Which non-alcoholic beer is better. Beer bavaria bavaria malt non-alcoholic

In the small Dutch town of Lieshout in 1719, Lavrentius Mures decided to brew beer on his farm. Gradually, a small production facility turned into a factory. In 1951, the grandson (Jan Swinkles) expanded production and marketing.

The company constantly strived to improve the quality of its products. Brewer's yeast, everyone knows that they love copper, soon all Bavaria's pipelines were made of copper.

Even malt for beer is produced at the same plant, is considered the best in the world, and is exported to other countries.

The fight between Germany and Holland for the brand

The ingenious idea of ​​alcohol-free beer

In the Middle East, the idea of ​​making beer non-alcoholic first appeared in the 1970s. Muslims according to the Qur'an cannot drink alcohol. The company "Bavaria" quickly appreciated the scope of the exclusive beer, various experiments lasted for 10 years.

The new product began to be produced in 1978, the drink quickly became popular. Release of non-alcoholic "Bavaria" in glass bottles of 0.25 and 0.33 liters, as well as in cans of 0.33 and 0.5 liters.

Interestingly, the US Army has been purchasing large quantities of Bavaria Malt for soldiers who fought in the Persian Gulf. The daily news constantly showed warriors with a bottle of this beer. Beer Bavaria Malt - occupies 2/3 of the entire market for beer without alcohol in the Netherlands.

Beer "Bavaria" non-alcoholic

Non-alcoholic beer is considered to contain 0.2-1.5% alcohol. Technological methods for producing beer without alcohol:

- using the dialysis method;

- lowering the fermentation process with special yeast and low temperature, which block the reaction of converting maltose into alcohol.

Trace elements that are found in the usual beer are also in non-alcoholic ones. Useful properties are preserved, but harm

Bavaria Malt

This light filtered beer is rightfully considered the standard of non-alcoholic beers. It is brewed according to the "standard" followed by the removal of alcohol. This drink contains 0% alcohol, as evidenced by the presence of a special HIFFIA certificate. The drink is not expensive with a pleasant taste. The convenient lid can be removed freely, without the use of a "bottle opener". Also great for non-drinkers or those with alcohol allergies. This variety is sold in bottles (0.25 and 0.33 liters), and in cans (0.33 and 0.5 liters).

Beer "Bavaria" Malt has a taste with nuances of hops, rice and various herbs, with a clear pleasant aftertaste.

Taste and composition of "Bavaria" Premium

"Bavaria" Premium has a refreshing taste, low-calorie tonic beer, does not give weight gain. Light and light beer (5% alcohol).

The composition includes: water from natural sources, hops, as well as barley malt.

Beer Bavaria Premium has a beautiful golden hue with a head of foam.

The beer has a pleasant aroma, with notes of sweet malt, noble hops, flowers and herbs, wild rice, wheat ...

Sold in glass bottles (0.25; 0.33; 0.5; 0.66 liters), or in jars (0.3 and 0.5 liters). It is better to store this type of beer at -6-8 degrees.

New Bayern Munich 8.6

This novelty is a strong beer (sold in 0.5 and 0.3 l glass). Alcohol in the drink is 7.9% (and not the stated 8.6%). Not everyone liked the sweetish caramel taste. Beer Bavaria reviews are completely different. The fans did not like the smell of alcohol in the beer, the aftertaste is not very pleasant.

Combining beer with different dishes

Beer goes well with Japanese and German dishes as an aperitif. It goes well with various cheeses, fish and any meat dishes: poultry, as well as pork, etc.

Connoisseurs of aromatic foam are familiar with the situation when they really want to taste their favorite intoxicating drink, but the state of affairs is not conducive to intoxication. Non-alcoholic beer comes to the aid of beer admirers, which a few decades ago caused one bewilderment among the inhabitants. What kind of foam is it if there are no hops? It can't even be attributed to a beer drink, it's just lemonade.

But in fact, all of the foundational beer parts are contained in a non-alcoholic. It contains hops, malt and other ingredients necessary for your favorite drink. By the way, the taste of such a product is identical to the usual hop one. The only thing left is to learn to understand the varieties and identify the best non-alcoholic beer, the rating of which is best done individually, but based on the advice of experienced ones.

