Cabbage Kimchi: white cabbage recipes. Korean-style white cabbage Chimcha and Russian-style for the winter

Today again about my favorite dish, every housewife should have her own kimchi recipe. From Beijing cabbage, which actually goes to the preparation of this oriental dish, kimchi is special. Although it is also prepared.

I know some excellent kimchi recipes, simply because I lived in Sakhalin for a long time, where half of the population is Koreans, who cook such spicy and tasty preparations just insanely delicious.

In general, if anyone does not know, Beijing cabbage is much softer and more tender than white cabbage. And the fermentation process, which makes kimchi also very useful, goes no worse than ordinary kimchi.

Many people ask me for the real kimchi recipe. I want to disappoint you, there is simply no such thing. There are several options, no, rather, variations in the preparation of this dish, which depend on the area in which and by whom the recipe is prepared. So I will present to you those that I personally tried, some I liked the simplicity of preparation, others with a rich, spicy taste. Which one you choose, decide, they are all good in their own way.

Chinese cabbage kimchi - how to cook

It has one good advantage over all its "neighbors" - it has a short growing season and even in our short summer you can grow a couple of crops. So, if you want to make kimchi for the winter, then do it in the fall from cabbage planted in July. If you just want some spicy in the middle of summer, please make a summer recipe.

They make kimchi in different ways, you can rub each leaf separately with spicy paste, or you can separate it in brine and pour all the cabbage at once. There are recipes with the addition of other vegetables, I really like kimchi with daikon, a Japanese radish that can be replaced with our regular one.

The fermentation process of kimchi usually lasts from three days to seven, it all depends on the temperature in the room. The main thing is to let this process complete, then the cabbage will be truly tasty.

You need to store kimchi in the cold, someone lowers the jars or a barrel into the cellar, someone keeps it in the refrigerator. Koreans put cabbage in special huge clay jugs.

How to cook kim-chi in Korean - recipe

We take the following products:

  • Large head of Chinese cabbage
  • Six to eight cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce (can be substituted with shrimp paste)
  • Small head of onion
  • Bunch of fresh green onions
  • 5 cm piece of ginger
  • Three tablespoons of red pepper flakes
  • A teaspoon of odomodo or sugar
  • Carrots on request
  • One and a half liters of water
  • Three tablespoons (full) of sea salt

Korean kimchi preparation:

First of all, we will prepare the brine properly. Raw, unboiled water is used for it, so it must be very clean, filtered, ideally spring water. Thoroughly stir the salt in it to dissolve completely.

We separate the cabbage leaves from the head, rinse and shake off excess water, cut them as desired either into stripes or squares. If you use other vegetables, carrots or daikon, then it is better to rub them on a Korean grater, it will be more beautiful. Onion cut into small strips.

We mix all the vegetables in the brine to completely immerse them, you can use oppression. In the summer version of cooking, it is enough to keep them in brine for 3-5 hours, because the temperature is higher. For winter storage, it is better to leave it to be salted all night, it will be more reliable. After you need to drain the brine, and rinse the vegetables under running water.

Next, we make pasta, put garlic, pepper, ginger, fish sauce, sugar into a blender. Grind everything and mix the pasta with vegetables. Do this with gloves, otherwise the hand pepper will bake. We will prepare a sterile jar in advance and ram the kimchi into it, close the lid and hold it at home for three to seven days.

Kim chi - a traditional classic recipe

You can add various seasonings or additions to this recipe in the form of vegetables, cauliflower inflorescences, carrots, daikon, onions. But this is the basis, this is how our Sakhalin Koreans cook.

We will need:

  • Ten kilos of Chinese cabbage
  • Eight liters of clean water
  • Eight hundred grams of coarse sea salt, I take clean ocean
  • Three hundred grams of garlic
  • Tablespoon of granulated sugar
  • A glass of red pepper flakes

How to cook kimchi according to the classic recipe:

First of all, we disassemble the heads of cabbage into leaves, the top ones just need to be removed, they are usually dirty and withered. Rinse them and lay them out to dry. In the meantime, prepare the brine, dissolve well in a large container. We take one so that all the cabbage fits completely, I take an ordinary plastic deep basin.

We completely immerse the dried leaves in brine, press down on top with a lid and oppression, leave to salt all night. In the morning we remove the brine, pour it a little into a half-liter jar to make pasta. We wash the leaves and remove excess water.

