How to remove a coffee stain. We remove coffee stains from clothes, upholstered furniture and carpets without dry cleaning

Many people like to drink coffee in the morning and throughout the day, but hardly anyone will like the traces on their clothes from this invigorating drink. Not only do such dark spots immediately catch the eye, but they are also very difficult to remove. However, even such a problem as washing coffee from clothes can be easily dealt with. And for this it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the services of professionals or special household chemicals. Folk tips and recipes will help you, the ingredients for which are sure to be found in any home.

Urgent Actions

You won’t even have to worry about how to wash coffee from your clothes if you take immediate action after dripping the drink on yourself.

  1. Place the stain under running very hot water from the reverse side. This action will allow you to wash out some of the ingrained tannins from the fabric fibers, which give long-lasting color. After half a minute, wash off the stain with laundry soap.
  2. If in such a situation there is neither a tap with hot water nor soap nearby, then try to at least find salt. Sprinkle it generously on coffee stains. The salt will absorb moisture and also partially destroy the tannins. This way, you will have a much better chance of saving your favorite item from the trash bin.

Using regular salt and laundry soap, you can easily deal with fresh coffee stains.

Old stains

Or maybe you’ve had your favorite blouse for a long time, from which you couldn’t remove the coffee stain, but you still feel like throwing it away? There are many ways to “reanimate” damaged clothes.

  • Make a solution from a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of ammonia. Place the soiled item in a basin, and then pour the resulting liquid onto the problem area. After 15 minutes, wash and rinse. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. True, this method is not suitable for synthetic fabrics; you will have to “save” them with alcohol (the steps are the same as with an ammonia-water solution).
  • Some housewives recommend using dishwashing detergent to remove coffee. This option really brings good results, but only if the aromatic drink was made with cream or milk.

Video: How to remove coffee stains: “Easy as pie!”

  • Take gasoline for refilling lighters, soak a cotton pad in it and rub the contaminated surface from the edges to the middle. Then wash the item in soapy water and rinse.
  • Mix glycerin, ammonia and water in equal proportions, and then pour the resulting mixture onto the coffee stains. To get the best effect, you should leave the item in this condition for a day. Next, wash your clothes in soapy water.
  • However, glycerin itself is an excellent remedy for removing difficult stains. Before use, it is advisable to warm it slightly, then the effect will be stronger. Moisten the problem area on clothing with warm glycerin and leave for several hours. Now wash with soap or powder and rinse. This is perhaps the most effective and safe way to remove coffee stains from wool fabric.
  • Silk is no less capricious material than wool. If a fragrant drink has just been poured onto your favorite blouse, quickly take paper napkins and try to absorb as much liquid as possible using blotting movements.

To completely eliminate the problem, you will need a solution consisting of liquid soap, water and ammonia (all components in equal parts). Mix everything thoroughly until foam forms and apply to the contaminated surface. After about 15 minutes, carefully rinse off the solution and rinse. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Home remedies for removing coffee stains

  • In order to remove coffee stains from thick natural fabric, you will need three ingredients: water, vinegar and washing powder. Take them in equal quantities, for example, one tablespoon each, and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting paste to the contaminated area of ​​the fabric on both sides. After 10 minutes, carefully remove the mixture and rinse the clothes. By the way, this method is also successfully used to remove coffee stains from jeans.
  • For the next method, the main component, oxalic acid, is not easy to obtain. But if you suddenly have it, then know that this substance perfectly removes complex stains even from light-colored fabrics. It is necessary to dilute the acid in water (10 ml per glass), mix and treat the problem area of ​​​​the clothing. After 10 minutes, the item must be rinsed.

When describing various methods for removing coffee stains, we cannot fail to mention household chemicals. There are many products that allow you to cope with any type of pollution, and you need to choose them not only based on the brand and price. So, chlorine-containing bleach is only suitable for natural white fabrics, for the rest you will have to use oxygen.

Light fabrics

The most difficult thing is to wash a coffee stain from white clothes, because no matter how hard you try, yellow marks remain. The speed of reaction to eliminating the problem is especially important here (what to do first is described above).

You can remove traces of coffee from white with a special bleach. Check with your local hardware store to find out which household cleaning product is best for your particular item. The wrong choice will lead to you irreversibly damaging the material.

Oxygen bleach or hydrogen peroxide will help you remove coffee stains.

If various household chemicals fail, try removing coffee from white clothes using hydrogen peroxide. Moisten the contaminated area thoroughly with it and leave for a quarter of an hour. Next, you will need regular washing with laundry or glycerin soap.


Another ancient method that can be useful in this case is boiling. It is permissible to use it only for natural white fabric (linen and cotton).

