How to cook shurpa over a fire. Shurpa on the bone: preparing a rich, smoky soup

Lovers of outdoor recreation will appreciate this recipe. Sometimes you get tired of traditional kebabs and chicken thighs; you want something tasty, liquid and with a smoky flavor. Shurpa can be an ideal nutritious dish for a country holiday.Below is a recipe for making shurpa over a fire.

First of all, we need a cauldron and a structure for attaching it over the fire. This dish works better for men, but girls who want to surprise and please their husband can easily cook shurpa over a fire. By the way, shurpa over a fire is a great way to recover from a hangover. Most often it is prepared on the second day after rest. So what do we need.

Let's put the cauldron aside for now. Let's make a fire and prepare food. We need lamb (about 1 kg, 5 small carrots, 3 onions, 1 bell pepper, barberry and cumin, a head of garlic, 5 potatoes and salt. This amount of food is enough for about ten servings.

Cooking shurpa

Place a cauldron of water over the fire, meanwhile chop the lamb and cut the onion into rings. Peel the garlic and carrots. Carrots can be cut lengthwise into two or four parts. While cooking vegetables and meat, do not forget to skim the foam that forms when the water boils. Peel the potatoes, do not cut them. Our shurpa will combine soup and side dish; vegetables for shurpa will be placed in the broth uncut.

Place lamb into boiling water. The broth should be cooked for about an hour, after which onions, carrots and potatoes are added to it. When all the vegetables are dipped into the broth, it should be salted. Let the shurpa simmer a little more.

The next stage of cooking shurpa over a fire is adding spices for a spicy aroma. Dip a whole head of garlic into the shurpa, add barberry and cumin. Let it cook a little more, throw the bell pepper cut in half or half rings into the water. Let the shurpa cook for another 5-7 minutes, after which it can be removed from the heat.

By the way, some gourmets also pour 50-100 grams of vodka into shurpa. Not recommended if you plan to treat children. However, you can wash down our aromatic soup with vodka. Enjoy!

When a trip to nature takes place more than once over the summer and the whole company is already tired of traditional barbecue or steak, it’s time to think about what new dishes to add to the menu and cook them over an open fire. An excellent option in this case would be boiled shurpa over a fire. Little children will like a liquid dish in a cauldron, and adults will like it as a godsend, especially if you have been on vacation for several days.

How to cook shurpa in a cauldron outdoors

According to the traditional recipe, shurpa is cooked over a fire from the vertebral part of lamb, and the meat must be fresh and always on the bone. But by adapting the recipe to the ingredients you have on hand, you can use meat from another animal, poultry, or even fish. Game shurpa is very tasty. Therefore, when going out into nature, you can even hunt a little, and then cook a family dinner from your catch.

Cooking time: 2 hours.

Number of servings: 8-10.


  • lamb on the bone - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • fat - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Bay leaf;
  • spices - black pepper, cumin, coriander, barberry;
  • water - 4 l.


  1. To prepare shurpa in natural conditions, equip yourself a workplace: stock up on the required amount of firewood, securely fasten the tripod for the cauldron and get ready to create a culinary masterpiece. First, melt the fat in a cauldron.
  2. The meat that goes into the cauldron next must be washed and cut into pieces no smaller than a matchbox. Dip the lamb into the melted fat and fry until an appetizing golden crust appears.
  3. While the meat is frying, there is time to wash and chop the onion and garlic. We turn the onions into large half rings, and the garlic cloves into small cubes using a knife.
  4. Add spices, onions and garlic to the meat. Fry for another 5 minutes until the meat turns golden brown. Now fill the meat with water and wait for it to start boiling. Be sure to skim off the foam and salt the broth. The meat will simmer in the cauldron for about an hour, during which time you need to maintain medium heat. It is important to light and maintain the fire at such a level that there is no strong boiling of liquid in the cauldron, but also to prevent the complete absence of boiling bubbles.
  5. Although some recipes do not involve cutting vegetables at all, because they are still served as a separate side dish, even potato tubers are specially chosen smaller and dipped into the broth whole; for aesthetics, we will chop them a little. Cut the potatoes into 4 parts, and carrots, tomatoes and eggplants into large cubes.
  6. After an hour, add potatoes, eggplants and carrots to the broth. 15 minutes of boiling shurpa will be enough. While the vegetables are cooking, chop the herbs and bell pepper.
  7. Add tomato and pepper slices. Taste the shurpa for salt, add more salt if necessary, and add a bay leaf. After 10 minutes, remove the shurpa from the fire and remove the bay leaf.
  8. Each person is served a portion of shurpa in two plates: the broth is poured into a deep bowl, sprinkled with herbs, and vegetables and meat are placed in a separate plate and eaten as a bite with the broth.
  9. A little about spices: instead of buying them separately, you can go to a special spice department and ask the seller to put together a “bouquet” for your shurpa. You will receive all the necessary spices in a bag in the required proportions.