Non-alcoholic beer can be a worthy alternative to regular beer

Before figuring out which non-alcoholic beer is better, it should be clarified that, in fact, the percentage of ethyl alcohol in such a drink is still present. But its content is minimal and usually does not exceed 1.5%.... Whereas in the usual foam degree, the degree fits into the readings of 4-11%.

In non-alcoholic foam, alcohol is present due to fermentation processes, without which the foam is not prepared. It is not possible to completely remove the degree from this type of drink.

Manufacturers, in order to achieve the title of "non-alcoholic", are working only to reduce the volume of ethanol released during technological processes. And this is achieved in the following ways:

  1. By applying a reduced temperature. Moreover, below the level at which alcohol boils (+ 78.3⁰С).
  2. Using dialysis. Dialysis is a process in which solutions are purified from low molecular weight compounds using a special membrane. This technique is also called "membrane".
  3. By inhibiting the fermentation process. Here, technologists use two methods: the use of special yeast, which prevents the conversion of maltose (malt sugar) into ethanol, and by lowering the temperature conditions.

According to experts, the membrane method for preparing non-alcoholic hop is the most reliable and widespread. This is evidenced by the taste of such foam.

The difference between non-alcoholic beer and regular beer

In principle, considering the technological nuances of making a frothy drink in which ethanol is absent, it becomes clear that such a beer should not differ much from an ordinary one. After all, the same ingredients are used. But, given the methods that are used to remove excess ethanol from the hoppy, it can be assumed that some additional components are present in non-alcoholic foam.

Non-alcoholic beer consists of the same ingredients as regular beer

Harm and benefit

Artificially obtained compounds (as a result of technological processes) with regular and prolonged use of this drink can harm human health. According to experts, non-alcoholic intoxicating is no less harmful than the usual one. Of course, one shouldn't talk about some benefits of non-alcoholic beer, but such a drink will not bring any particular harm either.

But do not forget that beer of any kind (and low-degree also) is very well absorbed by the body, which leads to rapid weight gain. According to doctors, an excessive passion for non-alcoholic foam leads to the development of such troubles as:

  • varicose veins;
  • hormonal problems;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Organoleptic properties

Usually a light lager is used as the basis for the production of non-alcoholic foam. This is a bottom fermentation foam (during the production of which the yeast settles to the bottom as a result of exposure to a low temperature). A light lager must meet the following standards:

  1. Color: light straw or golden.
  2. Transparency: minimal sediment allowed.
  3. Foam: must be high (about 2–3 cm) and firm (holding time from 2 minutes).

Foam is an important indicator of foam quality. It is by its appearance that one can judge the aroma and freshness of the drink.

Depending on the raw materials used for the preparation of such a drink and the technology used, the characteristic hop aroma can be diluted with additional notes - honey or apple. This is a good indicator of the drink. But if the frothy smells like a caramel smell, the technologists are smart with the temperature regime, and the excess yeast aroma speaks of gross violations of the recipe.

Some non-alcoholic beers may have citrus notes

Considering the taste of non-alcoholic intoxicating, it is worth knowing some nuance. The intoxicating bitterness characteristic of the drink should not be harsh and rude. With a good foam, it will be soft and felt immediately after a sip, and then disappear after 1-2 minutes. Also, in high-quality foam, additional taste sensations (sweetness, sourness, astringency) will not become dominants.

Dealing with varieties

What types of non-alcoholic beer deserve attention? First of all, the huge and motley army of such foam can be divided into several categories. And already focusing on this classification, choose your favorite drink for yourself.

Russian brands

Considering the beer brands that are engaged in the production of this drink, you can distinguish all varieties into two types:

  1. Non-alcoholic beer produced by western technologies.
  2. Low-degree foam, which is brewed in the regions (local, regional production).

Beer brands produced in Russia:

Baltika 0... This is the first non-alcoholic beer to be produced in Russia. They have been producing it since 2001. In technological production, the dialysis method is used. Zero Baltika are manufactured at a large plant in St. Petersburg. The Baltika trademark belongs to the Scandinavian holding Baltic Beverages-Holding.

