How to set the temperature in a multicooker. Modes, programs in multicookers

Surely almost every self-respecting housewife already has in her kitchen a device such as a multicooker, which greatly facilitates the process of preparing dishes. Thanks to modern technologies and their achievements, the presented devices are equipped with many different functions. And one of them will be discussed in this article.

How many degrees is the baking mode for multicookers of different brands?

What is the temperature in the multicooker in baking mode? The mode guarantees the device a temperature from 116 degrees to 125. Of course, the scale will vary depending on the model of the unit. The minimum possible indicator for the device can be one hundred degrees. In this case, the food will cook in approximately 50 – 60 minutes.

Using this mode, you can prepare a lot of variations of products, ranging from pizza, cakes to pies, biscuits, muffins and charlottes.

As for individual brands of seller-manufacturers, these are:

  1. REDMOND. The parameter considered in the model ranges from 118′ to 122′.
  2. POLARIS. Operates at 122′. Calculated for 50 minutes.
  3. VITESS. Used at the hundred degree level.
  4. LUMME. Heats up to 170′.

Can the temperature be adjusted?

Unfortunately, regulation of this aspect of the device in question is not provided by the manufacturers. Only if you press the “cancel” button to complete the unit operation process. This is explained by the fact that the program is set by the mode itself, which cannot be changed in any way during the cooking process.

Therefore, the following situation arises: the owner of the multicooker is not able to indicate the desired level of heat flow. Naturally, you can change the time yourself. The default setting is usually one hour for cooking. However, with an interval of 5 minutes, you can change the time period from 30 minutes to four hours, which compensates for the inconvenience of adjusting the temperature.

What is the baking mode for?

This function is necessary for making many types of baked goods or casseroles. You can also bake meat products and even potatoes. In addition, it is possible to “tinker” with a product made from yeast dough, but this takes much more effort.

If you are planning to bake bread, it is worth remembering that you need to hold it on both one side and the other so that the product bakes evenly. Moreover, it is permissible to prepare frying for borscht and make juicy chops. And also fry the ingredients together, as a result of which they will be suitable for further stewing.

The next morning it is very convenient to prepare an omelet for breakfast, which will be done in a matter of minutes. You can also bake vegetables, so they will not lose the optimal amount of vitamins and are great for lunch or dinner.

The usual indicator in a multicooker is quite consistent with the standard indicator of the stove, equal to 180 degrees. However, it happens that the housewife is used to working with the oven. In this case, for complete readiness in such an apparatus, the time should be set several times longer than it would be in the oven, since the temperature is not so high.

If you use a multicooker for a non-standard purpose, then you have the opportunity to experiment: replace the “baking” mode with the built-in “frying” program, and you will end up with a wonderful dish.

ATTENTION! Since the above mode has the possibility of a sharp change in temperature parameters, cooking can be carried out either too quickly or too slowly.

In any case, when purchasing a device, instructions and a book are included, where you will find many recipes for various dishes that can be prepared in the purchased model.

From the description of model 0517:


Default cooking time is 5 minutes. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 12 hours in 5 minute increments.

The temperature is adjustable from 40 C to 160 C in steps of 10 C.

Temperature 93 C


The default cooking time is 2 hours. The time is adjustable from 1 hour to 8 hours in 30 minute increments.

Temperature 93 C


Cooking time 50 minutes.

Temperature 118 C - 122 C


The temperature is adjustable from 100 C to 160 C in steps of 10 C.


The default cooking time is 30 minutes. The time is adjustable from 10 minutes to 1 hour in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 145 C


The default cooking time is 1 hour 30 minutes. The time is adjustable from 1 hour to 2 hours in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 145 C


The default cooking time is 8 minutes. Time is adjustable from 8 min. up to 20 minutes in 1 minute increments.

Temperature 118 to 120 C.


The default cooking time is 8 hours. The time is adjustable from 6 hours to 12 hours in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 38 to 42 C.


The default cooking time is 5 minutes. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 118 to 120 C.


The default cooking time is 1 hour. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 100 C.


The default cooking time is 5 minutes. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 1 minute increments.

Temperature 115 to 120 C.


The default cooking time is 1 hour. The time is adjustable from 1 hour to 4 hours in 10 minute increments.

Temperature 93 C.

Milk porridge:

The default cooking time is 10 minutes. The time is adjustable from 10 to 30 minutes in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 95 C.


Temperature 100 C.


The default cooking time is 25 minutes.

Temperature 100 C.


The default cooking time is 25 minutes. The time is adjustable from 20 to 50 minutes in 5 minute increments.

Temperature 100 to 160 C.

Delayed start 24 hours. - not in all modes.

Cooking temperatures in mode "Multicook"

On the Internet there is plate from another MV- the temperature for some modes is given there.

Steaming: 115 - 120 degrees

Frying: 100 - 160 degrees

Paste: 118 - 120 degrees

Groats: 110 degrees

Pilaf: 120 - 125 degrees

Milk porridge: 90 degrees

Extinguishing: 90 degrees

Soup: 90 degrees

Bakery 118 - 122 degrees

A multicooker is considered as a device, ready to serve any kind of food like a self-assembled tablecloth. Therefore, housewives are very upset when milk porridge begins to crawl out of all the cracks of the device. The search for the ideal recipe and regime begins. One of the questions that torments housewives is what is the temperature in the multicooker?