Onion broth dressing

Shurpa cooked over a fire will have a completely different taste if served with pickled onion dressing. The marinade gives the shurpa a special taste, sourish-spicy, and breaks down the layer of fat, which quickly floats to the top of the broth.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Number of servings: 10.


  1. Finely chop the onion into half rings.
  2. Add salt, mix, pressing lightly. It will be more convenient to do this by hand.
  3. Add a little sugar, vinegar and add water.
  4. Pickled onions are added to the bowl with broth, sprinkled with herbs on top.
  5. The recipe for this marinade is standard, and you have already used it more than once for other dishes. Therefore, choose the proportions of sugar, salt and vinegar to your taste.

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Shurpa is a rich soup that came to us from the east, more precisely from Uzbekistan. It is traditionally cooked over a fire. Any picnic turns into a hospitable feast when an appetizing stew boils in a cauldron. And the special aroma that the smoke gives cannot be compared with the usual smell of soup. How to cook shurpa in a cauldron over a fire? Today we are revealing the secrets of Uzbek culinary specialists.

Lamb shurpa on fire

The classic version of the oriental first course is on the fire. All lovers of delicious food in nature will certainly appreciate this recipe. In order to feed your family a thin dish with a smoky aroma, you will need:

  • a kilogram of lamb on the bone with fat;
  • 4 onions;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 6 tomatoes;
  • 6 medium carrots;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • salt, spices (cumin, barberry, coriander);
  • greens (optional);
  • 5 l. water.

The process of preparing a delicious dish at home will captivate everyone. Shurpa is prepared on fire according to the following instructions:

  1. Let's start with the base of the stew. The broth needs to be cooked by pouring water over the meat. Initially, we take more water, since it will evaporate during the cooking process, and adding it during cooking is strictly forbidden.
  2. Cook the lamb, adding salt and skimming the foam from the broth, for an hour and a half over low heat. Simmer the coals to a minimum after it boils.
  3. Add the chopped onion to the meat in the cauldron and leave to cook for 5 minutes.
  4. During this time, chop the carrots coarsely and throw them into the soup. We don’t look into the cauldron for 10 minutes.
  5. Add your favorite spices and salt to taste. After 10 minutes, add the tomatoes cut into half rings.
  6. After another 5 minutes, add the potato cubes. The last one is the pepper. His turn is 5 minutes after the potatoes.
  7. 5-7 minutes after laying the pepper, the shurpa on the fire in the cauldron is ready.
  8. Sprinkle with aromatic herbs and serve hot.

Shurpa in a cauldron is prepared only by simmering. Cover the vessel with a lid and make sure that the coals do not flare up. In total, the cooking process will take 2 hours.

Beef shurpa on fire

For lovers of lighter dishes, there is a recipe for shurpa with the addition of beef. This recipe for fried stew is traditionally prepared by men. To pamper your beloved woman and demonstrate your culinary skills, you will need:

  • a couple of kilograms of beef;
  • 6 red onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1.5 kg. potatoes;
  • 1 kg. tomatoes;
  • a couple of bell peppers;
  • juicy apple;
  • head of garlic;
  • a couple of hot peppers;
  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices (optional);
  • favorite types of greens.

