How to bake corn over a fire. grilled naked corn

Roasted corn is a very tasty dish that is suitable for both a picnic and a home feast. Moreover, you can cook it even if you do not have whole cobs at your disposal, but only golden grains.

Recipes for cooking cobs in a frying pan

For cooking fried corn in a frying pan, the most suitable are young cobs - milk ones. They are very juicy and soft, and therefore have time to cook well without lengthy heat treatment. And forage varieties and “adult” cobs have much harder grain, which must be boiled or baked under a lid for a long time. When frying, such a product is likely to simply burn before it is fully cooked.

With butter

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 3 young cobs;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 45 g butter;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt.

We clean the cobs from leaves and fibers, if necessary, cut each into two parts. Place in a frying pan and fry in olive oil for five minutes over high heat until the grains are well browned.

Important! To fry corn, you must use a frying pan with a thick bottom!

Reduce the gas supply, add water and continue cooking the corn until all the liquid has evaporated. Don’t forget to turn the heads of cabbage from time to time so that all the grains are stewed.
In a water bath, in a saucepan or in the microwave, melt the butter and add a little salt. Place the finished cobs on a plate and, using a pastry brush, evenly coat them with the dressing. Serve to the table immediately.

With bacon

Ingredients needed for the dish:

  • 3 cobs;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 100 g bacon;
  • salt.

We free the cobs from leaves and fibers, put them in a saucepan, fill them with water, add salt and bring to a boil. As soon as the corn boils, reduce the heat and cook it for 20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove it from the pan and dry it.

Heat a frying pan, add a piece of butter and fry the corn on all sides until golden brown. Then add thin slices of bacon and fry for another 5-7 minutes - during this time the bacon will become crispy and the cobs will absorb its aroma. Serve the corn with fried bacon and toast.

With smoked cheese

To prepare grilled corn with smoked cheese, it is better to use a grill pan. Products:

  • a pair of cobs;
  • liter of milk;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 25 g butter;
  • a few basil leaves.

We clean the cobs from leaves and fibers, rinse and place in a pan. Pour in milk, water, add sugar and cook the corn for 20 minutes. We take them out of the pan, coat them on all sides with olive oil and place them on the grill pan. Fry for 20 minutes, turning occasionally using tongs or two forks.

Place garlic, smoked cheese, basil and melted butter in a blender bowl. Beat the ingredients until smooth. Spread the prepared dressing over the hot corn and serve immediately.

Grilled Cob Recipes

This dish is an excellent option for a snack while relaxing in nature. Corn itself is an inexpensive and tasty product and is very easy to prepare. It can be grilled in the leaves, without them, or wrapped in foil.

Recommendation! If you are going to cook corn in leaves or foil, then the grill should be heated to a temperature of 180-200°C. In this case, initially the heat should be strong, after which it is reduced - thus, the grate will be heated as evenly as possible!

In the leaves

Ingredients to prepare:

  • corn;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

Before frying the cobs, it is advisable to soak them in water for at least a quarter of an hour. If they are cooked in leaves, and you are afraid that they will burn too much and spoil the taste of the dish, then the soaking time must be increased - at least up to half an hour.

We take the corn out of the water, turn off the leaves, season the grains with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

On a note! You can use any marinade you like!

Wrap the leaves back and place the cobs on the hot grill. Fry for 15 minutes. During the entire cooking time, the corn must be turned several times so that the grains cook evenly.

On a note! A clear sign that the corn is ready is evenly charred leaves with clear marks from the grains!

In foil

As for cooking corn in foil, this method is good because it allows you to make the grains very juicy and tasty - being in the wrapper under the influence of high temperatures, the marinade will thoroughly saturate them and enrich them with its aromas. This method is most suitable for those cases when it is necessary to prepare several servings at once - for a large company, while the corn will be kept hot for a long time.

Dish ingredients:

  • 4 cobs;
  • 45-50 g butter;
  • 130 g salted butter;
  • a tablespoon of chili powder;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Prepare the marinade: place softened butter, chili and lemon juice in a small bowl. Stir with a fork to combine the ingredients.

Before sending the cobs to the grill, we clean them of leaves and fibers and soak them in water for about 10 minutes. Then we coat them with marinade and wrap each one in a separate package, bending its ends, like a candy. Place the corn on the grill and fry for 20 minutes, remembering to turn over from time to time.

