Which company makes snickers. Snickers sweets: composition, calorie content, manufacturer

One day, the owner of the chocolate factory, Frank Mars (yes, Frank immortalized his name in another favorite delicacy of millions of people - the Mars chocolate) decided to release a new line of chocolate bars, and named a new product after his favorite horse - Snickers (Snickers- means “quiet whinnying ).

By the way, the horse is said to have died a few months before the mass production of the "signature" chocolate bar began. The basis of the chocolate bar is a filling made on the basis of nougat, covered with peanuts and chocolate, enclosed in milk chocolate. This classic lineup has remained unchanged since 1930. According to research, Snickers is the most popular bar among young people - about 400 delicious chocolates are eaten every second around the world. And every fifth teenager buys sweets every day - as a snack.

For each bar, 16 nuts are always used. Well, since about 15 million pieces of chocolates are made every day around the world (of which there are already several types, differing mainly in size), the consumption of peanuts is approximately 99 tons daily. Interestingly, in the UK and Ireland, the bar was originally sold under the name Marathon. This continued until 1990, when Mars decided to change the name to worldwide. So today "Snickers" is called the same everywhere.

The calorie content of Snickers chocolate is 507 kcal per 100 grams of product. Due to the high calorie content and despite the small size, you quickly fill up on them. You can argue with a friend that he does not eat 10 sneakers at a time. The winnings will be 100 percent yours. By the way, for the same reason, Snickers became very popular during the fighting. During the Chechen War, chocolate bars were the militants' favorite staple food, and during the Gulf War, American soldiers had snacks on them.

Once doctors sounded the alarm: daily consumption of sweets can negatively affect people's health! And then the manufacturers decided to reduce the total weight of the treat by 7%. At the same time, the cost of the bar remained the same. According to them, this was done specifically as a concern for people's health - to reduce the level of carbohydrate and fat intake in adolescents. However, taking care of the health of the nation, the founders of the corporation did not want to reduce production volumes. Chocolates come out from under the conveyor now and then ...

Fun fact: if you put all the bars made in the last 5 minutes on top of each other, the height of the improvised tower will be equal to the Paris Eiffel Tower!

Interesting on the net

What do they usually take with them to school and eat at recess? What to eat on the way to university or work? What do you buy while in the store, if you feel hungry, and you are far from home? These bars are always visible in supermarkets. Remember for yourself: every time you stand in line at the checkout, it is they who come into your field of vision. The variety of chocolates from Mars LLC is simply amazing. "Snickers", "Mars", "Bounty", as well as "Nuts", "Kit-Kat" ... Let's talk about Snickers sweets in more detail today.

About "Snickers"

"Snickers" is one of the most popular chocolates both in America and in Russia. This product has been manufactured by Mars, Incorporated since 1930. Every second person has probably tried this delicacy at least once in his life. Many people appreciate it for being very nutritious. Even a fairly high calorie content cannot scare away consumers. Others love Snickers sweets for their unique composition and filling. Let's explore them.


What other bars besides Snickers does Mars, Incorporated produce?

  • "Mars";
  • "Milky Way";
  • "Twix;
  • "Bounty".

The following chocolates and chocolate products are also produced:

  • M&M "S;
  • Dove;
  • Maltesers (Russian "Maltezers").

Moreover, Mars LLC specializes not only in the production of chocolates. The company owns the following products:

  • Pedigree (Russian "Pedigree");
  • Whiskas (Russian "Whiskas");
  • Kitekat (Russian "Kitiket");
  • Sheba (Russian "Sheba");
  • Chappi (Russian "Chappi");
  • Perfect Fit (Russian "Perfect Fit");
  • Juicy Fruit (Rus. "Jucy Fruit");
  • Skittles (Russian "Skittles");
  • Wrigley Spearmint (Russian "Wrigley Spermint").

Now you know what is produced by Mars, Incorporated.

Composition of sweets

What are Snickers candies?

  • Filling: sugar, peanuts, glucose syrup, vegetable oil, milk powder, Hazelnut flavor identical to natural, egg white powder, flour.
  • Bar: milk chocolate, cocoa butter, sugar, whole milk powder, lactose, cocoa, emulsifiers, milk fat, vanillin flavor identical to natural, skimmed milk powder.

Snickers filling

Each chocolate bar of the company "Mars" (like "Bounty", "Mars", "Twix", "Kit-Kata") has its own shape, packaging and filling. "Snickers" is unique in its kind:

  • Nougat-based filling.
  • Roasted Peanuts / Sunflower Seeds / Almonds / Hazelnuts.
  • Caramel.
  • Milk chocolate.

