What meat spices will make the meat juicy and tender? List of seasonings and spices for meat! (Cooking recipes). The best seasonings for dishes: from meat to dessert

The smell of store-bought ground spices cannot be compared with what is formed when grinding in a mortar. If you need to grind seasonings into a fine paste, it will be an ideal assistant. The container should be filled no more than a third full.

Bright paprika will give the pork an amazing color, and amber mustard seeds will add a piquant bitterness. Rosemary is a classic spice. The camphor note introduced by rosemary will remind you of the smell of pine.

Spices intended for grinding should not contain lumps. The aromatic mixture will give the meat an unforgettable aroma and form a light crispy crust.


  • 0.5 tsp. mustard seeds
  • 0.5 tsp. multi-colored peppercorns
  • 0.5 ground dried garlic
  • 0.5 tsp. ground paprika
  • 2 pinches of ground red hot pepper
  • 0.5 tsp. dried rosemary
  • 1 tsp. salt


1. You can supplement the list of seasoning ingredients by adding other spices to your taste. Pour colorful peppercorns and mustard seeds into a mortar. At this stage, you can replace these spices with ground ones - if desired.

2. Add dried rosemary leaves - you only need a little of them to highlight the sweetness of the pork meat.

3. Mash everything thoroughly in a mortar, crushing all the peppercorns.

4. Add ground dried garlic.

5. Follow with a few pinches of hot ground pepper. Be very careful at this stage - hot pepper is merciless when it gets on the mucous membranes, and even 1 pinch of this spice causes a real fire in the mouth.

6. Next, add ground paprika - it will add sweetness and velvety taste.

7. The last ingredient for preparing the spice will be coarse sea salt.

People began adding spices to meat dishes a very long time ago, noticing two features of spices: firstly, they favorably highlight the taste of meat, and secondly, meat cooked with spices does not spoil longer. A clearly visible trend is that the further south you go, the more spices are used when cooking meat. This is due to the fact that more herbs grow in the south, and to the fact that in a warm climate it is more difficult to preserve the freshness of meat.

What spices go with meat?

Dried spices are available everywhere and have long ceased to be exotic.

1. Black, green and white peppercorns. These are the most versatile seasonings that can be used alone or with other spices. When ground, pepper can be used for frying meat, barbecuing, stewing or baking. Meat broths are cooked with the addition of peppercorns. Hot peppers - for lovers of spicy meat dishes. We recommend using hot red and green peppers of various varieties in the form of ready-made sauces - the degree of spiciness is indicated on the labels in order to accurately calculate the dosage. Hot peppers are added to ready-made meat dishes. Paprika is dried sweet pepper. Suitable for any type of meat and poultry. Good in combination with black pepper.

1. Paprika is a fragrant, bright red spice. Combines a sweetish taste and a slight note of bitterness.

2. Barberry is a spice with a very pleasant aroma and sour taste. Barberry seeds sound good in beef and lamb dishes.

3. Saffron is a valuable spice with an exquisite taste, giving dishes a bright orange color. In meat cuisine it is most often used to prepare pilaf.

4. Turmeric is an inexpensive substitute for saffron. Turmeric can be added to poultry or pork along with garlic and hot pepper.

5. Mustard seeds are a spicy spice with a sweet aftertaste that adds an unusual taste to stewed meats and especially to dishes made from chicken or beef offal.

6. Cumin or cumin - aromatic seeds, a spice used for preparing meat fillings, pilaf, and lamb shish kebab. Zira is especially good in combination with barberry.

7. Garlic, fresh or dried, goes well with meat and poultry. Since the smell of garlic is quite strong, no other spices are needed. After cooking, it is better to add fresh herbs to meat dishes with garlic.

8. Curry is an Indian mild spice mixture, ideal for lamb, chicken or turkey dishes.

9. Oregano (oregano) is a fragrant herb that gives meat dishes a wonderful aroma. The aroma of oregano is best revealed in dishes made from minced meat. Oregano is a mild spice, so it is especially good together with black pepper.

