Which part of the turkey is the softest? What are the benefits of turkey meat and liver?


Turkey meat is valuable food product. It is a supplier of complete protein to the human body.

Its protein is easily and completely absorbed by both adults and children.

What are the general beneficial properties of turkey meat for the body, what are the harms and benefits of turkey fillet for men, women and children? Let's get into all the details!

Composition of turkey meat

Turkey meat is rich in protein, contains a small amount of fat - their ratio in meat is 2: 1, and there are no carbohydrates in the composition.

Calorie content of 100 grams is comparable to beef- approximately (depending on the part of the carcass) 195 kcal per 100 g of product, but poultry meat is more fully absorbed.

The main composition is enriched big amount(2 times more than in beef), B vitamins, PP, minerals (, sodium,).

Cholesterol, found in any meat, is found in turkey small quantity and in a form beneficial to the body.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of turkey meat? This product is recognized as dietary doctors of all medical specialties.

Poultry meat is more easily included in metabolism, its composition enriches the body useful substances. Useful for the prevention of painful conditions:

  • iron contained in red meat prevents the development of anemia;
  • magnesium strengthens the heart muscle;
  • phosphorus, the content of which approaches the amount present in fish, promotes absorption, and therefore strengthens bones and teeth;
  • sodium maintains a balance with potassium, which supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamins B, PP strengthen the nervous system, regulate the transmission of impulses along the nerve trunks;
  • the protein component strengthens muscle mass, hair, skin, mucous membranes;
  • Turkey cholesterol is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels and prevents the accumulation of harmful lipids coming from other products;
  • the balanced composition of meat and its organic nature for human perception reduces the risk of complications from diseases when limited consumption of animal proteins is recommended;
  • the product is very useful in the fight against obesity: eating turkey meat with leafy vegetables and salads provides complete nutrition with reduced calorie content and a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Turkey meat is not contraindicated for pregnant women and. Its complete dietary protein helps new life form correctly.

What's healthier - chicken or turkey? Let’s figure it out together with the “Live Healthy!” program:

As it is

There are many ways to cook turkey– every housewife experiments with the product and creates her own dishes.

  • For very young children, carefully chopped meat puree with the addition of broth;
  • elderly people can use it in the form of pate, soup with meat broth;
  • turkey stew is not contraindicated for most consumers; variations with seasonings and alternating side dishes make this dish popular;
  • completely healthy active people can afford roast turkey, occasionally even with the skin - cholesterol is contained precisely in it, but its amount is optimal;
  • classic cooking - baked turkey whole carcass, often stuffed (prunes, citruses, and other fruits, mushrooms or vegetables);
  • You can use turkey meat for shish kebab and barbecue.

Turkey meat fits into the norms for consumption of protein products of animal origin in general: 1 g of protein per 1 kg of human weight.

Therefore, taking into account the intake of proteins of animal origin and from other products, 100-200 g of turkey meat per day is sufficient.

The nutritional value depends on the part of the carcass and on the cooking method. Dark leg meat fried in oil is more nutritious, while breast meat, steamed or baked on a grill, is less nutritious.

How to preserve quality

The healthiest meat is chilled. It can be stored for no more than 1-2 days in the refrigerator, so prepare turkey meat right away.

After cooking and cooking The shelf life of the product is also limited to two to three days at low temperatures.

Long-term storage

But not all regions offer freshly slaughtered poultry. Fresh frozen is quite suitable. Freezing is used and, if necessary, the product can be preserved for a long time.

The freezers of household refrigerators cope with the task - frozen carcasses are stored in them.

The main storage rule: defrosted product is not subject to re-freezing. If the carcass is removed from the freezer and thawed, it is not recommended to put it back - there will be a significant decrease in taste and beneficial properties.

Defrosting meat is beneficial in a natural way . For example, in the evening, move the carcass from freezer into the refrigerator. Overnight there will be enough thawing to cut the carcass.

For quick defrosting use a microwave oven.

The most undesirable method is immersion in water to thaw the product. Many useful substances dissolve in water; the taste of such birds is worse.

Before storing chilled poultry for freezing housewives usually cut up the carcass and store it not entirely, to be used not at once, but in parts.