This is how the Snickers chocolate bar has been produced for almost a century.

Calorie content "Snickers"

Keep in mind that eating a lot of chocolate can lead to weight gain and diabetes. Also, sweets have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the product contains a lot of sugar and fats that harm your figure.

Consider the calorie content and nutritional value of Snickers sweets per 100 grams:

  • 503 kcal;
  • 9 g protein;
  • 27 g fat
  • 56 g of carbohydrates.

Sweets will cheer you up, fill you with energy and replenish your strength. An ideal snack after psychological and physical exertion. It is also a great little present for children, significant other, or a friend.

Snickers is not just a bar. Now you can find chocolates of the same brand on the store shelves. They are called Snickers Minis. They are usually sold in packs weighing 180 grams. This is the mini-format of the famous chocolate bar. One mini sneaker contains 15 grams. The calorie content of Snickers candy is 75 kilocalories. A great option for tea drinking, because the package contains twelve mini sneakers.

Original tastes

In Russia you can find the usual "Snickers" with peanuts, as well as a bar with hazelnuts. In 2014, Mars LLC released a limited series: "Snickers" with seeds in yellow packaging.

But did you know that in Europe and America you can find Snickers in other flavors? Let's consider some:

  • Chocolate caramel, chocolate nougat, milk chocolate and peanuts.
  • Square Snickers with peanut butter.
  • Snickers with peanut butter (instead of caramel).
  • Almond bar (instead of peanuts).
  • Chocolate bar with coconut flavor.
  • Almonds, caramel, marshmallow-flavored nougat, dark chocolate.
  • Milk chocolate, peanuts, peanut butter.
  • Puffed rice, peanuts, caramel, milk chocolate.
  • Snickers with dark chocolate.

In 2018, a new limited-edition bar covered with white chocolate appeared in Russia. Also in white glaze, Mars, Incorporated also released chocolates. Hurry up to try it while Snickers in white chocolate is still on sale!


"Snickers" is already a proper name. For example, now there are a million recipes for the cake of the same name. Moreover, you can see in stores and. If you like sweets, then today we invite you to consider interesting recipes for Snickers cake and ice cream.


How about making an amazingly delicious Snickers dessert? You can put it at the head of the festive table or make it for evening tea. The step-by-step recipe is quite simple, even an inexperienced or novice hostess can handle it. Delight your household with sweets.

What we need for a biscuit:

  • seven chicken eggs;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • glass rast. oils;
  • 3/4 cup water
  • three teaspoons of baking powder;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • Art. spoon of cocoa.

What is needed for nougat:

  • three hundred grams of sugar;
  • five tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • two egg whites;
  • fifty ml of water;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • three hundred grams of roasted peanuts.

What is needed for the cream:

  • Art. a spoonful of powdered sugar;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of roasted peanuts.

Ingredients for the glaze:

  • fifty grams of butter;
  • two tbsp. cocoa spoons;
  • three tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • three tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • fifty grams of peanuts.

Step by step cooking method:

  1. Cooking a biscuit: in a bowl, whisk the squirrels with lemon juice.
  2. In a separate container, beat the yolks, warm water, half the amount of sugar and vegetable oil. Add a third of the whipped proteins.
  3. Mix the other half of the sugar, cocoa, salt, flour and baking powder. Add to the container.
  4. Add the remaining two-thirds of the beaten protein. Mix thoroughly.
  5. We bake a biscuit for forty minutes at 180 gr.
  6. Cut the finished biscuit into four parts.
  7. Cooking nougat: heat the nuts in the microwave (for three minutes). Remove the husk.
  8. We mix water with sugar and honey, put on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for another ten minutes. The syrup temperature should be 140 degrees.
  9. Beat whites, add lemon juice and vanilla sugar.
  10. Pour the syrup into the proteins in a trickle, continuing to beat them for about fifteen minutes.
  11. Add nuts to a blender, mix with a spoon. You can also grind them.
  12. Put parchment in the mold, grease with butter. We spread the nougat and send it to the freezer for six hours.
  13. We make the cream: beat the butter with powdered sugar until the color changes (the mass should become lighter). Now you need to periodically add boiled condensed milk on a tablespoon, continuing to beat.
  14. Add peeled roasted peanuts to the cream. Mix with a spoon.
  15. Putting together the cake: spread cream with peanuts on the first cake. We spread the second cake, and on it - nut nougat. Grease the third cake with peanut cream. Cover with the fourth (last) crust.
  16. Prepare the icing: melt the butter, add sugar and cocoa. Then add peanuts and sour cream. Mix.
  17. Cover the top of the cake with the nuts glaze. Put the cake in the refrigerator for forty minutes.

