What types of vegetable juices are there and how they are useful. Freshly squeezed juices - vitamins that are not beneficial for everyone

A fashion for certain food products often arises in society, which, reaching its peak, gradually declines and disappears. Sometimes this process is accelerated due to the “debunking” of products and the discovery of harmful properties in them. This whole process is very clearly illustrated by the example of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

When and how did the fashion for freshly squeezed juices begin?

Of course, there were people who always consumed freshly squeezed juices, but fashion, that is, a mass passion for this product, began with the appearance of the first books by Paul Bragg in our country. Promoter of a healthy lifestyle, Paul Bragg advised everyone to eat more plant foods, drink freshly squeezed juices, periodically fast and move more. The advice seems to be good, but taken to extremes by some followers, it at one time brought a lot of troubles: excessive consumption of freshly squeezed juices is not beneficial for everyone.

How do freshly squeezed juices affect the body?

All freshly squeezed juices contain biologically active substances that are immediately absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and take part in biochemical processes, that is, in the metabolic process. Metabolism is the transformation of products entering the body into substances from which the cells of our body are built, the energy necessary for the life process and active substances that take part in biochemical processes. Freshly squeezed juices actively influence this process. In most cases, this turns out to be beneficial for the body, but everything is good in moderation, drinking liters of freshly squeezed juice is not at all healthy, and sometimes even harmful.

Depending on the type of juice, it contains certain vitamins (more of them in fruit juices) and minerals (more of them in vegetable juices). Both are very useful, but, in addition, juices, as it turned out, contain other equally useful substances that can have unpredictable effects on the body. We should not forget that nowadays we often take medications; some people have to do this for a long time and even for life. How do these active chemicals interact in our body with the equally active biochemicals of juices?

The process of identifying such substances has only just begun. But today it is absolutely known that, for example, grapefruit juice contains the substance naringin, which can increase or, conversely, decrease the activity of certain medications. This happens because naringin stops the action of enzymes that break down certain drugs in the liver, causing them to accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. By destroying other enzymes, naringin reduces the effect of certain medications. And this despite the fact that naringin itself is beneficial for the body. Today, a similar effect has been discovered in a number of juices; research into them continues.

And one more disadvantage of freshly squeezed juices: it’s good if the vegetables and fruits from which you get them are grown in environmentally friendly conditions without adding chemicals. Of course, the bulk of the “chemistry” remains in the fiber, but a lot also gets into the juice - and for this reason you shouldn’t drink liters of freshly squeezed juice.

To drink or not to drink?

Of course, drink. But wisely, weighing all the pros and cons and consulting with your doctor if you have to take certain medications.

Rules for preparing and receiving freshly squeezed juices:

  • You need to prepare the juice immediately before taking it, since after just a few minutes the biologically active substances contained in it begin to break down; an exception is beet juice, it must first be kept for about 2 hours in the refrigerator, then it will destroy substances that have a harmful effect on the body;
  • You need to drink the juice 30-40 minutes before meals, then it will be most useful, since it will be absorbed very quickly in an empty stomach and will immediately enter into biochemical processes; After eating, it is better not to drink juice (especially fruit juice), since, when mixed with food, it will cause the release of a large amount of gases in the intestines;
  • It is better to drink the juice through a straw, and then rinse your mouth with water - juices contain a lot of organic acids, which soften and destroy hard dental tissues; this is why dentists do not recommend brushing your teeth after drinking juice;
  • Vegetable juices (with the exception of tomato) should not be drunk in large quantities; it is better to add them to fruit juices, for example, apple juice; carrot and beet juice should make up no more than a third of the total volume; It is better to get used to beet juice gradually, starting with small amounts diluted with water, since some people cannot tolerate raw beet juice;
  • juices of fruits containing seeds (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) are not recommended to be mixed with any other juices; juices of fruits and berries, which contain seeds inside (apples, grapes, currants) mix well with other juices; for example, apple juice goes well with vegetable juices such as carrot, beet and cabbage.
Is it worth treating with freshly squeezed juices?

With the help of freshly squeezed juices, if taken regularly and in moderate quantities, you can perfectly heal the body, that is, remove harmful metabolic products (toxins) from the body. All this will make your metabolism work faster and more actively, give you vigor and health, calm your nerves, and strengthen your immune system.

But you should always remember that it is impossible to cure a disease with juices, since it is not a medicine, but a food product. Therefore, you should not refuse the treatment prescribed by your doctor, replacing it with juices; you need to consult with your doctor and choose a combination of juices that will suit the medicine prescribed to you, and therefore will bring benefit and not harm.

715 0 Hello! Everyone has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices. But what exactly does it consist of? And do they have any harm or contraindications? Which juices are the healthiest? How to properly prepare and use them? Read more about this in the article.