Basic modes

Let us immediately make a reservation that it is not possible to adjust the temperature for all dishes. Device models are equipped with a certain number of modes. Let's list what programs can be found in the multicooker:

1. Baking. The maximum temperature in this mode reaches 120 degrees. Cooking speed is from 50 to 60 minutes. Temperature adjustment is not provided. The “baking” program allows you to make pizza and bake pies with various fillings.

2. Frying. This mode is quite powerful and gives temperatures up to 160 degrees. The minimum value is 100 g. It can be adjusted within the proposed range. To prevent the dish from burning, increase the temperature gradually. You can cook with the lid open or closed. You can make great fried potatoes with this program.

3. Steaming. The temperature is not higher than 120 degrees. The mode allows you to independently set the cooking period. It can be from 5 min. up to 1 hour.

4. Cereals. Usually in 25–30 minutes. you can get a delicious crumbly porridge. The mode is programmed for a temperature of 110 degrees. Time, as a rule, is not regulated in this mode.

5. Pasta. This program is not available on all multicooker models. It allows you to quickly and efficiently produce a variety of sauces and gravies. On average, the process takes about 10–20 minutes.

6. Extinguishing. The regime that is most difficult to adapt to. The device heats up no higher than 100 degrees. The preparation time is from 2 to 8 hours. Due to the long cooking period, many housewives replace this function with another.

7. Milk porridge. The result is a tender, normal thickness and aromatic porridge. It takes about 30 minutes. This period may not be enough if you cook corn grits. You will have to add milk and add time.

8. Yogurt. Prepared at a low temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. within the standard 8 hours. It turns off automatically when needed, then continues heating again.

9. Soup. The multicooker heats up to only 100 degrees. and suggests cooking liquid dishes for up to 8 hours. This mode is unpopular with housewives because the temperature is very low.

10. Pizza. A complex function that needs to be approached. Uncooked pizza does not work; the base usually burns.

Can the temperature be adjusted?

Yes, if your model is equipped with the Multicook function. It allows you to independently set the desired temperature and time. Thanks to this feature, you can cook any dish from the cookbook. The temperature range is from 40 to 160 degrees. The maximum time allotted for cooking is 12 hours, the minimum is 5 minutes.

If you want your multicooker to cope with any task, then when buying it, pay attention to the functions and number of programs. If there is no “Milk porridge” mode, then you are unlikely to be able to prepare a delicious breakfast for your child.

A slow cooker is a thing. If you haven't bought it yet, I recommend it. If you bought it, then under the cut there may be some useful information for you:

From the description of model 0517:
Default cooking time is 5 minutes. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 12 hours in 5 minute increments.
The temperature is adjustable from 40 C to 160 C in steps of 10 C.

Temperature 93 C
The default cooking time is 2 hours. The time is adjustable from 1 hour to 8 hours in 30 minute increments.
Temperature 93 C
Cooking time 50 minutes.
Temperature 118 C - 122 C

The temperature is adjustable from 100 C to 160 C in steps of 10 C.
The default cooking time is 30 minutes. The time is adjustable from 10 minutes to 1 hour in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 145 C
The default cooking time is 1 hour 30 minutes. The time is adjustable from 1 hour to 2 hours in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 145 C
The default cooking time is 8 minutes. Time is adjustable from 8 min. up to 20 minutes in 1 minute increments.
Temperature 118 to 120 C.
The default cooking time is 8 hours. The time is adjustable from 6 hours to 12 hours in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 38 to 42 C.
The default cooking time is 5 minutes. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 118 to 120 C.
The default cooking time is 1 hour. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 100 C.
The default cooking time is 5 minutes. The time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 1 minute increments.
Temperature 115 to 120 C.
The default cooking time is 1 hour. The time is adjustable from 1 hour to 4 hours in 10 minute increments.
Temperature 93 C.
Milk porridge:
The default cooking time is 10 minutes. The time is adjustable from 10 to 30 minutes in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 95 C.

Temperature 100 C.
The default cooking time is 25 minutes.
Temperature 100 C.
The default cooking time is 25 minutes. The time is adjustable from 20 to 50 minutes in 5 minute increments.
Temperature 100 to 160 C.

Delayed start 24 hours. – not in all modes.

