How to salt river fish caviar at home. How to salt fish caviar at home How to cook whitefish caviar at home

And what you need for this is quite simple. First of all, you need to purchase the fish itself with caviar and the salt necessary for preserving this valuable nutritious product.

Among the great variety of marine and freshwater fish, there is one from which anyone can prepare a wonderful delicacy, namely salted caviar. We are talking about river trout. The peculiarity of trout caviar is that after freezing it becomes unsuitable for frying, since with this method of processing it turns out to be very hard and dry. It’s ideal if you have fresh fish, but even if you bought frozen trout with caviar, salting it can be an excellent alternative to cooking it in a frying pan. Before you salt the caviar, you need to defrost it.

The caviar in this fish is located in special cavities called oysters. In the abdominal cavity, it is connected to each other by a thin film. The caviar is carefully removed from the belly of the fish. Before salting trout caviar, all eggs are carefully separated by rubbing them through a sieve with large mesh. This technology is not new, since this is exactly what is done in specialized factories. There is another way to separate the eggs before salting the caviar. With this method, a sleeve made of ordinary gauze (several layers) is used, which is tied on one side. The caviar removed from the fish is placed in it and they begin to thoroughly rinse it with water. As a result of these actions, the film covering the caviar is washed off and carefully removed.

Cleaned caviar is poured with brine solution, which is prepared from clean drinking water and table salt. When preparing it, a sufficiently large amount of salt and spices are mixed in water (for lovers of a piquant taste). The amount of salt is calculated as follows: per glass of water you need 2 tablespoons of salt. The prepared solution is brought to a boil over high heat and boiled until the salt is completely dissolved. The finished solution is cooled to a temperature of 18-20°C, after which the prepared caviar is placed in it for several hours. After salting, the brine is drained. Ready-made caviar has one drawback - it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Another fish whose caviar is popular among lovers of fish delicacies is pike. There is no clear answer to the question of how to salt pike caviar, since there are several salting methods. But the same for all cooking recipes is preparing it for salting. The caviar must be very carefully removed from the belly of the fish. Most often, it is carefully rubbed through a sieve with appropriate holes. When fully ripe, it is relatively easy to separate from the film.

Before salting, you need to prepare a saline solution. It is best to check the density of the solution using regular potatoes. After the salt has dissolved in hot water, a piece of raw potato is dipped into it. A good solution will not allow the potatoes to sink to the bottom, but will push them to the surface. The cooled solution is poured into the prepared caviar and mixed carefully. Salting time is 10-20 minutes, after which the solution is drained. Vegetable oil is added to the resulting caviar. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days.

Another quick way to salt pike caviar:

The caviar removed from the fish is poured with cold water so that it covers it by 1 cm;

The caviar is carefully stirred with a fork until all the films come off;

The water is drained and the caviar is scalded with boiling water;

Remove excess water and salt well, add a little lemon juice, mix and pour in vegetable oil;

After 24 hours, the caviar is ready to eat.

You can pickle any other caviar using similar methods. Bon appetit!

Home-salted caviar is a natural delicacy without industrial preservatives or flavor enhancers. If you love caviar, we offer you several recipes for salting this product at home.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar

To make caviar tasty and at the same time retain all its beneficial qualities, you need to prepare it correctly.


  • Pink salmon caviar - 450 g.
  • Boiled water - 170 ml.
  • Salt - 55 g.
  • Sugar - 4 g.


  • Completely dissolve salt and sugar in water.
  • Separate the caviar removed from the abdomen from the film bag. To do this, place the caviar in gauze, folded 4 times, and rinse generously under hot water or remove the films manually.
  • Place the eggs in a bowl with the prepared brine for 2 hours.
  • Next, place the caviar on a sieve and let it dry thoroughly.
  • Then place the caviar in a sterilized jar.
  • Fill the caviar with any vegetable oil or you can leave it dry.
  • Close the caviar container tightly and try to consume it within 4 days.

How to pickle salmon caviar

Salmon caviar is the most delicious and nutritious. It can be easily prepared at home in a couple of hours.


  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Salt and sugar - 2.5 tbsp each. l.
  • Red caviar - 150 g.
  • Oil - 65 ml.


  • Prepare brine: boil water with salt and sugar, let cool.
  • Separate the eggs from the caviar using a fork and rinse under running water.
  • Pour the prepared solution over the caviar for 1 hour.
  • After the specified time has passed, drain the liquid, place the caviar on a paper towel, and change it as it gets wet.
  • When the caviar becomes dry, transfer it to a clean container and fill it with refined oil.
  • Store the product in the refrigerator.