Beneficial properties of freshly squeezed juices for the body

If you have no individual contraindications, then a glass of a drink made from fresh fruits or vegetables, drunk on an empty stomach, will be an excellent start to the day. The benefits of freshly squeezed juice in the morning are replenishment of vitamins, minerals, rapid digestibility and release of energy for vigorous activity.

Fresh juices with pulp, due to the content of dietary fiber and essential oils, contribute to the productive functioning of the digestive tract, remove excess cholesterol, poisons and toxins. Thanks to its use, patients recover faster after surgical interventions and injuries. High-calorie freshly squeezed juices are indicated for people who are constantly experiencing physical activity.

A balanced vitamin and mineral composition increases the body's defenses, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, and resists viruses and bacteria.

The benefits of fresh fruit juices

1. Orange.

The drink, recognized throughout the world, thanks to its vitamin C content (more than 80%), helps to resist colds, nervous overload, and unstable emotional states. Freshly squeezed orange juice is useful for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and liver problems.

Being an antioxidant, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nail plates, slows down aging, and produces a rejuvenating effect. The fiber in orange prevents constipation, and potassium strengthens the heart muscle and gives clarity to thinking.

2. Pineapple.

Fresh tropical fruit juice can relieve swelling, relieve toxicosis in pregnant women, remove uric acid, and be good for joints. The drink inhibits the growth of cancer cells and has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. The well-known bromelain contained in pineapple helps absorb nutrients, maintains normal intestinal microflora, and is actively used in diets.

3. Apple.

Contains minerals that strengthen bone tissue and removes toxins. By eating an apple or drinking a glass of fresh juice every day, you slow down the aging process and the destruction of neural connections. The benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice have been noticed in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. The frequency of asthmatic attacks and shortness of breath decreases, metabolism accelerates. An accessible and familiar drink from childhood, it is part of complex therapy for urolithiasis and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. Low calorie content (50 kcal) makes it suitable for dietary nutrition.

4. Grape.

Doctors recommend drinking a drink rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the initial stages of tuberculosis, gout, rheumatism, and kidney disease. Regular consumption normalizes blood pressure. Light berry varieties have a higher iron content, while dark grapes have more pronounced antioxidant properties. Fresh grape juice is useful for knowledge workers, as it promotes concentration, memorizing large amounts of information, and stimulates thinking.

5. Pomegranate.

The drink reduces the risk of vascular accidents, blood viscosity, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The plant product contains valuable amino acids that are not synthesized by the body and are involved in metabolism. Pomegranate juice is useful for iron deficiency anemia and increases hemoglobin levels. The benefits in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in both women and men are obvious. Prevents breast and prostate cancer. Due to its effect on testosterone production, it helps in the fight against impotence and increases libido.

6. Grapefruit.

The unique composition of citrus fruits is useful for patients with diabetes, resists viruses, hepatitis C, and reduces fever. The drink cleanses the liver of toxins in case of poisoning, soothes, and is useful for insomnia. Drinking a glass of freshly prepared grapefruit juice every day will help get rid of the orange peel effect on cellulite.

Women who care about their figure prefer to make juices from vegetables rather than from fruits and berries, since they contain less glucose and a richer mineral complex.

The benefits of popular fresh vegetable juices

1. Carrot.

The drink contains beta-carotene, a deficiency of which leads to loss of visual acuity and the formation of cataracts. Vitamin K promotes rapid healing of wounds and stops bleeding. Freshly squeezed carrot juice increases the body's protective functions and resists infectious diseases. Participates in the treatment of kidneys and collagen synthesis, which makes the skin moisturized and elastic. Clinical studies have proven the benefits of fresh carrots in the prevention of cancer of the lungs, mammary glands, prostate and colon.

2. Potato.

Potato juice is used in the treatment of old, non-healing wounds, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and hemorrhoids. With its help, the pancreas is activated, which leads to an increase in insulin synthesis and a decrease in sugar concentration. The drink helps with heartburn, relieves headaches and stomach pain. Treats gout, arthritis, hepatitis, dermatitis.

3. Beetroot.

Official and traditional medicine recommend drinking fresh juice for hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), ischemia, and atherosclerosis. Freshly squeezed beet juice ranks first among other vegetable and fruit drinks in lowering blood pressure. Effective in detoxifying the body, removes radionuclides, and inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors. B vitamins have a positive effect on the central nervous system and brain activity.

4. From celery.

The diuretic properties of the vegetable are used in the treatment of hypertension, arthritis, arthrosis, and rheumatism. Fresh vegetables are actively used in dietetics to get rid of extra pounds. The benefits of freshly squeezed celery juice include the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates and increased sexual desire. Due to the inclusion of antioxidants, it prolongs youth. The drink perfectly quenches thirst, helps the body's thermoregulation in hot weather, neutralizes toxins, and removes kidney stones. Another unique property is the reduction of smokers’ dependence on nicotine.

