What types of cheese are low-fat and mild. What is the fattest cheese: varieties and names, recipes with photos

8 Low Fat Cheeses

Low-fat cheese is a non-existent concept. Any cheese has fat, the difference is only in its quantity. Let's find out: which cheese is the lightest?

The one who cares about his figure, chooses high-quality products with a reduced fat content. And this is the right tactic. Less fatty, starchy and sweet ... and more movement - that's it, the formula of harmony.

It should be noted that the standard fat content of cheese is 50-60g or 50-60% in dry matter, while we offer cheeses with reduced fat content up to 30 g of fat in dry matter. You need to look for such cheeses either in hypermarkets or in expensive grocery stores.

1. Low-fat cheese - tofu - soy cheese(fat content 1.5-4%)

Although it is made from soy milk, tofu is classified as curd cheese, as it resembles low-fat and unsalted cheese in color and texture. According to its content, tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so it can be successfully replaced with meat. Calcium, present in excess in this product, has an excellent effect on the bone skeleton, which makes tofu an ideal product for consumption by the elderly in order to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

In addition, 100 gm of tofu cheese contains only 90 calories, Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet menu. Many celebrities have replaced dairy products and cheeses with soy in their diets, so many diets have now been developed that involve reduced consumption of classic cheeses, while tofu is recommended for daily consumption along with plant-based foods.

A number of nutritionists also claim its healing properties, because it has already been proven that it helps to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, which serves to prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

2. Low-fat cheese - grained cottage cheese (fat content 5%)

Cottage cheese is a type of low-fat cottage cheese. It is a curd grain mixed with fresh, slightly salted cream. It can be used as an independent dish, as well as for preparing various salads (for example, vegetable salad with cottage cheese).

In Russia, it is sometimes found under the unofficial names "granular cottage cheese" and "Lithuanian cottage cheese". In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking countries), corned cottage cheese is called cottage cheese(English village or cottage cheese).

It is often referred to as homemade cheese. At first glance, cottage cheese looks like fresh cottage cheese, but its texture is much softer, one might even say creamy, and it tastes a little saltier. 100 g of cottage cheese will provide our body with 85 calories and 17 g of protein, so it is recommended by nutritionists even with the most strict diets.

3. Low-fat cheese - Gaudette(fat content 7%)

Gaudette is Scherdinger's new low-fat cheese, an easy treat for those seeking a healthy lifestyle.

Semi-hard Gaudette cheese contains only 7% fat (15% in dry matter). This cheese with a soft-thin, somewhat savory taste is ideal for lovers of the famous Gouda cheese. In addition, cheese is easily digestible and has a high calcium content. Therefore, this cheese must be present in the diet of every cheese lover.

4. Low-fat cheese - Chechil(fat content 5-10%)

Chechil- fibrous pickled cheese, the consistency resembles suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense fibrous strands, twisted into tight bundles in the form of a pigtail, often in a smoked form. Chechil is often mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into jugs or wineskins.

In appearance, this cheese has nothing to do with any other. It is produced in the form of strands of fibrous structure, tied into a bundle. Chechil ripens in brine, but often it is mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into unglazed jugs or wineskins.

The taste and smell of this cheese are sour-milk, sharp, the fibrous dough is dense, the surface of the product is rough. Fat in it contains up to 10%, moisture - no more than 60%, salt - 4-8%.

5. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (fat content 5-10%)

Such cheeses are just a godsend for losing weight! But you need to look for them in large stores. Learn more about the reverse side of the package - the label, some cheeses contain 5% yogurt, not fat!

6. Low-fat cheese - Ricotta (fat content 13%)

Ricotta is an invariable component of the Italian breakfast. Often it is called cheese, but this is not entirely true: after all, it is not prepared from milk, as we used to think, but from the whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses.

