Calories in dough. Calorie content Yeast dough (quick)

Calorie content of dough

How we love to drink tea with something sweet. The selection of flour products in stores is simply huge: pies, cakes, cookies, gingerbreads and much more. However, all culinary masterpieces made from dough are usually high in calories. They contain large amounts of carbohydrates and fats. The calorie content of the dough is reflected on the figure in the form of extra pounds. In the diet of any diet, baking and the like are naturally excluded. Is it really possible to remain completely without sweets? No, it won't work that way. Without goodies, depression will set in very soon or breakdowns will begin near the refrigerator. In order not to bring yourself to this state, let's figure out how many calories are in the dough.

It is believed that some types of dough are lower in calories than others. Is this really true?

Nutritional value of the dough

To find out the calorie content of the dough, you need to know its nutritional value. To explain it more simply, this means finding out how much fat, protein and carbohydrates are contained in 100 grams of a product. But the calorie content of the dough directly depends on the components included in it, and therefore you will have to consider different recipes.

The nutritional value of ordinary unleavened dough, which contains only flour, water and salt, per 100 grams is as follows:

Proteins – 7.64 grams

Fat – 0.64 grams

Carbohydrates – 42.68 grams

Carbohydrates occupy a leading position here. Flour contains starch, which in our body turns into sugar and gives us energy. The proteins contained in flour have almost no effect on the calorie content of the dough. But they provide the necessary material for building cells and tissues. But sugar and eggs are also added to confectionery products: all these components increase the calorie content of the dough, which is not always as high as we used to think. Some types of dough - even unleavened - are quite light. Therefore, if you are on a diet, you can choose the safest option. Shortbread dough is considered the “heaviest” in terms of calorie content, and this is not surprising. It usually contains a large amount of fat (butter), and therefore its “weight” is 350-400 kcal per 100 grams of product. How many calories are in other types of dough? Let's look at them below.

Calorie content of puff pastry

A special feature of puff pastry is its thin layers, between which there is butter. Preparing it at home is quite labor-intensive and does not pay off due to the negative impact on the figure. The calorie content of puff pastry is not inferior to the same indicator for shortcrust pastry and is 337 kcal per standard 100 grams, which is considered a fairly high value.

The nutritional value of puff pastry per 100 grams is as follows:

Proteins – 5.9 grams

Fat – 18.5 grams

Carbohydrates – 39.3 grams

Carbohydrates are in the lead, but there is also a sufficient amount of fat in this type of dough, which will definitely affect your weight.

Calorie content of yeast dough

The most popular type of dough that can be prepared at home is yeast dough. Delicate and airy, it cannot leave anyone indifferent. Buns, pies, and pies made from this dough turn out very tasty. It comes in two types - sponged and unpaired. After kneading the dough and layering it, special chemical processes occur inside it that allow the finished product to look lush. The calorie content of yeast dough is approximately 274 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is less than in previous versions.

The nutritional value of yeast dough per hundred grams looks like this:

Proteins – 5.8 grams

Fat – 6.4 grams

Carbohydrates – 49.3 grams

The calorie content of this type of dough is reduced due to the fat content. As a rule, large amounts of butter or vegetable oil are not added here, which make the consistency heavier and kill all the fluffiness.

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The diet is designed for 10 days. Breakfast - coffee without sugar, optional with a sweetener. Lunch - cabbage with one spoon...

Yeast dough has long been considered a traditional dish for our country. There are so many interesting things you can do with this product on hand. It is often used for baking, cheesecakes and kulebyak. Rarely does any pizza go without it. And what delicious and aromatic buns are made from this dough. There are so many varieties of products made from it that it is impossible to list them all. Yeast dough enjoys great love and popularity not only here, but throughout the world.

A little history

The mineral complex consists of, , and.

You can also find some fatty acids and.

Thanks to such a bright and valuable composition, the product has a definite positive effect on the body:

  • increases immunity;
  • strengthens the body's protective function;
  • helps improve brain function;
  • charges with energy and vivacity;
  • increases efficiency and attention;
  • improves the process of blood clotting.

Also, depending on the flour included in its composition, the dough acquires other useful qualities. For example, a product based on is perfect for diets and weight loss. It will be useful both for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and for normalizing intestinal microflora. This dough can also prevent atherosclerosis, since corn flour cleans blood vessels well.

But a product based on the rye component is undoubtedly suitable for those suffering from diabetes, anemia or digestive system disorders. rich enough, which the body needs for good absorption of calcium and various dietary proteins.