  • Place an enamel basin or pan on the stove, pour in enough water so that the item can be submerged entirely. Next, add bleach or detergent. This could be laundry soap shavings, bleach, ammonia, oxygen bleach or regular laundry detergent. After stirring the product in water, you can put your coffee-stained clothes in there and turn on the stove.
  • Having brought to a boil, reduce the heat to low and continue to “cook” for half an hour (in some advanced cases, the time should be increased to two hours). Turn off the stove and let the contents of the pan cool. Carefully remove, rinse and dry the item.

Boiling can only be used for natural fabrics.

If the stain is small and you don’t want to boil the entire garment, you can proceed as follows. The area of ​​contamination must be pulled upside down and carefully pour boiling water over it.

Some washing machines have a boiling function, and if yours has one too, this will greatly simplify the task of whitening stains.

Before you start removing coffee stains with strong substances, make sure that you do not completely ruin the item. To do this, you need to test the product on a less noticeable place on your clothing.

It is advisable to soften the water you will use for washing beforehand. To do this, add a small amount of soda (baking or soda ash) to it. This will increase the effectiveness of detergents and bleaches.

Important! During boiling, be careful not to inadvertently burn yourself. Use special wooden tongs for stirring and under no circumstances try to remove the item until the water has completely cooled.

The bottom and walls of the pan must first be carefully inspected for chips, cracks, traces of rust, and food debris.

Before you start washing with chemicals (especially when boiling), be sure to open the windows for ventilation. It is also advisable to protect the skin of your hands by wearing thick rubber gloves.

Video: Washing with laundry soap in a washing machine

When using household chemicals, be sure to read the instructions. Also keep in mind that bleaches and powders have a limited expiration date, check that it has not been exceeded.

If you are not sure that you can handle the problem yourself and do not want to risk your favorite item, you can take your clothes to the dry cleaner. They probably know how to remove coffee stains.

Let's summarize

As you can see, you can remove coffee stains even from white fabric, jeans or a woolen sweater. It all depends on how quickly you take measures to eliminate pollution. Don’t rush to panic, much less throw away your favorite item, because the methods for washing coffee described above are easy to use and accessible to everyone.

Many people who wake up early in the morning for work start their day with a cup of aromatic strong coffee. This drink gives a surge of energy, strength and, of course, helps you wake up. But sometimes, for some reason, we forget to set the alarm or simply don’t hear how it “screams” with all its might to us in the morning. We all know what happens next. We jump up sharply with 5 kopecks in our eyes and quickly begin to get ready. Due to haste and carelessness, a person can easily spill a cup of coffee on his clothes and thereby leave several traces that are difficult to remove.

How to remove coffee stains from clothes? In this publication you will find many simple and effective methods that will definitely help solve the problem in question. So let's get started.

Effective Methods to Remove Coffee Stains

Before using the methods below, the coffee stain must be thoroughly blotted with a dry towel, handkerchief or napkins. This must be done in order to absorb some of the spilled drink. After all, the less coffee is absorbed into the fabric, the easier it will be for us to remove any traces that appear.

Attention: very fresh stains should be carefully “collected” with a dry towel, rather than rubbing them. Otherwise they will become even larger. After this, all contaminated areas must be rinsed from the reverse side with cold running water. The marks made will noticeably fade and decrease in size. Now it will be much easier to get them out! To solve the problem, you can use the following methods:

  • Ammonia and turpentine. Take a suitable container and mix turpentine and ammonia in it (1:1). Soak a cotton pad or clean piece of cloth in the resulting solution, treat the stain and leave for a while so that the mixture is absorbed into the contaminated area. After this, wash the product with soap. If coffee has been spilled on cotton clothing, hang it in the sun after rinsing.
  • Table salt and glycerin. Mix these ingredients, apply the paste to the problem area and leave for a few minutes. Once the coffee stains have dissolved, wash your clothes.
  • Soap and boiling water. Lather the stain and wash the clothes. After this, boil a kettle and pour boiling water from it in a thin stream onto the problem area until nothing remains of the stain. We hasten to note that this method can be used if the fabric is linen.
  • Ammonia. Dilute 1 tbsp in water (one glass). l of ammonia, generously moisten the contaminated area with the resulting solution, wipe the stain thoroughly with a piece of cloth or a cotton pad and wash the product in the prepared soap solution.
  • Glycerol. If you need to remove coffee stains from light-colored clothing, use this method. Warm up the glycerin, apply it to the stain with a cotton pad and wait half an hour. At the end of the specified time, rinse the product with warm water.
  • Soap solution and ammonia. This method removes stains from silk or woolen fabrics. Take a suitable container, make a soap solution and add alcohol (5 teaspoons per liter of liquid). Dip a cotton swab into the mixture, treat the stain and wash the product with powder.
  • Ammonia and glycerin. If the stain is old, mix water (1 teaspoon), glycerin (1 teaspoon) and ammonia (a few drops). Moisten a napkin with the resulting mixture and begin to treat the stain until it disappears. After this, rinse the product with hot water.
  • Paste of vinegar and powder. Here's how to get your clothes back clean: Mix laundry detergent, white vinegar and cold distilled water in a bowl until you get a thick paste. After this, apply the resulting product to the coffee stain on both sides and wait five minutes. To ensure that the fabric is completely saturated, the paste must be rubbed into the contaminated area in a circular motion. Finally, rinse the fabric thoroughly and wash it. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Note that if a stain needs to be removed from a colored item, you need to use powder without bleaching granules to prepare the paste.
  • Effective solutions. First, you need to clean the marks with a brush soaked in warm water, and then rinse the stained product in two special solutions. Add a small amount of soda ash (only 0.5 teaspoon per liter of water) to one basin with warm water, and a little vinegar to another basin with cold water. Simply rinse your clothes first in a warm solution and then twice in a cold solution.
  • Alcohol. To save synthetic fabric, you need to wash it in a solution (1 tablespoon of alcohol per half liter of water) and rinse in cool water.


