How to choose vitamins with iodine: tips for adults and children. Iodine is the most important element for the human body

It is necessary for the synthesis of the thyroid hormone - thyroxine, as well as for the creation of phagocytes - patrol cells in the blood, which must destroy debris and foreign bodies in the cells. Phagocytes are capable of capturing and digesting foreign bodies, in particular microorganisms and even defective cells.

Iodine deficiency

Lack of iodine causes serious metabolic disorders, contributes to the development of Graves' disease and decreased immunity. Not only people, but also animals need iodine.

Why do some areas have too little iodine? The fact is that iodine compounds are easily soluble in water, so in mountains or rocky areas located far from the seas, they are simply washed away by rain and streams of water. For example, in Japan, on islands surrounded by the ocean, there is relatively little iodine in the water, in the air, and in the soil, but the main food of local residents is seafood, from where residents get required amount Yoda. And in Taiwan, where seafood is traditionally not eaten, Graves' disease is common, and even iodization drinking water does not help reduce morbidity. In Poland, there was also once a great lack of iodine in Podkarpackie (15.5% of the population suffered from Graves' disease). Salt iodization helped reduce the number of patients to 2.9%. Children born to women with Graves' disease often have dwarfs or children with developmental delays and signs of cretinism.

Iodine deficiency, in addition to Graves' disease or mental retardation, can cause changes in chromosomes and contribute to the appearance of cancer. Graves' disease depends not only on a lack of iodine in the soil and vegetation, but also on a lack of cobalt.

The amount of iodine in plants depends on the content of this element in the soil and on the plant’s ability to concentrate it. But there are substances that cause Graves' disease. For example, cruciferous plants, as well as nitrates and nitrites, which can turn into nitrosamines. Aceto derivatives of nitrosamines cause enlargement of the thyroid gland.

We must remember that eating soy causes an enlargement of the thyroid gland (sometimes fivefold) and increases the need for iodine by 100%. This suggests that when used soy products should be included in the diet along with them sea ​​salt, ocean fish, onions and green onions.

Children and teenagers require more iodine than adults. Lack of iodine in the body causes serious metabolic disorders and contributes to the development of goiter. There are many compounds that have a similar effect, for example, some sulfonamide drugs.

The following should become a nutritional law: the less iodine in environment and food products, the more you need to care about introducing iodine-rich foods into your diet.

How much iodine does the body need?

It turns out that the body requires a negligible amount of this microelement - only 2-4 mcg per 1 kg of body weight (on average). For an adult man this will be 150-300 mcg per day, for a sick thyroid gland - 400 mcg. Young people going through puberty, pregnant and lactating women need especially a large number of iodine - more than 400 mcg. It should be remembered that part of the iodine is not excreted and is reused by the body.

Products containing iodine

In 1 kg of vegetables - 20 - 30 mcg of iodine, in 1 kg of grain - about 50 mcg, in 1 liter of milk - about 35 mcg, in 1 kg of cheeses, eggs, animal fats - 35 mcg, in 1 kg of fish - from 100 to 200 mcg iodine (maximum).

Boiled salt - “Extra” has lost iodine, unlike rock salt, which contains all the microelements necessary for life.

Water is still considered the richest source of iodine, although its content in water varies - either too much or too little. Baltic, Black Sea are rich in this element, and therefore people with thyroid disease benefit from staying on the Baltic and Black Sea beaches, while direct sunlight should be avoided so as not to provoke growth of the thyroid gland.

Iodine in the human body

Iodine is constant integral part plant and animal organisms. Iodine enters the human and animal body with food, water and air.

Foods rich in iodine include: eggs, fish, milk. Near the sea, we partially meet the daily requirement of iodine from the air. When absorbed, iodine affects metabolism - it enhances oxidative processes and the functions of the thyroid gland.

