Cocoa powder is harmful to health. Impact on the vascular system

It is with this aromatic drink that those who do not like coffee start their morning. Everyone can name the benefits of cocoa, as opposed to its harm. It “cures” depression and gives a charge of positivity for the whole day. It is believed to have almost no caffeine, so cocoa is absolutely safe. Is this so, and does it really have only one healing property?

Cocoa's mission is pleasure and good health!

To get 1 kg of cocoa liquor, you will need 1200 beans! They grow on chocolate trees. The seeds are fermented, dried, fried, and ground. And cocoa begins its journey to store shelves.

The medicinal properties of the instant drink should not be considered. Thanks to dyes and flavor enhancers, it only imitates natural grated cocoa, the health benefits and harms of which are due to a unique combination of natural ingredients.

It contains a whole treasure trove of minerals. The most valuable substances of them are selenium, zinc, iron and calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Cocoa can be called a multivitamin. It contains K, PP and almost a complete set of B-vitamins.

Benefits of cocoa for human health:

  • It invigorates, increases vitality (thanks to caffeine), but does not cause addiction.
  • Promotes the production of endorphins - substances that have a positive effect on overall well-being, emotional state, increase performance, and improve intellectual capabilities.
  • It has antioxidant abilities, neutralizes free radicals and removes them from the body. According to some scientists, cocoa even surpasses green tea, apples and red wine in these properties. By drinking this drink, a person can protect himself from cancer.
  • Promotes the production of melanin, therefore it is a preventative against skin cancer.
  • Lowers blood pressure and improves cerebral circulation, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots by 70%.
  • Reduces the risk of heart pathologies by 50% (due to the presence of magnesium).
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, suppresses the cough reflex.
  • Improves the condition of patients with cirrhosis and liver fibrosis.
  • Accelerates recovery after illness.
  • Soothes muscle pain after intense training and physical activity.
  • Participates in cell regeneration and has a rejuvenating effect.
  • For women, cocoa relieves premenstrual tension and helps maintain beauty, as it is included in many cosmetic and hair care products.
  • Cocoa protects men from the development of diseases of the genital organs (as it contains zinc), and it also stimulates the production of testosterone and increases potency.

A couple of cups is good, more is bad. How to drink cocoa and who should not do it?

Cocoa beans contain up to 300 different components. It is clear that they act differently on the body, so cocoa can be both beneficial and harmful. Whatever they say, it contains 0.2% caffeine. Scientists are still arguing about the properties of this substance, putting forward arguments for and against. But since its safety has not been proven, it is better to exclude such a product from the menu for children under 3 years of age.

Negative qualities of a chocolate drink:

  • Stimulates the formation of gastric juice. This does not harm those with low acidity, but with high acidity, as well as with cocoa ulcers, it is extremely dangerous.
  • Worsens the condition of kidney diseases, gout and other pathologies associated with impaired uric acid metabolism (purines are to blame).
  • May cause allergies. This usually happens when consuming a low-quality product that contains chemical additives and chitin (it ends up in powder due to insects living inside the beans).
  • It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and can cause insomnia. In this regard, it is recommended to drink cocoa in the first half of the day (it is better to do this at breakfast).
  • Strengthens the stool, so it is not recommended for constipation.

Important! Although cocoa improves mood, it is contraindicated for expectant mothers, as it interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman and baby, contains caffeine, which increases the tone of the uterus, and is an allergenic product.

If the benefits of cocoa are related to its composition, then its harm is most often related to the growing conditions. The trees from which such fruits are collected are generously treated with pesticides. And at the enterprises where beans are delivered, they are exposed to radiation to destroy pests. Although manufacturers insist that cocoa powder is thoroughly purified, harm from chemicals and radiation exposure cannot be completely eliminated.

What benefits can cocoa have for those who have decided to part with extra pounds? Thanks to polyphenols, it dulls hunger for a long time. It contains very little fat: 100 g of powder contains only 15 g. And there are even fewer carbohydrates, which those who are losing weight are so afraid of.

The main part of the composition of cocoa is protein and dietary fiber. All this indicates the great dietary potential of the product. There is even a diet that allows you to consume low-fat cocoa powder (below 12%), but not more than 1 tsp. per day.

But still, cocoa is not very suitable as a product for weight loss. It should not be included in the diet of overweight people, and those who want to stay in shape are advised to limit themselves to small portions. 100 g of powder contains 290 kcal.

