How to remove the sour smell of meat. How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat

Meat with flavor always raises certain concerns and conflicting feelings. You have to make a choice whether to eat it or throw it away. The first option is most often used. However, in other countries, in particular in southeastern cuisine, the approach is slightly different, where rotten meat is in some cases considered a delicacy. The main thing is to process and prepare it in a special way.

What to do if the meat is smelly?

  • The first thing to do is inspect meat and rinse it under cool water. If the rotting process is just beginning, the “aroma” from the surface will be easily washed off. Next you should cut the meat. If you don't smell anything bad, it's still edible.
  • It is also recommended to keep this meat about 20 minutes in a weakly concentrated solution of manganese. So the chance of getting food poisoning is reduced to almost zero.
  • If, after rinsing under water, meat still retains a slight odor, then ordinary vinegar will help you, which will remove the remaining odor and serve as a preservative. After this, the meat can be cooked in any way.
  • In the event that decomposition has clearly begun, then in no case should such meat should not be eaten. You risk ending up in the hospital with severe food poisoning.
  • If meat has acquired a greenish tint, it should be thrown away immediately. Even pets should not eat this product.

Spicy meat in southeastern cuisine

  • The questionable freshness of the ingredients used to prepare dishes is a strange feature of Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. There are many products out there that undergo lengthy preparation before use.
  • For example, Chinese “rotten eggs” are prepared by placing fresh eggs in a special solution for a couple of months. There they acquire a specific color of both the white and the yolk, as well as a disgusting smell.
  • Almost everyone has tried sushi, but few people know how this product was originally prepared. And this was done like this: they took fish that had undergone the fermentation procedure and placed it under its press mixed with rice, which helped speed up the rotting process.

An exact answer to the question, is it possible to eat meat with flavor still not. It all depends on adaptability to such food and nutritional culture in general.

Mustard. Meat does not have a long shelf life, and it often develops a rotten smell, which can be removed in several ways. But when the smell is strong and pungent, then it is better to get rid of such a piece. To remove the unpleasant odor from the meat, it should be smeared with ready-made mustard, after which the piece is placed in a pan and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After this time, you need to take it out, rinse it with cold water and start cooking the planned dish.

Wine. When thinking about how to remove unpleasant odors from meat, you should purchase red wine, thyme and rosemary. After this, you need to take a piece of meat, put it in a pan and pour in red wine, which should be in excess so that it covers the product completely. After this, you need to add thyme and rosemary, in this form the meat should lie for an hour. After this, you can start cooking the meat, but it is better if it is fried, so the taste will be more piquant.

Potassium permanganate. It is worth noting that all meat odors can be removed using potassium permanganate, because this is the method used by unscrupulous sellers to give the product a good appearance, color and aroma. You will need to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate, pour it over the meat and leave in a cup or pan for 3 hours. After this time, you should rinse the meat thoroughly; as a rule, it will not have an unpleasant odor, but rather will acquire a good presentation.

Chamomile decoction. You can also get rid of the unpleasant odor from meat using chamomile decoction. You will need to brew chamomile, cool and strain it through cheesecloth. After this, you need to lower the meat into the broth and add a little sugar to it. The meat should lie in the pan for only 20 minutes; after this time, it should be removed and washed in lightly salted water; not a trace of the smell will remain. Sometimes it happens that the meat emits a very pungent odor, which you can get rid of, but it is better not to risk your health, since most likely it has already gone rotten.

Saline solution. When meat has an unpleasant odor, it can be destroyed with a saline solution. You need to cook it in a saucepan and put the meat there for 2 hours. After this, you will need to rinse it with cold water and not even a hint of the smell will remain. You can also rub the meat first with sugar and then with salt and rinse it immediately; this quick method will help out when you urgently need to cook something. Using one of the above methods, you need to be sure that the meat is not rotten, otherwise you can harm your health.


Meat is a healthy product that contains trace elements, proteins and vitamins. It is the basis and additional ingredient of a large number of recipes. The quality of prepared dishes depends on its smell and taste.

Every housewife at least once in her life has had the question of how to get rid of the smell of meat when it has suffocated. We offer a solution to the problem using improvised means.

What causes an unpleasant odor?

The product is perishable and, if stored improperly, begins to emit an unpleasant odor. This occurs due to the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria and microbes, which are first on the surface and then penetrate inside the meat.

An unpleasant odor due to improper storage indicates its deterioration. This product is not suitable for food. What to do and how to get rid of the smell if the product is fresh?

The aroma depends on the ripening. After an animal is slaughtered, the structure of the meat undergoes a change. Chemical and physical processes take place in it. At the first stage, tissue rigor is carried out.

At the second stage, enzymes act on the muscle fibers, softening the structure. This stage is called maturation. If the process occurs correctly, the meat acquires a characteristic aroma and is easier to process. Do not use warm meat. It has a specific aroma, and the fibers have a rigid structure.

Improper storage leads to the appearance of a musty odor.

Why is there an unpleasant odor?

To find a solution to the problem, it is necessary to understand whether the meat has lost its own flavor or was it not there to begin with? Loss of aroma occurs for various reasons:

completely rotten;
just starting to deteriorate;
imbued with unpleasant e;
the animal received the wrong food;
incorrect slaughter;
boar meat is used;
Lamb has a peculiar smell.

Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Faded smell A rotten product will have to be mercilessly thrown away, since eating it, even after thermal preparation, leads to poisoning. If the smell can be described as slightly rancid, it can be removed. The fact is that even a small amount of time spent in a warm room leads to the proliferation of microbes on the surface of the meat.

Microbes receive a nutrient medium and actively develop, as evidenced by a specific aroma.

There are 7 ways to eliminate it.

Pour cold water into a bowl and add a tablespoon of vinegar at a concentration of 9%. Lower the meat and keep for 60 minutes.
Squeeze the lemon juice and dip the product into it. It will take about 60 minutes for the meat to soak through.
You can eliminate musty spirits with wine. Soak the product and rinse; if the piece is large, cut it into several pieces.
Buy liquid mustard and spread it over the surface of the meat. A minimum of 1 hour is required to neutralize pathogenic organisms. After the procedure, the product must be thoroughly rinsed under cold running water.
Dilute salt in water, and use a very large amount of salt. Soak the meat and rinse.
Dilute the potassium permanganate solution so that the water has a slightly pinkish tint. The meat should be washed well in the solution and rinsed in cool water.
Soak the product in herbs: chop the onion, squeeze out the garlic, add herbs (basil, coriander, etc.). Coat the pieces of meat with the resulting mixture and leave to steep for about 50-60 minutes.

Getting rid of the smell after a plastic bag. If you put meat packaged in cellophane in the refrigerator and forgot, an unpleasant odor appears. Don't be afraid that the product has gone bad. The appearance of a specific aroma is caused by the chemical components of the package.

They react with microelements, as a result of which the meat acquires a specific smell.

You can get rid of it using one of the above options.

To avoid this problem, purchase parchment or paper towels for storing perishable foods. Only after a layer of paper can the product be packaged in synthetic wrapping.

If you smell an unpleasant odor that does not indicate spoilage, use gentle methods to combat it.

Boil 1 tablespoon of chamomile in 1 liter of water. Strain the solution and soak the meat until it acquires a pleasant aroma.
Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water. Add 1 or 2 tablets of activated carbon or 1 piece of charcoal. Soak the product for 2-4 hours. As a result, it acquires an extraordinary aroma of fire and wood.
If you have herbs in your house, rub them on a piece of meat and leave for an hour. During this time, essential oils will penetrate the top layer of the product, filling it with a strong aroma. Each of these options will help not only neutralize the rotten smell, but also give the product a new, appetizing aroma.

Specifics of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is a specific product that you need to know how to cook. Normally, it has a delicate, milky aroma.

If an animal has not been fed properly, its meat smells of a peculiar smell.

To give a natural aroma and pleasant taste, several manipulations should be performed.

Soak. Fill an enamel bowl with cold water and lower the rabbit meat. It is better to do this at night, as it will take at least 12 hours. After such preparation, the meat is completely amenable to any culinary processing.
Pickling. Prepare a marinade from kefir, sour cream or wine, tomato, olives, juniper. The meat is ready for processing after 50-55 minutes.

Features of lamb

Lamb is a low-cholesterol food, which makes it superior to beef. If you buy lamb pulp, there will be no problems with fresh meat.

If you purchase meat from an animal older than this age, you should choose with caution. Lamb, unlike sheep meat, has an unpleasant odor. During cooking, it spreads throughout the room, causing aversion to the finished dish. To ensure that the flesh is juicy, aromatic and your culinary efforts are a success, pre-process the meat by soaking it in one of the following solutions:

Remove fatty layers. It is fat that produces an unpleasant odor during heat treatment.
Marinate for more than 2 hours. Use different spices, herbs, crushed garlic. Rub the meat with them and let them soak in the essential oils in the refrigerator for at least 100 minutes.
If you decide to use lamb as a separate dish or as an ingredient in a salad, boil it along with herbs, carrots and onions for 2-3 hours. Use prepared meat for its intended purpose.
Before frying or cooking pilaf, soak the lamb pieces in salted water. Alternatively, dilute adjika, dry mustard or allspice in hot water. Soak should be at least 2 hours.

In general, any marinades containing garlic and a large number of herbs can work a miracle: the meat of any animal turns into a fragrant base for culinary delights.

Beyond the Possible: Removing Odor from Boar Meat

According to the rules of veterinary sanitary examination, boar meat should not end up on the shelves. It’s good if you check the product “without leaving the checkout.” When you go shopping, take a lighter with you. Fry your chosen piece and you will immediately feel the truth about its taste and olfactory qualities.

What to do if you come across unscrupulous sellers and the problem is already on the cutting board? The only solution is to soak it in cow's milk for at least 12 hours. Moreover, every 2 hours it should be changed for a new one, and the old one should be thrown out. The slices should be thin and free of fat.

What did cooks do when modern freezers had not yet been invented? They used the technique of the natural process of "maturation". To get rid of the smell of meat, they rubbed it with vegetable oil and performed massage movements like rubbing a muscle that had a cramp. After rubbing, the piece was left open in a cold place. If a specific aroma was present, the procedure was repeated.

January 1, 2014, 6:07 pm

In some cases, meat, after lying in a warm place for several hours, begins to emit a rotting smell. Housewives have different opinions regarding further actions with such a product. Next, we will consider different opinions on whether it is possible to eat meat “with flavor.”

Is it possible to eat meat with flavor?

First of all, it is necessary to warn lovers of other exotic delights. In the range of dishes of many eastern countries, as well as among the peoples of the north, the use of “flavored” meat is common. Just behind the apparent external simplicity lies a significant number of different nuances. The most important thing is to determine the degree of decomposition of meat, since in a certain phase it cannot be consumed categorically. In addition, there are a number of smaller nuances - for example, the animal’s diet before slaughter. It is also worth taking into account the hereditary predisposition to consuming such products. Antibodies specialized to neutralize the toxins present in such a product are obtained in those parts literally from mother’s milk. Therefore, for them such a product carries a significantly lower risk than for a person who is not accustomed to it.

The surest option is not to eat meat that tastes bad, but simply throw it away.

If desired, if the damage by rotting processes is insignificant, you can try to assess the condition of the product and make a decision regarding the possibility of consuming it.

First of all, the destruction of meat cells located on the surface of the piece occurs. It is from them that the unpleasant smell comes. To find out. Is it possible to eat meat “with flavor”? You need to rinse the meat under running water and scrape off the top layer from it. Then check for any unpleasant odor. After this, to control the scale of the rotting process, it is advisable to cut a piece of meat in half and check for an unpleasant odor emanating from the internal cut. If it is present, it is better to throw away the meat, since consuming it poses too high a risk of poisoning.

In the absence of a pronounced unpleasant odor on the internal cuts of the piece, in principle, such “smelly” meat can be eaten.

To remove the possible presence of an unpleasant odor from the finished dish, it is advisable to soak this piece of meat in a weak solution of vinegar. After this, you can start cooking the meat. To minimize the likelihood of poisoning, it is advisable to fry such meat with the maximum amount of spices.

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Every housewife at least once in her life has thought about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat. It is necessary to deal with the problem before the processing process begins, otherwise the taste of the dish will definitely be spoiled. And to do this, the first thing you need to do is determine the cause of the unpleasant odor.

Possible reasons

There are a number of reasons why meat loses its natural flavor. In some cases it was not there in the first place. This happens when meat:

  • completely rotten;
  • a little spoiled;
  • it was in the refrigerator in a plastic bag and developed an unpleasant odor;
  • a rabbit that was not fed properly or was slaughtered incorrectly;
  • boar pork;
  • lamb with a peculiar smell.

A spoiled product in the form of rotten meat will have to be mercilessly thrown away, since its consumption, even after heat treatment, will lead to poisoning of the body. In other cases, you can successfully remove this flaw and prepare decent food.

Slightly rotten smell

If left in a warm room even for a short period of time, various microbes and bacteria will happily get to work, receiving a nutrient medium in the form of an appetizing cut of meat.

The smell appears very quickly. You can remove it using the following methods.

  • Soak in cold water with a spoonful of vinegar for an hour, then rinse.
  • Soak in lemon juice or wine for an hour. If the piece is large, it should be cut into pieces. After this, rinse.
  • Spread small pieces in mustard and leave for an hour. After this, rinse thoroughly.
  • Soak in salt water (there should be a lot of salt), then rinse thoroughly.
  • Soak in a weak, barely pink solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse in running water and leave in cold for 15 minutes.
  • Chop onion and garlic into a container with meat, add herbs and leave for an hour.

If during this time the desired effect does not occur, the meat can be considered completely spoiled. In addition, if the smell returns during cooking, you should not waste the effort and money spent - you must throw away the product immediately.

Cellophane bag - the cause of unrest

If you leave meat in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, an unpleasant smell cannot be avoided. And the point is not that it has deteriorated, but that the chemical elements of cellophane provoke the appearance of a strange “artificial” aroma.

Refrigeration storage is a delicate matter. Instead of cellophane, there are parchment and paper towels. And only as a second layer is it wise to use cling film to protect the space in the refrigerator from easily spoiled product.

If an error occurs, you can use any of the methods that are suitable for spoiled meat. There are others that are milder.

  • For 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and a piece of charcoal. They will give an original aroma, giving a specific taste of a fire, forest, nature. Soak for 3-4 hours.
  • Decoction 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile per 1 liter of water.
  • We use any herbs with a strong aroma (basil, cardamom, rosemary, nutmeg, or even better - a mixture of them) for rubbing and leave for 1 hour.
  • Sprinkle small pieces with pomegranate juice, rub in and leave for an hour.

In any case, this will help not only get rid of the unpleasant smell, but also give it a new, unique and very appetizing one.

Specifics of lamb

If it is not a sheep, but a real ram that falls into the hands of the housewife, an unpleasant smell spreads throughout the kitchen. However, this does not mean that the chosen dish will be spoiled. In fact, the tender, juicy flesh will be delicious if cooked correctly. You should also take into account the low cholesterol level - in this parameter, lamb meat is superior even to beef.

Until a year old, lambs do not cause such troubles. There are some steps you need to take next.

  1. Completely cut off the fatty patches that mostly create the problem.
  2. Small pieces rubbed with spices, herbs and garlic are infused in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
  3. Instead, you can boil the lamb for a couple of hours with spices, onions and carrots, and then use the finished product for its intended purpose.
  4. Any marinade, along with garlic and a decent amount of spices, will turn a piece of meat into a flavorful preparation in 2 hours.
  5. Leave to soak for several hours in salted water, adjika diluted in boiling water, dry mustard, allspice, garlic, and then rinse.
  6. Pour in cold water, boil, drain the water and repeat the process 3-4 times. Hot water will remove the smell.

You need to choose one and options depending on the future method of use.

Fragrant rabbit

If a rabbit is not slaughtered correctly or has not been fed according to standards, its meat will have a specific odor and taste. There are several methods specifically for this type of meat.

  • Soak in cold water for 10-12 hours. If you have time, it is best to do just that, gaining freedom in further use. The meat will be absolutely neutral and ready for any processing method.
  • Marinate. For this purpose, you can use kefir, olives with tomatoes, a mixture of wine, sour cream and juniper. The meat will be ready within an hour and will acquire the flavor of the spices and bases used in the marinade.

If the rabbit is old enough, its meat may be tough. Using a kefir marinade will help soften it.

Boar meat - a task on the edge of the possible

The best way to prevent such a disaster is to choose your meat more carefully. It is enough to fry a slice of lard with a lighter, and the truth about the state of the product on the market becomes absolutely clear.

If you are unlucky and the problem is already in the refrigerator or on the cutting table, the only way to get rid of the smell is to soak the meat in milk for 10-12 hours, changing it every 2 hours for fresh milk. The meat should be cut into thin slices, without fat. In principle, there cannot be too many spices when cooking. And even in this case, a strange shade of aroma and taste may remain.

The most reasonable and effective way to avoid the problem of a pleasant smell is prevention. You need to buy fresh meat of even color, elastic, with a pleasant smell. Store in the freezer or refrigerator wrapped in parchment or paper towel soaked in salted water. Your loved ones will be grateful for the tasty and aromatic dish. The decoration of the table will be a nutritious, healthy and attractive product in every sense - meat.