Tricks for using yeast dough in cooking

Yeast dough is widely used in the culinary field. Various types of bread and pastries are baked from it, pizza, pies, kulebyaki and other products are prepared. But few people know how to make products from it at home much tastier, more fluffy and more beautiful. Here are some useful tips:

  • yeast dough will rise faster if you insert wide pasta into it;
  • if you add a little cooled boiled milk to it before baking, the dough will become soft, airy and fluffy;
  • products for it should be used at room temperature;
  • Instead of yeast, you can use a small amount or;
  • the optimal temperature for yeast will be between 30 and 35 degrees;
  • potato starch can add fluffiness to dough products;
  • When preparing the product, drafts should be avoided;
  • It is better to knead the dough with dry hands;
  • the product will be tastier if you add semolina to it;
  • the best product is obtained from sifted flour;
  • It is better to use unmelted, but mashed;
  • Do not overdo it with baking soda, otherwise the product will get an unpleasant color and aroma;
  • The best baking will be achieved if the dough is kneaded with milk;
  • with a large amount of sugar, dough products may burn and not be as fluffy;
  • When preparing, you must use only fresh yeast;
  • if you use only yolks instead of eggs, the baked goods will turn out more tender and crumbly;
  • if you are planning a pie with filling, then the dough should be especially thin in order to better reflect the taste of the filling;
  • It is not advisable to restrain the dough or dough;
  • if you brush the pie with milk or beaten egg before baking, this product will get a beautiful glossy crust;
  • If you use more fat and less liquid in the recipe, the product will turn out more crumbly.

Recipe for thin yeast pizza dough

To prepare you will need:

  • water – 250 grams;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh yeast – 15 grams;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • flour - about 500 grams.

Mix sugar with yeast and warm water. Beat in the egg, add salt and mix thoroughly. Pour in vegetable oil, add sifted flour. Stir the dough with a spoon, then knead thoroughly with your hands, transfer to a bowl and cover with a clean towel. Set aside for about two hours. By this time it should double in size.

Application in cosmetology

Yeast dough is also successfully used in the field of home cosmetology. Based on it, various masks are made for the face, neck and décolleté. It helps tighten sagging skin, nourish it with useful substances, and can also prevent excessive dryness and flaking, and reduce inflammation.

Mask for neck and décolleté

The dough for such a mask can be used both homemade and store-bought semi-finished product. It needs to be rolled out in a very thin layer, wrapped around the neck and décolleté like a scarf, and pressed tightly. The duration of the procedure is approximately 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove the dough and rinse with warm water.

This mask has a deep moisturizing and nourishing effect, saturates the skin with beneficial properties. Almost the same mask will help get rid of a double chin.

Harm and contraindications

Products made from yeast dough have a fairly high yield, so they should be used with caution by people prone to overweight or obesity. Yeast can kill the natural intestinal microflora, which can lead to dysbiosis. Also, it should not be used by people with individual intolerance to the components included in its composition.


Yeast dough is a very popular product in cooking. Various delicious baked goods, buns, bread, excellent Italian pizza and other products are prepared from it. In addition to its taste, it also has a beneficial composition that can bring significant benefits to the body. It can boost immunity, improve memory, and protect against various effects of harmful environments. This product is also in demand in the field of cosmetology. It is used to make rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing face masks. However, when consuming yeast dough, you should pay attention to its harmful properties. This is a fairly high-calorie product, so people who adhere to various diets or are watching their figure are not recommended to eat it.

Modern housewives use sour yeast dough to bake various pies and kulebyak. Airy, tender dough - it cannot leave anyone indifferent. Of course, the calorie content of yeast dough is quite high. 100 g contains - 274 kcal, Therefore, it is especially not recommended to lean on such products, as this threatens to gain excess weight. But sometimes you definitely need to treat yourself to aromatic pastries!

Flour products contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats, and therefore their calorie content is high, but the calories in this type of dough can be reduced if you add a small amount of fats, or eliminate them altogether. The oils that make up the dough only make the consistency heavier and prevent the dough from breathing and rising.

Yeast dough is the most common option for making dough at home. Also considered no less popular is butter dough. Products made from it are tasty, but also more nutritious! The calorie content of yeast dough is equal to 100 g - 390 kcal.

Of course, the caloric content of yeast dough is very high, but it is still worth eliminating it from your diet forever. Consume everything in moderation, and then your weight will be normal!


