The pan is burnt, how to clean it. How to effectively clean a pot from burning: folk and chemical remedies

When the borscht finishes cooking, it begins to fry. As a result, having looked up from a TV series, a telephone conversation or the Internet, having ventilated the kitchen from the smoke and smell of burning, you ask yourself the question: how to clean a burnt pan from the black consequences of your forgetfulness?

But your further actions depend on the material from which your unlucky dishes are made. What works for glass can ruin aluminum. Regardless of everything else, you should first let the pan cool while you find some durable rubber gloves.

Cleaning at home and using special products from the hardware store

The industry offers housewives many different drugs that help bring a damaged pan back to life. All of them are quite aggressive and require careful handling, observing safety precautions. And rubber gloves are the bare minimum. You have to work with some products even in a respirator...

To wash a burnt dish, you can use oven cleaners, grease solvents and universal products for various types of contaminants. “Shumanit”, a product of the Israeli company Bagi, is very effective in eliminating contaminants of various origins. But it is also the most poisonous remedy.

Household chemicals are much safer. To combat burnt food use:

  • Soda, baking soda and ash. You can boil a solution of soda in the damaged vessel for 20 minutes, let it cool, and many stains will be removed quite easily. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of soda per 1 liter of water. Soda ash removes dirt more effectively.
  • Salt. Cover the burnt area with a thick layer of coarse salt, lightly moisten it with warm water and leave for a day or two. Then clean with a hard sponge.
  • An amazingly effective composition, capable of removing even old layers, from the arsenal of our grandmothers: fill a large tank halfway with water, into which your entire pan would fit, and heat it up. Add a glass of silicate glue, 400 g of soda ash, 2 pieces of laundry soap (grate on a coarse grater), 0.5 cups of washing powder (any). When everything is dissolved, immerse the dishes in the solution and leave to simmer over low heat for 40-60 minutes. After the solution has cooled, even heavy stains can be easily cleaned off. In order not to brew this potion for one household item, you can throw everything that will fit in the tank - cleanliness never hurt anyone. Even silver and cupronickel can be cleaned with this composition.
  • Lemon juice or vinegar. In some cases, these simple remedies can help remove burnt food residue. Citric acid is also suitable.

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Coated pans

Alas, you can wash ceramic-coated products only if they are not too damaged. The same applies to Teflon. To clean coatings that are not resistant to mechanical stress, you can only use delicate products and soft sponges.

Try boiling a soda solution in it for 10-15 minutes. To prepare the solution, take 1/4 cup of soda per 1 liter of water. After the solution has cooled, the burnt crap will soften and you can try to wash it off.

Do not use strong cleaning agents intended for cleaning stoves and ovens.


Enameled cookware should not be exposed to sudden temperature changes. It cannot be cleaned with metal meshes, otherwise you will throw it away anyway - the enamel will be scratched.

To clean enamel, you can use home remedies, chemicals that are not too caustic.

Aluminum cookware

Aluminum is a fairly chemically active metal, so it must be handled with care. If an aluminum pan burns, you will have to carefully clean it with a hard sponge using fairly delicate products. Coarse abrasive is not suitable. Try covering the burnt areas with salt and leaving them overnight. If that doesn’t help, boiling in a solution of laundry soap, silicate glue and soda ash will help remove the black stains.

Do not use metal brushes and meshes, or strong products based on acids and alkalis.

More details about cleaning any type of utensils made from this material:

Glass kitchen products

If it has not cracked due to overheating, glassware can be cleaned with anything. Glass is not afraid of even the most vigorous chemical compounds. But, oddly enough, even the most potent agents show little effectiveness on glassware. Try combining home remedies (boiling in a soda solution) with alternating exposure to household chemicals. The main thing is not to rush. Let the chemicals work, then all the dirt will be easier to remove.

Stainless steel

Excellent dishes. Even if it is burnt, it can be cleaned with a metal mesh, aggressive Schumanite, and old-fashioned methods. Saving stainless steel cookware is easier than all others.

The same can be said about the good old cast iron cauldrons and frying pans. Even if they are damaged, they can be cleaned using all sorts of methods, but the easiest way is to boil them in the solution of silicate glue, soda and laundry soap described above. The cast iron will shine like new!