The soup is prepared in nature so beautifully with one’s own hands that the whole process turns into a special event:

  1. Cooking meat and carrots. Separate the beef from the bone and cut into neat pieces. Chop the carrots into cubes.
  2. Pour oil into a cast iron cauldron and throw in the onion, previously cut into large chunks. As soon as the onion pieces turn brown, remove them from the oil.
  3. Place the meat in its place. Fry, stirring.
  4. Cut 3 onions into cubes. We take out the fried meat, and instead throw onions into the cauldron. It should be fried, but not turn into coals.
  5. As soon as the onion is fried, add carrots to it, and after 3 minutes, chopped tomatoes (half a kilo).
  6. After frying the vegetables, pour the meat into them, pour in 6 liters of hot water and leave the shurpa base to cook.
  7. Let's prepare the remaining vegetables. Cut the remaining tomatoes and sweet peppers into slices, and the onion into half rings.
  8. Place the onions in the container, after 10 minutes the tomatoes + sweet peppers. Add whole pods of hot pepper and whole head of garlic.
  9. Next, throw in the chopped potatoes and apple, salt and add spices.
  10. Pour half of the greens, chopped, into a cauldron, and leave the other half for decoration.
  11. Cook for 10 minutes and the hearty, rich shurpa is ready at home.

Hot beef shurpa over a fire smells incredible, and it should be served to a large group of people hot with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Pork shurpa on fire

If there is a person who is prejudiced against lamb, then everyone loves pork, at least Christians. The secret of experienced chefs is that pork shurpa is prepared over a fire from fresh or smoked ribs. Cooking at home can be done as a group gathering. Shurpa is prepared in nature from the following products:

  • half a kilo of smoked ribs;
  • bulb;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • salt and spices (optional);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • any greens to taste.

The dish has the following preparation scheme:

  1. Cut the ribs into small pieces. Pour a little oil into the cauldron and fry the chopped onion. At the end we throw in the smoked meats.
  2. Add chopped carrots, sweet peppers and large pieces of potatoes to the frying. Shurpa over a fire in a cauldron requires large slices.
  3. We cut the tomatoes without skin and send them to the meat.
  4. As soon as everything is fried, pour in water so that it covers the vegetables.
  5. Salt and add spices. Shurpa is cooked in a cauldron over a fire for half an hour.
  6. When the dish is ready, add the chopped garlic and leave to brew for 10 minutes.
  7. Serve with herbs and toasted bread.

Cooking over an open fire is an ancient art in itself. Join this ritual by learning how to cook shurpa in a cauldron over a fire. Your guests will remember the fragrant gatherings repeatedly.

Video: Shurpa on the fire: cooking according to an Uzbek recipe

Many people know how to cook shashlik over a fire, but shurpa over a fire is more difficult. First, let's figure out what shurpa is and why is it so popular? Shurpa is a flavorful, rich broth in which vegetables and meat are cooked. It turns out especially tasty when cooked in a cauldron over a fire. Shurpa cooked over the fire turns out to be unusually aromatic and tender and differs from other soups in several special ways - increased fat content and a large amount of herbs and spices. Real shurpa is made from lamb, but you can prepare this wonderful dish from beef, pork, chicken and even fish. They also distinguish between fried shurpa and boiled shurpa. There are many recipes for shurpa over the fire, here are just a few of them:

Lamb shurpa on fire

Lamb shurpa is a classic dish cooked over a fire. It is often noted that shurpa is an oriental dish made from lamb with vegetables. When serving shurpa, the latter act as a side dish. Broth, vegetables and meat are always served separately, in different dishes.

Ingredients for cooking shurpa over a fire:

For a five-liter cauldron you need 1 kg of fresh lamb; 100 fat tail fat; 1 kg of onions; 4 medium carrots; 2 eggplants; 500 g fresh tomatoes; 1 kg of potatoes; 4 bell peppers; 5 liters of water; Bay leaf; greenery; salt; black peppercorns; spices - cumin, barberry, ground coriander. For the marinade: 500 g vinegar; 500 g of water; sugar and salt to taste.

