How to save kefir fungus during the holidays. Tibetan kefir fungus

Dairy or Tibetan mushroom, from which housewives prepare healthy kefir, was first grown by the monks of Tibet. As it is also called, kefir mushroom looks like boiled rice. At first, they have a diameter of 5-6 mm, and as the rice grains ripen, the fungi reach 5 centimeters. If you add sourdough to milk, the bacteria will begin to multiply intensively, thanks to which the grains grow and the sour milk acquires a pronounced kefir taste. Tibetan milk mushroom (kefir fungus) has the following instructions for use. Use on health.

The mushroom contains useful for humans:

  • lactobacilli acidophilus;
  • acetic acid bacteria;
  • milk yeast.

The drink obtained by this technology is the result of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation.

In addition to bacteria, it also contains:

  • alcohol;
  • easily digestible proteins;
  • enzymes, etc.

In addition, the fungal drink is rich in vitamins A, group B, carotenoids, vitamins D and PP.

Let's look at kefir fungus: how to use it, its benefits and harms.

Positive properties

Milk fungus - benefits and harms. The fungus also has contraindications: let's look at everything in order and talk about its beneficial properties.

Benefits of kefir fungus:

  1. Restores intestinal microflora. Kefirchik is useful for the normalization of metabolism.
  2. Restoration of microflora helps to increase immunity.
  3. The product has a choleretic effect.
  4. The drink helps cleanse blood vessels, removes bad cholesterol, and fights free radicals.

Useful drink for the prevention of serious diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • stomatitis and periodontal disease;
  • diabetes;
  • frequent respiratory diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and pancreas;
  • kidneys;
  • tumor processes;
  • all types of allergies.

In addition, the drink helps to rejuvenate the body, increases libido and improves memory.

The product has a wound healing effect:

  1. With boils and scratches, it is enough to put a napkin soaked in it on the affected area.
  2. With herpes, a compress with kefir relieves itching and burning.
  3. Useful foot baths from a fermented product.

Attention: Kefir can be used to prepare dishes that use ordinary kefir in the recipe: cheesecakes, pies, salads, and even for okroshka.

You can also use the drink for cosmetic purposes - for masks (especially for these purposes, the liquid left over from storing the fungus is suitable). With bran or oatmeal, you get an excellent pilling. You can even give the product to pets - their immunity increases, the fragility of wool decreases.


However, the product also has contraindications, in the presence of which its use is not recommended.

You can not drink a drink to people:

  1. Those who are allergic to edible dairy products.
  2. Undergoing drug therapy, as it reduces the effectiveness of drugs.
    - If there is such a need, then you need to make sure that at least three hours pass between taking the medicine and the drink.
  3. Suffering from high stomach acid.
  4. You can not combine kefir with the use of alcohol.

Growing methods

The question of how to grow an Indian mushroom is very relevant. The product name is figurative. This is not a mushroom with mycelium in the usual sense, although it is also a living organism. The substance consists of different bacteria that feed on milk. These microorganisms in the process of evolutionary development were able to achieve a certain balance in which they can coexist together. In any violation of this balance, the fungus dies.

How to grow sourdough fungus? Without having at least a small particle of the product, it is impossible to grow it. Sourdough on kefir fungi for cultivation is sold in stores or pharmacies. More often, people who have it share the product with others.

Indian milk fungus instructions on how to grow:

  1. It is necessary to take fat milk (3.5%) and place it there.
  2. In a week or two, the fungus will mature.
  3. Do not put the starter in water and it is not recommended to store it for a long time in diluted milk.

Cooking kefir

Tibetan mushroom kefir is easy to make.
For cooking, a glass jar is taken - remember, in no case does the sourdough tolerate contact with metal. Before dressing, the sourdough must be washed under running water, otherwise a bitter aftertaste will appear. Water should be at room temperature.

Take milk of different fat content - the taste of the resulting drink depends on it. After several experiments, you can choose the most suitable fat content to your liking. Milk does not need to be boiled or subjected to other heat treatment. For the same reason, baked milk is not recommended. With lactose intolerance, you can replace goat.

