How to ferment eggplants. Pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables, carrots and garlic

Few people will refuse this savory dish. Pickled eggplants, with pleasant sourness and spiciness, excellent with potatoes or fried meat. The special taste that is present in eggplant is formed as a result of natural fermentation. There is not an ounce of vinegar in this appetizer - only vegetables, vegetable oil and salt. Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic recipe with photo You can also use carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic and herbs, and you don’t have to spare the garlic. Stored pickled eggplant appetizer in the refrigerator for a month to two, but since the fermentation process does not stop completely, they often become more sour, but still edible. This can be rolled up for the winter, but this is another recipe, which we will definitely share with you.

Ingredients for making stuffed pickled eggplants

Step-by-step preparation of pickled stuffed eggplants with photos

  1. Cut off the ends of the eggplants (not overripe ones), and poke holes in them with a fork so that they do not burst during cooking.
  2. Add salt to boiling water and dip the eggplants into it. Do not overcook the eggplants; they should be cooked but not fall apart. Poke them with a toothpick and if they are already soft, remove them from the water. Usually 10-15 minutes is enough.
  3. Place the eggplants on a flat surface, preferably on the edge of the sink, so that excess moisture and bitterness can drain there. Press them on top with a cutting board on which you place a weight.
  4. After 2-3 hours, when the liquid from the eggplant stops releasing, remove the load. Cut each eggplant lengthwise, making a pocket.
  5. For the filling, chop the herbs, garlic, and grate the carrots.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and simmer the vegetables, all together for 4-6 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. salt, ground black pepper and chopped bay leaf. Refrigerate.
  7. For the appetizer, prepare an enamel saucepan. Using a spoon or your hands, stuff each eggplant and tie with either string or a stalk of parsley or celery. Place the eggplants tightly together. If there is any filling left, you can simply place it on top.
  8. Place a flat plate on top of the eggplants, and then some weight, for example, a jar of water. The eggplants will release juice within a couple of hours, and it will completely cover them. Some housewives pour 3 tablespoons of brine into 1 liter of water. salt, but I don't see the need for it.
  9. Leave the eggplants to ferment at room temperature for 4-5 days. You will feel the characteristic aroma yourself, and you can also take a sample by cutting off a piece.
  10. Place the fermented eggplants in a jar or other sealable container and place in the refrigerator.

Serve the pickled eggplants by cutting them into portions. And if you are serving a whole appetizer to your guests, don’t forget to offer a table knife. Bon appetit!

You can prepare many dishes from such a wonderful vegetable as eggplant. They will especially appeal to lovers of spicy foods. It has long been a tradition for us to prepare vegetables for the winter in various ways. Not long ago a new recipe appeared for us - pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic. Everything looks very beautiful and tasty. We will write in detail in the article how to prepare vegetables for the winter in this form.

Winter vegetable snacks

By the way, homemade pickles always go with any side dish, meat or fish dish. Stuffed pickled eggplants with garlic and carrots are considered a tasty, healthy and appetizing snack. with a spicy taste. Now many housewives make such preparations at home for the winter. In summer, eggplants are quite inexpensive, but in winter their price is high, so during the harvest season it’s time to start harvesting.

Eggplants contain many beneficial substances necessary for good health. If you regularly consume the vegetable, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs - the liver, intestines, and hematopoietic system. The vegetable has antibacterial properties. It is recommended to be used for gout and atherosclerosis.

Preparing such a vegetable simply and quickly will not work; you will have to spend time. The end result is worth it as the snack turns out great. This dish is considered healthy, because it contains practically no vinegar. Any of the recipes contains a lot of carrot filling and eggplant cut resemble rolls, only vegetable.

Recipe for eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic

To prepare eggplant for the winter, you will need the following products according to the recipe:

Selected eggplants should be wash, trim ends and dry Then you need to make a longitudinal and deep cut on each vegetable. Each of the “blue ones” is pierced with a fork, after which the vegetables are boiled in salted water until they become softer. To prepare a solution for boiling, you need to follow the proportion: add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. salt.

