Calorie coffee with syrup. Calorie content of different types of latte

According to the USDA, a 200-gram cup of ground coffee contains only 2 (yes, two) calories, which come from protein and a small amount of monounsaturated fats. The fact is that coffee beans contain fatty oils (which is why the bartender has to clean the coffee maker so often). Sometimes coffee turns bad precisely because of the oils (as a rule, this happens when burnt or overcooked beans release oils, which, after long storage on the shelf, begin to deteriorate, making the coffee tasteless and rancid.

So water plus coffee is zero calories. But you can still get better from coffee.

Photo: Anna Bizon/EyeEm/EyeEm Premium/Getty Images

It's all about the milk

Speaking of coffee as a high-calorie drink, we actually mean what is added to this very coffee. Caffeine is very bitter, as are all foods that contain it. Therefore, we are accustomed to sweeten it with milk, sugar or syrup. And the bigger your cup, the more milk and sugar you add to it.

Espresso drinks (lattes, cappuccinos) contain a minimal amount of water (usually around 45 ml/42 g per serving). Now for the simple math: 450g of a Starbucks grand latte contains two shots of espresso (84g), and the other 360g is pure milk (depending on the amount of foam). Total: about 160 calories (if milk is 1.5%). Now add cream, syrup and some sugar to that and you have one of the highest calorie drinks that is more like sweetened milk than coffee.

Calorie content of the most popular coffee drinks

Instant coffee: 4 kcal per 226 ml serving

Espresso: 1 kcal per 28 ml

Natural coffee: 2 kcal per 226 ml

McDonald's cappuccino: 130 kcal per 450 ml

McDonald's latte: 180 kcal per 450 ml

McDonald's natural coffee (large portion): 0 kcal per 450 ml

McDonald's mocha: 330 kcal per 450 ml

Starbucks organic coffee (large serving): 5 kcal per 450 ml

Starbucks americano: 15 kcal per 450 ml

Starbucks latte: 220 calories per 450 ml

Starbucks mocha (no creamer): 290 calories per 450 ml

Starbucks mocha (with cream): 360 kcal per 450 ml

Starbucks cappuccino: 140 calories per 450 ml

Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino (with cream): 430 kcal per 450 ml

Starbucks mocha with white chocolate and mint syrup (with cream): 560 kcal per 450 ml

Starbucks hot chocolate (no creamer): 360 calories per 450 ml

Photo: Pakorn Polachai/EyeEm/Getty Images

Coffee Additives

Many people prefer plant-based coffee supplements over dairy ones. However, as practice shows, such supplements also contain calories; we have given the energy value per tablespoon.

Cream - 52 kcal

A mixture of milk and cream in equal parts - 20 kcal

Whole milk - 9 kcal

Skimmed milk - 5 kcal

Sugar - 48 kcal

McDonald's liquid coffee creamer - 20kcal

Dry vegetable cream - 33 kcal

Light dry vegetable cream - 25 kcal

Flavored vegetable cream (powder) - 45 kcal

A person who is not energized by coffee is probably hard to find. Everyone loves this delicious invigorating drink. But those who carefully monitor their weight are wondering if drinking coffee will affect their figure? Indeed, addiction to a drink can be reflected in extra pounds, but if you pay attention to its caloric content, the problem of weight gain can be avoided. In this regard, even a special coffee diet was developed.

Coffee in its pure form, without additives, does not contain many calories. For example, black coffee contains only 5 calories per 200 ml cup. The calories in the drink come from the addition of sugar, cream, cinnamon, vanilla, and other food additives.

The calorie content of the Invictus Belgium drink is determined depending on the type, amount of additives and water. The less water, the stronger the coffee and, accordingly, the more calories. Another point is important: the fresher the drink, the fewer calories it contains.

