Which energy drink is better. Alcoholic energy drinks: what they consist of and how they affect the body

The formulation of energy drinks has changed over the centuries. In America, not yet discovered by Columbus, the Indians drank a dark liquid from the fried leaves and bark of the holly tree. The only one side effect such energy was incessant severe vomiting. Indians sought salvation from sleep and fatigue in religious drinks made from harmala, ephedra or mushrooms. The most popular energy drinks are still coffee and loose leaf tea.

What do you need to know about alcoholic energy drinks, what they consist of and how they act on the human body?

general characteristics

The first energy stimulants that became available to humanity were tea and coffee. But their power left much to be desired. Demand creates supply, so the market is rapidly flooded with carbonated energy drinks in cans. Their popularity depends on the territorial location and peculiarities of life of each nation. For example, sales of energy drinks in Russia are growing every year by 10-30%.

The last decade is considered the peak of popularity, although the concept of an invigorating liquid itself is far from new and has been in use for a long time.

The first energy drinks

One of the first energy drinks to burst onto the industrial market was the famous Coca-Cola. The first version of the soda, released in 1886, contained cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine from the tropical cola tree, in addition to the standard ingredients. John Stith Pemberton (founder Coca-Cola company) was own recipe energy liquid. To 1 gallon of syrup (3.8 liters) add 5 ounces of coca leaves (150 grams). Later, the dosage of the plant was reduced to one tenth, and after 17 years the component was completely abandoned.

Another regular at the market is Lucozade. The drink first appeared in the English town of Newcastle. In 1927, chemist William Owen created an invigorating remedy for patients who had a cold or flu. Lucozade included glucose syrup, carbonated liquid, citric/lactic/ascorbic acid, caffeine, sodium bisulfate, sodium benzoate. This is a standard list of ingredients that are included in energy drinks to this day.

In the 60s, the energy drink market took over Asia. One of the brightest energy drinks of that time was Lipvitan-D, which was produced by a local pharmaceutical company. Since 1962, Lipvitan-D has become the main drink of hardworking Japanese workers. The miniature bottles, which looked more like syrup packaging rather than energy drinks, contained vitamin mixes, taurine and niacin. The liquid really gave a surge of strength, energy, and increased concentration. 20 years after its introduction to the Japanese market, night life Japan has sparkled with new colors. The epochal return of the popularity of “Lipvitan-D” occurred in the 80s, and the bulk of buyers were Japanese idle youth.

Popular alcoholic energy drinks

In the post-Soviet market, it ranks first low alcohol cocktail"Jaguar". It contains 7%. Previously, Jaguar was produced with 9 or 5.5% alcohol. The cocktail became widespread in popular culture and became hallmark a certain group of people who do not care about their own health, following fashion trends. By 2017, the cocktail had abruptly disappeared from store shelves, but sales are still ongoing in local kiosks and online stores.

A can of Jaguar contains 150 milligrams of caffeine (equivalent to three cups instant coffee). The substance provokes nervousness, disrupts sleep, and forms dependence. The cocktail also includes carbon dioxide (increases the rate of absorption of ethyl alcohol, affects the liver), vitamins, 30 grams of sugar (about 6 teaspoons) and flavoring. The popularity of the cocktail is due to its relative cheapness and excellent distribution network. The powerful advertising made several years ago still works and makes the Jaguar desirable to suggestible teenagers.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

The list of popular alcoholic energy drinks also includes Flash, Strike and Gorilla. Their composition and properties are identical to Jaguar. Only the aromatic fragrances and the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the jar may differ.

What is included in energy drinks

Every year several new products appear on the market, which differ from previous ones only in price segment and appearance packaging. Each of them promises inspiration, vigor, and an inexhaustible supply of energy, but all drinks are made according to a similar recipe, and their composition is almost identical. According to statistics, there are only 5 basic components for energy drinks: vitamin B3, B6, B12, taurine, caffeine. The only ingredient on the list that actually works and provides the body with energy is caffeine. Scientists have proven this experimentally. During it, some participants drank water with added caffeine, while others drank water with complex vitamin composition. As a result, brain activity and reaction speed of both groups turned out to be almost identical.

