How to cook beans quickly without soaking. How to cook beans: simple and clear instructions

Arugula variety "Rocket"
An early ripening variety, from germination to harvesting of greenery 20-25 days. The leaves are thin, strongly dissected.
Grown in open and protected ground, can be grown as a potted crop. The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading, 15-18 cm in diameter, the leaves are pinnately dissected, dark green, 15-20 cm high, with a nutty-mustard pungent taste. Productivity 1.4-1.6 kg/m2. Value of the variety: unpretentious cultivation, cold resistance, high content of mineral salts, mustard oil, vitamin C. It is an excellent honey plant, improves the health of the soil. Used fresh for preparing salads, side dishes, and as a seasoning.

Other names for arugula are arugula, indau, vizicaria, gulavnik, caterpillar, roquech-salad. Its homeland is Southern Europe and Western Asia; common in French and Italian cuisine, where it is added to pasta, creamy spaghetti sauce, pizza and other dishes.

Beneficial features arugula

Arugula prized for its original taste. Juicy leaves are an integral part of various salads, sandwiches, and spicy side dishes for meat and fish dishes. They have a strong antibacterial effect, are rich in minerals and tannins, iodine and vitamin C. Eating arugula activates the immune system, normalizes metabolism, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and also reduces salt deposits and stimulates the removal of cholesterol from the body. Arugula removes toxins, strengthens the nervous system and generally tones the body. This is an effective remedy for cancer prevention, as well as a good aphrodisiac.

The herb can be dried, crushed and used for dry cough, poor digestion and as a mild diuretic (pour 1 tsp. pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, close the lid tightly, leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink 3 times a day before meals).

Seeds arugula Since ancient times and until now, they have been added to pickles to give them a pleasant, unique smell.

The extraordinary taste of arugula

For many of us, this aromatic herb with a mustard-nut-pepper taste is still a delicacy. After all, arugula is not only a valuable, but also an expensive food product - in Austria, for example, 100 g of this green costs 1.5 euros. So why not grow it yourself in the garden?

Agricultural technology for growing arugula

and the best varieties

Arugula is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, in seedlings and without seedlings. The crop can grow on any soil, but more lush and tasty greens are obtained on lightly fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Acidic soils require liming.

Below we will look at the features and subtleties agricultural techniques for growing arugula , and also find out the most popular and widespread species in our territory and varieties.

Caring for arugula in open ground is not much different from a similar process at home. However, some distinctive nuances are still present.

Arugula - an annual or biennial plant with succulent leaves belongs to the Brassica family.

The most popular varieties of arugula:

Poker and Rococo- have large lyre-pinnately dissected leaves and white flowers with purple veins.

Euphoria and Rocket- (belong to the so-called wild arugula) the leaves are oblong, notched-toothed, and the flowers are yellow.

The best predecessors are legumes, pumpkin, early potatoes, tomatoes. The plant is returned to its original place or after related crops no earlier than after 3–4 years.

The period for sowing seeds in open ground: from April to mid-August, every 10–15 days. Sowing depth - no more than 1-1.5 cm, distance between rows - 30-40 cm. Seedlings are thinned out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, leaving 5-6 cm between them. In hot weather, arugula is not sown, as the plants grow quickly in the arrow. If you still decide to sow it at this time, choose a semi-shaded place.

Arugula is a cold-resistant crop. The optimal temperature for growth and development is +16–18 °C. After germination, it is advisable to mulch the soil (with hay or cut grass) - this reduces the dose of watering and loosening. Water the plants with shallow sprinkling or saturate the soil using the flooding method (the hose is placed between the rows). With a lack of moisture, leaf growth is delayed, the plant blooms quickly, and the taste deteriorates - the leaves begin to taste bitter.

The seedlings are fed 1–2 times with nitrogen fertilizer (10 g/10 l of water), mullein solution (1:10) or chicken manure (1:15). Fresh manure cannot be applied, as a lot of nitrates accumulate in the leaves. Usually the crop ripens on the 25–50th day from germination. Leaf yield for a single harvest is 1.5–2.5 kg/m2.