Although it takes 2 teaspoons to prepare a cup of drink - that’s 48 Kcal, additional ingredients significantly affect this figure. Milk or cream will raise it to 168 Kcal. When adding 2 tsp. sugar, the energy value will increase to 200 Kcal.

A drink made from cocoa powder is one of the most popular hot treats. The product became famous for its taste and healing qualities. Cocoa beans are used to produce not only powder, but also chocolate. When consuming the bulk composition, you need to be careful; it is not recommended to abuse the drink. Otherwise, the drug may provoke an allergic reaction.

Process of making cocoa powder

  1. The production of cocoa powder is not particularly difficult. To obtain a bulk composition, the beans are passed through a press, maintaining high temperatures.
  2. After the manipulation, the output is cocoa butter. Next, take the cake and re-grind it into powder. After carrying out simple steps, a complete bulk cocoa composition is obtained.
  3. To make chocolate, cocoa butter, granulated sugar, vanilla powder and many other ingredients are mixed in a common container. The sweet mass is packaged in molds, then the mixture hardens.

The effect of cocoa on the human body

  • reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol;
  • helps cope with chronic fatigue;
  • treats asthma and bronchitis;
  • suppresses the formation of cancer cells;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • heals brain and heart cells;
  • burns fat layers.

The benefits of cocoa for the body

  1. The beans contain the substance theobromine; the enzyme is considered an analogue of caffeine. The element promotes stimulation of the nervous system, dilates coronary vessels and bronchi. Cocoa powder is also rich in minerals and tannins, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins.
  2. Since cocoa is the main ingredient for chocolate production, the powder contains happiness hormones (endorphins). Many people know that this particular component helps improve well-being, performance and elevate mood. Endorphins also enhance mental processes.
  3. When consuming cocoa, blood pressure decreases in people suffering from a similar problem. Polyphenols help cope with the disease. For this simple reason, experts strongly recommend that hypertensive patients add cocoa to their daily diet.
  4. Epicachetin contained in cocoa helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Also, with systematic consumption of the drink, the risk of cancer formation is reduced. Cocoa helps prolong human life.
  5. The aromatic drink suppresses depression. Flavonoids and antioxidants remove harmful enzymes from the body and protect cells from aging and wear. The product is recommended for use by women who have problems with the menstrual cycle.
  6. A drink made from cocoa powder helps in rapid weight loss. The only condition is that it is prohibited to add sugar to the composition. Due to the low calorie content and usefulness of the product, losing extra pounds occurs as comfortably as possible for the body.
  7. Cocoa is recommended for elderly people. Instead of sugar, you need to add fructose to the drink. The composition is often prepared using homemade milk. In this case, the drink will have in its arsenal not only iron and magnesium, but also a high calcium content.
  8. As described earlier, cocoa normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Taken together, all the usefulness of the product leads to improved memory and mental clarity. In addition, with regular consumption of cocoa, enzymes help protect the skin from exposure to UV rays.

  1. Cocoa can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. Such aspects are determined by the fact that caffeine is present in the bulk composition. It is not recommended to give the product above the prescribed norm to small children and pregnant girls.
  2. Consider such factors before drinking the drink. If you have contraindications for caffeine-containing products, you should limit yourself to such components. Consult a specialist, and only after that decide whether you can consume cocoa.
  3. An important aspect remains that cocoa beans are grown in disadvantaged countries. As a result, the product is kept and processed in unsanitary conditions. These factors have a detrimental effect on beans. It is not uncommon for cockroaches to infest a product during storage.
  4. Getting rid of pests is a labor-intensive process. Bean plantations are also heavily sprayed with pesticides. This plant culture is treated with a large number of chemicals, manipulations are carried out due to the fastidiousness of the plant.
  5. After the beans are harvested, the product is re-processed radiologically. In this way, manufacturers rid the composition of insects and pests. As a result, such processes can have a detrimental effect on human health when consuming cocoa.
  6. Many manufacturers claim that their product undergoes careful and safe processing of beans, which in the future only bring benefits to humans. Unfortunately, not all components are tested. Some entrepreneurs are able to evade such transactions.

Choosing quality cocoa powder

  1. There are 2 types of products on supermarket shelves. The first one needs to be fully brewed, like natural coffee, the second one can be dissolved in hot liquid.
  2. If you want the drink to bring clear benefits to the body, you need to choose an insoluble powder. Also, the product should have a rich brown color and chocolate aroma.
  3. The mass fraction of cocoa fat should exceed 14-16%. An expired product may have uneven color and lack the classic smell.