How to cook lamb shurpa over a fire:

  1. Place fat tail fat in a cauldron and hang it over the fire to melt.
  2. During this time, wash the lamb thoroughly. For shurpa, you need to take the vertebral part of the ram. Cut the meat into medium pieces; if you put it in a large piece, the shurpa on the fire will be richer. Also, shurpa cooked over a fire will taste better if you use fresh meat! Fry the meat with spices over the fire until a crust forms. This will take 20 minutes. Remove the lamb pieces from the cauldron.
  3. Shurpa is cooked over a fire with vegetables. Cut all the carrots and only half the onion into small cubes and fry them in a cauldron with fat tail fat until softened. Return the browned lamb to the cauldron.
  4. Now add chopped tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers to the shurpa. Continue simmering the shurpa over the fire.
  5. At the same time, prepare the onion dressing. Shurpa on a fire will be more flavorful if you chop the remaining half of the onion into long, thin strips, salt it, and stir. Squeeze the onion firmly with your hands and pour in the marinade: mix water, sugar and vinegar. Pickled onions are an essential component of shurpa. It will give it a slight sourness and break down the layer of fat tail.
  6. Next, cooking shurpa over a fire will require patience from you. Pour water into the cauldron and simmer the shurpa for about two hours under the lid. At the first boil, skim off the foam. The fire at the fire should be small. At the end of cooking, add potatoes, cut fairly large, peppercorns and bay leaves. Cook the shurpa over the fire for another 20 minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked. Add salt to taste. Put spices in the shurpa - a pinch of cumin crushed in your palms, a few basil leaves, a little ground coriander.
  7. Shurpa over a fire is served as follows: the broth is poured into bowls, and the meat and vegetables are placed on separate plates. Be sure to serve pickled onions with this dish. It should be added directly to the bowl with the broth and sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Pork shurpa on fire

Many families have a secret recipe for pork shurpa, but they are united by one fact: to prepare pork shurpa over a fire, you should choose meat with a bone, the aroma of the soup will only benefit from this. By the way, shurpa on the fire is a dish that is eaten hot, but pork shurpa is so tasty that it is eaten immediately and does not have time to cool.

Ingredients for cooking pork shurpa over a fire:

According to the recipe for a three-liter cauldron of shurpa, you need to take 1 kg of fatty pork or pork ribs, medium-sized tomatoes - 5 pcs., bell peppers - 4 pcs., onions - 3 pcs., potatoes - 5 pcs., bay leaf, black pepper, salt, and also parsley, dill, cilantro.

Cooking pork shurpa over a fire:

  1. To prepare a delicious pork shurpa over a fire, you need to wash the meat well, cut it into large pieces and put it in a three-liter cauldron filled with water. Cook the shurpa soup over low heat, avoiding active boiling and regularly removing the foam with a slotted spoon. Cook the pork until tender over low heat for 40 - 50 minutes.
  2. When the meat begins to fall away from the bones, put whole tomatoes and three heads of onion cut into rings into the pork shurpa. The more onions in pork shurpa, the tastier it is.
  3. At the same time, put chopped bell pepper and potatoes into the shurpa. Coarsely chopped potatoes are another distinctive feature of shurpa. Add chopped potatoes to the broth, add salt and cook for 20 minutes. There should not be a lot of potatoes in the shurpa, but more than other vegetables.
  4. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add peppercorns, salt and bay leaf.
  5. Delicious pork shurpa over a fire is obtained if you cook it for at least three hours. Homemade shurpa is served garnished with chopped dill and parsley. Having cooked pork shurpa over a fire, you will forever become an admirer of it.

Hunting shurpa

The recipe for shurpa over a fire is very familiar to all hunters. How nice it is to prepare a pot of good rich hunting shurpa after a successful hunt. Shurpa on a campfire when hunting is never superfluous. Shurpa soup is usually prepared outdoors from wild game meat. Shurpa, by the way, never regulates what kind of meat it should be prepared from: hare, duck or other game. For this reason, we will not regulate meat; it will depend on what kind of animals will be hunted. The main thing is how to cook shurpa over a fire.

To prepare hunting shurpa you will need:

Hunting Urpa involves the use of animal meat or game 2-3 kg; carrots-4−5pcs; onion 4 pcs.; garlic 3−4 pcs.; salt, pepper to taste; potatoes 5-6 large; sunflower oil 100−150 g; vodka 200 gr; parsley or cilantro.