How to pickle pike caviar

Pike and its caviar are an excellent addition to the daily diet. After salting, caviar acquires a golden hue and has a pleasant taste.


  • Pike caviar - 270 g.
  • Water for rinsing - 1.5-2 l.
  • Salt for pre-treatment - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and spices for brine - to taste.
  • Oil - 60 ml.


  • Remove the caviar from the belly, being careful not to damage the caviar sacs (sacs), and carefully remove the films.
  • Pre-treat the semi-finished caviar product: rinse for a long time to completely remove traces of blood, veins, and other impurities.
  • Treat the caviar with saline solution. To do this, dissolve 2 tbsp in 2 liters of boiling water. l. salt. Pour the resulting brine over the fish for 3-4 minutes. Then drain the liquid.
  • Next, prepare warm brine from 500 ml of water and ½ tsp. salt. Pour caviar into it for a quarter of an hour. Then strain the caviar using gauze.
  • Salt the caviar to taste and sprinkle with spices, pour oil into it. Stir the product with a fork until the salt dissolves.
  • Place the caviar in a small glass jar and refrigerate for 3 hours.

  • To get excellent caviar, it is better to use fatty fish varieties.
  • For salting, it is recommended to use “Extra” salt.
  • Caviar obtained in the spring is suitable for successful salting. Her eggs are larger, more nutritious and preserved much better.
  • Both fresh and frozen caviar are suitable for salting.
  • To determine the readiness of brine, use potatoes. The raw root vegetable should be placed in water, and then start adding salt. When the potatoes separate from the bottom and float, the brine is ready.

This is how easy it is to pickle caviar in your kitchen. As a result, you will receive a natural and very healthy product for the whole family.

Pike caviar is a delicious fish delicacy, best prepared from fresh, just caught fish. Thawed raw materials are not suitable for this recipe. Basically, fishermen catch pike with caviar in early spring. Pike is a dietary product, but pike caviar has a higher calorie content than pike meat, although lower than that of noble fish caviar. It is not for nothing that the caviar of the pike predator has long been called the “Royal Delicacy”. It is slightly inferior in taste to black (see the link on how to prepare it at home). Easily digestible protein, microelements, a small amount of fat - this is what pike caviar is valued for. So, the pike has just been caught, delivered home, it’s time to start salting the caviar.

Ingredients for preparing salted pike caviar

  • pike caviar - 450 grams;
  • coarse salt - 1.5 large spoons;
  • one onion;
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 large spoons.

How to salt pike caviar at home

Wash the pike and rip open the belly.

Carefully, so as not to damage the bags of caviar, remove the insides of the fish.

Yastik - remove the bag of caviar from the belly of the pike. Rinse carefully under running water so as not to damage the integrity of the joint.

Free the eggs from the film. There are several ways to do this: you can rub the caviar through a sieve. The film will remain on the sieve. You can beat it with a mixer; while whipping, the film will wrap around the whisk. Or simply separate the film with your hands and beat the caviar with a fork. The film will also be wound around the fork. If the film is not completely removed, the caviar will taste bitter.

Add coarse salt to the caviar.

Continue whisking the caviar and salt with a fork. During whipping, foam appears and the color of the caviar changes to lighter.

After about half an hour, the eggs begin to separate from each other. The color of the caviar changes noticeably. It's getting darker.

Place the caviar in a saucepan, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 days.

In 2 days the caviar will have time to salt well. Now you need to add finely chopped onion to it.

And add vegetable oil without the smell of seeds.

Gently mix the caviar with onion and oil. The caviar turned out crumbly. Each egg separately.

Pike caviar is ready. The classic option was to serve pike caviar with pancakes. We need to preserve traditions. Pancake with the royal delicacy is an incredibly tasty treat. You can also simply spread butter on a piece of bread and put caviar on top. This will also make a very tasty sandwich.

Every true fisherman must be able to not only catch fish, dry it and dry it, but also salt the caviar himself. After all, properly salted fish roe is a real delicacy. In addition, homemade caviar is very healthy due to its naturalness and high nutrient content. In this article we will talk about the technology for salting fish roe at home and provide several detailed recipes that will help you prepare an amazingly tasty appetizer.