10. Basil is a universal seasoning with a rich taste and aroma, fresh, dried or in the form of a sauce, suitable for any meat prepared in any way and combined with hot spices.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine cooking any type of meat using only salt and pepper. Spices and various seasonings have long been firmly established in the kitchens of many housewives, and almost no one cooks without them.

The beauty of spices is that with their help, meat becomes more aromatic and acquires an original taste. In addition, natural herbs are very useful and their regular use helps to maintain health. The same type of meat acquires a different taste not only due to different ways of preparing it, but also due to different spices and seasonings for meat.

It is noteworthy that sometimes well-chosen seasonings and spices for meat even allow you not to use salt, which is very important for those who care about their health, and the meat does not lose anything in taste. But in this matter, the most important thing is to choose the right spices, and figure out which ones are best suited to a certain type of meat, and also know when to add them.

If you are preparing a hot dish, then the spices used for baking or stewing meat must be added at the very end of cooking, sometimes even already in the finished dish. If we are talking about a cold dish, for example smoking meat, then in this case spices are added at the very beginning of cooking.

Initially, spices are also placed in minced meat, which will then be used to prepare a hot dish. What spices are added to different types of meat?

Spices for beef

For preparing beef dishes - steaks, baked or stewed meat, soups and goulash, the best spices are oregano, basil, rosemary, tarragon, allspice, black and red pepper, turmeric, cumin, thyme, coriander, mustard seeds, marjoram and cloves. You should choose them based primarily on your taste and preferences, but you should be very careful with the amount of spices added to the dish.

They are designed to make your meat more appetizing and highlight its taste, and if you overdo it, the spices will simply kill the taste of the meat. In addition, when cooking beef, you should remember that the spices must include salt, as it makes the meat juicier and more tender.

Any pork dish, like many others, will benefit from adding spices to it. This meat goes well with all types of peppers, garlic, bay leaves, cumin, juniper, lemon balm, cardamom, sage, nutmeg, basil, celery seeds, rosemary and marjoram.

Another feature of pork is that you can add a little sugar to it. Sweetish pork is very popular in Chinese cuisine, and many people love its unusual taste.

In the article we talk about spices, talk about their beneficial properties and use in cooking. You will learn what types of spices there are, what seasonings and spices are good for health. Using our tips, you will learn how to choose the right flavorings for your dishes.

Spices or spices are food additives of plant origin. They have a stable taste and aroma. The role of spices does not end with improving the taste of a dish - they promote digestion and extend the shelf life of foods.

In Rus', spices were called spices, from the word “pepper” - the first known flavoring additive. Spices should not be confused with seasonings; the latter also mean salt, sugar, vinegar and other non-vegetable additives.

Various parts of plants are used as spices: leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark and skin.

Useful properties of spices

Review of popular spices and seasonings.

Spices promote the active secretion of gastric juice and improve the digestion process. Depending on the chemical composition, food additives have a whole range of beneficial properties.

Many herbs are used to normalize blood pressure and heart rate. Valerian, mint and lemon balm reduce blood pressure, eliminate tachycardia, calm the nervous system and relieve headaches. If you suffer from hypotension, use rosemary, turmeric, and hot red pepper in moderate dosages.

To boost your immunity, drink tea with ginger. Garlic, fennel and oregano have an immunomodulatory effect.

Saffron, cinnamon, cloves, cumin and black pepper will help eliminate pain in the head and body. We talked in more detail about the beneficial effects of each spice in separate articles.

Types of spices

There are a huge number of spices - hot spices, sweet spices, spicy vegetables and herbs. Understanding this diversity is often difficult.

In the table we have given you the taste characteristics of the most popular spices and the dishes to which they are added.

