How to behave in a cafe with a man. Instructions for guys on the first date: how to behave with a girl and where to go

- Meeting

Important point
Do not focus on the lateness of a young man. If this happened, then he should apologize and briefly explain the reason for being late, she should apologize and no longer raise this topic.

Of course, the young man must be at the meeting point before the girl. This is not only to avoid making her wait alone,
but also to find a free table. Of course, the problem with finding a table nowadays
occurs rarely, however, believe me, joint
finding a free space will definitely become one
from the worst moments of the evening.

Exception. If the girl made an appointment
not on the premises.

- In the restaurant

If the restaurant has a wardrobe,
then the young man must help the girl take off her outer clothing before he undresses himself. At the same time, the young man leaves both numbers
at home. In addition, he, and not the cloakroom attendant, gives the coat to the girl at the exit from the establishment. It is advisable to leave bags, packages in the wardrobe
and portfolios.

The girl must enter the restaurant first, but inside the restaurant the young man must step forward to select a table (if he has not already done so).

Exception. If visitors are met at the establishment by a waiter or metro hotel,
then the man should allow him to choose a table and, at the same time, let the girl go ahead.

From my observations, etiquette is often forgotten. And the age of the guest does not matter.

Now, in winter, the most relevant violation of the rules of etiquette is the unwillingness to leave outerwear.
in wardrobe. Every day there are visitors who come into the room in fur coats or jackets.

If, again, we talk about clothes, then you can see men who first dress themselves, and then ... involuntarily wait for the woman to dress herself and open the door. To myself and to him. By the way, this also applies to restaurants with a high check, which speaks about the general picture of restaurant etiquette in general.

But, as can be seen from practice, the score in most cases
However, the man pays. In one of our establishments, the check is placed in the middle of the table. Guess why.

- At the table

Important point
It is believed that where
there is a toilet in the establishment, everyone should ask on their own.

How to choose a good table?

A good table is located against the wall. You need to sit down so that the girl, if possible, is located facing the entrance to the hall.

Who should read the menu?

If there is only one menu on the table, then the young man should offer it to the girl. The girl, in turn, can invite the companion to read out its contents.

How to greet friends?

You can greet both men and women without getting up. But if a friend or stranger passing by turned to you with some question, then the person sitting at the table must stand up to speak with him on an equal footing.

How to introduce your friends?

If your acquaintance lingered at the table to say a few phrases, then it is not necessary to introduce him to your companion. If the conversation dragged on, then you can invite a friend to your table. Obviously, a person needs to be introduced.
At the same time, he should stand, the men sitting at the table should rise to say hello, but the girls rise only if the acquaintance also occurs with the girl.

One of the categories of regular visitors to the restaurants "Bakhchai" and "Long Tail" - couples. Some try very hard to express their feelings and do not pay attention to other visitors. Even for children.

Parents are often so busy eating
or chatting with friends that they forget about the children who, with their activity, do not allow the neighbors in the hall to enjoy the atmosphere calmly.

And some visitors do not control their speech,
while others completely forget that animals, at least
in public places, it is not supposed to eat from the same plate
with the owner.

Can I smoke?

It is best to smoke at the exit from the establishment. It is acceptable to smoke while your order is being prepared in the kitchen, or after dinner. However, smoking during dinner is disrespectful
both to the companion and to the chef of the establishment.

- Calculation

Important point
You cannot demand a bill while your companion is having dinner. This is how you show your disrespect for him. The exception is when the companion is in a hurry or asked you to do so.

If a young man pays for two, then with a bill
he understands on his own, but the girl does not enter
in negotiations with the waiter and does not comment on the actions of the companion.

Exception. A girl can pay for herself when she was not invited to dinner, but, for example, she met a friend already at the institution. In this case, she just needs to remind the waiter about the dishes she ordered.
and ask for a separate account. However, the young man
must pay the cost of wine or alcohol.

It is important to remember that in most cases it is the young man who should offer to leave the restaurant or continue the evening somewhere else. Especially if it was he who initiated this meeting, or he himself ordered a table. Such an offer from a girl is an exceptional case. However, this usually indicates
that the evening in the institution turned out to be somewhat protracted.

B - how to have dinner so that later you would not be ashamed.

