How to deliciously pickle lard for smoking. Homemade lard smoking in a hot smoker

Greetings, our dear readers. Just recently I tried to smoke lard myself. I usually kept it simpler; a friend has a good smokehouse down the street. I marinate it myself and bring it to him.

However, I wanted to do everything myself, and at home, why not. Initially, I thought that there would be a lot of smoke in the apartment, and generally not comfortable. But it turned out to be simpler than I thought.

In the end, you can buy a fairly good device in the store, not a big one, and smoke lard or something else at home.

But we will start in order. You also need to choose lard, always fresh, marinate it and only then prepare smoked lard at home. In this article we will analyze several smoking methods: hot and cold, in a factory smokehouse or without it.

There are a lot of recipes, everyone cooks according to their own taste and preference. But they are all similar, so that the basis is the same. And if you haven’t smoked yourself before, then this article will be useful to you. Go.

Benefit or harm from smoked lard?

Now for many readers there will be a little unpleasant news, not in favor of smoked lard. The fact is that if raw, pickled lard is useful in many respects, then smoked lard is definitely harmful to the body.

The thing is that at temperature many useful substances are lost and harmful ones accumulate. Apart from the pleasant taste, there is nothing useful left. The only exception is cold smoking. And yet, harmful substances still accumulate.

In addition, such a product is difficult for the body to digest. Lard is already hard to digest, and smoked lard is even harder. But this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t eat it at all?

Of course not, otherwise we will have to give up smoked sausage, and all types of fried meat products. In any case, if you have a strong stomach and there are no contraindications, then smoked lard can be consumed at home in small quantities.

Again, do not overuse it, and try not to use chemical liquid, the harm will be even greater.

Choosing lard for smoking.

The easiest way to choose the thickness of the lard is three fingers, and at least 4 cm. It is best if there is a meat layer in the lard. But everyone has different tastes, so it’s possible without a layer.

We take lard either from the sternum or from the belly. In this case, the pieces should not be large. If the piece is large, it will be a bit dry.

As for the color, it can be different, it depends on the processing method. The product itself must be extremely fresh. High-quality lard has a snow-white hue. If it is yellowish, it means the pork is old. A slippery surface and white mold indicate that the product is damaged. You should not save money and buy a product of dubious quality.

Proper salting of lard before smoking.

To get the aromatic taste of the dish, lard must be properly prepared. First it is marinated and then smoked. There are two methods of salting before smoking: dry and in a marinade.

When salting lard for smoking at home, you need to know some features. Experienced chefs advise not to skimp on salt. It is believed that pork lard absorbs only the required amount of spices, but it can be easily under-salted.

Whatever recipe you choose, you should add peppercorns. It will provide a pleasant aroma and will not spoil the product. Other spices should be kneaded with your hands or a spoon before use to ensure a rich flavor as a result of smoking.

But there are a lot of recipes themselves, but we will take the classic options.

Dry salting of lard.

  • The dry salting method does not involve the use of liquid, but only salt and spices. Cut the lard into small pieces, so it will cook in 2-3 days. While a piece of 2 kilograms will need more than two weeks.
  • Rub the bacon parts well with garlic, then with a mixture of salt and spices. Place pressure on top and place in a cool place. Before smoking, wash off the salt from the lard and dry with paper towels.

dry pickling

Advice. Before dry salting, lard must be soaked in water for about 3 hours. This will make the structure of the product soft, which will allow it to absorb spices faster. Be sure to dry the pieces before salting.

Usually after 3 days the lard is salted, I simply check: I cut off a little and taste it.

You can adjust the amount of spices yourself to your taste; if you like it spicier, you can add red pepper.

Salting lard in a marinade.

The method of salting bacon in a marinade will require, perhaps, less time, and the aroma of the product will be more intense. To prepare the brine you will need the following products:

  • cold water – 1 l;
  • coarse salt – 150 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • a mixture of spices and herbs - to taste.

Salting process:

  • Boil water in a separate container, then add salt. When it dissolves, add chopped garlic with spices. Boil for a couple of minutes, remove from heat. Cool the marinade to room temperature and top it with chopped lard. Place it under pressure and leave it in a cool place for 3 days.