Following several rules when cooking turkey meat will allow maintaining the gastronomic attractiveness and consumer usefulness of the product:

  • for making broth meat, cut into small pieces, is placed in cold water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook until tender, salt 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • if the purpose of cooking is boiled meat, rather than broth or soup, it is better to cook it large piece immersed in boiling water, to which roots are added during cooking (

Valuable turkey meat is expensive, but different unusual taste and numerous beneficial properties. Nutritionists strongly recommend including turkey in your diet, and for good reason.

Chemical composition and calorie content of turkey meat

Turkey is the largest of all domestic birds. An adult female can weigh no less than 35 kg. The weight of the carcass can reach ten kilograms, and the smallest one stretches at least five kilos. And all this is not only tasty, but also wonderfully healthy meat.

Turkey meat contains the following elements:

Vitamins E, A, B, K, PP;

Microelements iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium;

The most important amino acids are lysine, thiamine, isoleucine, histidine;

Atomic Gold;



Every 100 grams of turkey meat contains 75 mg of cholesterol. Thanks to its excellent absorption, it does not harm blood vessels. Moreover, cholesterol turkey meat prevents the concentration of harmful lipids supplied with food. Turkey meat is organically included in metabolic processes, enriching the body with useful substances and preventing the development of dangerous ailments.

First of all, nutritionists note the huge amount of iron in turkey meat. The benefits of turkey meat for patients with anemia are very high. Small portion The product helps prevent the development of anemia. For comparison: red beef meat, which doctors recommend for anemia, contains half as much iron as turkey meat.

Magnesium strengthens the heart muscle, and there is almost as much phosphorus as in fish. That is why the calcium contained in turkey meat is completely absorbed and helps strengthen teeth, nails and bone tissue.

Sodium and potassium ensure stable functioning of the cardiovascular system, and vitamins PP and B are needed for normal functioning nervous system. Moreover, turkey meat is superior in sodium content to beef and veal. It’s easy to verify the high content of this microelement: try cooked turkey. The meat will have a salty taste. This means that there is no need to use a lot of salt, which further increases the beneficial properties of the product.

There is so much protein in turkey meat that it can be used as natural remedy for extension muscle mass. By the way, many athletes take advantage of this opportunity.

Average calorie content turkey meat does not exceed 150 kcal. The lowest calorie fillet (just over 100 calories), the most high calorie content wings, skinned (190 calories). By the way, skinless poultry meat becomes less fatty and high in calories.

The benefits of turkey meat

Protein must be supplied to the human body daily. Protein norm for healthy body– 1 gram for every kilogram of body weight. Turkey is an ideal source of natural protein necessary to maintain normal muscle mass. This is why, by the way, the benefits of turkey meat for pregnant women and children are especially great.

The product is easily absorbed without causing heaviness in the stomach. The beneficial properties of turkey meat are as follows:

Provides optimal level hematopoiesis;

Normalizes metabolic processes;

Reduces cholesterol levels;

Stimulates cell renewal;

Activates brain function;

Normalizes work endocrine system;

Prevents the development of atherosclerosis;

Indicated for hypertension and osteochondrosis;

Has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system;

Strengthens joints and bones;

Helps get rid of depression and insomnia;

Prevents early aging;

Strengthens male strength, indicated for reduced potency.

Turkey meat is useful for those who want to lose weight, and therefore is indispensable for obesity. Protein will provide energy and fill you up for a long time, and the absence of carbohydrates will help start the processes of fat breakdown. It is optimal to combine turkey with leafy green vegetables.

There is evidence that turkey meat prevents the development oncological diseases due to the high content of antioxidant substances. Therefore, those who are predisposed to this terrible disease or are simply looking after their health should include turkey in their diet.

Has a beneficial effect on health fresh broth, cooked from turkey. It can be eaten at the first signs of a viral disease, during the recovery period after acute respiratory viral infection or surgery, and during any ailment. The decoction, saturated with vitamins and microelements, acts as a natural safe energy drink, giving strength, restoring good mood.

Turkey meat in baby food

Rapid growth of muscle and bone tissue, development of the nervous system and brain that occur in childhood, require special nutrition. Turkey meat contains exactly those vitamins, amino acids and minerals that a growing body really needs. So the benefits of turkey meat for children and teenagers are invaluable.

