How to make delicious fluffy steamed rice in a slow cooker? How to cook rice in a steamer.

Rice is a pure, healthy product that does not contain any harmful substances. Rice is easily digestible and can cleanse the body; it is not for nothing that it is included in many diets. Cooking rice is easy. All owners of a multicooker know that rice turns out perfectly in it. This is because the multicooker is an improved Asian rice cooker adapted to the needs of Europeans. Some chefs recommend bay leaves, garlic, and curry as mandatory additions to rice when cooking. The Russians came up with the idea of ​​adding a bouillon cube when cooking rice. And in Asian countries they believe that rice can reveal its potential even without foreign additives.

Many housewives often use rice as a side dish. Rice can be cooked in the usual way - in water and steamed. Steamed rice in a slow cooker will be much healthier, because when steamed, all the necessary substances are retained in the food. And in both cases, you can get a different result: either, which our compatriots are accustomed to, or an adhesive substance that is convenient to roll into balls and pick up with chopsticks, as is customary in the countries of Southeast Asia. Therefore, in Japan or China, a cook who prepares fluffy rice will be considered unprofessional. And here we value precisely such housewives.


  • salt and spices to taste


Before steaming, rice should be rinsed several times - this will remove dirt and starchy substances from the grain, prevent the finished rice from sticking together into a porridge, and saturate the rice grains with moisture. Some people complain that steamed rice is a bit dry. To avoid this, you need to soak the cereal in water before cooking for several hours. It will absorb the required amount of water, and then in the slow cooker, after heating with steam, it will absorb the remaining moisture.

Place a glass of washed and soaked rice in a steamer basket. Sprinkle salt on top. The salt may disappear with steam, and then you will have to add salt to the finished rice. Add seasonings if desired. Pour three glasses of water into the multicooker bowl. Set the “steaming” program for 40 minutes. Cooking time depends on the type of rice. For example, tender Jasmine rice with a light milky aroma cooks faster than brown, unpeeled rice.

After the signal, let the rice stand for another five minutes in the slow cooker, and you can serve it on the table as a separate dish or as a side dish.

Ready-made steamed rice in a multicooker turns out crumbly and soft. Some may find it a little dry, but adding vegetable oil or a piece of butter will fix this. All kinds of gravies also go well with steamed rice. Rice goes well with vegetables, fish, and meat.

I know that in some multicookers the steamer basket has such large holes that even vinaigrette, let alone rice, falls through them. Owners of such devices can be advised to line the steamer with foil, make holes in the foil (with an awl, for example), and then pour the washed rice onto the foil.

By the way, you can steam other cereals in a similar way - buckwheat, pearl barley, bulgur, couscous (it will take less time).

Bon appetit!!!

We thank Oksana Baibakova for the recipe with photos!

A steamer is an indispensable and very convenient assistant in the kitchen. Its convenience lies in saving time, ease of cooking and preserving healthy vitamins and minerals in products. Steamed dishes are a suitable option for people on a diet, those involved in sports, for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the elderly.

How to cook in a double boiler: principle of use

The steamer has two types of control:

  1. Mechanical. On mechanically controlled steamers there is a special rotary control with which you can set the cooking time. After the time has elapsed, the machine finishes working and turns off.
  2. Electronic. The electronic steamer is characterized by the presence of a liquid crystal display and a panel with buttons. Has significantly more functions compared to the mechanical type:
  • setting a specific time for turning on the machine independently;
  • automatic determination of cooking time and mode in accordance with the weight and type of products;
  • maintaining the temperature of the cooked dish;
  • convenient regulation of water in the tank (the machine gives a signal about a lack of water, and if there is no water, it turns off);
  • steam control (for faster cooking);
  • sound notification (signal of process completion).

Rice in a steamer: benefits

The problem of many housewives is sticky, sticky rice. Many people fail to prepare it correctly, to make it crumbly so that each grain is separated from the other. Some people use this method: they put a solid deep bowl in a double boiler, which prevents steam from escaping, and cook the product in it. But this is very tedious and, moreover, most often it is not possible to make the rice crumbly this way. Cereals in a continuous bowl are prepared similarly to ordinary cooking:

  1. Steam heats the liquid in the container for a long time.
  2. After boiling, the product is cooked in a small amount of water at low temperature.

The traditional method gives a head start to this steaming method. Therefore, it is better to steam the rice - the crumbliness of the cereal will be ensured. The steamed product is prepared in steamers, which have relatively small holes in the pans or have solid trays. Such models are designed specifically for steaming this type of product. They are capable of making real culinary masterpieces from rice: you can cook pilaf, risotto, meatballs, porridge with various additives.