Advice. Before adding the brine, pierce each piece of lard with a knife in several places. This will marinate the meat more evenly.

Selection of smoking material.

A recognized classic is sawdust from deciduous trees, namely pear, apple, plum, and cherry. Alder chips are also good for lard. Pine, spruce and birch are not recommended. Conifers will give a bitter taste and an unappetizing appearance, while birch will “reward” with a tarry taste.

Coniferous species were not always treated this way. In Tsarist Russia, it was these sawdusts that were used for smoking, as well as cones. This is how we learned to avoid the disadvantages of pine smoke: food was wrapped in several layers of gauze. In France, smoking with pine sawdust is considered a special delicacy.

Techniques for flavor diversity and piquancy of smoked lard:

  • A branch of juniper with berries, branches of grapes - an exquisite aroma for lard.
  • Any aromatic herb or dry plant (laurel, nettle, mint, sage leaves) will “color” the lard with its characteristic taste.
  • Birch without bark, in small quantities, will give a beautiful color.
  • Aspen, beech, and oak do not give off flavors, but they give good color.

Chips for smoking, and this is the form in which wood is used for cooking, must be small, then the smoldering process is better, which means the lard gets the right smoke. Suitable:

  • Woodchips. These are small “cubes” of wood. It’s not difficult to make them: chop the log into logs, then chop them into squares measuring 2x2 cm, but no larger.
  • Shavings and large sawdust. You can use waste from the wood processing industry, but you need to know what kind of wood was cut.
  • Small branches fruit tree species. Cut fresh branches from the garden using pruning shears or a handsaw.

Any smoking material is sold in stores, but the lard will be aromatic if you use freshly cut tree branches or pre-prepared logs.

oh and beautiful smoked lard

Recommendations that the material should be well dried are not entirely correct. Dry sawdust will ignite instantly and will not produce smoke at all. This does not depend on the type of wood. You can achieve the required humidity by sprinkling water on the fire as soon as it starts to burn. Small fresh branches or pre-soaked wood chips will help support smoke formation. Very damp, wet material is also bad - it produces a lot of soot, which settles on the walls of the smokehouse and lard.

Advice! The natural color of lard is white, but what it will become after smoking directly depends on the color of the wood. Beech and alder give dark yellow, other deciduous trees give light yellow. The golden color is obtained after treatment with smoke from red wood.

Hot smoking option.

The hot method of smoking lard involves cooking the product at high temperatures and in less time. But it will require a special device in which it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of at least 60 degrees.

Now you can safely buy a small home smokehouse in the store. Or do it yourself, in principle, nothing complicated. Subscribe to our blog, write in the comments and we will soon prepare an article on how to make a smokehouse yourself.

  • Prepare your device. Place sawdust and leaves in it. Then install a wire rack and place the marinated pieces of lard on it. Try to arrange the bacon at a distance so that the smoke can envelop each piece.
  • Place the smoker on the fire and leave for an hour. Determine the readiness of the lard by its appearance: if it has acquired a golden color, it is ready.

Advice. Do not open the lid of the smoking unit during cooking. This will disrupt the temperature regime, which can lead to leakage of fat and loss of juiciness.

We smoke lard cold.

Cold smoking allows you to prepare a product with a delicate texture and rich woody aroma. This is achieved due to low temperature (15 degrees). This method will require more time, and sometimes several days.

This method is no less harmful, a lot of carcinogens accumulate in lard, but the taste is better, I like it better.

Depending on the smokehouse model, place the lard on a grate or hang it on hooks. Smoke is fed into the device through a hose in small portions.

Smoking options without a special device.

It is not always possible to purchase and use a factory-made smokehouse. You can achieve a smoky flavor in lard by using small tricks that will allow you to cook the dish in your apartment.

At the same time, do not forget about safety precautions, protect children from the place where you are smoking and constantly monitor the process. In any case, the result will be wonderful.

How to smoke lard on the stove.

Many housewives use a large cauldron with a lid and a gas stove to smoke bacon at home. You can try on an electric stove, but then you will have to pay a lot for electricity.