Olga Merz

Head, etiquette teacher of the "School of Good Manners"

Table reservation

After you have decided on a place, you need to book a table. The reserve must be in the name of one person, but specifying the number of persons. This is where your knowledge of the features of this institution will come in handy. If these are high-profile author's restaurants, think about which table you are interested in, because the general mood and comfort will depend on this.

Entrance to the restaurant: who is the first?

The question of who enters the restaurant first is very important, but for many it is incomprehensible. If this is a man and a woman, then it is worth considering what relationship they are in.

According to French etiquette, the man must be the first to enter. It is believed that he should carefully look around, understand how well everything is, and only then a lady enters the institution. There is a historical explanation for this: in the 18th century, a woman was the first to enter a number of French restaurants only if she was a representative of one of the oldest professions - the doorman immediately understood who their client was.

In Russia, it is customary to let the lady go ahead, opening the door for her. How to act in such a situation, everyone decides for himself. In my opinion, it would be more correct if the man opens the door so that he can see the situation inside, and then gives the woman the opportunity to come forward, and not leave her waiting outside the door, which can be misinterpreted.

If the restaurant has a porter or porter, then the following rule applies here: the man lets the lady go first. If we are talking about a meeting of friends, then the one who is more respectable in terms of age should be skipped.

How to behave in the wardrobe

Outerwear must be left in the cloakroom. An exception for a woman may be a light fur coat or boa: these are the things you can take with you to the restaurant hall in cold weather.

If business partners come to the meeting, then everyone undresses himself. A woman with the help of a porter, and a man on his own. A restaurant employee working in the cloakroom can help a man undress - this is absolutely normal.

When a couple in love or a married couple comes to the restaurant, the doorman helps the woman to undress, or the man takes care of the lady himself, and then passes the clothes to the wardrobe employee. Gallantry and courtesy should come from a man. This is natural and natural.

In different countries, opinions about outerwear are very different. For example, in Europe, things are not always handed over to the wardrobe. If a person is wearing a light windbreaker or raincoat, he can take them with him and hang them on the back of a chair. This is a mental feature that is typical for northern Europe, Germany, Holland, since they do not treat restaurants with such solemnity as in Russia.

Heavy bags and men's briefcases should be checked into the cloakroom. The only exceptions are valuables that are better to take with you. A woman is allowed to take a women's handbag or clutch into the hall. The umbrella should be left folded in the cloakroom, but if you would like to dry it, please ask the lobby staff member.

Entrance to the hall and seating

The superiority here belongs to the man who follows the master or the waiter: he goes forward to assess the situation. If these are business partners or friends, then the roles are distributed in this way: the first is the one who owns the initiative.

If a lady needs to put herself in order, fix her makeup and hair, this should be done in the toilet room. The man at this time is waiting for a companion, after which they are escorted to the table. Preening at the table is bad manners, so a lady should take care of her appearance in advance.

Approaching the table, the man seats the woman, then sits down himself. If a waiter takes care of the guests, then the man does not sit down until his companion sits down.

At a meeting of business partners, a woman should be the first to sit down. Some ladies, for example, American women, who are emancipated, may refuse help and sit down themselves - there is nothing shameful in this. However, Russia is more characterized by a desire to be respectful towards women and elderly gentlemen.

If you have a family meeting where people of different generations are present, make sure that people of advanced age are seated first, as well as children, if they are with you, and only then sit down yourself.

A special moment - visiting a restaurant with children: this should be discussed in advance when ordering a table. Find out if there are children's furniture and dishes for the child. Many people strive for privacy, so establishments have VIP zones or separate closed rooms. It is very convenient for holding confidential negotiations, family celebrations.

For five days, we talked about polite people, the terrible habits of the townspeople and the rules of conduct in different places. In this article, we come up with a list of recommendations on how to behave in cafes and restaurants.

1. DO NOT PHOTOGRAPH THE DISH from all possible angles, if it needs to be eaten hot. First, you'll upset the chef by not tasting the food in perfect condition. Secondly, sometimes an almost empty plate with artistic stains from the sauce looks no worse than a freshly cooked dish.

