What are the degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm? Alcohol intoxication.

Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, behavior changes, reaction, coordination of attention, movement, and psycho-emotional background worsen.

There are 4 stages of alcohol intoxication. The more severe the ethanol poisoning, the more severe the symptoms of vasomotor and physiological disorders.

How does alcohol break down in the body?

Alcohol has a pronounced effect on brain cells, causing euphoria and improving mood. Due to the effect of alcohol on the cerebral cortex, external manifestations of disorientation and other psychopathic signs of intoxication are observed. After sobering up, the affected neurons cannot function normally for some time, which is why a hangover causes a painful reaction to bright light and loud sounds.

Stages of alcohol intoxication

The severity of alcohol intoxication depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. Based on the ethanol content in the blood, mild, moderate and severe stages are distinguished.

With minor intoxication, the serum contains 0.5–1.5‰, with moderate degrees of alcoholic intoxication this figure increases to 2.5, and with severe intoxication it is 5‰. If a higher concentration of alcohol is determined, the state of intoxication is considered fatal.

Mild degree

At the initial stage, a person feels pleasant relaxation and inner warmth. A mild degree of intoxication is characterized by an improvement in mood, problems fade into the background, and emotions become stronger.

For example, loud laughter, a friendly attitude towards unfamiliar people, etc. Shyness disappears, people find a common language faster, looseness appears in speech, movements, and the desire to talk a lot.

With a mild degree of intoxication, increased appetite, redness of the skin of the face and neck, and increased heart rate are observed. Self-esteem increases, and even shy people become annoying and unrestrained. Increased excitability can be replaced by lethargy, drowsiness, and apathy. Thinking and reaction speed slow down.

Middle stage

With an average degree of intoxication, a person becomes more aggressive, repeats the same phrases several times, and cannot concentrate attention on one object for a long time. Movements become imprecise, facial expressions become inexpressive.

External signs of moderate alcohol intoxication:

  1. slurred speech;
  2. rude, tactless behavior towards others;
  3. impaired coordination of movements;
  4. unsure gait;
  5. tendency to aggression, creating conflict situations;
  6. dull feeling of pain;
  7. weakening of the instinct of self-preservation.

If a moderate degree of intoxication has been achieved, then a few hours after stopping drinking alcohol, symptoms of general malaise appear. I am concerned about severe thirst, headache, nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure.

Severe stage

Severe alcohol intoxication is characterized by slow speech, the drunk has difficulty pronouncing words (“the tongue gets slurred”), and speaks very loudly. Hand movements become sweeping, behavior becomes inadequate.

External and general symptoms of moderate alcohol intoxication:

  • increased aggressiveness;
  • unsteady gait;
  • hearing impairment;
  • disorientation in space;
  • increased sexual desire.

As the feast continues, hyperexcitability gives way to lethargy and drowsiness. A person can fall asleep anywhere, not paying attention to those around him or the air temperature. In some cases, a state of moderate intoxication leads to involuntary urination, defecation, and emptying of the stomach.

After sobering up, the drinker may have difficulty remembering previous events. Symptoms of body poisoning are more pronounced than with ethyl alcohol.

Fatal degree of alcohol poisoning

When severe neurological disorders occur caused by toxic damage to the cerebral cortex. Such alcohol intoxication can lead to the development of coma and epileptic seizures. Breathing is inhibited, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Possible asphyxia with your own vomit during sleep.

A fatal degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by a critical condition of the body

The lethal dose of alcohol for adults is 4–10 g/kg. In case of extremely severe intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol, the victim must call emergency medical assistance.

Pathological intoxication

According to the observations of doctors in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, in isolated cases, alcohol intoxication is accompanied by an acute transient change in the psyche. The pathological condition develops when taking small doses of alcohol and occurs in the form of twilight stupefaction. A person perceives current events distortedly, sees hallucinations, and is disturbed by panic.

Even with a mild degree of alcohol intoxication, the drinker becomes aggressive and quickly loses orientation in space. Excitement quickly gives way to sleep; upon awakening, memories may be erased or completely absent. observed in persons suffering from mental illness, chronic fatigue, idiosyncrasy, organic cerebral insufficiency.

What determines the degree of alcohol poisoning?

Factors influencing alcohol intoxication:

  1. duration of alcohol consumption;
  2. eating;
  3. type of alcoholic drink;
  4. general condition of the body;
  5. air temperature;
  6. rate of alcohol consumption;
  7. physical activity.