Contraindications for drinking cocoa

  1. Cocoa is not recommended for use by young children under three years of age. People suffering from diabetes, diarrhea, atherosclerosis and nervous system problems should also consume cocoa with caution.
  2. It is not recommended to consume cocoa for people who have kidney disease and gout. Due to the presence of purine compounds in the product, the substance has an adverse effect on some individuals.
  3. Otherwise, kidney disease will be accompanied by the accumulation of uric acid in the body and excess salts in bone tissue. It is forbidden to drink a cocoa-based drink for those individuals who have high acidity in the stomach.
  4. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation, since the product contributes to the excessive production of stomach secretions. It is also not recommended to drink cocoa for those people who have problems with constipation.
  5. It is forbidden to consume cocoa if a person has any heart disease. The drink has an stimulating effect, which has a detrimental effect on health in case of such ailments. The product is also considered a strong allergen.
  6. Cocoa powder is a product that contains excess caffeine. Drinking the drink in large quantities can lead to frequent urination, irregular heart rhythm and insomnia.
  7. The product has a detrimental effect on the health of people suffering from anxiety disorders and incontinence. Also, if you consume cocoa during breastfeeding, the baby will experience discomfort in the abdominal area.

  1. Cocoa is used quite often in medicine. The product copes with a large number of ailments. Basically, cocoa has proven itself excellent in the treatment of colds.
  2. Cocoa powder eliminates severe cough and phlegm. The product has an expectorant effect. Bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia and flu are treated with cocoa butter. It is enough to combine the last component with hot milk.
  3. Cocoa butter can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. The composition is recommended for use for a sore throat. As a preventive measure against various viruses, the oil is applied to the nasal mucosa. Cocoa powder has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing its functioning.
  4. The product is especially effective if you suffer from cholecystitis or stomach diseases. The drink also cleanses the blood, removing cholesterol. Suppositories based on cocoa butter and propolis are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  5. You can make the product yourself; the ratio of products is 10:1 (cocoa butter, propolis). Combine the components and distribute into containers of suitable shape. Send the composition to a cool place until it hardens completely.
  6. The course of treatment is about 1 month. The product also copes well with hemorrhoidal cones. Cocoa, together with honey, butter and chicken yolks, can cure stomach ulcers.
  7. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, the course lasts about half a month. The product should be taken in 10-12 g doses. daily 6 times a day. If you have tuberculosis, the disease can be cured in the initial stages.
  8. To prepare the medicine you will need to combine 15 ml. aloe juice (stems must be freshly picked, aged from 3 years) with 100 gr. cocoa powder and 110 gr. homemade butter. The components are diluted with 250 ml. whole milk. Take 30-35 ml. means every day 4 times.

If you really intend to improve your health with cocoa, choose a high quality product. The beans must be grown without the use of pesticides or similar chemicals. It is known that low-quality cocoa powder comes from China.

Video: 20 medicinal properties of cocoa

Probably not everyone knows where cocoa comes from, how to properly grow it, collect it, and whether everyone is allowed to consume it.

It turns out that cocoa grows in Latin America on a tree called “chocolate”. The height of the tree reaches almost ten meters, so it is not easy to see the fruits at such a height. In addition, cocoa is extracted from the pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree. They contain many useful substances that can either benefit humans or cause harm.

Composition and benefits

Cocoa beans contain many useful substances, in particular the following microelements:

  • vegetable protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • dietary fiber;
  • sugar.

In addition, cocoa contains enough vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins PP and E;
  • fluorine, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, etc.

In terms of calorie content, this product surpasses many other products of plant origin. Just 100 grams of ground cocoa contains from 200 to 400 kilocalories. Moreover, the amount of carbohydrates and fat in one cup is much less than in a small piece of chocolate.

A drink made from cocoa powder (excellent quality!) can saturate the body, energize it, and without being burdened by calories. This means that ladies on a diet can safely drink one cup of cocoa a day. Moreover, it is advisable to drink it in the first half of the day to recharge your energy for the whole day.

The benefits of cocoa in medicine

Many people don’t even suspect it, but cocoa can relieve many ailments, including. If the drink is prepared correctly, it will “work” as an expectorant, antitussive and sputum-thinning medicine. In addition, cocoa butter is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • bronchopulmonary.

Preparing the medicine is not difficult: add a little cocoa butter to a glass of hot milk (no more than 40 degrees), dissolve and drink warm. Of course, the taste of such milk will be unusual, with a characteristic “buttery” film, but for the sake of good health it’s worth being patient.