5. Tomato.

It differs from other vegetable drinks in the presence of the red pigment lycopene, which is recognized as the best antioxidant among carotenoids and prevents cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Tomato juice strengthens vascular walls, prevents sunburn, and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. It has a positive effect on visual acuity and, due to its low calorie content (20 kcal), is used in a healthy diet when losing excess weight.

6. Pumpkin.

Pumpkin drink is useful in the acute stages of colds due to its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice improves intestinal motility due to its pectin content. Normalizes lipid metabolism, relieves obesity, eases the course of chronic diseases, and removes “bad” cholesterol.

Regular consumption of fruit and vegetable juices will supply the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, improve digestion, the functioning of internal organs, and improve health.

Harm of freshly squeezed juices and contraindications

The harmful effects of juices can be as follows:

  • In addition to useful substances, fruits and vegetables, if they are not grown on your site, contain harmful nitrates and pesticides. If the drink is prepared incorrectly, chemicals enter the body.
  • Aggressive fruit acids negatively affect tooth enamel, softening and destroying it.
  • Juices, especially citrus fruits, can react with medications, changing their formula. You cannot take pills that reduce blood viscosity at the same time with drinks of a similar effect. Naringenin, contained in fresh grapefruit, retains some drugs in the liver, preventing them from being removed from the body and poisoning it.
  • When eating heavy food, juices cause fermentation, which leads to bloating and flatulence.

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juices are incomparable; the body will become as healthy as possible if you take into account contraindications:

  1. Persons prone to allergic reactions are advised to exclude pomegranate, orange, and beetroot drinks from their diet.
  2. Grape, banana, tangerine can increase blood sugar. This worsens the condition of diabetic patients and harms overweight people.
  3. Beetroot is excluded for kidney disease.
  4. Acidic juices are contraindicated for gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers. Increasing acidity provokes an exacerbation of these diseases.
  1. You should not use them if you have diarrhea, as the problem will not go away, but will get worse.

The inclusion of fresh juices in the diet of pregnant women is possible after consultation with a doctor.

How to properly prepare freshly squeezed juices

When preparing juices, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. The fruits, berries and vegetables for preparing fresh juices are those grown in the region where you live, or even better, in your own garden. The quality of the resulting drink directly depends on the integrity, elasticity and ripeness of the original plant material.
  2. Each housewife has her own proven methods of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. Some people still use a grater for chopping and gauze for squeezing. Others use time-saving juicers.

In modern household appliances, manufacturers use metals that minimally participate in oxidative reactions, and in the process of preparing drinks using grandma’s method, raw materials interact with oxygen for a long time.

  1. To reduce the negative effects of nitrates and pesticides on the body, peel fruits and vegetables or soak them in water for at least half an hour before cooking. Then cut into pieces, remove large, hard bones.
  2. Since vitamins are quickly destroyed, you need to prepare juices immediately before consumption, if you are not going to do canning.

Fruits and vegetables are mixed at the pressing stage or ready-made fresh juices are combined according to existing rules:

  1. In a similar color. Reds with reds, greens with greens and so on. This is true for allergy sufferers.
  2. By general growing region. Carrots grown in central Russia are incompatible with exotic fruits (mango, pineapple). Beetroot-carrot, tangerine-grapefruit fresh juices will bring benefits.
  3. Fruits with large seeds (plum, peach, apricot) complement each other perfectly, but do not go well with seedless berries (currants, grapes).

The proportions of parts of different juices depend on individual preferences. Fruit and vegetable drinks will be of great benefit. The first component enriches the juice with fructose and vitamins, while vegetables contain more minerals and less sugars.

To fully absorb the carrot drink, add a teaspoon of cream per glass.

To soften the aggressive effect on tooth enamel and smooth out the laxative effect, juices can be diluted by half with water.

Supplements in the form of spices and honey will enhance the beneficial effect on the body.

How to use juices

Any new product, and fresh juices are no exception, begin to be consumed in small portions, gradually increasing. The recommended daily dose of fruit and vegetable drinks is up to two glasses.