Baked goods are all products made from dough by baking. Bread is baked goods. A bun or pie with filling is a pastry. Pancakes and pancakes are also baked goods, despite the fact that they are baked not in the oven, but in a frying pan. Baking - calorie table will help you calculate the number of calories you eat with a piece of chocolate cake or a slice of bread at breakfast.

Calories in baked goods - are they really dangerous?

Everyone loves baking. There is no such person who would be indifferent to a fragrant golden brown bun, rich charlotte, chocolate cake or golden brown khachapuri. Few people can muster their will and refuse the coveted treat. And even if several times you find the strength to push away a piece of the coveted pie to drink tea without sugar, after some time you will definitely break down again, enjoy it, and then be tormented by remorse, fearfully counting the number of calories consumed.

In fact, there is no need to torture yourself at all. Moreover, even if you are on a diet, you can indulge in this tasty treat from time to time. There is even a specially developed theory that states that you just need to set yourself one or two days a week when you can consume some extra calories. Provided that on the remaining days you continue to adhere to a moderate diet. So, if on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday you consume an average of 1300 kcal per day, then on Wednesday and Saturday you can easily add 320-400 kcal to them and eat something you really want. It won't do you any harm. The most important thing is not to get carried away and not to organize such a “belly celebration” for yourself too often.

Calorie content of baked goods - buns

Baking can be different - rich and not rich. Butter baked goods, such as buns, contain more calories due to the fact that baking is added to them: a large amount of butter, eggs, milk, sugar. This is what makes the buns especially delicious. Therefore, in the calorie table, such baked goods occupy the top positions. Next to the cream cakes. In Rus' they loved rich pastries and usually prepared them for all holidays. To give a particularly appetizing aroma, special flavorings are usually added to butter baked goods - in particular vanillin, vanilla essence or cinnamon.

The calorie content of butter buns is approximately 340 kilocalories per 100 grams.

But it would be wrong to say that the only harm from baking is extra pounds. In fact, butter dough contains many useful substances that the body needs - vitamins: beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, A, E and PP, as well as useful minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. Therefore, eating buns is very healthy. You just need to do this in moderation.

Baking - calorie table

Well, now, to make it easier for you to count the number of calories you eat daily, we want to give you a summary table that shows the calorie content of some of the most common baked goods. You need to understand that the data given in the table reflects the number of calories in standard baked goods, such as those you can buy in a store. If you prepare the baked goods yourself, then their calorie content may differ slightly. Depending on how much of certain products you use.

“Flour is bad for your figure!” But are dough products really that bad for maintaining normal weight? Store shelves are overflowing with a variety of cookies and pastries, almost every home has a package of flour, and most housewives know at least a couple of recipes for delicious dough products. It is believed that all this contains a lot of fats and carbohydrates, but is there at least one type of dough that is preferable to choose if you want to lose weight?

Preparing the dough

The ingredients usually include flour, eggs and sugar. Yeast, milk and butter are also present in different variations. Shortbread dough is the most high-calorie dough, since it contains just more oil than other types. There is no oil in lean dough, which is why there is so little fat, and when using yeast you can also do without it.

The flour should be sifted before preparing the dough.- this way it will be more fluffy due to the large amount of oxygen. High-grade flour contains the most gluten, so it is great for baking pies, cookies and bread. Sugar helps the yeast work more actively and also holds the flour particles together. It is important to dissolve the sugar properly Therefore, sometimes it is recommended to even add powdered sugar. It is customary to use milk or fermented milk products as a liquid, less often water. Yeast also works better in a dairy environment.

Butter or sunflower oil and margarine make the dough more tender and give baked goods a pleasant aroma. Egg whites help make the dough looser. The yolks act as a kind of glue and make the dough structure homogeneous. It is dangerous to break eggs directly into the dough; it is better to do it in a mug first so as not to accidentally add a spoiled egg to the mixture. In the lean version, baking powder or soda dissolved in vinegar is added instead.

Calorie content of dough

Like other complex dishes, the energy value of the dough depends on the ingredients that go into it. The lean dough contains no ingredients of animal origin (eggs, milk and butter). Yeast also often does without oil, hence the low calorie content.

How to reduce the calorie content of dough

In everything you need to know when to stop. If you really want shortcrust pastry cookies, you just need to slowly eat 1-2 pieces and be satisfied with this quantity. Even if you eat just one piece of pie every day, you can gain weight. And if you pamper yourself occasionally, nothing bad will happen. But when you cook yourself, try to choose lower-calorie types of dough - yeast or lean.