Serve the cake chilled with tea, coffee, milk or juice. Invite your family, friends, neighbors to a tea party, because only together you can enjoy the amazing taste of the Snickers cake. An excellent occasion to have a heart-to-heart talk and see loved ones.

Snickers ice cream

You've probably noticed that Snickers ice cream in the store is not cheap. Not everyone can buy this small bucket for 300 rubles. Therefore, we suggest that you make your own dessert at home.

What you need:

  • one hundred ml cream + two hundred gr. boiled condensed milk;
  • three hundred ml of cream (30% fat);
  • eighty grams of chocolate;
  • one hundred grams of peanuts;
  • one hundred grams of Toffee caramel sauce.

Cooking method:

  • Put boiled condensed milk into a bowl. Add one hundred ml of cream. Stir until smooth.
  • In a separate container, beat three hundred ml of cream until frothy at low speed. After the foam appears, begin to beat at high speed. Now add the contents of the first bowl. We continue to whip cream with condensed milk.
  • Pour the mass that we have into any shape or plastic container. Cover with cling film and place in the freezer.
  • Melt milk chocolate in a water bath. Add peanuts and stir. The mixture is cooled in the refrigerator.
  • After two hours, we take out the mass with nuts. Separate sticky nuts.
  • Take out the ice cream pan and mix with the chocolate covered peanuts.
  • Now generously pour the top of the ice cream with the Toffee Caramel Sauce. Stir while continuing to pour over the sauce.
  • Cover the ice cream again with cling film and send it to the freezer for three hours.

The recipe is very simple. Your kids will fall in love with this ice cream from the first spoon!

Bon Appetit! Enjoy the exquisite taste!

"Don't slow down, Snickersney!" - this advertising slogan has already gone to the people and has become a catch phrase. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more practical and satisfying snack than the well-known chocolate bar. But when snickers appeared, and who invented it, few know.

How it all began

The creator of the sweet bestseller is Franklin Mars, who was born in Hancock (USA) in 1883. Since childhood, the boy was not indifferent to the confectionery theme, watching his mother deftly handle baked goods. At the age of 19, the guy had already become behind the counter of a candy store, and by the age of 30 he opened his own production in tandem with his wife Ethel.

His first company was called Mar-o-Bar and was a classic home contract. The heart of the business was the family kitchen, and the point of issue was the home windows. Desserts were popular with local residents, which motivated further development.

The predecessor of the sneakers was the Milky Way chocolates, the creation of which, at that time, already a "deep" family man, was inspired by a walk with his little son Forrest. At least that's how the story goes. The kid asked to buy chocolate, and since at that time it was sold only by weight, it melted in hands very quickly.

Looking at such an outrage, a smart entrepreneur came up with the idea of ​​wrapping chocolate in foil in metered portions. It is both convenient and you can quench your thirst for sweets without overeating. This is how the Milky Way trademark and its first bars appeared.

In the same year, 1923, the Snickers' turn came. First, the composition was developed, which remains unchanged to this day. These are: milk chocolate, nougat, roasted peanuts and caramel. It is believed that exactly 16 nuts are "hidden" in one bar - how true this is, we can only guess.

The original cost of the treat was 20 cents, which did not in any way raise it into a number of cheap goods. And, nevertheless, the popularity of sneakers grew rapidly, even despite the high calorie content. Later, various interpretations of the classic version of the bar appeared - for example, seeds, hazelnuts or almonds are used instead of peanuts, and dark chocolate is replaced with white.

Snickers began production in 1930, and a year earlier Franklin Mars had opened his first chocolate factory in Chicago. Today, about 560 bars per minute are produced within its walls, and if you take the total number of all operating industries scattered around the world, you get more than 15 million pieces per day. The consumption of peanuts per day is approximately 99 tons. Sounds impressive!

Where did the name Snickers come from and what does it mean?

Every world-class product has its own legend of the birth of the name. Often such stories are directly related to the family of the creators or their interests, and rarely the names are invented somehow on purpose.

In the case of Snickers, the main role was played by a horse who lived in the businessman's stable. Rather, the beloved horse of his son, which died just a few months before the "release" of the famous bar. In translation, the word means "quiet neighing".

It is interesting that until 1990 in Great Britain, Ireland on the Isle of Man, the dessert was sold under the Marathon brand. Then the Mars corporation decided to bring all the names to a single denominator and already position the product under the Snickers name.

