Calorie content and nutritional value of cabbage rolls depending on the recipe. How many kcal in cabbage rolls with meat and rice

The main component of cabbage rolls, as you know, is white cabbage. If the meat filling of cabbage rolls can be replaced (for example, with mushrooms and vegetables), then this dish cannot be imagined without a cabbage leaf. Cabbage is a source of a large amount of vitamins and minerals needed by our body. During heat treatment, the cabbage leaf retains most of its beneficial properties. The vegetable contains phosphorus and potassium, minerals that help the body get rid of excess fat. The high fiber content ensures that the body is quickly satiated, despite the fact that cabbage contains few calories. Fiber normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. It can even save a person from hemorrhoids. The use of fiber helps the body lose weight, cleanse the skin of acne and blackheads. The cause of these "troubles" may be precisely problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In many families, such a popular dish as cabbage rolls is prepared. Each housewife has a favorite recipe for their preparation, and they all give a certain calorie content to cabbage rolls. This article will look at the nutritional value of cabbage rolls and the calorie content of dishes prepared from different ingredients.

About useful properties

Traditional cabbage rolls with cabbage are not very high in calories, but they have many useful properties due to the main ingredients:

  1. Cabbage contains a lot of potassium, ascorbic and folic acid salts. Fiber, which is also quite a lot in the vegetable, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and the concentration of cholesterol.
  2. BJU stuffed cabbage have a good ratio, so with proper preparation, the product can be considered dietary.
  3. Rice contains a lot of B vitamins, which are necessary for the nervous system, as well as improving the condition of nails and hair.

Calorie content of different types of cabbage rolls

As you understand, stuffed cabbage calorie content per 100 grams can be different. It depends on the products used for their preparation. Minced meat has the highest nutritional value. For example, Yermolino cabbage rolls have a calorie content of 100 kcal per 100 g. Next, we will consider several cooking options for greater clarity.

with pork

A dish with minced pork is considered traditional. The calorie content of cabbage rolls with pork and rice averages 300 kcal per 100 grams. Note that sometimes people prefer to fry cabbage rolls in a pan in oil before stewing. Cabbage in this case acquires a pleasant crust, but the calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls with rice and meat in this case increases even more. In addition, the dish can be served with different sauces or sour cream, which will also add calories. As a result, homemade cabbage rolls can acquire a fairly high calorie content - up to 400 kcal per 100 g.

With lean meat

Cabbage rolls with meat have a lower calorie content per 100 grams if you use less fatty meats for their preparation, namely veal or beef. Such a dish will contain approximately 170 kcal per 100 grams.

with chicken

Instead of traditional pork and less fatty beef, chicken can be used. The calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced chicken and rice is 140 kcal per 100 g of the dish. If you eat without sour cream and pre-frying, the calorie content of 1 stuffed cabbage will be so low that the dish can be eaten even on a diet. No less tasty and healthy cabbage rolls from turkey have about the same calorie content - up to 150 kcal.

The benefits and calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls

Stuffed cabbage rolls lazy with minced meat and rice also have very different calorie content, which starts from 80 kcal per 100 g or more. They are usually cooked by young housewives who have difficulty separating a head of cabbage into leaves for subsequent wrapping of the filling. To cope with the task, you need some experience.

The dish is prepared from similar ingredients, so the calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls with minced chicken or pork is similar to a traditional dish. The difference is in the type of serving of the dish and the meat used. For example, if you cook it from minced pork and serve with sour cream, the calorie content will be maximum and may exceed 300 kcal.

Lazy chicken cabbage rolls will have a minimum calorie content if they are cooked with a large number of vegetables and without prior frying. You need to cook in a double boiler or oven. For example, similar cabbage rolls in a slow cooker will have a calorie content of about 80-85 per 100 grams. You can also cook lazy cabbage rolls in the oven - the calorie content in this case will be similar.

The calorie content of cabbage rolls without lazy rice is approximately 120 kcal per 100 g, if you take lean minced pork and white cabbage in equal proportions for cooking.

traditional recipe

We studied the calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced pork, beef and chicken, and finally we will consider one of the traditional recipes for cooking the dish.

You can prepare such cabbage rolls with beef and rice, the calorie content of which will be about 170 kcal per 100 g (not counting sour cream), from the list of components:

  • half a kilogram of ground beef;
  • a glass of rice;
  • medium-sized cabbage (up to 1 kg);
  • onions, greens (by the way, very effective) and salt with seasonings to taste;
  • glass of water;
  • sour cream for dressing.