Another alternative could be a stove or boiler for heating the house when it is heated. It is advisable to have mugs on top that should be opened and the cauldron placed on them.

  • Place foil on the bottom of the container. Place a couple of handfuls of sawdust on top of it. Place the salted lard on a wire rack and place it in a cauldron.
  • Cover with a lid, then set to low heat. This will allow the dishes to heat up evenly and promote the formation of smoke from the sawdust.
  • Depending on the size of the lard pieces, the smoking time will depend. Usually it does not last more than 40 minutes.

This is how we smoked

We smoke lard in the oven.

Instead of a smokehouse, you can use an oven. It adjusts the temperature, and you choose the smoking option: hot or cold.

  • Place parchment or foil on a deep baking sheet. Pour sawdust into it, place it inside the cabinet and heat it to 90 degrees.
  • Place the bacon on a wire rack in the oven. Close it and leave the product to cook for about 30 minutes.

Advice. To form a beautiful crust, 10 minutes before cooking, increase the oven temperature to 120 degrees.

There is one minus. The oven always smells like smoked meat. At first I thought it was cool, but then it somehow became boring. They barely cleaned the oven.

You can also experiment with different types of wood, make mixtures, then your lard will not only be tasty, but also exclusive.

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Smoked lard at home - a review of the best recipes. updated: October 17, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Smoked lard is a delicious product that only inveterate vegetarians can refuse. Fragrant, smoky-smelling pieces just melt in your mouth! Making this delicacy yourself at home is not that difficult. To do this, just select a suitable piece of lard and salt it correctly.

How to select and prepare for pickling

Thick pieces of lard, at least 4 cm thick, are best suited for smoking. The most delicious smoked meats are made from lard with layers of meat, taken from the lower part of the belly or sternum. The layers of meat should not be too thick, otherwise the smoked meat will turn out dry and fibrous. The optimal ratio of meat and lard is 1:3.

When choosing a piece suitable for smoking, you should pay attention to the skin. It is desirable that it be soft, then the workpiece will be salted more evenly. The skin should be free of bristles and any dirt. Its color may vary depending on how the carcass was processed.

Before marinating, lard must be thoroughly washed and cut into strips about 5 cm wide. Thicker pieces should not be made, as they will salt unevenly and smoke for a long time. You need to salt lard in a non-oxidizing container - glass, ceramic or enamel. It is strictly not recommended to use aluminum or cast iron non-enamelled containers.

What spices will you need?

All recipes for preparing lard for smoking use a basic set of spices. These include:

  • Salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black pepper;
  • garlic.

The salt must be coarse-crystalline. Untreated stone is best. Pepper can be used either as peas or ground. In the second case, the taste of lard will be sharper. Depending on the recipe, bay leaves are placed whole or chopped into the lard marinade for smoking. Garlic gives the preparation a pleasant pungency and appetizing aroma. Before adding it to the brine, it is crushed manually or using a special device.

The basic spice recipe can be modified by adding additional ingredients. A few tablespoons of soy sauce added to the marinade will give the finished smoked product a light oriental flavor. Original flavor combinations can be obtained by marinating lard with the addition of dried aromatic herbs - thyme, thyme or basil.

Salting methods

The simplest salting of lard for smoking is dry salting. Prepared chopped pieces should be washed and dried with a napkin or paper towel. Then the lard is rubbed with a mixture of spices and placed in a suitable container. Depending on the size of the pieces and the amount of lard, salting can last from 3 to 7 days. You need to put in quite a lot of salt - the lard itself will absorb as much as it needs. Remaining salt and spices are removed before smoking begins.

Those who like fairly salty smoked meats can salt the lard in tuzluk - a concentrated salt solution. To prepare it, add salt to hot water until it stops dissolving. The brine must be cooled before use. Pieces of lard, spices (peppercorns, garlic cloves cut in half, bay leaf) are placed in a suitable container and filled with brine. The salting process takes place at room temperature for 5-7 days. Before processing in the smokehouse, the workpieces must be thoroughly rinsed to remove brine.