Women get drunk faster than men. The state of alcoholic intoxication depends on the type of food eaten during the feast. When eating meat dishes, the effect occurs more slowly. People who drink often become drunk for a short period of time, whereas a person leading a sober lifestyle will need to drink more alcohol.

With regular sports activities, the appearance of signs of intoxication occurs over a longer period of time than in people who neglect to go to the gym.

Video: Stages of intoxication on real people

The degree of alcoholic intoxication depends on the quantity and quality of alcohol taken (alcohol, vodka, wine, surrogates), on the mental and physical state of the drinker (mood background, degree of fatigue), age, quantity and quality of food taken, the presence of acute and chronic diseases, factors external environment (cold, heat) and age. Tolerance to alcohol, i.e., individual tolerance, is of decisive importance for the development of one or another degree of alcoholic intoxication.

The amount of alcohol that causes moderate intoxication, no deeper than average, determines the initial tolerance: this is the dose that is the maximum for a given individual at the moment. The initial tolerance is usually low - 100-150 ml of vodka; larger amounts cause nausea, vomiting, headache, and aversion to alcohol.

In persons who systematically abuse alcohol (alcoholics), tolerance increases several times compared to the initial dose; in people who drink constantly for 8-10 years, tolerance increases 5-6 times. When quantitatively determining alcohol in the blood, significant individual differences are also revealed: already at 3.5 mg% of alcohol in the blood there are serious reasons to fear for the life of a patient intolerant to alcohol; in persons tolerant to alcohol, at 5 and 6 mg% of alcohol in the blood, favorable results are observed. outcomes. Children and teenagers are especially sensitive to alcohol.

Clinically, there are 4 degrees of acute alcohol intoxication (alcohol intoxication): mild, moderate, severe and alcoholic coma.

Mild degree of alcohol intoxication

Mild degree of alcohol intoxication the most difficult to diagnose, since the external signs of intoxication are blurry and indistinct. All types of orientation and memory for the events of the current day are preserved. Associations are superficial.

With a subjective feeling of improvement in mental and physical capabilities, mental and muscular performance decreases. The perception of external impressions is weakened, contradictions are not perceived. Tactile and pain sensations are reduced.

Hearing, depth of vision, color perception are reduced, especially to the color red, the speed of reactions is reduced, and fine coordination of movements is disrupted. These violations are especially dangerous for transport drivers, pilots, and specialists in professions that require special precision. Individuals, under the influence of harmless remarks, become hot-tempered and prone to conflicts with the “offender.”

On examination, slight hyperemia of the skin is noted, the pulse is slightly increased, blood pressure is normal or slightly increased, breathing is normal or slightly increased, and body temperature is normal. The smell of alcohol is felt in the exhaled air, but the smell may not be felt if they try to mask it with aromatic or deodorizing agents, if the exhalation is superficial, if the inspection is carried out in a cold room or outdoors during the cold season, and also if the amount of alcohol is small or after taking it some time has passed. Self-control in an intoxicated person is weakened.

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Average degree of alcohol intoxication

Moderately intoxicated consciousness is impaired to a slight degree of stupor. Associative processes are slow, difficult, superficial, and disordered.

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Finely coordinated movements are performed with difficulty, the hands “do not obey” the owner. Muscle strength and pain sensitivity are significantly reduced. The pupils are slightly dilated. The skin is hyperemic, the sclera is injected, breathing is accelerated, the pulse is frequent, up to 80-90 beats per minute. Often hiccups, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, frequent pain in the heart and stomach.

Severe degree of alcohol intoxication

In case of severe alcohol intoxication The alcoholic becomes increasingly stunned, and orientation in place and time is difficult. An alcohol-dependent person loses interest in his surroundings, develops apathy, indifference to what is happening around him, to inconveniences and dangers. The facial expression of the screensaver is dull, the gaze is wandering, indifferent.

The coordination of movements of an alcoholic is severely impaired; a drunken person practically cannot stand on his feet. Physical weakness increases.

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The skin is hyperemic, less often pale, the pupils are dilated and at times narrowed. Body temperature and blood pressure are within normal limits. Frequently profuse drooling and vomiting. Breathing is shallow, weakened, frequent. There is no criticism.

Strong smell of alcohol from the breath and vomit. Drowsiness increases, the intoxicated person falls asleep halfway through a sentence, anywhere and in any position - standing, on the street, in transport. During sleep, involuntary urination is possible. When trying to wake him up, he wakes up, but immediately falls asleep again.