In addition to ingestion, cocoa butter is lubricated on the nasal mucosa, which helps fight viruses during cold epidemics.

The following diseases are also treated with cocoa:

  • heart failure and other heart diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • remove cholesterol, bile;
  • stomach diseases.

Let's take a closer look at how cocoa affects the functioning of the heart. In one part of cocoa, 70 percent is occupied by bioactive beneficial components that help block platelet aggregation. In addition to this useful function, in terms of antioxidant properties, cocoa is many times superior to such products as apples, orange juice, as well as tea, both green and black. And the flavanols contained in cocoa help prevent blood vessels from damage and have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

If you drink a cup of aromatic cocoa drink, the fruits of which have not undergone heat treatment, your muscles will recover faster after a hard day and hard work.

In addition, the fruits of the chocolate tree contain a special substance that helps stimulate endorphin, the “joy” hormone. That is why, after drinking a glass of hot cocoa, a person feels more energetic and his mood rises.

But the substance it contains, elicatechin, helps reduce the risk of diseases such as:

  1. Stroke.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  3. Heart attack.

While conducting experiments, scientists discovered cocoa as a substance that can rejuvenate the skin. Beans contain a special substance that restores a healthy appearance to the skin and increases its elasticity. And melanin, in turn, will protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Cocoa during pregnancy

Despite the enormous benefits of cocoa, it turns out that it is not advisable for women expecting a baby to consume it. Doctors recommend giving up the drink altogether or drinking it infrequently. This requirement is due to the fact that cocoa retains calcium in the body and prevents it from being absorbed. And this is fraught with both the health of the mother and the full development of her baby.

In addition, cocoa is an allergenic product and can provoke an allergic reaction.

If a pregnant woman loves this drink very much, then she can afford a cup of weak cocoa once a week.

About the harm

Chocolate beans contain some caffeine, so this should not be omitted when preparing a drink for children. Doctors say that it is undesirable to give children caffeine-containing products and be careful with those children who are strictly prohibited from caffeine.

The harm of cocoa is also noted in the following: when large plantations of the chocolate tree are grown, it is fertilized and treated for pests. And cocoa is subjected to intensive processing. In addition, the collected beans are again treated with radionuclides to kill pests, and then this cocoa is sent to factories for the production of chocolate. It turns out that 99 percent of this chocolate is consumed by the population of the whole world!

  1. Children under three years of age.
  2. People suffering from diseases such as sclerosis, diabetes, etc.
  3. Obese, overweight people.
  4. In stressful situations.
  5. For diseases of the nervous system.

It is also necessary to limit the consumption of the drink for people suffering from kidney failure and.

How to choose and where to use

And even despite the fact that manufacturers of chocolate raw materials claim that cocoa undergoes thorough purification, in fact it is impossible to determine what kind of cocoa powder you got.

There are several types of cocoa on the market, namely:

  1. For industrial production. This species is grown using various fertilizers.
  2. For industrial production - organic, grown without fertilizers. Considered the most valuable.
  3. A “live” product, collected from wild trees by hand. Has a unique property.

It’s not so easy to immediately understand what type of cocoa is on the store counter. How to distinguish a quality product:

  1. You are holding a pack of cocoa powder in your hands. Read the ingredients, it should contain at least 15 percent fat, then the product will be considered the healthiest.
  2. The color of natural cocoa is brown.
  3. If you rub the powder in your hands, it should not crumble or roll into lumps.
  4. When cocoa is brewed with boiling water, it is necessary to check whether a precipitate has formed. If the product is of high quality, it will not be there.

Please note the manufacturer. Ideally, this should be a country where chocolate trees grow. If this is another country, then perhaps the raw materials were overbought and the production technology was violated.

How to cook correctly

To brew a delicious drink, you need to follow the proportions exactly. To prepare the drink, MirSovetov recommends:

  1. Take three large spoons of cocoa (take only with a dry spoon(!).
  2. Mix the powder with sugar (one teaspoon).
  3. Boil a liter of milk.
  4. Add the mixture of powder and sugar to the milk and stir.
  5. Cook over low heat for no more than three minutes, stirring.

Another cooking method:

  1. Prepare cocoa, sugar, milk, water, whisk or mixer.
  2. Boil water and add cocoa and sugar into it.
  3. Shake with a whisk or mixer.
  4. Add hot full fat milk.

With this method, the drink forms an airy, aromatic cocoa foam.

In addition to preparing a hot drink, cocoa is added to baked goods and used in the production of candies and other sweets.