On a note! To understand that the corn is ready, you need to carefully unscrew the edge of the foil and pierce a few kernels with a fork. If they are soft enough and the juices come out clear, then the cobs are ready to serve!

Peeled cobs

It is necessary to fry corn in this way very carefully, as there is a fairly high risk of severely burning the grains. In addition, as a result, they are not as juicy as in previous versions, but at the same time they have a characteristic aroma - with smoke, and an appetizing caramel crust, which is formed due to the sugars present in corn.


  • corn cobs;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

Combine milk with water and sugar in a bowl, put corn in it and leave for an hour. After the specified period of time has passed, take out the cobs and boil them for 10 minutes.

Set the grill to medium, and if you are grilling shelled corn for the first time, set it to low heat and lay out the vegetables. Fry until golden spots appear on the grains.

On a note! To prevent the cobs from burning and to have time to cook properly, it is advisable to place them on the upper level of the grill!


We will need the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 cups corn kernels;
  • 55 ml olive oil;
  • 35 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper powder;
  • 4-5 stalks of green onions;
  • a small bunch of basil;
  • salt.

Prepare the marinade: mix balsamic, pepper, chopped onion and basil in a tray, add half a teaspoon of salt. Mix everything and add grains. Close the container with a lid and let the corn marinate. This will take about three hours.

After the specified time has passed, open the tray and mix the contents. We make six identical sheets of foil and place piles of grains between them. We tightly fold the edges of the sheets and pierce them through in several places with a wooden skewer. Place on a preheated grill. Cook at high temperature for five minutes, then open the grill lid and use mittens to shake the grains in the foil. Close the lid again and cook the corn for about 3-5 minutes. After the grains sizzle, pour them onto a dish and serve.

You can also cook fried corn kernels in a frying pan. All preparatory activities will be similar. As for frying itself, the grains should be kept in a frying pan with heated olive oil under a lid for a quarter of an hour. In this case, during the cooking process they must be turned over several times with a wooden spatula.

Bon appetit!

Grilled corn is the perfect summer side dish. It's cheap, easy to make, and tastes fantastic. There are three ways to grill corn, but the easiest is to bake it right in the husk, keeping the corn juicy and hot.


In the husk

    Choose your corn wisely. Try to find the freshest, recently ripened corn, preferably from the farm. Choose corn with bright green husks that fit tightly to the corncob. The stems should be light yellow in color and the silky ends should be light brown. When you're at the market, don't be afraid to peel back some of the husks to expose a few rows of grains. They should be white or light yellow in color, look nice and full, and be tightly packed in even rows from one end of the cob to the other.

    Preheat the grill. Preheat grill over medium-high heat, approximately 175 - 200°C. If you have a barbecue, spread the meat in an even layer and heat it until it turns ashen.

    • When preheating a gas grill, turn the heat to high first, then reduce it to medium. This way you will get a guaranteed hot grate.
  1. At this stage, you can soak the corn cobs in cold water for 10-15 minutes to enhance the juiciness of the corn and reduce the chance of burning. Submerge the cobs completely, soak them in water for 15 minutes, then shake off excess water.

    • If you don't like the smell of burnt husks, soak the corn for 30 to 60 minutes. Many people do not pay attention to this smell, and some even enjoy it.
  2. Add oil and flavorings (optional). It makes no difference whether you add the spices now or when the corn is ready. If you choose the first option, pull back the husks so that the grains are visible. Using a pastry brush, brush the grains with room temperature olive oil and season with salt, pepper and/or herbs, or (). Pull the husks back over the grains.

    Grill the corn. Tie the cob with string or a loose stigma to prevent the husk from falling apart. Place the cooked corn on the oiled rack of a hot grill, either directly over the coals to speed up the cooking process, or high enough above the coals to prevent the cobs from burning. Cover the grill and cook the corn for 15-20 minutes, turning it every 5 minutes or so. Check the corn for doneness when the husks begin to show char marks from the corn kernels and the husks begin to fall off the top. If the kernels are not yet tender when pierced with a fork, you can leave the cob on the grill until the husks are charred.

    Serve. Using tongs or oven mitts, remove corn from heat. Cover both hands with a towel or oven mitts, hold one end of the corn cob and remove the husk from top to bottom. Serve the corn hot.

