How to make cabbage salad with mayonnaise. Salad with lemon juice and soy sauce

White cabbage is a product with low calorie content, but a very rich composition, which also contains a large amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Many people know that this vegetable contains a large amount of fiber. It helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and waste, thereby improving health and overall well-being. may vary greatly. It goes well with a variety of ingredients. There are many with mayonnaise, including meat, seafood, and even fish. The sauce most often used is regular or lean mayonnaise.

Not only vegetarians may like it with mayonnaise. The low-calorie dish will appeal to those people who are on a diet. This is also an excellent option for Lent; the only clarification will be the composition of the dressing, because regular mayonnaise is definitely not suitable. You can safely use lean sauce; the taste will not become worse from this change.

For cabbage salad with mayonnaise you need:

  • White cabbage – 290 g;
  • Salad onion – 110 g;
  • Fresh carrots – 170 g;
  • Salt – 5 g;
  • Sugar – 3 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 60 ml.

Salad with cabbage and carrots with mayonnaise:

  1. It is better to take young cabbage, it has more juice, which will have a great effect on the taste of the dish. If you couldn’t find a recently ripened fruit, you can use it from last season. In this case, be sure to mash the cabbage with your hands before adding it to the salad to achieve softness.
  2. Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage, which are usually not eaten, cut off the necessary piece from the vegetable for convenience and chop it finely with a knife.
  3. Place the chopped product in a bowl, add salt and the required amount of sugar, and use your hands to knead the contents of the plate well until the juice appears. During this procedure, the liquid will mix with the spices, they will dissolve; there is no need to add more salt.
  4. Wash fresh carrots to remove dirt and peel them in a thin layer. To do this, you can use a special vegetable peeling device. Grate the prepared vegetable on a coarse grater.
  5. Peel the salad onion, rinse before slicing, and then cut into half rings.
  6. Place the chopped products in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise, mix well.

TIP: To ensure that the ingredients are thoroughly and evenly mixed and coated with the sauce, you should stir the dish with your hands. You can use special culinary gloves.

Cabbage salad with mayonnaise recipe

Surely, many people like the smell of fresh vegetables that occurs when cutting salad. This scent is especially pleasing after a long winter. Cucumbers and herbs, which are contained in the recipe for this snack, have a special smell. It turns out very juicy and light. You can cook it as an addition to dinner or lunch, because it will go well with meat, cereals and potatoes.

For salad with cabbage and mayonnaise you need:

  • White cabbage – 380 g;
  • Carrots – 230 g;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 190 g;
  • Green onions – 45 g;
  • Dill greens – 35 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 80 ml;
  • Salt – 7 g.

Fresh cabbage salad with mayonnaise recipe:

  1. Prepare the cabbage for slicing, remove the leaves on top, rinse under running water to remove any contamination, then cut into thin strips. This ingredient is required more than any other, as it forms the basis of the entire dish.
  2. Wash the carrots as well; you can use a soft sponge to remove any dirt. Then peel the product, cut it into thin and long strips with a knife, or use a Korean carrot grater.
  3. Wash the cucumbers, trim the edges, and be sure to taste them. If there is bitterness, then you need to peel the skin of the cucumber. Cut it into thin strips, like other products.
  4. Wash the greens, onions and dill, chop finely, without touching the dill stems. They are too coarse, so they are not needed in the salad.
  5. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and mix with mayonnaise.

TIP: Do not use track to chop cucumber. It will become too thin and watery, which will ruin the salad with mayonnaise. When slicing, you also need to squeeze out excess moisture.

Carrot and cabbage salad with mayonnaise

This combination is a little unusual, but it will definitely find lovers of it. The taste is very pronounced, the presence of smoked sprats is clearly noticeable. Their quality is very important, so when purchasing, you should pay attention to the size, quality and brand. It is better to take more expensive canned food, which contains dense and large fish. A distinctive feature of this snack is that it is prepared in layers, so it is important that there is as little juice from the vegetables as possible. To do this, do not crush the cabbage with your hands, otherwise it will release a lot of water.

For cabbage, carrot, mayonnaise salad you need:

  • Cabbage – 270 g;
  • Smoked sprats in oil – 240 g;
  • Onions – 90 g;
  • Fresh carrots – 170 g;
  • Greens to taste;
  • Potatoes – 190 g;
  • Salt – 7 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 120 ml.