Caffeine is the most popular and used medical drug in the world. It stimulates the central nervous system, increases cardiac activity, accelerates the pulse and provokes contraction blood vessels. Safe dose caffeine is considered to be 400 milligrams per day. Consumption in excess of the permissible dosage can lead to sleep disturbances, increased heart rate, anxiety, nausea and headaches.

1 can of energy drink contains from 7 to 200 milligrams of caffeine.

Another important component of alcoholic energy drinks is ethanol. It has the exact opposite effect on the body. If caffeine tones a person, then alcohol, on the contrary, stimulates a sedative effect. All systems relax, coordination, memory, reaction speed gradually deteriorate along with well-being.

The effect of ethyl alcohol on the body depends on the concentration and duration of exposure. Use leads to:

  • inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system;
  • stupor, decreased threshold of sensitivity to pain;
  • alcoholic excitement, gradual addiction to a toxic pathogen;
  • cirrhosis, gastritis, ulcers, cancer, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oxidative damage to brain neurons;
  • clinical depression;
  • of death.

How safe is it to drink alcoholic energy drinks?

The combination of an energy drink and ethyl alcohol can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences. The exact opposite action of the components can trigger collapse. As soon as the combination of ethanol and caffeine is ingested, a person begins to experience general weakness, decreased activity, drowsiness and apathy towards what is happening. The claimed boost of energy from caffeine and sugar will be blocked by the harmful effects of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol.

Possible consequences:

  • excessive stress on the psyche, which makes a person’s behavior uncontrollable;
  • increased heart rate, excessive stress on cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the central nervous system (can be triggered by both ethyl alcohol and excess caffeine);
  • increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus, rapid weight gain, digestive disorders and metabolic disorders;
  • increased load on all internal organ systems;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies or development of an acute inflammatory process.

Tonic liquids after alcohol can be consumed only after the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol have been completely removed from the human body. Ideally, from 6 to 14 hours, depending on the quantity and quality of the drink. Alcoholic drinks after caffeine can be consumed within 2-4 hours.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This natural remedy, which blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

The legislative framework

The main question regarding energy drinks that is discussed by deputies in government bodies and schoolchildren is whether minors can drink invigorating drinks? A product that does not contain alcohol can be sold to a minor. If a retail chain or local store refuses to sell a non-alcoholic energy drink to, for example, a 16-year-old boy, then this indicates that the seller is illiterate. But laws regarding the sale of liquids with caffeine, taurine and vitamins may vary geographically. For example, in the Moscow region, selling tonic drinks to minors (regardless of the presence/absence of ethyl alcohol in the composition) is prohibited.

Energy drinks do not include coffee, tea, tea-based liquids or coffee extracts, the caffeine concentration in which does not exceed 0.151 mg/cu. cm.

With alcoholic energy drinks the situation is different. They are equated to alcoholic drinks, which are prohibited from being sold to minors. In each country, the law banning alcohol-containing products has some peculiarities. For example, in the USA it is permissible to drink alcohol from the age of 21, in Europe - from 18, in Asia - from 16-14, and in some African countries there is no such ban at all.

Laws that regulate the circulation of alcohol may differ even within one country (for example, by region). In most cases, energy drinks are equated to alcoholic drinks, and their sale is permitted only upon reaching the Legal drinking age. Check out legislative framework country in which you plan to make a purchase, and act in accordance with the established rules. Don't forget about potential danger alcohol-containing energy drinks and stay healthy.

Alcoholic energy drinks over the past five years have become 37% more popular. But according to scientists, these drinks are very harmful to health, and their massive consumption can lead to large-scale problems. Is it true?

Alcohol itself causes considerable harm to the human body. This has long been a fact and has been scientifically proven more than once. What about regular energy drinks? It is impossible to say that they have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental development of people. And there are very few cases of the destructive effect of simple energy tonics on the human body - literally one in ten million. Recently, a new trend has emerged - alcoholic energy cocktails. Doctors and people who understand the principles of operation of these mixes, after research, stubbornly insist that drinking tonics with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 1.2% is not only harmful, but also deadly! Let's consider how true their statements are.