A favorite, convenient saucepan is certainly a valuable thing. But even more valuable are your time and health. Before you start resuscitating a charred vessel, think for a minute - is the game worth the candle? Perhaps you need to honorably escort the damaged kitchen utensils into the garbage chute, and instead buy new ones for your joy?

A wide selection of kitchen utensils is the pride of every housewife. The eyes are pleasing to the beautiful pots made using modern technologies, in which even the food turns out tastier. But, even despite the fact that today most people try to purchase induction cookers, which have an ideal self-defense system, cases cannot be ruled out when food burns in pans, leaving behind not only a burning smell, but also an unsightly black spot. Getting rid of it is difficult, but possible. The cleaning process largely depends on the material from which the pan is made. But still, no matter what type of pan the food is in, it becomes an annoyance for the cook in the first place. After all, you really wanted to treat your loved ones or friends to a delicious dish, but all your efforts disappeared. Instead, there will be a cleaning procedure, which, although it will not allow you to restore the taste of the dish, can return the beautiful appearance of the pan. After all, all experienced housewives have several methods in stock that allow them to get rid of carbon deposits and return the dishes to their former and beautiful appearance.

There are several types of pans and each of them requires its own cleaning methods, knowing which can ensure the integrity of its coating and cleanliness. Modern industry offers the following types of pans:

  • enameled;
  • ceramic;
  • glass;
  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum;
  • Teflon.

Each type has its pros and cons, but they all serve to prepare delicious food.

Enameled pan - how to clean burn marks

They say that enamel cookware- This is the most common type among consumers. Indeed, at one time it flew off store shelves with a furor, so most likely it is actually used in the kitchens of housewives.

Such dishes have a beautiful appearance, are practical to use and make very tasty custard for cakes. But this particular custard has one bad property - as soon as you get a little distracted, it immediately sticks to the bottom of the pan. And then, a familiar picture to everyone - the burnt remains of the cream look majestically at the bottom of the pan. Both the cream and the pan are ruined. How to wash a burnt enamel pan without damaging its coating? Many people ask this question. It is known that even minor scrapes and scratches render the dishes unusable. Accordingly, abrasive substances are not suitable for cleaning dishes.

Experts in their field recommend not to panic and not to immediately pour cold water into a hot pan, in the hope that everything will quickly disappear. It is not true. Cold water can damage the enamel coating, opening the door to food contact with copper and other harmful metals that lie beneath the thin layer of enamel.

Only a cold pan should be cleaned and used for this purpose:

The list of cleaning products is wide and requires housewives to have certain knowledge that will help keep the dishes clean. And even after such an adventure, when an enamel pan is burnt and no one has any idea how to wash it, a correctly carried out procedure with available means will still help restore it to its beauty.

Water bath

A water bath will allow you to easily get rid of burnt marks. Pour salt into the bottom of the burnt pan and place it in a water bath. After 1 hour, wash it in warm water as usual.


You can do it another way - make a saline solution at the rate of 6-7 tbsp per 1 liter of water. kitchen salt. Pour it into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for another 40-50 minutes. After this procedure, the burnt food itself will fall away from the bottom of the dish, and at the same time clean its walls.

Milk is burnt - how to properly get rid of burnt milk

The most common problem with a burning pan occurs after boiling milk. Many people advise adding water to the bottom of the pan and only after that pouring milk into it, as if it could not burn with this method of boiling. But this does not always work, especially when the milk is high in fat. And now, the milk is burnt - how to wash the pan in this situation?

Activated carbon

Activated carbon will rush to the rescue - it knows exactly how to clean burnt milk from a pan. You need to crush 6-8 tablets and fill the burnt bottom. Activated carbon is rightfully considered a universal means for cleaning burnt marks, because it is ideal for cleaning dishes of any type.

So, leave the powder at the bottom of the pan for 1 hour. Then, pour cold water and after 20 minutes and wash with warm water. After such a “spa treatment,” the pan can be easily cleaned with any detergent.