    • Be careful as the corn inside the husks may be very hot.
    • If you didn't season the corn ahead of time, place the butter, salt and pepper on the counter.
    • If some ash gets on the corn, simply wash it in warm water.

In food foil

  1. This recipe is suitable for roasting large quantities of corn. Food foil will keep the corn hot for a long time. If you're hosting a large party, bake the corn in foil first, leave it unwrapped, and grill the rest of the food you planned to grill.

    Soak the corn (optional). Some cooks like to soak the corn before grilling it. If you choose to soak your corn, submerge the entire ear of corn in a saucepan or bowl of cold water for 15 to 20 minutes. This allows the corn kernels to absorb extra moisture, making them juicy. After finishing soaking, remove them from the water and blot off excess moisture with a paper towel.

    Roast the corn until golden brown spots begin to appear. Place the corn on the topmost rack to prevent burning. Keep an eye on the corn by turning it regularly. The corn kernels will become bright, then darken as they caramelize. The corn is ready when it has many light brown spots but is overall yellow.

Flavored Oil Recipes

  1. BBQ oil. For a tasty variation on regular butter, try making barbecue butter to serve alongside grilled corn. This will add extra flavor to your grilled corn and will impress your guests. You will need:

    • 2 tablespoons rapeseed oil
    • 1/2 finely chopped small red onion
    • 2 teaspoons Spanish paprika
    • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
    • 1 teaspoon toasted cumin seeds
    • 1 tablespoon ancho chili powder
    • 1/2 cup (125 ml) water
    • 1 1/2 sticks (170 grams) unsalted butter, slightly softened
    • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
    • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    • Add oil to a medium saucepan and heat it on high. When the oil is hot, add the chopped onion and garlic and fry until soft, 2 to 3 minutes. Add all the spices to the pan and stir. Add water to the pan and continue to cook for a minute or two until the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the heat.
    • In a food processor, pulse the butter, Worcestershire sauce and spice mixture until smooth. Add salt and pepper, then transfer to a small bowl and chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This will allow the flavors to develop. Remove from the refrigerator ten minutes before serving.
    • Spicy oil: Herb butter is another great way to liven up the flavor of grilled corn, and it's so easy to make. Simply blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth, place the mixture in a small bowl and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving. Here are the ingredients:

      • 1/4 cup chopped herbs such as basil, green onions, or tarragon
      • 1 teaspoon salt
      • Freshly ground black pepper
  2. Garlic oil. Garlic and butter are perfect, especially when it comes to grilled corn. Simply mash these few simple ingredients in a small bowl until smooth, then spread over hot corn for garnish. Here are the ingredients:

    • 2 sticks (225 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
    • 2 tablespoons freshly chopped green onions
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Ingredients: 8 tablespoons butter, 2 fresh hot peppers, 4 corn.

Preparation. Place the corn in a container of water so that it is completely covered (for 15-20 minutes). Preheat the grill. Cook the corn until tender.

While the corn is baking on the grill, remove the seeds from the peppers, cut into cubes and mix with soft butter (you can use a blender). Serve the cooked corn with hot butter.

Recipe No. 2. Mexican grilled corn

Ingredients: 400 g butter, 1 bunch of fresh cilantro, 2 tablespoons chili powder, 2 teaspoons cumin, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons ground black pepper, 6 heads of corn.

Preparation. Mix oil, salt, cumin, hot pepper, black pepper and cilantro in a blender until smooth. Separate half the mixture, brush the corn with it, and place on the grill. Once the corn is ready, serve it with the remaining half of the spiced butter.

Recipe No. 3. Honey spiced corn

Ingredients: 2 canned hot peppers, half a cup of melted butter, 1/3 cup of mildly flavored honey (linden, acacia, meadow), 1 minced clove of garlic, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 8 heads of corn.

Preparation. Preheat the grill and cook the husked corn on it for about 15 minutes. While it is cooking, mix the oil, peppers, honey, salt and garlic until smooth. Remove the corn, brush it with the oil mixture and return it to the grill. Cook for 5 minutes until light brown.

All of these recipes use butter and spices. We prepared the simplest and no less tasty option: brush the peeled corn with olive oil (just a little) and put it on the grill. When the corn is ready, remove it from the grill, let it cool slightly and serve with olive oil and salt.

Enjoy your meal!