During cooking, vegetables will constantly float, so they need to be immersed in salt water again and turned over with a spoon or slotted spoon. Readiness is checked using a knife; if it passes freely, then you can turn it off. It is ideal when boiled eggplants are soft, but plump with moderately elastic skin. According to the recipe, boiled vegetables should be laid out on a flat table surface with a cut to the side. After this, oppression is placed on top and they lie in this form for at least 2 hours.

During this time, you need to make the eggplant filling. The carrots prepared according to the recipe are peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Then it is placed on a preheated frying pan. It is fried with vegetable oil, stirring for 3-4 minutes. This time is enough for it to become softer and soaked in oil. Garlic and herbs are also chopped, but only with a knife. After this, all the vegetables are combined together. The whole mass must be well salted and mixed.

Now you can take the “little blue ones” and put the filling in them. There should be a lot of filling so that you can feel its pleasant taste. Each eggplant is tied with thread. It is advisable to do this over a flat plate, since juice will be released from the vegetable. All vegetables are placed in a pan and then they are poured with prepared cold brine.

The brine is very simple to make. You need to take the amount of water indicated in the recipe, pour it into a pan and boil. Then according to the recipe add salt and vinegar which are indicated in the recipe. When the brine has cooled completely, you can pour it over the eggplants. It is necessary that the eggplants are completely covered with brine.

Usually in such recipes it is recommended to put pressure on top. This can be a flat plate that fits the diameter of the pan. Place a jar of water on top of the plate. For the first 24 hours, the eggplants stand at room temperature 20-25 o C, and then it is better to put them in the cellar or refrigerator for 2-3 days.

When this time has passed, you can drain the brine and leave the vegetables under pressure. The threads can be removed and the vegetables cut into pieces. Pickled eggplants prepared according to this recipe for the winter can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2-3 months. During this time, their taste will only get better.

Recipe for pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic

To prepare this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

It is advisable to have smooth and small-sized eggplants. They are washed with water and the ends are cut off, after which they are loaded into salted water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The main thing is not to overcook the vegetables and as soon as they become moderately soft, remove from the heat and drain the water.

Every eggplant is needed cut from the side deeply along the entire length. It's better to do this on a cutting board. After this, the “little blue ones” are kept under pressure for 1-1.5 hours so that excess moisture is removed from them.

Now you need to peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion with a knife, and grate the carrots into small pieces. Place the chopped vegetables separately in a frying pan and lightly fry in refined vegetable oil. Lightly fried vegetables are removed from the heat and grated celery root and salt must be added to them. Everything is mixed and the already cooled filling can be stuffed into the eggplants.

Each stuffed vegetable is held together with a celery leaf. Vegetables are placed tightly in the pan. They are sprinkled with thinly chopped garlic and filled with ready-made brine. It is made based on: 1 tsp heaped salt in half a glass of water. The vegetables placed in the container are poured with the prepared solution, after which they must be placed under pressure.

In this form they are left at room temperature for 3-4 days. The readiness of the eggplants will depend on their size and the amount of filling. On the third day, it is advisable to try the product and if it is already ready, then it is better to put everything in the refrigerator.

Ready eggplants can be served whole or cut into portions. They are sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

A spicy appetizer of eggplant and carrots will always come in handy. When serving, the eggplants are cut into pieces, and they look like small rolls with a bright filling. The second serving option is to cut the stuffed eggplants into large cubes and season with aromatic sunflower oil.
Pleasant to the taste and filling, the liquid contents of the jar can be used as a sauce, pouring over boiled potatoes or meat casserole.
The technological process consists of two independent stages: first, vegetables are fermented, and then sterilization begins.
Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic are sealed for the winter in three-liter bottles; after sealing, the jars must be sterilized. You can also put them in a pan and store them in a cool place, but then the shelf life will be much shorter - 3 weeks.