In order to more correctly and clearly answer the question: “What is the harm of alcohol-based tonic drinks?”, first you need to analyze their composition.

Typically, the main components of simple energy tonics are the following ingredients:

  • caffeine;
  • sugar;
  • preservative (sodium benzoate);
  • dyes and flavorings(guarana extract, taurine, black carrot juice, etc.).

In addition to the main components, alcoholic invigorating mixtures contain ethyl alcohol. Without it, raising the “degree” in the finished drink would be impossible, since this is not beer, and natural fermentation processes do not occur when preparing energy tonics. Caffeine and sugar in tonic mixes play the role of energy supplements, so you can’t live without them. Adding a preservative increases shelf life finished product. And finally, flavors and colors are added to energy drinks for one purpose - to make them drinkable. What are the benefits of such cocktails? Logically speaking, they
are needed to relieve a drowsy state for a certain period of time in order to increase a person’s performance. This may be necessary, for example, if you need to finish some work today at all costs, but you feel unbearably sleepy. After all, there are no specialized tablets for relieving sleep, although there are ones to create.

However, not all energy drink consumers use these liquids for their intended purpose. The veracity of this statement can be proven by the fact that the main consumers invigorating drinks are young people - students, teenagers and, oddly enough, schoolchildren who need energy tonics in order to stay awake while hanging out in clubs.

In this regard, the question itself begs: “How do energy drinks with alcohol affect the condition of people, especially minors?”

Tonic liquids with a “degree” - action

The basic principle of the operation of alcoholic invigorating drinks is determined by three substances included in the composition:

  1. Ethanol.
  2. Caffeine.
  3. Sugar.

After entering the stomach, ethanol begins to be absorbed into the blood, causing painfully well-known consequences: relaxation, drowsiness, inertia. In general, there is an obvious decline in activity.

After caffeine, on the contrary, memory and attention are activated, and the internal reserve of strength awakens. Sugar is quite high in calories, so it can also be considered as a source of energy.

As you can see, the actions are absolutely opposite. It follows from this that after drinking an energy drink with alcohol, a person is unlikely to feel a surge of energy, since the tonic effect of caffeine is “muffled” by the action of alcohol breakdown products. It's not that scary yet. After all, lethargy and relaxation after exposure to alcohol will be compensated by the invigorating effect of caffeine. As a result, a person who drinks an alcoholic energy drink will be drunk, but will not feel it.

Meanwhile, the lack of vigor will force him to drink a second, third, and so on can of dangerous liquid, without thinking about the consequences.

And considering that one such “jar of energy” contains 80 mg of caffeine and 30 g of sugar, an overdose of energy drinks containing alcohol entails a whole list of consequences:

  • taking energy tonics in excess of the norm and, as a result, entering a state of so-called vigilant drunkenness, when excessive stress on the psyche makes a person’s behavior unpredictable;
  • arrhythmia, rapid pulse;
  • psychotic disorders associated with caffeine overdose;
  • weight gain and risk of developing diabetes due to increased sugar consumption;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases against the background of increased load on internal organs.

Judging by the amount of caffeine and sugar in one bottle of the drink, we can conclude: you cannot drink more than one, or at least two, cans of energy drink per day. Excess daily dose may interfere with normal perception.

Consume alcoholic products of an invigorating nature is strictly prohibited for schoolchildren and minors. If this is neglected, the consequences of admission may affect the academic performance of adolescents.

What to do to avoid harming yourself with energy tonics?

There are several ways to protect yourself from harmful effects after taking “energizing” drinks with alcohol:

The progressively increasing rate of consumption of tonic drinks with alcohol among frivolous youth leads to the emergence of mental problems in the younger generation. Some European countries have already said “no” to products containing both alcohol and caffeine. In general, consuming invigorating mixes with a strength of more than 1.2% does not make sense, since it does not make a person more alert.

“The stupidest thing is to try to understand other people’s motivations.”

I don't remember who said...

I am a man of experience, plus sincere. Maybe, of course, they simply didn’t offer me the proper amount of money, I don’t know, but I think that my disposition cannot be bought. After a recent magazine article, I am periodically asked:

- Why are most of the positions in the article SAN? They paid you, right?