Alcohol intoxication can lead to alcoholic coma. In the clinical picture of alcoholic coma, there are 3 degrees, reflecting the dynamics of the toxic process.

Differential diagnosis of alcoholic coma

Alcoholic coma should be differentiated from comatose states of other origin. Alcohol intoxication and coma caused by somatic diseases, poisoning and brain injury can occur simultaneously. Alcoholic coma can serve as an impetus for the development of somatogenic coma.

Diabetic coma: the exhaled air smells of acetone, muscle tone is reduced, the liver is not enlarged, the pupils are narrowed, the eyeballs are soft and easily pressed in; the mucous membranes and skin are dry, the skin, folded, does not straighten out well; breathing is deep, rare, often Kussmaul type; blood pressure is reduced; epileptiform seizures may occur; urinary retention. Finding a syringe, a diabetic passport, and traces of injections on the thighs and arms can provide significant assistance in establishing the diagnosis.

Hypoglycemic coma: skin is moist, pale; tendon reflexes are increased in the upper extremities; pupils dilated; blood pressure is low; with intravenous infusion of 10-20 ml of 40% glucose solution, a rapid, often “at the end of the needle” effect is observed.

Apoplectic coma (stroke): sudden onset; the face is hyperemic, the skin is hot and moist, breathing is loud and snoring; pulse is tense, often slow; blood pressure is usually elevated: the vessels in the neck are tense, with pronounced pulsation; the face may be asymmetrical, the nasolabial fold is smoothed, the corner of the mouth is lowered on the side of the hemorrhage; often "cheek sail symptom"; pupils are narrow, do not react to light, sometimes anisocoria; tendon reflexes on the side of paralysis are often reduced; muscle tone is reduced on the side of paralysis and normal on the healthy side; cyanosis on the side of paralysis; the liver is not enlarged; coma has a deeper character than alcoholic coma.

Uremic coma: smell of ammonia from the mouth; the skin is dry, with scratching and pinpoint hemorrhages; the mucous membranes of the tongue and lips are dry, cracked, often with ulcerations that developed during the precomatous period; vomiting the color of coffee grounds due to the release of blood from the ulcerated mucous membrane of the stomach; blood pressure is increased, the pulse is frequent, shallow, breathing is rare, like Kussmaul or, less commonly, Cheyne-Stokes; the pupils are narrow, sometimes dilated, the eyelids are half-lowered; the liver is not enlarged; fibrillary twitching of individual muscles or generalized epileptiform seizures are noted; Friction noise of the pleura and pericardium may be heard.

Hepatic coma: specific odor from the mouth, haggard face, skin and sclera icteric, dry; in chronic patients, peculiar spider-like “stars” appear on the skin, often bleeding of the mucous membranes and hemorrhages on the skin, adynamia, lethargy and drowsiness are replaced by attacks of excitement; heart sounds are muffled, blood pressure is reduced; body temperature is increased; the liver is painful on palpation, initially enlarged, then progressively decreases in size; the spleen is enlarged; tendon reflexes are increased, especially in the limbs; pupils dilated; the stomach is swollen; often muscle spasms of the face and limbs; bradycardia is characteristic; as the coma deepens, meningeal symptoms appear; There is involuntary urination and defecation, and the stool is discolored.

Coma due to methyl alcohol poisoning: facial skin, mucous membranes and sclera are hyperemic; the skin of the body is cyanotic; the pupils are dilated, their reaction to light is sluggish or absent; frequent tonic spasms of the muscles of the limbs, masticatory and occipital muscles, tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall; Cheyne-Stokes breathing; Pulmonary edema and collapse often develop.

The same dose of alcohol causes different degrees of intoxication in people. This is connected not only with the physical characteristics of each individual person and his health, but also with his mental state, the quality of the food with which he drinks strong drinks. Any alcohol intoxication is characterized by such an indicator as severity.

What determines the degree of intoxication?

Many people who drink are well aware of the different types of intoxication, but do not understand the mechanism of the process. This is a borderline state, which is a complex of changes in a person’s physiological, mental and neurological reactions.

Within 15 minutes after drinking alcohol, the process of brain cell death begins.

First of all, the occipital part of a person is affected. Impaired brain function leads to poor coordination of movements. The person develops an unsteady gait. The state of intoxication occurs in women much faster than in men. In order for a man weighing 80 kg to get drunk within an hour, he needs to drink on average:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • 200 grams of dry wine;
  • 500 grams of beer.

