran. It is a national product of the Caucasian, Turkic and Balkan peoples. The nomads prepared ayran very thick, making it easy to transport. Sedentary peoples prepared a liquid drink that quenched thirst well. In stores you can find liquid ayran, which is a tasty, and most importantly healthy, alternative to dubious kvass or sweet lemonade to quench your thirst in the heat.

Kumis prepared from mare's milk. It is characterized by a higher alcohol content than kefir. During the production process, acidophilus bacillus and yeast are added to kumis. Kumiss strengthens the body well. In folk medicine it is used as a nutritional component in the treatment of tuberculosis.

  1. Which product is the healthiest? It depends on the problems you want to solve with it. And depending on your mood. There are simply no unhealthy fermented milk products, so choose any one.

And remember the most important thing - a healthy product must be free from dyes and flavors, have a short shelf life and be stored properly.

Bon appetit!

Fermented milk products are products obtained from milk as a result of lactic acid fermentation (sometimes with the participation of alcoholic fermentation).

There are two groups of products:

1st group - products obtained as a result of only lactic acid fermentation - fermented baked milk, yogurt of various types, acidophilus milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt; have a fairly dense, homogeneous clot and a sour milk taste due to the accumulation of lactic acid;

2nd group - products obtained by mixed lactic acid and alcohol fermentation - kefir, kumiss, etc.; They have a sour-milk refreshing, slightly pungent taste due to the presence of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, and a delicate clot, which is permeated with tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide, easily breaks when shaken, due to which the products acquire a homogeneous liquid consistency, which is why they are often called drinks.

The digestibility of fermented milk products is higher than milk, since they affect the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, as a result of which the glands of the digestive tract more intensively secrete enzymes that accelerate the digestion of food. The dietary properties of fermented milk products are explained by the beneficial effects on the human body of microorganisms and substances formed during the fermentation of milk - lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, antibiotics and vitamins.

In the production of fermented milk products, pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used. Depending on the products produced, the composition of pure cultures includes lactic acid streptococcus (yogurt), Bulgarian bacillus (yogurt mechnikovskaya, fermented baked milk, Varenets), acidophilus bacillus (acidophilus yogurt, acidophilus, acidalact, bifidoc, bififruit), flavor-forming bacteria and milk yeast (kefir mushrooms (kefir)). Each product is produced using specific cultures of microorganisms.

When producing fermented milk products, the following main biochemical processes occur: lactic and alcoholic fermentation of milk sugar, casein coagulation and gelation; As a result of these processes, the consistency, taste and smell of the finished products are formed.

Coagulation of casein is caused by lactic acid formed during lactic fermentation of lactose (in the production of cottage cheese using the acid-rennet method, lactic acid and the added rennet act jointly on casein). When the pH of milk decreases, casein particles form aggregates and threads of the spatial network of the milk curd, which captures the dispersion medium with fat globules and other components of milk (gelation). The properties of the curd depend on the composition of the milk, the modes of thermal and mechanical treatment, the method and duration of coagulation of milk proteins and other factors.

Fermented milk products are produced using thermostatic and tank methods.

With the thermostatic method, pasteurized milk is cooled to a temperature favorable for the development of starter microorganisms (for example, for yogurt 38-45 ° C), and cultures of lactic acid bacteria are added to it; Fermented milk is poured into bottles, which are sealed and labeled. Bottles of milk are placed in thermostats until a curd forms. After fermentation is completed, the product is sent to a cold chamber, where it is kept for several hours for some compaction of the curd as a result of swelling of the protein (casein) and enhancing the aroma due to the development of flavor-producing bacteria. Products produced by the thermostatic method have an undisturbed dense curd.

With the tank method, which is more productive and economical, milk is fermented in large metal tanks. During the ripening process, it is continuously kneaded to destroy the curd and kept at low temperatures in the same containers; the resulting product is poured into bottles or paper bags using automatic machines.

The temperature regime and duration of ripening depend on the microflora included in the starter culture. The end of ripening is determined by the strength of the curd and titratable acidity. For drinks it is 75-85 °T, for sour cream 65-70 °T, for cottage cheese of various fat contents 60-85 °T. The consistency, taste and smell of products are formed during this technological process.