A slice of ricotta contains, on average, 49 calories and 4 grams of fat. half of which are saturated. The content of this product has the lowest amount of sodium compared to other cheese products. Due to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and trace elements, ricotta gives a quick feeling of satiety. In addition, this variety of curd cheese is recognized as a protector of our liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

7. Low-fat cheese -light cheese, feta (fat content 5-15%)

This cheese, or rather, even feta cheese, is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a high-fat, high-cholesterol food with a calorie content of approximately 260 kcal/100 gm. But not everyone knows that the feta cheese they love is produced in the light version, although, to be honest, it is this variety that is hard to find on supermarket shelves.

However, the effort you put into searching will justify itself in full. Feta Light is usually made from goat's milk and contains only 30% fat, while traditional feta uses sheep's milk and is then 60% fat. It is usually put in a Greek salad along with vegetables and olives, or it is used in Caprese salad, where it replaces mozzarella.

If you do not consume feta in combination with high-fat foods, then it can be recommended as quite suitable for a diet.

8. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermani(fat content 16-17%)

Such low-fat cheeses have a delicate pleasant taste of natural milk, the texture is dense, uniform, with small evenly distributed eyes. Great for people who care about their health.

When eating low-fat cheeses, remember: lighter does not mean more. You can lose weight on “light” foods if you are careful.

And what low-fat varieties of cheese do you know and eat?

Even low-fat varieties of cheese have a small percentage of fat, but the percentage of fat varies.

There are many types of cheeses, more than 400. They are made not only from cow's milk, but also from goat, horse, sheep, and camel. They differ from each other in manufacturing technology, taste.

Are divided into:

  1. Rennet- in its production, rennet is used,
  2. Sour-milk- Add yeast to milk.

People who really care about their health eat foods with a reduced fat content. This is the right tactic.

Even your favorite, but high-calorie product, it is better to replace it with a low-fat one, for example, curd cheese, or any other low-fat one. Standard fat content - 90 kcal per 100 grams of product. And we need a calorie content of less than 90 kcal.

Can you eat cheese on a diet?

I will answer right away: it is possible and necessary. Cheese is a very useful, easily digestible product. It contains a lot of magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, protein, zinc, calcium. Vitamins of groups A, E, F, D, PP, C, B and many other useful components.

Nutritionists have long developed the well-known cheese diet, where the fat content should be no more than 35%. This is when different varieties of cheese predominate in the basis of the diet. Such a diet always gives good results, helps to reduce weight, while the person does not feel hunger.

Because cheese, even fat-free, is quite a satisfying product. The main thing is to choose it correctly and consume it in reasonable quantities if you are thinking of going on a diet due to ill health, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, want to lose those annoying extra pounds, etc.

Immediately decide whether you can eat cheese or is it better to refrain from it. Consult with your family doctor.

During the diet, you can use:

  1. Cheese Tofu- it has the lowest percentage of fat content, only 4%.
    It can be eaten daily, it:
    • strengthens the human skeleton;
    • has unique healing properties;
    • significantly reduces bad cholesterol in the blood;
  2. Cottage cheese- can be consumed, only the percentage of fat content should be no more than 5%.
  3. Cheese Gaudette- a new low-fat type of cheese 6%.
  4. Can be bought Oltermani, Chechil, Ricotta, fitness cheese, only light.

Low-fat cheeses are a godsend for the diet. In addition, milk fats are healthy and easily absorbed by the body.

List of low-fat cheeses

Low-fat cheeses are made from skimmed milk. That is, cream is first removed from milk, then cheese is made.

Only it will be difficult to call it completely non-greasy, because the percentage of fat content will still be present, but in different percentages:

  1. fat-free - fat content less than 15%;
  2. lungs - fat content 15-40%;
  3. normal - fat content 40-60%;

low fat cheese in terms of taste and useful properties, it is almost not inferior to fatty varieties. And in some respects it even surpasses them.

Here are some of them:

Hard cheeses

Hard cheeses are most widely used, these include: Romano, Emmental, Raclette, Grano Padano, Leiden, Gruyere, Parmesan, Pecorino, Maasdam, Frisien, etc. Hard cheeses contain lecithin, it affects the proper metabolism of fats.

Lecithin is included in the structure of cell membranes, is responsible for their permeability, normalizes cholesterol levels, stimulates the work of enzymes to break down fats.

Cheese production is a long process. And maturation takes up to 3 months or more.