In order not to harm the body, you need to know how to take freshly prepared juice:

  1. It is advisable to drink it within half an hour after preparation. During this short period of time, the composition of the product will be preserved. The exception is citrus fruits, in which vitamins begin to be destroyed after 10 minutes.
  2. If you drink the maximum amount of the drink daily, then you should not include fruit in your diet. Excess sugar will negatively affect your figure. It is recommended to take carrot juice no more than twice a week.
  3. Morning and first half of the day are the best time for fresh juices, since it is during this period that the greatest amount of energy is required.
  4. Drink juices between meals, as after mixing with other foods, fermentation processes begin. You will be bothered by heartburn, bloating, colic, and other symptoms of indigestion.
  5. Follow the contraindications.
  6. Choose glass dishes.
  7. To protect your teeth from the negative effects of fruit acids, drink fresh juices through a straw and rinse your mouth with water.
  8. Beetroot juice should be drunk no earlier than two hours after squeezing. The phytoncides contained in it, which evaporate over time, can cause a gag reflex.
  9. Fruit drinks do not quench thirst well; they are used as a snack.

Fresh juices with pulp are healthier for the body. They satiate better and contain dietary fiber, which inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates. This property is used in dietetics for those who want to lose weight.

How to store freshly squeezed juices

The benefits of a freshly prepared drink begin to wane after 10 minutes. Can be stored in the refrigerator in glass containers with a tight-fitting lid for up to 24 hours.

But there are exceptions:

  • Tomato, grape, cherry and peach juice need half the time to remain truly healthy drinks.
  • Fresh carrots, cabbage, and pomegranates retain valuable elements for the body for only half an hour; even lowering the temperature will not help extend the period.
  • The “longest-livers” (three days) are birch, lemon and pineapple juices.
  • Fresh apple and apricot juices are stored for several hours. Adding a few drops of lemon squeeze extends its life.

If the goal is long-term preservation, then canning with added sugar or freezing for up to six months is used. In the second case, the vitamin and mineral composition is completely preserved, which cannot be said about heat treatment.

You should not perceive freshly squeezed juices as a panacea for all diseases. They are drunk to strengthen the body, following simple rules of use, not forgetting about contraindications.

Experts' opinion

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Considered the ideal accompaniment to a healthy diet: bright, easy to eat, full of vitamins. But experts warn: not just any juice can be drunk by anyone at any time!

Juice: drink, snack or full meal?

When determining the place of juice in a healthy diet, it’s easy to get confused: juice is liquid, and, probably, you can just quench your thirst or wash it down with food? Or maybe this is a dessert in its own right? Or a refreshing replacement for hot tea and coffee, which we love to pamper ourselves with because they come with baked goods and sweets? On the other hand, in terms of calorie content and unique composition, a glass of freshly squeezed juice can compete with many “normal” dishes...

From the point of view of the type of food, juice is a drink,” explained nutritionist Natalya Grigorieva. - But from the point of view of the type of meal, it occupies an intermediate position between a drink and a full meal, so it would be most correct to determine the place of freshly squeezed juice among snacks.

Juice cannot be considered a “real food” for the reason that food intake requires a certain balance of essential nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates). Juice contains only carbohydrates, with a predominance of simple ones. They quickly increase sugar levels, and if they satisfy hunger, it is only for a short time.

This is also the danger of the popular ones, also known as: by provoking sharp jumps in glucose in the blood, they literally undermine insulin receptors, increasing the body’s tendency to accumulate fat. This is especially true for fruit and berry juices, but vegetable juices should not be made the main diet, even for the sake of a good weight loss goal. By losing weight solely on juices, you risk achieving the opposite of the expected result and problems with the gastrointestinal tract in addition.

Particularly juicy fruits can be squeezed manually, but it is more economical and efficient to use modern kitchen appliances to prepare freshly squeezed juices.

When and how: 3 main rules for drinking juices

No doubt about it. In an easily digestible form, they concentrate the best that plants and fruits can provide, providing an instant vitamin and antioxidant charge that relieves fatigue like a hand. However, in order to get the most out of juices, it is important to follow the basic rules for their use:

  • 1 For healthy people who do not complain about being overweight and want to maintain their figure, it is advisable to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice for breakfast (15 minutes after eating) or as a snack (second breakfast, no earlier than an hour after the first).

Nutritionist's comment: Morning and first half of the day are the beginning of the working day, not only in production, but also from the point of view. During sleep, the body consumes fat from its depot reserves, and when it wakes up, it immediately requires a lot of energy. The best way to satisfy this need is to add to your breakfast both complex, long-digesting carbohydrates (cereals, whole grains) and simple ones - fruits or freshly squeezed juices. Do not drink freshly squeezed juice on an empty, “empty” stomach after sleep - this greatly irritates the mucous membrane. It’s better to eat something, drink coffee (if you can’t imagine your morning without it), take a break, and then juice.

  • 2 If you choose between freshly squeezed liquid juice and juice with pulp, then the second is preferable. Liquid juice can be drunk in the first half of the day in the amount of 200-250 ml 1-2 times a week, and juice with pulp at the same time and in the same one-time volume, but 2-3 times a week (do not add up! If you If you can prepare both strained juice and fresh juice with pulp, then the optimal scheme would be, for example, this: once a week - a glass of “liquid” juice + 2 times a week - a glass of “thick” juice).