Allergies to turkey protein are extremely rare. Therefore, there is practically no harm from turkey meat. This is especially important when we're talking about about infants receiving their first meat feeding. Pediatricians advise children prone to allergies to give turkey puree in order to prevent a negative reaction of the immune system.

Second important point– this is an excellent digestibility of turkey dishes. The meat will not overload gastrointestinal tract a small child, but will give the body all its benefits. The main thing is to cook the turkey correctly, using a steamer or pan. You can combine meat with puree from boiled vegetables: potatoes, zucchini.

For older children, during the period of active muscle and bone growth, it is also very important to cook turkey meat. It will ensure normal skeletal growth, brain and nervous system development. In addition, turkey meat will strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases during the flu and colds.

Harm from turkey meat

Turkey meat is also completely safe for the body of an adult. However, you need to remember potential danger, which is always reserved for allergy sufferers. Turkey meat, as a rule, does not harm them, but there are exceptions. Perhaps individual intolerance is the only prohibition that exists on eating “Spanish chicken”.

Meanwhile, there is certain restrictions, which should be kept in mind. So, people suffering from the following ailments should not eat a lot of protein:

Kidney failure;


Urolithiasis disease;


The fact is that protein foods overload the kidneys. Therefore, it is important for nephrology patients to reduce the amount of protein entering the body. Hypertensive patients do not need to completely give up turkey. However, it is always important for them to remember to reduce the amount of salt and fat. That is, cook mainly the breast and drain it purely symbolically, in order to only enhance the naturally salty taste of this meat.

The skin of poultry contains the largest amount of fat. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that everyone who strives for health and longevity remove it before cooking.

In addition, it is important to remember the danger of salmonella contamination in poultry meat. This means that great attention should be paid to its heat treatment, especially when it comes to baby food.

Turkey meat ( Meleagris gallopavo) sell in different types: whole carcasses, packaged slices, in the form of minced meat and cutlets, separately breasts and thighs. But how can we explain the growing popularity of all these products among consumers? Why are buyers increasingly turning their attention to turkey, forgetting about the usual chicken? This can be explained by the wonderful beneficial properties of the product.

Turkeys belong to the large Pheasant family ( Phasianidae). The homeland of this bird is Northern and South America. These birds were originally associated with the Native American cultures of the indigenous populations of the “New World.” This is where they are believed to get their name.

In the wild, turkeys eat a variety of foods: acorns, pine seeds, tubers, bulbs, wild berries, alfalfa and clover, beetles, grasshoppers and cicadas. Such an extensive diet largely determines the high nutritional value of the meat of these birds. And the beneficial properties of the product.

Turkey is rich in complete protein with the necessary set of amino acids (AA) for humans. And in terms of tryptophan amino acid content, it beats even cheeses.

Contains almost half daily norm selenium (per 1 serving). And it surpasses beef in the amount of iron in its composition. Other macro- and microelements in turkey meat: potassium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and zinc.

The product is rich in B vitamins, including: niacin (B3, or nicotinic acid), pyridoxine (B6) and some riboflavin (B2), folic acid(B9), biotin (H, or B7) and choline (B4).

The content of unsaturated fatty acids, which have numerous beneficial properties, deserves special attention. For balanced nutrition In humans, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is extremely important. This ratio is for turkeys raised in industrial scale, as well as calorie content different parts carcasses, you can see in the table.

Fat content table

Based on 1 serving or 110 g.

As can be seen from the table, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 10:1. For farm birds feeding outdoors, this ratio could be improved to 7:1. The conclusion is obvious: the benefits of organic turkey meat are unrivaled.

Health Benefits

Important properties of this nutritious meat directly depend on its biochemical composition.