Taste Info Eggplants for the winter


  • eggplants – 8 kilograms,
  • carrots – 2 kilograms,
  • garlic – 400 grams,
  • parsley – 1 bunch,
  • sunflower oil for frying – 100 grams.

How to cook pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic

Choose ripe, medium-sized eggplants. Specimens that are too large may become deformed when immersed in a three-liter jar.

Cut off the stalks along with some of the pulp. Make a couple of shallow cuts with a knife on each eggplant. Place the eggplants in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. You can add a little salt to the water. Hot eggplants are laid out in rows on top of each other. Place a large cutting board on top, which is pressed down with a small weight. Excess liquid will “leave” from the eggplants.
Carrots are grated and fried in sunflower oil.

The garlic is squeezed through a press, the parsley is coarsely chopped. All this is combined with fried carrots and salted to taste. The stuffing mixture turns out to be spicy, but during the marinating process its taste will soften significantly.

The cooled eggplants have flattened under the press, and now you need to give them volume. A longitudinal cut is made in each eggplant, into which 1-2 tablespoons of the carrot mixture are placed.

Stuffed eggplants are placed in three-liter jars.

The eggplants should be packed tightly, filling the jars up to their shoulders.

Prepare the filling. The proportions are as follows: add 1.5 tablespoons of coarse sea salt to one liter of water. Boil the filling, add a few peas of allspice.
The jars are filled with brine and left in a warm room. The fermentation process lasts from 3 to 5 days. It all depends on the temperature in the room.

When the eggplants have become fermented and acquired a pleasant taste, begin sterilization. The jars are covered with sterilized lids, placed in a saucepan with water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. Then the cans are rolled up, turned over, and insulated.

The next day, the jars are transferred to the cellar.
If you do not plan to store eggplants for a long time, then you can do without sterilization. Then the jars of pickled eggplant are covered with nylon lids and placed in the refrigerator. But in this case they need to be eaten within a month.

Do not use large, overripe eggplants for these recipes. They should be firm, young, small or medium in size. Only in this case, pickled eggplants with carrots and garlic turn out juicy and aromatic. Below is the traditional recipe, also with the addition of zucchini and other vegetables.

How to quickly pickle eggplants

Ingredients for the first recipe:

  • Medium eggplants, washed - 8 pcs.
  • Medium sized carrots - 4-5 pcs.
  • Red pepper - 1 pc.
  • A large bunch of parsley.
  • 2 heads of garlic, peeled.

For the brine:

  • 1 liter of filtered water.
  • 1 tablespoon salt.
  • 10 black peppercorns.
  • 5 white peppercorns.
  • 2 bay leaves.

Kitchen utensils you will need:

  • 1 liter jar.
  • Big colander.
  • Cutting board.
  • Paring knife.
  • Grater.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut off the stems of the eggplants. Make pocket-like cuts in each eggplant, being careful not to cut the edges.
  2. Place the eggplants in a large saucepan filled with water. Bring to a boil and continue to simmer over low heat until their skins are very soft (about 8-10 minutes). You can also check readiness with a match. If the match easily enters the eggplant, then you can remove the pan from the heat.
  3. After 10 minutes, transfer the eggplants to a colander to drain all excess moisture. You can press them lightly. Leave them to dry for 1 hour.
  4. During this time, prepare the filling. Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Trim off the tough parsley stems (reserve a few to hold the eggplants in place). Chop and press the garlic. Using rubber gloves, finely chop the red pepper, scooping out the seeds for less heat (based on experience: if you don't use gloves, your hands will burn afterwards). Mix everything.
  5. Stuff the eggplants with the filling.
  6. Make the brine. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan and add remaining ingredients. Remove from heat once the salt has dissolved. You can soak the parsley stems in hot water for a few minutes to make the parsley more flexible to bind. Cool the brine.
  7. Tie the stuffed eggplants with parsley, transfer to a jar or other deep container for fermentation, add brine.
  8. Close the lid tightly. Leave at room temperature for 3-5 days, then refrigerate. They should be stored for a maximum of a year!