Milk serum

Whey is an equally effective cleaning agent. It is also suitable for cleaning any type of pan. Experienced housewives most often use this cleaning product in the summer, when the canning season is in full swing. And here's the thing: the jam is burnt - no one knows how to wash the pan and return it to its original appearance.

But experienced housewives know very well an effective method and willingly share it on the forum. At the same time, they always focus on the fact that before you wash the pan from burnt jam, it needs to be cooled. Often, when jam burns, burning residues remain not only at the bottom of the pan, but also on its walls. Therefore, you need to pour the whey 3-4 cm above the burnt level. Leave the whey in the pan for a day, after which it can be easily washed off with any detergent.

Coffee grounds

A simple and affordable method is coffee grounds. It turns out that it serves as a peeling not only in cosmetology, but also in the kitchen. If the milk is burnt, cover the bottom of the pan with coffee grounds. After 3 hours, simply go over the bottom with the hard side of a dish sponge. The result will really surprise you - all the burnt marks are easily removed, and the pan takes on a fresh and beautiful look.

A badly burnt pan is an effective way to clean it

But the old cleaning method - the combined use of baking soda, office glue and laundry soap - will answer the question of how to wash a badly burnt pan. Everyone who practices this method confidently claims that it works most effectively. Interestingly, our ancestors also used this home remedy. Therefore, they never had the question of how to wash burnt aluminum or stainless steel cookware. The task is a little troublesome, but the result is worth it.

You need to take a container that will be larger than the burnt dishes. Prepare a bar of soap, 0.5 cups of glue and soda each, and a sponge. Pour water into a container and bring it to a boil. Rub the soap into shavings and add to boiling water. Follow it with glue and calcined salt.

Dip the burnt dishes into the prepared solution, but only if they do not have plastic or wooden handles (they should be removed before boiling the dishes). Naturally, the “aroma” will spread throughout the kitchen, so turning on the hood in this case is simply a necessary step in the procedure.

Depending on how burnt the dishes are, you should boil them for 2 to 5 hours over low heat, periodically adding water to the container. In this way, it is possible to perfectly clean not only the bottom of the pot or pan, but also its inner and outer walls.

Stainless steel pans

Let's talk separately about how to wash a stainless steel pan. You need to understand that this type of pan has a fragile coating. They should not be cleaned with abrasives, wire brushes, ammonia- or chlorine-based products.

Baking soda

The best option is to use baking soda. Pour it onto the bottom of the burnt pan and wait 40-50 minutes. Then fill the bottom with hot water, put it on the stove and heat for another 20 minutes. After this procedure, the burn is easily washed off.

Table vinegar

A badly burnt stainless steel pan can be saved by ordinary table vinegar. You just need to fill the bottom of the chilled pan with vinegar and leave for 1 hour. After that, wash it with detergent and warm water.

Advice! It is better to avoid severe burning in stainless steel pans, so as not to wonder how to clean the pan from burnt porridge, for example. It has already been mentioned above that a stainless steel pan has a thin coating that is susceptible to aggressive action. In its own way, an extremely high temperature that occurs when food burns and acts as an aggressor, which can lead to cracking of the coating.

Burnt aluminum cookware - how to clean it with improvised means

Although it is no longer common, aluminum cookware is still found in some kitchens. It would seem, why save it - it’s better to dispose of it and take advantage of the opportunity that the aluminum pan is burnt, how to wash it from the terrible burn marks. After all, many have long abandoned this type of kitchen utensils in light of the fact that they are not always made of high-quality material and can be harmful to health if they cook food in them. But you still need to know how to clean a burnt aluminum pan.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is the easiest way to give aluminum cookware the same appearance. Simply pour a packet of acid onto the bottom and leave for a few minutes. After this, add warm water and bring to boil. After 20 minutes, you can easily clean it off with a regular dishwashing sponge.

Coca Cola, Sprite...

Carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola or Sprite will not only get rid of the burn, but will also return it to its perfectly beautiful appearance. And you don’t need to do almost anything. Just fill the pan with one of these drinks and leave it overnight. The result will surprise even the most picky skeptics.

What you need to know when cleaning dishes from burnt-on food

Despite the fact that there are many ways that will allow you to effectively and effortlessly clean a pan from burnt food, every housewife should take note of a few recommendations.

  1. Never pour cold water into still hot dishes that have burnt food.
  2. You should start cleaning the dishes immediately after they have cooled.
  3. Do not use a wire brush to clean cookware, especially those with an enamel coating.

And finally, another, effective method that knows exactly how to clean a burnt pan. Cif is a universal detergent. But you need to use it in a special way. Apply the product in a thick layer to the problem areas of the pan and place it in a plastic bag. Leave for 5-6 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. After this, the burn can be easily washed off with a regular sponge and without much effort.

How to clean a burnt pan Not every housewife knows. What to do if burnt milk or, worse, rice or buckwheat porridge is firmly stuck to the bottom. Many pots can simply be damaged by improper cleaning or you can waste a lot of time, and the effect will be minimal. In fact, it’s very easy to clean any burnt pan, you just have to do it correctly. First of all, we will determine the type of pan, then you can find out how to clean what and in what ways.

How to wash an enameled, ceramic, aluminum and stainless steel pan

Cleaning a burnt enamel pan is not difficult at all. The coating can be easily cleaned with a regular washcloth. But if rice, buckwheat, semolina porridge is firmly stuck to the bottom, this is what you need to do. Cool the enamel pan, then boil a solution of water and salt in it at the rate of 1 liter: 1 level tablespoon. The burnt stain should come off easily. If not, then add a little soda or vinegar to the solution, let it stand for 2 hours and that’s it, you can wipe off the burnt part with a washcloth. If you rub a burnt stain with a hard sponge and using abrasive detergents, the enamel will begin to wear off and microcracks may appear. Food will come into contact with copper, and this is very harmful to human health. In addition, an enamel pan is perfect for making jam. It does not burn and comes out without any foreign taste.

An enamel pan is afraid of abrasive detergents and hard sponges, as they lead to the destruction of the enamel!

It is very easy to wash a karmic pan from burnt porridge, rice, milk and other things. Soak the burnt stain in water for half an hour, then wipe the bottom with a sponge. In case of more complex burning of the pan, boil it, but not with plain water, but with a solution consisting of any dishwashing detergent and water (preferably filtered). Calculation: approximately 1 liter: 1 teaspoon of product.

A ceramic pan is the easiest to clean. Regular soaking will most likely help.

Burnt aluminum pans are the most difficult to “rescue”. You'll have to work a little harder. After all, many housewives try to wash it using abrasives and a hard sponge. This will make the condition of the pan even worse. A burnt aluminum pan may become deformed, the bottom will become uneven, and in some places the burn will remain. The next time you cook in this pan, it is in heavily worn places and uneven areas that the food will burn again. If something is burnt, do not waste time on empty troubles. Immediately place the burnt bottom under cold water. Carefully remove what can be washed off with a regular sponge. Fill a saucepan with water and add salt. Calculation: approximately 1 liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt. Boil and let cool. Wipe the bottom with a washcloth. If jam, rice, porridge, milk burns, the above tips may well be suitable. With proper care, an aluminum pan can last a long time in your kitchen.

An aluminum pan cannot be subjected to force, otherwise it will become deformed, which will subsequently lead to systematic burning of food in it.

It seems simple to wash a burnt stainless steel pan, but this also needs to be done wisely. Stainless steel is not afraid of hard sponges and abrasive detergents. There is no need to rub such pans when they burn. Burnt rice, milk or any other food can be scrubbed off simply by soaking the pan for a couple of hours with detergent and water. If there is severe burning, boil a saucepan with water and baking soda. Calculation: approximately 1 liter of water: 1 heaped teaspoon of soda.

A stainless steel pan cannot be rubbed; it is afraid of abrasives.

All the above methods for cleaning a burnt pan will help you easily and effortlessly clean off any burnt food and residue. But there are many other interesting ways that many women use.

How to clean burnt food?

In order to wash burnt food, there are a number of simple, accessible and proven methods by housewives.

Salt. This product should be used immediately as soon as the pan is burnt. For example, fill a burnt stainless steel or aluminum pan with cold water and then let it sit for 20 minutes. After this, pour out the water and pour salt onto the burnt stain so that it completely covers all the burnt stains. Leave for 3 hours. Do not pour salt into the water; dark stains will appear on the stainless steel. On the contrary, an enamel pan should not be filled with cold water immediately after detecting a problem. Let it cool and then sprinkle salt on the bottom. Leave for 3 hours, rinse with warm, or preferably hot, water. If the soot does not go away, repeat the procedure again.

Activated carbon. As strange as it may sound, activated carbon saves not only a sore stomach, but also any burnt pan. So, take a few charcoal tablets, grind them tightly and fill the bottom. Leave for 40 minutes. Pour cold water into the saucepan, then let it sit for another 30 minutes. Rinse off with a sponge and any dishwashing detergent you have. This is especially good for removing burnt milk.

Vinegar. Pour a sufficient amount of vinegar onto the burnt bottom of any pan. Let stand for 2 hours. Wash off with water and detergent. Vinegar will make aluminum pans shine, because along with the soot, vinegar will also remove the blackness that has appeared over time.

Milk serum. This product contains a lot of lactic acids, which easily break down fumes of any complexity. Pour 2 cm of whey into the bottom of a burnt aluminum, ceramic, enamel or stainless steel pan. Leave for 24 hours. Wash off with detergent.

You can also see the most suitable method for cleaning a burnt pan in a particular case in the table below.

Type of pollution

How to wash?

Enamel pan


Salt, boiling

Salt, activated carbon




Boiling, salt

Boiling, vinegar

Stainless steel pan


Activated carbon

Activated carbon


Soaking, boiling


Salt, boiling


Aluminum pan

Vinegar, soda






Salt, boiling

Ceramic pan







Boiling, vinegar

How to clean the outside of a pan?

In order for the pan to shine not only on the inside, you need to take care of it on the outside too, by cleaning off the old carbon deposits. It can form from burnt fat, sour soup, runaway milk, etc. There are several simple ways. Once you try them on your pan, you will see that they are truly simple, effective and inexpensive methods.

Take a tube of silicate glue, dilute it in several liters of water and boil the pan in it for 1-2 hours. All the smoke will disappear, your pan will look as if it was just bought and brought from the store.

Or take some fine sand and scrub the bottom thoroughly. This method is a godsend for tourists and lovers of spending weekends in nature. You can also take soda, it also removes dirt well.

And in the end...

By using any method of cleaning a burnt pan or its bottom from the outside, you will significantly save time and effort. Your hands and nails will not be harmed at all. After all, they are the ones who suffer the most while the hostess tries to remove burnt rice or sugar from her favorite saucepan. There is no need for such sacrifices, always remain with gentle hands and a beautiful manicure.

It happens that food burns to the bottom of the pan, and black soot forms on the outer part. Enameled pans remain the most popular cooking utensils.

Therefore, it is worth exploring all the options on how to clean a burnt enamel pan using available means.

Important! An enamel pan cannot be cleaned with brushes or hard brushes. Only chemical and folk remedies will be effective.

You should not resort to strong chemicals. You can use folk remedies that any housewife can find. Due to the popularity of enamel cookware, they have been tested by time and by many housewives, so they do not pose a threat to the coating.

The most popular are:

Means Mode of application Peculiarities
Salt Cover the problem area with plenty of salt, slightly moistening it. The dishes sit for about 4 hours and are wiped with a sponge.

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, dissolving 1 tablespoon of table salt in it. Boil for half an hour. All the carbon deposits inside will completely fall away from the bottom.

This method is effective for light deposits on the outer bottom of the cookware.

This option is relevant for a quick response, after the food remains have not had time to dry. You need to act quickly.

Table vinegar If the bottom is burnt, you need to add vinegar and let it sit for 3-4 hours. Then wash with dishwashing detergent. Do not overexpose vinegar - it can eat away the enamel, damaging the integrity of the coating.
Activated carbon Several tablets are finely crushed, applied to the problem area and left for 1 hour. Clean the medicine with a sponge. There are no contraindications for use.
Baking soda 1 liter of water is poured into the pan, where half a glass of soda is dissolved. Boil water and soda over low heat for an hour.

The mixture is infused for 2 hours, then drained along with the remainder.

It removes porridge burnt to the bottom well.

How to clean carbon deposits from stainless steel pans?

To clean stainless steel pans from carbon deposits, simply select the appropriate product. The procedure is performed at home using improvised means. There are different methods of internal and external cleaning.

It is important that the product does not contain ammonia or chlorine:

  • External carbon deposits can be removed by boiling the pan in a soapy solution for 10-15 minutes. The remaining carbon deposits are washed out using detergent and soda.
  • Severely adhered carbon deposits are removed with activated carbon, crushed to a powder state. Paste is prepared from “black flour” using water. The mixture is applied to the problem area and left for 30 minutes. Wipe with a sponge and rinse off the product.
  • External carbon deposits can be wiped off with baking soda. Sprinkle a little baking soda on a sponge or surface and clean with smooth movements.
  • The outer surface of a stainless pan can be cleaned in the following way: pour water and the same amount of vinegar essence into the container, wait until it boils and keep the pan over steam for 10 minutes. Additionally, wipe the surface with a mixture of wet soda and salt.

You can add extra shine to a stainless surface using a few simple tricks: rub the surface with fresh potato slices, soak in vinegar, and clean with a mixture of ammonia and toothpaste.

Important! During the cleaning process, do not change the direction of movement of the napkin or sponge to avoid stains.

In this case, you cannot use a metal brush; it can damage the protective layer that protects stainless steel kitchen utensils from burning.

Removing heavy carbon deposits from an aluminum pan

A particularly pressing question is: how to clean aluminum kitchen utensils from carbon deposits and food stuck to the bottom? There are many ways and they differ from all the usual ones - you need to behave more carefully with such dishes.

The problem is that an aluminum pan becomes deformed from cold water if it is poured onto a heated product.

Aluminum pans can be cleaned with the following products using the following technologies:

  1. Remove the remaining rice and buckwheat using warm water in which soda or dishwashing detergent is dissolved.
  2. Dried food remains are cleaned by boiling baking soda in the container itself.
  3. Stains from the surface are removed with a solution of 1 liter of water with 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in the solution.

Cleaning an aluminum pan is done only by hand, so as not to damage the metal surface, cause deep scratches, or deform the shape.

Cleaning nickel plated at home

A nickel-plated pan cannot be cleaned with aggressive agents such as soda, sand, or salt.

Specific methods for cleaning carbon deposits are used:

  • The surface can be cleaned well using finely crushed chalk.
  • Fat is cleaned with a weak salt solution or ammonia.
  • A solution of salt and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio.

It is very difficult to clean nickel dishes from milk - it is better not to cook or boil similar products in such a pan.

Note! Nickel-plated cookware should only be washed and cleaned in very hot water.

Teflon dishes undergo similar procedures, since they are also sensitive to many types of cleaning and easily deteriorate as a result of aggressive influences.

Cast iron

What to do if cast iron kitchen utensils become dirty? Such pans are often used for making jam. Aggressive methods can be used.

These are cleaning with sand and sandpaper:

  • The surface is rubbed with sand and sandpaper.
  • The treated surface is washed with a solution of water and salt.
  • Rinse with running water.

More serious stains can be removed with a solution of hydrochloric acid.


A ceramic pan should be cleaned carefully and carefully. The peculiarity is that this product has an aluminum base coated with ceramic coating.

First you need to determine the degree of contamination, and then get to work:

  • Wipe the problem area with a cloth soaked in olive oil.
  • Soak briefly in water with a drop of detergent.
  • Severe cases require boiling in plain water.
  • Use a melamine sponge designed for ceramic surfaces.

You should not wipe the carbon deposits too vigorously; if it is not completely removed, you can treat it with a solution of water and alcohol.

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It is convenient to cook in enamel cookware, but food easily burns in it and damages the enamel. How to clean soot from a burnt enamel pan literally in 15 minutes, the cheat sheet will tell you, as always. Even old stubborn dirt will come off without effort!

How to clean an enamel pan from carbon deposits

Under no circumstances should you leave washing a badly burnt saucepan “for later.” Fresh carbon deposits are much easier to clean.

A quick and easy way to clean an enamel pan (and other utensils) from carbon deposits and grease: We will need a larger pan than the one that needs to be cleaned, silicate glue and baking soda. Pour water into a large saucepan and put it on fire. Pour half a pack of soda and a tube of silicate glue into the water (ordinary PVA will not work, only silicate glue).

Stir and bring to a boil. The result is a paste-like mixture. Place the pan in there and cook for 15 minutes. Then we take it out and rinse it under running cold water, running the sponge over the surface without much pressure.

Thus, in the solution you can boil all the existing dishes in the house: plates and bowls, forks, spoons, frying pans, dirty mugs and even a Turk. Five minutes will be enough for the plates. It is especially important to wash all the dishes after water outages in the summer, when it is not possible to wash the dishes perfectly clean.

How to clean a badly burnt pan: the charcoal method

Crush the activated carbon and pour it into a pan in the amount of 10 pieces (1 pack). Activated carbon powder should be kept on the burner for 15-20 minutes, and then poured with warm water so as to hide the contaminated surface. Leave for another 15-20 minutes and after a while wash with any detergent. The carbon deposits from your favorite enamel saucepan will disappear.

Vinegar method: Pour vinegar over the burnt area for 2 hours. If there is no vinegar, use citric acid or lemon. In order for the lemon to release as much juice as possible, you must first scald it with boiling water.

Or pour clean water and table vinegar into the pan. Heat over medium heat. After a few minutes, the carbon deposits will begin to peel away from the walls. It's better, but the carbon still remains. It can be scrubbed off with a sponge and dishwashing detergent.

Salt method: Pour water into a saucepan and add 3-4 tablespoons of regular salt and place on the stove, stirring from time to time. After 2-3 minutes, the salt will dissolve. After boiling, pour the salted water into the sink. That's it - the pan is clean.

White method: You will need 1 tbsp. l. whiteness. Pour cold water into the pan, add 1 tbsp. l. Whiten and leave for a day. Then pour out the liquid and let the water boil in it twice, draining each time. Boil water in a saucepan twice and rinse thoroughly with water to remove any chemical residue.

By the way, enamel dishes, glass vases and water jugs are easily cleaned of limescale deposits if you keep a solution of salt, vinegar and water in them.

What to do if an enamel pan is burnt?

Situation: An enamel pan is badly burnt, leaving a black residue on the bottom. Everything that was possible was wiped off. However, telltale black spots are still visible on the bottom of the enamel pan. You need to pour water, add 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid and put it on fire. After a few minutes, you will see how black pieces of burning are peeling off from the enamel coating and floating on the water. All that remains is to rub the sponge and rub the pan with abrasive powder until it is perfect. The easiest and surest way to scrub pots with virtually no difficulty.

How the enamel was hardened. Pour water into a new saucepan, just brought from the store, and put it on the fire until the water boils. Then remove from heat and let the water cool. There is no need to pour out the water. This way the enamel will be hardened.

Attention, danger - temperature changes! Do not place an empty enamel pan on a hot surface, or a hot enamel pan on a cold and wet stand.

When the dishes are on the stove and they are hot, do not pour cold water, otherwise the enamel will crack. It is also useful to know that enamel is easily damaged by temperature changes and mechanical shocks, and loses its non-stick properties.

Advice on how to prevent a burning smell if a pan is burnt:

Burnt food leaves behind a terrible smell for a long time: it spreads throughout the apartment, is absorbed into clothes and furniture. To protect your household from unpleasant consequences, cover the burnt pan with a damp kitchen towel. This way the smell won't come out.

And finally, the main advice: After all the manipulations to clean the enamel pan from carbon deposits, rinse it thoroughly with warm water. Better yet, boil the water in it twice to eliminate the risk of chemical poisoning. It is safest to use products with salt, vinegar, and soda.

Tags: an enamel pan is badly burnt, the bottom of an enamel pan is burnt, how to clean soot from pots, a burnt pan.