Now to the question “How to remove coffee stains from clothes?” you can give a decent answer. Do not forget to use the acquired knowledge in practice, but it is better, of course, that you do not need it.

May your every morning be kind and wonderful, and may your mood be excellent!

Coffee is one of the most invigorating drinks, effective for waking up in the morning. However, he is also very cunning. Accidentally spilling coffee on a white shirt or new carpet can ruin your mood in an instant. How to remove coffee stains from textiles? Let's figure it out.

Fresh stain

Fresh coffee stains are much easier to remove than old ones. Therefore, it is preferable not to leave cleaning the product for later, but to get down to business right away. So, if coffee was spilled on clothes, the item needs wash immediately. Place the stain on the reverse side under strong pressure of hot water, as if washing coffee out of the fabric. In just a minute, the wardrobe item can be washed by hand with ordinary laundry soap. When the item is dry, simply wash it in the machine as usual.

You can remove coffee stains from carpet using dishwashing gel. First you need to blot the stain with a napkin to remove excess liquid. Then you need to foam one tablespoon of gel in a glass of warm water and treat the contaminated area with the resulting foam. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times to achieve the best effect. Remaining foam should be removed with napkins.

If the stain is still not removed from the pile, try using a more aggressive product - vinegar solution. Dilute table vinegar in water in a 1:1 ratio and moisten the coffee stain with the solution. Wait 10 minutes, rinse off the vinegar with warm water and dry the carpet.

Coffee stains from the textile upholstery of a sofa or chair can be removed very well baking soda. You just need to carefully rub the mixture of soda and water into the stain, wait until it dries completely and remove the remaining soda with a clothes brush.

You can save woolen items from coffee stains using ammonia. First, rub the stain with laundry soap. Then the item must be laid out on a flat horizontal surface, placing several paper napkins under the stain. A soft brush should be moistened with ammonia and gently brushed over the stain several times. After this, rinse the product, wait until it dries, and wash it in the washing machine.

Old stain

Old and dried coffee stains are much more difficult to remove than fresh ones, but with proper skill this is possible.

Stains from light fabrics (cotton and linen) are removed hydrogen peroxide. Simply apply peroxide to the stain and then wash the item.

Helps remove coffee stains from sofas, armchairs and other furniture with textile upholstery special mixture. Mix water, glycerin and ammonia in equal proportions and apply the resulting mass to the stain. After half an hour, rinse off the remaining mixture with water and dry the treated area well.

Thick fabrics can be treated with a thick paste of washing powder, table vinegar and water. It is enough to apply this mixture to the stain, leave for 7-10 minutes and rinse the product thoroughly to get rid of brown stains.

Suitable for woolen items and carpets glycerol heated in a water bath. Apply glycerin to the stain, wait 10 minutes and remove the residue with warm water.

Coffee stains often become a real headache for housewives. However, using our advice, you can easily remove even an old and seemingly completely absorbed stain.

Coffee lovers sooner or later face such an unpleasant situation as a drink spilled in a hurry. This situation is especially annoying when coffee gets on clothes, as a result of which you have to find ways to get rid of stains. Moreover, this must be done quickly, because... Coffee contains tannins that are actively absorbed into clothing and the more time passes, the more difficult it is to remove them.

Let's look at a few ways to effectively remove coffee stains from clothes. All options are suitable for both colored and white fabrics.

