Calorie content of borscht in pork broth with frying. How many calories are in one bowl of borscht? Delicious pork borscht recipe

Borscht calories: 50 kcal*
*average value per 100 grams, depends on the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparation

A healthy diet is not complete without hot first courses. When choosing between soups, broths and borscht, it is important to pay attention to the energy value of dishes.

Borscht - nutritional value and calorie content of ingredients

Borscht is a hearty, perfectly balanced dish. It contains all the trace elements necessary for a person: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. A large amount of fiber helps to eliminate toxins, nitrates, heavy metals, radionuclides from the body.

With the regular use of borscht, immunity increases, the work of all organs is improved.

The composition of the classic recipe includes meat, cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes. In some regions, beans are added, fresh cabbage is replaced with sour cabbage, and so on. How many housewives, so many cooking methods. Well, and the final touch - a spoonful of thick sour cream is placed in a bowl. The result is a complete, nutritious dish that has been highly valued for centuries.

How many calories in different types of borscht (chicken, beef, pork)

People who are worried about their figure always pay attention to the calorie content of dishes. As for vegetable soup, this indicator depends primarily on what broth it is cooked on. For example, the calorie content of beef bone broth is only 28 kcal per 100 ml. Details of the table can be found in our publication.

This pork-cooked vegetable soup is considered the most delicious, but also the most high-calorie (~ 50 kcal). And if during the cooking process sauerkraut is added to the broth instead of fresh, then this figure almost doubles.

A spoonful of sour cream bought at the market adds 90 kcal to the dish. If you buy a lactic acid product in a store, this figure increases by only 35 units.

Borscht on beef is considered dietary (~ 30 kcal). It has little cholesterol, but a lot of amino acids and vitamin B. With regards to chicken, this vegetable soup is especially recommended for those who are trying to lose weight, since its calorie content is relatively low (~ 45 kcal). At the same time, it strengthens the body well, which makes it an almost indispensable dish for people suffering from any diseases.

Calorie content of borscht in 100 grams

This figure depends entirely on what products were used and what kind of processing they were subjected to. If the hostess roasts carrots, onions, beets in the process of preparing this vegetable soup, the calorie content of the dish will be much higher than when such vegetables are simply cooked.

How many calories are in one bowl of borscht?

When calculating the calorie content of vegetable soup, one should take into account its ingredients and method of preparation. First you need to calculate this indicator for one hundred grams of the dish, then increase it accordingly to the portion. That is, when you have prepared a recipe for pork, with beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, then there will be approximately 60 kcal in one hundred grams of soup. Moreover, if one serving is three hundred grams, then there will be 180 kcal in the plate, with sour cream - 270 kcal.

Probably, there is no person who would not love hearty, rich borscht. The peculiarity of this dish is that you can add any ingredients to your taste, and it will always be very appetizing.

Perhaps, almost everyone loves borscht - in any case, most of us will not refuse to taste delicious fragrant soup with beets. The excellent taste of this dish is not the only thing worth loving it for - after all, borscht is also very healthy. This soup contains ingredients that are healthy for the body - beets, onions, carrots, garlic, cabbage, potatoes and meat. All of these products are very helpful. When preparing borscht, both fresh cabbage and sauerkraut can be used, but it is advisable to take meat that is not too fatty. Salo, bread with garlic or garlic donuts, onions, herbs, croutons, etc. are used as snacks for borscht. Ukrainian borscht is always served with sour cream.

The calorie content of borscht is affected by the calorie content of the meat that was used in the preparation of borscht - pork is the fattest and most high-calorie, therefore the calorie content of borscht with pork will be high, but if you cook borscht with lean beef, then the calorie content of borscht will be much lower. The lowest calorie content in vegetarian borscht is only 25-30 calories per 100 g, that is, less than 80 calories per cup. The calorie content of borscht with sauerkraut is higher than the calorie content of borscht prepared with fresh cabbage. The calorie content of Ukrainian borscht is about 90-100 kcal per 100 g, the calorie content of green borscht (on the bone, with sorrel, herbs) is 168 kcal per 100 g.

If you love borscht but are counting calories, there are several ways you can reduce the calorie content of borscht. Cook borsch on lean meat without bones. So you reduce the calorie content of borscht by reducing the calorie content of the broth on which borscht is cooked. It is best to cook borsch on chicken or beef broth - it is less high-calorie than pork or lamb. When cooking borscht, it is traditional to fry onions and carrots in oil or lard. To reduce the calorie content of borscht, you can sauté them in a pan with water. Reduces the calorie content of borscht and the use of beans instead of potatoes. There are few calories in borscht with beet tops instead of the beet itself (69 kcal per 100 g).

The calorie content of borscht will be lower if you fill it not with mayonnaise, but with low-fat sour cream. Bread for borscht is best served not with premium wheat, but with rye or Borodino - it not only contains fewer calories, but also goes better with borscht.