Spice table:

Name Taste Where do they add
Cinnamon Sweetish, warm, burning, tart-astringent. Cinnamon is used to prepare aromatic pastries, desserts, chocolate, hot soft and alcoholic drinks, for example, mulled wine. Cinnamon and apples go perfectly together.
Carnation Burning taste and peculiar strong odor, contains essential oil. Used in the manufacture of marinades, added to meat and fish dishes, confectionery, compotes and preserves.
Cardamom Strong sweetish spicy taste and aroma. Contains essential oil. Add to baked goods, confectionery and drinks. Coffee and tea are brewed with cardamom, and hot alcoholic cocktails are prepared.
Ginger Pungent burning taste and aromatic characteristic odor. Most often, ginger is added to baked goods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and sauces for main dishes.
Turmeric Mildly spicy, pleasant, in large quantities - sharp, burning. Add to soups, vegetable stews, meat and fish dishes, sauces, and confectionery.
Nutmeg Hot spicy taste and unique aroma. Nutmeg is a universal seasoning. It is added to meat and fish dishes, rice and vegetable dishes, salty and sweet sauces. Most often used for baking, making confectionery, compotes, preserves and jams.
Black pepper Burning, sharp. Used for preparing soups, meat, fish and vegetable dishes, salads, sauces. Add to marinades, canned food, pickles.
Allspice Spicy and fiery taste that resembles a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Add to meat first and second courses, marinades, canned food, sauces. Pairs best with grilled meat and game. Often used for pickling cucumbers.
Cayenne pepper Very sharp, burning. Add to meat dishes, legume dishes, sauces. To add a fiery taste, cayenne pepper is added to chocolate and chocolate baked goods.
Rosemary Strong sweetish and camphorous aroma, reminiscent of pine. The taste is spicy, islandy. Most often added to fish and vegetable dishes, fried meat and poultry. Rosemary is used to make syrups that are added to baked goods and drinks.
Saffron Bitter spicy taste and strong unique aroma. Add to rice and pea dishes. Used in small quantities in the preparation of red meat, fish soups and vegetable broths.
Zira Bitter nutty taste and smell. In most cases, it is used for pilaf and other rice dishes, added to meat dishes and marinades.
Thyme Pungent spicy taste and strong pleasant aroma. Thyme can be added to almost all dishes; it goes well with meat, fish, and vegetables. Twigs of the plant are added as a flavoring to sweet and savory baked goods and drinks.
Basil Spicy island taste and pleasant aroma. Basil is added to pasta, pizza, meat dishes, soups, salads and sauces.
Oregano Pleasant spicy taste and aroma. Used for chicken and fish, added to pizza and pies fillings, sauces and marinades.

For more information about some spices, watch the following video:

Spices for health

At the beginning of the article, we already said that spices are good for health. Below is a list of the healthiest spices.

Remember that treatment with spices can only be carried out as an auxiliary measure to the main therapy. Before using spices for medicinal purposes, read the contraindications and consult your doctor. The benefits and harms of spices depend on the dosage and application.

Spices for weight loss

Many spices improve metabolism and digestion, and some even promote the breakdown of fats. Below we have presented the most effective spices for weight loss.

What spices can be used to reduce excess weight and why:

Name How it works How to use
Ginger Improves digestion and activates metabolism. Due to its pungent taste, ginger accelerates blood circulation, which promotes active fat burning. Grind 100 g of fresh ginger and pour 500 ml of boiled hot water. Leave for 1 hour. Use 2-3 times a day, 1 glass of the product, drink the drink after meals.
Cinnamon Speeds up metabolism and improves digestion, reduces blood sugar and controls appetite, and also dulls the feeling of hunger. Add ½ tsp. ground cinnamon into a glass of kefir. Replace your last meal with the drink or drink it 1 hour after eating, preferably before bed.
Caraway Improves digestion, normalizes lipid metabolism. Pour 1 tbsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain the drink and drink it at one time before your last meal.
Mint Relieves the tension that is typical for people on a diet, eliminates bloating, and reduces appetite. Pour 6 mint leaves with 1 liter of boiled water. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Take the decoction warm 3-4 times a day, 1 glass.
Black pepper Stimulates the production of gastric juice and improves the digestion process, accelerates metabolic processes and promotes fat burning. In 500 ml of hot boiled water, stir a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of grated ginger. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and ground black pepper on the tip of a knife. Take the drink warm, 1 glass 2 times a day.
Rosemary Improves blood circulation and stimulates metabolism. Pour 1 tablespoon of rosemary into 500 ml of water, leave for 30 minutes. Take half a glass of the decoction, you can sweeten it with honey.
Anise Reduces appetite, increases performance and improves mood. Pour 5 g of anise with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the drink for 30 minutes, strain. Take the decoction 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Spices aphrodisiacs