Calories in real coffee

This type of drink is the most low-calorie. The average cup of coffee without additives has only 1-2 calories, provided that the beans are fresh, not overcooked. If the coffee beans are over-roasted or burned, they release oils that affect the calorie content.

calories in instant coffee

On average, the calorie content of instant coffee without sugar is 5-7 kcal per 100 ml. drink. This is due to the fact that manufacturers often add food additives, such as cereals, to the powder.

Calories in a cup of latte

Caffè latte means "coffee with milk" in Italian. Classic varieties of this type of drink exist with the addition of different varieties or ready-made coffees. Also popular types of latte based on the following ingredients:

  • caramel
  • ice cream
  • sugar syrup
  • chocolate
  • red rooibos tea.

The calorie content of latte moon will depend only on what fat content of milk is added, on the components of the drink. So, the classic version of latte with a volume of 100 ml contains 175 calories. On average, indicators range from 80 to 180 calories.

Calories in a cup of cappuccino

Traditionally, cappuccino is made with equal parts espresso, milk and milk froth. The calorie content of cappuccino depends directly on the amount of added sugar. In 100 ml. coffee without sugar contains 80 calories. If coffee is prepared with the addition of sugar, then its calorie content increases to 105 ml. Also, the fat content of milk affects the calorie content of coffee. Low-fat milk adds 64 calories, heavy cream adds 120 to 300 calories.

How can they be reduced?

Fans of this delicious drink, but who are afraid for the safety of the figure, should not give up their favorite delicacy. You can drink coffee and stay slim if you follow a few rules:

  1. Use only high-quality natural coffee beans.
  2. Do not drink express coffee served in fast food establishments or sold in vending machines. You should not drink 3 in 1 coffee either. These drinks contain a large amount of food additives and preservatives that affect the calorie content.
  3. High-calorie coffee can be drunk once a day in the morning. Food taken in the morning is quickly absorbed, and all calories are consumed during the day.
  4. It is desirable to drink coffee without biting anything. Especially if the coffee is sweet with milk or cream, then cakes, chocolate or cookies will negatively affect the figure. Coffee can be drunk with cottage cheese, sandwiches made from grain bread and cheese, crackers.
  5. Without harm to the figure, you can use black natural coffee. But, if it is difficult to refuse a sweet milk drink, then cane sugar, low-fat or vegetable cream can be a good alternative to high-calorie components.

As you can see, the calorie content of coffee is not a reason to give up your favorite treat. If it is reasonable to approach its preparation, then you can save your figure and get a lot of nutrients for the body as a whole.

Coffee is a famous drink, without which many simply cannot get out of bed early in the morning. However, the opinions of nutritionists regarding it are divided: some argue that it is very useful and activates fat burning processes, others claim that it provokes development. However, if you use it limitedly, then there will be no harm to the body. When dieting, it is important to take into account the calorie content of products - and in coffee, it is highly dependent on additives.

Calories in coffee without sugar

For 100 ml of the finished product, the calorie content of ground coffee without sugar is only 2 kcal, which means that the drink turns out to be very low-calorie and safe for the figure. Even if you drink a 200 ml mug, your body will receive only 4 calories.

Instant coffee calories without sugar

Depending on the type and variety of such coffee, the calorie content may differ slightly, but on average it is about 5-7 kcal for every 100 g of the finished drink. If you have the opportunity to make coffee instead of using an instant substitute, be sure to use this opportunity. The natural product is superior to the soluble one in terms of mass indicators!

Calorie coffee latte without sugar

Depending on the preparation and the ingredients used, the calorie content of a latte without sugar can be from 180 to 250 kcal per standard two-hundred-gram serving, that is, from 90 to 125 kcal per 100 g of drink. This option is quite high-calorie, and besides, there is a lot of fat in the cream - it is not recommended to get carried away with it when losing weight.

Calorie natural coffee with milk

In this case, it all depends on the amount and fat content of milk that you add to the cup. coffee is 2 kcal per 100 ml of drink, and the calorie content of milk 2.5% fat is 52 kcal. Thus, if you add 50 ml of such milk to 200 g of coffee, the calorie content of the drink will be about 30 kcal. This is a completely acceptable option for a diet.