Cabbage and carrot salad with mayonnaise:

  1. Open the sprats and drain the oil. Separate each fish from the bones and tail. Divide the sprats into small pieces, which can be done with a knife or fork. Place the first layer on a plate.
  2. Peel the onion, cut it with a knife, sprinkle it on the second layer, following the sprats.
  3. Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins until cooked. After it has cooled, remove the skin, grind the ingredient using a grater and place in a third layer. Coat the potatoes generously with mayonnaise.
  4. Grate the peeled carrots. When raw, add a thin layer to the appetizer.
  5. Wash the greens and chop them.
  6. Prepare the cabbage for slicing, peel the top layer, chop it, mix with herbs. Place the resulting mixture on top of the salad and spread with mayonnaise.

TIP: In order for the potatoes to absorb salt during cooking, you need to make a puncture in the skin and add salt to the cooking water.

Fresh cabbage salad with mayonnaise

To prepare this recipe, you can take absolutely any type of meat, according to your taste. The only advice that can be given for cooking is that it should not be a completely fatty variety, since the basis is vegetables, and they go better with lean foods. You can add chicken, turkey, veal, lean pork - all these ingredients will go well together in the dish. The snack is rich in nutrients, contains proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements.

For cabbage salad with mayonnaise you need:

  • Cabbage – 320 g;
  • Carrots – 230 g;
  • Beetroot – 210 g;
  • Salt – 8 g;
  • Lean meat – 280 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 80 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 60 ml.

Fresh cabbage salad with mayonnaise:

  1. Peel the cabbage from the outer leaves and chop.
  2. Wash fresh carrots and beets under the tap, peel them, and grate them. There is no need to heat-treat the vegetables for this recipe; they come raw.
  3. Pour cabbage, carrots and beets into a dish, sprinkle with salt and knead with your hands a little so that the products soften.
  4. Rinse the meat, cut into strips, sprinkle with salt, fry in a frying pan in oil until cooked. Before adding to the salad, you should blot it with a paper napkin to collect excess oil.
  5. Combine meat with vegetables, add mayonnaise and mix.

Cabbage salad with mayonnaise

The salad turns out to be very satisfying due to the content of a large number of ingredients, so it can be prepared for a holiday table or as a separate dish for dinner. It contains rice and ham, which will especially appeal to men, but women will also be delighted due to the large number of vegetables in the composition.

Required ingredients:

  • Bell pepper – 160 g;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 170 g;
  • White cabbage – 260 g;
  • Rice – 30 g;
  • Turkey ham – 240 g;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Spicy mustard – 15 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 90 ml;
  • Salt – 8 g.

Cabbage salad with mayonnaise:

  1. Wash the pepper, remove seeds, remove the stem and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel the cucumbers and cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the cabbage and chop into strips.
  4. Remove the ham from packaging and cut into pieces.
  5. Boil the rice in salted soda until crumbly. Rinse, drain, add to salad.
  6. Peel the onion and chop very finely.
  7. Mix mustard and mayonnaise, season the chopped products with this mixture, add salt and mix.

White cabbage salads are very versatile; they can easily serve as an independent dish, as well as as a vegetable snack. Because the main ingredient is so juicy, cabbage salads with mayonnaise and garlic are surprisingly fresh and reminiscent of summer. A pleasant aroma and excellent taste are what always accompany cabbage salad with garlic and mayonnaise.

Fresh cabbage salad is a universal dish that can satisfy everyone’s requirements. The simplicity of preparation will please the lazy, the nutritional and dietary properties will please those losing weight, and the high gastronomic properties will delight experienced cooks. An affordable, all-season vegetable that will readily appear on any plate, any day.

Fresh cabbage salad - recipe

Indispensable in the daily diet, especially in early spring, when there is a wait of several months before the appearance of a variety of vegetables. Cooking based on cutting fresh, unheated vegetables is simple, quick and requires only a dressing and a few ingredients for taste.


  • head of cabbage - 300 g;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 70 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • ginger juice - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Grind the lemon in a food processor.
  3. Combine lemon and cabbage and knead well with your hands.
  4. Add onion half rings and pepper.
  5. Season spring salad of fresh cabbage with ginger juice and oil.

Fresh cabbage salad with vinegar

Salad with fresh cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins that can be stored for a long time if you use a dressing with the addition of vinegar in cooking. The versatility of the recipe and minimalism allows you to get by with just one nutritious vegetable without any additions. But if you want to add some color, then a handful of fresh herbs will come in handy.


  • head of cabbage - 300 g;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • sugar and salt - a pinch;
  • fresh parsley - a handful.


  1. Chop the cabbage and squeeze lightly.
  2. Mix vinegar with sugar and salt - fresh cabbage is ready.
  3. Pour the dressing over the salad and let sit for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Dressed salad, garnish with herbs.