Cooking corn is very easy, but there are still some nuances. There is no need to peel corn for baking. Instead, leave a thick layer of leaves on the cobs and soak them in cold water for 15 minutes. The extra moisture will allow you to steam it later. After 15 minutes, remove the cobs, unscrew the leaves like a banana peel, but do not tear them off. Brush the cob with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add garlic or onion and sprigs of herbs, and cover again with leaves. Then place it on the coals for cooking and let the leaves char on all sides, then move it to the edge, cover it with a lid or foil, and keep it for another 15 minutes until it is completely cooked. Then carefully peel the corn and brush with butter. This is the simplest recipe for preparing grilled corn; other, more interesting options are described below.

Grilled corn with garlic and green onions


2 medium cloves garlic, finely grated
4 tbsp. olive oil
8 ears of corn
1/4 cup finely chopped green onion

Preparation: Rub the corn with garlic, salt and spices. Wrap in foil, place on the grill and bake until done. Then open the foil, drizzle or oil the corn with olive oil and grill for another 15-20 minutes. Serve generously sprinkled with green onions.

Grilled corn with smoked cheese

2 ears of corn
olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
smoked cheese - 50 g
garlic - 3 cloves
butter - 30 g
basil - a few leaves

Preparation: peel the corn from leaves, wash and dry. Brush the cobs with olive oil and place on the grill (pan). Fry the cobs, turning constantly, for about 15 minutes. Place slices of smoked cheese, softened butter, and peeled garlic into a blender. Grind everything to a homogeneous consistency. Chop the basil with a knife. Remove the cobs from the grill, immediately brush with the cheese mixture and basil and serve.

Corn with spicy butter

8 tbsp. butter
2 fresh hot peppers
4 ears of corn

Preparation: Place the corn in a container of water so that it is completely covered (for 15-20 minutes). Preheat the grill. Cook corn until tender. While the corn is baking on the grill, remove the seeds from the peppers, cut into cubes and mix with soft butter (you can use a blender). Serve cooked corn with hot butter.

Mexican grilled corn

400 g butter
1 bunch fresh cilantro
2 tbsp. chili powder
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp salt
2 tsp ground black pepper
6 ears of corn

Preparation: mix oil, salt, cumin, hot pepper, black pepper and cilantro in a blender until smooth. Separate half the mixture, brush the corn with it, and place on the grill. Serve the finished corn with the remaining half of the spiced oil.

Honey spiced corn

2 canned hot peppers
half cup melted butter
1/3 cup honey with a mild aroma (linden, acacia, meadow)
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
8 ears of corn

Preparation: Heat the grill and cook the shelled corn on it for about 15 minutes. While it is cooking, mix the oil, peppers, honey, salt and garlic until smooth. Remove the corn, brush it with the butter mixture, and return it to the grill. Cook for 5 minutes until light brown.

Corn with Parmesan and Basil Sauce

4 heads of corn with leaves
Grated Parmesan
For the sauce:
2 cups basil leaves
1 small shallot
Olive oil – ½ cup
2 tbsp. wine vinegar
garlic – 1 clove
salt pepper

Preparation: to prepare the sauce, combine all ingredients in a food processor, add salt and pepper to taste. Place the corn in a container of water so that it is completely covered (for 15-20 minutes). Preheat the grill. Cook corn until tender. Then use a brush to coat the corn with the basil sauce and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Grilled corn with bacon and cheese

6 ears of corn
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp black pepper
3 tbsp. softened butter
2 slices bacon
120 g Feta cheese

Preparation: Preheat grill to high. Peel the corn on the cob and brush with olive oil. Next, sprinkle the cobs with black pepper. Then wrap each corn in aluminum foil to cover the cob in a single layer. Grill like this for five minutes on each side. In total, this process should take you about 30 minutes.

While roasting the cobs, cook the bacon strips in a frying pan over low heat. Place the cooked bacon on paper towels to drain the fat. After that, cut it into small pieces. Mix softened butter and bacon in a bowl. Grind cheese on a large platter.
Once the corn is cooked, let it cool for five minutes. Next, brush the cobs with the bacon and butter mixture and then sprinkle with shredded cheese.

Corn in soy sauce

6 ears of corn
4 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. chili sauce
4 cloves garlic

Directions: Combine soy sauce, chili sauce and garlic in a small bowl using a masher. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly. Next, place the cobs on the grill and cook for 10-15 minutes, turning them over. Then intensively brush the mixture onto the corn using a special pastry brush. Turn the cobs over every 3-4 minutes and grease them on different sides. You can determine the readiness of the corn by the softness of the grains. After this, serve the dish hot.