2. WELCOME LOUDLY an acquaintance who appeared at the door of an institution is indecent.

3. Try to listen to your interlocutors,
instead of staring at the phone.

4. Don't stare intently people at other tables.

5. Don't throw it in the ashtray paper napkins and other bulky items, as it is intended for ashes, cigarette butts and small debris.

6. TRY TO POSITION AT THE TABLE so that neither you nor your bags interfere with other visitors.

7. PUSH THE CHAIRS AFTER YOU LEAVING THE CAFE. It will be easier for other visitors to make their way through the narrow passages. In addition, it is possible that after you a gallant couple will sit at this table, and the man will first want to push, and then move the chair to his companion.

8. Do not criticize the chef and bartender and don't tell them how to cook unless you're the chef or bartender yourself. It makes even less sense to throw a tantrum at the waiter about bad food. If you are really sure that the dish is poorly cooked, calmly ask the waiter to take it to the kitchen and show it to the chef. The chef will be grateful to you, because this is one of the ways to track the work of his wards.

9. While on the toilet, don't peek
in the mirror one more, last, 37th time. Be mindful of others: it's not easy for them to stand
in line for an extra minute.

10. Entering a cafe or restaurant, Don't run to the first table you see. Wait until you are escorted to it by the head waiter or the waiter on duty at the entrance.

11. Toothpick is not fun but a necessity. When using it, it is better to cover your mouth with your free hand. And do not break the toothpick after use, scattering chips around you.

12. Take from plates with common dishes preferably with a device specially designed for this, and not with your own spoon or fork.

13. Don't follow the table perform cosmetic and hygiene procedures.

14. If you visit a cafe alone, you should not bury yourself in a laptop and laugh out loud from time to time.

15. Don't sit down at the tables of other visitors without an invitation.

16. Don't call the waiter if you haven't made your choice yet.

17. Don't scold waiters for slow service. They are probably just overworked.

18. Do not ask the waiter smart questions:“Do you dilute your beer?”, “What is your most delicious?”, “Are you sure there are no other free tables?” and so on.

19. Don't go unnoticed rearrange the “Reserved” sign from the table you like to another.

20. If you want to get rid of chewing gum, first wrap it in a napkin, and only then throw it away.

22. Try to talk Don't be too loud and don't swear.

illustrations: Masha Shishova

It is very important for you to decide where to go on a first date with a girl. There must be a clear understanding of where to hold it.

Choose the place where YOU like first of all

You must know the very locations and places where you will have a great time with her. YOU SHOULD BE GREAT FIRST, and your condition will be transferred to the girl. Because everything you feel, she feels.

And she can't refuse

Having a clear idea of ​​where to go on a first date and what will you do there you will have self-confidence.

Even when you call her and call her, for example, to bungee jump, she will feel your passion and emotion in what you say. Because you love it.

Your urge to go on a date with you will be transferred to the girl. Both of you will have zeal and a pleasant anticipation before the meeting.

Good places to meet

deserted beach

I like to spend a date with a girl on a deserted beach Volga. There are almost no people there and there is a small beach. I take something with me in advance to lie on.

We hug and lie there with the girl, look at the waves, at the birds, at the ships. We look at each other, do massage, communicate. In warm weather, you can sunbathe together.

Amusement park

My other favorite date place is the summer park.
. It fills me with childhood memories. There are big attractions there, after which both of you will have a high emotional uplift.

I'm not saying rollercoaster ride. Attractions will give emotions and drive, help you get closer will create a story between you.

I walked in this park as a child, I always liked it and therefore it is all the more special for me. If I like this park, the girl will like it there a priori.

Cart ride in the supermarket

Great place to go on a date - is to ride carts in the supermarket. When I'm with a girl, I plant her.

We can choose products, or we can just enjoy the trip.

The hypermarket route is always spontaneous and funny. It gives you a childish pleasant feeling of fun.

In one supermarket they already know me well. I got a couple of light warnings, but that doesn't stop me 🙂

Go shopping together

I had a date with a girl who lives near my house. We went on our first date with her. buy cookies in the supermarket. This is also a good opportunity to meet.

When you change locations and move with a girl, you create a certain history of relationships, a special connection is created. Therefore, it is very important not to sit and stick in one place.


Will stupid to go to a cafe, sit opposite each other and eat something b. Nobody hugs anyone, just talking and eating. Always sit next to me.