Cooking rice in a steamer - recipe

The recipe for boiled, fluffy rice is very simple. This dish can be served either as a side dish or as an independent dish. You can use different varieties of rice: white, brown, wild, short grain, long grain rice, basmati - to your taste. To taste, you can additionally add your favorite spices, which will add piquancy to the taste and attractive appearance of the dish. For example, by adding turmeric, you will not only make rice tastier, but also give the dish a beautiful sunny look.


  • 500 g rice
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste


You can prepare steamed boiled rice as follows:

  1. Rinse the rice well with cold water until the water with the rice becomes clean and clear. Soaking is not recommended because the rice may end up boiling.
  2. Next, you need to place the washed rice on a baking sheet (not in a vessel) of a steamer. Reminder: The baking sheet should either have small holes or be solid. If your steamer has larger holes on the baking sheet than grains of rice, then you can cover it with foil, making a small trough, which is pierced with a toothpick or wooden skewer (to allow steam to pass through).
  3. The dish is salted, peppered, other seasonings are added to taste and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  4. The rice is cooked in a steamer for 1 hour (the exact cooking time depends on the power level of the machine).
  5. The dish is served seasoned with unrefined olive oil and, if desired, with herbs.

Steamed rice in a slow cooker is a truly savory and healthy dish, perfect for a healthy diet and diet; below are some popular recipes.

How to steam rice in a slow cooker

Steamed rice is considered one of the healthiest grains, as during such processing it retains the maximum amount of useful substances when compared with preparation using other types of heat treatment. In addition, it turns out tasty and crumbly. Cooking steamed rice in a slow cooker is a real pleasure, we invite you to check it out too.

You will need:

  • 2 cups rice;
  • salt.

Place the well-washed rice in a wire rack for steaming. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and place our rice there. Select the “Steam cooking for 30 minutes” mode and wait. After half an hour, our rice is ready! Don't forget to salt the rice before serving.

You can add a little soy sauce or a small piece of butter. Bon appetit!

How to cook rice in a slow cooker as a side dish

To ensure that the rice in the slow cooker for a side dish turns out fluffy and tasty, it is recommended to maintain the proportions of rice and water.

Long grain and parboiled rice is best. Round rice may stick together.

Salt the rice before cooking. If desired, you can add any spices you like along with the salt. Usually saffron, turmeric, and cumin go well with rice, but you can cheat a little - buy special seasonings for rice, thereby making your task easier.

This seasoning immediately contains the necessary herbs, which, according to the manufacturer, are best combined with rice.

Various finely chopped vegetables also go well with rice: carrots, bell peppers, green peas, canned corn - here you can also buy a ready-made mixture or just frozen vegetables to your taste and make the mixture yourself. Although this is already considered a slightly different dish.

Let's move on to the preparation:

  1. Rinse the rice until it is clean and add it to the pan.
  2. Fill the rice with water, add spices and oil.
  3. Turn on the pilaf mode and you're done.

Rice porridge with water in a slow cooker: instant recipe

The method of preparing this porridge is very simple, whether you are an experienced cook or just a beginner.

1.First, you need to prepare a glass of rice and rinse it thoroughly.

3.Close the lid and turn on the “Cooking cereals” mode or another mode depending on your multicooker. When the porridge is ready, a signal will sound and the dish will need to be stirred and left for ten minutes in the heating mode.

4.After this, the rice porridge will be absolutely ready. Also, simmering (cooking time will take six hours) or stewing modes are perfect for porridge. The effect will surpass itself. You will get porridge that looks like it was cooked in a Russian oven.

Bon appetit!

Steamed rice in a slow cooker is quite often prepared by those who carefully monitor not only their figure, but also their health. After all, a side dish prepared in this way contains a huge amount of useful substances. For those who do not know how exactly this dish is made, we will present a step-by-step method for creating it.

Delicious steamed: recipe

This side dish is served with goulash, sausages, and meat. You can also eat rice as an independent dish. To prepare it, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • peeled - 1.5 cups;
  • drinking water - at your discretion;
  • table salt - add to taste.

To quickly and tasty cook steamed rice in a slow cooker, we also need the following equipment:

  • deep bowl;
  • large spoon;
  • faceted glass;
  • portion plates;
  • fine sieve;
  • multicooker with double boiler function.

Choosing the right cereal

Since our main ingredient is rice, maximum attention should be paid to it. In order to choose it correctly, and subsequently process it, you need to decide in advance what exactly you are going to cook from it.

If you decide to cook regular porridge, you will need to purchase short-grain rice. This choice is due to the fact that this particular type of cereal contains a large amount of starch, which makes it sticky and viscous when cooked. If you decide to steam fluffy rice in a slow cooker, then it is better to buy a long-grain product. After all, during the heat treatment process it moderately absorbs water and does not stick together.