Nutritionist's comment: The best breakfast is one prepared taking into account the basic principles of proper nutrition. Therefore, all instructions regarding how many times a week you can treat yourself to juice in the morning are advisory in nature. If you are healthy, just monitor your weight, well-being, and adjust your diet individually. But it is worth remembering that freshly squeezed juice with pulp or smoothie (puree-like drink-snack) is more complete in terms of composition than strained liquid juice. Preserving more dietary fiber - fiber, protopectin, not only has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, but also slows down the level of growth of glucose in the blood, which means you won’t get hungry so quickly.

  • 3 Before lunch, after lunch, during lunch, and similarly in the evening, you should abstain from juice - when the clock hand turns to the second half of the day, juice turns from a helper into an enemy.

Nutritionist's comment: Firstly, if the juice is consumed shortly before or after a meal, washed down with food or drunk immediately after a meal, the food will be less digestible, pain, discomfort, and signs of indigestion may occur. Secondly, if you are watching your figure, then simple carbohydrates in the evening are more likely to harm it - the body no longer needs quick energy, but is preparing to switch to a nocturnal type of metabolism, in which existing fat reserves are consumed. Evening “juice drinking” can contribute to the deposition of excess in problem areas. An exception may be - you can drink it in the afternoon, but not more than a couple of times a week.

Mixtures of fruit and vegetable juices will provide maximum health benefits and aid in weight loss. There is no need to strain them - fiber is retained with the pulp, which reduces the rate of breakdown of simple carbohydrates.

If your health is not okay

Nutritionist Natalya Grigorieva warns: special caution should be exercised by those who suffer from problems with carbohydrate metabolism. If doctors have determined that you have signs of metabolic syndrome, a pre-diabetic state or type II diabetes mellitus, fruit and berry juices are contraindicated for you, since their consumption is fraught with hyperglycemia, and vegetable juices should also be consumed with caution and only in consultation with your doctor.

If you are losing a lot of weight on your own and have decided that healthy and tasty juices are your faithful helpers in this difficult task, you should also not rush to get a juicer! Excess weight in the vast majority of cases goes hand in hand with impaired insulin production, so it is better for obese people to abstain altogether from freshly squeezed juices.

Since freshly squeezed juices are rich in organic acids (apple, cranberry, lingonberry, and lemon juices are especially successful in this regard), their consumption can provoke the occurrence and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. If you have a special one, then the general recommendations are as follows: if the acidity is low, it is better to drink juice an hour before a meal, and if it is high, an hour after the meal. However, in each specific case, you need an individual opinion from your attending physician, who will tell you whether you can drink juice at all, and, if so, which ones.

Pregnant and lactating women should hold off on drinking juices that contain potential allergens (primarily strawberry, pomegranate, orange, beetroot), as well as those that cause a violent reaction in the intestines (cabbage, grape, unclarified apple). Traditional medicine often recommends cranberry juice as a remedy for edema in pregnant women; The degree of concentration of the drink and its permitted amount must be checked with a doctor.

Let's argue about tastes?

According to the nutritionist, the most invigorating, as well as beneficial for health and weight loss, can be considered juices from a mixture of citrus fruits (orange, lemon), with the addition of vegetable “squeezes” - from broccoli sprouts, celery, spinach, basil and other green herbs, etc. This drink will provide you with a high-quality dose of biodigestible substances, including vitamins C and P, folic acid, potassium and magnesium compounds necessary for the immune system and circulatory system. However, we should not forget that if consumed in excess, even in people who do not complain of digestion, such mixtures can cause heartburn and excessively increase the activity of gastric juice.

You should be careful with beet juice - it cannot be consumed in large quantities, since due to the large number of potent esters, it often provokes allergic attacks, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and an increase in temperature, and a strong laxative effect. The optimal “dose” of freshly squeezed beetroot juice is 30-50 ml as part of a mixed cocktail, and beetroot juice is the only freshly squeezed juice that is recommended to be left for a couple of hours in a cool place in an open container.

Also, you should not drink in its pure form or in large quantities - this is fraught with a sharp contraction of the gallbladder and can provoke an attack of acute cholecystitis.

Although, with the help of modern kitchen equipment, juice or smoothie can be made from literally any plant products, Natalya Grigorieva reminds that when choosing “your” freshly squeezed juice, you should focus on your usual diet, without leaning on the exotic, no matter what qualities advertising attributes to miracle fruits distant countries. If rare and unusual fruits, berries and vegetables attract you with their unknown tastes, start adding them to your fresh juice or smoothie little by little to avoid a possible intense reaction from the body.