With a lack of iodine, the formation (synthesis) of the thyroid hormone - thyroxine is disrupted, leading to the development of goiter. With increased thyroid function, the introduction of small doses of iodine has a beneficial effect on the body. In medical practice, iodine is used internally in the form of its salts (potassium iodide, sodium iodide), Lugol's solution, alcohol solution, tincture, and also in the form of various preparations.

Iodine is used not only for thyroid disease, but also for atherosclerosis, in the treatment of syphilis (in the tertiary period), and for inflammatory processes respiratory tract, chronic poisoning with mercury and lead, for the prevention and treatment of goiter in places where goiter is widespread. To this end, to table salt, sold to the population in these places, add 1 - 2.5 g of potassium iodide per 100 kg of salt. Potassium iodide is also prescribed for mastopathy of the mammary gland and other neoplasms in the endocrine glands. Externally, iodine is used in the form of alcohol solutions or water infusion, as a disinfectant, absorbable and cauterizing agent for inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, minor skin wounds, as well as in surgical practice for disinfecting the surgeon’s hands and the surgical field. IN medicinal purposes For diseases of the thyroid gland, radioactive iodine is used. This method is based on the ability of the thyroid gland to accumulate iodine. With radioactive radiation, the activity of the gland decreases, which can lead to a therapeutic effect.

To prevent atherosclerosis, traditional healers advise lubricating the body with iodine during the autumn-winter period as follows: using a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol or aqueous solution of iodine, draw a bracelet on the wrist of one hand, and the next day - on the wrist of the other, then draw the same bracelet first on one leg, and then on the other, continuing treatment for 10 days, followed by a break of 10 days, then you can start over.

To prevent and treat atherosclerosis, drink Lugol's tincture 1 drop per 1 glass of water 2 times a week.

For stomach poisoning or dysentery, hepatitis, drink iodinol, which can be prepared at home: pour into 1 liter of boiling water potato starch(on the tip of a teaspoon), previously dissolved in cold water. Allow to boil once, remove from heat and cool. Drop 5 drops of iodine (alcohol solution). Take: per 100 g of preparation, adding 10 drops of iodine. Drink before bed and the same amount immediately after waking up.

At colds do iodine inhalations. Iodine is used for burns and infections. However, with prolonged use of iodine and its preparations, increased sensitivity to it may appear and poisoning phenomena may develop - iodism (runny nose, urticaria, facial swelling, salivation, lacrimation, acne, etc.); all these manifestations may disappear after temporary cessation of iodine and its preparations. Therefore, iodine preparations should not be prescribed without the advice of a doctor.

Every macro- and microelement is important for human health, especially if we're talking about about people actively involved in sports. Physical activity involves accelerated metabolism and rapid consumption of all compounds that nourish the body. However, no other element besides iodine managed to attract close attention. World Organization Health, whose research indicates iodine deficiency in a quarter of the world's population.

The microelement iodine is one of the essential microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is not synthesized in the body, therefore, all the required amount must enter the body from the outside. On admission optimal quantity iodine, prevents the development various diseases thyroid gland, including endemic goiter.

Iodine cannot be synthesized in the human body; it must come from the outside: with food, water, special medications and supplements. For an adult, the daily requirement for iodine is around 150 mcg; for athletes, it is advisable to increase the dosage to 200 mcg.

Among residents of “sea” countries, diseases associated with iodine deficiency are rarely recorded, because basic foods from the sea - fish, algae, and seafood - are saturated with it. Residents of the regions of the Far North and regions located in the center of the continents are at risk for iodine deficiency.

Iodine belongs to a chemical group of compounds called halogens. In addition to it, this group includes fluorine, bromine and chlorine. The latter, due to the rules of inorganic chemistry, are capable of displacing iodine from any compounds. Therefore, drinking chlorinated water, excess fluoride-containing products to strengthen tooth enamel, and taking bromine-containing drugs significantly reduce the amount of iodine in the body.

Experts note that special substances contained in colored, red cabbage, turnips, radishes, mustard, soybeans and rutabaga, block the absorption of iodine by the body. Therefore, they should not be eaten together with iodine-containing products.