How to properly remove caviar from fish

You can use caviar for salting only if the fish is fresh enough. To remove the caviar, you need to act very carefully and accurately. First we cut the belly of the fish. Then, with our fingers, we pick up the elongated shell bags with caviar and slowly separate them from the cavity of the fish. It is very important to remove the caviar in one piece, since if handled carelessly, bitter bile may get into the caviar. Oysters are separate egg parts covered with a thin film, the internal filling of which plays a binding role for the eggs.

Preparing caviar for salting

The caviar of salmon fish, as well as pike, roach, perch, carp, rudd, bream and crucian carp, are ideal for salting. To prepare the appetizer we will need at least 150 grams of caviar. The main preparatory stage is the release of the eggs from the film. This procedure is called "punching". Since we are working with a small amount of caviar, for these purposes you can use a colander, a sieve or a vegetable grater with non-sharp hole edges. The larger the eggs, the larger the holes in the dish should be so that the eggs can pass through them freely. But the process of caviar cleansing is much faster if we use a colander. Having selected the necessary dishes, we begin to slowly and carefully wipe the caviar, after cutting the film with a knife. If the total weight of the caviar is more than 2 kg, then it is better to peel it on a kitchen board using a knife (the back of it).

Recipes for salting caviar - preface

Recipe No. 1

First we need to prepare the brine. Rapa is a special salt solution for washing fish eggs. The proportions of standard brine are 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Bring the solution to a boil and let the solution cool slightly (many argue that boiling water is needed, but I disagree with this). Stir the caviar with a fork for about 3 minutes so that the hot solution covers all the eggs. Then we drain the brine and prepare a new one to repeat the procedure. A total of 3 fills are required.

The first two times the water turns out cloudy, but the third time it should be more transparent and clean. Then you need to free the caviar from excess moisture. To do this, put it on a sieve and wait 10-15 minutes until all the water has drained. If there is no sieve, the caviar can be spread on a flat surface in an even layer of 3-4 cm and placed for a while at a slight slope. This method will help the water drain no worse than through a sieve.

After this, take a glass jar with a volume of approximately 1 liter and pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into its bottom. Pour caviar on top, but not to the top, but about 75% of the jar. Add a full teaspoon of salt and mix well with a fork. Then fill the rest of the jar with caviar and pour sunflower oil on top - about a 5 mm layer.

We cover it all with a plastic lid and let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours, but it’s better to leave it overnight. In the morning you can already enjoy sandwiches with delicious crumbly caviar of light amber color. The appetizer tastes lightly salted and does not smell of fish at all. Total cooking time is only about 30 minutes. If, when preparing caviar in this way, you sterilize all utensils (jars, sieve, lid, fork, spoon), then unopened caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time - more than 1 month.

Recipe No. 2

To salt caviar according to this recipe, we will need an enamel pan. Pour water into it - the volume is approximately three times greater than the volume of existing caviar. Add salt to the water (as for boiling eggs) and bring the saline solution to a boil.

Add various spices and herbs to boiling water to taste: bay leaf, ground black pepper, black peppercorns. Then remove the water from the heat and pour the prepared caviar into it. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave to steep for 15 minutes, no more. Strain the caviar through cheesecloth, allowing the water to drain completely. After the caviar has cooled, it is ready to eat.

Storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 -5 C is possible for a month. After catching a good pike, you can pickle the caviar according to these recipes. You can make fish cutlets from the carcass. And from the head and tail, you can cook a good fish soup for nature. As a result, you will have a fishing day.

Recipe No. 3

This method of salting caviar is significantly different from others. This kind of caviar is usually called “pressed caviar”. For salting, caviar is stored in presses, that is, in the bags in which it was originally located. Even torn and damaged bags will do. You can also salt a mixture of caviar from different river fish in one bowl.

Salting is done by placing the caviar in a bowl in layers and covering them with a large amount of salt. Each layer must be separated by a spacer made of hard material. After salting, the caviar is washed and dried. The result should be oblong rectangles of a dark color. Even if we see a recipe for pressed caviar for the first time, we are already familiar with it and have tried it more than once. After all, such caviar can be in any dried fish.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe features a special method of cleaning and washing the caviar. For 2 kg. caviar you will need: water; salt; colander; several deep cups; gauze; large saucepan. Bring 5-8 liters of water to a boil and pour it over the caviar, previously placed in a deep cup. Try to get boiling water onto all the bags of caviar. Under the influence of hot water, the film moves away from the caviar and curls up. In this way, we will be able to quickly and efficiently release the eggs from the shell. It is important to pour the caviar quickly so that the water does not cool down. You can also clean the caviar from the film using a meat grinder - when scrolling, the entire film remains on the knife. Next, we get rid of small film residues.