In the next step, we prepare a mixture of ground garlic, pepper, with the addition of brine and sugar to make a paste. For such a recipe, pepper is not ground, it goes in flakes, garlic is passed through a crush.

We rub each leaf with this infernal mixture, only with gloves, otherwise it will burn our hands, eyes, and all skin. We put the leaves in a container that is not a pity, the smell from it will not disappear for a long time. From above we set oppression and leave to roam for several days in the warmth. Then kimchi can be decomposed into jars and hidden in the cold.

Chinese cabbage kimchi recipe

This recipe can be made at any time of the year when you want spicy. By the way, it is not necessary to adhere to the exact proportions for garlic or pepper, if you cannot eat too spicy food, the main thing is to salt the cabbage well and let it marinate, then you will get the very “elixir of youth”, as the Koreans call kim-chi.

We take the following ingredients:

  • Peking cabbage forks per kilo
  • Medium head of garlic
  • Chilli pod
  • Piece of ginger root
  • Half cup soy sauce
  • Half a cup of regular table salt
  • Dining room with a slide spoon of sugar
  • Vinegar at 9% two tablespoons
  • Two tablespoons ground paprika
  • Two medium turnips

How to make kimchi from chinese cabbage:

We clean the forks from the upper leaves, rinse, cut out the stalk. Cut into four parts, then cut across into cubes. We put the cabbage in a deep cup and sprinkle with salt. We press the lid on top with something heavy and stand for a day. After draining the juice and washing the cabbage, let the water drain.

Three ginger on a regular grater, pass the garlic through a crush, peeled from chili seeds, cut into small pieces. Add these products to the cabbage, mix.

We mix soy sauce with paprika and sugar, add to the cabbage, mix again and put in a cold place to infuse for three days. Then the salad can be decomposed into jars.

Korean Kimchi with daikon

We take the following products:

  • Two forks of Chinese cabbage
  • One daikon root or two small radishes
  • One large carrot
  • head of garlic
  • Piece of ginger root
  • onion bulb
  • Bunch of green onions
  • Two tablespoons of shrimp paste
  • Chili and salt to your taste
  • Two tablespoons of rice flour
  • Three tablespoons of sugar or a teaspoon of odomodo

How will we cook:

Peel the heads of cabbage from the top leaves, rinse under water, cut in half, then again lengthwise into quarters to the stalk so that they do not fall apart. Rinse again, do not remove the water, but sprinkle the wet cabbage with salt, try to evenly fall asleep between the leaves. Put the salted cabbage in a container and cover to press it. Let it soak for six hours.

After we need to cook jelly from rice flour. Pour it with two glasses of water, add sugar and cook until thickened.

While the cabbage is salting, we still have time to cook spicy pasta. We put garlic, ginger, pepper, onion in a blender bowl, grind everything. We rub the radish and carrot with long strips using a Korean grater. now we mix all these vegetables with jelly, spicy pasta, add shrimp sauce, stir everything.

We wash the salted cabbage in water, remove all the salt well, let the water drain and coat everything with the resulting dressing, put it right between the leaves. We put kimchi in a bowl, close it and put it away for a couple of days to marinate at normal temperature.

kimchi(aka kimchi, kim chi, chimchi ...) - a spicy Korean appetizer based on Beijing cabbage. There are more than 100 varieties and ways of preparing this salad: the imagination of Korean culinary specialists has no limits!

We suggest trying the best kimchi recipe(without the use of exotic ingredients such as fish sauce). Beijing cabbage cooked in this way is juicy with a rich, moderately spicy taste.

Chinese cabbage kimchi


  • 1 fork (weighing up to 1.5 kg) Chinese cabbage
  • 1 st. l. ground chili pepper (maybe less)
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • slice (2cm) fresh ginger root
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 4–5 st. l. salt
  • 1.5–2 liters of water
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling


  1. Cut the cabbage lengthwise into 4 parts and place in a suitable container. Boil the water, dissolve the salt and already cooled down brine pour cabbage. Cover with a plate so that the cabbage is completely in brine, and leave for 12 hours (preferably overnight) at room temperature.
  2. Prepare dressing for cabbage by mixing passed through the press garlic, grated ginger root, coriander, sugar and chili pepper to make a thick slurry. You can add another pinch of salt. Quantity pepper vary, because this is a purely individual matter: someone likes it spicier, and someone even a pinch is a burning horror.
  3. salted cabbage rinse, then let the water drain, cut into squares and mix with the dressing. Place in a container, cover with a lid and leave to ferment at room temperature for 1-2 days. After that, the cabbage for storage can be moved to the refrigerator.
  4. Serve a snack, watering vegetable oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Chinese cabbage contains a special useful substance - lysine, which has the ability to purify the blood, increase immunity and even defeat cancer cells. Koreans believe that kimchi promotes the absorption of subcutaneous fat, normalizes digestion and helps to digest food.