A state of intoxication occurs much faster in people who have had various head injuries. There is a close connection between the rate of intoxication and the presence of chronic diseases and alcohol dependence in a person. People also eliminate alcohol from the body differently. The average for women is 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour. The male body copes with this task more actively. It produces 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour.

Each drink containing alcohol has a different effect on the human body. Even kefir and juices contain a certain amount of ppm.

Degrees of intoxication

There are three main degrees of alcohol intoxication. All signs of intoxication of various forms are largely similar. Thanks to modern technology, accurately assessing a person’s condition is not difficult.

The degree of alcohol intoxication influences the severity of toxic poisoning in the body.

The stronger the drinks consumed, the faster a person begins to get drunk. The degree of satiety of a person plays a major role in the speed of the process. Alcoholic drinks drunk by a person on an empty stomach penetrate into the bloodstream much faster than those consumed after a hearty lunch.


Such alcohol intoxication is characterized by such signs as an increased degree of cheerfulness and sociability in a person. He looks quite complacent. A drunk person's concentration decreases, his speech becomes somewhat loose and slurred, his critical assessment of his actions decreases, and a distortion of the surrounding reality occurs.

In this state, a person begins to overestimate his abilities and commits unreasonable acts. The transition from mild to moderate intoxication occurs imperceptibly. There is no clear boundary between these states.


New signs are added to those inherent in the mild degree. The smell of alcohol begins to emanate from the person’s mouth, which is felt by the people around him. The unsteadiness of gait increases, signs of deafness may appear, orientation in space is lost, and behavior becomes inappropriate.

In humans, such alcohol intoxication manifests itself in the form of provocative sexual behavior, loud swearing, provoking quarrels and fights. This condition causes memory loss.


Symptoms of intoxication at this stage include signs of deep distress
consciousness. A person’s speech becomes completely slurred and unintelligible, and control over behavior is completely absent. The person experiences mood instability. Excited gaiety can completely unexpectedly give way to anxiety and even animal fear.

How to determine the degree of intoxication?

All types of intoxication are characterized by a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood. It is detected using special devices such as a breathalyzer. The degree of intoxication can also be determined using a blood test, which can be done in a medical laboratory. Anyone can not only be poisoned by alcohol, but also die from a certain dose.

Based on the percentage of alcohol in the blood, the degrees of intoxication are divided into:

  • mild intoxication - 0.3-0.5%;
  • slight intoxication - 0.5-1.5%;
  • average intoxication - 1.5-2.5%;
  • severe intoxication - 2.5-3%;
  • deep intoxication - 3-5%.

A lethal dose for a person is considered to be a blood alcohol content of more than 5%. Many drinkers know that this is possible, but they try to set their own records for the amount of alcohol they drink.

How to sober up quickly?

There are a large number of ways to get rid of intoxication in a very
short term. One of them is nasal massage. Its tip is grasped with your fingers, slightly pulled and kneaded until it tingles. After the massage, you need to sniff a cotton swab soaked in ammonia. Very often, instead of the ears, the earlobes are massaged. Among the equally effective means:

  • Cold mint drink. Add 20 drops of mint tincture to a glass of chilled drinking water. Very often it is replaced with 5 drops of ammonia. After drinking the tincture, you need to take a cold shower and drink tea with honey.
  • Curdled milk or juices: apple, tomato, orange. Even 1 glass of any of these liquids perfectly relieves mild intoxication.
  • Cold water. In cases where it is not possible to take a shower, you can pour cold water over the back of your head and spine.
  • Activated carbon and aspirin. Take charcoal 10 tablets at a time, and aspirin 2.
  • Fresh raspberries with honey. To relieve intoxication, you need to eat at least 200 grams of berries.

Among the recipes of traditional medicine you can find various methods of preparing decoctions that help remove alcohol from the body in a short time.

Recipes for making sobering drinks

The most common drinking remedies for a hangover are decoctions. They are all prepared according to the same scheme. Herbal mixtures are poured with boiling water and infused for a certain period of time. What distinguishes them from each other is the composition of herbs. Among the most effective decoctions:

  • Centaury decoction. Prepare from 2 tablespoons of dry herbs. Infuse the decoction for 2 hours and consume 1/3 cup 3 times a day. To treat alcoholism, you need to drink the decoction for 30 days. It instills in a person a feeling of aversion to alcoholic beverages.
  • Rose hip decoction. The vitamin C contained in the fruits of this plant is very effective in combating intoxication.