Some spices are strong aphrodisiacs. They increase libido, enhance sexuality and sensuality.

Spices are aphrodisiacs for women:

  • Anise - ignites passion between partners.
  • Vanilla - awakens femininity and increases sensuality.
  • Cinnamon - enhances desire, provides a rush of blood to the intimate organs and increases the tone of the uterus.
  • Cardamom - increases libido.
  • Chili pepper - enhances the sensuality of erogenous zones.
  • Nutmeg - increases libido and enhances sexuality.

Spices are aphrodisiacs for men:

  • Ginger - increases male strength, ensures long-lasting sexual intercourse, improves blood circulation in the genitals.
  • Coriander - increases attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Marjoram - relaxes the body and increases libido.
  • Saffron - increases sensitivity.
  • Pepper - improves blood circulation and increases sensitivity.
  • Savory - increases male strength and prolongs sexual intercourse.

What spices can children eat?

It is recommended to add spices to the diet of children from 2-4 years of age, depending on the spice itself. For example, dill can be introduced into the menu for a 10-month-old child, but it is better to refrain from using black pepper until the age of 5.

What spices are allowed for children over 2 years of age:

  • dill;
  • fennel (from 4 months);
  • parsley (from 10 months);
  • basil;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • garlic.

Which spices are contraindicated for children under 5 years of age:

  • red hot pepper;
  • saffron;
  • turmeric;
  • mustard;
  • horseradish;
  • coriander.

Consult your pediatrician about introducing these spices into the menu of a child over 5 years old.

Spices storage

Spices should be stored in glass or wooden jars in a dry and dark place. Whole spices have a longer shelf life than ground spices. Below are the expiration dates for different types.

Whole Spices and Herbs:

  • leaves and flowers - 1-2 years;
  • seeds 2-3 years;
  • root vegetables - 3 years.

Ground spices:

  • leaves and flowers - 1 year;
  • seeds - 1 year;
  • root vegetables - 2 years.

What to remember

  1. Spices or spices are plant-derived flavorings.
  2. Spices have a pronounced taste and aroma; they are added to food in small quantities.
  3. Spices have beneficial properties and are used to treat and prevent diseases. Before using spices for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

Even a novice housewife knows that not a single meat dish will be truly tasty without the addition of spices and herbs.

The main thing is to know which spices are suitable for this or that meat. After all, incorrectly selected spices can ruin the taste of the food.

Beef is perhaps the most picky meat to flavor. Almost any spice goes well with it. But there are some nuances here too.

Young beef is soft and tender meat. It cooks very quickly, so it is most often used for frying. Moreover, they try to fry the tenderloin as a whole piece to preserve its juiciness and taste. Old meat is tough and therefore suitable for stewing and boiling. Therefore, when choosing spices, the method of heat treatment is first taken into account.

What seasonings are added when cooking beef?

Beef is cooked with a minimum amount of spices and herbs so as not to drown out the natural flavor of the meat.

If meat is boiled to obtain broth, then only white roots are used - parsley, celery, onions, as well as carrots to give the broth a beautiful yellowish tint. Spices include peppercorns, bay leaves, and dill. The same spices are also used for cooking meat, which will later be used for salad, appetizers or filling pies.

If you want to cook soup or borscht using meat broth, then the list of seasonings can be much wider. It all depends on the recipe itself and what national cuisine the dish belongs to. For example, if you are preparing ordinary rice soup, then the classic set of spices and herbs is added to the broth - carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper, parsley.

