Calorie content of a slice of pizza on a thin crust. How many calories are in a slice of pizza? How bad is this dish?

Next in line is the popular Dodo pizza.

Not every one of us can forever refuse the temptation to eat something forbidden. Yes, probably not necessary. Extra restrictions - extra stress. The main thing is not to overeat. And so that you can correctly calculate the forces, we have prepared this table for you.

Pizza: calories per 100 grams and BJU

Pizza Kcal, per 100 Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
supermeat 279 11 15 24
Pizza 4 cheese 199 8 7 24
double pepperoni 257 10 12 26
pepperoni 250 10 10 26
Pizza DODO 203 8 8 22
Mushrooms and ham 189 9 6 23
Don Bacon 277 9 15 24
ranch pizza 214 9 8 24
four seasons 189 5 8 25
Hawaiian 216 12 7 25
Meat 237 11 9 26
Pizza Margherita 182 7 5 25
cheese 223 9 8 27
Pizza pie (sweet) 144 2 2 29
barbecue chicken 251 9 12 24
Maritime 176 8 5 25
Italian 220 8 8 27
mexican 164 7 4 23
cheese chicken 196 9 6 23
cheeseburger pizza 208 7 9 22
Vegetables and mushrooms 173 6 5 23

Using this table, you will find out not only the calorie content of DODO pizza, but also another, including homemade. The exact data, of course, differ, but you can focus on them.

The calorie content of pizza with sausage, hunting sausages, bacon is higher than the calorie content of Margherita pizza or pizza with vegetables, mushrooms, seafood (fat in the latter is also the least). Also depends on the sauce the chef used.

A piece of pizza: calories and weight

Knowing the nutritional value of 100 grams of pizza, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of 1 piece.

Take the total weight (check with the operator when ordering or on the website) and divide by the number of pieces. A large pizza (35 cm) is usually cut into 10, medium - into 8, small - into 6 pieces.

  • Example: a small 4 cheese pizza weighs 450 grams and is cut into 6 pieces. This means that the weight of one piece is 75 grams, the calorie content of pizza with cheese is 199 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, the calorie content of 1 piece of 4 cheese pizza is 150 kcal.

How not to overeat?

  • Stop eating when you are slightly hungry, do not overeat.
  • Try to order just enough to eat right away. Remember how much pizza you need for two, four or a large group.
  • Give preference to pizza with cheese and tomatoes - its calorie content is lower. We also include here: mushrooms, low-fat ham, salmon, squid, shrimp. But dishes with mayonnaise, bacon, sausage are best eaten as little as possible. The calorie content of thin pizza is also usually lower.
  • The best option: with tea or coffee. If you drink alcohol while eating pizza, be prepared to eat more. Sweet soda is also in the trash!

Eat with pleasure and do not harm your health!

Pizza is an Italian dish. Thanks to its taste and variety of cooking methods, it has become known in other countries. What is the calorie content of pizza and its components, what are the benefits and harms, how to make this dish more dietary, we will consider below.

Calorie dough for the base

Different types of dough are used for different types of dishes. In addition, the base is thick and thin. This affects how many grams of the dough will be in one piece.

A richer dough containing a large amount of fat and sugar has a higher calorie content. The table shows the average values ​​for different types of dough used to prepare the dish.

Calorie content and nutritional value of different types of dough per 100 g

Type of test Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calorie content, kcal
Yeast 6,5 5,3 49,0 270,0
Yeast fresh 7,5 2,0 42,0 216,0
Yeast industrial production (pizza base) 8,7 6,8 55,8 320,0
Yeast puff 7,7 20,9 41,0 383,0
On kefir 8,0 1,1 42,1 210, 0
Fresh 8,7 2,6 41,2 223,0
Fresh puff 5,5 21,9 39,5 377,0
Curd 10,2 18,9 26,1 315,0
thin dough 6,6 3,3 36,7 203,0

The number of calories is reduced due to the absence of oil, sugar, yeast, the use of wholemeal flour, and the preparation of pizza on a thin base instead of a thick one. Low-calorie dough - unleavened, as well as unleavened on kefir. Yeast puff has the highest calorie content.