Leaves must be cut from fresh cabbage at the base and immersed in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes. Next, you need to cut or roll the longitudinal vein to make it softer.

Mix minced meat with chopped onion (or immediately twist them together if you do it yourself). Add salt, spices and rice (it is pre-cooked for 10 minutes until half cooked).

In the prepared leaves, wrap the filling in a tube or an envelope. Put the formed cabbage rolls in a cauldron on cabbage trimmings to avoid burning to the bottom. Top them with a sauce of sour cream, tomato paste, water, fried onion-carrot and spices. Stuffed cabbage rolls need about 30 minutes. Serve with greens and sour cream.


Stuffed cabbage has a great variety of cooking options. Upon closer examination, it turns out that in almost all countries of the world they were prepared in one form or another. Of course, the ingredients were taken differently everywhere, and the recipes differed not only on the scale of different families, but also of entire states. In Ukraine, a dish with sauerkraut has long been prepared, and in Russia - with fresh cabbage. Is it worth mentioning the most famous difference between cabbage rolls: the division into "lazy" and ordinary ones. No matter how the list of ingredients and the order of preparation change, everyone loves cabbage rolls because of their nutritional value. Rice with meat saturates for a long time, and cabbage also supplies the body with fiber and vitamins. But, in truth, cabbage rolls with fatty meats cannot be considered dietary. The amount of harmful fats in such a dish reaches the daily norm.

But it is worth slightly changing the classic recipe, choosing a gentle cooking mode - and a low-calorie dish with excellent taste will appear on your table.

Ingredients for Stuffed Cabbage with Rice and Minced Meat

Traditionally, cabbage rolls have three main ingredients:

  • white cabbage: 500 g;
  • rice: 100 g;
  • minced meat: 500 g.

To them, if desired, you can add products for taste:

  • carrots, onions: 1 pc;
  • egg: 1 pc;
  • tomato paste: 3 tablespoons;
  • seasonings, salt and sugar to taste.

Cabbage makes cabbage rolls rich in folic acid, vitamin C and fiber. Minced meat is better to take chicken or turkey, then the dietary value of the product will increase several times. Rice will bring a long feeling of satiety, because it is a slow carbohydrate. And meat is protein, the building blocks for muscle growth. Cabbage rolls can be eaten even before training due to their beneficial composition. The low calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice is also determined by the method of preparation. In the cooking process, it is better not to use oil or fatty sauces and dressings. A slow cooker or an oven are faithful helpers of losing weight and will help you with this.

Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with rice

Lazy cabbage rolls are the most economical option for a busy hostess, both in terms of time and money. But if you prefer the classic dish, you need to repeat the same steps with a whole leaf of cabbage.

  1. Boil rice until half cooked. 100 g will require 150 ml of water.
  2. Cut carrots, onions and cabbage.
  3. Fry the onions, then the carrots. It is enough just to slightly brown it. Add tomato paste and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Put the cabbage in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. During this time, it will soften and acquire the desired degree of readiness.
  5. Drain the cabbage and add the minced meat, rice, egg and spices.
  6. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  7. Make small patties and place them on a greased baking sheet.
  8. Top with roasted tomato paste.
  9. In the oven, cabbage rolls should spend about 40 minutes to stew well.
  10. Serve with vegetables or sour cream dressing.

Servings: 7-8

Cooking time: 90 minutes

Calorie cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat

Many people who monitor their weight will definitely ask the question: how many calories are in cabbage rolls? The calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice is 160-220 kcal, depending on the meat, additional additives and cooking method. If you make them without adding oils, without sour cream, then the nutritional value will be 160 calories. You can reduce it even more by replacing the meat with mushrooms. They also contain a lot of protein, but their energy value is much lower.

Do not forget about the high nutritional value of cabbage rolls, many of whose ingredients are filled with useful nutrients and trace elements.

Step-by-step recipe for making cabbage rolls with a photo

  1. Prepare food. Cut the cabbage, put the rice to boil.
  2. Scald the cabbage with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Chop and lightly fry the onion and then the carrots.
  3. Add tomato paste to the fry and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Mix minced meat, egg, softened cabbage (without water), add salt and spices to taste.
  5. Roll into neat balls and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Pour over the toppings and bake for 40 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Stuffed cabbage is a dish with a rich history. But for those who are losing weight, it is interesting not only for its historical value, but for its nutrient composition, the number of calories and the specifics of absorption by the body. Any kind of cabbage rolls can be called an ideal dish for weight loss, and there are many reasons for this.

