How to make tomato juice at home. Delicious homemade tomato for the winter, quickly and easily How to make tomato

And we continue to make preparations for the winter. Today we have a very versatile preparation, and the composition is incredibly simple, the recipe only includes tomatoes. That's all! Tomato without vinegar and preservatives.

Tomato juice with seeds and skins - for me, this is both a healthy homemade tomato juice with a high fiber content, and an excellent dressing for cabbage soup, borscht, or just a base for gravy. I’ll say it without pretense, this mom’s roll is my most delicious winter preparation. You open a jar of this thick tomato juice from your mother’s garden, pour it into a glass - and bite it with a slice of black bread, grated with garlic, mmmmmm! You will immediately feel the aroma and power of summer.

Of course, you can add ingredients to this tomato juice according to your taste, it can be salt or sugar (both in this version this juice is very tasty), also spices (bay leaf, peppercorns, coriander...). We don’t add spices at all in today’s step-by-step photo recipe, but you can use any spices you like.

This tomato dressing can be cooked either on the stove or using a multicooker that is already familiar to many; it is very convenient if you are canning in small batches.

In order to prepare tomato or tomato dressing for cabbage soup for the winter you will need the following ingredients


  • Tomatoes (red, ripe),
  • Salt and spices according to your taste and desire.

Cooking process:

First you need to rinse the ripe tomatoes.

Then, removing the stem, cut the tomatoes into small slices, and pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder with a fine grid. You can also use a blender, which can easily turn tomatoes into a homogeneous mass, or a special juicer for soft vegetables in the form of a long attachment on a meat grinder.

Then pour the twisted tomatoes into a saucepan and place on medium heat.

Bring the tomato to a boil and then, reducing the heat to low, simmer the tomatoes for another 20 minutes. Periodically you need to remove the resulting foam.

Tomato in a slow cooker

If you decide to prepare such a dressing in a multicooker, then you also need to chop the tomatoes, then pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl and, selecting the “Stew” mode, cook the tomato juice in the multicooker for 1 hour.

Then pour the hot dressing into sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids. Leave the inverted jars under a blanket until they cool completely, then store them in a cool room.

By the way, vinegar is not used at all in this tomato recipe, since tomato juice is itself a preservative. But in order for the workpiece to stand without problems and the jars not to fly off, be sure to sterilize them well: boil the jars for 10 minutes, boil the lids in water for 5 minutes.

This is how you can easily and quickly prepare a wonderful tomato sauce or dressing for many dishes, which will certainly help you out in any situation. Prepare several versions of this dressing with various additives, and you will not regret it. Imagine how fragrant your borscht, cabbage soup or solyanka will be in winter; not a single tomato paste can compare!

My dear mother, Nadezhda, prepared tomatoes for the winter with you.

If you do not like the presence of pulp in homemade tomato juice, then after it has boiled for the specified time, carefully grind the tomato through a coarse sieve. Then they cook again for a few minutes, and then they roll them into jars.
Anyuta and her Recipe Notebook wish you delicious preparations and bon appetit!

A real housewife should know how to cook a tomato in order to always have a natural dressing for borscht, sauces and many other dishes. Preparing a high-quality product at home is not at all difficult, and the process will take no more than 1-2 hours. But before you cook tomato paste or juice for the winter, you need to master all the intricacies of the preparatory stage, select the right tools, and compare the proposed methods. There are more and more recipes for twists every year, but the simplest versions of such dishes still remain in the leading positions.

Rules for choosing suitable vegetables

The quality of tomatoes affects the taste, texture, shelf life and aroma of the final product. When choosing vegetables for pasta or juice, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The best option for such preparations for the winter is the “Bull’s Heart” variety and its analogues. If you cook products from such fruits, then even at home you can count on getting a thick and rich composition. But slightly watery tomatoes without a pronounced color give a mass that is too liquid and tasteless.
  2. It is recommended to use ripe and even slightly overripe fruits for paste and juice. They may be crushed and soft, but this will not reduce the quality of the workpiece.
  3. There should be no unripe tomatoes in such dishes at all. No matter how many of them are included in the composition of the final product, this will certainly negatively affect its consistency, color and taste.
  4. Housewives are somehow not used to preparing cherry tomato twists, which can be considered a significant omission. The components will all be cut into pieces and processed early on, and the pulp of products of this type is ideal for making paste or juice.

The ideal basis for creating blanks will be components grown in beds under direct sunlight. Greenhouse specimens contain insufficient water and have a characteristic sourness, which affects the quality of the final product. If it is not possible to trace the origin of tomatoes, they at least need to be purchased strictly in season, and not in supermarkets, but in food markets.

Collecting the necessary tools

When creating preparations for the winter, special attention should be paid to the selection of suitable utensils and auxiliary tools. Firstly, when planting tomatoes at home, you need to make sure that everything you need is at hand. Secondly, it is worth making sure the quality of the devices used.

When boiling pasta or juice, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • If the recipe involves infusion and heat treatment, the duration of which does not exceed 1 hour, the container can be aluminum. Otherwise, you will have to choose dishes from a different material (cast iron, iron, enamel), otherwise oxidation processes will begin, negatively affecting the quality of the composition.
  • It is recommended to ensure that you have a juicer, which will facilitate the process of separating the juice from the pulp and veins. If there is no such device, you will have to limit yourself to a sieve or colander.

Tip: Housewives who have to close store-bought vegetables for the winter can use one simple trick - after cutting the tomatoes, sprinkle them with a small amount of salt and leave for 15 minutes. This will stimulate the juice to flow and squeeze as much liquid out of the pulp as possible.

  • We use glass jars for twists and iron lids.

In addition to the above and the ingredients themselves, we prepare a seaming key and a ladle, with which we will pour the pasta or juice.

Options for preparing tomato paste

Tomato paste can be prepared in a variety of ways, but it is better to use the simplest and most proven recipes. For example, these:

  • Traditional tomato cooked on the stove. For 2 kg of ripe tomatoes we take a couple of red bell peppers, a few black peppercorns, bay leaves, salt and sugar (how much depends on the variety of tomatoes and individual preferences). We sort the vegetables, wash them, dry them, remove seeds from the peppers, and cut everything into pieces. Place the mixture in a cooking container and keep it on low heat until it produces juice. Then slightly increase the heating power and boil the composition for 5 minutes. Cool the resulting mass to room temperature, grind through a sieve, remove all excess. Add salt, spices, bay leaves, sugar to the paste, boil for up to 5 minutes, pour into jars and close for the winter.

  • Tomato with herbs. For 3 kg of vegetables we take several sprigs of fresh parsley and dill, salt, pepper and sugar, depending on the desired result. We wash and dry vegetables and herbs. Cut out the dense core from the tomatoes and pass through a juicer. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, add spices and sugar (you should not overuse it, this can deprive the paste of its naturalness). Add chopped or torn greens without removing the container from the heat. Particular attention should be paid to how long the composition will boil in total - this figure should not exceed 25 minutes. The resulting product is poured into jars and stored for the winter.

  • Original tomato without sterilization. For 3 kg of tomatoes we take 1.5 kg of bell pepper (you can take not only red but also yellow vegetables), 0.5 kg of not very sweet plums, 3 sour apples, salt and sugar to taste. Wash fruits and vegetables, dry them, remove cores, seeds and seeds. Cut the pepper into 4 parts and place in a cooking container. We also send tomatoes, apples and plums passed through a juicer there. Add sugar, salt and spices as desired. Bring the paste to a boil, stirring constantly. After boiling for 10 minutes, pour the mixture into jars and seal for the winter.

Tomato paste prepared using these methods can be stored at home for up to 5 years, you just need to choose a cool place for the jars.

Simple recipes for delicious tomato juice

Today, more and more often, housewives prepare tomato juice not on the stove, but use various modern appliances for this. At home, this saves time and effort.

  • In a slow cooker. For 2 kg of small tomatoes we take 300 g of ripe pears and apples (not very sweet), spices (pepper, cinnamon, cloves), salt and sugar to taste. We wash fruits and vegetables, dry them, and clean them of anything unnecessary. Grind the fruits using a juicer and pour them into the multicooker bowl, adding all the spices. Select the “Cooking” mode and set the timer for half an hour. Pour the finished juice into jars and close for the winter.

  • In a steamer. For 2.5 kg of red tomatoes, take 0.5 kg of yellow tomatoes and fruits of the “Black Prince” variety. Additionally, we will need parsley, basil and dill, pepper, salt and sugar. We wash and dry vegetables and herbs. We pass all the tomatoes through a juicer. With this approach, it is very important how much pulp is produced at the output, so if there is a special mode on the device, we select it. Mix the juice with chopped herbs, put the resulting mass in a double boiler and bring to a boil. Turn off the device (or remove from heat), add spices, stir. Boil the mixture for another 5 minutes, then pour into jars.

When using the above devices, it is possible to preserve in the final product not only the natural taste of vegetables, but also the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful components.

Only at first glance does it seem that preparing tomato juice or paste is difficult and troublesome. In practice, everything does not take so much time if you clearly plan all the work and carry it out consistently. The quality of the product must be constantly monitored. There is no need to be afraid to try the composition, add spices, salt, sugar and even vinegar to it. Only with the help of such experiments will it be possible to achieve a truly ideal ratio of components.

You have to cook tomatoes to prepare many dishes. The most common of them are tomato paste, lecho and tomato juice. In all these cases, tomatoes are cooked for a strictly defined time. It is not necessary to peel tomatoes before cooking. The tomato mixture is usually strained, allowing the skin to be easily removed. For the preparation of some dishes, for example, cabbage soup, borscht or lecho, the peel is not an ingredient that can spoil their taste.

If you still need to get rid of the peel before cooking tomatoes, you can do this in a few minutes. Simply pour boiling water over the tomatoes and the skin will become like a film, which can be removed very easily.

The nuances of cooking tomatoes:

  • Before starting the cooking process, the tomatoes are thoroughly washed and the stalks are cut out;
  • if puree or paste is cooked from tomatoes, then the cooking process should be completed only when almost all the liquid has evaporated (some varieties of tomatoes have a rather watery consistency, so they need to be cooked a little longer);
  • if the tomatoes are cooked chopped, then it is recommended to stir them periodically during the cooking process;
  • at the initial stage of cooking tomatoes, the fire should be high, after a few minutes it is reduced, and the cooking process should be completed on low heat;
  • before cooking tomatoes for puree, paste or juice, it is better to remove the skins from the tomatoes in advance (the strained mixture will be less thick);
  • You can get rid of the skin if the tomatoes were cooked in chopped form using a blender (sharp knives will completely chop the skin);
  • for cooking tomato paste, you need to choose tomatoes with the maximum degree of ripeness;
  • bay leaves added to tomatoes during the cooking process will not drown out their taste and aroma, but will make them richer;
  • It is recommended to place tomatoes in cold water (due to a sharp change in temperature, the consistency of the tomatoes may change).

If tomatoes are cooked in a slow cooker, then select the “Express” mode. In a double boiler, the most suitable mode for tomatoes is “Porridge” or “Steaming”. In the microwave, pressure cooker and multicooker, tomatoes are pre-filled with water. A double boiler requires slightly different cooking conditions. This category of equipment mainly prepares ingredients by exposing them to steam, so the liquid is poured into a special compartment.

Tomatoes, boiled with skins and whole, can be used for many varieties of first and second courses. Tomatoes can be cooked in advance in this way and used after a while.

How long to cook tomatoes

The cooking time for tomatoes does not depend on their size or variety. The key role in this case is played by the type of dish that will be prepared from tomatoes. If tomatoes are boiled for tomato puree, the cooking time will be 40-45 minutes.

If you are going to make juice from the tomatoes, you need to cook them for 10 minutes. To prepare lecho, soups or other dishes where tomatoes should not acquire the consistency of puree, it is recommended to cook them for no more than 15 minutes.

In a microwave, tomatoes are cooked for 10 minutes, in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes, and in a double boiler for 5-6 minutes. You can also cook tomatoes using a slow cooker. In this case, the cooking time will also be no more than 5 minutes.

If you increase the cooking time for tomatoes, the vegetables will overcook and turn into puree. It will no longer be possible to cut such tomatoes into pieces, so it is better to follow the cooking mode and time exactly as recommended.

Tomato is a product obtained by processing tomatoes. In general, you can make tomato juice or tomato paste from them, but we will talk about tomato puree or just tomato. These three derivatives differ only in concentration. Tomato puree is halfway between tomato juice and tomato paste. The consistency is similar to sour cream. And now we’ll talk about how to cook a tomato.

In order to cook tomatoes, we need large, ripe tomatoes. You should not allow unripe fruits to be caught, as this will deteriorate the quality of the tomato.

How to cook a tomato - the cooking process

  1. In order to cook a tomato, cut the tomatoes into pieces and pass through a meat grinder (grid openings - 4-6 mm)
  2. In order to cook the tomatoes, put the tomato mass into an enamel pan (aluminum is not used) and heat it to a boil. Then, while still hot, rub through a sieve or colander (the holes should be small so that the seeds and skins are retained)
  3. Pour the resulting tomato mixture into the pan again. At the same time, it should be filled only 1/3 of the container, since the tomato foams very much. Cook the tomato until it reduces by 2.5–3 times. Be sure to constantly stir with a wooden spoon so that the tomato does not burn.
  4. The total cooking time should not exceed 45 minutes. In this case, all vitamins and good taste will be preserved. The tomato needs to be cooked over high heat.
  5. The hot tomato is poured into jars and sterilized for 25–40 minutes (depending on the capacity of the jar). Then the jars are hermetically sealed with lids.

How to cook a tomato - other recipes

Let's also find out how to cook tomatoes using other recipes.

For example, there are recipes that do not require sterilizing tomatoes, but simply recommend storing them in the refrigerator and using them as an additive to stews and soups. For one of them we will need the following: ripe tomatoes (2 kg), ground nutmeg (1 teaspoon), dill (1 bunch), dill seeds (1 tablespoon), sugar (1 tablespoon) and salt (1 tbsp)

  1. Wash the dill for the tomato and chop finely.
  2. Wash the tomatoes to cook the tomatoes and cut them into 4-8 pieces. Then grind it in a blender or pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. Pour the tomato mass into an enamel pan, bring to a boil, add spices, salt, sugar and cook for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Before finishing cooking the tomato (1 minute), add dill, mix everything and bring to a boil.
  5. Cool the tomato, put it in plastic containers, close it tightly with lids and put it in the refrigerator. After this, store it in the freezer.

Summer has arrived, and seasonal vegetables appear in gardens and shelves in large quantities and at reasonable prices. Around mid-July, summer residents begin to ripen tomatoes. If the harvest is successful and there are a lot of tomatoes ripe, then you can use them to prepare a delicious homemade tomato for the winter.

I make this preparation every year and will be happy to tell you my proven and simple method. I’m posting the recipe with step-by-step photos for anyone who wants help.

To make homemade tomato we will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook tomatoes for the winter at home

First, you need to wash and sort the tomatoes. We don't need black or rotten barrels in tomatoes. Therefore, we cut out such places, but the good part needs to be cut. It doesn’t matter what size the pieces are made, since we do this for our convenience in the future.

So we have three ways to turn tomatoes into liquid.

Method 1 - juicer.

Method 2 - meat grinder.

Method 3 - combine.

I find it more convenient to use a food processor with an attachment in the form of sharp knives.

This method seems to me to be the fastest and most convenient, but it’s up to you to choose. The grinding method does not greatly affect the final result.

Having turned all the tomatoes into a tomato, pour it into the pan in which it will be cooked.

Salt and pepper it to taste and put on low heat. Be careful, as soon as the tomato boils, it can “run away”. You need to cook homemade tomatoes over low heat for at least 30-40 minutes after boiling.

While the tomato is cooking, you need jars and lids.

The cooked tomato is carefully poured into clean jars.

We roll up the full jars with clean lids and wrap them for further cooling. As soon as our homemade tomato has cooled down, we need to put it in a cool storage place.

Despite the fact that the recipe seems to be elementary, the tomato turns out incredibly tasty. It can be added to a stir-fry for soup, stewed in it like a sauce, or diluted with water and drunk like tomato juice. And I even eat okroshka with homemade tomato, pour it instead of kvass. 😉 In general, there is a lot of scope for culinary imagination, but the most important thing is that everything is natural. Bon appetit.