Among the recipes on how to marinate lard for smoking, you can find many options for marinades. To prepare them, add the required amount of salt to the water, bring to a boil, and then add spices. The lard is placed in a suitable container and filled with chilled marinade. In order to salt the workpiece well, it will take about 5 days. After removing the lard from the marinade, it is recommended to wash it and dry it for 3-4 days, hanging it in a cool, ventilated place.

The taste of the finished product depends not only on the salting method and recipe, but also on what kind of wood was used in the smokehouse. For smoking, hardwoods such as oak, alder, maple, and beech are used. To give the lard a pleasant pine flavor, you can add juniper chips to the firewood. Gourmets really appreciate smoked meats cooked on fruit wood from apple, plum or pear. You should not use pine and spruce for smoking. When exposed to temperature, the resin of these trees forms substances that give the finished lard a bitter taste.

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Smoked lard is easy and fun to make at home. Essentially, it is just pork fat, which is processed in two stages: salted and smoked. You can make both processes yourself with minimal ingredients and equipment. All this takes a little more than a week: 7 days of salting and 2 hours of smoking. The effort involved is minimal. You only need 20 minutes to make the brine and put the lard in it, a few minutes every day to check its readiness in the refrigerator, and then about half an hour of work.

The main limitation is how much lard you can put in your grill, smoker or oven.

How to do it?

There are several recipes for salting lard for smoking. For the most common one you will need:

  • coarse salt;
  • sugar;
  • pink salt or sodium nitrite (optional);
  • raw lard.

The most important step is to purchase high-quality lard. Of course, you can find it on sale everywhere in stores, but you only need a fresh product. Do not buy frozen lard under any circumstances. Try to find farm products. Only in this case will you be able to fully follow the recipe for salting lard before smoking.

Once you make a purchase, you can proceed directly to processing the product. Salting means coating it with a mixture of salt and sugar. This is necessary in order to preserve the product and avoid spoilage. During the salting process, a liquid is released that covers the lard and protects it. At the same time, it is advisable to use sodium nitrite to prevent the growth of bacteria during pickling.

Component proportions

The basic recipe for salting lard for hot smoking is as follows:

  • 225 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of pink salt (sodium nitrite);
  • 450 grams of coarse salt;
  • 425 grams of dextrose;
  • 75 grams of pink salt (sodium nitrite).

It is advisable to use the dextrose version as it should be less sweet than regular sugar. Pink salt is a regular salt with 6.25% sodium nitrite. Do not confuse it with sodium nitrate, which is another preservative.

Preparing the brine

Mix dry ingredients in a sealable container. Cut the lard into pieces of equal size and thickness. Pour a little dry salt mixture into a glass container or jar, then put pieces of lard rubbed with the same mixture. At this point you can add some flavoring if you like. You can try putting the following:

  • maple syrup (30 ml);
  • a lot of black pepper;
  • garlic;
  • caraway.

Add additional ingredients to your taste, mix everything well. Add another layer of salt mixture on top. Cover the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 7 days. Stir and turn the contents of the container every day so that the secreted juices are absorbed evenly. By the end of the seven-day aging period, the lard will be completely covered with liquid brine. As you can see, this recipe for salting lard for smoking is very simple.

How to smoke such lard?

You can smoke the salted product using a grill, preferably on charcoal. If you have a special smokehouse, this greatly simplifies the process. In any case, all you need to do is cook the lard at a temperature of about 90-95 degrees for about 2 hours with indirect heat. You can also do this in the oven.

So, the recipe for salting lard before hot smoking has been completed and the product is prepared. Drain the brine, and rinse and dry the lard pieces. Place it on the grill or in the oven. Try to place it so that it is not directly over the fire. Process for about 2 hours until the internal temperature reaches approximately 66 degrees. Cool the finished product, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and freeze. You can store smoked lard in the refrigerator, but only for a few weeks.

Another recipe for salting lard for smoking

The above method of salting lard is one of the most common, but far from the only one. There are other options for preparing the product. For example, the following recipe for salting lard for cold smoking. Here the procedure is the same - pork fat should be treated with brine, cooled in it for a week, and then further preparation should begin. If you decide to purchase a large piece of lard, you can divide it into several servings to try brining it with different sets of seasonings.

Most likely there will be skin on one side of the raw product. You can leave it or delete it. Below are three recipes for salting lard for smoking. You can use any of them or divide the lard into parts and try each.