The best soap for removing coffee stains is laundry soap or 72% tar soap. There are two ways to remove stains with soap:

  1. Grate a quarter of a bar of soap on a fine grater, pour in 300 ml of boiling water and stir vigorously until smooth. Allow to cool until it does not burn your hand. Apply the mixture with a sponge or any available material to the coffee stain and leave for 25-30 minutes, then brush off. Repeat the process until the stain disappears completely. If the coffee stains are old, then the concentration of the soap solution needs to be increased by rubbing not ¼ of the bar of soap, but 1/3.
  2. This method is effective for light-colored cotton fabrics. Pour 300 ml of water into an enamel bowl, add 30 grams of soda and put on fire until it boils. Grate a small piece of laundry soap (about 2x2 cm) on a fine grater, add to boiling water with soda and stir until dissolved. Pour into a convenient container with a narrow neck so that you can drain in a thin stream, for example into a bottle. Place the coffee-tainted item on a flat surface above the bathtub or sink and gently pour a small stream onto the contaminated area, wiping it with a brush. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Ammonia perfectly removes coffee stains from all types of fabrics, including wool and silk.

  1. Pour 50 ml of ammonia into 300 ml of boiling water, add ¼ piece of laundry soap grated on a fine grater and mix everything until it dissolves. Cool the resulting mixture to an acceptable temperature. Moisten a suitable piece of thick cloth with the solution and wipe the coffee stain on the clothing with it several times. Rinse with cold water, repeat the procedure 2-3 times, then wash the clothes as usual.
  2. Mix 10 ml of ammonia and 25 ml of glycerin. Pour the mixture into 300 ml of warm water, mix thoroughly and cool to 35-40 degrees. Use a dampened piece of thick cloth or a foam sponge to wipe the coffee stain several times. Finish cleaning with normal washing.

Liquid glycerin works well for removing old coffee stains. Glycerin can be bought at a pharmacy, where it is sold bottled.

  1. Heat a bottle of liquid glycerin in hot water, then take it with a napkin or piece of cloth and wipe the coffee stain on both sides of the clothing. Wipe the stain with new portions of glycerin until it becomes lighter, then pour more glycerin onto the dirty area and leave for 40 minutes. Next, wash the item by hand.
  2. Mix heated liquid glycerin and fine salt to form a paste. Spread the mixture evenly onto the contaminated area, cover with cling film and leave for 15 minutes. Wash your clothes in the washing machine with some fabric softener added.

Using Lemon and Citric Acid to Remove Coffee Stains

You can remove coffee stains with lemon only on light and white fabrics.

  1. Pour 1 glass of water into an enamel container, add a packet of citric acid, stir and put on fire until it boils and the acid crystals are completely dissolved. The area of ​​clothing around the coffee stain should be moistened with cold water. Wet the dirty area with citric acid solution, cover both sides with cling film and leave for 15 minutes. Next, wash this area by hand.
  2. Moisten the stain with cold water and squeeze the juice of 2 lemons evenly onto the dirty area. Leave for half an hour, then wash the product by hand or machine wash.

Despite the fact that coffee stains on clothes are considered a difficult case, they can still be removed with improvised means without leaving a trace. The main thing is not to leave coffee-stained clothes for later. The sooner the cleaning procedure begins from the moment of contamination, the faster and easier it is to get rid of coffee stains.

Coffee stains are not that uncommon. Surely almost everyone who regularly drinks coffee has spilled it on tablecloths, sofas, carpets or their own clothes. Coffee stains are considered to be difficult to remove, but it is quite possible to get rid of them.

How to Remove Coffee Stains

Firstly, you shouldn’t put the matter off for a long time - coffee stains need to be removed as soon as possible, especially on linen, cotton and other fabrics that absorb liquid well. One option for removing a stain is to soap it, lightly wash it, and then put the item in boiling water and boil until the stain disappears. This method is only suitable for plain items - in boiling water the fabric may begin to “fade”.

On wool or silk fabric, coffee stains are removed in a different way.. First, the stain must be cleaned with a cloth moistened with a soapy solution to which a little ammonia has been added (3-5 tsp per 1 liter of water). After such “cleaning”, the entire item must be washed in the usual way. If the stain is old, then you can try the following method: mix 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. water and a few drops of ammonia, after which you need to wipe the stain with this composition until it disappears. Then the item is washed with hot water.

When removing coffee stains, keep in mind that they contain protein, dye, tannins and fat. It is this composition that makes stains “difficult to remove,” but if you put in enough effort, you will definitely be able to return your favorite item to cleanliness. So, in general, it is recommended to clean the stain with a brush dipped in warm water, then wash the entire item first in a warm soapy solution with? tsp soda ash per 1 liter of water, and then rinse twice in warm water and once in cold water slightly acidified with vinegar.

In addition, there is a known method for removing coffee stains using glycerin.- apply it to the stain, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Finally, you can try using oxalic acid - half a teaspoon per glass of water. It helps very well to get rid of coffee stains on light-colored fabrics. You can also use a hyposulfite solution (2 tsp per glass of water). After the fabric has been cleaned with any of these compounds, it must be washed in soapy water, adding 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 liter. soap solution.