And in conclusion, MirSovetov wants to warn readers against purchasing Chinese-made cocoa. According to gourmets, Chinese buyers purchase rotten beans and process them by flavoring them. Such cocoa will not be useful, but may harm. Be carefull!


Cocoa powder is obtained from finely ground cake from chocolate tree beans after extracting their oil. It serves as the basis for preparing a flavorful chocolate drink.

The Mayan Indians considered it a sacred drink. It was drunk during important rituals. For example, when getting married. The scientific name of beans is Theobroma, which means “food of the gods” in Greek.

Are there any benefits to consuming cocoa that are beneficial for different categories of people? Let's discuss it in our article!

How to choose a good product and check its quality

In stores you can find two types of cocoa:

  • powder to be boiled;
  • dry mixture for quick preparation.

Natural powder is healthier for your health. It does not contain sugar or preservatives.

When choosing, consider the fat content(on packaging): it must be at least 15% in the product, expiration date.

The remaining quality criteria can be assessed for the product already purchased. These include:

  • The smell of chocolate. It must be strong and clean, without foreign inclusions.
  • There should be no lumps. Their presence indicates improper storage.
  • Grinding He's supposed to be very small. To assess the quality, you can rub the powder between your fingers. Good cocoa should stick to the skin and not crumble into dust.
  • The color can only be brown.

It is advisable to taste a little of the product before cooking. A rancid or other unpleasant aftertaste indicates that it is unsuitable for food.

REFERENCE! After preparing the drink, the suspension in the liquid should not settle before two minutes.

Composition and calorie content

The chemical composition of the product contains more than 300 organic substances.

The most significant among them:

  • theobromine, which causes a feeling of happiness and euphoria, but without addiction.

    INTERESTING! Theobromine is added to new generation toothpastes, as it prevents the destruction of enamel and the development of caries.

  • Theophylline, relaxing smooth muscles, normalizing respiratory function.
  • Phenylethylamine related to antidepressants.
  • Caffeine, stimulating mental and physical activity. It is classified as a psychostimulant, but the powder contains it in an amount not exceeding 2%.
  • Purine bases involved in the synthesis of non-essential amino acids.
  • Polyphenols, acting as antioxidants.

Calorie content is about 300 kcal/100 g of product.

Nutritional value and glycemic index

Sugar-free cocoa powder is a product with a low glycemic index of 20. This makes it suitable for the diet of patients and obese people.

Beneficial properties of a drink made with water and milk

The product has a general strengthening effect on the body. It invigorates, lifts the mood, stimulates mental activity without depleting the nervous system.

A fragrant hot drink is useful to drink in the cold season, as it has a warming effect.

The product is capable of:

  • stimulate lung function;
  • activate hemoglobin synthesis due to the content;
  • prevent caries;
  • neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation due to the natural pigment melanin included in the composition;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • normalize blood pressure;

It has antioxidant properties, superior to and.

Cocoa brewed with water tastes like dark chocolate.. It is recommended for people to drink:

  • prone to diarrhea;
  • hypotensive patients;
  • with lactose allergy.

French nutritionist Madeleine Gesta recommends drinking a drink made with skim milk and honey. It maintains strength even during strict diets due to a balanced combination of microelements and vitamins contained in the ingredients of the drink.

Cocoa with regular milk, with or without added sugar, is useful for people engaged in mental work. It satisfies hunger without burdening the stomach, stimulating brain function.

Effect on the body

The product is a source of endorphins, happiness hormones. It acts gently and does not cause addiction or mood swings.

Benefits for adult men and women

In adults, with moderate constant use, it strengthens capillaries thanks to the flavonoids it contains. Promotes wound healing, rejuvenation of facial and body skin.

Useful for men to maintain reproductive function. and contained in the drink, stimulate the body to actively produce the male hormone - testosterone, and improve the quality of seminal fluid.

For women, cocoa is especially useful for hormonal imbalances. It balances the emotional state and alleviates premenstrual syndrome.

Pregnant and nursing

Doctors do not recommend consuming cocoa in any form for women expecting a baby., since it makes it difficult for the body to absorb the trace element calcium. But with severe toxicosis in the first trimester, drinking the drink in small quantities is allowed - 50-100 ml twice a day. It relieves nausea, causes a surge of energy, preventing exhaustion.

During lactation, the product must be decisively abandoned to avoid sleepless nights and calcium metabolism disorders in the baby.

Is it harmful for children?

Children can drink cocoa from the age of three. It is better to accustom your child to a natural product with a minimum amount of sugar. The drink should be introduced into the diet carefully, in small portions, as it can cause allergies.