The Baltika brand was included in the list of the 100 largest trade marks in 2007, sanctified by the Financial Times (England).

Zero Baltika is unfiltered non-alcoholic beer, which is the most widespread foam in our country. For the convenience of consumers, it is produced in glass containers and tin packaging..

Baltika 0 is produced in glass and tin packaging

Bavaria 0. This, no less popular brand of non-alcoholic beer, is produced using Dutch technology. Zero Bavaria is distinguished by its taste - its taste and aroma nuances are as close as possible to traditional European ones. According to experts, the taste of Bavaria 0 is an order of magnitude higher than that of other non-alcoholic counterparts.

In addition to the two most common brands of non-alcoholic beer, we can mention such brands as:

  • Zlatý Bažant-Nealko, technology of Czech brewers;
  • Stella Artois, manufactured using Belgian technology;
  • Bud Alcohol-Free, also known under the popular brand of Budweiser (USA).

Regional beer brands:

Separately, it is necessary to say about such brands of "beer for teetotalers", which are produced in Russia not using foreign technologies, but by the efforts of our local breweries. There are quite a few decent varieties among them. For example:

  • Legend of the Siberian brewery Pikra;
  • Beliy Medved, a product produced by a Moscow brewery;
  • Foam, the fruit of the work of brewers from Chuvashia (Cheboksary);
  • Bezzer, beer produced in Barnaul, filtered and pasteurized beer;
  • Sibirskaya Korona, a premium segment of beer production, produced by the efforts of the Omsk Brewery.

Foreign varieties

Non-alcoholic beers are much more common among residents of European countries than among Russians... Therefore, this segment of the market is more saturated with foreign varieties of non-alcoholic foam. Among the most successful varieties of low-degree hop, one can note such brands as:

  • Buckler;
  • Mikkeller;
  • Paulaner;
  • Jever Fun;
  • FAXE Free;
  • Clausthaler;
  • Samichlaus Classic;
  • Schloss Eggenberg;
  • Beck's non-alcoholic;
  • Maisel's Weisse-Alkoholfrei.

The most popular non-alcoholic foam

A place Beer name Peculiarities
1 Jever Fun (Germany) it is distinguished by a particularly delicate and refined taste; beer lovers note its rare and memorable aroma
2 Schloss Eggenberg (Austria) has a slightly sour aftertaste with a hint of pine sawdust and wort
3 Bayern Munich (Holland) especially popular with football fans, although it does not stand out among other non-alcoholic brethren
4 Maisel's Weisse (Germany) has a surprisingly pleasant, slightly tart taste and specific aroma
5 Stella Artois (Belgium) this hop beer is famous for its mild and at the same time rich aroma and hoppy taste, as close as possible to ordinary beer
6 Buckler non-alcoholic (Netherlands) beer connoisseurs advise to consume this exquisite drink in a chilled form, in their opinion, this is the only way to feel all the specific aroma of the drink
7 Baltika 0 (Russia) the most widespread non-alcoholic hop in Russia got into the rating of "world celebrities" due to the refined taste that wheat malt gives to the drink
8 Clausthaler Classic (Germany) belongs to the middle price segment and is one of the best representatives of non-alcoholic beer among the middle class
9 Paulaner Hefe-Weißbier non-alcoholic (Germany) this wheat hop belongs to unfiltered beer, this drink will be an excellent addition to friendly gatherings while watching football matches
10 Bezzer (Russia) Barnaul brewers are not in vain in the ranking of the most popular non-alcoholic beer and all thanks to the unique, slightly tart and pleasant taste of this drink

Non-alcoholic beer and drivers

By the way, this is one of the reasons for the popularity of such beer products in our country - the opportunity to have a drink before the trip. The minimum ethanol level and the maximum proximity to real foam in sensations make this drink one of the favorite among car owners.