Caffè latte is a type of layered coffee drink. The literal translation from French is "coffee with milk". Latte is prepared like this: they take coffee, hot water and fairly fatty milk. Sugar is added to the drink and coffee latte is obtained, a drink so beloved by many. One part of espresso requires three parts of frothed milk with a high fat content. Consider in the article the calorie content of standard coffee latte and others.

Composition and energy value of coffee latte

As already mentioned, latte consists of black ground (instant) coffee, milk and water. Or, in other words, from one part of espresso, and three parts of warmed milk with foam, with the addition of cinnamon, vanilla, grated chocolate or cocoa powder. Lattes are often prepared with the addition of syrups: fruit, caramel, chocolate or vanilla. Served in tall glasses (Irish-glasses) with a long foam spoon.
There is a variant of cold coffee latte - Ice Latte. In strong coffee, not warm, but cold milk with ice is added.

The energy value of the drink, if we take the usual preparation, without sweet syrups and chocolate, is as follows:

  • Proteins - 8 gr.
  • Fats - 9 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 12 gr.

Calorie content of different types of latte

Coffee latte calorie content per 100 grams is relatively small, from 89 calories and above. Much depends on what kind of milk fat content is used. Calorie coffee latte without sugar is less - about 72 calories. Such a drink can be safely recommended to dieters. The calorie content of coffee latte with sugar and syrup increases - already 130-180 calories, and the amount of carbohydrates is added due to the fact that the syrup contains a large amount of sugar.

If we take the calorie content of latte coffee from the machine, we get an approximate calorie content of 80-85 kcal. This is due to the fact that the machines use powdered milk, which has a lower fat content, unlike conventional packaged milk.

Many are interested in what is the calorie content of latte coffee bought at McDonald's. The official website of this fast food gives the drink a calorie value of 175 kcal.
We looked at the nutritional value of coffee latte and its energy value. Now we want to advise you on various recipes for making latte at home.

latte recipes

Latte with blueberry syrup.
For preparation, take 50 ml. blueberry syrup, 150 ml. low-fat milk, coffee and chocolate topping. Pour syrup into the bottom of the glass, warm milk on top, brew and pour into a glass of espresso in a thin stream. With the help of a mixer, we make foam from the rest of the milk and put it on top of the drink.

"Special" latte.
Let's take coffee, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, a little water, a glass of low-fat milk, a little Baileys liqueur and a spoonful of cocoa. We heat the glass, pour liquor into it, whisk the hot milk until foam appears and pour it into the glass. Brew coffee by adding salt and sugar to it. Let's pour water into the Turk. As soon as the coffee rises, remove the cezve from the heat and pour the coffee into a glass. We decorate the resulting drink with cocoa powder.

Try these recipes and you will see that latte is loved all over the world for a reason!

You courageously refused cakes and bread, but you can’t resist the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning? Let's find out how many calories and energy you get from different types of your favorite drink!


Recipe: 2 tsp coffee, 60 ml water

Calories: 1 kcal

Caffeine: 40 to 75 mg


Recipe: 15 g coffee, 300 ml water

Calories: 2 kcal

Caffeine: 80 to 160 mg


Recipe: 1 tbsp coffee, 150 ml milk, 40 ml water

Calories: 74 kcal

Caffeine: 70 mg


  • Raf coffee (281 g) - 365 kcal
  • Moccachino coffee (100 ml) - 144 kcal
  • Espresso - 0 kcal
  • Americano - 0-2 kcal
  • Cappuccino 330 ml - 90 kcal, 450 ml - 161 kcal
  • Cappuccino cream 330 ml - 179 kcal, 450 ml - 333 kcal
  • Latte 430 ml - 156 kcal, 490 ml - 218 kcal
  • Flat White (430 ml) - 131 kcal
  • Piccolo (330 ml) - 62 kcal
  • Coconut cocoa (450 ml) - 574 kcal

Green Eye

Recipe: 4 parts espresso, 3 parts water

Calories: 40 kcal

Caffeine: 320 mg

This is probably the maximum dose of caffeine at one time.