Pour plenty of cold water over the caviar and mix it thoroughly so that each caviar is thoroughly washed. We carry out the washing procedure 10-15 times, changing the water all the time until it becomes clear.

Particular attention should be paid to the color of the caviar - it should be brick or bright orange. If it is dirty yellowish, it means that steaming was not enough and additional heat treatment is necessary. In this case, pour boiling water over the caviar again. After thorough washing, making sure that the caviar is clean enough, transfer it to dry gauze and tie it in a knot. For complete drainage of water and easy drying, the unit can be suspended.

Next, your actions depend on how long you want to store the caviar. If you eat it in 1-2 weeks, then in 400-500 g of caviar it is enough to add a large pinch of salt and mix well. After it has stood in the refrigerator for 1 day, it can be eaten. For longer storage, the caviar bundle is soaked in brine. The brine is prepared from cold boiled water to which salt is added (5-6 liters of water and 7-8 tablespoons of salt are enough for 1.5 kg of caviar). A gauze knot with caviar is dipped into this brine and kept there for 15 minutes. Then, to prevent the formation of salt, the caviar is washed once in a colander with cold water.

After all the water has drained, the caviar is transferred to glass jars, closed with a lid and put in a cold place for storage. Caviar salted in this way can be stored for 1-2 months.

In preparing this issue, I caught pike with caviar and at home made a video of a recipe received by inheritance. It is interesting to note that this recipe combines the features of several of the above-mentioned recipes and has its own individual secrets. I highly recommend watching it.

If you want to pickle trout caviar, then you can use the following recipe:

The washed and de-jasted caviar is immersed in hot brine. To prepare half a liter of brine you will need 10 grams of sugar and 30 grams of salt. After an hour, the caviar should be thrown into a dushlag covered with a layer of gauze and the brine should be allowed to drain. After this, the caviar is placed in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.

If needed pickle pike caviar, then you only need salt (per 100 grams of caviar - 1 incomplete teaspoon) and boiling water. Moreover, there should be one and a half times more water than caviar. The eggs are separated from the spit, washed and mixed with brine, in which they will be infused for 24 hours. Then the liquid is drained using gauze, and the finished caviar is hidden in the refrigerator.

And if you bought fish from the salmon family, then watch the following videos on how to pickle red caviar:

Tips and little tricks

* The fattier the fish, the tastier and healthier its caviar.

* It is better to use fine “Extra” salt for pickling.

* Spring caviar is most suitable for salting. It is larger, more nutritious and can be stored for a very long time.

* Very often caviar smells like mud; to get rid of the unpleasant odor, vinegar and sugar are added to it.

* Metal utensils must not be used. The utensils for preparing caviar should be glass, porcelain, wood or clay.

* It is possible to salt even frozen caviar. For example, trout caviar, which is sold frozen.

* To determine the readiness of the salt brine, you can use raw peeled potatoes. Place the potatoes in the water and gradually add salt, stirring. As soon as the potatoes float to the surface, the brine is ready.


So, now you can salt the caviar of any river fish yourself, making it the main dish of your table. All that remains is to stock up on 2-3 loaves of fresh bread and butter, since such a tasty snack is eaten very quickly. Both adults and children love her. Especially if the caviar is seasoned with finely chopped onions, spices and vegetable oil.

I hope our recipes and tips were useful to you, and now you can delight your loved ones with this delicious delicacy all the time.

Whitefish belongs to the salmon family and is called a brother of the omul. Unlike salmon, it has white meat, not red. Whitefish is a very fatty fish, therefore it is a perishable product. To extend its shelf life, you can salt the carcasses; besides, it is very appetizing when salted.

Therefore, in addition to other recipes, first of all, it is worth considering in more detail the techniques for salting whitefish.

Variations of techniques

You can salt whitefish at home using various techniques:

  • Under pressure.
  • Brine.
  • Personal.
  • Night.
  • Express.
  • Caviar pickling.