A portion of the mushroom is poured with milk in the ratio:

  • for 2 tsp - 250 ml;
  • for 4 tsp - 500 ml;
  • for 7-8 tsp - 1 liter.

The jar must be covered with a cloth folded in several layers. This is necessary so that the drink can breathe and dust does not get into it. No need to use a lid - the product releases CO2 and the jar can simply explode.

The drink should be infused for 24 hours at room temperature in a place where directed sunlight does not fall (you can put it on the table in the shade). The longer the fungus is infused, the stronger the milk ferments: that is, it becomes more sour. The deadline for which you can allow overexposure is 5 hours. Fermented milk should not be drunk.

Overdosing milk for up to two days, for example, is possible only in one case - if you have little sourdough and a lot of milk. In this case, it is recommended to taste the drink.
If the fungus is not kept, then you can get a less thick drink and with a more delicate taste. It is recommended to give such milk of 12-hour sourdough to infants, babies under three years old can be given a drink of 15-hour sourdough, for a 7-year-old child - 18-hour, and up to 12 years - 20-hour.

After a day, the resulting kefir must be drained through a plastic sieve. The size of the holes should be such that the drink drains and the grains linger in the sieve. If necessary, a wooden stirrer can speed up the draining process.

Kefir should be drunk immediately or can be stored for no more than half a day in the refrigerator (this may kill some of the beneficial bacteria). The mushroom needs to be washed well again.

How to save the fungus

How to care for the fungus: its effectiveness depends on it. To store the fungus, milk must be changed every day. Only in case of departure, it is allowed to dilute it up to 50%, so as not to change it for two days. If a longer absence is planned, then it is better to deposit it. Without proper care, he will die.

If the starter has grown, you can separate the excess, rinse and dry. You need to dry for 2-3 days until it turns into a powder. You can store dry fungus in a container covered with gauze for up to three months. Dry fungus will recover with milk for about two weeks.

How to use

You need to start drinking the resulting kefir little by little: no more than half a glass a day. Over time, the amount of drink can be increased, but you do not need to drink more than one liter per day. It is not recommended to drink kefir later than 40 minutes before bedtime.

For the first 2 weeks, it is better for beginners to drink in the evening. The drink may have a relaxing effect, this is normal. After 2 weeks, you can start drinking the drink at any time of the day - all processes in the intestines are already normal during this time. You need to drink kefir from kefir fungus for 20 days, and then rest for 10 days. After a couple of weeks, you will feel an improvement in your general condition.

During the rest period, do not forget to take care of the mushroom and change the milk in it every day, which can then be used for external purposes.

Diet for weight loss

If you set a goal to lose weight, you need to drink fermented milk every day half an hour after eating, also arrange fasting days several times a week with the following menu:

  1. 1st breakfast - an apple and a glass of yogurt.
  2. 2nd breakfast - pear, apple and a glass of yogurt.
  3. Lunch - kefir and a slice of black bread.
  4. Dinner - fruit salad with kefir instead of dressing.
  5. An hour before falling asleep - a glass of drink with a spoonful of honey.

Weight loss on such a diet will be dynamic: about 4 kg per month. In combination with the usual daily intake of the drink, the weight returns to normal fairly quickly.

Mushroom got sick

If the fungus began to change its color to a darker one or began to turn yellow, then it is sick. It is absolutely impossible to drink kefir from such a fungus.

What causes fungus to go bad?

  • too much sourdough - it needs to be cleaned periodically: throw away old clots;
  • if it is under-fermented or over-fermented too often in a row;
  • if it is not washed;
  • if washed with cold water;
  • if the room is too hot, you need to rinse the mushroom 3-4 r. per day (you can add a little soda to the water);
  • if the room is cold, the fungus may become moldy;
  • if metal utensils are used.
  • if the fungus is mucus, it should be washed 3-4 times a day with soda.

If the storage conditions of the fungus are normalized, then it recovers.


Thus, to make healthy and tasty kefir at home, you can take Tibetan kefir fungus and, using the above instructions, prepare a delicious refreshing drink.

Care and breeding

milk mushroom pour 200 ml of milk at room temperature in the size of two teaspoons and leave for 24 hours better in a dark place and at room temperature. This should be done once a day. The poured milk is completely fermented in 12-15 hours. A sign of complete ripening is the appearance at the top of a thick layer in which the fungus is located. Fermented milk is separated from the walls of the jar, then the layer of fermented milk is compacted and rises to the top, and a layer of whey remains at the bottom. Kefir is consumed both 12-hour aging and more mature, depending on your tastes and desire to use Tibetan milk mushroom for the purpose of healing and treating diseases. (Detailed articles about useful properties Tibetan milk mushroom and its use for medicinal purposes are also on our website).
Fermented milk is filtered through a small nylon strainer and eaten. After straining milk kefir mushroom they are washed a little from the remnants of fermented milk under a stream of clean water at room temperature right in this strainer. Please do not use too cold or hot water, otherwise your kefir fungus may die. Remember that he is alive! Then milk mushroom place again in a jar and fill with a new portion of milk. No need to close the jar with a lid. The fungus needs to breathe. Please take drinking pasteurized or natural milk. Avoid reconstituted milk (information about this is indicated on the package), long-term storage milk (most often it is sold in boxes), soy. You can use both goat and cow milk. When washing, it is better not to use metal utensils, it is better to use glass, plastic or ceramic. Utensils to work with Tibetan kefir fungus do not need to be washed with chemical detergents so that their residues do not remain on the dishes. If daily milk kefir mushroom do not wash and do not fill with fresh milk, then it will not multiply and will turn brown, it will lose its healing properties and may even die.

If for some reason you cannot use kefir in a day, you can put a jar with milk fungus in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, then the process of formation of kefir will slow down.

If you need to take a longer break from treatment Tibetan kefir mushroom, or leave for a few days, then you can put it in a larger jar, pour milk in half with water and put it in a dark, cool place.

Kefir is consumed in 200-250 ml 1-2 times a day. It is better to do this in the evening before going to bed for 30-60 minutes (preferably on an empty stomach) or in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to take it for 20 days, then take a break for 10 days so that the body does not get used to it, then repeat it again according to this scheme. The course of treatment is one year.

In the first 10 days of use milk Tibetan mushroom the activity of the intestine increases sharply, the excretory function of the body improves, gas formation increases. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume milk before work. The chair becomes frequent and liquid, the urine darkens a little. Patients with stone disease may experience discomfort in the liver, kidneys, hypochondrium, frequent urination. After 12 days, the reactions in the body will stop, there will be an improvement in the general condition, mood and general tone will increase, men will increase sexual activity. There is an extraordinary lightness and activity.

You will need

  • - pasteurized or natural milk, but not reconstituted;
  • - 2 tsp milk fungus, to obtain a glass of kefir;
  • - 200 ml of milk, temperature +18-+25 degrees;
  • - frequency of 12-15 hours.


“Feed” milk fungus with fresh homemade milk without taking long breaks. A sign of proper care will be its quick and fresh appearance. A healthy mushroom has a white color and on cottage cheese, a sick one stops growing, acquires a yellow tint and may die.

Store it somewhere out of direct sunlight, but not in a dark closet either. Use only a glass (liter jar) for the growth and development of the fungus. Use washing soda where the "" mushroom is, it cannot be treated with detergents. When storing, cover the dishes with gauze, not a lid. A mushroom is a living organism and it must. Keep the optimal temperature regime - from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. Use only plastic or wooden utensils and a spoon to remove kefir.

Give the mushroom to friends or send it to "" if you need to take a break in the course of treatment. It can be stored for up to 2 weeks in a jar of milk on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator, where it is not very cold. During this time, nothing will happen to the milk fungus and it will not lose its properties. When you need kefir again, take it out of the jar, rinse well and fill it with a new portion of milk.

Freeze the mushroom if necessary or if it is sick. It is noticed that such a measure is good for his condition. Before freezing, rinse the mushroom well so that there are no particles of fermented milk between its grains. After that, dry slightly, spreading on gauze for an hour. Then transfer the mushroom to a plastic bag, removing air from it, and tie it tightly. Put it in a tray and put it in the freezer for storage. In this form, milk mushroom can be stored for up to a year. If you need to defrost it, repeat the procedure in reverse order. Remove the mushroom from the bag, defrost it for some time, spreading it on cheesecloth. Top up with fresh milk again. With proper care and storage of milk fungus, kefir will turn out with excellent taste and qualities.

Kefir fungus is a symbiosis of different microorganisms multiplying together. Kefir is a waste product of the kefir fungus that causes lactic and alcoholic fermentation at the same time. Externally, the kefir mushroom is a white spherical body, which already in its mature form reaches a diameter of up to 4 cm. fungus It has a number of healing properties: it strengthens the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, activates the immune system, has an anti-allergic effect, restores metabolism, increases attention and improves memory.

You will need

    • three-liter jar, gauze
  • pure water
  • milk
  • sieve for washing


Strain the fermented milk through a sieve into a glass jar. After straining, rinse the mushroom thoroughly in clean water to remove fermentation residues. Then place it back in the jar and fill with a new portion of milk.

If you do not have the opportunity to take care of the fungus for several days, you can put the mushroom in a three-liter jar and pour milk in half with water. Without closing the lid, place the jar in the refrigerator. But so the mushroom can be left for a maximum of three days. Use the resulting kefir for foot treatments.

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Lactic mushroom(also called Tibetan) are strains of microorganisms that are very effective in treating many diseases and maintaining health. Lactic mushroom well helps with allergic symptoms, gives relief from cardiovascular diseases, activates the immune system and sexual abilities. But it provides the greatest assistance to patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Lactic mushroom normalizes the intestinal microflora and thus helps with ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and dysbacteriosis.

You will need

    • Ready mushroom (2-3 spoons)
  • gauze
  • milk
  • plastic sieve.


Get some dairy first mushroom A. If your friends do not have it, you can advertise it. Healthy mushroom white, grains from small grains up to 2 cm, with a smell. Place a couple of tablespoons of milk in a glass jar. mushroom and pour a glass of warm, then cover with gauze and leave for a day at room temperature. Milk is better to use unpasteurized or with a short period of time, any. If you have fresh, live milk, then boil it and cool it before mushroom A. Over time, trying different milk for pouring mushroom Well, you make your choice.

After a day has passed, pour the finished drink through a plastic sieve into the prepared container, while gently stirring the mass with a wooden spoon. Use a plastic sieve as mushroom reacts poorly to contact with metal surfaces, may or even die.

Then gently rinse the milk mushroom in a sieve with cold tap water. The mushroom must become completely clean for further fermentation, otherwise the drink will be bitter.

Also rinse the jar thoroughly. mushroom a, make sure that there are no traces of fermented milk, but do not use synthetic detergents. After all these procedures, put the washed mushroom into a clean jar and keep warm overnight.

Drain the finished drink every day, at about the same time and use on the same day. That is, you will receive 200 g of a healing kefir drink daily. When mushroom grows, increase the amount of milk. Drink a glass a day, preferably on an empty stomach. Take the course for 20 days, then take a break of 10 days. During the break, continue to care for the dairy mushroom ohm.

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Do not close the milk mushroom with a lid, it must breathe. Do not fill the mushroom with hot milk and do not rinse it with hot water, otherwise all healing properties will be lost.

Helpful advice

If you are away for a few days, fill the jar of mushroom with milk diluted halfway with water and place in a cool place. When you arrive, use the resulting drink as an external remedy.

Lactic mushroom turns milk into kefir, but the resulting kefir has a huge number of useful properties. It treats many diseases and also has preventive properties. But so that you can get healthy kefir longer, your milk mushroom should be stored properly. Here are some tips for saving it.

You will need

  • - milk mushroom,
  • - glass jar,
  • - gauze,
  • - soda,
  • - milk.


Can you store milk mushroom in the refrigerator for 3 days, if it is washed and placed in milk diluted with water 1: 1, without closing the lid. But after each three-day storage in the refrigerator, you should give mushroom u ferment in milk at room temperature.

Remember a few provisions that must not be violated in any case. Lactic mushroom do not rinse with hot water, and even more so pour hot milk. Don't keep a jar mushroom ohm in bright daylight. At temperatures below 17 degrees mushroom may mold even during fermentation. Lactic mushroom must be thoroughly and constantly rinsed, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties. Hold mushroom only in glass jars. And the jar in which it is stored can only be washed with soda, without using any detergents.

Cover the neck of the jar with gauze when you leave the milk to ferment or put it in the refrigerator. You can’t close the jar, but you shouldn’t leave it completely unprotected either.

Fermented milk after the end of the process, express, and the remaining in a colander mushroom rinse with cold boiled water. Refill daily mushroom fresh milk (preferably milk with a high fat content and a short shelf life), if this is not done, then it will not multiply and turn brown, it will not have medicinal properties, and it may die.

If you are leaving for 2-3 days, fill a three-liter jar of milk in half with water, put there mushroom, put in a room in a cool place, but rinse upon arrival mushroom and refill it with milk. Strained kefir should not be drunk. If you are away for more than 5 days, but keep an eye on your mushroom if there is no one, then put a few clean paper napkins one on one on a plate, rinse well mushroom ki and spread them on napkins, cover with another napkin and put in a warm place. Turn over every day mushroom ki with a clean spoon so as not to stick. They will turn yellow and shrink in size. After two weeks, put them in a jar and leave in the refrigerator. So mushroom or mushroom You can be stored for a long time. Properties they should not lose. But it will take 7-10 days to recover. Pour them several times with milk, and then send them to the "resort" - to yogurt or store-bought kefir, so that they build up fresh bacteria.

Helpful advice

Remember that the healthy color of milk fungus is white, the color of cottage cheese. If your mushroom began to have other shades, then you should buy a new one or try to treat this one.

"Tibetan dairy mushroom» are natural healing bacteria that restore health, rejuvenate skin, strengthen hair, prolong a healthy life ... Live medicines can be easily grown at home. Tibetan milk kefir mushroom a - this is the result of the vital activity of bacteria and microorganisms that are beneficial to health.

You will need

  • - glass jar;
  • - a colander with small holes.


In a glass half-liter jar, place the milk mushroom and pour fresh milk in the proportion of 2 teaspoons mushroom and 200 ml of milk at room temperature. Place the container in a dark place at room temperature. Full fermentation occurs after 12 - 15 hours. At the same time, a thick layer appears at the top, in which there is mushroom OK.

Strain the finished kefir through a colander with small holes, gently stirring the mass with a wooden spoon. The medicinal product is ready for consumption.

After straining the Tibetan mushroom rinse thoroughly from kefir residues with boiled water at room temperature. flush mushroom need daily, otherwise it will not multiply and can get sick. It will turn brown and at the same time lose its healing properties. Healthy mushroom should be white, without signs of mold and mucus.

Pour the mushroom again with fresh milk, in a day a new portion of medicinal kefir will be ready.

It is better to take natural milk and, if possible, not boiled. boiled milk mushroom it will take much longer to ferment. Both cow's and goat's milk can be used. Avoid reconstituted milk, shelf-stable milk, soy milk.

If for several days it is not possible to drain and rinse mushroom, pour into a 3-liter jar of milk half-and-half with water, put mushroom, put in a warm place.

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Do not use metal utensils for cooking and caring for milk fungus. Do not wash dishes for the mushroom with synthetic detergents, only with soda. Milk kefir fungus is a living microorganism, you can not close the jar with a lid. The fungus needs to breathe.

Helpful advice

Drain the finished kefir every day, preferably at the same time and store at room temperature. Do not keep milk fungus in direct sunlight.


  • how to grow kefir mushroom yourself

Kefir mushroom is gaining more and more popularity. The number of people using it to treat diseases and promote health is rapidly increasing. What rules must be observed when growing this miracle healer?

Important: if the mushroom gets sick, begins to darken or become moldy, it does not need to be thrown away. It is enough to wash all his pores from lactic acid, dry and freeze for several months, and your "doctor" is healthy and useful again.

Freezing Secrets

The most important thing when freezing is that the mushroom is thoroughly washed and there is no mucus or mold left on it. Before freezing, be sure to dry the Tibetan mushroom. Make sure that not a drop of water remains on it, otherwise it will disappear.

How much can be stored

It is allowed to store throughout the year. Make sure it doesn't defrost. If you suddenly decide to wash the refrigerator, then it is better to transfer the bag of mushroom to ice for a while.

In what container to store

Knowing what properties the Tibetan milk mushroom has, how to freeze and keep it intact, is a paramount question. It is best to place in a plastic bag, and then also in a plastic container, so it will be more convenient to get the mushroom when you need it. Better yet, divide into several portions and arrange them separately. If space in the refrigerator is limited, then you can wrap it in foil in several layers.

After defrosting the mushroom, it takes time to wake it up, so the first batch of kefir is not suitable for consumption, it is better to use it for cosmetic purposes. Milk fungus is a natural antibiotic that will help you stay healthy without chemicals. Therefore, take care of a valuable product and properly care for it. If you don’t need a Tibetan mushroom for some time, be sure to freeze it, and tell your friends about this simple but valuable storage method.

And so, you are the owner of a wonderful healer-kefir mushroom.
Very often, the owners of this mushroom are faced with the problem of storing it, because. it grows and it is not always possible to transfer it to someone.
And there is also a glut during its reception, because. therapeutic reception of this mushroom is 20 days and it is necessary to do 10 days. break.
It has been proven in practice that Tibetan milk mushroom can be dried and can also be frozen.
After drying, the fungus has a longer recovery period from 7 to 10 days, but after freezing, it has a shorter recovery period from suspended animation.
Let's start.

1) We wash a portion of the mushroom in a colander (nylon sieve) under cool water, but not ice and not hot, just cool.

2) Place a strainer on a towel to drain excess water.

3) Then put the portion on a paper towel.

4) And then cover the same portion on top with a towel. This is necessary to dry the mushroom and remove excess moisture from it. So he should lie down under a towel for about 30 minutes. or more.

5) Open the dried mushroom. Excess moisture will remain on the towel.

6) Transfer the dried mushroom to a glass or ceramic dish.

7) Separate a small portion of about 2 tsp. and transfer to a plastic bag and tie.

8) Then put the bag in the second bag, tie it up and put the double bag in a dry plastic container with a lid and everything in this container is put into the freezer.

It can be stored in the freezer for a very long time up to 1 year, provided that you do not defrost the refrigerator.

After you take out a portion from the freezer, you can immediately put this portion in milk.
You can not warm up the milk, but immediately put a portion of the frozen fungus into it. I take half a glass of milk and leave it like that for a day. The mushroom will come out of sleep and the first portion of kefir may not be successful and it can be used for cosmetic purposes, but the second portion will be the one that you can drink.

I have it safely thawed in milk and makes its first portion of kefir. Then I just filter and give this yogurt to the cat, and I wash the mushroom again and pour it again with a full portion of milk for the amount of fungus that I have.

According to the description of those who have already used this method, kefir turns out to be very delicate and tasty and has a pleasant smell, and the mushroom itself has a pleasant smell of cottage cheese and lactic acid.

I confirm that this is true.
According to the observations of eyewitnesses, freezing is good for him, even in those cases when he begins to become covered with mucus and get sick.