How to improve something that is already good

  • You can add a teaspoon of ten percent cream to a glass of fresh juice or smoothie - this will improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D, E and will significantly improve the effect of drinking juices rich in carotenoids (carrot, pumpkin). But do not stir cream in juices made from sour raw materials - they will curdle unappetizingly;
  • simple bran will also be a good addition to freshly squeezed juice, turning it into almost a dietary dish. Although bran is a source of carbohydrates, it is biologically intact - that is, it is practically not digested, in addition to reducing the calorie content of the foods with which it is consumed;
  • juices rich in acids can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:5 to reduce the destructive effect on tooth enamel. It is also important to rinse your mouth thoroughly after drinking juice or smoothie - this will both wash your teeth and save you from the embarrassment of a sprig of dill in the middle of a smile.
  • But it’s best to avoid additives like pure sugar and salt: they not only affect the absorption of nutrients, but also whet the appetite. Feel free to season the juice with spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, a drop of Tabasco sauce); You can add a little honey to your morning fresh juice.

Package for you!

Freshly squeezed juice after preparation is most beneficial to consume within an hour (with the exception of beet juice, see above) - when cell membranes are destroyed under the influence of oxygen, a number of valuable substances and compounds evaporate or change their properties; In addition, some juices (apple, grape, strawberry, cabbage) are prone to fermentation, which, having begun in the storage container, will continue in the intestines. .

Of course, freshly prepared juices are the most useful, but you should not resolutely and categorically write off packaged ones. High-quality ready-made and aseptically packaged directly pressed drinks without added sugar and preservatives are quite comparable to freshly squeezed drinks in terms of biological value; in addition, they are often improved with vitamin premixes. So if you really want juice, but you don’t have any fresh fruit or the appropriate equipment at hand, you can be content with a package, the main thing is to be sure of the quality and composition of its contents.

The benefits of vegetable juices. How to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices - recommendations and contraindications

We drink juices not only for pleasure, but also to lose weight, cleanse the body, increase immunity, and replenish vitamin reserves in the body. In the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh vegetables, the menu becomes more varied, and juices occupy an important place in it. But do you know how to prepare the right fresh juice? Have you ever thought about the fact that some juices may have contraindications and side effects? The rules of juice therapy, which you must familiarize yourself with before you start tasting freshly squeezed juices, will help you choose “your” drink and take it correctly.

Juice therapy rules - how to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices?

To get healthy vegetable juice, you need a good juicer and fresh, undamaged vegetables. Only one portion of juice is prepared at a time, with the exception of beet juice, which must sit in the refrigerator, so it can be prepared with a reserve.

You need to start drinking vegetable juices with caution and in small quantities - no more than 50 ml, and beet juice in a tablespoon. Gradually the portion increases, but how much depends on the type of juice. For example, it is not recommended to drink more than 100 ml of beet juice, but you can drink several glasses of tomato juice. You need to drink juices in the first half of the day, before meals, and not after.

All vegetable juices are diluted. Drinks made from red, yellow and orange vegetables are drunk with the addition of vegetable oil or cream, or eaten with something fatty (otherwise carotene will not be absorbed), all other juices are diluted with apple juice in a ratio of 1:2 (for one part vegetable juice, two parts apple juice). ).

Drink juices immediately after preparation (unless otherwise recommended) - due to contact with air, beneficial substances are quickly destroyed.

Who is it useful for? Iron, which beet juice is so rich in, is in a form easily accessible to the body and is quickly and well absorbed, so beet juice promotes the formation of blood cells. It is very useful for those who suffer from anemia and women during their menstrual periods. Betaine, which is also abundant in the juice, stimulates the functioning of the bile ducts and liver, and peristalsis, so beetroot juice is recommended for those who want to cleanse the body and remove salts from the joints. Beetroot juice contains a high content of iodine; it is an essential product in the treatment of the thyroid gland.

How to drink? Handle freshly squeezed beet juice very carefully. Even in small quantities, it is capable of performing a “general cleansing” of the body, so adverse reactions are quite possible - nausea, dizziness, and in some cases vomiting. To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to put beet juice in the refrigerator for several hours after preparation. You should drink it diluted with water or mixed with apple, carrot, or pumpkin juice.

Contraindications. If you have cholelithiasis or kidney stones, you should not drink beet juice!

Who is it useful for? Cabbage contains more vitamin C than lemon, so cabbage juice is recommended for anyone who wants to boost their immunity and beat a cold faster. The high content of chlorine and sulfur helps cleanse the intestinal and stomach mucosa, improves digestion, it will be useful for non-acute forms of enteritis, stomach ulcers, and in the treatment of gastritis. Cabbage juice should be taken by those who want to lose weight - tartronic acid slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. Phytoncides and iodine are useful for sore throats and bronchitis.