History and variants of cabbage rolls

From a historical point of view, cabbage rolls are a very diverse dish that has many cooking variations. This is also due to the fact that he has a lot of historical roots. It is generally accepted that stuffed cabbage leaves are a hallmark of Eastern European cuisine. Unusual recipes for cabbage rolls are found in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Turkey. You will certainly find similar options for dishes in East Asia. But the most popular recipes among the Russian-speaking population were cabbage rolls from Ukraine and Russia.

In classical cooking, cabbage rolls appear to a person as a cabbage leaf, in which minced meat with rice is cooked. Meat was predominantly beef or pork. In Ukraine, a recipe using cracklings was widely used, cabbage leaves were taken, not fresh, but pickled. Often there were also potato cabbage rolls or stuffed with finely chopped vegetables. This suggests that cabbage rolls are a universal demi-season dish. In the modern diet, instead of beef and pork, you can use chicken, turkey or even fish in the recipe!

And, of course, you can’t go past the two main options for preparing this nutritious dish:

  • classic cabbage rolls, when the filling is wrapped in a cabbage leaf;
  • lazy, when all the ingredients are mixed in one patch and stewed together.

The composition and benefits of cabbage rolls

Stuffed cabbage has a rich nutrient composition, which may vary slightly, depending on the products that are included in the filling. Considering the classic version with minced meat and rice, one can note the high nutritional value of the dish. This allows you to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger without overloading the stomach. Properly cooked meat and cabbage are sources of protein, which is important for the body to provide it with new building materials and substances for the production of hormones.

Only cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C! If you cook cabbage rolls with red or purple cabbage, then together with ascorbic acid you will get folic acid - an integral component of the functioning of the brain and women's health. Carrots and tomatoes used for stewing include carotene, vitamin A and lycopene - known defenders of the body against aging. Recipes where mushrooms and other vegetables are used instead of meat as fillings are rich in components such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

Regular inclusion of cabbage rolls in the family menu will help maintain immunity, proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system, fight seasonal manifestations of colds, beriberi. If you and your family members want to switch to a healthy diet, then cabbage rolls can still remain in your diet!

Stuffed cabbage as a dietary dish

Classic cabbage rolls with rice and meat, lazy or wrapped, contain about 160 calories per 100 g. Vegetable stuffing with mushrooms, without meat, but with rice, reduces calories by almost 60 units! Both options are suitable for dietary nutrition, and it's not just the relatively low energy value of this dish.

1. High protein content. There are about 14 grams of protein per 100 g in the classic version. This fact helps to obtain from nutrition the component necessary to maintain muscle tissue during weight loss and when playing sports, that is, by losing weight, you will maintain the health of your muscles and a beautiful silhouette.

2. Lots of fiber! Cabbage is an excellent source of coarse fiber. In this regard, cabbage rolls, like a brush, clean your intestines after digestion, carrying out the remnants of unprocessed protein and fat, as well as a lot of decay products of these elements, which maintains the proper functioning of the digestive tract. From this point of view, cabbage rolls are ideal for weight loss, because your intestines will work under the influence of natural stimulation.

4. Replace beef and pork in cabbage rolls with chicken or turkey, and you will get a dish that helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and also improves the production of “correct” cholesterol, which is important for optimal heart function.

5. Profitability - the dish requires minimal investment, which is also important! Against the background of the purchase of slimming teas and special nutritional mixtures, which are very expensive, cabbage rolls are knocked out ahead.

6. There is more cabbage in lazy cabbage rolls than in classic ones. This fact can be used to stimulate the processes in the body to remove excess moisture, but without losing potassium and sodium, which are important for the development of bones and joints, since these components are also present in the dish.

7. It's delicious! Not always dietary dishes can boast of high nutritional value and taste - you can choose a recipe that you like. From a psychological point of view, this is an important factor for comfortable weight loss.

8. can be consumed shortly before training, both as an element that replenishes energy reserves and as a source of protein for moderate muscle development.

Classic cabbage roll recipe

The preparation of this dish is a wide field for the culinary imagination. However, in Russia everything is based on one classic recipe. You can take it as the basis of your culinary creations!

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • a pound of minced pork - it is better if you scroll it yourself, and do not take a ready-made purchase;
  • 4 onions - two each for minced meat and sauce for stewing;
  • one and a half cups of rice;
  • glass of water;
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste;
  • head of cabbage with good top leaves;
  • half a kilo of sour cream, 4 tablespoons of tomato, one carrot, vegetable oil, water - for making the sauce.

Cooking should start with rice. It must be boiled in salted water, drained, rinsed and allowed to cool. After that, minced meat, spices and onions are added to it - everything is thoroughly mixed to get a homogeneous mass for stuffing.

The next step is to prepare cabbage leaves. To do this, cut the stalk from the center of the head, remove the top low-quality sheets, and lower the cabbage into boiling water. A few seconds is enough for a young vegetable to make the leaves soft. Winter varieties, “old” cabbage should be slightly boiled, gradually separating the segments into which the minced meat will subsequently be wrapped. Carefully separate the softened leaves from the head of cabbage and place in a separate container.

Put the prepared minced meat on each sheet and wrap it with a cabbage envelope, first bending the thick edge inward. Place the finished cabbage rolls in a container and fill with a glass of water. Put the pot on the fire and get down to the sauce. For it, sauté carrots and onions in oil, add tomato paste and a little water to them, and simmer everything together for several minutes. Add to cabbage rolls 20 minutes before readiness.

A similar recipe can be made with other fillings. For example, use buckwheat and mushrooms, vegetables or rice with fish instead of rice. For dessert, you can even make sweet cabbage rolls with rice and dried fruits!

Serve hot cabbage rolls with sour cream and herbs. Bon appetit and delicious weight loss!

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine website

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*Nutritional information given is an average of various sources. Depending on the origin of the product, it may differ from the actual one.

**The value is based on a diet based on 2000 kcal/day

BJU ratio*

It contains a large amount of protein, fats with a relatively low calorie content of the product.

*Optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (by weight): 16%, 17%, 67%.

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How many calories in cabbage rolls

Stuffed cabbage is a dish that has appeared in the human diet since time immemorial. It is believed that they are the original dish of Slavic cuisine. However, today they have firmly entered the life of many eastern peoples. Since ancient times, they have also been an integral part of Greek cuisine.

Dove varieties:

With many options for preparing cabbage rolls, their essence remains the same - it is minced meat mixed with cereals and wrapped in cabbage leaves. Vegetarians use minced vegetables or mushrooms instead of meat. Stuffed cabbage, whose calorie content varies greatly depending on the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparation, is the most balanced combination of meat and vegetables. Therefore, they are often used in dietary nutrition. For those who follow a certain diet and are wondering “how many calories are in cabbage rolls?” Let's consider different variations of this tasty and satisfying dish.

Stuffed cabbage classic

The classic recipe for cabbage rolls is minced meat, made up of two-thirds beef and one-third pork, which is mixed with boiled rice, spices, herbs and onions and wrapped in a cabbage leaf. In some countries, such as Turkey, lamb is used as minced meat.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls is prepared as follows:

  • - a loose head of medium size (800 g) is dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes, before the upper leaves soften;
  • - then the head of cabbage is taken out, the finished leaves are removed and again lowered into the water until the next layer is ready;
  • - minced meat is wrapped in leaves in the form of tubes or envelopes;
  • - prepared cabbage rolls are put in a saucepan, the bottom of which is lined with unusable cuts of cabbage leaves, poured with hot water, cabbage broth or sauce and boiled until tender.

To determine the calorie content of one serving of cabbage rolls, you should take into account the calorie content of each ingredient and its amount used in the preparation of the dish.

As you can see from the recipe, the main ingredients are minced meat, consisting of beef and pork. The calorie content of boiled beef is 254 kcal per 100 g, and boiled pork is 375 kcal per 100 g. This is followed by rice with a calorie content of 116 kcal and white cabbage - 27 kcal. Seasonings such as onions, herbs and spices will give a total of about 30 kcal. Separately, you need to calculate the calorie content of the products that went to make the sauce. Usually this is sour cream and tomato paste. Thus, by counting the amount of each ingredient and weighing the mass of the portion that hit your plate, you can easily determine the number of calories you are going to eat. On average, the calorie content of cabbage rolls prepared according to the classic recipe is 126 kcal, but this does not include the sauce. If we take it into account, then the indicator can reach the figure of 140 - 150 kcal.

Lenten cabbage rolls

There are various variations of cabbage rolls without meat. Therefore, both vegetarians and fasting people can enjoy this tasty and satisfying dish. Lean cabbage rolls can be filled with vegetables, mushrooms, beans and lentils. Lenten cabbage rolls, the calorie content per 100 grams of which is slightly less than those with meat, is an excellent dish for those who follow their figure, without denying themselves the pleasure of a delicious meal.