Appearance in Russia

In Russia, the first sneakers appeared in 1992, just after the collapse of the USSR, when the flow of foreign goods poured into the market. Russian consumers, not spoiled by the abundance of confectionery in the Soviet era, actively began to "taste" all the chocolate bars, giving preference to Mars and Snickers. And if you take into account the massive advertising attack that literally gushed out of television screens, it was not difficult to predict the fate of nut sweets - full and unconditional recognition, especially among children and teenagers.

One day, the owner of the chocolate factory, Frank Mars (yes, Frank immortalized his name in another favorite delicacy of millions of people - the Mars chocolate) decided to release a new line of chocolate bars, and named a new product after his favorite horse - Snickers (Snickers- means “quiet whinnying ). By the way, the horse is said to have died a few months before the mass production of the "signature" chocolate bar began.

The basis of the chocolate bar is a filling made on the basis of nougat, covered with peanuts and chocolate, enclosed in milk chocolate. This classic lineup has remained unchanged since 1930.

According to research, Snickers is the most popular bar among young people - about 400 delicious chocolates are eaten every second around the world. And every fifth teenager buys sweets every day - as a snack.

For each bar, 16 nuts are always used. Well, since about 15 million pieces of chocolates are produced every day around the world (of which there are already several types, differing mainly in size), the consumption of peanuts is approximately 99 tons daily.

Interestingly, in the UK and Ireland, the bar was originally sold under the name Marathon. This continued until 1990, when Mars decided to change the name to worldwide. So today "Snickers" is called the same everywhere.

The calorie content of Snickers chocolate is 507 kcal per 100 grams of product. Due to the high calorie content and despite the small size, you quickly fill up on them. You can argue with a friend that he does not eat 10 sneakers at a time. The winnings will be 100 percent yours.

By the way, for the same reason, Snickers became very popular during the fighting. During the Chechen War, chocolate bars were the militants' favorite staple food, and during the Gulf War, American soldiers had snacks on them.

Once doctors sounded the alarm: daily consumption of sweets can negatively affect people's health! And then the manufacturers decided to reduce the total weight of the treat by 7%. At the same time, the cost of the bar remained the same. According to them, this was done specifically as a concern for people's health - to reduce the level of carbohydrate and fat intake in adolescents.

However, taking care of the health of the nation, the founders of the corporation did not want to reduce production volumes. From under the conveyor now and then chocolates come out ... An interesting fact: if you put all the bars made in the last 5 minutes on top of each other, the height of the improvised tower will be equal to the Parisian Eiffel Tower!

Snickers bars are popular all over the world. Manufacturers position it as an energy product - an excellent hunger quencher. But this does not mean that you need to eat several of it every day. They can very easily cause significant harm to your body. Let's see why Snickers is so dangerous.

The truth about Snickers

Someone cannot imagine life without this chocolate, but someone claims that it is very harmful, by a willful decision to refuse the delicacy. This bar, like many other goodies, came to us from America. And in the early years of its appearance, it was really famous for its nutritional value - for this, many considered it useful. But the more this product was produced, the less tasty it became. Its composition also changed, which began to include more and more unnatural components. But the cost did not decrease, but only increased.
Probably most of us have tasted this candy. And for those who have never bought this bar, it should be said that it consists of nougat, caramel, roasted peanuts and is covered with milk chocolate. Today they make Snickers with hazelnuts or sunflower seeds. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is as much as 507 calories. And this despite the fact that a large bar just weighs 100 grams! There is also a mini portion. Its weight is 50 grams. In this case, you eat 254 kcal at a time, which, you see, is also a lot.

Snickers composition

In addition to the calorie content, which has already been mentioned, you need to pay attention to the nutritional value of 100 g of this delicacy:

  • 9.3 grams of protein;
  • 28 grams of fat;
  • 54.6 grams of carbohydrates.

It is worth noting that when creating one bar, as much as 27 grams of sugar were used.

The harmful chemical components of this delicacy include:

  • soy lecithin;
  • Palm oil;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • flavors;
  • flavor enhancers, sweeteners;
  • dyes.

To eat or not to eat?

Tooth decay, heart disease, vascular problems, pancreatic disease and, of course, being overweight are just some of the health problems that can arise with the constant consumption of this chocolate treat.
All this means that it is often not worth eating such a product. Of course, sometimes you can pamper yourself with a small portion to lift your mood. But you can't get involved in Snickers, especially if you strive for an ideal figure. Remember, normal weight and this treat are incompatible!