First option:

  • 1 kg lard;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 4 tablespoons frozen apple juice concentrate;
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper.

Second option:

  • 1 kg lard;
  • 2 tablespoons pickling salt;
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper;
  • 1/4 cup fresh rosemary leaves, chopped;
  • 1 teaspoon thyme (preferably fresh);
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

Third option:

  • 1 kg lard;
  • 2 tablespoons pickling salt;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 50 ml Scotch whiskey.

How to salt lard before cold smoking?

Roll a piece of lard into the seasoning mixture of your choice, place it in a jar and place the remaining spices on top. Shake well and refrigerate. Leave for seven days, stirring the contents of the jar twice a day. Once this time has passed, you can begin further processing of the product. The recipe for salting lard in brine for smoking is now complete. Now you need to wash off the excess spices. Remove the lard from the jar, rinse under running water and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Then dry it with towels and start smoking.

Pink lard

You can also prepare smoked lard, which has a pleasant pink color. It can be processed either by cold or hot smoking. As in other cases, it should initially be salted. The secret of this recipe lies in the composition of the brine. All you need is:

  • 1.5 kg pork fat without skin and bones;
  • 3 tablespoons coarse salt;
  • 1/3 cup white sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons hot red pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons paprika;
  • 1 teaspoon pink salt (sodium nitrite);
  • cherries, crushed or cut in half.

How to make pink lard?

In a small bowl, combine pepper, sugar, paprika, salt and sodium nitrite. Place lard on a sheet of foil and wipe with paper towels. Take half of the prepared seasoning mixture, sprinkle it over the entire piece and rub thoroughly on all sides. Place the lard in a container, sprinkle the remaining spices on top, close the lid and refrigerate for a week.

Every day you should turn it over to the other side and water it on all sides with the resulting liquid brine. After 7 days, remove the lard and rinse under running water. Dry with paper towels and place back in the refrigerator, uncovered, overnight. This is necessary in order to get rid of excess liquid. After this, you can begin the smoking process.

Store the finished lard in an airtight plastic bag or container in the refrigerator for up to a week, cutting and cooking as needed (if you don't eat it right away). You can also freeze the product for a long time by wrapping it in foil.

Lard, as a food product, has harmoniously entered our lives and taken a place of honor in it. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse a fragrant piece of smoked lard. And salted lard can be prepared at home. But still, smoked lard is tastier and more aromatic. Pork ribs and loin are suitable for preparing this appetizer.

Properly smoked lard turns out very soft and tender. There are 2 types of smoking - hot and cold method. But before choosing any of them, you need to salt the pieces.

How to salt lard for hot smoking

First you need to make a brine at the rate of 170 g of salt per liter of water. Bring water to a boil and dissolve salt in it. While the water is boiling, cut the lard into 10x25 cm pieces. When the brine boils, dip the lard into it. It should be completely covered with water. Cook for 3 minutes. Next, take out the lard, dry it with a napkin and place it in an enamel pan in layers, each layered with chopped garlic.

When the brine has cooled, pour the lard over it. Cover the pan with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 7 days. When the lard is salted, take it out and hang it in a ventilated place for 20 hours so that it dries a little and wilts. Next, use lard for hot smoking.

How to salt lard for cold smoking

Prepare pieces of lard approximately 2.5 cm thick. Prepare the mixture for salting. To do this, mix salt with chopped garlic and any spices. This can be peppercorns, ground pepper, hot pepper, paprika, chopped bay leaf, etc.

Pour the salting mixture into the bottom of the enamel pan. Lightly moisten it with cool water and thoroughly rub the pieces of lard with it. Place the lard in the pan, skin side down. Sprinkle each soy with dry salting mixture. When the lard is laid, cover it with a centimeter layer of the curing mixture. Next, cover the container with lard with cardboard or paper. Place a lid on top that is smaller in diameter than the pan. And press down the lard with something heavy. After 14 days, remove the lard and clean it of salt. If necessary, rinse in running water, then wipe and dry in a cool, ventilated place. After this, the lard can be cold smoked.