The benefits and calorie content of borscht

Despite how many calories are in borscht, borscht can and even should be eaten by everyone, even those who are on a diet. It is hearty and healthy, a plate of borscht will completely replace a full meal both in terms of satiety and the content of useful and nutritious substances. Borscht contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates (both simple and complex carbohydrates), dietary fiber, important amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Borscht contains vitamin A, a well-known antioxidant, it has a positive effect on vision, as well as the condition of the skin and all body tissues. Vitamin PP improves metabolism, participates in energy metabolism, helping the body release energy from fats and carbohydrates. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels and regulates blood sugar levels. Vitamin C is an effective immunomodulator, it strengthens the defenses of our body and helps it resist various diseases, especially colds and viruses. Vitamin D strengthens bones, joints, and also has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that preserves our youth and beauty and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

The B vitamins contained in borscht improve metabolism, help the body to efficiently convert the fats and carbohydrates that come with food into energy. They are involved not only in energy metabolism, but also in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, as well as in the production of cells. Their positive effect on the nervous system is very strong - they strengthen it, stabilize its work, improve memory, attention, stimulate brain activity, tone the nervous system, in addition, they relieve stress, fight depression, correct sleep disorders, relieve anxiety, help win fatigue and cope with nervous overwork. B vitamins are not only effective antidepressants, they are also an effective prophylactic against the development of mental illness. They increase efficiency, improve mood and even lower the pain threshold. In addition, B vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of muscles, including the heart, have a general strengthening effect on the body, increase immunity, and enhance the body's regenerative abilities. B vitamins, due to their antioxidant properties, slow down aging, effectively prevent cancer; in addition, they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair.

Borscht is rich not only in vitamins, but also in microelements, such as:

  • phosphorus and calcium, which strengthen bones;
  • fluorine, which strengthens tooth enamel;
  • iron, which prevents anemia; magnesium, which is part of the cells of the nervous tissue;
  • sodium, which helps maintain water-salt balance;
  • potassium, which improves the functioning of all muscles and removes excess water, salt and toxins from the body;
  • zinc and copper, which improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • iodine, necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • manganese, necessary for the production of hormones and enzymes and for the stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • chlorine, sulfur, aluminum, molybdenum and other important trace elements.

Borscht increases metabolism and promotes intensive breakdown of carbohydrates and fats - that is why immediately after you have eaten borscht, you feel hot. It fills you with energy, removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, has a positive effect on muscle function and the state of the cardiovascular system. Borsch increases your efficiency, stimulates the brain, relieves fatigue and tones. Borsch also increases the production of red blood cells - erythrocytes, which improves blood quality.

Diet borscht recipe

The calorie content of this borscht is quite small, and satiety, taste and nutrient content are quite high. For cooking you will need:

  • lean beef - 300 g;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 medium-sized beetroot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley - 30 g (small bunch);
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • 1 tomato
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

First, prepare the beef broth. Strain it. In a frying pan in a small amount of water without adding oil, stew the chopped carrots, tomatoes, onions and garlic for 10 minutes, then add the beets, cut into small cubes and simmer for another 20 minutes. While the vegetables are stewing, finely chop the cabbage. Then transfer the vegetables to the broth, let it boil and add the cabbage. When the broth boils, let it boil for 5-7 minutes and add potatoes cut into small cubes into the borscht. At the end of cooking borscht, salt it, pepper it, remove from heat. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

The calorie content of borsch prepared according to this recipe is 87 kcal per 100 g (or about 190 kcal in a standard serving).

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Everyone who is used to counting calories, worrying about their health, knows about the high calorie content in some meats. This is especially important when it comes to pork, which is much more nutritious than beef, chicken and other types of meat, but it is difficult to refuse fragrant borsch prepared using pork meat. Those who want to include such a dish in their diet need to know how many calories are in pork borscht and whether it can be included in the diet. The calorie content of any dish depends on the calorie content of its ingredients, so the "weight" of borscht directly depends on what part of the carcass was used for this. The composition of the dish also affects the calorie content, and it includes vegetables and vegetable oil, it is also important what borscht is served with.

How many calories in pork borscht cooked in different ways

For those who are worried about being overweight, but are in no hurry to give up tasty and fragrant pork borscht, it is important to know how many calories are in pork borscht. This is necessary, first of all, in order to know what foods you can “save” calories on, in addition, there are several options for how to make borscht less caloric. In addition to the fact that you need to use the less fatty part of the pig, and this can be a balyk or a shoulder blade, you can refuse sour cream and mayonnaise with which borscht is served, you can also exclude some ingredients, although in general the calorie content of a plate of borscht is not high, as they cook it in large quantities.

If you want to make low-calorie borscht, use vegetable broth for this, but the taste in this case loses significantly. As studies show, the essence of which is to answer the question of how many calories are in borscht on pork broth, the calorie content of such a dish is not so significant as to exclude it from the diet. The calorie content of 100 grams of pork borscht is about 50-60 kcal, which means that a small amount of borscht will not hurt, but you should not include it in your daily diet. Having learned how many calories are in borscht on pork broth with sour cream, you will definitely think about the advisability of including it in your diet, especially if you do not want to be overweight. A plate of such a dish “weighs” 150-170 kcal, and a spoonful of medium-fat sour cream contains more than 40 calories.