Elements such as manganese, cobalt, selenium, copper accelerate the absorption of iodine, so you need to worry about their intake into the body along with iodine through food or nutritional supplements.

A lack of protein in the body inhibits the synthesis of thyroid hormones, so the diet must include a sufficient amount of sources of complete protein.

To get iodine into the body, it is advisable to saturate your diet with foods that are a priority for residents of coastal zones: algae, sea fish, seafood. A serving of brown seaweed (fucus or kelp) is enough to provide your daily dose of iodine. There is a lot of iodine in cod liver and fish oil. 100 g of seafood or sea fish contain up to 200 mcg of the element. In addition, apples and their seeds, feijoa, persimmons, potatoes, spinach, sorrel, cheeses and dairy products are rich in iodine.

Many people solve the problem of iodine deficiency by using iodized salt or special salt-free seasonings containing brown seaweed. Usually, a third of a teaspoon of such seasonings is enough to meet the daily iodine requirement. The choice of such seasonings today is huge; you can choose your preferred set of spices and herbs for cooking meat, fish, and vegetables.

Table of products containing iodine with the amount per 100 grams

Products (raw)

Iodine content, mcg per 100 g of product

Sea fish

Cod liver 350
Haddock 240
Salmon, flounder 200
Sea bass 145
Cod 130
Herring 90
Pink salmon, chum salmon 50


Shrimps 190
Oysters 60


Pork 17
Beef 12


Milk 15-20
Cheeses 11
Butter 10


Apples with seeds 70
Feijoa 70
Persimmon 30

Vegetables, greens:

Spinach 20
Beet 7
Potato 7
Carrot 5
Sorrel 3
Fish fat 700
Sea kale 150-200
Chicken yolk 12-25

Iodine evaporates when high temperatures Therefore, it is recommended not to fry foods, but to stew or boil them, and add seasonings to an already prepared dish immediately before use. However, even in these cases, no more than half of the iodine value indicated in the table remains in the products, however, this amount is absorbed almost completely.

Vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements containing iodine

One of the easiest ways to increase iodine intake is to use special dietary supplements. Thus, fucus and kelp in capsules are popular, containing approximately 50 mcg of iodine in one capsule. To prevent iodine deficiency, drugs such as Iodomarin, Antistrumin, Iodide, Potassium Iodide are often prescribed.

In vitamin-mineral complexes popular among athletes, the iodine content is as follows:

  • Iodomarin - Iodine preparation. Used for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases.
  • High Mineral Complex from the German manufacturer Weider contains 150 mcg of iodine.
  • The same amount of microelement is found in the Opti-men complexes from Optimum Nutrition and ActiveSport from the manufacturer MHP.
  • The Russian Arthromax complex satisfies daily requirement in iodine.
  • The dietary supplement CigaPan (Cigapan) is increasingly gaining popularity among athletes, because it contains most microelements, including iodine, especially necessary during active physical activity in the amount of their daily norm.
  • 200 mcg of iodine per OrangeTriad complex capsule.

The decision to use additional drugs containing iodine should be made in conjunction with a competent specialist, basing the choice on the athlete's diet and place of residence. You should also carefully select the dosage of the microelement. Be sure to pay attention to the presence and content of iodine in vitamin-mineral complexes, which are taken to increase the intake of other minerals or vitamins into the body. An excess of iodine leads to a sharp decrease in body weight, disruption of normal activity and vital functions of the body. Be attentive to your health!

What is iodine?

  • An ordinary bottle of brown liquid that can be found in almost every medicine cabinet?
  • A substance with healing properties that bears the beautiful ancient Greek name “violet”, given to it by the French chemist Bernard Courtois?
  • Or a chemical element with atomic number 53?

Each option deserves primacy in the characterization of a given substance, revealing its properties from one side or another.

Chemists describe iodine as black/gray crystals with a characteristic purple glow and a pungent odor. When heated, violet-colored vapors are released, which is how the element got its name.