How to drink? Cabbage juice cannot be called a tasty drink, but it is not recommended to add salt or mix it with other juices. You can drink a little unpleasant-tasting juice in its pure form, but the healing effect will not be lost.

Contraindications. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Freshly squeezed potato juice

Who is it useful for? Potato juice, or more precisely, the alkaline compounds that are in the juice, reduce acidity, so it is recommended to drink juice for gastritis with high acidity. For edema and cardiac diseases, potato juice will help in the first case to remove excess fluid from the body (it has a diuretic effect), and for heart diseases, potassium, which is abundant in potatoes, stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle.

How to drink? Potato juice has a demineralizing effect, which negatively affects tooth enamel. Therefore, you need to drink it so that it comes into contact with your teeth as little as possible. For example, through a wide tube. In any case, after drinking potato juice, immediately rinse your mouth with clean water.

Contraindications. Gastritis with low acidity.

Who is it useful for? Magnesium and a large amount of B vitamins have a positive effect in the treatment of neuroses and insomnia. Vitamin K normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, so celery juice is useful for everyone who suffers from diseases of these internal organs. The juice also contains a lot of iron and potassium, and contains biotin, which is useful for raising overall tone. And, of course, celery juice is, first of all, a real men's drink, very beneficial for men's health. Zinc, which celery is rich in, prevents the development of prostate diseases and stimulates sperm production.

How to use? You need to drink juice in small quantities, 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

This juice has no contraindications.

Who is it useful for? Pumpkin is a record holder among vegetables for iron content, the benefits of which we wrote above. Like celery juice, pumpkin juice is high in zinc, so it can also be considered a man's drink. Carotene, which pumpkin is rich in, improves metabolism, and very rare vitamin T promotes the formation of platelets - cells that stop bleeding.

How to use? It is recommended to drink pumpkin juice in a mixture with apple and carrot juice in a 1:1:1 ratio or in pure form.

Contraindications– individual intolerance, which is very rare.

Who is it useful for? Due to its low calorie content and high content of vitamins and nutrients, tomato juice can be drunk by those who are on a diet, those who are overweight, during pregnancy and lactation. Tomato juice is also useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system. You can drink it to replenish your vitamin reserve - just two glasses of juice will fill your daily requirement for vitamin C and A.

How to drink? Tomato juice increases the readiness of the digestive system to digest food, so it is better to drink a glass of juice before meals, about half an hour. It is not advisable to add salt, but a little garlic and fresh herbs will be very useful - both healthy and tasty.

Contraindications. Exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer. You should not drink tomato juice even if you are slightly poisoned, it will only increase the intoxication.

It is very important to know how this or that vegetable juice affects the body. Then juice therapy will bring you maximum benefit and there will be no side effects.

Freshly squeezed juices are widely popular among all categories of citizens. Pregnant women, children, elderly people, men - everyone resorts to healing drinks to improve their health. Fresh juice can be prepared from seasonal or frozen berries, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Depending on the original composition, the beneficial properties of the drug vary. In order not to harm the body, you need to know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. Let's talk about everything in order.

Beneficial properties of freshly squeezed juices

  • strengthening the immune system during colds and flu;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body of poisons and toxins;
  • raising “fighting spirit”;
  • saturating the body with a daily dose of beneficial enzymes;
  • removal of fluid, relief from swelling;
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • improved appetite;
  • increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The benefits of freshly squeezed juice from specific products

The above beneficial qualities apply to all juices without exception. However, depending on the main component, valuable properties may vary.

  1. If you want to normalize the activity of the vascular system and the functioning of the heart muscle, give preference to fresh juice based on orange, grapefruit, beets, kiwi, pumpkin, and grapes.
  2. In cases where you need to increase your vitality and normalize your psycho-emotional background, lean on freshly squeezed juices from carrots, lemon, orange, and beets.
  3. If your goal is to lose weight or remove a couple of centimeters from your waist, prepare a drink based on apple, pineapple, grapefruit, pear, beets, grapes, pumpkin.
  4. To maintain the functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as to cleanse them, prepare freshly squeezed beet, grape, pear, and pumpkin juice.
  5. If you have anemia, give preference to fresh juices made from carrots, apples or pomegranates.

Indications for drinking freshly squeezed juices

  • vitamin deficiency in the off-season;
  • low immunity;
  • cold and flu period;
  • frequent consumption of junk food and drinks;
  • overweight;
  • poor vision;
  • constipation;
  • slow metabolism;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • clogged blood vessels (relevant for smokers);
  • liver problems

Precautions when drinking fresh juice

  1. Cranberry and tomato juices have diuretic properties. Therefore, drinking the drink should be limited to people with kidney stones or sand.
  2. If you have gastrointestinal diseases or often have stomach pain, limit your consumption of sour fresh juices. These include a drink made from cherries, pomegranates, and apples.
  3. Those who often suffer from food allergies should be wary of all types of juices. First, make sure there is no individual intolerance.
  4. If your blood sugar often “jumps” or has been diagnosed with diabetes, give up sugary drinks.