In an attempt to reduce the number of calories, or in the event that you are contraindicated in consuming potatoes, you can cook borscht without it, and in this case the logical question also arises - how many calories are in borscht with pork without potatoes. Potato is not a part of low-calorie foods, however, its amount, in relation to other products, is insignificant and the calorie content of borscht without potatoes will decrease by only 9 calories per 100 grams of the product. Although the traditional recipe calls for potatoes, there are a large number of recipes without them.

The calorie content of borscht can be increased, and often significantly, by adding products such as sour cream and mayonnaise to it, and this is how it is usually served. To understand how many calories are in borscht with pork and mayonnaise, you should add the “weight” of mayonnaise to the calorie content of the borscht itself, which is about 90 kcal contained in a tablespoon of the product. In this case, we are talking about mayonnaise with a fat content of 67% and in this case you can reduce the number of calories by reducing the fat content in mayonnaise.

The same applies to borscht with sour cream, and answering the question of how many calories are in borscht with pork and sour cream is also simple, knowing the fat content of sour cream and its amount in a tablespoon, namely, how much goes into a plate of borscht. 20 grams of medium-fat sour cream contains about 40 kcal, by reducing the fat content of the product, you can, without sacrificing taste, make borsch less nutritious. Before giving up borscht, having found out how many calories are in pork borscht, we advise you to consult a specialist, and do not forget how many useful vitamins and minerals pork contains.

To be in good physical and psychological shape, you need to go in for sports, and follow a certain diet, in which it is important to take into account the amount of vitamins, minerals and calories that enter the body from food. It is very important to draw up a menu for the day, calculating it so that the amount of substances received is in line with the norm, and somewhere it exceeds. Therefore, Food-and-Food continues its series of articles on the calorie content and health benefits of foods to make it easier for you to plan your daily diet. In this article, you can find out how many calories are in pork borscht.

How many calories are in borscht with pork broth?

Borsch in pork broth, as a rule, turns out to be rich and fatty, because pork is very fatty. But this does not prevent people from buying this meat, and the latest statistical calculations show that the consumer more often gives his preference to it. It is important to emphasize that this is well deserved, because pork meat contains a huge amount of protein, which has a good effect on muscle tissue, immunity, and, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, lowers cholesterol. Among the list of vitamins and minerals, you can find B and PP vitamins, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, etc. Do not forget that this meat has its drawbacks, among which the most significant is the difficult digestibility of this product, and it should also be noted that the use of low-quality pork, stuffed with various hormones, can lead to mutations in the cells of the human body.

To cook borscht in pork broth, we need the following ingredients:

  1. Beets 400 g (192 kcal);
  2. Cabbage 400 g (112 kcal);
  3. Potatoes 200 g (166 kcal);
  4. Carrots 200 g (66 kcal);
  5. Onion 100 g (43 kcal);
  6. Pork broth 4000 g (1151.1 kcal).

Now let's calculate the calorie content of our dish. To do this, you need to know its total weight and calorie content, which amounted to 1730 kcal and 5300 g. Only 32.64 kcal per 100 g, which, despite the high energy value of pork, makes this dish dietary. Thus, we found out how many calories are in pork borscht.

How many calories are in borscht with pork broth with sour cream?

Naturally, eating borscht without salads and snacks is not so pleasant, so sour cream will be an excellent addition to borscht. Sour cream 10% fat has only 115 kcal per hundred grams. Above, we indicated the list of ingredients of our borscht, let's add sour cream to it and find out how much the energy value will increase. So, if you believe our calculations, then there are about 197 kcal in pork borscht with sour cream, with a serving of 500 g.

How many calories in borscht with pork without potatoes?

Having dealt with the main question, our wild imagination came up with many experiments with borscht, so further we will find out how many calories are in borscht with pork and potatoes, as well as without it. Earlier, when we were preparing borscht, a list of products that were used to prepare the dish was presented to your attention, by the way, there was also a potato. Based on this, we can safely say that borscht with potatoes will have a calorie content of 32.64 kcal per 100 g. And now let's calculate how many calories there will be if potatoes are not added. Subtracting potatoes from the total energy value and weight, we got 1564 kcal per 5100 g, which is 30.6 kcal per 100 g.

How many calories are in borscht with pork and mayonnaise?

Our experiments are ongoing. And now you will find out how many calories are in borscht with mayonnaise. Many nutritionists consider mayonnaise the enemy of diets number 1. After all, it has over 600 kcal per 100 g. We added 40 g of mayonnaise to our 500 g serving of borscht, increasing its calorie content from 163.2 kcal to 383.3 kcal. But most people are used to eating borscht with sour cream, which we have already talked about above, so we will just repeat how many calories are in borscht with pork and sour cream. There were as many as 197 per 500g (our standard portion), which is much lower than borscht with mayonnaise.

Thus, we told you how many kcal in borscht with pork, with a variety of variations. Food-and-Food hopes that the information was useful to you.