Cheese features:

Soft cheeses

Soft cheeses have a pasty texture, milky or creamy taste.

It is produced from cow's milk and bacterial starter, classified:

  1. with maturation;
  2. without maturation.

Most popular:

  • Dorogobuzhsky- the crust is covered with mucus, transparent color. It has a spicy-spicy taste, very pronounced, without eyes.
    Known Species: Road, Dorogobuzhsky, Kalininsky.
  • Camembert type- the head of the cheese is covered with white mold.
    Main view: Russian Camembert.
  • Smolensky type- heads no more than 2 kg, spots of mucus are clearly visible on the crust. It is not necessary to remove the mucus before eating.
    Its representatives: Hunting, Diner.

Homemade low fat cheese

The healthiest cheese is homemade. This is a good alternative to the store, because there you can buy stale and low-quality products. And at home you can always control the process.

Varieties of low-fat cheeses that can be bought at the store

It is not a problem to buy such cheeses in the store now. They are, of course, difficult to find in ordinary grocery stores, but large supermarkets have them.


In lean Tofu, the fat content will range from 2-4%. It has a lot of protein and calcium, it has healing properties. It is also called bean curd because it is made from soy milk.

This is a curd cheese, in texture and color reminiscent of unsalted and low-fat cheese. Its taste is neutral, that is, almost absent. It goes on sale in vacuum packages, in which the liquid is determined.

It differs in consistency and method of production:

  1. solid;
  2. ordinary.

This cheese has many varieties, they are even made with additives: nuts, seasonings, peppers, etc.

Smoked tofu is popular, its types:

  1. Dense - has two varieties:
    1. Asiatic;
    2. west.
  2. Silk- soft, pudding-like.
  3. "Smelly"- strong smell, Chinese version.

Rich in vegetable protein, contains all the essential amino acids, a supplier of iron, calcium. Does not contain cholesterol at all, low calorie. It has spread all over the world.


The famous Dutch cheese Gouda now has a fat-free counterpart called Gaudette. This is the newest cheese from Scherdinger, contains only 8% fat (16% in solids).

It has a classic soft-thin cheesy taste. It has a high content of calcium, it is easily and completely absorbed.


Chechil cheese has an interesting shape in the form of long threads of various thicknesses. The taste is pronounced, sour milk. Fat - up to 11%.

The structure is slightly rough, layered, may be:

  • braided into wreaths, or braids;
  • roll up into bundles or balls.

Its varieties:

  • in the usual smoked form;
  • salty.

It has a wonderful milky taste, is produced:

  • in plastic containers with a capacity of: 100 g, 200 g, 400 g;
  • in the form of triangles;
  • cutting.

With fillers: ham, mushrooms, chocolate, just creamy, etc. They make salad and soups. For their production, hard cheeses are taken, butter and other natural ingredients are added. Fat content - 5-10%.

Look here.


Ricotta is an Italian delicacy dairy product. It is made from whey left over from making other cheeses. Milk for whey is taken differently. They can even use a mixture of milk, several types at once.

She has a slightly sweet taste, fat content:

  • 9% from cow's milk;
  • up to 25% from sheep's milk;
  • 15% from goat milk;
  • 28% from buffalo milk.

Calorie content per 100 g - 120 kcal. Its sodium content is the lowest when compared to other cheeses. It contains an impressive composition of trace elements and vitamins, especially a lot of calcium.

Even methionine is present - this is a sulfur-containing amino acid that protects the liver from adverse environmental factors.

Types of cheese:

  • Ricotta Forte- taste qualities are excellent, they are stored for a long time, they are made only from sheep's milk.
  • Ricotta Fresca- only freshly prepared cheese is used, aging is not needed here.
  • Ricotta affumicata- made from a mixture of goat and cow's milk, there are also smoked types.
  • Ricotta al Forno- prepared from a mixture of goat, buffalo, cow milk, kept in ovens. It is not only classic, but with different flavors: vanilla, lemon, chocolate, etc.
  • Ricotta Romana- you need a long exposure, the cheese is hard, salty taste.