Practice your favorite sport together

There were girls who called me to skydive. They know that I am adventurous and love to challenge fear.

You can invite a girl to do your favorite sport. For example, go for a run together in the evening.

Someone likes rope jumping, ice skating, swimming or just sitting in a cafe and drink tea together. To each his own.

The place where you like and where you are comfortable is the best place for a date.

Touch her from the start

More touch girl from the start your meeting. This is what you need to do on the first date from the very beginning.

If you cuddle with her initially, then she gets used to it and it will be normal for her. She will think: Yes, this guy is okay to cuddle and touch. There is nothing like this". Act natural, be yourself. This is the very behavior of a man that you need.

How to behave on a first date with a girl:

If you made the mistake of not touching or hugging the girl from the very beginning, then later it will be somehow strange and embarrassing for both of you. There will be resistance from her side! Therefore, make it easier for yourself to approach the girl - touch and hug her from the very beginning. Touch her because you feel like it, not because she likes it.

If you do everything as I described in the article, then there will be no more questions about how to behave on a first date with a girl.

Top 5 super rules for dating a beautiful girl.

Forget the perfect date

Know that the first date with a girl will never be smooth and perfect. There will always be some element of chance.

There will always be things that are out of your control. You can't calculate everything in advance. That's why don't worry about perfection.

Drop expectations: everything will happen by itself

Let everything happen. The perfect date is one that comes naturally. No need to guess, expect. Spontaneity is your best friend.

Not knowing what to say is normal. Never try to have the perfect date. Let it turn out the way it does.

You experience failure when you want to try your luck. If you do not set such a goal, any negative reactions do not concern you.

When a date is too perfect and even, it's very boring and uninteresting.

Don't buy flowers

I have never in my life bought flowers for a first date with a girl!

If you give flowers on a first date You're ruining everything for yourself, because:

  • harder to touch;
  • she will act arrogant in relation to you;
  • it won't open you;
  • you yourself put her on a pedestal above yourself.

Understand that on the first date, you can just spend time with her and that's enough. No gifts or flowers needed.

Video with my approach

In the next video, I made an approach to a girl who was originally talking to someone on the phone.

I interrupted her communication and took her with me. Didn't wait for her to hang up.

The way a guy touches a girl, confidently or dominantly touching her is not very important. In my video, I advise you to pay attention to other subtle points.

By the way, many guys would wait for the girl to finish on the phone. But it's so uninteresting. See all the details of my acquaintance in this video.

If she says buy me this, buy me that

You say, “No, don't wait. I like you! I'm not going to pay for you. I like you, I want you, I can give you a lot of pleasure! But that doesn't mean I'm your sponsor! I'm being honest with you."

And that's it, she immediately understands: Oh what a man. Everything is clear now."

She will not demand gifts and other things.

You let her know who you are.

And that's it. This is a great start to any relationship where everything is built on sincerity.

The beginning of a relationship without lies, where a woman does not try to suck money out of a man and a man is not trying to buy a woman.

I'm not prepared to change my behavior to keep this 22 year old hottie attracted to me!

What you can talk about with a girl on a first date - a detailed article.

How to properly hug a girl.

For the first kiss, suck without words + video of a guy passionately kissing a girl.

The right way to date

Advanced guys never say they're going on a "date with a girl."

The word "date" greatly limits your perception of meeting her.: as if there will be something official like a candlelight dinner, rose petals, fireworks and other heresy. All this will bind and hinder you. Why limit yourself?

Tell yourself: I'm not going on a date, but "to see a girl", "spend time with a girl", "enjoy communication with a girl". You go to meet and "find out if you're right for each other or not".

Exactly this type of thinking will allow you to be yourself and be liberated. You will not feel the great responsibility and importance of the meeting.

You are already self-sufficient and there is no reason not to.

Men have trouble understanding what is, who they are now is enough.

There is no reason to be insecure.

You are - that's enough.

All this knowledge will give you an understanding of how to have the best first date with a girl and get the result.

Call a girl and put everything you learned from the article into practice.