In five minutes you can sober up by drinking a cocktail made with olive and sunflower oil. One drop of any of the oils is mixed with egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture and 2 drops of lemon juice. Add 2 teaspoons of ketchup or adjika to this mixture.

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Experiment on real people:

Every year the number of traffic accidents involving drunk drivers increases. Accidents can be simple, without injuries or injuries, or they can lead to the death of the driver or, even worse, completely innocent people. Often the culprit is drinking alcohol, which negatively affects a person’s nervous system: he is drawn to heroic deeds, and he often has poor control over his actions.

There are laws that give the police the power to revoke a drunk driver's license and also impose large fines. To avoid dire consequences and problems, you should not drive while drunk, even if there is at least a small amount of ethyl alcohol in your blood. Every driver, first of all, should know what ppm is, how to determine what amount of ppm is acceptable, and which will lead to serious consequences.

What is ppm

Promille is a unit of measurement for the percentage of a person, where 1‰ equals 1/10%. The maximum amount of alcohol in the blood reaches its peak 30-40 minutes after drinking a strong drink. But studies have shown that the liquid of any healthy person who has not taken alcoholic beverages contains from 0.008 to 0.4‰, this is explained by the process of decomposition of sugars and starchy foods, i.e. natural fermentation process.

The amount of alcohol consumed affects each person differently, depending on individual characteristics:

Permissible norm of ppm in blood

According to the physiological processes of our body, it exists in the blood. If the figure exceeds the permissible dosage, legal measures are taken against the violator.

So, permitted by law The alcohol concentration is:

  • When researched through air analysis, i.e. breathalyzer, the amount should not exceed 0.16‰. The study shows that 1 liter of air contains 0.16 mg of alcohol;
  • According to a blood test, the percentage is calculated more accurately, and the allowed value should not be more than 0.35‰. This shows that 1 liter of blood contains 0.35 mg of ethyl.

If you know this data and comply with the rules, you will not face detention or fines, besides, breathalyzers are publicly available and sold in all pharmacies, and before leaving home you can independently check the concentration of ppm in your blood.

If a driver is detained by a traffic police officer for allegedly exceeding the ppm dosage, the driver has the right to demand a blood test indicating accurate data.

Degree of intoxication in ppm

According to the study, several degrees of intoxication are distinguished:

Duration of the effect of alcohol on the body

The rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the human body is not a quick process and depends on many factors. Here are the main ones: health status, caloric content of food, human fatigue. How quickly alcohol is eliminated from the body depends on the liver and pancreas. Also, the elimination time depends on the strength of the drink drunk and the gender of the drinker:

In men, alcohol disappears faster:

On average, women excrete approximately 0.1‰ in 1 hour. Men have more – 0.1-0.15‰ per hour.

Absorption of alcohol occurs a few minutes after drinking an alcohol-containing drink, and after 30-50 minutes the maximum concentration appears. To slow down the process of intoxication, you should eat fatty foods before and during drinking.

It is important to know that kvass and kefir also contain a small dose of alcohol, and a breathalyzer can show from 0.2 to 0.6 ppm.

How to determine the degree of intoxication yourself

You can determine the percentage of alcohol in the blood yourself using online calculators that calculate ppm from weight, gender, amount of alcohol consumed, and type of alcohol. In addition, you can use a pharmacy breathalyzer or donate blood for analysis.

mg/ppm conversion table

Harm of alcoholic beverages to health

Alcoholism is a terrible disease, a cancer that eats people. Every year a large number of people die from alcohol overdose; it becomes especially scary when you see schoolchildren with a bottle of beer or vodka. And the reason for such popularity is the affordable cost and the example of parents or friends.

In the fight against this disease, measures were introduced to limit the sale of alcoholic beverages at night. When the celebration comes to an end, the drinker wants to continue the fun and drink more, but often the drunk dose turns out to be unnecessary and leads to very disastrous results.

When ethyl is consumed orally, there is a large load on the liver, pancreas, nervous system, heart, and the intestines and kidneys suffer. Chronic alcoholics experience cirrhosis of the liver, loss of teeth and hair, the skin takes on a dark, unhealthy appearance, speech is confused and confused, and the person often becomes aggressive and inappropriate, especially during hangovers. Addiction appears. When intoxicated, the heart works slower, the heart rhythm is disturbed, which is fraught with a host of other diseases.

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