Cooking temperatures in the "Multi-cook" mode
35°C Recommended for preparing dough and vinegar
40°C Recommended for making yoghurts
45°C Recommended for sourdough
50°C Recommended for fermentation
55°C Recommended for making fudge
60°C Recommended for making green tea or baby food
65°C Recommended for cooking meat in vacuum packaging
70°C Recommended for making punch
75°C Recommended for making white tea
80°C Recommended for making mulled wine
85°C Recommended for preparing cottage cheese or dishes that require a long cooking time
90°C Recommended for making red tea
95°C Recommended for pasteurization
100°C Recommended for making meringue or jam
105°C Recommended for preparing jellied meat
110°C Recommended for sterilization
115°C Recommended for making sugar syrup
120°C Recommended for making crackers
125°C Recommended for cooking stews
130°C Recommended for preparing casseroles
135°С Recommended for frying ready-made dishes to give them a crispy crust
140°С Recommended for smoking
145°C Recommended for baking vegetables or fish in foil
150C Recommended for baking meat in foil
155°C Recommended for making French fries

There is a sign on the Internet from another MV - it shows the temperature for some modes.
IN steamed arch: 115 - 120 degrees
Frying: 100 - 160 degrees
Paste: 118 - 120 degrees
Cereal: 110 degrees
Pilaf: 120 - 125 degrees
Milk porridge: 90 degrees
Braising: 90 degrees
Soup: 90 degrees
Baking 118 - 122 degrees

Experienced housewives know that in order for a dish to turn out delicious, it is necessary not only to select cooking temperature, but also time, because otherwise the dish will turn out overdried or raw. Temperature conditions and cooking time in a multicooker are installed automatically when choosing a specific program, which greatly simplifies the cooking process and guarantees an appetizing result. This is precisely the secret of the enormous popularity of multicookers.

The benefits and harms of temperature processing food in a slow cooker

Human development is continuously connected with fire: as soon as the caveman learned to get it, he conquered nature and changed his destiny. Food cooked over fire was absorbed by the body much easier and faster, which contributed to the restructuring of the entire digestive system and made it possible to direct the freed potential to the development of the brain.

Today there are a huge number of different methods for pre-processing products in a slow cooker:

  • Cooking;
  • Frying;
  • Baking;
  • Extinguishing;
  • Cold and hot smoking;
  • Steam cooking;
  • Vacuum cooking;
  • Languishment, etc.

In any case, food is exposed to a certain temperature for a certain time.

By heating food to 50-60C, harmful microbes and bacteria die in it, and toxic substances break down into safe components.

In addition, it is heat treatment that facilitates and accelerates the absorption of many useful substances and vitamins.

However, this heat treatment also has disadvantages:

  1. Vitamins and macroelements are destroyed and poorly absorbed by the body;
  2. Enzymes die (in other words, enzymes that accelerate chemical processes in the body);
  3. When frying, dietary fiber and plant fiber are destroyed;
  4. When heated, fats form harmful substances: carcinogens, trans fats, free radicals, etc.;

You need to understand that each type of heat treatment has its advantages and disadvantages: steamed food retains most of the nutrients and vitamins, and does not use oil during the cooking process, however, many people consider this cooking method to be more time-consuming and effort-consuming. People's taste preferences also play a role.

How does a multicooker cook?

The same dish is prepared in different ways. Both the temperature in the multicooker modes and the duration of the cooking itself may differ. However, the approximate temperature range at which a particular dish is prepared is always the same, as is the approximate cooking time.

In addition, knowing what temperatures are used in a multicooker in a particular cooking mode will help you use the “multicook” function correctly and independently set the appropriate temperature values ​​and cooking duration.

"Porridge" mode

This mode is used for preparing porridge from milk (or a combination of milk and water). The temperature is set in the range of 95-100C, and the cooking time can take from 20 to 60 minutes. At the same time, it is important to follow the recommended proportions of cereal and liquid, because each porridge is boiled differently and, due to inexperience, you can end up with either too boiled or too dry porridge.

“Extinguishing” mode

In the stewing mode, the products are initially gradually heated to a temperature above 100C, and then also gradually lowered, and continue to cook at a temperature of 90-95C. If you do not lower the temperature in time, the water will quickly boil away and the dish will fry instead of stewing. When you select the automatic program, the multicooker will independently monitor the readings of temperature sensors and lower the temperature in time. The extinguishing time can vary from 1-2 hours to 8-10 hours if necessary.

“Frying” mode

Temperature 150-155C is good for baking and frying. In this case, you need to consider the type of product you are going to fry: meat, vegetables or fish. Depending on this, you should set the frying time: for vegetables - an average of 10 minutes, for fish - 15 minutes, meat - 30-40 minutes. Thanks to the non-stick properties of the bowl, you can do without the use of oil.

Temperatures above 160C-170C are ideal for deep frying when the oil needs to boil.

Steam mode

One of the healthiest methods of cooking, which allows you to preserve all valuable vitamins and elements, and cooking without oil makes the prepared dish low-calorie, juicy and aromatic. Products are cooked at a temperature of 115-120C, and the cooking time depends on the type of product: vegetables and fish need 10-15 minutes, and meat will need 40-60 minutes. At the same time, it is better to avoid pieces of meat that are too large; they may not be completely steamed and remain raw inside.

Why do we need to know temperature conditions?

The choice of cooking method depends on many things: taste preferences, health, effort and cooking time. Having a multicooker at home minimizes the importance of the last two factors - the entire cooking process takes place autonomously, and your participation will only be needed at the stage of placing the prepared products into the bowl.

Cooking time doesn’t matter now, since while the porridge is simmering for 4 hours, you can easily go shopping or go on a visit, and the reliable protection system in the multicooker will prevent any troubles in your absence.