How to prepare hunting shurpa:

  1. This very simple recipe for hunting shurpa over a campfire will appeal not only to hunters. Remember. Pour sunflower oil into the pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Immerse the coarsely chopped meat. Salt. Fry until a crust forms.
  3. Hunting shurpa without carrots is not shurpa, so add carrots and fry.
  4. Fill the hunting shurpa with water to about 1/3 more than the meat level. Add the whole onion. Now the hunting shurpa should be cooked until done.
  5. 25 minutes before cooking, add potatoes and bay leaves to the cauldron.
  6. About 10 minutes before it’s ready, pour vodka into the hunting shurpa.
  7. What is hunting shurpa without a secret ingredient! Attention, in order to prepare real hunting shurpa, it is absolutely necessary to extinguish the burning firebrand in the broth. Your hunting shurpa will get a special taste if it is a burnt log from a fruit tree. Remove the shurpa from the fire and let it brew for a while. Real hunting shurpa is ready to serve.

Shurpa on the fire from duck

Duck shurpa is an excellent dish to prepare right on the hunt. For real men, it will not be difficult to cook duck shurpa over a campfire in camp conditions; you just need to take care of the ingredients and take a larger cauldron. The taste of duck shurpa is excellent, the main thing is to wait for it to cook, because it takes a long time to prepare hunting duck shurpa over a fire.

Ingredients for making duck shurpa:

Duck - 2 pcs.; raw pork lard - 300 grams; potatoes - 700 grams; sweet bell pepper - 400 grams; fresh tomato - 0.5 kg; carrots - 0.5 kg; garlic - 1 head; parsley - 1 bunch; cilantro - 1 bunch; dill - 1 bunch; black peppercorns - 6 pieces; zira - 2 teaspoons; ground coriander - 2 teaspoons; suneli hops - 2 teaspoons; bay leaf - 4 pieces; salt to taste; vodka - 100 grams; drinking water - 6 liters.

How to cook duck shurpa over a fire:

  1. Pluck duck carcasses, gut them and remove pellets. Real duck shurpa over a fire allows for the use of duck giblets in the dish, the main thing is to properly scorch the duck over the fire. Place whole duck carcasses or chopped into large pieces into a large 10-liter cauldron (to reduce the cooking time for shurpa over a fire). We put a peeled whole onion in the hunting shurpa for the duck. Pour water into the cauldron with ducks and onions so that it completely covers them and leave the shurpa to cook on the fire, not forgetting to skim off the foam. We don't salt the water. For the duck to cook well, you will need 4 to 5 hours.
  2. To prepare duck shurpa over a fire, you will need to prepare a number of other ingredients. Cut the washed potatoes and carrots for shurpa into large slices. Cut the onion and bell pepper for duck shurpa into medium half rings. For taste, put tomatoes cut into large slices into the shurpa. Chop the washed dill, parsley and cilantro, finely chop the garlic. All vegetables for shurpa are chopped.
  3. Cut the lard into hunting shurpa into strips and place in a heated frying pan, fry and add the onion in half rings to the lard; when the onion turns golden, throw in the carrots, lightly fry and remove from the heat. The vegetables will cook until fully cooked in the duck broth.
  4. After 4 hours of cooking whole duck carcasses, it is worth checking its readiness using a fork, which should easily enter the flesh. Add the potatoes, wait for it to boil and cook (about 10 minutes) and add all the other vegetables. Now you can salt the duck shurpa. Add the fried carrots, onions and lard to the boiling broth. Cook the duck shurpa over the fire for another 5 - 10 minutes. Add sweet bell peppers and tomatoes. Cook for 15 minutes until fully cooked. Ready-made duck shurpa over a fire is seasoned with spices - cumin, coriander, suneli hops, black peppercorns, bay leaf. We also put half of the chopped greens in the shurpa. Cook for 10 minutes, throw in the garlic, pour 100 grams of vodka into the shurpa.
  5. Remove the cauldron from the heat, cover with a lid so that the duck shurpa sits on the fire for 5 - 10 minutes. Pour the finished hunting shurpa into plates and sprinkle the remaining herbs on top.

Beef shurpa on fire

Delicious rich meat soup made from beef shurpa over a fire is the best dish for restoring strength. Please note that when beef shurpa is cooked over a fire, the spreading aroma will simply make your mouth water. The special taste of shurpa cooked over a fire is given by the fact that it is saturated with smoke. Homemade beef shurpa is a light version of shurpa that has benefits for the whole body and does not require much effort, despite the fact that it turns out incredibly tasty and appetizing.