Feta is a Greek semi-hard cheese made only from goat and sheep milk. Keep in saline solution for at least 4 months. Fat content from 40 to 60%.


Outwardly, it looks like a snow-white, semi-solid mass, a bit like cottage cheese, but its taste is brighter, salty, slightly sour.

It contains many beneficial microorganisms that synthesize special antibiotics that help a person cope with food poisoning.

There is another option - this is Feta-light, although it will not be so easy to find it on the shelves. However, the time spent searching will be fully justified.


Suluguni is a pickled cheese with a dense, even slightly hard consistency. It has a white or cream color, if smoked, then yellow. It is made from cow, sheep, goat or buffalo milk. There is little fat in it, 30-40%.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Strains of lactic acid and aroma-forming bacteria, pepsin, calcium chloride are added to pasteurized milk, heated to 38ºС.
  2. The cheese layer is separated and subjected to cheddarization.
  3. Cut into cubes and melt in whey or acidified water.
  4. It is kneaded to a homogeneous consistency, laid out on a squeezing table, divided into pieces and made by hand into balls, kept for 2 days in an acid whey brine.

Arca cheese has a reduced fat content, only 17-35%, a pleasant taste, a dense, uniform texture, with small eyes. Indispensable for nutrition, people who really care about their health.

Low fat cheese calories

Cheese has been produced by man since ancient times, it has always been valued and loved.

Now we will find out the calorie content of the most common low-fat cheeses:

In this list of cheeses, you can now easily find "your" cheese for yourself, which will satisfy you in terms of usefulness, taste and price.


No wonder low-fat varieties of cheeses are so revered and are considered an elixir of health and longevity. They are the main building material for bones, improve metabolism and digestion.

Cheese is a natural protein product that the human body can absorb almost completely. In the process of ripening, the cheese becomes soluble, which means that all the beneficial substances will remain in our body.

Cheese will saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals, improve mood. Eat it with pleasure!

Most nutritionists unanimously agree that low-fat cheeses for a diet can not only be used, but also necessary. They are easily absorbed by the body, contain vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, F, PP), trace elements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron) and protein. Specialists have even developed a cheese diet, more than a third of the diet of which is made up of different varieties.

The remaining 2/3 is occupied by fruits, vegetables and other protein products. For 10 days of such weight loss, you can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. If you use a quality product that does not contain vegetable fats in a reasonable amount, the figure will not suffer. During weight loss, it is allowed to eat the following varieties: Gaudette, Tofu, Oltermani, Chechil, Fitness, Cheese, cottage cheese (no more than 5% fat), Ricotta, etc.

What are low-fat cheeses in a diet

Skimmed cheese is a product made from skimmed milk, lactic acid bacteria and clotting enzymes. Cream is skimmed from the drink beforehand, and then it is used to make a fermented milk product. Although there are no completely low-fat varieties, there are dietary varieties containing an average of up to 30 g of fat in dry matter.

List of lean cheeses

Having received an answer to the question whether it is possible to eat low-fat varieties of cheese with a diet, you should learn more about the types of such fermented milk products. These include:

  1. Tofu is a low-calorie cheese made from soy milk. Fat content 1.5-4%, contains 73 kcal / 100 g. It belongs to curd cheeses, has a consistency similar to feta cheese. It contains a lot of protein, calcium, which contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis, strengthening the bone skeleton.
  2. Cottage cheese with 5% fat and 105 kcal per 100 g. Often used in diets, used for salads, prepared with the addition of salted cream. In English-speaking European countries, it is known as cottage cheese (rustic).
  3. Gaudette is a cheese with a low fat content (7%), semi-hard, calorie content - 199 kcal / 100 g. It has a mild taste with spicy notes, contains a large amount of calcium.
  4. Chechil, fat content 5-10%, calories 253-313 kcal / 100 g. It resembles suluguni in texture, is sold in the form of bundles of fibrous threads, contains a lot of salt.
  5. Ricotta (fat content 13%, 49 kcal / 100 g). The lowest calorie cheese. It is made from whey, contains a minimum amount of sodium, many vitamins, trace elements and methionine (a sulfur-containing amino acid), useful for the liver.
  6. Mozzarella (22.5% fat, 149-240 kcal per 100 g). Produced from skimmed milk, sold in the form of balls in packages with saline.
  7. Feta (fat content 24%, 290 kcal / 100 g). This Greek cheese is considered by many to be high in calories, but it is also produced in a lighter version. It is prepared from natural sheep's milk, and low-calorie - from goat's. Contains beta-carotene, vitamins (A, D, E, K, B), potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, sodium, many useful living organisms. Useful for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Oltermani (fat content 16-17%, 270 kcal / 100 g). It has a dense texture of a homogeneous nature with uniform holes over the entire surface, has a delicate milky aftertaste.
  9. Fitness Viola Polar (5-10% fat, 250 kcal / 100 g). One of the most popular for those who are on a diet. Some varieties contain yogurt instead of fat, which makes the product even more beneficial for health and weight loss.
  10. Adyghe (14% fat, 240 kcal / 100 g). An ideal option for a hearty breakfast on a diet, it does not contain carbohydrates at all. It has a delicate texture, sour-milk taste, and is produced by fermenting cow's milk with bacteria.

For a diet, hard varieties of low-fat cheese are excellent, which often have a high energy value, but in small quantities do not harm the figure. They contain lecithin, which improves the metabolism of fats, stimulates the processes of their splitting, and normalizes cholesterol levels. These include:

  1. Swiss (45% fat, 380 kcal / 100 g). Has small eyes, sweetish taste.
  2. Parmesan (32% fat, 292 kcal / 100 g), has a specific smell, a slight aftertaste.
  3. Dutch (45% fat, 345 kcal / 100 g). Cheese of yellow color (dark or bright), has a salty aftertaste. It is considered dietary, well absorbed, replenishes the lack of energy in the body.
  4. Cheddar. It happens in a dietary version (fat content 33%, calorie content 380 kcal / 100 g). It has a delicate, slightly sour nutty flavor. Produced from cow's milk.
  5. Russian - semi-hard cheese with a creamy sweetish taste, fat content 50%, calorie content 360 kcal / 100 g. Color - yellow.

How to choose

Diet cheese should be selected according to the percentage of fat content, if you want to lose weight, not gain excess weight, a product containing no more than 30% fat is suitable for you. It happens that smaller numbers are indicated on the packaging of some varieties, but then you need to pay attention to the calorie content. Often this indicator exceeds the norm for weight loss. Foods with a spicy or overly salty taste are not suitable for a diet.

High-quality cheese should have a uniform color (without stains, traces of being washed or cleaned), a fresh smell, complete packaging and not contain palm oil, vegetable fats. Pay attention to the cut of the product: even, not crumbling edges indicate freshness (with the exception of the Idiazabal variety). It is also important not to overdo it with the amount of cheese during consumption, otherwise even the most low-fat varieties of cheese will add extra centimeters to the diet.

Recipe for cooking at home

High-quality, low-fat diet cheese is often expensive, and some types are hard to find. For this reason, you should not abandon the diet, you can cook a dietary product at home. So, you can be sure of its freshness, naturalness and the absence of harmful preservatives. The process does not take long, but then the low-fat homemade cheese should be allowed to brew.

  • Time: 12.5 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 78 kcal / 100 g.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To prepare low-fat hard cheese, you will need milk, cottage cheese, soda, salt and an egg. If desired, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs, chopped carrots or garlic. These ingredients will give the dish an amazing aroma, spicy flavor. Herbs and spices will not be superfluous either. It is better to choose milk and cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content in order to reduce the calorie content of the future cheese.