  1. The vitamin complex does not last long in fresh juices, so try to drink the juice immediately after preparation or within the next half hour. Do not prepare the drink for future use, it will not be beneficial.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices contain a lot of fructose, so if you consume them every day, review your diet. Add fiber and protein to maintain blood sugar levels.
  3. Of all the available juices, only carrot, beet and orange juices increase sugar levels. They should be used with extreme caution and always in diluted form.
  4. The daily dose of the drink consumed ranges from 200-450 ml. It is necessary to increase the amount gradually, starting from the minimum mark. Add 50-70 ml every day.
  5. Freshly squeezed juice should be drunk separately from food. If you consume the composition with food, you risk developing heartburn, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence and general indigestion.
  6. Before choosing one or another juice option, read the contraindications. People with certain diseases should limit or completely eliminate the consumption of fresh juices.
  7. Nutrition experts recommend preparing juices in a blender or juicer, and then drinking the drink from a glass container. At the same time, all vegetables, berries and fruits must be clean.
  8. As mentioned above, juices lose their beneficial properties in half an hour or less. However, beetroot drink does not fall into this category. Before using, let the fresh juice sit in the cold for 2 hours. Otherwise, volatile enzymes will cause vomiting or nausea.
  9. Combine ingredients in a blender bowl, then blend until smooth. If a nut is added (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.), roast it first.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly

  1. If we talk about the time interval in which it is necessary to consume juice, it is better to drink fresh juice before 14.00 hours. At the same time, after waking up in the morning, you should not enjoy a drink on an empty stomach. Important! If you drink freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach, the acidity level in your stomach will increase. This, in turn, will provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and the development of gastritis and ulcers.
  2. Take freshly squeezed juice 20-30 minutes before your main meal or snack. Never drink food with fresh juice, so as not to cause bloating, diarrhea and other problems.
  3. Doctors do not recommend drinking freshly squeezed juices during the lunchtime and evening, especially for drinks based on berries and fruits. Such fresh drinks contain a lot of fast carbohydrates, which lead to weight gain. Important! Freshly squeezed juices can be roughly equated to energy drinks with caffeine. If you use the composition in the evening or before bed, there is a risk of insomnia.
  4. If you have problems with excess weight, you should not abuse sweet fresh juices. Drink the drink no more than once a day, sticking to a dose of 250-300 ml.
  5. As for vegetable juices, unlike fruit and berry juices, drinks do not increase sugar. For this reason, you can drink the composition twice a day, 1 glass. The product is consumed before 13:00, no later.
  6. Fresh juices should be taken 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after meals. In the morning, immediately after sleep, you can only drink potato juice; everything else is prohibited.

How to dilute freshly squeezed juices

  1. Fresh juices that lead to an increase in acidity are diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. All others - 2:1.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices include vitamins of different groups, including A, E, K, D. To enhance absorption, add 30 ml to the drink. heavy cream. The recommendation is extremely relevant for drinks made from pumpkin and carrots.
  3. To reduce the calorie content of the drug consumed, add 40 grams to the drink. muesli or rye bran.
  4. Do not add salt or granulated sugar to fresh juice, as bulk components slow down the body’s absorption of nutrients.
  5. Honey can be used as a sweetener. Turmeric, nutmeg, and cinnamon are often added to the juice.
  6. Add chopped parsley, dill, and celery to the finished drink. Combine berries with fruits, vegetables, and vice versa.

How to store freshly squeezed juices

  1. If you take fresh juice with you on a walk or on a long train, use a portable refrigerator or thermal bag.
  2. Pour the finished drink into a glass container and close. Then put it in the refrigerator and consume within the next 30 minutes. Do not forget that fresh beetroot is pre-infused for 2 hours.
  3. To eliminate the interaction of a fortified cocktail with oxygen and extend the life of the drink, add 5 ml to the prepared fresh juice. lemon juice. In this case, the composition will last up to 1.5 hours without loss of quality.
  4. Freshly squeezed juice can be frozen. If you did not manage to consume it within the allotted time, pour it into a container and put it in the freezer. When it’s time for a meal, defrost the drug naturally.

Freshly squeezed juices can be prepared from berries, herbs, vegetables and fruits that are currently on hand. These include pumpkin, banana, orange, parsley, pineapple, kiwi, tomato, pomegranate, apple, grapes, strawberries, potatoes, celery, etc. Before use, make sure that you have no contraindications or allergies to the components.

Video: harm and benefits of freshly squeezed juices