Ingredients for making homemade beef shurpa over a fire:

For the beef shurpa recipe, take 1 - 1.5 kg of beef; 2 carrots; 1 bell pepper; 5 medium potatoes; 3 small onions; 2 tomatoes; bay leaf or basil; dill, cilantro, green onions; salt; spices (red and black pepper, cumin, coriander).

How to cook beef shurpa over a fire:

  1. Beef shurpa over a fire at home is quite simple to prepare. Broth is boiled from meat, cut into large pieces, for an hour. As we have already mentioned, when preparing shurpa over a fire, you must remember to skim off the foam.
  2. An hour later, one onion, one carrot and a bay leaf or basil are put into homemade beef shurpa.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the vegetables from the broth and immerse chopped carrots, onions and a third of the spices into it.
  4. Cook for another 20 minutes and add tomatoes, cut into quarters, into the beef shurpa.
  5. After another 10 minutes - potatoes. After it is cooked, add bell pepper (slices), herbs, seasonings and salt to taste.
  6. After the next boil, boil for another 10 minutes and set aside. The finished beef shurpa should sit on the fire for about 15 minutes. Beef shurpa sprinkled with herbs is served.

Shurpa on the fire is a universal recipe that can replace boring kebabs. You will like shurpa soup even if you decide to cook it at home. Homemade shurpa will differ slightly from that cooked over a fire. So buy the ingredients required for the shurpa recipe and prepare this delicious dish at home, on a picnic, and on a hunt.

The name “shurpa” is of Eastern origin and means “soup”. Shurpa refers to first courses, the main components of which are meat and vegetables. Men especially love thick, rich and satisfying soup. Over time, shurpa soup in a cauldron over a fire became one of the decorations of the hunting table. When hunting, there is no electric or gas stove available, so meals are cooked over a fire. This is how a simple way to prepare a delicious first course appeared: a recipe for shurpa in a cauldron over a fire. This cooking option gives the soup a special aroma and unique taste.
To cook beef shurpa over a fire you will need a cauldron.


  • water - 5 l;
  • beef - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg (for shurpa and for marinade);
  • fat from the tail of a sheep - 0.1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • bell pepper, carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • eggplants - 2 pcs.;
  • Spices: 2 teaspoons each of barberry, cumin, ground coriander;
  • a bunch of any greenery;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons table salt;
  • 10 peas of allspice, unground;
  • Marinade for onions: 1/2 liter of vinegar and cold water;
  • 15 g granulated sugar;
  • 10 g salt.

How to cook shurpa in a cauldron over a fire:

Judging by the composition and quantity of ingredients alone, it is clear that the result will be a very thick and tasty hot dish. In its proportions and spices, shurpa soup resembles the composition of another tasty dish - pilaf, which is also cooked in a cauldron.
First of all, you need to make a fire, secure a cauldron over it, and put fat tail fat, which will be used for frying the beef. The meat must first be washed, cut into pieces approximately 3x3 cm in size, and fried until a crispy crust forms, then put out of the cauldron onto a plate. The beef does not need to be cut into pieces, but cooked in large pieces. But in this case, the cooking time for beef shurpa will increase. In addition, it is more convenient when the meat is cut into portions.

Cut 0.5 kg of onion and all the carrots into cubes and cook in a cauldron until cooked, then add the beef. Add coarsely chopped tomatoes, eggplants and sweet peppers to the meat and continue stewing. After the vegetables have boiled down a little, add water. After the water boils, simmer for about 2 hours.

There is no need to add wood to the fire; the fire should not be strong.

While the beef and vegetables are stewing, you need to marinate the onions. To do this, cut it into thin half rings, add salt, and pour marinade over it. The marinade consists of vinegar and sugar dissolved in water.

20 minutes before the end of cooking the meat, add chopped peeled potatoes, salt, allspice and a couple of bay leaves into the cauldron. After 15 minutes, the shurpa needs to be seasoned with spices - cumin, barberry, coriander. These spices will add an oriental flavor to the stew.

Pickled onions are not added to the cauldron, but placed on plates along with chopped herbs.
Beef shurpa cooked over a fire is ready.

You can cook beef shurpa in a cauldron over a fire not only while hunting, but also while fishing, having a picnic, or just at the dacha. This tasty dish can also always be prepared in the kitchen in the harsh winter, without waiting for the hunting season. Bon appetit!

Watch the video: recipe for shurpa in a cauldron over a fire