Lactic acid determines the consistency of the protein clot and gives a pleasant sour taste to products. The accumulation of aromatic substances (volatile acids, acetaldehyde, diacetyl, acetoin, etc.) is the result of the vital activity of bacteria and yeast and depends on the composition of the bacterial starter and ripening conditions. Thus, volatile acids (acetic, propionic, etc.) actively accumulate in kefir and cottage cheese, diacetonyl and acetoin - in kefir, sour cream, kumiss, acetaldehyde - in yogurt.

Thanks to the metabolic activity of sourdoughs, antibiotic substances (nisin, benzoic acid, etc.) are formed that can inhibit the growth of pathogens of intestinal diseases, tuberculosis bacilli, etc. Microorganisms of sourdoughs are capable of synthesizing vitamins C, group B and some others, therefore fermented milk products contain more of these vitamins than in milk.

Fermented milk products contain all the essential nutrients, well balanced and easily digestible. These products have a number of additional useful consumer qualities - they accumulate carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other flavoring substances that stimulate appetite, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and improve metabolism. Living microorganisms are able to take root in the human intestine, suppressing putrefactive processes and preventing the formation of toxic protein breakdown products.

Curdled milk has several varieties, and their names depend on the heat treatment of the milk (pasteurized or sterilized), the fat content in it and the composition of the bacterial starter used.

Mvchnikovskaya curdled milk is obtained from pasteurized milk fermented with a culture of lactic acid streptococci with the addition of a culture of Bulgarian bacillus in a ratio of 4:1. Adding Bulgarian stick to milk gives the product a more pronounced taste and delicate consistency. Milk is fermented at a temperature of about 40-50 °C, ripening ends after 2.5-3 hours at a temperature of 38 °C. The finished product has a pure fermented milk taste and smell, a moderately dense, undisturbed stable curd, glossy at the break, without gas formation or whey release.

Common curdled milk is prepared from pasteurized milk by fermentation with a starter from one culture of mesophilic lactic acid streptococcus (at a temperature of 32-35 ° C). It has a dense, prickly curd with a refreshing, slightly acidic taste. The duration of ripening is 5-6 hours.

Southern curdled milk is made from pasteurized milk fermented with cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic lactic acid streptococci in a 3:1 ratio with or without the addition of lactose-fermenting yeast. Fermentation temperature 50-55 °C. Bulgarian bacillus is a strong acid-former, so southern yogurt has higher acidity (up to 140 °T). The finished product has a refreshing, pinching, sour taste, thick creamy, slightly viscous consistency.

Ukrainian curdled milk, or fermented baked milk, is produced from a mixture of milk and cream, normalized to a fat content of 6%, kept at a temperature of 95 ° C for 3-4 hours (stewed) and fermented with pure cultures of thermophilic races of lactic acid streptococcus. Fermented fermented baked milk is fermented at a temperature of 36-38 ° C for 2.5-3 hours. The finished product has a pure fermented milk taste (acidity 80-110 ° T) with a pronounced pasteurization taste and a delicate curd without gas formation, the color of fermented baked milk is creamy with a brownish tint. Ryazhenka comes without additives and is sweet.

Depending on the mass fraction of fat, fermented baked milk is divided into: low-fat, low-fat, low-fat, classic, fatty, high-fat.

When enriched with biologically active substances and additives, fermented baked milk is divided into: fortified, enriched with microelements, enriched with macroelements, enriched with probiotics. When probiotic cultures Bifidobactericum are added, the product is classified as bifidobactericum.

Yogurt acidophilus is prepared from milk fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci with the addition of acidophilus bacillus. For starter culture, take 4-8% pure cultures of streptococcus and 0.5-2% acidophilus bacillus. In order for lactic acid streptococcus to develop in milk at the same time, the fermentation temperature is set to 40-42 °C. If during fermentation mucous races of acidophilus bacillus are added, then acidophilus curdled milk has a slightly viscous clot. The acidity of curdled milk is 80-110 °T.

Varenets made from sterilized or aged at 95 ° C for 2-3 hours (simmered) milk, fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci with or without the addition of lactic acid bacillus. Milk is sterilized in autoclaves to a temperature of 120 °C, kept at this temperature for 10-15 minutes and starter is added. Subsequent operations are carried out in the same way as when producing yogurt. Varenets is distinguished by its appearance: it has a slightly brown tint, due to the color of sterilized milk, and a specific taste of baked milk. The acidity of Varents is 80-110 °T, the presence of milky films is allowed.

Matsoni- yogurt, widespread in Transcaucasia, a type of southern yogurt. Made from cow or buffalo milk. The microflora of sourdough consists of lactic acid rods, close to Bulgarian, thermophilic races of lactic acid streptococci and milk yeast. Along with lactic acid, matsoni contains products of alcoholic fermentation - alcohol and carbon dioxide, which provide a sharp, pleasant taste and aroma, a delicate, denser consistency. Milk for this type of yogurt is fermented at a temperature of 45-50 ° C, otherwise the production process does not differ from the technology of southern yogurt.

Yogurt- a special type of curdled milk, a semi-fat or fatty dietary product with a high content of dry substances (16-22%), fermented with pure cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus in equal quantities. Yogurt is made from a mixture of pasteurized whole milk and spray-dried skim milk.

The guaranteed shelf life of curdled milk at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C is no more than 24 hours from the date of release.

Acidophilus products differ from other dietary fermented milk products in the most pronounced medicinal properties, since acidophilus bacillus easily takes root in the intestines, suppressing the growth of pathogenic bacteria. When treating with antibiotics, acidophilus drinks are useful. They are produced in the following assortment.

Acidophilus milk is produced from pasteurized milk fermented with pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus.

Acidophilus-yeast milk has a sharper taste; during fermentation, additional yeast is added, which ferments lactose, and gives antibiotic properties to the milk.

Acidophilus is prepared from milk fermented with pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus, with the addition of kefir starter.

The Moskovsky drink is produced from pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus of various races.

Acidophilus drinks are produced fatty, low-fat, sweet and sugar-free. Their taste and smell are clean, fermented milk, specific, pleasant, refreshing, slightly spicy, with a slight yeasty tint. The color is milky white or creamy, uniform throughout the mass.

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product. In addition to complete milk protein, it contains: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc. Cottage cheese contains: proteins 14-17%, fats 3-18%, minerals 1-1.5%.

To produce cottage cheese, pasteurized and unpasteurized milk is used. Cottage cheese from pasteurized milk is produced for direct consumption as food and for making curd products from it. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk is intended only for the production of semi-finished products (cheese cakes, dumplings), processed cheeses and for the preparation of curd products that are subjected to heat treatment before consumption.

Cottage cheese is produced in two ways:

Acid-rennet - milk is pasteurized, cooled and a starter of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria and rennet is added (obtained from the stomach of calves - rennet), the resulting curd is cut into cubes and pressed;

Acidic - milk is curdled with lactic acid starter, the curd is cut and heated to speed up the separation of whey. This method produces low-fat cottage cheese.

Depending on the source raw material, fat, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese are distinguished.

Based on quality, cottage cheese is divided into premium and first grade. The taste and smell of cottage cheese is clean, delicate, fermented milk, without foreign tastes and odors; in the first grade, a mild taste of feed, wooden containers and the presence of slight bitterness are allowed. The consistency is delicate, heterogeneity is allowed, in the first grade it can be loose, spreadable, and for low-fat cottage cheese - with a slight release of whey, crumbly. The color is white, slightly yellowish with a cream tint, uniform throughout the mass. For fatty cottage cheese in the first grade, some color unevenness is allowed. For dietary cottage cheese, the organoleptic characteristics must meet the requirements for premium cottage cheese; a highly pasteurized taste is allowed.

Full-fat cottage cheese (18% fat content) and semi-fat cottage cheese (9%) are produced from pasteurized milk with an acidity of no higher than 20 °T. The taste and smell of cottage cheese is clean, delicate, fermented milk, without foreign tastes and odors. The color is white, slightly yellowish, uniform throughout the mass.

Soft dietary cottage cheese is produced from skim milk; After removing the whey, cream and sometimes fruit and berry syrups are added to the cottage cheese. Such cottage cheese must contain at least 11% fat, no more than 73% moisture, and acidity not higher than 210 °T. The taste is clean, fermented milk.

Peasant cottage cheese is also obtained from skim milk. The fat content in the product is not less than 5%, moisture is not more than 74.5%, acidity is not more than 200 °T. The taste and smell are fermented milk; A mild feed taste is allowed.

Homemade cheese, or granular cottage cheese with cream, is close in protein, fat and moisture content to semi-fat cottage cheese, but unlike it has a granular structure. Homemade cheese must contain at least 20% fat (on a dry matter basis), no more than 80% moisture and 1% salt. Its acidity is not higher than 150 °T. Selling time 36 hours. The product is characterized by a pure fermented milk taste with a well-defined taste and aroma of pasteurized cream. Its consistency is delicate, soft, with clearly visible curd grains. Color - from white to slightly yellowish.

Curd products produced from full-fat, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese obtained from pasteurized milk. Cottage cheese is subjected to crushing, grinding with various aromatic and flavoring substances; before consumption, curd products do not require heat treatment, are distinguished by high energy value and good digestibility.

These include the following types of products:

Cheeses and curd masses - produced sweet and salty with or without additives; Dietary cheese and curd masses are also produced;

Curd creams - produced from carefully crushed cottage cheese, to which cream, butter, vanillin, and cocoa powder are added;

Curd cakes - made from fatty cottage cheese with the addition of butter, flavoring and aromatic substances;

Curd pastes - made from fatty cottage cheese with the addition of cream, gelatin and other fillers.

Cottage cheese is an unstable product. Even at low storage temperatures (2-4 °C), its quality quickly deteriorates. At a temperature of 0 °C it can be stored for up to 7 days, at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C - 36 hours.

Sour cream- a national Russian product, known abroad as “Russian cream”. It is produced by fermenting pasteurized cream with a starter made from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

Nutritional value is determined by the chemical composition. Sour cream contains: water 54.2-82.7%; proteins 2.4-2.8%; fat 10-40%; carbohydrates 2.6-3.2%; minerals 0.4-0.5%; vitamins A, E, B, B2, PP, C. The energy value of 100 g of sour cream is on average 116-382 kcal.

Sour cream is produced: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 36, 40% fat content. Diet sour cream contains 10% fat, amateur sour cream contains 40%.

Diet sour cream with 10% fat content (acidity 70-95 °T) and table sour cream with 20% fat content (acidity 65-100 °T) are intended for consumers who are contraindicated in fatty foods. These types of sour cream are not divided into varieties. Diet sour cream is intended for immediate sale.

Sour cream 25% fat is made using canned raw materials; It is not divided into varieties. Acidity 65-100 °T.

Sour cream with 36% fat content is produced in two ways: with the ripening of fresh cream and with the ripening of fermented cream. Ready sour cream has the pure fermented milk taste and aroma characteristic of pasteurized milk. Weakly expressed flavors of containers (wood) are allowed. The consistency is homogeneous, moderately thick, glossy in appearance, white in color, with a creamy tint. Fat content should be at least 36%, acidity 65-90 °T. Sour cream is available packaged.

Amateur sour cream with 40% fat content has the following composition: dry matter 45%, fat 40%, protein 2.1% and carbohydrates 2.1%. It is made from fresh cream. It has a dense consistency, which allows it to be packaged in paper boxes; not divided into varieties. Acidity 55-90 °T. The taste and smell are pure fermented milk with a more pronounced taste and aroma of pasteurization.

New types include sour cream with filler, 14, 18 and 23% fat content. These types of sour cream are made from cream and are intended for direct consumption. Sour cream with 14% fat content has an acidity of 65-120 °T, “Krestyanskaya” sour cream with a fat content of 18% is 65-110 °T, and “Domashnaya” sour cream with a fat content of 23% is 65-100 °T. These types of sour cream are not divided into varieties.

Sour cream must meet the following requirements: the taste and smell are pure fermented milk, with a pronounced taste and aroma characteristic of pasteurized milk. In the first grade, mild flavors (of feed, wooden containers) and the presence of mild bitterness are allowed in the period from November to April. The consistency of sour cream is homogeneous, moderately thick, in the first grade it is allowed not thick enough, the appearance is glossy. The color of sour cream is white, with a yellowish tint. The amount of fat should be no less than that indicated on the label; the acidity of sour cream depends on its type and fat content.

The raw materials for the production of sour cream are: milk, natural fresh or dry cream, butter.

Sour cream is made in two ways:

By homogenizing the cream, the milk is separated, the cream is normalized for fat, pasteurized for 10-30 minutes, cooled and homogenized; ripening takes 13-16 hours at a temperature of 24-27 °C; 0 ripening of cream before fermentation - the cream is cooled, then heated, fermented and packaged. The production time of such sour cream is halved.

At each stage of the technological process, deviations can occur that significantly affect the quality of the finished product.

The defects of sour cream are liquid, lumpy, with separated whey, fermented consistency, as well as too sour or bland, rancid, greasy taste.

Sour cream is packaged in various types of containers: wooden tubs, cans, as well as small containers in the form of polymer cups and jars with lids. Transported in refrigerated or isothermal means of transport. Storage periods and conditions depend on the fat content of the product; however, sour cream is generally stored at a temperature of 0 to 8 °C for 72 hours in specially equipped refrigerator cases.

Labeling data is applied to the packaging: name of the product, name, location and trademark of the manufacturer, rate of mass fraction of fat in%, net weight (g or kg), product composition, nutritional value (in 100 g), storage conditions, end date implementation period. The design should be clear and colorful.

Kefir produced by fermenting pasteurized cow's milk with a starter prepared with kefir grains, which cause lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. Kefir has dietary and pronounced medicinal properties, quenches thirst, stimulates appetite, and is useful for people with kidney, liver, heart diseases, and atherosclerosis. The healing properties of kefir are formed due to the accumulation of antibiotic substances.

Depending on the milk used and the mass fraction of fat, kefir is produced: full-fat - with a fat content of 1; 2.5 and 3.2%; low-fat - from skim milk.

They produce fat and low-fat kefir with the addition of vitamin C, fruit and berry kefir with the addition of fruit and berry puree, jam, preserves, fresh frozen fruit, etc. (fat 1.0 and 2.5%).

The quality of kefir depends on the quality of the raw materials used for its production (milk, cream, starter culture) and manufacturing technology. The optimal temperature for making kefir is considered to be 20-22 °C. In this case, ripening continues for 14-16 hours.

Kefir must meet the following requirements: have a fermented, refreshing, slightly pungent taste and smell without any foreign odors or tastes; appearance and consistency - a homogeneous mass with an undisturbed or disturbed clot; Gas formation in the form of individual eyes caused by normal microflora is allowed; a slight separation of whey is allowed on the surface of kefir - no more than 2% of the volume of the product; color - milky white; for low-fat kefir, a bluish tint is allowed, uniform throughout the mass. The acidity of all types of kefir is 85-130 °T.

Kefir is packaged in various types of containers, but mainly in cardboard boxes with special polymer coatings and glass containers of various capacities. Transported in refrigerated or isothermal means of transport. The shelf life and conditions, as with all fermented milk products, are no more than 36 hours at a temperature of 2-6 °C.

Margarine is a fatty product that is obtained from high-quality edible fats, milk, sugar, salt, emulsifiers and other components.

Margarine is similar in smell, taste, consistency, and color to butter. Margarine is a high-calorie and easily digestible product. Calorie content of 100 g of margarine is 752 kcal (3123 kJ). Margarine digestibility is 97.5%.

Salomas is used as the fat base of margarine.

Salomas are formed during the process of hydrogenation (liquid fats are saturated with hydrogen and turn into a solid state). Salomas can be vegetable or whale, depending on the raw materials.

In the production of margarine, natural refined oils and premium animal fats are used.

Flavoring and aromatic substances, dyes, emulsifiers, and preservatives are added to margarine. To increase the biological value, vitamins are added; milk to enhance the taste.

Cultured butter There is unsalted, amateur, peasant, sandwich. It is produced according to a general technological scheme and is distinguished by the fact that before physical ripening, a bacterial starter is added to the cream in an amount of 2-4% and kept at a temperature of 16-20 ° C for 4-6 hours (churning method).

When producing cultured butter by converting high-fat cream, the starter culture is added to cooled high-fat cream or directly into the butter former. Lactic acid streptococci, including flavor-forming ones, are used to produce starter culture. As a result of lactic fermentation, the acidity of the cream and butter plasma increases to 30-55 °T.

The resulting lactic acid, diacetyl, acetoin, alcohols, ethers and other volatile components give the oil a characteristic sour-milk taste and smell. When producing salted butter using the churning method, salt is added at the final stage of mechanical processing of the butter in the form of 25% brine or dry “Extra” salt. Salting during the production of salted butter by the cream conversion method is carried out by adding dry salt (no more than 1%) to high-fat cream.