For cooking, instead of wheat flour, you can use rye or oatmeal, ground buckwheat, oatmeal. It is better to bake in the oven, frying pan, microwave oven without oil. This significantly reduces the amount of calories contained in the finished product.

Low calorie pizza toppings

To prepare a dish with a low energy value, reduce the weight of the dough and increase the amount of filling made from low-calorie foods. It is better to replace store-bought mayonnaise with homemade sauce or tomato paste. For the meat component, use lean meats. Increase the number of vegetables.

At the same time, they should be fresh or frozen - canned ones contain a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body and, accordingly, increases weight.

For a low-calorie filling, the following products are suitable:

  • broccoli;
  • salad;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • spinach;
  • corn;
  • green pea;
  • olives;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken breast;
  • lean beef, veal;
  • turkey;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood.

The composition of the filling directly affects the energy value of the dish. So, vegetarian types of pizza, for example, Margherita, which include only cheese and tomatoes, have a calorie content of 160-210 kcal per 100 g of the product.

High calorie pizza toppings

In order for the cheese to melt well, its fatty varieties with a high calorie content are used. In restaurants, vegetables for the filling may be pre-fried in batter. Fatty meat and fish also increase the calorie content.

High-calorie foods used for cooking:

  • cheese with high fat content;
  • sausages;
  • fatty fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • vegetables in batter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup.

Calorie content of different types of pizza

The calorie content of food products is calculated per 100 g of the product. But for pizza, this indicator is also expressed for 1 serving (or 1 piece). On average, 1 piece weighs 80-150 g.

Calorie content and bju pizza per 100 grams

Pizza Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calorie content, kcal
4 seasons 11.6 9,4 22,9 219,0
4 cheeses 12,2 28,2 17,4 320,0
Vegetarian 8,5 5,6 20,0 164,0
Hawaiian 10,5 3,4 35,9 216,0
mushroom 8,5 8,2 22,4 192,0
Rustic with chicken 14,5 22,4 45,8 443,0
Diablo 9,2 12,6 25,1 240,0
Carbonara 11,0 8,0 37,0 264,0
margarita 7,5 10,4 20,3 210,0
Maritime 8,4 5,5 25,7 181,0
Neapolitano 11,0 5,0 24,0 228,0
pepperoni 13,0 14,0 40,0 340,0
with mozzarella 9,7 13,8 24,4 260,6
with salami 9,0 9,0 33,0 249,0

homemade pizza calories

To reduce the energy value, pizza can be prepared at home. For the base and filling, high-calorie ingredients are replaced with low-calorie ones. Baking without oil will also reduce calories.

For the test, whole grain, oat or buckwheat flour, ground oatmeal or ready-made thin pita bread is suitable. You can replace the flour base with cottage cheese with an egg, grated potatoes. If there is oil in the recipe, it is advisable to use cold-pressed olive oil.

The absence of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard will make pizza more dietary. It is better to use tomato paste, fresh tomatoes. It is not necessary to bake a dish with a cheese crust - you can use a low-calorie cheese, such as low-fat mozzarella.

The filling of fresh vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, lean fish, meat will enrich the dish with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fresh herbs are also useful - they will add nutrients and improve taste.

A dietary dish prepared at home contains 90-180 kcal per 100 g. But pizza with sausage, cheese and mayonnaise has much more calories - 334 g per 100 g of product.

The benefits and harms of pizza

Useful and harmful properties of pizza completely depend on its composition. At the same time, it is possible to increase the positive qualities and reduce the negative ones by replacing some products in the recipe with others.

Benefits of pizza:

  1. Hard cheese contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for bones, teeth, nails, hair.
  2. The use of wholemeal flour in the dough enriches the dish with antioxidants from the endosperm. It also helps the body cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and harmful substances.
  3. Fresh tomatoes contain lipoline, which is used as a prophylactic against diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology.
  4. Seafood, meat and fish products enrich the dish with protein and useful substances.
  5. Vegetables contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on bowel function.

Harm of pizza:

  1. Yeast pizza dough causes flatulence, bloating.
  2. High-calorie filling increases the energy value of the dish.
  3. Excessive consumption of this dish leads to weight gain and deterioration of the digestive tract.