Before flower stalks form, most of the plants are cut off; a few bushes can be left for seeds. Arugula is harvested selectively - often entirely (when large rosettes form), sometimes individual leaves are cut off. It is impossible to be late with harvesting - after throwing away the flower stalks, the taste deteriorates. Only regular cutting will allow you to obtain greens with a delicate taste. It is best to use arugula immediately, fresh. You can store the picked leaves for several days in the refrigerator, wrapping the bunch in cling film or foil.

Video: Arugula (arugula) benefits and harm. Growing and eating arugula

Arugula (arugula) benefits and harm. Growing and eating arugula

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Lovers of Italian cuisine are familiar with the refreshing, bitter-nutty taste of arugula, an herbaceous plant in the cabbage family. Until recently, only visitors to expensive restaurants could try dishes with its addition. However, times are changing, and today arugula is an affordable product for ordinary consumers and, of course, for summer residents who successfully cultivate herbs in their garden plots.

In the autumn-winter period, when arugula greens are available only in the form of stunted bunches on supermarket shelves, you can start growing the crop yourself at home, where it feels quite comfortable. Following detailed recommendations, even a novice plant grower who wants to enjoy the spicy-pungent taste of Mediterranean culinary delights throughout the year can grow arugula on a windowsill.

Seed preparation

Before sowing in the ground, arugula seeds are germinated as follows:

  • For 2-3 hours, the seed is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a growth stimulator (aloe juice or Epin).
  • Place gauze on a plate, folded in several layers and generously moistened with water.
  • Gently place the soaked arugula seeds on cheesecloth.
  • The plate is placed in a warm place.

In favorable conditions of heat and high humidity, the seeds hatch very quickly - the first roots appear within 2-3 days, after which they are transferred to the ground.

To save time, it is allowed to sow seeds in the ground without prior germination. To do this, they are distributed over the surface of moist soil and sprinkled with a layer of sand no more than 1 cm thick. However, in this case, seedlings will appear much later.

Features of sowing in the ground

At the first stage of cultivation, a plastic container with low walls or a low tray can serve as a planting container. Sowing work is carried out in the following order:

  • The prepared substrate is poured into the planting container, which must be moistened abundantly.
  • Planting holes with a depth of about 1 cm are formed over the entire surface of the soil every 20–25 cm.
  • One sprouted seed is placed in each hole, being careful not to damage the fragile roots, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  • Unlike seedlings of other crops, arugula crops are not covered with film; at the end of the procedure, the container is simply placed on a sunny windowsill.

Friendly shoots of arugula appear after 5-6 days. After 2–2.5 weeks, when the second pair of true leaves begins to form on the seedlings, it is time to dive. Young plants are planted in separate cups or pots.

Caring for a home arugula “plantation” does not require much hassle and consists of the following activities:

  • The main condition for good development and high quality of greenery is abundant and regular watering, which must be done every 2 days. Due to lack of moisture, arugula leaves become coarse and acquire strong bitterness.
  • There is no need to feed the plants, since the use of mineral fertilizers leads to a high concentration of nitrates in the leaves, and organic fertilizers give the greens an unpleasant specific taste.
  • Due to the high content of essential oils in the composition, the crop is not subject to attacks by insect pests. Fungal diseases pose the greatest danger to plantings. If damaged, the plant cannot be treated; it is destroyed and the soil is subjected to repeated heat treatment.
  • When placing arugula, it is worth considering that the most delicious greens grow in good light and a temperature not higher than +18° C.

With proper care, the first harvest of greenery can be harvested 20–30 days (depending on the variety) from the time of planting.

Choosing a variety for home cultivation

Of the many varieties of arugula, the most suitable for growing at home are:

  • "Solitaire" is one of the most popular early ripening varieties. Narrow dissected leaves are collected in a raised rosette, reaching a diameter of 15–20 cm. The greenery is ready for cutting after 20–25 days from the beginning of regrowth.
  • “Poker” is an early ripening variety with wide, slightly dissected leaves, collected in a high rosette. Ripens in 18–25 days.
  • "Rococo" is a low-growing, early-ripening variety. The unusual leaves, shaped like oak leaves, are collected in a miniature rosette 10–17 cm high and are distinguished by an intense mustard aroma.
  • "Corsica" is a tall, mid-season variety. The rosette of leaves, jagged along the edges, reaches a height of 55–60 cm.

In addition to the above, experienced gardeners highly appreciated such varieties as “Sicily”, “Euphoria”, “Rocket”, “Rusalochka”, which have proven themselves not only in home cultivation, but also when grown in open ground.

Until recently, arugula, a herbaceous plant from the Brassica family, was considered a Mediterranean curiosity. However, the unfamiliar crop, which looks very much like a weed, quickly gained popularity among both large restaurateurs and ordinary consumers. Its feathery leaves, which have a refreshing nutty taste, are excellent for preparing vitamin-rich salads, and also add a delicious taste to cottage cheese and cheese snacks, bean dishes, potatoes and pasta, and the seeds are used to make mustard.

In addition to the taste benefits, one cannot fail to mention the beneficial properties of arugula. Due to the high content of valuable micro- and macroelements, the culture has antibacterial, antiscorbutic, diuretic properties, and is also considered a strong aphrodisiac. It is often included in the diet of nursing mothers to enhance lactation. Regular consumption of arugula dishes helps improve digestion, which allows it to be used in the treatment and prevention of obesity.

Possessing an undemanding nature, the crop is perfectly adapted to the climate conditions of the middle zone, so growing it yourself is not at all difficult. A few useful tips will help you avoid common mistakes during the cultivation process.

Selection and preparation of a site for planting

To grow arugula, you should choose open areas, moderately illuminated by the sun. This unpretentious plant has no special requirements for its cultivation site, but in strong sun its leaves become hard and bitter, and in the shade they lose color and aroma. The best predecessor crops for arugula in accordance with the rules of crop rotation are potatoes, pumpkin and legumes.

They begin to prepare the area for arugula in the fall. The culture prefers fertile, well-drained soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, so if they become acidic, it will be necessary to add slaked lime or dolomite flour for alkalization. The plot is dug up well before winter, adding for every m? a bucket of old peat or humus. The use of mineral fertilizers is excluded: arugula tends to accumulate nitrates in the leaves. It is also not recommended to add fresh organic matter - in this case, the greens acquire an unpleasant specific taste. To plant arugula, low beds about 1–1.5 m wide are poured, which, after the snow melts, are carefully raked, loosening the soil and breaking up large lumps of earth.

Growing seedlings

  • The prepared substrate is poured into a low container.
  • Arugula seeds are laid out on the surface of pre-moistened soil every 1.5–2 cm and covered with a layer of sand about 1 cm thick.
  • The container is placed on a light windowsill. There is no need to cover the crops with film.
  • Arugula grows quickly and amicably: the first shoots appear in 3–5 days, and after 2–3 weeks the grown bushes will be ready to be transferred to the garden bed. During this time, the seedlings must be watered regularly and abundantly.

It is worth noting that sowing arugula seeds can be done in open ground under a film. However, in this case, the leaves for cutting will grow later and the bushes will not grow as powerful and viable as when planted as seedlings.

Transplantation into open ground

You can begin transferring seedlings into open ground when the first pair of true leaves forms on the seedlings. The simple transplant process consists of the following steps:

  • The surface of the bed is moistened abundantly shortly before work begins.
  • Seedlings are planted at intervals of 8–10 cm, keeping a distance between rows of about 30–35 cm. The earthen ball is not disturbed during transplantation.

Frost-resistant arugula does not need permanent shelter; it can successfully withstand temperatures down to -7° C. To protect against serious return frosts, seedlings are covered with plastic bottles cut in half at night. At zero temperatures, shelters are removed.

Rules of care

  • The crop makes the most serious demands on watering. It is recommended to moisten the soil under the plants frequently and abundantly - every 2 days, and in extreme heat - daily. Due to lack of moisture, the greens become coarse and very bitter; in this case, they can be used for canning vegetables; they are not suitable for fresh consumption.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, plantings are regularly weeded, combining the procedure with loosening the soil between the rows.
  • Arugula does not need fertilizing with fertilizers. To increase soil fertility and retain moisture between the rows, you can add a little humus or old peat several times a season.

With proper care, the first greens can be harvested 20–25 days after planting.

Harvest and storage

Arugula leaves are cut off as they grow. Greens aged 30–50 days have the greatest nutritional value. To continuously obtain green mass, a stepwise cultivation method is used: seeds are sown throughout the season with an interval of 25–35 days. It is recommended to store cut arugula in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for no longer than a week. To keep the leaves fresh longer, they are sprinkled with cold water and tied in a plastic bag.

In the autumn-winter period, it is possible to successfully cultivate arugula at home, which will allow you to include original Mediterranean dishes in your diet all year round.

Arugula is the name of a salad from the cabbage family. It tastes similar to watercress. If you add it to dishes, they become aromatic with a pleasant taste. It is considered an annual plant and can be half a meter long. We’ll talk about how to grow arugula later in the article.

Useful properties of Rucola salad

In our country, Rucola salad is not very popular, although undeservedly. This plant has a rich composition of vitamins and microelements, as well as different types of acids: citric, malic. Rucolla rich in vitamins B, C, as well as zinc, potassium, magnesium phosphorus and other trace elements.

The salad contains beneficial substances that help t atherosclerosis, reduce blood cholesterol, protect against cardiovascular diseases. Arugula is low in calories and easily digestible, good for diets.

Products consumed together with salad are much better absorbed by the human body.

Features of growing Arugula in open ground

This plant has several varieties. Many are considered early, in which the leaves can be cut off for cooking as early as 21 days. Famous varieties are: Rococo, Gourmet, Dikovinka, Mermaid and others.

Arugula can be grown in open ground, in a greenhouse, and even at home in a flowerpot. On a personal plot, seeds are sown when the ground warms up, around the beginning of May. The plant can be sown in summer, but you need to choose an area where there is slight darkness so that the sun's rays do not fall on the leaves.

When sowing, you need to maintain a distance between holes of about 20 cm and row spacing of 30 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 2 cm. After sowing, it is advisable to cover the bed with film to retain moisture. The arugula should sprout within a week, the salad is ready for cutting after 21-25 days.

Do not forget to pre-prepare the soil, dig it thoroughly, crush the clods well, it is advisable to add humus and fertilizers.

As soon as the shoots appear, the film must be removed. It is necessary to water and loosen the soil in a timely manner, removing weeds. In case of cold nights, the seedlings should be covered with film or plastic cups at night.

How to grow arugula salad at home

Lettuce can also be grown on a windowsill. To do this, you need to select containers: flower pots, trays or containers. It is better to buy ready-made soil with a slightly acidic or neutral composition. Or prepare the soil in advance by mixing turf soil with humus and sand.

For salad you need a light windowsill. The best time for planting is March and April, so that the plants do not stretch out.

To obtain uniform germination, the soil needs to be compacted a little and the seeds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top - about 1 cm. Cover with film and place in a dark place, not far from heating. The seeds will sprout quickly. You need to immediately remove the film and place the container on the windowsill.

It is necessary to constantly ensure that the soil does not dry out. After a week, you can adjust the density of the seedlings and remove all excess plants. You don’t have to throw away the leaves, but use them in cooking. In about a month, the crop will be ready for cutting.

Pests and diseases

Due to the fact that the plant contains essential oils, Rucola is rarely attacked by pests and diseases.

But sometimes aphids attack. You just need to spray the leaves with a soap solution or remove the aphids manually. Do not forget about the carriers of aphids - ants; their nests located nearby must be eliminated. Just pour boiling water over the anthill.