  1. A source of quality protein. Lack of protein in the diet leads to pallor skin, constant lack of energy, attacks of nervousness, weakness and absent-mindedness. Children experience behavioral disorders and lack of muscle tone. Turkey meat is rich in high-quality protein, but is also less fatty than many other animal products.
  2. Relaxation of the nervous system and good dream. Say “thank you!” tryptophan – essential amino acid(AK), which the human body is not able to produce on its own and must be obtained from food. Tryptophan helps produce the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin, which are key to the brain chemical substances. They improve your mood and produce a relaxing effect.
  3. Maintains healthy bones and teeth due to phosphorus in its composition. Of course, one portion of turkey will not last for daily norm this mineral substance, but will make a useful contribution.
  4. Benefits the thyroid gland. One serving of turkey contains almost half the daily value of selenium. This substance plays an important role in maintaining normal hormonal levels and protecting the thyroid gland from diseases.
  5. Prevention of cancer. Among the beneficial properties of such meat are anti-cancer properties. We should thank for this the same selenium, which has a beneficial effect on immune system person. It is also a powerful antioxidant that counters the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. It promises protection against colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, skin cancer, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.
  6. Protection against cognitive impairment. Turkey meat is good source Vitamin B12, which helps reduce homocysteine ​​levels, which are responsible for cognitive impairment.
  7. Reducing cholesterol levels. Niacin in the product reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increases the level of “good” cholesterol.
  8. Help in losing weight. If you want to reset overweight, it’s worth starting with normalizing metabolism and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial properties of turkey meat are also associated with a high concentration of vitamins B3 and B6, designed to solve the problem. In addition to acceleration metabolic processes, additional doses of these vitamins can relieve chronic constipation and improve intestinal motility.
  9. For strong muscles and endurance. Athletes value turkey for its high-quality protein. This meat gives strength and increases the body's endurance in severe conditions. physical activity and helps build muscle.
  10. For pancreas health. Recent studies have shown that consuming 30-110 grams of skinless turkey meat per day significantly reduces the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

In children's diet

Russian pediatricians also recognize the beneficial properties of turkey. The meat of this bird is allowed to be included in the diet of children starting from 6 months of age. It does not cause allergies and is easily digestible digestive system crumbs, supplies the body with high doses of protein necessary for the development of the musculoskeletal skeleton and tooth growth.

Turkey puree – worthy of attention product, especially if your child is not gaining weight well or suffers from mood swings.

Turkey meat is slightly inferior to rabbit meat in its dietary properties. IN boiled The fat content of the bird's breast is approximately 3% higher than that of the opponent. But since both products are considered hypoallergenic, their appearance in children's diet highly desirable. After all, they contain different sets of nutrients.

Harm and side effects

Semi-finished products are often processed harmful substances to improve taste, presentation and extending shelf life. As a rule, these are salt, preservatives and antibiotics. The benefits of turkey in this case are minimal, but the harm is more noticeable. Especially when it comes to smoked meats. Such foods usually contain high doses of nitrites, a known carcinogen.

Frequent consumption of processed animal products leads to a number of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • heart diseases;
  • infertility;
  • high blood pressure;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • oncology.

The skin contains a lot of fat, so it is best to remove it before cooking.

Tryptophan, which the product is so rich in, has its own side effects. In particular, its excess can cause drowsiness.

Regular consumption of turkey meat may be harmful to some groups of people. Yes, because high content protein product is contraindicated in case of gout and kidney disease (including renal failure).

Selection and storage

  • Try to choose farm products. It usually contains fewer substances that are harmful to human health: pesticides and herbicides from feed, antibiotics, etc.
  • The meat should be soft, but not too soft. It should not fall apart or separate from the bone at the slightest impact.
  • The least fatty part of the turkey is the breast. It is recommended to include it in the diet for various diets.
  • Not all poultry products are low in saturated fat. For example, minced meat cutlets are usually made from the fattest parts of the carcass. You'll end up consuming as many unhealthy calories as you would from eating a hamburger.
  • Place marinated meat in the refrigerator immediately - it is sensitive to heat.
  • The chilled turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Cooked: no more than 4 days.

Cooking rules

When cooking turkey, careful heat treatment product. The fact is that pathogenic microorganisms, including E. coli, enterococci and staphylococci, are often found in the raw meat of this poultry. Moreover, due to constant use medicines on large farms, dangerous strains are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. The same problem is observed in the case of chicken meat.

To protect yourself and your family from intestinal infections, cook turkey meat until cooked. The table below shows the average cooking time for various parts of the carcass.

Remember that turkey dries out quickly when cooked, so when frying and baking in the oven, control the process from start to finish.