How to eat pizza without gaining weight

  • Thin base instead of thick.
  • Low-calorie pizza (vegetarian, with mushrooms or seafood).
  • Cooking pizza at home, since the composition and quantity of ingredients can be selected independently.
  • Lots of vegetables in the filling.
  • The absence of muffin and yeast in the base.
  • Replacing mayonnaise with tomato sauce, sausages with white poultry meat.
  • Eating meals in the morning and no more than 1 time per week.

Thin crispy dough, spicy sausages and thin strings of cheese ... Mmmm ... And the divine aroma of basil? What about juicy tomatoes? mushrooms and olives? And in general, have you ever met people who do not like pizza?

According to one of Murphy's laws, “everything good in life is either prohibited by law or leads to obesity”. In this case, pizza is the figure's worst enemy. But is it really so? Worth sorting out.

big hunger pill

“Technically”, pizza is a tortilla drizzled with sauce and flavored with various goodies: cheese, meat (or fish) delicacies, vegetables, herbs, and even fruits.

The calorie content of pizza ranges, on average, from 250 to 300 kcal . Thus, this dish can be attributed to high-calorie. Therefore, it seems that pizza and diet are incompatible concepts. But is it really so.

There are a huge number of pizza recipes, for every taste and budget. But traditional elements are :

  • cake
  • olive oil
  • tomato

Cake: can be thin, thick or puff. It is made from flour, water and butter.

Olive oil: quite a bit is added to the dough to give a special taste. In addition, they grease the surface of the dough so that it bakes evenly and remains crisp, even if sauce is used.

Tomatoes: usually as part of a sauce, or in the form of tomato paste or thick tomato juice. But an option is also possible with fresh tomatoes.

Cheese: Mozzarella is most often added, which should be cut into strips. In addition, they use such types of cheeses as Ricotta, Parmesan and some others.

The so-called "meat and sausage products" - ham, sausage, meat, were not originally used for making pizza. It is believed that this is an American innovation.

Pizza VS Diet

Now let's see if pizza is high-calorie if it is cooked according to classical technology.

The number of calories is always calculated per 100 g. Therefore, it is worth clarifying the result.

Traditional cake (approximately 32 cm in diameter) for a pizza weighs about 160 g. This will be 360 kcal .

tomato sauce leaves for one product from 1 to 2 tablespoons. That is, about 23 - 46 kcal .

Olive oil for lubrication - this is no more than 1 teaspoon, which means 63 kcal .

How many cheese only the person who made it knows about pizza. We will proceed from average data - 110 g. For Mozzarella cheese, this will be 264 kcal .

What do we get as a result? If you "persuaded" a whole pizza, then you added to your diet no less, but 710 kcal. And this is without sausage, vegetables and other additives.

Doing conclusion : pizza is not a dish for those who care about the figure. Although I so wanted to prove the opposite!

Away is good - and pizza at home

It so happened that public catering enterprises are aimed primarily at making a profit, and not at preserving our health. Therefore, to improve the taste, more high-calorie products are used: sugar is added to the dough and sauce, vegetable fats instead of vegetable oil, flavor enhancers, fatty meat and sausages are used.

Therefore, if you want to eat pizza without much damage with less damage to the figure, it is better to cook it yourself.

Options calorie reduction not much pizza. Rather, only one - to reduce the calorie content of its ingredients.

Let's see how much we can win on this.

main ingredient

Low calorie alternative

The difference in calories

Premium flour

Whole grain flour, coarse grinding

Tomato paste or tomato juice

High fat cheeses

Low-fat cheeses

Lean boiled meat

Vegetable oil

Eliminate oil

Ready seasonings

fresh herbs

Thus, the difference can be quite noticeable. But the taste of such a low-calorie pizza will be somewhat different. Therefore, it is worth considering whether the game is worth the candle.

happiness pizza

After all, if you can afford good quality chocolate (544 kcal) while on a diet, then why not treat yourself to a slice of pizza? The main thing is to observe the measure.

Nutritionists advise to eat at a time no more than 2 slices of pizza 30 cm in diameter. And no more than twice a week. The rest will have to be shared with a friend. Or give it to the enemy.

Pizza calories - tables. All about pizza!

The Italian dish "pizza" appeared in our diet relatively recently. However, during this time, due to its high taste and variety in recipes, it has gained immense popularity.