How to quickly salt lard for smoking

The recipe for salting lard for smoking is very simple. Prepare the brine. To do this, take 0.3 kg of salt per liter of water. Bring the brine to a boil and add lard into it. The brine should completely cover the lard. Cook the lard for an hour, and then put it under pressure for 24 hours. After this it is ready for smoking.

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Lard is a universal product that can be used both as a snack and as a main dish. There are several varieties of this product, but many people love smoked lard. By the way, hot smoked lard can be easily prepared at home.

Preparing lard for hot smoking: selection and salting method

Most often, pieces with a meat layer and a fairly thick layer of fat are selected for smoking lard. It is advisable to take pieces from the piglet's belly area, since the fat there is softer. When cooking, it is not the smoking process itself that is of great importance, but the correct method of salting the lard.

How to salt lard for smoking?

There are two ways to salt lard:

  • in marinade;
  • dry method without water.

The dry method without water is quite lengthy, and for good salting it will take at least two weeks for the lard to absorb enough salt and spices. Most often, they prefer to salt lard in the marinade, since it evenly absorbs all the necessary juices and is salted much better. The lard must be cut into strips 10-15 cm long and about 5-6 cm wide - due to this size it is convenient to put it in a pan.

Prepare a delicious marinade

It is important to note that how the brine for smoking lard is prepared determines its taste and structure. To prepare the marinade you will need a plastic container and an iron pan.


  • egg;
  • coarse table salt;
  • dry garlic;
  • fresh garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry mustard.


  1. The amount of salt is of great importance for the correct marinade, since over-salting can lead to toughness of the meat layer and will not allow all the flavors of the seasonings to be absorbed. To determine the required amount of salt, you will need a chicken egg, which should be placed in warm water. You need to add salt until the egg floats to the surface and its top the size of a ruble coin is visible.
  2. After adding salt, pour the remaining ingredients into the pan one by one.
  3. For five liters of marinade, add ½ tbsp. l. dry garlic and 6-7 cloves fresh. Fresh garlic does not need to be chopped; it can be packed whole.
  4. Add black pepper to the resulting mixture, 5 pcs. bay leaf, finely chopped or mashed, and ½ tsp. mustard. Some people add sugar to the lard marinade, but it all depends on the cooking method and taste preferences.
  5. Pour the resulting marinade into the lard, which was previously placed in a plastic container. It must be remembered that the brine must completely cover all the lard for more thorough absorption of the spices.
  6. To prevent the lard from floating to the surface, it must be pressed down with pressure. The brine for smoking lard must be heated enough so that the salt and spices completely release their microelements to the water.
  7. Lard covered in marinade should be stored in a cool place for 5-6 days.

Cold smoking process

Cold smoking lard requires more time and effort. It may take at least a day to prepare 4 kg of lard. The process of cold smoking lard should begin at 15 degrees, gradually increasing the temperature to 20 degrees. At the last stage of cooking, the temperature inside the smoking cabinet should be at least 25 degrees.

The duration of cold smoking of lard has its advantages:

  • the pieces do not burn;
  • the lard is smoked evenly on all sides;
  • the lard turns out more juicy, since the fat is not rendered, but simmers;
  • The layer of meat is not tough, but melts in your mouth.

The only disadvantage of cold smoking is the high probability of lard spoilage. When cold smoking, lard must be eaten within 2-3 days, since long-term storage is impossible due to poor heat treatment.

Oven recipe

Some housewives do not bother creating a smokehouse and cook lard in a regular home oven. To make smoked lard at home in the oven, you will need a baking sleeve.


  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • mustard;
  • garlic;
  • pepper;
  • salo.


  1. Lard, salt, pepper, garlic, and mustard to taste are placed in the baking sleeve.
  2. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Then the mixture is sent to the oven, heated to 130 degrees.
  4. The simmering time is 45-50 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.

Some housewives add liquid smoke to lard to give it flavor and color.

Experienced lard smokers advise remembering a number of requirements:

  • It is better to use for smoking only chips from fruit trees, but in no case from coniferous trees;
  • Do not raise the temperature in the smokehouse above normal;
  • Lard should always be salted before smoking;
  • It is better to eat lard chilled.