INTERESTING! Opening chemical substance dates back to the 18th century, although the well-known medical iodine solution began to be used much later.

Element in Mendeleev's periodic table denoted as I (from Iodum), has atomic number 53, belongs to the active non-metals and the halogen group.

The chemical properties of the element are similar to Chlorine, only it is extracted from seaweed/petroleum sources, resulting in characteristic crystals with a metallic sheen/pungent odor.

Also, the substance turned out to be volatile even under conditions room temperature. With minimal heating, it may ignite and begin to evaporate. The vapors have a bright purple hue.

Being in nature

Iodine is quite dispersed in nature, due to which it is found in almost all bodies on the planet. But in pure form it is almost impossible to detect it. Small deposits are found in Chile and Japan, but in most cases the substance must be extracted from algae, saltpeter, and waters of petroleum origin.

Significant concentrations of the element are found in sea water, black soil, and peat. The main “reservoir” of halogen is considered to be the World Ocean, from which the halogen enters the atmosphere and continents. The territory remote from the ocean is rightly considered poor in this substance. The same goes for mountainous areas.

Chemical/physical properties

Iodine, as a chemical element, a halogen, an inactive metal, has several features:

  • is a strong oxidizing agent;
  • a number of acids are formed on its basis;
  • is distinguished by a special reaction of the compound with starch in the form of a blue color;
  • interacts with metals (resulting in the appearance of iodides);
  • due to heating it combines with hydrogen;
  • the vapors of the substance are toxic (under their influence, the mucous membrane is especially vulnerable, which suffers first).

Physical properties of halogen:

  • the element consists of only one isotope (iodine-127);
  • usually it is a crystalline substance of solid consistency, dark color, with a metallic sheen and a peculiar odor;
  • iodine vapor is bright purple in color and is formed even with a slight increase in temperature;
  • when cooled, the halogen vapor immediately crystallizes, bypassing the liquid form;
  • If you heat iodine with an additional source of pressure, you can obtain a liquid state of the trace element.

Iodine in the human body

The beneficial properties of iodine are of particular importance for everything human body, since the use of this substance in medical practice has long been justified.

According to many sources, the element is especially necessary for the thyroid gland, since it is an indispensable component of her hormonal background.

It is in this part of the body that the concentration chemical element makes up more than 65%, the remaining 35% is concentrated in muscle tissue, blood, and ovaries. In micrograms it is at least 50 per day for child's body, 120-150 – for an adult, 190-210 – for pregnant and lactating women.

Moreover, the influence of this substance on all life processes is truly invaluable:

  • iodine controls body heat regulation;
  • promotes metabolism, metabolism, water and electrolyte processes;
  • responsible for the proper development of muscle tissue and the musculoskeletal system.

IMPORTANT! Don’t forget about psychological/emotional health, the stability of which largely depends on the concentration of the microelement.
BUT! Organs and tissues cannot produce halogen on their own, so external sources of the element are so important for their full functioning: food, sea air, medications.

Signs of iodine deficiency

Is regular iodine really that important for human life? AND

As practice shows, everything should be evenly distributed. After all, the harm of iodine is not a fictional fact, since this
This refers to halogen poisoning, chronic or acute. In the first case, the body consistently receives a significant dose of the chemical, but this is not enough for a clear clinical picture. That's why the first signs may appear years later.

The acute form of poisoning manifests itself immediately, causing disruption of the cardiovascular/respiratory systems. The patient's life is in danger, and his health is in danger of disability.