There are many different variations of this dish. However, no matter what recipe the pizza is made for, it will always be high in calories. How many calories are in pizza will depend on what type of dough was taken as a basis, and what foods are used as a filling.

How many calories are in a slice of pizza?

To calculate how many calories are in a piece of pizza, you must first consider what dough the base is made of. The lowest calorie is rye and kefir base. The yeast base has 244 kcal per 100 g, while the puff base will contain over 450 kcal.

The next point, which determines how many calories will be in a slice of pizza, is the filling.

Real Italian pizza consists of a thin crust and a classic topping, which includes tomatoes, cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood. In this configuration, the dish will have 236 kcal.

One of the popular types of pizza is cheese. Its calorie content ranges from 250 to 350 units. It should be borne in mind when counting calories that cheese after heating increases its calorie content. If the dish has a thick cheese base on the crust, then the calorie content can reach 350 units. In addition, cheese pizzas in cafes often combine several varieties of cheese, leading to a calorie content of about 300 units.

One of the low-calorie dishes in this series is pizza with mushrooms. , used in such a dish, have a low calorie content and do not increase it when heated. Even with a dash of cheese and greens, mushroom pizza is low in calories and high in protein to keep you full. Calories in pizza with mushrooms can stop at 170 units, what makes such a dietary dish.

One of the most high-calorie is pizza with sausage. Here, the calorie content will depend on the type and amount of sausage. However, in any case, the calorie level will cross the mark of 400 units.

How many calories are in homemade pizza?

Usually, the calorie content of homemade pizza is higher than that of the purchased one. This is due to the fact that when we cook for ourselves, we are ready to put everything and more. Many make a combined filling, due to which the calorie content greatly increases.

However, at home, it is very easy to make delicious and not very high-calorie pizza. To do this, it is better to choose non-puff pastry, and use mushrooms, white chicken meat, greens and vegetables as a filling.

Pizza is considered one of the most popular foods in the world, as it is served in more than 150 countries around the world. This fact is not surprising since it can be prepared with almost any filling, and it will always be indescribably tasty.

But, there is a downside to the coin - this is its excessive calorie content per 100 grams, which will be especially critical for those who monitor their diet in order not to gain extra pounds.

In today's article, the calorie content of pizza with various toppings will be considered in detail, and tips will be given on how you can treat yourself without fear for the safety of your waist.

Why is pizza so popular?

Initially, pizza was invented back in Italy at a time when the lower working class of the population had nothing to eat. The dish was an open pie made of thick dough with various fillings (as a rule, more or less related products were added there).

For a long time, pizza was considered the dish of the poor. But everything changed when Napoleon's wife accidentally tasted a slice of such a pie and simply fell in love with its indescribable taste. It is from this moment that the story of the creation of pizza familiar to us with a thin dough and an abundance of various toppings begins.

Today, pizza is prepared in more than 150 countries around the world and you can find many variations of it (depending on the country where it is prepared). Thus, sweet, fruity and even seafood pizza appeared. Now the dish can be found in any European cafe and restaurant, and the price and availability of such a pie will please many.

For gourmets, the fact that just 100 grams of a dish contains more than 250 kilocalories will be a real shock, that is, 500 kilocalories are collected in an average piece of pizza (250-300 grams). But, if you change the filling, then everything can change in a different direction.

Thus, if you prepare a dish from natural and dietary products, then such a pie can be equated with a healthy diet (baked meat, vegetables, and yeast-free dough).

It is important to know! Well, if you talk about calories, then you should start directly with the dough and how it is prepared.

For the classic Italian recipe, yeast dough is used, and it is not cooked in a pan, but baked in special ovens. American variations of the dish are more splendid, and therefore the calorie content of pizza in this case will be higher. Only the base will give us 250 kcal per 100 grams of this dish, not counting the filling. Homemade pizza can be prepared by some housewives on kefir dough.

Calorie content of various types of fillings

After the dough is ready, a wide variety of fillings are used. As a rule, this is an abundance of tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables and meat. Individually, these products can be consumed, but all together and in large quantities they are very high in calories, therefore, due to pizza, excess weight is gained. In order to see the picture in more detail, it is worth considering each filling separately.