Many people are attracted not by ordinary cabbage, but by Beijing cabbage. And not only due to its mild taste, but also due to the combination of the crispy middle of the leaf and its tender edges. Therefore, it is Beijing cabbage that is preserved or salted for the winter by many housewives.

Many people are attracted not by ordinary cabbage, but by Beijing

Most often, salads or main dishes are prepared from Beijing cabbage. Interestingly, Beijing cabbage goes well with seafood, sausages, other vegetables, fruits. In the process of preparing salads and dishes from this product, it should be taken into account that it cannot be combined with cream, milk and yogurt, otherwise such an interaction can cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the process of preparing second courses, Chinese cabbage should not be subjected to long-term processing. The best way to cook a vegetable is to blanch it for 10-20 seconds. This product will be an excellent ingredient for making cabbage rolls, stews, various rolls, casseroles. Such dishes should be served with sour cream or mushroom sauce.

Chinese cabbage recipes for the winter (video)

Chamcha for the winter

Chamcha is a rather spicy dish that helps to cope with various pathogens, as well as improve immunity.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.2 kilograms of Beijing cabbage;
  • 250 grams of daikon;
  • 120 grams of carrots;
  • 30 grams of ginger;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • 50 grams of leek;
  • 50 grams of onions;
  • 30 milliliters of soy sauce;
  • 1 chili pod;
  • 30 grams of rice flour;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of salt.

Kimchi is a dietary Korean dish, which is pickled vegetables with spicy spices. This delicacy perfectly plays the role of an appetizer or side dish for meat, fish, mushroom dishes or pasta.

Classic Korean Kimchi Recipe

Kitchenware: long ceramic knife; several containers of different sizes and depths; wooden cutting board; a large saucepan for sourdough; paper towel; flat plate; garlic crusher; beaker.


Step by step cooking

Let's prepare the cabbage

Did you know? Koreans often consume kimchi to relieve hangover symptoms. Moreover, this dish helps to slow down the aging process, improve skin condition, dissolve fat deposits and increase the protective functions of the body against colds.

Let's make kimchi

Korean kimchi recipe video

You can follow the step-by-step preparation of Korean kimchi by watching the video below.

  • In this recipe, you can add cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, other varieties of cabbage, as well as leafy vegetables. However, avoid adding ingredients that have a strong taste and rich color, such as carrots, beets or fruits. These components can spoil the taste of the dish.
  • If you would like to additionally use green onions in the recipe, put them whole in the pan, but cut cucumbers, pumpkin or zucchini into long large plates or divide into quarters.
  • For kimchi, it is best to use coarse sea salt and salt the ingredients in layers.
  • The dish will turn out more piquant and spicy if you add spices such as garlic, ginger and red hot pepper to it. When choosing the degree of spiciness of this snack, be guided by your own taste preferences.
  • Some housewives remove the core of Chinese cabbage before salting, so the dish is more tender.
  • Store kimchi in a plastic container in the refrigerator, the dish stays fresh for quite a long time.

Korean kimchi recipe in sauce

Cooking time: 6 days.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 217-21 kcal.
Servings: from 9 to 13.
Kitchenware: wooden cutting board; measuring accessories and kitchen scales; long ceramic knife; a large saucepan for sourdough; press and heavy load; colander; blender or food processor; disposable gloves.


Step by step cooking

Let's prepare the cabbage

Let's make the sauce

Let's make kimchi

Korean kimchi recipe video

You can watch the whole process of making kimchi and sauce for it in the video below.

Korean kimchi recipe with vegetables

Cooking time: 3-4 days.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 219-222 kcal.
Servings: from 15 to 23.
Kitchenware: long ceramic knife; large cutting board; kitchen scales and measuring accessories; press and heavy load; paper towels; large saucepan; deep pelvis; blender; Plastic container.