A tasty drink is especially useful for children after illness, during exams, to improve overall tone and mood.

For the elderly

With the onset of age-related changes in the human body, restructuring begins, which is accompanied by emotional decline, despondency and depression.

Cocoa can support older people:

  • activating blood supply to the brain;
  • improving memory;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • increasing the strength of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • gently removing you from a depressive state.

Special categories

The product is also beneficial for those suffering from bronchial asthma.. It relieves bronchospasm, making the patient feel better.

Potential dangers and contraindications

Cocoa is one of the products that can cause allergic reactions.. The main contraindication is individual intolerance.

The product should also not be used:

REFERENCE! Despite the tonic effect, cocoa helps normalize blood pressure for all those suffering from blood pressure changes. It is advisable for hypotensive patients to drink it based on water, and for hypertensive patients - milk.

The main suppliers of cocoa beans for the production of powder are African countries, where chocolate trees are treated with pesticides and insecticides. All toxic substances are removed when the beans are processed at the oil extraction stage.

But improper storage of raw materials before processing can be harmful. Therefore, it is better to purchase the product in large supermarkets from manufacturers worthy of your trust.

Since cocoa has the properties of an energy drink, it is better to drink it in the morning to get a boost of energy for the whole day. A drink made with water is combined with cheese or boiled milk, and a drink made with milk is combined with honey. Elderly and frail people can drink cocoa with milk during the day or early evening.

It is useful for athletes to drink cocoa with milk without sugar in small portions, 20-30 ml with an interval of 15 minutes, starting an hour after training. You can prepare the drink in advance and pour it into a thermos.

A safe daily dose of the drink is two cups of 200-250 ml. To prepare one serving, take 2 tsp. product.

ATTENTION! It is advisable for hypertensive patients to limit themselves to one cup of aromatic drink in the morning. On the contrary, patients with bronchial asthma can drink 3 cups per day.

In cooking

Used for making chocolate sauces, baked goods, glazes, etc.

Pancake sauce


Cocoa, no matter in what form we have to consume it, is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy product. Perhaps this is why we love chocolate so much? Let's learn more about the benefits of cocoa and its content in a variety of foods.

What is cocoa?

As many already know, this is not only a thick, tasty drink, but also beans from a tropical tree, from which a powder with the same name is obtained. Cocoa has a slight tonic effect due to the substance theobromine, which, in addition to beans, is found only in cola nuts and holly crowns. The first European desserts and cocoa drinks were similar to Aztec recipes, seasoned with salt, pepper, vanilla and cinnamon. Quite quickly, medieval doctors discovered the positive effect of the drink on the state of the cardiovascular system, as well as a tendency to improve mood. At the court of the Spanish and later French kings, cocoa had a reputation as a love potion and an aphrodisiac.

Cocoa in medicine

Traditional treatment uses cocoa powder to treat the upper respiratory tract for colds. In 2006, studies confirmed that consuming cocoa reduces the likelihood of platelets sticking together by 70%, and the substance epicatechin reduces the likelihood of contracting the four most common European diseases: heart attack or stroke, preventing cancer and diabetes. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which helps delay aging and also improve liver health (however, in case of cirrhosis, you should avoid it). Interestingly, the antioxidant content in cocoa is twice that of red wine and almost three times that of green tea. Other advantages include:

  • short-term reduction in pressure, but without long-term results;
  • free radical binding;
  • weak acceleration of metabolism and loss of appetite.

Harm from cocoa

Research on cocoa is often controversial and requires further development. We will present such unconfirmed data below. Believing them or not is a matter of personal choice. So:

  • Eating cocoa can cause acne. This is, of course, largely due to the various additives found in cocoa-rich foods. Among other things, chocolate, drinks, and cakes contain a lot of sugar, trans fats and carbohydrates, which cause skin defects.
  • It is addictive, similar to alcohol and tobacco (so-called chocoholics cannot resist consuming cocoa products).
  • Mild lead poisoning is possible, which is found in excess in bean shells. It is possible that the product may be contaminated with other substances if industrial safety rules are violated.
  • Polyphenols in cocoa reduce the ability of blood to clot.
  • Theobromine poisoning of pets: It is not recommended to give treats containing cocoa and coffee to pets, this can lead to serious consequences and even death.

Therefore, the consumption of cocoa and any other food products must be consistent with the “golden mean” rule. Its consumption in moderate quantities will only lead to positive consequences. While excessive passion for any dish will not bring anything good.