  • milk (0.5%) - ½ l;
  • cottage cheese (0%) - ½ kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, soda - ½ tsp each;
  • seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm up some milk in a water bath.
  2. Pour the cottage cheese, mix the mass with your hands until a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Fold the gauze in several layers, transfer the milk-curd mixture into it when it becomes hot. Hang to glass unnecessary serum.
  4. In a separate container, beat the egg with soda, salt, spices.
  5. When whey drains from the curd, transfer the mass to a bowl, pour in the egg.
  6. Place the container in a water bath, heat, stirring constantly and vigorously so that there are no lumps. Seasonings can be added at this stage.
  7. When the mass becomes homogeneous, cool it at room temperature, and then transfer to another bowl lined with cling film.
  8. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

homemade mozzarella

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 52 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Mozzarella cheese was originally made in southern Italy using buffalo milk. Today it is made from ordinary cow, adding rennet. To prepare a low-fat variety of mozzarella at home, you can use pepsin acidin, which is sold in a pharmacy, to curdle milk. Take purified water, without impurities and in no case chlorinated.


  • milk (not pasteurized) - 1.5 l;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • acidin-pepsin - 2 tablets;
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk on the stove to 25-28 degrees, pour in a thin stream of citric acid dissolved in ½ part of the water. Continue to heat, stirring constantly, bringing the temperature to 30-35 degrees.
  2. Dissolve crushed acidin-pepsin tablets in the remaining water, pour into milk. Continue to heat up to a temperature of 40 degrees without ceasing to interfere. Remove from stove.
  3. At this stage, the milk will begin to curdle, cheese flakes will appear on its surface.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, leave to complete the fermentation process for 20 minutes.
  5. Curled mass should be thick, have a slightly yellowish tint. Stir it with a spoon.
  6. Put on a sieve, separating from the whey, grind. The resulting cheese will stick together.
  7. Place the mass in hot water (60-70 degrees), wait until it warms up, it starts to melt slightly.
  8. Squeeze lightly to get rid of excess whey. Add salt (seasoning), mix gently. Stretch the cheese several times and reheat.
  9. Stretch again, give the desired shape, put in the refrigerator.


Low-fat cheeses suitable for the diet are more expensive than regular cheeses because special techniques are used to produce them. The cost of such products in different retail chains may differ, in stores in the Moscow region it is as follows:


Price in rubles

Sernour Ricotta Provence herbs, 200 g

Russian, 300 g

Cheese, 320 g

Mozzarella, Rossini, 250 g

Cheese 45%, 500 g

Adyghe, 450 g

Cheddar, Hochland, 1.04 kg

Parmesan, Dolce, 300 g

Dutch, 350 g

Parmesan 32%, Cheese Gallery, 175 g

Parmesan 40%, Skorobogatov, 270 g


Low-fat cheese is a non-existent concept. Any cheese has fat, the difference is only in its quantity. Let's find out: which cheese is the lightest?

In Russia, it is sometimes found under the unofficial names "granular cottage cheese" and "Lithuanian cottage cheese". In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking countries), corned cottage cheese is called cottage cheese(English village or cottage cheese).

It is often referred to as homemade cheese. At first glance, cottage cheese looks like fresh cottage cheese, but its texture is much softer, one might even say creamy, and it tastes a little saltier. 100 g of cottage cheese will provide our body with 85 calories and 17 g of protein, so it is recommended by nutritionists even with the most strict diets.

In appearance, this cheese has nothing to do with any other. It is produced in the form of strands of fibrous structure, tied into a bundle. Chechil ripens in brine, but often it is mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into unglazed jugs or wineskins.

The taste and smell of this cheese are sour-milk, sharp, the fibrous dough is dense, the surface of the product is rough. Fat in it contains up to 10%, moisture - no more than 60%, salt - 4-8%.

5. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (fat content 5-10%)

Such cheeses are just a godsend for losing weight! But you need to look for them in large stores. Learn more about the reverse side of the package - the label, some cheeses contain 5% yogurt, not fat!

6. Low-fat cheese - Ricotta (fat content 13%)

Ricotta is an invariable component of the Italian breakfast. Often it is called cheese, but this is not entirely true: after all, it is not prepared from milk, as we used to think, but from the whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses.

A slice of ricotta contains, on average, 49 calories and 4 grams of fat. half of which are saturated. The content of this product has the lowest amount of sodium compared to other cheese products. Due to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and trace elements, ricotta gives a quick feeling of satiety. In addition, this variety of curd cheese is recognized as a protector of our liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

7. Low-fat cheese -light cheese, feta (fat content 5-15%)

This cheese, or rather, even feta cheese, is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a high-fat, high-cholesterol food with a calorie content of approximately 260 kcal/100 gm. But not everyone knows that the feta cheese they love is produced in the light version, although, to be honest, it is this variety that is hard to find on supermarket shelves.