However, not every excess of iodine can be called poisoning. Most often, pathology manifests itself as a complex of symptoms:

  • Yododerma or skin lesions
  • The patient (face, neck, arms, legs) develops a characteristic rash, somewhat reminiscent of acne. A distinctive factor is considered to be severe discomfort, burning, itching, as well as a peculiar fusion of several formations into one spot with a purple tint.
  • Conjunctivitis. The mucous membranes are particularly vulnerable to halogen, which manifests itself as inflammatory processes, lacrimation, blurred vision.
  • Respiratory diseases. Triggered by irritation of the respiratory mucosa.
  • Increased salivation. The salivary glands also suffer from increased concentrations of iodine in the body and become swollen/inflamed.
  • Additional symptoms
    It occurs less frequently, but still occurs: a metallic taste in the mouth, bad smell, discomfort of the throat mucosa, malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract/genitourinary system, decreased immunity, severe weakness, weak-willedness, toxic hepatitis. Graves' disease often indicates excess iodine.

The use of iodine in life

Considering healing properties microelement, its main role is to maintain the full functioning of the human body, as well as eliminate certain diseases:

  • Just a few drops of iodine in a glass of water (especially with soda or salt) will help quickly get rid of a sore throat or other purulent processes on the throat mucosa.
  • Iodine mesh is an excellent pain reliever, resolves blood clots, relieves inflammation and swelling. It is enough just to draw it with a cotton swab and a pharmaceutical solution of iodine, renewing it every few days. The exception is small children, whose delicate skin can be affected quite aggressively by the substance.
  • No less popular is Lugol's solution, which is used to lubricate the throat for sore throat/increased pain/angular stomatitis.
  • Using an iodine solution, it is easy to disinfect damaged skin.

INTERESTING! However, not only medicine appreciated beneficial features Yoda. Thanks to this substance, forensic scientists take fingerprints, industries continue to produce batteries, and additional light sources become available.

The benefits and harms of iodine for the human body

In order for iodine not to cross the forbidden line, posing a threat to human health, the level of its concentration in organs and tissues must correspond to the norm.

Iodine in the body forms the basis of thyroid hormones; the thyroid gland cannot do without iodine, because 65% of iodine is used by the thyroid gland to secrete hormones that are responsible for metabolism in the body and regulate the state of basic metabolism in the body. Iodine is necessary for the growth of cells of all tissues of the body. human. Hormones released from iodine regulate the activity of the human brain and nervous system, they make the brain work actively, they regulate the sex and mammary glands. Iodine is necessary to strengthen the immune system, to increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Iodine fights atherosclerosis, reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood. That's why Lack of iodine causes many diseases, hormonal disorders, which sometimes do not have an outwardly expressed character. A constant lack of iodine leads to disturbances in the menstrual cycle, iodine deficiency leads to the development of goiter, a person suffers from increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, memory loss, irritability, depressed mood, deterioration of attention and decreased intelligence, forgetfulness, attacks of melancholy.

With iodine deficiency, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, in which treatment with drugs does not give the desired effect, bone growth slows down, the skin becomes dry, hair falls out, and the person is constantly haunted by chilliness. With iodine deficiency, atherosclerosis remains persistent when treated with diet and medications; when treating arrhythmia with medications, there is no noticeable and lasting effect, pressure increases due to swelling of the vascular walls, swelling around the eyes and general swelling are formed, in which the systematic use of diuretics aggravates the condition of the body. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriages and delayed physical and mental development in born children.

Main sources of iodine.

We get most of the iodine from food, approximately 90%, the remaining 10% from air and water.

Daily iodine requirement is:

1. for infants in the first year of life - 50 mcg

2. for children aged 1 to 7 years - 90 mcg

3. for children from 7 to 12 years old - 120 mcg

4. for children aged 12 years and older and for adults - 150 mcg

5. for pregnant and lactating women - 200 mcg

Regardless of the methods of replenishing iodine, it is optimally absorbed if the diet contains sufficient protein, iron, zinc, copper, vitamins A and E. The main source of iodine is seaweed and other seafood: fish, fish oil, mussels, lobsters, shrimp, freshwater fresh fish. Vegetables - beets, lettuce, spinach, beans, onions, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, garlic. Fruits, berries, persimmon nuts, apples, grapes, cherries, plums, apricots, strawberries. Dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, milk. Cereals - millet, buckwheat.