Composition of turkey meat

Turkey meat contains a really large amount of vitamins - in particular, vitamin A and E, it has little cholesterol, it is well and easily absorbed by the human body, and thanks to its properties, experts boldly classify turkey meat as a dietary category of food. Also, in the composition of meat you can find many microelements necessary for the human body - iron and calcium, phosphorus and sodium, sulfur and potassium, iodine, magnesium and manganese. So, by eating the meat of this bird, you not only pamper yourself with protein High Quality, but you also get all the substances necessary for your body, without which it is impossible to imagine its normal functioning.

By the way, you will probably be interested to know that, for example, there is even more sodium in turkey meat than in veal or beef, and it is thanks to this sodium in the composition that almost no salt can be used in the process of cooking turkey meat, which is very important for people suffering from increased blood pressure or those looking for menu items. And, the meat of this bird contains exactly as much potassium as necessary to the human body. Whereas, the level of fat content in meat promotes good absorption of calcium, which, as we remember, is necessary to keep our bones and teeth healthy. It is precisely taking into account the latter fact that turkey meat is recommended to be consumed for the prevention of joint diseases, and.

As for iron, there is much more of it in turkey meat than in chicken meat, and 2 times more than in beef. So, if you are suffering, do not rush to drink pharmaceutical drugs, just include turkey dishes in your diet. Moreover, given that experts say that regular use the meat of this bird also becomes an effective prevention of the appearance and growth of cancer cells - such a menu will be really useful...

Who benefits from eating turkey meat?

Despite the fact that the benefits of this type dietary meat obvious and relevant for everyone, there are those categories of people who simply must and must include turkey meat in their diet. These are physically active people, athletes and those who simply lead an active lifestyle - for them this product will become a source of replenishing energy resources. Meat will also be useful for pregnant women, women during lactation and for babies. It is with turkey meat that baby nutrition experts recommend starting a child’s acquaintance with meat products– it is easily digestible and helps improve the child’s immunity. Also, turkey meat dishes are recommended to be included in the diet of convalescent people and those recovering from serious illnesses.

How to choose turkey meat

When choosing turkey meat, regardless of what you prefer - a whole turkey, cut into portioned pieces– pay attention to the fact that the bird is fleshy and well-fed, and its breast and legs are well-fed. The skin of a fresh bird should be yellowish, light, moist, and free of spots.

To determine the freshness of the meat, you can gently press your finger on the carcass - if a dent does not form, then the poultry meat is fresh, but if a mark remains, then the bird is no longer fresh, and it is not worth buying.

How to store turkey meat

Store purchased poultry in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator (find out). At the same time, the shelf life when thawed should not exceed 24 hours. If you purchased frozen poultry, then you need to cook it immediately after defrosting the meat, since room temperature Microbes begin to quickly develop in the meat and will not die, even if the meat is re-frozen.

Cooking turkey meat

Any culinary site or house book will tell you about a huge number recipes for cooking turkey meat. And indeed it is. The meat of this bird can be fried, baked, boiled, stewed and even smoked, or you can steam it (use for this) - then you will get the most dietary dish. You can also make cutlets, pate and sausage from ground turkey.

At the same time, each country has its own secrets for preparing such meat. Well, the British, for example, love turkey, stuffed with mushrooms and berries, and in France the bird carcass is stuffed with rosemary, mushrooms and truffles, and before serving it is poured with tender cream sauce, while the Italians are the ones who stuff the carcass with oranges.

How to properly bake turkey meat

If you decide to cook turkey meat in the oven, be patient and... time. The cooking process will take hours, and on average it will take you up to 3 hours, provided that the oven is well heated (at least 200 degrees).

Turkey is the largest poultry. The male of this bird is familiar to us as a turkey. Belongs to the genus Turkey, the pheasant family and the order Galliformes. America was the birthplace of the turkey. The ancient people of the Aztecs ate exclusively turkey meat, it was their only Domestic bird. Around the 16th century, this bird was brought to Spain, and after a few years, turkeys became widespread in other countries (France, England and all of Europe).

The live weight of an adult male turkey ranges from 9 to 35 kg, and that of a turkey – from 4.5 to 11 kg. It is customary to eat the meat of young poultry, the weight of which is slightly less (about 10 kg). This bird has strong, long legs and a large, wide tail. Turkey plumage can be different colors: black, white, bronze - it depends on its variety and breed.