This is the main product used in this dish. 10-20 grams of cheese per day is recommended even during the diet. But, its large amount and in molten form greatly harms the waist. Cheese pizzas (for example, Margherita) are considered the most high-calorie ones.


If, in a dish, pieces of boiled chicken breast are used, then it will not carry a large burden on the digestive system. But as a rule, in order to make an open pie tastier and more satisfying, they add smoked sausage, bacon, and so on.


It would seem that it could be harmless than baked vegetables. In the trailer, fiber can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities, but there is one ingredient that requires special attention - mushrooms, as they are able to absorb moisture and retain water in the body.

Calorie content of the most popular types of pizza

So, the calorie content of the dish depends on the filling and therefore each type should be considered separately:

As you can see, sweet pizza turned out to be the most high-calorie due to the large amount of melted chocolate, and it is followed by a 4-cheese dish, which has such a calorie content due to the fact that when heated, the cheese increases its saturation with carbohydrates by 2 times (in melting point).

Remarkable is the fact that even a hot cheese sandwich made in the microwave becomes very high in calories.

How to eat pizza in order not to get better?

For those who constantly monitor their diet and figure, there are several rules for eating pizza that you should follow:

Ordering pizza in a restaurant

If we are talking about restaurant food, then you should choose a dish with a minimum calorie filling and, accordingly, eat fewer pieces than usual (1-2 slices will be enough to saturate the body).

It is also worth noting that olive oil and spices are often served with pizza to improve the taste, but they are not recommended to be used, as they increase the calorie content by several times and without this not the most healthy dish.

Cooking at home

Of course, if you want to treat yourself to such an open pie, then it is recommended to cook it yourself, since it is possible to fully control the entire cooking process.

Yeast-free dough, chicken breast and a lot of fresh vegetables will greatly facilitate such a high-calorie dish, and this will not have any fatal consequences for the figure.

It is important to know! Well, the most important rule for eating pizza is to eat it as little as possible, since it is quite difficult for the body to digest due to the abundance of various toppings.

Recipes for easy diet pizza with a minimum of calories

Here are some interesting, and most importantly, delicious low-calorie pizza recipes that you can treat yourself to several times a month.

5 minute

Perhaps this is the easiest and fastest recipe for making an open pie, which is made without dough!

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Chicken breast - 150 grams;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
  • Cherry tomato - 2 pieces;
  • Mushrooms - 100 grams;
  • Sour cream - 1 teaspoon.


  1. First of all, you need to boil the chicken breast for 20 minutes and stew the mushrooms (5 minutes will be enough).
  2. Next, you need to cook scrambled eggs by adding sour cream to it. Pour eggs beaten with sour cream into a heated frying pan at a temperature of 180 degrees and cover with a lid for 2 minutes.
  3. After the set time has elapsed, add mushrooms, meat and chopped vegetables and cover the pan with a lid for another 3 minutes. After that, you can enjoy healthy pizza without dough and yeast!

It is important to know! Such a dish should not be enjoyed every day, as it is saturated with proteins. Several times a month for lunch, you can cook yourself a similar scrambled egg.

diet pizza

The dish is also prepared without dough, since it is the main supplier of calories and that is why it is dietary.

Required Ingredients:

  • Lavash - 2 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Chicken breast - 100 grams;
  • Tomato - 1 piece.


  1. First you need to cook the chicken breast by boiling it for 25 minutes,
  2. While the meat is being cooked, you need to chop the tomatoes very finely or twist them in a meat grinder.
  3. Further, pita bread is laid out on a pre-prepared dish and smeared with chopped or twisted tomatoes.
  4. Then, chicken, cheese grated on a medium grater and a crushed head of garlic are added to the pita bread.
  5. The dish can be eaten immediately or reheated for 20 seconds in the microwave to melt the cheese.
  6. But you should remember the main rule - heated cheese or cheese product increases its caloric content by almost 2 times.

You can find a lean vegetable low-calorie pizza recipe in the following video:

As you can see, pizza is not only tasty, but also a high-calorie dish that you can indulge yourself from time to time, but within reasonable limits. Well, for those who actively monitor their figure and are a supporter of proper nutrition, there are delicious recipes for a low-calorie open pie without dough.

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