You can cut ready-made pickled eggplants into small pieces and use them as a side dish for meat. They are often eaten with potatoes, buckwheat and toasted bread. Bon appetit!

Recipe for pickled eggplants with zucchini

Another way to prepare pickled eggplants, this time with zucchini. The general principle of sourdough remains unchanged. You can add other spices to suit your taste.
You will need:

  • 3 medium sized eggplants;
  • 8 cloves garlic, diced;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 medium zucchini;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of dried oregano;
  • 1 tablespoon dried basil;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of hot pepper seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt;
  • liter of water.


  1. Wash the vegetables. Peel the carrots, zucchini and eggplants, cutting off the ends on both sides.
  2. Cut the vegetables into strips. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater. Sprinkle them liberally with sea salt and place in a colander (salting the eggplant is necessary to remove the bitterness). Cover the colander with a towel and let the vegetables sit for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Then place the colander under cool running water for a few minutes. After which, squeeze out all the liquid as much as possible.
  3. In a medium bowl, mix all the spices with the garlic. Add the vegetable strips and mix them thoroughly.
  4. Carefully place the chopped vegetables into a quart jar.
  5. Meanwhile, prepare the brine. Heat 1 liter of water and dissolve 2 tbsp in it. spoons of sea salt. When the water has cooled to room temperature, add it to your jar of eggplant until it completely covers the vegetables. Leave a little space, 2-3 centimeters. Close the lid tightly.
  6. Store at room temperature for 7 days. Next, place it in the refrigerator for storage. Every day for a week, it is necessary to release the formed gases from the jar. To do this, simply loosen the lid until the gases are released, then immediately close the lid tightly.

Note: If you don't have a special fermentation jar, don't worry. You can use any large jar with an airtight lid.

Asian pickled eggplant

Cooking time: 6 hours: 20 minutes. Time for fermentation is 5-7 days.
You will need:

  • 1 or 2 medium-sized purple eggplants (700-900 g in total);
  • 1 bell pepper (yellow, green or red);
  • 1 carrot (optional);
  • 4-6 onion feathers;
  • a little fresh ginger;
  • 6-8 cloves garlic, peeled;
  • Ground red pepper - to taste;
  • 50 ml. soy sauce;
  • 50 ml. sauce for fish;
  • filtered water;
  • sea ​​salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the vegetables. Cut the eggplants into medium circles. Place them in a colander and sprinkle with a thick layer of fine sea salt. Leave the eggplants for 2 hours.
  2. Rinse the slices lightly under cool water. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sea salt in one liter of warm water using a glass or ceramic bowl. Stir until the salt dissolves. You should stock up on a cup (250 ml) of brine in case the vegetables are not sufficiently covered.
  3. Add the slices to the brine. Cover with a plastic lid or dish and press down (you can use a wine bottle filled with water) so that the contents remain under the brine. Leave for 4 hours.
  4. Dry the slices through a colander and squeeze them lightly.
  5. Prepare a spice mixture. Peel the ginger and chop coarsely. Add the ginger to the bowl of a food processor, but grind by hand.
  6. Peel the garlic. Without using a food processor, chop the garlic and add to the bowl.
  7. Chop the onion.
  8. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper, then cut into cubes (2 cm wide). Add to eggplant.
  9. Add pepper, soy sauce and fish sauce to a deep bowl.
  10. Mix the spice mixture into a smooth paste. Add more soy sauce or sauce to the fish as needed until you reach a paste-like consistency - not too dry and not too runny.
  11. Take out the jar. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. You need to combine all the ingredients with your hands. You can mix everything directly in the fermentation vessel, or in a separate, large, deep bowl. Mix the ingredients until the vegetables are completely coated with the paste.
  12. Pour the brine over the vegetables and close the jar with a plastic lid so that the contents remain under the brine, pressing on the vegetables if necessary. Cover the jar with a cloth.
  13. If after 1-2 days the contents of the jar are not completely immersed in the brine, you need to add the remaining 250 ml.
  14. Store pickled eggplants with carrots and garlic in the warmest place in your kitchen for 5 to 7 days.
  15. After a week, move the jar to the refrigerator. This way you can extend the shelf life of eggplants for several more months.