Fresh cabbage salad with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise, which is popular in home cooking and goes well with most foods, is also perfect for cabbage salads. The advantage of the dressing is obvious: speed of cooking, pleasant taste and ease of use. At the same time, the dish acquires a shade that is impossible to achieve even when mixing expensive sauces.


  • head of cabbage - 1/2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • clove of garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise -150 g.


  1. Before preparing a salad from fresh cabbage, chop and mash it.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Combine cabbage with pureed garlic and cheese.
  4. Dress fresh cabbage salad with mayonnaise.

A salad with Chinese cabbage and fresh cucumber will help out in both Lenten and Lenten seasons. This light, low-calorie snack can be prepared in five minutes and eaten even faster. Enough chopped vegetables and citrus juice to give the dish a pleasant appearance and delicate taste. For those who are not afraid of extra centimeters, you can add mayonnaise.


  • head of Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - a handful;
  • lemon juice - 45 ml;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Shred the cabbage, cut the cucumber into strips, add dill and stir.
  2. Stir lemon juice with olive oil and dress fresh cabbage salad.

A simple fresh cabbage salad can be created from its closest “relative” - red cabbage. Its beneficial properties are invaluable, its spicy, bitter taste goes well with many vegetables, and its bright color gives another reason to use it. To preserve the latter, you need to keep the vegetable in boiling water and then season with lemon juice or vinegar.


  • head of cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vinegar - 15 ml.


  1. Before making a delicious salad from fresh cabbage, chop it, dip it in boiling water for a couple of seconds, drain in a colander and sprinkle with vinegar.
  2. Stir, add the remaining vinegar, sugar and vegetable oil.
  3. Let the dish brew for a quarter of an hour, then serve.

Fresh cabbage and fish salad

A delicious fresh cabbage salad can be varied by adding vegetables, meat, fish and traditional mayonnaise dressing. Fresh fish fillet goes well with bland cabbage and spicy mayonnaise, and a spicy addition of olives, herbs and canned peas will add not only nutritional value to the dish, but also elegance.


  • head of cabbage - 1/4 pcs.;
  • perch fillet - 250 g;
  • olives - 50 g;
  • canned peas - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g.


  1. Cut the boiled fish fillet into cubes.
  2. Chop the cabbage and onion.
  3. Combine all ingredients and season the original fresh cabbage salad with mayonnaise.

Fresh cabbage salad with apple

Salad with fresh cabbage and apple is a classic recipe in Russian cooking. This combination is actively used today - after all, there is nothing tastier than sweet and sour apples and juicy cabbage leaves, which in close tandem will serve as an independent dish or. Fresh and light food will continue the dietary list.


  • head of cabbage - 1/4 pcs.;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olives - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage and mash.
  2. Cut the apples into slices and the peppers into rings.
  3. Combine olives, peppers, apples and cabbage and, season with lemon juice and oil, mix.

Fresh cabbage salad with smoked sausage

Fresh cabbage salad with sausage is an easy way to create not only a nutritious, but also a tasty dish from ingredients on hand. This salad can hardly be called dietary, but it can be quite rich and original. An independent dish will fit perfectly on a holiday table and can replace boring traditional treats.


Step 1: Prepare the cabbage.

To prepare various salads and cabbage dishes, you should always pay special attention to preparation. After all, limp leaves and small grains of sand that accidentally fall into a dish can greatly spoil its taste. So clean the cabbage well and rinse its leaves under warm running water, and then dry them thoroughly with paper towels. Place clean, dry cabbage leaves on a cutting board and cut into thin strips.

Step 2: Mix the ingredients.

Place the chopped cabbage leaves in a deep plate, sprinkle them with sugar and salt. Mash, rub everything with your hands, lightly squeezing the juice. As soon as the leaves become a little softer and a small amount of liquid forms at the bottom of the plate, add lemon juice, vegetable oil and mayonnaise to the salad. Using a tablespoon, mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
The salad is almost ready, all that remains is to let it brew a little so that it is soaked. To do this, cover the contents of the plate with cling film or a regular lid of suitable size and leave at room temperature for 1 hour. After this time, the finished dish must be thoroughly mixed again, after which the food is ready and you can begin serving.

Step 3: Serve red cabbage with mayonnaise.

Red cabbage with mayonnaise is perfect both as a salad and as a universal side dish. It goes best, of course, with meat dishes, for example, it can be served with a pork chop or smoked lamb ribs. Red cabbage with mayonnaise is also suitable for serving as a light snack on a holiday table, just garnish it with a slice of fresh apple or a slice of sour lemon. Enjoy a light and healthy dish that you prepared with absolutely no effort.
Bon appetit!

If desired, lemon juice can be replaced with 5% table vinegar.