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In the midst of summer picnics, you really want to cook something special. If you've never experimented with grilled corn recipes, now is the time to start. Fragrant cobs will be an excellent addition to meat and vegetables.

It is very easy to make the field beauty edible, but there are still some nuances. Before baking, the cobs are not cleaned, but the stigmas must be removed. Leave a thick layer of leaves on the corn and soak in water for 15-20 minutes. The product will be saturated with moisture and will cook faster.

  • 4 ears of corn;
  • 50-100 g butter;
  • salt pepper;
  • onion garlic;
  • sprigs of herbs to taste.

We take the cobs out of the water, turn away the leaves, but do not tear them off. Lubricate the corn with oil, salt and pepper, add onions, garlic, and herb sprigs in any quantity. Now we close the leaves.

Place the cobs on the coals and let them char on different sides. Move it closer to the edge, cover with foil or a lid, leave for about 20 minutes. Take out the corn, peel it, pour oil on it and serve.

Some Mexicans know exactly how to cook corn on the grill, because it is the main product of their national cuisine. Chili is traditionally added to the cobs, which gives the dish a spicy kick. The flavor bouquet is harmoniously complemented by cumin and cilantro. It's worth a try!


  • 6 cobs;
  • 350-400 g butter;
  • 2 tsp each cumin, salt and black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Chile;
  • fresh cilantro (a bunch or less).

Mix all ingredients except corn in a blender bowl and turn into a paste. Rub the cobs with half the mixture and place them on the hot grill. Serve the finished dish with the remaining spicy mixture.

For this grilled corn we will also need a frying pan and foil. You can use any cheese, but Feta is more suitable. Substitutes - feta cheese, mozzarella and other pickled varieties. If you have leftover cheese, cook in foil and on a wire rack.

Let's take from the products:

  • 6 cobs;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil (or other vegetable);
  • 1 tsp. black pepper;
  • 70 g soft butter;
  • a couple of slices of bacon;
  • 100-150 g pickled cheese.

Heat the grill to maximum. Remove the leaves from the corn, coat it with vegetable oil and pepper. Now you need to wrap each cob in one layer of foil and grill for a few minutes on each side. The whole process takes about half an hour.

While the corn is cooking, fry the bacon separately in a frying pan. Place the strips on a towel to remove excess fat. Next, chop them finely and mix with butter, chop the cheese onto a large dish. Cool the finished cobs slightly, brush with the butter-bacon mixture, sprinkle with cheese and serve.

This recipe for grilled corn on the grill will appeal to lovers of spicy dishes. Soy sauce in combination with chili and garlic gives a pleasantly hot aftertaste. It is better to serve the cobs with a neutral side dish and vegetable salad.

We take the following products:

  • 6 cobs;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chili (sauce or a little less dry powder);
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

Chop the garlic into a small container, add chili and soy sauce, mix everything. Place the cobs on the grill and brush them with the resulting mixture using a brush during cooking. As soon as the grains become soft, you can serve.

This recipe is amazing with the addition of honey butter. It can be prepared a couple of days before the picnic. We take honey with a mild taste - from linden or acacia, but another is acceptable. The aromatic and spicy mixture is also suitable as a spread on bread and vegetables.

We take the following ingredients:

  • 8 cobs;
  • a pack of butter (200 g);
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. dry chili and honey;
  • tsp oregano and ground cumin;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt, garlic and onion powder.

3 tbsp. l. Melt the butter, but do not remove from the heat. Add chili and cumin to it, simmer for a few more seconds, cool to 50 degrees. Pour honey into the mixture, add oregano, garlic and onion powder, salt, and mix until smooth. Combine the resulting mixture with the remaining oil, mix everything again, form a bar or sausage, wrap it in film, and put it in the refrigerator.

To grill corn, use a medium-high BBQ. Place the cobs on the grill and grill until charred, about 10 minutes on each side. Serve the dish with honey butter.

To make it easier to turn the corn, insert a wooden stick into the bottom of each cob. Don’t be afraid to change the recipes for preparing summer delicacies to suit your taste, increasing or decreasing the amount of spices and salt. You can add basil, wine vinegar, Spanish paprika, and cayenne pepper to sauces.

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