Flat White

Recipe: 1 part espresso, 2 parts hot milk

Calories: 97 kcal

Caffeine: 130 mg

An interesting version of latte: it has significantly less foam.

How many calories are in coffee from your favorite coffee shop?

  • Beibichino - 120 kcal
  • Viennese coffee: Classic - 175 kcal and Grand - 275 kcal
  • Coffee with milk: Classic - 125 kcal and Grand - 175 kcal
  • Latte: Classic - 140 kcal and Grand - 175 kcal
  • Latte Makiyato: Classic - 135 kcal and Grand - 175 kcal
  • Cappuccino: Classic - 105 kcal and Grand - 160 kcal
  • Mocha: Classic - 230 kcal and Grand - 300 kcal
  • Ice Coffee: Classic - 400 kcal and Grand - 445 kcal
  • Espresso, Double Espresso and Americano calories are 0
  • Frappe Latte: portion Classic - 355 kcal and Grand - 440 kcal
  • Frappe Mocha: serving Classic - 350 kcal and Grand - 440.


Recipe: 1 part espresso, 1-2 tablespoons butter, 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil

Calories: 460 kcal

Caffeine: 150 mg

Gives energy, relieves mental fatigue, gives vigor without overstrain - but very high in calories.


Recipe: 2 parts espresso, 1 part steamed milk, 1 part cream

Calories: 240 kcal

Caffeine: 80 mg

A very French version of latte with thick foam.

How many calories are in coffee from your favorite coffee shop?


  • Double cappuccino (100 ml) - 64 kcal
  • Latte (100 ml) - 44 kcal
  • Double Cappuccino Caramel (100 ml) - 85 kcal
  • Double Cappuccino Chocolate Mint (100 ml) - 142 kcal
  • Double Cappuccino Banana Split (100 ml) - 86 kcal
  • Double Cappuccino Ice (100 ml) - 125 kcal
  • Irish coffee (100 ml) - 136 kcal
  • Cocoa (100 ml) - 119 kcal


Recipe: 1 part espresso, 1 part hot milk

Calories: 62 kcal

Caffeine: 185 mg

This species is popular in Portugal, Spain and Latin America.

Cafe macchiato

Recipe: 1 part espresso, 1 part milk, 1 tbsp. foam spoon

Calories: 15 kcal

Caffeine: 80 mg

He is mocha, he is also caldo, and if the milk is cold, then freddo.

Matcha latte

Recipe: 1 shot espresso, 1 tsp. matcha tea, 235 ml milk

Calories: 350 kcal

Caffeine: 80 mg

This coffee from Japan is rich in antioxidants and boosts immunity.

How many calories are in coffee from your favorite coffee shop?


  • Cappuccino (100 ml) - 35 kcal
  • Latte (400 ml) - 219 kcal
  • Cappuccino light (320 ml) - 127 kcal
  • Raf coffee (400 ml) - 344 kcal
  • Americano (100 ml) - 52 kcal
  • Cocoa (200 ml) - 361 kcal

cold brew

Recipe: 1 part coffee, 8 parts water

Calories: 5 kcal

Caffeine: 200 mg

This is a cold drink that should be infused for a day at a temperature of 5-10 degrees.

Long black

Recipe: 3 parts espresso, 2 parts water

Calories: 10 kcal

Caffeine: 240 mg

Reversed Americano: Espresso is added to heated water.

How many calories are in coffee from your favorite coffee shop?

  • Cappuccino grande without sugar (350 ml) - 140 kcal
  • Caramel macchiato grande (450 ml) - 240 kcal
  • Latte grande - 220 kcal
  • Low fat latte (350 g) - 112 kcal
  • Fat-free cappuccino (100 ml) - 20 kcal
  • Spiced tea latte (100 ml) - 58 kcal