Under the oppression

The algorithm for preparing whitefish is as follows:

    1. Before salting, you need to rinse, freeing from mucus.
    2. Gut without removing the scales and dry.
    1. After making appropriate, neat cuts, remove the backbone and rib bones.
    1. Pour coarsely ground salt into a container for salting (for 2 carcasses weighing 1½ kg - 3 tbsp.), Place one fish on it with the skin.
    1. Make a mixture: chopped dill (200 g) + white pepper (to taste) + salt (2 tbsp) + granulated sugar (1 tbsp) and place on the raw material.
  1. Place the second carcass on top of the mixture, sprinkle dill and salt on top (a handful of spices + 2 tablespoons of salt).
  2. Place a load, for example, a half-liter container with water.
  3. Keep in a cool environment for a little less than a day (20 hours), remove, remove the spices and taste the delicate taste of whitefish.


Before salting, it is recommended to prepare a brine filling (1 liter of liquid: 6 tablespoons of salt), place whitefish, divided into portions, in one layer on the bottom of the dish. Pour in brine and leave for 120 minutes. Then take it out, rinse under running water, season with vegetable oil and mix with finely chopped onions. Let it brew for 600 seconds, after which the dish is ready.


Personally, you can salt not just any fish, but whitefish. It is freed from the entrails, moisture is removed and rubbed with salt (1 liter). After that, it goes on the refrigerator shelf for two days. It is necessary to create an inclined position for it to drain the secreted juice. This gives the whitefish a particularly good taste.


In order to salt using this technique, you need:

    • Clean whitefish.
    • Cut into two fillet pieces, removing the bones.
    • Mix salt with granulated sugar (1:1), rub the fillet with it.
    • Stuff the fish fillet with spices: garlic + cloves + allspice (peas).
    • Sprinkle ground pepper and cumin on top (to taste).
  • Wrap each part with a roll, pin it with a toothpick (skewer) or tie it with thread.
  • Place in a glass or enamel bowl and salt for 120 minutes at room atmosphere.
  • Place in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Serve to the table in the morning.

Tip: you can speed up the salting time by increasing the room temperature, because at a temperature above room temperature (˃18°) it will be possible to pickle twice as fast.


The fastest salting method for whitefish, as a representative of salmon fish, is sagudai. This express option is common in the Far North. The dish has an excellent taste; after salting, the whitefish melts in your mouth. To salt correctly, you need to follow the sequence:

    1. If the whitefish is frozen, then in order to salt it, it is slightly defrosted. Fresh fish, on the contrary, is better to place in the freezer for a short time to make cutting easier.
    1. The tail, head and fins are cut off, the carcasses are washed, and the offal and bones are removed.
    2. Whitefish is cut into portions.
    3. The cut placed in a bowl is salted with a mixture of salt and ground black pepper.
  1. Add a whole or chopped bay leaf and chopped onion into rings (do not cut finely!).
  2. The garlic is squeezed out.
  3. Everything is sprinkled with Khmeli-Suneli seasoning.
  4. Everything is mixed and left for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Pour in a little vegetable oil and mix again.
  6. The dish is covered and shaken for about 5 minutes.

Taiga residents eat it straight away, although you can keep it in the refrigerator for a few extra hours to be safe. There are recommendations to add lemon slices to the finished dish to taste.


How long does whitefish last after it has been salted? Salted fish can usually last about a week on average in the refrigerator. You can extend its shelf life by marinating.

Marinade: vegetable oil + lemon juice (3 tablespoons) + vinegar (6% - 1 tablespoon), diluted with water (1 glass) + sugar (to taste).

Prepared to be salted, portioned whitefish is mixed with marinade ingredients and onions (to taste) and placed on the refrigerator shelf for 6 hours, after which it can be eaten.

Caviar salting

If there are caviar sacs in the whitefish, then you need to add salt for future use. The caviar is carefully removed from the fish after gutting it and washed with boiled chilled water or scalded with boiling water to be safe, separated from films, etc.

When served dry, caviar is prepared without adding liquid, this contributes to its better presentation. It is carefully mixed with coarsely ground salt (3½ percent of the total caviar mass) until slightly thickened and left for a couple of hours or a little longer.

Salted products are good with pancakes and sandwiches. Caviar can also be added when making sushi, salads, decorating fish dishes, etc.

Delicious additives

You can add an exclusive “zest” to the taste of salted whitefish by salting it using the recommended additives:

Knowing the techniques for salting whitefish, it is easy to choose the optimal one for yourself in accordance with the planned salting speed, the type of finished dish and individual capabilities.