Main ingredient processing process

Young housewives often ask how to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated in this process. First of all, the product should be carefully processed. To do this, you need to sort out the cereal, remove dark and other grains that got there by accident. Next, you need to put the rice in a sieve and rinse it well in cool or warm water several times, kneading it with your hands. This procedure will remove all dirt and dust from the cereal. After the water becomes as clear as possible, you can immediately use the long-grain product to prepare an easy and healthy side dish. By the way, in order to reduce the heat treatment time, some cooks resort to the following trick: they put the washed rice in a bowl, fill it with cold drinking water and leave it in it for about an hour. During this time, the cereal swells a little, thanks to which it steams much faster.

for a couple?

After the main ingredient has been thoroughly processed and soaked, you can immediately begin preparing it in a slow cooker. To do this, long-grain rice should be placed in a special bowl for creating steamed dishes, and then pour 1-2 hot water into the main container and set the appropriate program for half an hour. After the specified time has passed, it is recommended to try the cereal. If it is a little harsh, then it should be mixed well, separating the grains, and again put in the same mode, but for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the rice should be completely cooked, become crumbly and soft.

Proper serving of side dishes to the table

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about steaming long-grain rice in a slow cooker yourself. After the device informs you that the program has completed and the cereal has become soft, it should be removed from the bowl, seasoned with the required amount of salt and placed into portioned plates. Before serving this side dish, it is recommended to pour it with aromatic gravy, and also place a piece of fried meat or fish, similarly steamed, next to it. Bon appetit!

If you do not have a kitchen appliance such as a multicooker, then you can cook the crumbly side dish of rice on the stove. But then the cereal will turn out to be less useful, since during its heat treatment in water, this product will still lose some properties.

I am always amazed at how well thought out many Tunisian recipes are. One gets the feeling that they could well have been invented by venerable nutrition scientists. The amount of each component fits quite accurately into the popular “food pyramid” scheme: some fats and animal proteins, a lot of vegetables and grains, as little starch as possible and more fiber. At the same time, if in the modern world diets are usually associated with something dull and tasteless, then the people get the opposite - dishes that are not only pleasing to the eye and smell, but also very pleasant to the taste. So today I decided to show you one of these recipes - rice with chicken. As far as I recall, this is the first Tunisian recipe in my journal using poultry. The point here is not that Tunisians don’t eat chicken, rather the opposite - it is a common meat due to its cheapness. Basically, this bias arose due to my personal preferences, and I wanted to show the most festive dishes, in which lamb is usually used. So, one of the most, almost on a par with couscous, everyday dishes is called “Djerba rice”.

The most basic ingredients are chicken fillet (300 grams), long grain rice (a glass), carrots (300 grams), several onions, a third of a glass of olive oil, chard (300 grams), a bunch of parsley, two tablespoons of tomato paste, a head of garlic and spices - a teaspoon of red hot paprika, half a teaspoon of fennel seeds, a tablespoon of ground coriander and a few bay leaves. Instead of chard, spinach or beet-radish-turnip greens are sometimes used.

The remaining components of this dish are no longer necessary, and serve mainly to give a beautiful look to the finished dish. This is half a glass of chickpeas (they should be soaked overnight), a glass of green peas and one red bell pepper.

This rice is cooked in a double boiler - for example, this one.

It is better to aim for the rice to be ready within about thirty minutes, which is quite achievable for most varieties (such as “basmati” or “jasmine”) that can be found on sale. If you only have rice that requires long-term cooking (brown, wild,...), then you need to soak it for several hours.

Now the process itself. I cut the meat into small pieces (I put the excess fat and skin aside). Peeled the carrots and peppers and cut them into small cubes. I loosened the onion into thin half rings. I cut the chard into large strips, finely chopped the parsley and peeled garlic. Mixed everything together with rice, peas, oil and spices. Added a tablespoon of salt. In the photo you can see approximate proportions :)

The resulting mixture was placed in the upper section of the steamer. Pour two glasses of water into the steamer. At the end of cooking, this water will turn into a fragrant broth, so it is better not to pour too much water. Bring the water to a boil and connect the steamer parts together. Of course, the smells will be overwhelming at this moment.

The rice is cooked under the lid for the first 30 minutes, and it is better to remove the lid for the last 5 minutes. As soon as the specified time has passed, I put the rice into a large plate and poured the broth that had accumulated in the pan on top (a third of a glass will be enough). Steamed rice will immediately absorb it. Most likely, you can stop at this stage, the main thing is to make sure that all the rice is cooked evenly. Otherwise, it should be left to steam for another 10 minutes.

And then serve it to guests, stunned by such crumbly and aromatic rice, which can easily compete even with real couscous. "Djerba rice" is also often prepared with squid. The cooking process itself will not change.