True, experts still do not advise to relax in this way immediately before driving a car. After all, the smell of hops after drinking non-alcoholic foam will remain, which may arouse suspicion among traffic police (when stopping). Therefore, there is a great chance of sending the driver for a medical examination (after all, the breathalyzer will not reveal intoxication).

The driver cannot refuse a medical examination; by refusing, he automatically agrees that he was driving drunk. Therefore, you will have to waste time and go to prove your innocence to the narcologists.

Non-alcoholic beer and pregnancy

Mom-to-be is another category of non-alcoholic foam fans. These include lactating women. It is thanks to such a foam invention that this category of women may not feel cut off from the general fun at the festive table. But doctors categorically do not recommend consuming non-alcoholic beer in this state.

It must be remembered that ethanol in non-alcoholic beer contains, albeit in low concentration, this drink also contains a lot of additives (flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, sweeteners) that can harm and negatively affect the development of the fetus. So for expectant mothers, the consumption of non-alcoholic beer becomes no less harmful than the use of regular alcohol.


Non-alcoholic beer is gradually gaining its niche in Russia, breweries are opening, new brands are being produced. Whether to use such a variety of foam or stop at the already familiar alcoholic types is a personal matter. But, in any case, choosing a non-alcoholic intoxicating drink should be deliberately, and choosing the best brand is a difficult matter.

After all, non-alcoholic beer is famous for its exquisite notes. His drinking is all about savoring taste nuances and aromatic combinations. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on proven varieties of such foam from reputable experienced manufacturers.

In contact with

Beer Bavaria is an alcoholic intoxicating drink loved in many countries of the world. The manufacturer strictly follows the traditional recipe of preparation and carefully monitors the quality of its product, therefore the products of the Bavaria brewery are one of the best in the world today.

Manufacturer and manufacturing features

The production of this alcoholic drink is carried out by the company of the same name from Holland, which opened in 1860. The Bavaria brand is an exclusively family business, therefore, only high-quality beer is for the heads of the company.

The Dutch drink of this company has an unsurpassed taste and aroma, which are due to a special technological process:

  1. The water is used only from local Dutch artesian sources. It goes through a complex multi-stage cleaning. The surplus that was not used in the preparation of beer is re-cleaned and poured back into rivers and artesian springs.
  2. The energy cycle of the Bavaria factories is completely closed. Heat generated during one production process is accumulated and redirected to another area.
  3. Bavarian malt is the best in the world. Therefore, the company's specialists use only it during the production of beer.
  4. All pipelines at the plant are made of copper, because high-quality yeast fermentation can only take place in a copper environment.
  5. Hops and yeast are selected by representatives of the Bavaria company throughout Europe, since only high-quality and natural ingredients can be used for brewing beer.

Such a carefully thought out and properly organized technological process allows the company to delight its customers with delicious beer for more than 300 years.

Description of Bavaria beer

This intoxicating drink has a balanced taste and pleasant freshness. Its color is rich golden straw, some species have a dark brown tint.

The beer itself contains a pleasant hoppy bitterness on the palate and a slight sweetness in the aftertaste. The aroma is pleasant, sweetish, with pronounced notes of hops.

The drink is sold in bottles and cans with a volume of 500 ml.

Types of beer Bavaria and their cost

There are several varieties of this intoxicating drink:

  1. Premium Pilsner 4.9% ABV. It has a beautiful golden-light shade, and the foam cap consists of many tiny bubbles. The taste is full-bodied, malty with hints of sweetness. The notes of spicy herbs and fresh apples are also distinctly felt, the subtle bitterness of hops gives a special piquancy. The cost of one glass bottle is about 80-120 rubles.
  2. Radler Lemon is a low alcohol beer with a strength of 2%. It has a light and refreshing taste, with a light, slightly golden hue. The taste is sweet and sour, citrus, and the bitterness of hops is almost completely absent. The cost of one 500 ml bottle is about 80 rubles.
  3. Bavaria Malt is a non-alcoholic beverage with a balanced taste and malt aroma. The color is golden brownish, the head is strong and persistent, consisting of many small bubbles. The taste is full-bodied with a slight bitterness. This drink tastes like European lagers - thin, with notes of hay and fruity sourness. The cost of one can of 0.5 liters is about 67-85 rubles.
  4. Bavaria Original 8.6 - beer with a strength of 7.9%. Has a rich aroma with notes of rice, dried fruits and herbs. The aroma is balanced apple-licorice. The color is dark golden. The bitterness of the hops is clearly felt in the taste. The cost of one bottle is about 90-120 rubles. The high alcohol content does not spoil the taste of the drink, on the contrary, it is drunk softly and pleasantly.