Don't forget that you can always improve the recipe. In addition to the required ingredients (eggplant, carrots, garlic and salt), you can add any of your choice.
Bon appetit!

There are many fans of this delicious dish. Not only are pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables healthy and satisfying, they are also very tasty with a pleasant sourness that appears during the fermentation process and without the addition of vinegar at all.

For the filling, carrots and tomatoes are best, garlic for those who like it spicy, as well as a variety of tasty roots, such as parsley, parsnips or celery. Which vegetables to prefer is a matter of taste, try different options or create your own unique recipe for pickled eggplants, using ours as a basis.

This dish is perfect for any table and goes well with both potatoes and meat. It is also possible to prepare such eggplants in jars for long-term storage. However, preparing this dish is the highest culinary aerobatics. The fact is that jars of eggplant can simply “explode” due to the ripening process. True, there are other options for preparing pickled eggplants for the winter, but more on them later. First, let's prepare the pickled eggplants.

Do not cook this dish in large portions. Over-fermented eggplants lose their piquancy and become unpleasantly sour.

Required Ingredients

For cooking we will need the following products (the quantity is calculated for 1 kg of eggplant):

  • eggplants themselves (by the way, they are also called “little blue”);
  • 2 - 3 pcs. carrots;
  • about 100 g of spicy roots, which we talked about above;
  • if you decide to add tomatoes, then a couple of medium-sized ones are enough;
  • 1 head of garlic (optional), it is generally recommended to prepare pickled eggplants with garlic for the winter, because this vegetable helps strengthen the immune system during the snowy season;
  • It's a matter of spices, you will need 1 tsp. ground black pepper or 1 pod of hot pepper, 1 tbsp. l. ground paprika and a little parsley;
  • you need salt, to boil eggplants you need 2 tbsp. l. for 2 liters of water, and for brine - 3 tbsp. l. for 1 l;
  • A few stalks of parsley will be useful for tying together already stuffed eggplants, as well as dill inflorescences and a bay leaf for pickling.

Step-by-step cooking process

The ingredients are ready, let's start preparing the pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables:

The brine should stand for a day at room temperature and another 12 hours in the refrigerator. Ready! You can gobble it up. Bon appetit!

The pickled eggplants left over from the meal should be removed from the brine and stored in the refrigerator, adding a little vegetable oil.

Video recipe for making pickled eggplants with carrots and peppers

Options for preparing pickled eggplants for the winter

We grew a lot of vegetables, including eggplants, but in the fall we didn’t have time to eat them all, so we save them for the long winter so that we can enjoy our favorite dish, for example, at the festive New Year’s table.

Let's start with the simplest method, deep freezing the semi-finished product. Eggplants should be frozen after the third step of the cooking process described above. In winter, after taking vegetables out of the freezer, it is very easy to go through the remaining cooking steps, fortunately there are no problems with carrots and garlic.

Now let’s prepare pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter. The recipe is slightly different from the one above.

So, the ingredients are the same, but in this case we will prepare marinade instead of brine. To do this, boil 3 liters of water with the addition of only 2 tbsp. l. salt, bay leaf (5 pcs.) and peppercorns (10 pcs.). In addition, we will not stew the filling; we will use it raw.

Place the already stuffed eggplants tightly in a pan, pour in the chilled marinade and place under pressure for 2 weeks at room temperature. After the appointed time, we try, if they are not sour enough, you can extend the process for another week. Ready eggplants must be stored in the cellar, and in the absence of the latter - in the refrigerator.

For lovers of the traditional method of storing winter preparations, we can recommend rolling up pickled eggplants in jars for the winter. To do this, you will need to sterilize the jars in the usual way, then place the stuffed eggplants in them, pour in the marinade and roll up the lids.