Turkey meat is very highly valued both in cooking and in nutrition, and therefore ranks second in poultry farming and meat consumption after broiler chickens. The United States is the leading country in the production and consumption of turkey meat.

The following breeds of turkeys are mainly bred in Russia:

1. North Caucasian bronze;

2. North Caucasian whites;

3. White Moscow;

4. Black Tikhoretsk;

5. White broad-chested;

6. Fawn.

A turkey is raised for no more than 4 months, this is exactly the time that is enough for the bird to grow to 10 kg. Turkey meat at this age has the best taste.

Useful properties and calorie content of turkey meat

Turkey meat is tender and low-fat, it has a pinkish-cream color, gradually turning into a light red hue. Turkey breast or fillet is often called white meat because it is the lightest in color compared to other parts of the carcass. After cooking, the breast becomes a little dry. But it is this part of the turkey fillet that is the most healthy. It is very often prescribed by doctors as part of a dietary and therapeutic nutrition, since it contains the least amount of fat. Of the entire edible part of the turkey, the fillet (breast) makes up about 30%.

In terms of beneficial properties, turkey is a leader, in this it surpasses even veal. Thus, turkey meat contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Iron;
  • Complete proteins;
  • Magnesium;
  • Selenium;
  • Vitamins (B2, B6, B12, PP);
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium.

Turkey meat is different not only excellent taste, but also is 100% dietary product, and also a record holder for iron content. So, compared to beef, turkey meat contains twice as much of this trace element. In addition, it is from this product that the body absorbs iron with particular ease. Unlike other types of meat and other animal products, turkey has a very low calorie content, with the exceptional value of its protein and mineral composition. Turkey contains almost as much phosphorus as sea ​​fish. Magnesium, which is part of turkey, helps prevent diseases of the nervous system, and selenium tones and has a rejuvenating effect. In addition, regular intake of selenium into the body can prevent the development of cancer.

Just one serving of turkey meat per day can provide a person with daily requirement in the vital vitamin PP.

The most important useful property turkey is its hypoallergenicity, so it is recommended for baby food. In addition, the advantage of turkey meat is its beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and the ability to strengthen the immune system.

Main nutritional indicators of turkey meat:

  • Calorie content - 194 kcal;
  • Fats - 12 g;
  • Proteins - 21.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.

In addition, the cholesterol content in turkey is very low: only 74 mg per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of turkey is almost the same as beef, but turkey meat is digested faster.


When it comes to health, turkey meat is simply perfect option when compiling therapeutic diet and when losing weight. The nutritional value of meat provides a boost of energy for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, for professional athletes and those who are simply actively involved in physical activity.

This type of meat, especially turkey fillet, must be consumed by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Along with rabbit meat, turkey fillet is perfect for feeding small children. Thus, turkey fillet can be used as a baby’s first meat food.

Turkey meat is widely used in cooking. Since the meat is very tender and lean, its preparation does not require lengthy cooking.

Turkey meat is used for cooking large quantity dishes. At the same time he is subjected to various types culinary processing:

2. Braising;

3. Frying;

4. Baking;

5. Steaming;

Prepared using turkey meat various salads, sauces. Turkey breasts are used for stuffing with mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. The famous Christmas dish that came to us from the USA is baked stuffed turkey.

Most correct, from the point of view healthy eating, boiling turkey meat and steaming it. In this case, the meat does not lose its valuable properties, and it will be easier for the body to cope with the food that enters it in this form. It is correct, especially when following a therapeutic diet, to supplement turkey meat with vegetables. It's delicious and very healthy. Moreover, it is this combination that meets all laws proper nutrition, at which it remains ideal weight body and good health.

Along with meat, turkey eggs also have great nutritional value and reduced cholesterol. They are recommended for diabetics and those on a diet. When following a weight loss diet, instead of chicken eggs It is recommended to use turkey eggs.

Contraindications to eating turkey meat

Turkey has practically no contraindications. But it should be borne in mind that since turkey meat contains a large amount of protein, people with certain health problems should not abuse it:

  • Kidney failure;
  • Gout;
  • Hypertension.

In addition, hypertensive patients should pay attention Special attention on the degree of salt consumption with turkey meat. Because turkey is high in sodium, adding too much salt while cooking the meat can cause health problems.

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