You can also get other secrets of seducing women and dating them by signing up for individual training with me.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Nowadays, many people regard the rules of etiquette as something outdated and optional. But the essence of correct behavior lies not in the stiff observance of hundreds of small rules and formalities, but, above all, in a respectful, benevolent attitude towards another person, whoever he may be. As the French moralist Jean de La Bruyère said, "The essence of courtesy consists in the desire to speak and behave in such a way that our neighbors will be pleased with us and with themselves."

  • Seating of guests. If there is no seating plan, guests wait standing until the host of the event indicates their seats. The following seating is considered traditional: the host of the event (the hero of the occasion) sits at the head of the table, the seats next to him are intended for the most honored and older guests, and young people and children sit at the other end of the table.
  • Ladies sit at the table first, the men do not sit down until the ladies have taken their seats. Men help ladies to sit down, move chairs.
  • It is believed that latecomers are expected no more than 20 minutes, then proceed to the meal. If you yourself are late - apologize and quickly join the general conversation (without getting hung up on the topic of how and why you were late).
  • If some dishes and drinks do not suit you due to diet or contraindications, you do not need to publicly announce this so as not to offend the hosts of the event. Just don't eat them.
  • Surprisingly, but toothpicks belong in the bathroom, not on the table. Use a toothpick, instill drops, take pills, correct makeup, hair and costume details should be in the restroom.

How to use cutlery

  • If you accidentally drop the appliance, don't go under the table. Ask the waiter or event host to get you a new one.
  • The device you started using mustn't touch the table anymore. Put it on the edge of the plate, but not on the tablecloth.
  • Do not immediately cut the entire serving on a plate into small pieces. It is believed that this way the dish cools faster and loses its taste. It will be more correct to cut one piece at a time and immediately put it in your mouth.
  • How to properly hold appliances. The fork should be held with the prongs down, thus pricking pieces of food on it (and not scooping up like a spoon, except when the dish is soft, such as mashed potatoes). The index fingers are located along the handles of the fork and knife, the remaining fingers wrap around the ends of the handles. This is called the "hidden pen method". A less common American tradition suggests that the fork is held in the same way as a writing pen - between three fingers.
  • According to etiquette, there are two ways to use cutlery - classic European(continental) and American. According to the first, the knife and fork are held in hands throughout the meal. The knife is not put aside, even if it is not yet needed. The American way allows you to put the knife on the edge of the plate, then the fork is taken in the right hand and eat only with it.
  • If you are asked to hand over the device, hand it over handle forward, holding the middle.

Dating etiquette

  • According to etiquette the lady participates in the choice of dishes and chooses first. A common mistake is to tell a man: "Choose to your taste." It’s better to ask: “What would you advise to order?” The order to the waiter is voiced by a man.
  • A lady should not choose the cheapest dishes, since this can be perceived as a hint of the failure of a man. But you should not order the most expensive ones either: this can make the wrong impression.
  • When the waiter brings a bottle of wine, the male guest should not uncork it and pour the drink himself: this is the task of the waiter. But you can already pour a second glass without it. First, the man fills the lady's glass, then his own. The glass should be filled a little less than half.

    According to the rules of etiquette the gentleman pays first. A lady should not interfere, put money on a man or ask: “Well, how much is there?” If you really want to demonstrate your financial independence, it is better to ask the waiter in advance to split the bill or offer the man to pay a tip.

    If a man and a woman are just friends, it is possible to pay the bill in half. In this case, the man, having studied the check, calls the woman the amount of her order, and they agree on a tip. It's worth paying if you really liked the service. In some restaurants, tips are already included in the bill, then the check contains the phrase “Service included” or “Tips included”.

    Tips are left after the service is completed. First, you pay off the bill, the waiter brings you change, and only then do you leave a tip. Saying "no surrender" is not recommended, that sounds arrogant.

    Tipping is more than just money. It is also your smile and sincere gratitude to the waiter or bartender.

    Do not pour a handful of coins out of your wallet in the hand of the waiter, this is bad form, and besides, it interferes with the work of the employee.

    Many are concerned about the question how to deal with tips if you pay by credit card. In some establishments it is possible to include a tip in the total bill, but not in all. Another possibility is to transfer the tip to the waiter on his card using special mobile applications, such as Plazius or For Tea. But this also may not always work, and therefore it is best, of course, to take some cash with you to the restaurant in advance.

And what rules of etiquette do you consider necessary and useful?