But if you cook Georgian kharcho soup, then at the end of cooking the dish you add suneli hops, garlic, and hot pepper. Or they replace Georgian seasoning with spices and dried herbs that are included in it. Moreover, it is not necessary to put the entire bouquet of spices, because it is quite large. These are basil, coriander, marjoram, parsley, mint, celery, bay leaf, paprika. Therefore, based on her own preferences, the housewife can choose one or several spices.

All these spices can be added to borscht cooked in beef broth. Thanks to such spices, borscht turns out to be very aromatic and tasty.

What spices and seasonings are added when frying beef?

With this method of heat treatment, you can use onions, garlic, dill, parsley, as well as marjoram, basil, thyme, oregano, chili pepper, savory, rosemary, sage, and tarragon. But at the same time, you need to know how certain spices combine with each other. For example, it is better not to use rosemary with bay leaves. And spicy sage mixed with delicate herbs will drown out their aroma.

You also need to take into account the fact that when frying, the extractive substances of meat affect the taste of the finished dish. And therefore, with such heat treatment, much less spices are added than when stewing it.

If the meat is tough and old, then before frying or baking it is kept in a marinade, which is prepared by mixing vinegar or wine with your favorite spices or seasonings.

Mustard softens meat very well. To do this, a washed and dried piece of beef is rubbed on all sides with prepared mustard and left for several hours, after which the meat is fried.

What seasonings are added when stewing beef?

If the meat is stewed without adding tomato, and white sauté is added instead, then a minimal amount of herbs is used. It is enough to add onion, parsley, dill or a pinch of thyme.

But if beef is cooked with a lot of vegetables, and especially tomatoes, then more aromatic seasonings are added - oregano, rosemary, marjoram. By the way, they go well not only with many vegetables, but also with each other.

Sometimes cloves or oregano (especially with marjoram) are added to the meat to obtain a more spicy aroma.

Hyssop, a spice with a pleasant smell and slightly bitter taste, also goes well with beef stew.

Mint or sage is added in small quantities to beef dishes.

Paprika is a common ingredient in meat dishes of Hungarian and Bulgarian cuisine. It is used to season vegetable and meat dishes, including beef. But when fried, it loses its beautiful color and acquires an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is added to meat during stewing.

What seasonings are added to beef sauces?

Almost any herb can perfectly flavor a beef sauce. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously with the other ingredients.

Soy sauce is not often used in preparing meat dishes that are not Korean or Chinese cuisine. Although it is this that gives the meat its piquancy and rich taste. And if you mix it with honey and vegetable oil and lubricate pieces of beef with this mixture, then during frying they will be covered with a golden crust.

What seasonings to serve cooked beef with?

Almost any sauce goes well with boiled and fried beef - red, white, sour cream, garlic.

Horseradish is served with the prepared dish. But you need to know that grated horseradish darkens when exposed to air. Therefore, it is mixed with sour cream.

Also served with beef:

  • Seasonings based on soy sauce.
  • Garlic mixed with sour cream and dill.
  • Any ketchup.
  • Lausian seasoning made from a mixture of hot pepper, garlic, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  • Mustard also goes well with beef.

When to add seasonings to a dish

  • Sweet peas, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cloves and other similar spices are added at the beginning of cooking.
  • Chopped dried spicy herbs are added a few minutes before the end of the dish’s heat treatment so that it does not have time to fizzle out. But oregano, rosemary, and thyme can be added at the very beginning of cooking, because they retain their aroma.
  • It is recommended to add the bay leaf 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, and then remove it, otherwise the dish will become bitter.
  • The roots are placed in the middle of cooking.
  • Fresh chopped herbs are sprinkled over the finished dish.
  • Tomato is added at the beginning of frying or stewing, as it gives the meat a pleasant taste.

When using spices during cooking, every housewife should remember that the main thing is not the quantity of herbs and spices used, but the quality of the finished dish.