- Certainly,- I say, - Do you see three brand new Hummers standing behind me?

- No, what?!- they are perplexed.

- That's what!- I answer.

Let's take energy as an example. How did SAN’s “Fierce” appear in my personal menu? Let's plunge into history, so to speak. Eleven years ago, I was walking to my first club - to work. Well, like going to work, going to training. I approach, all so determined, anticipating four heavy sets of squats and further, no less pleasant physical training. I saw six gym instructors standing at the entrance smiling happily, rubbing their calloused palms:

- ABOUT,- They say, - here Dima has come! Hooray!!!

Reason for joy: 30 rolls of new rubber flooring for the gym were brought to work. Each weighs 300 kg. 30x300 = 9 tons. And our gym is on the second floor. Wow... For an hour and a half straight, stripped to the waist, twelve smart guys, like pumped-up barge haulers, hauled these damn rolls upstairs under the command of their superiors: “Aaaand, one! Aaaand, two! Aaaand... pull straighter! Don’t fall for Smirnov!” They dragged us, fell, rested, got up. I look: there is still plenty of time, you can have time to practice, but you don’t have the strength. Little spent. I walk into a bar and see a bottle of cola and Snickers. I eat it out of grief and... oh, miracle - I feel a surge of energy! In general, I trained with a bang! I drew conclusions and began to use it constantly. And then look at the chronology:


Years: 2001-2005

Pros: mass of energy per a short time

Minuses: a lot of sugar, greasy skin, excess weight

In general, this is, of course, not an energy drink, but a path to early diabetes. Maybe, due to its youth, the body could digest this substance, but later its effect inevitably began to affect, if not health, then certainly on appearance. As a result, I have a beautiful scar from the removed crap on my face, right under my eye. I tell everyone that it was I who defended the woman.


Years: 2005-2008

Pros: Lots of energy for a little longer

Cons: excess nutrients, especially sugar, excess weight

It works, but you need to choose the right brand for both. In the past, at the insistence of the domestic bottling guru of that time, I used N-Large internally. In taste and composition, it differed little from the “energy drink” option number 1, so the problems were almost the same.


Years: 2008-2010

Pros: high adrenaline levels and cheerful mood

Cons: unstable effect, tachycardia, addiction, sugar

In addition to sugar, tachycardia and shaking hands during exercise, Red Bull gave an extremely unstable effect. Sometimes his influence was simply amazing - record after record! And sometimes - even a stake on your head! Nothing. And the more often you drink, the more often this same thing happens. Plus, there was an increased load on the heart, especially in summer.


Years: 2010-2011

Pros: taste, high energy, convenient bottles, reduced cardiovascular stress (CCC)

Disadvantages: the effect is too harsh, the need to clearly select the dosage and time of administration

I fell in love with this thing almost immediately. Compared to Red Bull, the effect was probably triple, and it contained substances that reduce the load on the heart. As a result, there was no tachycardia or increased stress on the heart, but there was a lot of energy. But it was necessary to drink it no later than an hour before the start of the workout and drink no more than half at once and another half immediately before the load. Otherwise, peak performance occurred either too early or too late. Plus, sometimes I didn’t sleep well after it, and if I drank two drinks (at competitions, for example), I didn’t sleep at all.


Years: 2012 - present

Pros: taste, composition, soft, smooth increase in mood and working energy; no noticeable load on the cardiovascular system

Cons: not noted

Unlike all other energy drinks, this one is not exactly an “energy drink” in the everyday sense. Instead of stimulating the nervous system by increasing adrenaline, Fierce is packed with almost everything that can help you lift more and longer without feeling tired. There is creatine with complex transport systems, and nitric oxide with other volumizing agents that provide muscles with additional blood flow. And glucuronolactone - the same one that was responsible for improving mood back in Red Bull, and taurine, and acetyl-el-glutamine, and tyrosine, and, finally, caffeine. And there is no sugar at all, although the taste is very pleasant. In general, the manufacturers did not forget anything, but on the contrary, they provided for everything. You drink an hour before training and that’s it - the effect is guaranteed: you lift the barbell for three hours in a row like a crazy electric broom!