However, the effort you put into searching will justify itself in full. Feta Light is usually made from goat's milk and contains only 30% fat, while traditional feta uses sheep's milk and is then 60% fat. It is usually put in a Greek salad along with vegetables and olives, or it is used in Caprese salad, where it replaces mozzarella.

If you do not consume feta in combination with high-fat foods, then it can be recommended as quite suitable for a diet.

8. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermani(fat content 16-17%)

Such low-fat cheeses have a delicate pleasant taste of natural milk, the texture is dense, uniform, with small evenly distributed eyes. Great for people who care about their health.

Some people mistakenly believe that cheeses are low-calorie and low-fat foods. Be aware that even the most fat-free cheese contains fat, the difference is only in their amount. Today we will tell you which cheeses are light and dietary.

People who watch their figure, with all their share of responsibility, approach the choice of food, whether it be cheese or some other product. In fact, this is the right direction to lose weight and maintain your own health.

The average fat content of cheese is about 60% in dry matter. This is a pretty high figure, so avoid such dairy products. It is better to stop at 30% fat, such cheeses are freely sold in any supermarket. It is about them that we will talk.

Fat-free cheese "Tofu" fat content from 1.5 to 4%

This fermented milk product belongs to curd cheeses. It is made from the taste reminiscent of low-fat cheese. It is a healthy product from the point of view of medicine: it is rich in calcium and proteins. Tofu is recommended to use for the prevention of osteoporosis. It also helps lower cholesterol and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to its medicinal properties, tofu is a low-calorie product (90 kcal) and can be used as a separate dish or as part of another diet. Most nutritionists recommend including plant-based foods, including cheeses, in your diet. They are rich in nutrients and low in fat.

Fat-free or low-fat Gaudette cheese (7%)

Semi-hard cheese, with a very piquant taste, somewhat reminiscent of Gouda. Light and tasty sour-milk delicacy is perfectly absorbed and digested by the body. The absence of excessive fat content and affordable price make it a favorite product of most people.

Fat-free feta cheese or cheese (5-15%)

Not everyone knows that feta is produced in a light version, but this type of this cheese is very difficult to find on Russian shelves. Usually in our hypermarkets, only fatty varieties with a calorie content of 260 kcal are available for sale. However, if you manage to buy the light version of this product, you won't be disappointed. Light feta is made from goat's milk, so the cheese is low in fat. Traditional feta is in principle suitable as a diet, if it is not consumed with fatty foods.

Brynza also belongs to low-fat varieties of cheese. She is very popular all over the world. Cheese is used to prepare various salads and even desserts.

Goat white fat-free cheese

Soft, unsalted, non-greasy, with a pleasant aroma and unique taste. Although goat cheese has lost some popularity due to its high price and specific taste, nevertheless, it contains several times more magnesium, zinc, protein, calcium and beta-carotene than regular cream cheese. It is also low in salt and unhealthy fats, does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for baby food.

Fat-free Chechil cheese (up to 10% fat)

It is very reminiscent of sour-milk and brine varieties of cheeses in its fibrous consistency. It is made from low-fat milk using a very original technology. It consists of 3-8 g of salt, 5-10% fat and 60% moisture. The taste of chechil is slightly sour, slightly reminiscent of whey.

Fat-free Ricotta cheese (with 13% fat content)

This fermented milk product is very popular in Italy. This is with an impressive composition of useful micro and macro elements. This is not even quite a cheese product, because. it is made from the whey left over from other cheeses. And thanks to the content of methionine (a sulfur-containing amino acid) in it, our liver will be provided with protection.

Here are just a small part of low-fat varieties of cheese, which, of course, will only benefit our body. Now you know that absolutely fat-free fermented milk products simply do not exist - the myth has been dispelled. Be healthy and observe the measure in everything!