IN food products the microelement iodine is contained in the following quantities (in mcg per 100 grams of raw product):

1. Buckwheat -3.5

2. Milk, potatoes - 5.8

3.Beets, carrots - 6.8

4. Liver, - 9.0

5. Oil - 9.0

6. Millet, wheat flour, wheat rolls, cabbage - 9.5 - 9.7

7. Peas -10.5

8. Meat - 11.5

9. Cod -60.0

10..Salted herring - 77.0

11. Pollock - 150.0

12. Hake - 160.0

Methods for eliminating iodine deficiency

The main way to solve this problem is iodization of salt; iodine preparations are also common, made from kelp, the drug Iodine-ACTIVE, recommended as an additional source of iodine - it is recommended for people who participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chkrnobyl nuclear power plant. Iodine Active is recommended for adults and children over 14 years of age - 1-2 tablets once a day with meals. ATTENTION! It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol solutions of iodine internally.

Note to housewives

At culinary processing food to preserve iodine in cooked food it is necessary:

- pour in a minimum amount of water so that it only covers the food and close the lid tightly,

When the water boils, immediately reduce the heat - strong boiling leads to iodine loss,

It is better to salt a dish not during the cooking process, but immediately before eating it,

Iodized salt retains its properties for 3-4 months after production; it must be stored in a dry, closed place,

— it’s better to cook vegetables whole or coarsely chopped, put them directly into boiling water,

- milk loses 25% of iodine during prolonged boiling,

- prolonged boiling destroys up to 50% of iodine in meat and fish, up to 30% in vegetables and fruits.

How to determine whether your body has enough iodine?

1. Apply an iodine mesh to the inner part of the thigh; to do this, take a hygiene stick, moisten it with a 5% alcohol solution and draw vertical and horizontal stripes to make squares 1 cm by 1 cm. If the iodine mesh disappears after three hours - to the body iodine is simply necessary, 6-8 hours - the lack of iodine is not so noticeable, after a day - iodine in the body is normal. At the same time, iodine mesh is used as an anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as for pain due to osteochondrosis, neuralgia, and neurasthenia.

2. A callus or rough skin on the outer part of the thumb indicates a pathology of the thyroid gland and problems with iodine.

3. Need for purple color given by people experiencing iodine deficiency in the body.

The stunning aroma of sea air leaves a distinct taste on your lips... of a miracle? Even a few days on the coast can do a lot: vacationers feel an unprecedented surge of vigor and strength, a thirst for adventure and the spirit of free sailors awakens in them. It's simple: the miracle actually tastes like iodine. A person who breathes healing air normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. True, she’s not the only one. Our review today is just about iodine. This means that we will talk exclusively about him.

Functions of iodine

What are the functions of iodine, why is our body unable to do without it? Why do some people love seafood, but others are disgusted by it?

Man is crafted in a cunning way: his body is most often able to sense what is needed. this moment he needs more. Can't live without fish? Do you love the salty, specific taste of seaweed? This means that at this stage you simply need iodine-containing products. Thanks to them:

  1. Thyroid hormones are produced and the thyroid gland functions;
  2. All metabolic processes in the body proceed correctly;
  3. Iodine is also responsible for human growth and the normal course of intrauterine development of the fetus (which is why pregnant women need a larger dose than ordinary people).

And the lack of this microelement causes a sharp deterioration in memory and intellectual abilities. If a child does not receive enough iodine, this can even lead to the development of cretinism. Adults (mostly older people who lack iodine, who do not monitor their own diet and have thyroid problems) become unreasonably irritable, as they say, “fall into insanity.”

Information about what daily norm Yoda. Naturally, “adult” from “children’s” differs significantly:

  • Children under 10 years of age should receive no more than 100 mcg per day. this microelement;
  • The “adult” norm is 200 mcg;
  • For pregnant women, doctors recommend increasing it to 250 mcg.