I was skeptical about sports nutrition from the very beginning, as you can see by looking at my posts from past years. Therefore, if anything was used, it was only because it worked. And I didn't stop looking. And every time, trying a new position, I boldly forgot about all the previous ones. This applies to everything I wrote about - take “Myodrive” or “Aminoz” from Hardlabz. So bon appetit and new records!

Now it’s your turn to share your experience and talk about energy drinks that suit you.

Energy drinks are becoming more and more popular in the carbonated drink market every year. In the lifestyle of the younger generation, in most cases, there is no internal regulations day - sleep time can begin both at night and during the day. This is why energy drinks have become in demand by people all over the world.

Drinking energy drinks is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Most doctors talk about causing inevitable harm to the health of a person whose passion is invigorating soda. Russia even passed a law prohibiting minors from buying such goods.

Consuming energy drinks in large quantities can be addictive due to certain chemical properties, the substances they contain - caffeine, taurine and sugar. In order to know what is better to buy, we present rating of the most popular energy drinks in the world with least amount harmful substances .

The British drink, released in 2008, with the double name Cocaine received widespread in Europe and the USA. In Russia, this energy drink is less well known and can be sold in few places. This is one of the most invigorating and at the same time harmful sodas in the world. Contains caffeine (8 cups strong coffee), large amounts of sugar and taurine.

After the energy drink was released, healthcare considered it too strong and harmful. The drink was immediately banned, but after some time production resumed. It was also not given this name immediately, only after a court decision.


A product that began its journey through 40 countries around the world back in 1990. The energy drink immediately won over its customers thanks to its excellent effect. After taking it, the person felt a great surge of energy.


Quite cheap energy drink, popular with young people. On average, the manufacturer asks only 50 rubles for a half-liter bottle. The main thing is that the quality of the drink corresponds to reality.

The effect of the energy drink on the human body lasts only a couple of hours, but it is very high quality - good spirits are immediately ensured. However, there are rumors surrounding Flash that its composition on the label is not true. This may be true, or it may just be feedback from evil competitors.


The name of the next drink is the well-known abbreviation of nitrous oxide liquid for cars, which gives the engine tremendous acceleration. The same thing happens to a person who takes this energy drink. Thanks to the high content of caffeine, taurine and carbon dioxide (bubbles), such a quick effect is achieved.

However, be careful when drinking this drink. High content Harmful substances in energy drinks can cause dizziness or loss of consciousness. In 2012, a case was recorded in which a girl who drank 2 cans of NOS simply passed out.


This energy drink appeared on the shelves of Russian stores only recently in 2017, but has already become quite popular. Several flavors are now available: original, lemon, guava and berries. According to the study, RockStar drink is less harmful than the above.

It contains only 4 mugs of strong coffee per 0.5 liter jar, less taurine and sugar. Some invigorating substances have been replaced with products of natural origin: ginseng and guava. But still, consuming a large amount will lead to disastrous consequences.

5. 5-Hour Energy

The top five most popular energy drinks in the world with the least amount of harmful substances opens with the American drink 5-Hour Energy. Of course, it also contains harmful substances, but less than the others. The manufacturer generally claims that his product is almost harmless.

5-Hour Energy is mainly popular among people involved in sports. It is considered a good activity stimulant muscle mass. It contains amino acids, vitamin B and caffeine, whose content is equal to 2 strong cups of coffee. No matter what the owner of the company says, this energy drink also contains harmful substances.

4. Monster

Fourth place goes to the fairly popular Monster energy drink, which went into production in 2002. A little later he reached Russia. The advantage of this energy drink is that it does not contain caffeine or natural juice.

Of the harmful substances, the composition includes only taurine and a large amount of sucrose. Experts are still skeptical about this drink, since it contains ingredients that stimulate the nervous system. On average, the price for Monster is 130 rubles per 0.5 liter can.

3. Adrenaline Rush

The top three is occupied by the famous energy drink Adrenaline Rush, produced since 2010. The harmful substances include caffeine, guarana extract and ginseng. However, the amount of caffeine in the energy drink is equal to 1.5 cups of strong coffee, and it also contains a useful vitamin complex.

The cost of one can of Adrenaline Rush ranges from 150 rubles. This drink not recommended for use by adolescents under 18 years of age. Experts also insist on limited intake of this product, as it can cause complications in the human nervous system.


Energy drink manufactured by The Coca Cola Company, takes second place in the rating, as it contains a minimum of harmful substances. It contains a good vitamin B complex. The drink is popular in more than 80 countries around the world, including Russia.

However, Burn contains caffeine and taurine, but in smaller proportions. The cost of an energy drink starts from 100 rubles, it all depends on the retail network. A small content of harmful substances does not make the drink safe. Its use should be kept to a minimum.

1. Red Bull

The first place as the most popular energy drink in the world with the least amount of harmful substances goes to the brainchild of a company from Thailand, Red Bull. The drink is different minimum quantity caffeine (1 cup of strong coffee) and taurine. The tonic effect is achieved thanks to special natural ingredients.

Red Bull first appeared in 1992 in Hungary. He reached Russia only in 2006. Probably everyone knows about product advertising on TV, which is characterized by creativity and originality. The phrase “Red Bull inspires!” began to be widely used among the people. Energetik fully confirmed its position in 1st place thanks to a large number research and reviews.

However, consuming any energy drinks leads to health problems. It is generally contraindicated for some people with neurological diseases. But if you still decide to drink energy drinks, be sure to use our rating, as it contains the most popular products with least harm for good health.

Human reserves are not limitless. Even high motivation can fail, and work must be completed on time. If a situation has arisen when your strength is running out, and a lot depends on the result of your work, then the best energy drink comes to the rescue - a stimulating drink that provides energy for mental or physical work for a short time. However, the effect does not always correspond to expectations.

Best energy drink- That. which is known to everyone and has been sold for many years.

What is the best energy drink?

Energy drinks appeared in the 80s of the 20th century as an alternative to alcoholic drinks. Unlike alcohol, energy drink does not cause relaxation, but is intended to mobilize a person for a difficult task and maintain normal tone in case of lack of sleep. To achieve this effect, the drink includes the following components:

  • caffeine is an alkaloid that excites the nervous system and stimulates mental activity, but can also depress nervous processes if consumed in excess;
  • taurine – an amino acid that tones muscular system, accelerates the work of the heart, which leads to more active blood circulation;
  • kartinin – a substance that relieves fatigue due to the oxidation of fatty acids, restoring normal metabolism; has a fat-burning effect, which is used in the fight against excess weight;
  • guarana is a plant extract that tones the human body and effectively removes lactic acid; promotes muscle activity;
  • vitamin complexes (thiamine, biotin, folic acid) are designed to improve metabolic processes, increase immunity and the efficiency of nerve cells.

The product may contain other substances whose effects have not been fully studied. The recipe for any energy drink is kept secret by the manufacturer. Each drink has a different effect on a person. Therefore, it is difficult to determine which energy drink is the best.

It is better to give preference to a drink that is made by a well-known manufacturer or has been on the market for a long time. Such drinks can be considered Red Bull and Burn. The Austrian company Red Bull GmbH has been producing its energy drink since 1987. In 2003, Burn, produced by The Coca-Cola Company, began to be sold in the CIS countries.

Which energy drink is best never to drink?

Invigorates, but doesn't sting. Japanese scientists have created their own recipe for a miraculous drink. They managed to prepare an infusion from giant wasps. They decided to test its magical power on marathon runner Nakao Takahashi. Cunning scientists gave Nakao a potion made from wasps, and then sent her to the Olympics, where she easily won the highest award. Now employees of the Tokyo Institute of Physico-Chemical Research are thinking about how to start producing the miracle drink before the enterprising Japanese catch all the insects
  1. Energy drinks in small quantities harmless to humans (1 jar per day).
  2. However, you should be wary of little-known and untested energy drinks. Sometimes companies compete unfairly by adding excessive amounts of stimulants (caffeine, taurine) to the drink. For example, in the United States, a drink called Cocaine was banned because it contained 3.5 times more caffeine than the permissible level.
  3. It’s not difficult to understand which energy drinks are best not to consume. You need to focus on your well-being, do not use when diabetes mellitus and pregnancy, and also beware of energy drinks that contain alcohol.