Chinese cabbage4 kg
onion190-210 g
green onion190-210 g
peeled garlic130-140 g
carrot190-210 g
ginger35-40 g
daikon radish580-600 g
fish sauce95-100 ml
oyster sauce75-80 ml
gluten rice flour30-35 g
ground red hot pepper55-60 g
water704-724 ml
sea ​​salt620-630 g

Step by step cooking

Let's prepare the cabbage

Let's cook kissel

Let's prepare the gas station

Let's make kimchi

Korean kimchi recipe video with vegetables

This video describes the entire process of making kimchi with vegetables according to the above recipe.

Recommended Korean cooking recipes

  • Prepare a very useful one. Lovers of vegetable dishes will love the unusual taste of the appetizer.
  • As easy and fast as possible, you can cook fragrant at home.
  • Unusually appetizing and tasty are obtained - squids in Korean -. The dish looks quite impressive on any holiday table.
  • Be sure to cook your family wonderful.

Write in the comments what you think about kimchi according to the above recipes. Bon appetit and good mood!

How to cook kimchi? Kimchi or kimchi (in Korean 김치, pronounced “gimchi”; other names: chimchi or chimcha) is the basis of Korean cuisine, a traditional dish of fermented vegetables, most often Beijing cabbage and radish, with various spices: ground chili, garlic, ginger , green onions.

According to traditional technology, kimchi was stored in jars in cellars so that the snack could be consumed all winter, and in modern Korea there are special refrigerators for kimchi. In Korea, kimchi is eaten all year round, and this is not surprising: the dish is made from vegetables, due to which it has a low calorie content, but at the same time is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins.

One serving of kimchi satisfies half the daily requirement of vitamin C and carotene; the snack is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, calcium and iron, as well as a large number of lactic acid bacteria, one of which - Lactobacillus kimchii - is unique and inherent only in kimchi.

Such a healthy snack must be included in your daily diet, so today we will talk about how to cook Korean cabbage kimchi, how to make the famous kimchi spicy sauce, and at the end of the article we will share a delicious recipe for traditional spicy Korean soup.

What is kimchi: varieties of dishes

There are more than 180 ways to prepare kimchi, differing in the composition of ingredients, seasonality and region of preparation, but the most popular variations are known all over the world:

Baechu kimchi (배추김치) - Chinese cabbage fermented with Korean radish or daikon, as well as with the addition of various seasonings and spices: gochugaru (gochukaru) hot red pepper flakes, salted shrimp or fish sauce.

Oi sobagi (오이소박이) is a spicy cucumber kimchi. A popular summer and spring dish, although you can.

Yangbaechu kimchi (양배추김치) - fermented. The marinade ingredients are often the same as the classic kimchi recipe, with the only difference being the use of white cabbage instead of chinese.

Gaji kimchi (가지김치) is sliced ​​eggplant in a spicy marinade. Like many similar snacks, they twist and.

Cheonggak kimchi (총각김치) and kkaktugi (깍두기) – the main ingredient of the snacks is sliced ​​radish. Radish kimchi is quite popular far beyond Korea.

In addition to traditional recipes, there are other equally interesting varieties of kimchi:

In Korea, kimchijjigae is traditionally made from more fermented, matured kimchi, which is fresh and doesn't have a strong flavor or aroma. Therefore, for making soup, you should not use freshly pickled Chinese cabbage, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for at least a week.

In Japan, kimchi soup is also prepared. A Japanese recipe usually includes traditional Korean ingredients, as well as shiitake mushrooms and a chicken egg.

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • Chinese cabbage kimchi - 2 cups;
  • pork loin - 100-150 g;
  • ground chili pepper - 1-3 tsp (if kimchi is spicy, then optional);
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • grated ginger root - 0.5 tsp;
  • pickle from kimchi - half a glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • tofu cheese - 180-200 g;
  • green onions - a few feathers;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Pork, kimchi, tofu and green onion cut into pieces.
  2. In a saucepan or deep frying pan, simmer the kimchi and pork with chili, minced garlic and grated ginger over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add cabbage brine and water, reduce heat to medium and cook for another 20 minutes. We add water as needed.
  4. Add the tofu and green onions to the pot and season with salt and pepper as desired. It is usually not necessary to salt the kimchi soup, since the cabbage itself and the brine from it already contain salt.
  5. Cook the soup until the tofu is ready for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and serve hot.

To make kimchi soup without meat, you can exclude pork from the recipe and add 1 can of canned tuna or saury in oil in step 3 instead.