Did you know?

Excess iodine in the body is extremely dangerous (see below for more details). However, those wishing to sell in large quantities iodine-containing preparations convince us of its absolute harmlessness. And in confirmation they cite data on the Japanese: they say that their daily intake is 2000 mcg, but in reality they consume one and a half times more in food, and at the same time they are the healthiest nation.

Alas, the point here is not so much in iodine, but in the fact that it is the Japanese who are the most scrupulous about their own health, regularly conducting all kinds of examinations, even such an unpleasant gastroscopy (which of us will voluntarily be dragged to it without urgent need?). Take, for example, intestinal cancer: in the early stages, it is completely curable. Statistics say: among the Japanese it occurs just as often, but it is “picked up” by doctors faster. Accordingly, there is practically no mortality from it...

But let's return to iodine: no matter how much you eat foods containing it, you will not have an overdose. If only because the body itself will feel that it has had enough, an unpleasant sensation of mild nausea will arise. Moreover, if we are talking about iodized salt: this microelement is outdoors extremely unstable and disintegrates almost instantly. This means that all that remains is the characteristic smell that we feel when we open the pack. Therefore, the Japanese, alas, are not quoted as an example - they do not eat pills, but... what exactly? The next subsection, which lists foods rich in iodine, will talk about this.

Having learned about its indispensability, it is worth finding out which products contain iodine. After all, you won’t be full of the well-known iodine-containing seaweed!

Yes, this is not necessary: ​​although kelp is a storehouse of benefits, it is not the only one rich in valuable microelements. Iodine is also found in sea ​​fish, crabs, mussels and other seafood. By the way, they also contain a lot of (beauty vitamin). Among “ours” it is worth highlighting regular beans, walnuts, nucleoli apricot kernels And apple seeds. And also green vegetables (especially watercress) - at least a little, but they are there too. When stewing vegetables, use sea salt, purchased at the pharmacy - in this regard, it is healthier than simple iodized salt. And, if possible, have a fish day once a week! In the unforgettable times of the USSR, such a day was Thursday. The nutritionists who recommended it knew what they were doing—at that time, people with thyroid problems were rare. And they (let's be honest!) were much smarter than the current younger generation.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body

What can a lack of iodine lead to? What are the symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body? Let's find out if it's time for us to come to our senses!

Slow mental development (if we are talking about children), memory problems, enlarged thyroid gland, tendency to swelling, unhealthy pallor of flaky skin, permanent weakness and desire to sleep, emotional breakdowns... Symptoms of iodine deficiency at the initial stage can be confused with classic vitamin deficiency: “This feeling that I don’t want anything at all!” Do you feel any of the above? Are your household members annoying, and even your beloved cat no longer evokes affection? It's time to donate blood for hormones, thereby checking the condition of the thyroid gland. And, of course, adjust your diet, because if not caught in time, iodine deficiency can even lead to cancer!

A nuance: a lack of B vitamins (especially) causes a similar effect. This is why tests are so important to make an accurate diagnosis.

Excess iodine in the body: scary or not?

What can excess iodine in the body lead to? Is it worth paying attention to it? Let's find out what the experts say about this!

And they say that the so-called. “elemental” iodine is extremely toxic, and even in not very large doses can lead to death. Its excess in the body can be observed not only with uncontrolled use of drugs, but also with hyperthyroidism. Graves' disease may develop (although this is not necessary); impact on nervous system similar to the symptoms that occur with iodine deficiency. Weakness and sweating, sudden weight loss, fever, joint pain, hoarse voice - excess iodine in the body with problems with the thyroid gland manifests itself like cancer. And it can lead to these diseases.

To summarize: The microelement we need so much must be supplied to the body in strictly dosed quantities.. A step to the left is a step to the right. Therefore, it is best to receive it in the form natural products without getting involved with questionable dietary supplements. How to cook deliciously seaweed at home, the video will tell you, because it contains maximum amount useful iodine: