How to make custard for Napoleon: the best versions for any set of products. Classic custard recipe for Napoleon

Protein-butter cream often used by professionals to create bright and beautiful decorations on cakes, pastries and other desserts that can decorate any holiday table. The cream turns out very tasty, tender, airy and tastes like creamy vanilla ice cream. In addition, this cream is much lighter than butter cream, since its base is egg white, which is whipped until it forms peaks. Making this cream is very easy and quick.

Ingredients for making protein-butter cream:

Preparation of protein-butter cream:

Step 1: Prepare the butter.

We take the butter out of the refrigerator, transfer it to a free plate and, without defrosting it to room temperature, cut the ingredient into small pieces using a kitchen knife. Then set the bowl with the oil aside so that it warms up to room temperature. Attention: Butter should not be melted over a fire or in a microwave oven.

Step 2: prepare the egg white.

To prepare the cream, we will use only protein. Therefore, first we separate the egg whites from the yolks. To do this, use a knife to break the egg and, holding the two halves of the shell side by side, connect them so that there is a small gap between them. Strain the protein through it into the mixer bowl, which should be completely dry and clean. Transfer the yolk from the other half of the eggshell into a separate bowl and set it aside. The yolk component can be used to prepare other dishes.

Step 3: prepare the protein-butter cream.

In order for the protein ingredient to churn better, add to the same container 0.5 teaspoon freshly prepared lemon juice, as it will contribute to better thickening of the protein. Turn on the mixer at low speed and beat our ingredient 3-4 minutes until you get a substance with large bubbles.

After this, gradually add powdered sugar in small portions to the container of the electrical appliance, and vanilla sugar, while increasing the speed of the mixer to medium and continue beating 2-3 minutes until the whites are white and fluffy.

When all the powdered sugar is in the protein mass, turn on high speed and beat the protein until it becomes very dense and homogeneous. When solid protein peaks appear and the protein mass does not flow out of the upside-down container in which it is located, it means the protein is ready.

Then, reducing the speed of the mixer, we continue to continuously beat the protein mass, adding softened butter to it piece by piece. Beat the ingredients until you get a homogeneous fluffy cream. Then pour our cream into a free bowl.

Step 4: serve protein-butter cream.

Typically, protein-butter cream, as mentioned earlier, is used to decorate cakes and pastries, since its airy consistency is perfect for coating culinary products. The delicate and airy cream turns out so delicious that it’s very difficult to resist trying a little.

Prepare a cake or pastries with protein-butter cream, and then delight your guests and loved ones with fresh homemade sweets with light and delicate cream.
Enjoy your meal!

To prepare protein-butter cream, use good quality butter. The quality of the prepared cream depends on this ingredient.

Various food colors can be added to the cream.

The calorie content of protein-butter cream is lower than the calorie content of butter cream.

In addition to vanilla sugar, various food ingredients and baking seasonings can be added to the protein-butter cream.

You can store the finished cream in the refrigerator in a closed container for 5-6 days.

Custard for Napoleon

The most delicious baked goods are those made with your own hands. Especially if you wanted to please your family just like that, without any special reason. And you can complement your culinary masterpiece with various glazes or creams. One of these options could be. Sweet delicate taste with vanilla aroma will make your baked goods unforgettable. And your loved ones will definitely like it. So, let's start preparing dessert.

Ingredients for making custard for Napoleon:

Making custard for Napoleon.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients for the cream

First, we wash the eggs under running water to remove various types of contaminants. Then dry them with paper kitchen towels. Next, place two deep plates or bowls in front of you. And then, carefully begin to break the eggs so that you can separate the yolk from the white. We pour the white into a plate, and pour the yolk remaining in the shell into another. To prepare the cream, we will need egg yolks, so the whites can be put in the refrigerator and used in preparing another dish.

Next, add sugar to the yolks and mix these two ingredients with a teaspoon or fork until smooth. Then sift the flour into any container convenient for you so that it is saturated with oxygen, becomes airy and at the same time gets rid of lumps.

And pour it into a plate with our egg-sugar mixture. Then mix everything until smooth. And using a tablespoon, move the mass into the pan.

Step 2: Heat the milk

Turn the stove temperature to a low level. Pour the required amount of milk into the pan and place it on the burner. With constant stirring, use a tablespoon to bring the milk component to a boil. Then we set the pan on another burner, without turning off the stove.

Step 3: cook the cream

Now place the pan with a mixture of sugar, eggs and flour on a preheated burner. After this, gradually pour hot milk into it, while constantly stirring the contents with a whisk. And over low heat we begin to prepare the custard.

Stirring the cream with a whisk, cook it for about 10 - 15 minutes until it reaches a uniform consistency. And at the very end, add a little vanilla extract. The custard should thicken slightly and resemble butter.

Step 4: serve custard for Napoleon

After preparing the cream, let it cool and then use it for its intended purpose. We grease the Napoleon cake layers or decorate other pastries with this cream. For example, cupcakes, eclairs, sweet buns or pastries. Cook with pleasure!

Bon appetit!

Vanilla extract can be replaced with vanilla sugar, or not added at all.

For boiling milk, it is best to use an aluminum pan, but glass or enamel should be avoided.

To prevent the milk from burning, the pan must be rinsed under running water. And then immediately pour in the milk. At the same time, throughout the entire cooking process, constantly stir and do not leave the stove.

After preparing the cream, try to immediately use it for baking or desserts, as it has a relatively short shelf life.

Protein cream

Protein cream- this is not only a tasty and high-calorie filling for all kinds of confectionery products, but also a beautiful decoration. However, preparing the cream requires careful attention, so it is very important to follow the entire technology of its preparation. It is interesting to know that properly prepared protein cream is often also called custard. This is true, as it is practically brewed with hot sugar syrup.

Ingredients for making protein cream:

  1. Preparation of protein cream.

    Step 1: prepare chicken whites

    Attention: Before we prepare the sugar syrup, break the eggs, well washed under running water, using a knife, carefully separate the yolk from the white, placing them in a separate bowl, and put them in the refrigerator. This process is extremely necessary, since chilled egg whites will whip better and easier!

    Step 2: prepare sugar syrup

    Place a pan of water over high heat and let the liquid boil. Then, having lowered the heat to medium level, hold the pan with boiling water with a kitchen oven mitt and pour a glass of sugar into it. Using a tablespoon, stir our sweet ingredient well in boiling water. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil and then cook over low heat, stirring it occasionally with a tablespoon. Attention: It is very important to correctly determine the readiness of the sugar syrup! There are two ways. The first method: if you use a tablespoon to pour a little syrup onto a clean saucer, and it will not spread over its surface, but will be viscous in consistency like honey, then our syrup is ready. The second method: take a little syrup from the pan into a tablespoon and let it cool, transferring the ingredient from the tablespoon into a clean saucer. Be extremely careful not to burn yourself when scooping syrup from the boiling liquid with a spoon! When the syrup becomes warm, use two fingers to roll it into a ball. He must roll up. If so, then the syrup is ready. Set the pan with the syrup aside and cover it with a lid so that the syrup does not cool. You don't have to turn off the heat yet, as we may have to heat the syrup a little more before we combine it with the whipped cream.

    Step 3: Beat the Egg White

    So, our egg white has already cooled down enough, so we take it out of the refrigerator and pour it into a wide saucepan. Be sure to add a pinch of salt to our ingredient at the very beginning, since thanks to this component the protein will whip better. And now, holding the bowl with one hand, use a mixer to beat our protein liquid. You can also add citric acid to the protein for taste, but this is optional. Attention: It is highly undesirable to stop beating the whites! To check the quality of the process, just look at the appearance of our ingredient after stopping the mixer. That is, if we turn off the appliance and remove the whisk from the container, the resulting protein peaks should retain their shape.

    Step 4: prepare the protein cream

    The egg whites are well beaten and the sugar syrup is still hot. Therefore, we proceed to the most important step. So, continue to beat the protein mass with a mixer at medium speed. Holding the pan with hot syrup with oven mitts, introduce it in a thin stream into the bowl with the whites. Attention: It is very important that the syrup does not get on the mixer whisk, otherwise it will immediately harden and lumps will form. At the same time, we do not stop the process of whipping the protein for a second. You need to beat the egg white mixture until the resulting cream has cooled completely. And if you don’t have extra time, then the protein filling should be placed in a deep pan with cold water. This way our protein cream will cool down faster.

  2. Step 5: Serve the protein cream

    When our ingredient has cooled completely, it will be ready for its intended use, namely...

    They can decorate any cake.

    This cream is also perfect as a filling for cakes - baskets.

    Or straws. Therefore, using a pastry syringe filled with our cream, we decorate our confectionery product and serve it on a platter on the festive table, enjoying its taste. If you decide to cook the baked goods another day, it is important to remember that such cream Can be stored for no more than 36 hours in the refrigerator.

    Enjoy your meal!

    If you add 100 grams of butter to the still warm protein cream, you will get a protein-butter cream.

    Before breaking eggs with a knife, they must be rinsed very thoroughly under warm water to avoid pathogenic microbes that can cause a number of serious intestinal diseases getting into the egg white or yolk.

    Once you have cracked the egg, be very careful to separate the egg yolk from the white so that the two ingredients do not mix.

    The egg yolk, which we will not need to make the cream, can be used to prepare other dishes. Delight your child and make him eggnog from egg yolk!

    The color of your cream will change and your cakes will look more colorful if you add food coloring to the egg white cream. You can also, after dividing our ingredient into small portions, use food coloring to color it in different colors and then decorate the cake with them, this will make the confectionery dish creamy and multi-colored.

Each classic dessert has its own specific cream. Sacher torte is impossible without chocolate glaze, Opera is impossible without ganache, Elisabeth cake is made with condensed milk, and if you decide to bake the namesake of the French emperor, get ready to make custard for Napoleon. The good news: although there is a classic recipe, you can use your imagination, change the ingredients a little, simplify or, conversely, complicate the preparation, and make something new. This way the cake will taste different every time. In addition, by changing the cream recipe, you can reduce the calorie content of the dessert. Finally, a new recipe will help you out if you are used to cooking Napoleon, say, with condensed milk, but today there is none in the refrigerator.

We present the most win-win custard options for our favorite cake

The simplest option

Prepare the ingredients

  • 2 eggs;
  • fresh or pasteurized milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass (without a pea if you don’t have a sweet tooth);
  • 3 tablespoons of flour (with a heap).

Timing: 10 minutes.
Difficulty: the most simplified recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Mix sugar with flour, add egg, grind everything.
  2. Pour in the milk and beat the mixture with a mixer.
  3. Place the future cream on the fire, stirring, and bring to a boil.
  4. Cool.
  5. Beat the cream again. And you can layer the cakes with it.


Prepare the ingredients

  • 200 g butter (or exactly 1 pack);
  • 1 liter of milk of any fat content (but the fattier the milk, the tastier the result will be);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of flour (no heaps).

Timing: 10–15 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

  • In order to prepare the classic custard for Napoleon, you need to take a whisk, beat the eggs into a saucepan or stewpan, and then grind them with sugar and flour.
  • Pour in milk. The best option is to add it one spoon at a time. However, if you don’t have time, add it in two or three additions and change the whisk to a mixer. Your main task is to break up all the lumps and create the most homogeneous substance.
  • Place the saucepan on heat (medium or slightly below medium) and bring to a boil. There is no need to leave the stove - stir so that your delicious cream does not burn.
  • Immediately remove the pan from the stove and place it in a secluded corner to cool. You can place a plate of butter on top of the saucepan, this will soften it faster. But be careful: it should not melt!
  • Beat the cooled cream, adding a spoonful of butter. When all the oil and cream have entered, and the latter becomes like an airy cloud, the cream is ready.

Variant with nuts

Prepare the ingredients

  • 1 glass of sugar (without a grain);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1.5 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 glass of milk (it is important that it is not sour);
  • vanilla sugar (about a level teaspoon - however, this is an optional component);
  • 2 tablespoons of nuts (for example, walnuts);
  • butter – 300 g.

Timing: 20 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Beat the egg and sugar into a white foam.
  2. Add flour, milk and vanilla.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat. Important! There is no need to bring it to a boil. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, this is a signal that it is time to remove it.
  4. Lightly toast the nuts in a frying pan (this is not necessary, but the toasted nuts will greatly enhance the aroma of the cake).
  5. Chop the nuts. This can be done with a blender (even an immersion blender - the main thing is to choose a deep bowl).
  6. Meanwhile, the custard mixture has cooled. All that remains is to add butter (softened to room temperature), as well as nuts. Beat everything with a blender... Done! By the way, you can take three times more nuts than the recipe calls for - this way you can also make a beautiful nut topping on top of Napoleon.

Option with condensed milk

Prepare the ingredients

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons flour (no heaps);
  • condensed milk – 200 g (the thicker it is, the better);
  • butter – 100 g (room temperature);
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Timing: about 10 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

Vanilla-cream option

Prepare the ingredients

  • milk – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 180 g (that is, about 3/4 of a faceted glass);
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 3 yolks (they can be replaced with two whole eggs);
  • starch – 3 level tablespoons (it can be replaced with flour);
  • butter – 50 g (softened);
  • 35% cream – 150 ml.

Timing: 25 minutes + 5 hours.
Difficulty: Medium difficulty recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Boil milk with half the regular and vanilla sugar.
  2. Cool, add the remaining sugar mixed with starch. Important! It is better to use corn starch rather than potato starch, plus sift it thoroughly. After this manipulation, the cream will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, that is, without lumps.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil again. Let it cook for about two minutes (however, if you don’t have starch in your kitchen and you included flour in your recipe, remove the pan from the heat immediately after “boiling” bubbles appear).
  4. Add a piece of butter and beat the cream.
  5. Cover the top of the pan with cling film (so that it completely rests on the cream - this way you will protect it from the appearance of a dense crust). Let the cream cool, and then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours - however, you can keep it cold for longer, this will not spoil the recipe.
  6. Whip the cream until foamy (it should be fresh from the refrigerator).
  7. Mix the cream with the cream, beat again... Finally ready!

Congratulations: now you have more than one cream recipe at your disposal, so you can make a new delicious Napoleon every time.

The version with condensed milk will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, the simplified version of the cream will appeal to all busy housewives, and the version with nuts will appeal to lovers of everything new (you must admit, it’s not often that this famous cake is supplemented with walnuts).

Good luck in the kitchen! And let the guests eat all the cakes down to the crumbs, and then strictly demand that the recipe be rewritten for them!

There is an opinion in the confectionery world that Slavic cuisine has almost the richest selection of baked goods. The multi-layer Napoleon cake is considered a classic of this genre. The combination of puff pastry and gourmet custard is familiar to everyone from early childhood. Today we will discuss how to prepare the classic cream for Napoleon.

Revealing the secrets of the confectionery world

Many of us, judging by the name of the cake, mistakenly think that its homeland is France. But this is not at all true, because apart from the name, the cake has nothing in common with this country. The Napoleon cake was first baked in Tsarist Russia. The baked goods received this name due to their appearance. Initially, the cake was baked from cake layers laid out in the shape of a cocked hat, which was so loved by the great French emperor and commander Napoleon.

For generations, Napoleon has been considered a classic and loved by many of us. Typically, this cake is made from thin layers that are soaked in delicate, aromatic and moderately rich custard. There is even a state standard for the preparation of such cream.

  • According to GOST, milk with any percentage of fat content, high-grade flour, butter, crystalline sugar, and eggs are added to the cream described.
  • It is better to take eggs chilled. This way you can beat them more thoroughly with sugar crystals.
  • Brew milk with flour and a small amount of granulated sugar, bringing to a boil. As soon as the milk mixture begins to boil, it is immediately set aside.
  • Pour the hot milk into the beaten egg mixture carefully, constantly whisking the cream. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the food because the egg white will cook.
  • You can store the prepared cream in the refrigerator for no more than 40 hours.
  • To add flavor to the custard, you can add a pinch of vanilla, nutmeg, a little liqueur or cognac.
  • Chocolate cream is made by adding grated chocolate or cocoa powder to the milk mass.
  • You can use condensed milk to make custard. In this case, strictly follow all recipe proportions.
  • When greasing puff pastries, do not skimp on the amount of cream. Napoleon cakes are dry by nature, so they absorb the cream as much as possible.
  • In the classic version, the cake is decorated with crumbs. If you want to make an inscription or decorate the cake with borders, then custard is not suitable, since its consistency is liquid and blurry.
  • The cream should thicken during the brewing process. You don't need to cook it for too long, otherwise you will end up smelling and tasting burnt milk.
  • A wooden spatula with a long handle is ideal for mixing the cream.
  • If there are still lumps in the cream, then when adding softened butter, beat it with a whisk, blender or mixer.

Dedicated to lovers of home baking

Is there a holiday coming up or perhaps you just want to impress everyone with your pastry skills? Then bake a Napoleon cake. And to give your favorite baked goods an unusual taste, let's prepare a classic cream for Napoleon. The highlight will be the addition of condensed milk.


  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • ½ tbsp. crystal sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. condensed milk;
  • 4 things. eggs (yolks only);
  • ½ tbsp. sifted flour.


What could be better than the classics?

Regardless of the time of year or fashion trends, the classics are always held in high esteem and are extremely popular. Of course, we are now talking about the cream for Napoleon. The classic recipe will become a real visual aid for you and will help you make true custard in accordance with the established state standard. To vary the taste, you can add a few drops of your favorite liqueur to the cream. If this is your first time preparing cream for greasing puff pastries, then carefully study all the cooking features and be sure to follow the recipe proportions.


  • ½ tbsp. brown and white granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sifted flour;
  • 250 g softened butter;
  • ½ tbsp. milk;
  • 2 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 tsp. vanilla.


What modern culinary specialists layer with what they call Napoleon: condensed milk with butter, boiled condensed milk; custard, sour cream, cottage cheese and even cream with Mascarpone cheese! But he offers and insists on traditional creamy custard prepared with milk. I will demonstrate how to make a delicious custard for Napoleon in my recipe with step-by-step photos taken. This is a real, old classic recipe taken from my grandmother's Soviet-era notebook.

The composition of this cream is noblely simple:

  • milk – 3 glasses;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 200-250 g;
  • We use the same flavoring as for the dough - vanillin.

The amount of oil is determined by its fat content: with a fat content of 72.5% you need more of it, with a fat content of 82.5%, respectively, 200 grams is enough. In the old days, when you had to use sandwich butter instead of butter, you took one and a half weights of it, and then beat it with a wooden paddle for quite a long time so that the excess whey would come off and the fat content of the product would increase.

How to make custard for Napoleon

We start cooking by bringing 0.5 liters of milk almost to a boil over low heat.

In a separate bowl, beat sugar, egg and flour until white. Add vanillin.

Add a glass of cold milk and continue whisking so that the flour does not settle to the bottom.

When the milk approaches the boiling point, pour in the sugar-egg-flour mixture in a thin stream with constant stirring. Continuing to whisk, bring the cream to a boil. The finished custard should be tender, silky, homogeneous, without the slightest hint of lumps or foam. Cool it to room temperature (or a little warmer).

We weigh out 200 grams of butter (82.5% fat) and leave it warm: while the custard cools, the butter should warm up slightly and soften. The butter-custard cream for the Napoleon cake that we will be making is an emulsion, and the main requirement for successful emulsification is that the temperature of all mixed components be the same.

To properly make custard for Napoleon, first beat the butter until fluffy. First beat at low and then at medium speed.

Continuing to beat, add the custard into the butter in small portions.

The well-deserved reward for our labors will be a full bowl of the most delicate, light and airy creamy mass.

Try cooking it yourself and see that it is the most delicious for Napoleon! It is neither greasy nor cloying. This classic creamy custard is useful not only for Napoleon cake, but also for layering other homemade ones.

Custard is used to prepare everyone's favorite Napoleon dessert. This delicate cream is not difficult to prepare, but you need to take this process with the utmost seriousness and attention. The custard makes the dessert very tasty. Currently, there are many different options for preparing such a cream. In our article we will look at the recipe for classic custard and several more variations.

How to make custard according to the classic recipe?

To prepare the cream, you need the following products:

  • Milk – 1 l
  • Granulated sugar – 300 g
  • Butter – 250 g
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs
  • Flour – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet

Preparation of cream:

  1. Combine flour and sugar in a container, mix and add eggs and vanilla sugar. Stir again until smooth, breaking up any lumps.
  2. Stir while adding milk until smooth.
  3. Place your cream on low heat. At the same time, stir the custard all the time so that it does not burn.
  4. Boil the cream until it boils; when you see the first bubbles, remove the cream from the heat.
  5. Cool the cream by placing the container with the cream in cold water.
  6. Add butter to the cooled cream and stir until the butter is completely dissolved.

The cream is ready!

Custard without butter

The cream turns out to be delicate, not greasy and thick in consistency. To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • 1.2 l milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp flour
  • 3 tbsp. starch

Preparation of cream:

  1. Mix and thoroughly grind the granulated sugar with the eggs.
  2. Next, add the specified amount of flour and starch. Mix everything.
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan and place on fire, bring to a boil.
  4. When the milk boils, pour in the mixture you received, stirring constantly. While the cream is cooking, stir all the time, touch the bottom of the pan, so your cream will not burn.
  5. Cook the custard until it thickens.
  6. When the cream cools, its consistency will become thicker.

How to make Patissier cream?

"Patissiere" is a type of custard that is very famous in France. This cream is widely used for French pastries.

To prepare it you will need the following list of products:

  • 350 ml milk
  • 100 granulated sugar
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 30 g starch
  • A pinch of salt

Preparation of "Patissiere":

  1. Take a bowl and add starch, half the granulated sugar, salt and mix.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of milk and mix well.
  3. Add eggs and mix again.
  4. Pour the remaining milk and remaining granulated sugar into the pan, stir and bring to a boil, remove from heat.
  5. Pour hot milk into the previously obtained mixture in a thin stream, stirring all the time. Place the resulting mixture in a saucepan.
  6. Cook the cream until it thickens, stirring with a whisk.
  7. Add the indicated amount of butter and vanilla sugar and mix everything.

Whatever custard option you choose, your dessert will be very tasty. Custard can be used not only for Napoleon, but also for other desserts with which it will go well. Cook with love! Enjoy your meal!