So, the calorie content of vegetable cabbage rolls with onions, carrots and mushrooms is on average 89 kcal per 100 g. And the energy value of lean, tender cabbage rolls with beans and lentils reaches 104 kcal. At the same time, in terms of the content of proteins necessary for the human body, lean cabbage rolls are almost as good as classic cabbage rolls, and in terms of the content of dietary fiber they are much higher, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal transit, contributing to regular bowel cleansing.

lazy cabbage rolls

When you don’t want to bother with wrapping minced meat in cabbage leaves for a long time, and this is the most time-consuming step in preparing this dish, you can cook lazy cabbage rolls. Their distinctive feature is that the cabbage, stewed in the same way as in the recipe for classic cabbage rolls, is finely chopped and mixed with minced meat. Then cutlets are formed, which are fried, baked in the oven or stewed.

Another way to prepare this dish is a layered casserole: minced meat and cabbage leaves are layered into a mold and baked in the oven. The advantage of these two methods is significant time savings. The disadvantages are as follows:

  • - the aesthetic appearance of the dish is lost;
  • - it is impossible to cook it for the future by freezing it in the freezer.

Do not forget about the calorie content: lazy cabbage rolls fried in butter are much more nutritious than stewed or baked ones. Otherwise, there is no particular difference between this type of cabbage rolls and the classic recipe. On average, the energy value of lazy cabbage rolls is 149 kcal per 100 g.

Dolma with grape leaves

An eastern variety of cabbage rolls is dolma, in which grape leaves are used instead of cabbage. The authorship of this dish is disputed today by Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan. However, if you believe the historian and culinary popularizer William Pokhlebkin, then the homeland of dolma is Armenia, from where it migrated to the cuisines of the peoples of the region.

According to the classic recipe, dolma is made from minced lamb. However, often, in order to reduce the calorie content of the dish, lamb is replaced with ground beef. You can use both pickled and fresh grape leaves. In the latter case, the leaves are washed and boiled in boiling water for about 10 minutes until softened. Minced meat is wrapped in prepared and cooled leaves. Dolma is served to the table along with matsun (Armenian yogurt) mixed with garlic.

The calorie content of such dolma made from lamb approaches 200 kcal per 100 g. If the dolma is prepared on the basis of ground beef, then its energy value is comparable to that of classic cabbage rolls without sauce - 126 kcal.

Turkish Sarma

Sarma is a popular Turkish snack, which is a type of cabbage rolls or dolma. However, sarma differs from them in size: it is much smaller and is prepared as thick as a little finger. The word "sarma" in Turkish means "to wrap". Sarma is prepared on the basis of rice, herbs, spices wrapped in grape leaves. Sometimes raisins and nuts are included in the recipe.

Sarma is poured abundantly with olive oil and lemon juice, after which it is stewed or boiled. It is olive oil that increases the calorie content of this dish, reaching 90 - 100 kcal. If olive oil is not abused, then the energy value of sarma will not exceed 65 kcal per 100 g.

The place of cabbage rolls in a healthy diet

For all their satiety, cabbage rolls are a relatively low-calorie dish. Therefore, they are often included in the diet with various diets. In addition, the products from which they are prepared have very useful properties.

  1. Cabbage - stimulates metabolic processes, normalizes intestinal transit, rich in vitamins C, P and U, potassium, contains very little sucrose, which makes it an indispensable product for diabetics.
  2. Meat is the richest source of protein needed for tissue renewal. It contains essential amino acids, iron, vitamins B₂ and D. And minced meat is much easier and more fully absorbed by the body.

Stuffed cabbage calories 1 pc

Dishes that are compositions of vegetables with meat, perhaps, belong to the category of the most important on the menu of a modern person. It's almost perfect for a hearty lunch or a hearty dinner, a festive main course or a quick-to-make snack. And among the most balanced in their composition are cabbage rolls, the variations of which today are numerous. Despite the fact that they are a dish of the cuisine of the Slavic peoples, cabbage rolls originally came from Greece, and today they can also be found in oriental cuisine, although they undergo some changes there: for example, cabbage is replaced by grape or beet leaves. Cabbage rolls can be either meat or vegetable or mushroom, cooked in the oven, slow cooker, double boiler or even on the stove. Completely dietary, light, or more nutritious, saturating for a long time. And precisely because this dish is in great demand, many should find out how many calories are in cabbage rolls, how to calculate them for the finished dish, how to vary at your own discretion, and is it even possible to use them when you want with such a calorie content of cabbage rolls lose weight or have no desire to gain weight.

The most classic version of cabbage rolls, of course, is a combination of thinly beaten and boiled cabbage leaves, minced meat - usually pork or beef, seasonings and salt. The finished dish is flavored with low-fat sour cream, as a result of which the calorie content of cabbage rolls is equal to 85 kcal per hundred grams. Therefore, for one serving of two hundred grams, the “weight” reaches 170 kcal. And yet, it is not enough just to give out a single calorie digit for cabbage rolls, since it will vary even depending on the number of ingredients, and not only on their composition and method of preparation of the dish. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to disassemble the components in detail, after which it will be possible to calculate the individual calorie content of cabbage rolls.

The basis for those cabbage rolls that belong to the cuisine of the Slavic peoples is white cabbage, and among the entire cabbage family, it has the lowest calorie content of 28 kcal per hundred grams. In terms of energy value, 67% belongs to carbohydrates, 3% to fats and 26% to proteins. Since carbohydrates here belong to the group of slow carbohydrates, contain dietary fiber, stably cleanse the intestines and stimulate digestion, while quickly giving a feeling of fullness, cabbage is allowed for frequent use. This vegetable has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance and exacerbations of inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, among all the components of cabbage rolls, this is, for sure, the easiest and most useful. Taking into account the fact that in the process of preparing this dish cabbage is processed in the most gentle way - boiled - its "weight" does not increase, and the level of vitamins and microelements does not decrease.

The next important component of cabbage rolls is minced meat. It is mainly used pure pork or in a ratio of 1 to 3 with beef. The calorie content of the first is 221 kcal, of which as many as 70% belong to fats and only 26% to proteins. For ground beef, the calorie content is already 291 kcal, where fat already accounts for 77%. The most interesting thing is that pork is more tender and juicier than beef, and it is also somewhat more difficult to perceive and assimilate by the body. As for the usefulness of each meat, they are close to each other. But beef stands out for its iron content, making it the most beneficial animal protein for people suffering from anemia. And pork - potassium and phosphorus, which affect the heart muscle, bone tissue and nervous system. As in the case of cabbage, minced meat is only boiled, and therefore does not lose its beneficial properties and does not increase its calorie content.

Cabbage rolls often have a third ingredient, which is also only boiled or steamed. This is rice. It is used for both ordinary and lazy cabbage rolls, the calorie content of which is slightly higher than this indicator for a classic dish. Rice is selected polished round-grain, able to boil well and soften, up to the state of rice porridge on the water. Its calorie content is 355 kcal per hundred grams for a dry product and about three to four times less for boiled. Regarding its beneficial qualities, rice boasts a high proportion of aluminum, copper and silicon. The almost complete absence of fats and cholesterol, as well as the effect on brain activity.

And the last two essential components that determine the calorie content of cabbage rolls - both lazy and classic - are carrots and onions. Both products are low-calorie, indicators for them reach 35 kcal for carrots and 41 kcal for onions, respectively. Here, the final “weight” of each component increases slightly during the cooking process, since they are fried in oil, which means they absorb fat, becoming heavier. As a result, for fried carrots, the value will jump to 64 kcal, and for onions - up to 163 kcal. But at the same time, it does not lose its immunostimulating and fat-burning qualities even with such heat treatment.

In addition to the above products, mushrooms, sweet peppers, sour cream, herbs and spices can be added. As a result, if you combine all these ingredients in one dish, knowing the exact volumes for each and their "weight", you can calculate the individual calorie content of cabbage rolls for any recipe. In general, it is possible to determine certain boundaries for the calorie content of cabbage rolls: lazy ones swim between 101 kcal and 208 kcal per hundred grams, and classic ones between 80 kcal and 107 kcal.

Stuffed cabbage in the diet of those who follow the figure

After analyzing all the components of cabbage rolls, the methods of heat treatment to which they are subjected, and the final calorie content of the dish, we can conclude that, in general, cabbage rolls are a fairly dietary food that is acceptable not only if you want to keep a slim figure, but also when you want to lose a couple of kilograms. Especially in the latter, vegetable cabbage rolls will succeed, the calorie content of which barely reaches 62 kcal per hundred grams. Although in terms of satiety they are somewhat inferior to meat options, but not like the latter, they load the digestive tract, and therefore are welcome in various diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as the liver and pancreas. And given the significant benefits of each of the components of the dish, knowing how many calories are in cabbage rolls is necessary, rather, to accurately calculate your menu, and not to find out how you can lower this indicator.

How to correctly calculate the calorie content of cabbage rolls

Cabbage rolls are an adornment of any table, both festive and everyday. This is a very good and tasty dish, it can be attributed to diet. Calculate the calorie content of cabbage rolls (100 g of product). On average, the figure is 207 Kcal, where proteins are 5.6 g, fats are 18.3 g, carbohydrates are 4.8 g. Thus, we can say that this is one of the most appetizing folk dishes that will not adversely affect your figure. There are many recipes, but my favorite are three cooking methods: envelopes, lazy with minced meat and with meat. I will share each of them, and we will also calculate the calorie content of cabbage rolls in each recipe.

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

- a medium head of cabbage;

- minced pork or chicken;

- one medium-sized carrot;

- onions - 2 pcs;

The calorie content of cabbage rolls - "envelopes" from pork is much higher than from chicken meat, so this fact should be taken into account when choosing a filling. I usually take cabbage and boil it in a large pot, periodically removing the top sheets. At this time, I mix the minced meat with spices and salt. You can add boiled rice if you wish, but I don’t really like it, so I don’t add it. We cut out thick veins in each cabbage leaf, put the filling there and wrap it. We put the envelopes in the container, and sprinkle each row with grated carrots, chopped onions and coat with tomato paste. Fill with water and set to stew for 2-2.5 hours on a slow fire. Thus, it turns out that the calorie content of such cabbage rolls will be higher due to the tomato. Some people fry carrots in advance in sunflower oil, but then the envelopes turn out to be fatter. This dish is not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system.

Sometimes even if you want to make envelopes, there is simply not enough time to prepare them. But I manage to please my loved ones with lazy cabbage rolls. This is a very tasty and quick dish. At the same time, lazy cabbage rolls (calorie content 300 kcal per 100 g of product) are a dietary dish that includes many nutrients. We chop the cabbage very finely and then knead with our hands until it starts up the juice. We put it in a deep frying pan, fill it with water and simmer under the lid for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, put the minced meat in a pan, pour water, salt, pepper and simmer for about 15 minutes. In the same place, carrots and onions are fried in sunflower oil until golden brown along with minced meat. The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls increases due to the roasting of all products, but it turns out much tastier this way. Mix everything together with cabbage and simmer for about 20 minutes, add spices, tomato paste at the very end.

Sometimes there is no minced meat, but I still want to taste cabbage rolls, here I found a great way out. We take the meat, cut it into small pieces, then fry in sunflower (olive) oil. Cabbage leaves are poured over with boiling water and separated from the head of cabbage. We take a pan with a non-stick coating, lay cabbage leaves, pieces of meat, carrots, onions and fresh tomatoes in layers. Be sure to salt everything, throw spices or spices. Top with cream and simmer over low heat for about 45 minutes. The dish turns out surprisingly tasty and appetizing. Moreover, the calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat is no different from the calorie content of minced meat filling, even less.

Cabbage rolls with meat and rice

How to cook the dish "Stuffed cabbage with meat and rice"

  1. Wash the head of cabbage and carefully disassemble into leaves.
  2. In a small amount of boiling salted water, boil the leaves for 1-2 minutes until they become soft.
  3. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  4. Wash, peel and grate the carrots.
  5. Saute onions and carrots in vegetable oil until soft.
  6. Wash greens and chop.
  7. Boil rice until half cooked.
  8. Wash the tomatoes (you can remove the skin) and cut into small cubes (you can grate or chop in a blender into gruel).
  9. Peel the garlic and finely chop.
  10. Combine minced meat, rice, fried onions, garlic, tomatoes (or tomato sauce), herbs, add salt, pepper and mix well.
  11. Put prepared minced meat on each cabbage leaf and roll the minced leaf into an envelope.
  12. Fry the envelopes prepared in this way in a frying pan or deep saucepan in vegetable oil.
  13. Combine the tomato sauce with sour cream and water (or broth), and pour the stuffed cabbage with this mixture so that the liquid barely covers them. Salt and pepper a little and stew cabbage rolls for 30-40 minutes.
  14. Serve with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Ingredients for the recipe "Stuffed cabbage with meat and rice":

  • Water - 400 gr.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp.
  • Tomato sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Pepper - 2 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Parsley - 10 gr.
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Minced meat - 500 gr.
  • Cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.

Nutritional value of the dish "Stuffed cabbage with meat and rice" (per 100 grams):

Servings: 10

Components and calorie content of the recipe "Stuffed cabbage with meat and rice"

(the calorie and bju data are calculated approximately, excluding uvarki and uzharki)

Calorie Cabbage Rolls with Meat and Rice (Every Day). Chemical composition and nutritional value.

The energy value Cabbage rolls with Meat and Rice (Every Day) is 153 kcal.

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.


Tell me, what do we call minced meat wrapped in cabbage castings? That's right - this is such a well-known and beloved dish by many of us as cabbage rolls. Have you ever thought about the calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat? Not? Should you give up this dish if you want to lose weight and follow any diet for weight loss? We will try to answer this and other questions in our today's publication. So, what is the calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat, the benefits and what dietary properties does this dish have?

Cabbage rolls with meat, benefits and dietary properties:

Speaking about the benefits of cabbage rolls with meat, we mean the beneficial properties of the products from which they are prepared.

A vegetable such as cabbage has long enjoyed a reputation as the richest source of vitamins. There are many biologically active substances in cabbage. Here and protein, and phosphorus and potassium, and a number of other mineral components. Minerals are especially beneficial for weight loss because they help rid the body of excess fat. In addition, it should be remembered that cabbage is also a lot of fiber, the processing of which takes a lot of energy from the human body. Of course, this also contributes to the speedy "burning" of body fat.

Of the important properties of fiber, its ability to normalize not only the functions of the intestinal tract, but also remove harmful toxins and cholesterol from the intestines (and from the body as a whole) should be noted. The inclusion of cabbage in the diet helps a person get rid of problems such as hemorrhoids and constipation.

As for minced meat, which acts as a filling for cabbage rolls, its beneficial properties also deserve attention. Meat is a rich source of protein, which is necessary for the human body for the growth of muscle tissue and blood renewal. Meat carries a lot of important amino acids for us - exactly in such proportions that a person needs. In ancient times, meat was used in medicine in the form of minced meat - this way it is much better absorbed.

Stuffed cabbage is a favorite dish of many people, but for some this word is associated with a long and difficult cooking process. However, we dare to assure you as soon as possible that for this you do not need to have super abilities, it is enough to know some tricks that experienced housewives use:

- as you know, in order for the cabbage to be softer, it must be boiled. But there is another way to achieve this - the head of cabbage must first be frozen, and when it thaws, the leaves will also become softer;

– thickened veins make it difficult to wrap envelopes. To correct this shortcoming, cutting or beating them with a wooden flea market will help; Recipe for classic cabbage rolls with meat

– also annoying is the problem of deployment during cooking. Some are just tied with string. You can also prevent this phenomenon by frying cabbage rolls to a golden hue (in vegetable oil). Subsequently, not only the shape will be kept, but the taste will noticeably improve;

- everyone is used to using only white cabbage in cooking, but you can replace it with spinach, grape or beet leaves, or savoy cabbage. And if you mix several types of meat for minced meat, future cabbage rolls will acquire a special zest.

Calorie stuffed cabbage with meat:

What can be said about the number of calories in cabbage rolls?

The energy value of this product is approximately 200 kcal per 100 grams

This is relatively little, given that this product is quite satisfying.

Of course, such a calorie content is not constant. Here, first of all, the type of meat from which cabbage rolls are prepared, the amount of fat in it plays a role. If you follow any diet or diet, dietary meat - chicken, veal - is best suited here. Pork is much more high-calorie than the above varieties.

And what is the calorie content of cabbage rolls prepared in different ways? But this one:

Stuffed cabbage calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of cabbage rolls prepared in different ways is as follows:

Stuffed cabbage nutrition table, per 100 grams of product:

How to cook this dish at home? Yes, very easy! Here is one of the recipes:

Cabbage rolls with meat:


  • Meat - 300 gr.
  • Rice - 300 gr.
  • Tomato sauce - 4 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 200 gr.
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Bulb
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Rice is boiled. The meat is passed through a meat grinder. Carrots are rubbed on a grater, onions are finely chopped, fried in a pan. Then combine rice, half the roast and meat.

Cabbage leaves are dipped in boiling water until they become soft. Take out the leaves and let them cool. The hard part of the spine is cut off. Pigeons roll up.

Tomato sauce, sour cream, salt, pepper are put in the rest of the frying. All stew for 5-10 minutes. Stuffed cabbage rolls are laid out in a deep pan, poured with fried sauce on top.

Then everything is poured with water so that it completely covers the cabbage rolls. We put in the oven (temperature - 180C) for 1 hour. Ready! Eat for health, and even if the rather high calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat does not add extra pounds to you.

Stuffed cabbage for weight loss

If you use diet recipes for cabbage rolls, you can maintain a beautiful figure without harm to health. What will be required to prepare such cabbage rolls. What are the best ingredients to use?

Take 8 leaves of cabbage, pour hot vegetable broth and leave for 4 minutes in the oven. Separately, you need to cook rice, onions. Take one egg and beat with a mixer. Rice, egg, onion, 100 gr. flakes, 2 teaspoons of paprika, salt - mix everything, and you get minced meat. Next, cabbage rolls are formed, poured into a saucepan with cold vegetable broth and stewed in the oven for 11 minutes. So the dish is ready and you can serve it on the table. This is a real diet recipe that can be used by all women who want to lose weight.