All these varieties of the drink produced by the Bavaria brand have received many awards, which only once again confirms its quality.

Combining beer with different dishes

To fully reveal the taste and aroma of this hoppy drink, the manufacturer recommends combining it with the following dishes:

  • Malt - with snacks, crackers, chips, dried fish;
  • Bavaria Original 8.6 - with olives, anchovy topas, foie gras, blue cheeses, jerky or smoked beef;
  • Pilsner - with spicy meats, barbecue wings, deep-fried squid and onion rings;
  • Radler Lemon goes best with dried duck, good beef steak, or grilled fish with lemon.

Such a gastronomic combination will fully reveal all the flavor notes of Bavaria beer and will give you the opportunity to get real pleasure from drinking it.

Dutch beer Bavaria is a hoppy drink made from the best ingredients and according to a traditional recipe, so all connoisseurs of quality beer should try it at least once.

The unique "Bavaria" Premium Malt is a non-alcoholic, low-calorie beer that retains the full flavor of a light beer. In Europe, this beer is called number one in its category. "Bavaria" Premium Malt has a refreshing taste and is a worthy alternative to alcoholic beer. Beer is created from the purest natural water, barley malt and hops. Most non-alcoholic beers are brewed like regular alcoholic beers, from which alcohol is removed in a final step. This method cannot remove all the alcohol, which is why these beers typically have 0.5% alcohol. Bavaria Premium Malt is brewed without alcohol at all and is a true 0% beer. This is confirmed by the HFFIA certificate for non-alcoholic malt products from the food inspection.

Today Bavaria is the second largest brewery in the Netherlands, and it all began in 1719 with a small village brewery in Lieshout, which served the locals and the surrounding area. The significant expansion and development of the business of the Morees-Swinkels family took place only towards the end of the 19th century thanks to the great-grandson of the founder. In 1910, a new brewery was built, and the volume of production increased to tens of thousands of liters of beer per year. By 1924, the factory building had become too small, and an even larger modern complex was erected in Leeshout. In 1933, the brewery added its own bottling plant to its properties, which produced 2,000 bottles per hour.

Bavaria focused only on the Dutch market, but since 1970 it has been supplying products to 100 countries around the world. Today, Bavaria's annual production is over five million hectoliters of beer. Most of the drinks are still brewed in Leeshout, but some of the products are also made in Russia through the Efes Beer Group and at Bavaria's own brewery in South Africa. Bavaria also owns a soft drink plant, two malt houses, De Koningshoeven Brewery and Trappist Brewery.

Non-alcoholic beer "Bavaria" Premium Malta is produced by the united group "Efes Rus", which emerged after the merger in March 2012 of the world's largest brewing companies SABMiller and Anadolu EFES (EFES Beer Group). The group's task is to take a leading position in the beer market in Russia. The merger allowed Efes Rus to become the second largest brewery in the Russian market in terms of sales. The company controls the production process of licensed brands in Russia, and also supplies beer from other countries. The group's assets include 8 breweries and 4 malt complexes.

EFES Beer Group, founded in Turkey in 1969, is a powerful company, ranked 5th among the breweries in Europe and 14th in the world. It owns breweries in Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia and Serbia, as well as branches in Belarus and Azerbaijan. EFES Beer Group products are supplied to more than 65 countries around the world.

SABMiller is one of the world's leading beer producers, founded in 1895 in South Africa. SAB entered the Russian market in 1998 by purchasing and modernizing a brewery in Kaluga. Gradually expanding, acquiring and building new capacities in Russia (totaling more than USD 700 million), today SABMiller has representative offices throughout the country.