This salad can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

To taste, you can add an apple to this salad, previously peeled and finely chopped.

  1. This salad is easy to prepare and turns out delicious. It will take us about one hour to prepare. There is a lot of salad in volume. It is beneficial to cook it for a large number of people. Let's start by preparing the cabbage. Let's cut it into several parts and chop it finely. Use a special knife to cut the cabbage, so it will be thinner. We crush the chopped cabbage with our hands so that it releases the juice. Add salt and leave the cabbage to steep for a while.
  2. Boil chicken eggs over low heat. Make sure that the eggs are not overcooked, so the yolk will retain its bright and rich color. We peel the boiled eggs, then cut the eggs into small cubes, or put them through a vegetable cutter.
  3. Remove the liquid from the canned corn and transfer the corn to a separate container. When choosing corn, give preference to sweet corn. It will give the salad a pleasant taste and tenderness to the entire salad.
  4. Cut the crab meat or sticks into small cubes. Buy good quality crab sticks.
  5. Remove the packaging from the smoked sausage and cut the sausage into thin strips. The sausage can be lightly fried in vegetable oil.
  6. Wash fresh herbs and green onions. Then finely chop all the greens.
  7. Let's prepare mayonnaise for the salad. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add it to the mayonnaise. Peel the garlic cloves, then chop the garlic. Also add garlic to the mayonnaise and mix well. Add black pepper to your taste.
  8. Place all the ingredients in a common bowl, mix all the ingredients well, add salt and a little pepper. Then season the salad with prepared mayonnaise and mix well. Immediately after preparation, you can serve the salad to the table. You can serve on lettuce leaves, it looks more elegant. You can also divide the salad into portions, onto separate plates, and serve the original salad through a salad ring. This salad recipe also uses sour cucumbers or pickled onions.

If desired, you can prepare almost any dish from a variety of products. The only question that remains is how useful and effective this food will be. It is not enough for a person to simply satisfy the feeling of hunger; food must be healthy, pleasant to taste and beautiful. That is why nutritionists pay close attention to compiling a daily diet for all categories of citizens, which allows them to use the most healthy products possible. Today we are talking about preparing salads with cabbage and mayonnaise. Fortunately, the variety of cabbage today has become so extensive that developing an original recipe is not difficult.

Cabbage salad with mayonnaise. Food preparation

Recipes for cabbage salad with mayonnaise

Recipe 1. Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise and shrimp

The second name of this salad is “Caesarion”, all thanks to its similar taste to the famous Caesar dish. Only in this case will I improve this dish a little by adding croutons and Chinese cabbage to it.

Required ingredients:

250 g – Chinese cabbage;

400 g – frozen boiled shrimp;

300 g – cherry tomatoes;

200 g – crackers;

1 PC. – lemon;

3 teeth - garlic;

150 ml – mayonnaise;

100 g – cheese;

2 pcs. – bell pepper;

Vegetable oil, salt, pepper and other spices.

Cooking method:

Before we begin the main stage of preparing this unique salad, let's marinate the shrimp. The seafood should be marinated for about 20 minutes, and during this time we can more than prepare the remaining ingredients. For the marinade, strain the lemon juice, mix the consistency with vegetable oil, and you can add a pinch of salt, sugar and black pepper. While the shrimp are absorbing the marinade, let’s get to the sauce, which in this case places more emphasis on.

Sauce – press the garlic with a garlic press, add the pulp to mayonnaise. We add grated cheese to the same ingredients, preferably hard cheese. The highlight of this sauce is whipping it in a blender. An airy and incomparably delicate sauce prepared in this way can decorate any salad.

While the sauce was being prepared, the shrimp had already marinated well. Heat a frying pan and lightly fry the seafood over high heat. Let's cut the vegetables, cherry tomatoes into quarters, bell peppers into strips, and Chinese cabbage into strips. You can leave a few cabbage leaves, which we will use when decorating the salad.

Everyone will agree that the salad should be exceptional in both taste and external qualities. Therefore, we will arrange the ingredients beautifully. Place a leaf of Chinese cabbage on a plate, and lay out the remaining ingredients in layers: tomatoes, croutons, peppers, cabbage, shrimp, and then in a second circle. All that’s left is to add the sauce to the salad; don’t skimp on it, otherwise the salad will seem too dry.

Recipe 2. Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

While summer reigns outside, you should not miss a single day, but take advantage of the gifts of nature and prepare healthy and unsurpassed salads. The combination of cabbage with crab sticks makes it possible to experience a bouquet of unknown tastes.

Required ingredients:

300 g – Chinese cabbage;

7 pcs. - crab sticks;

3 pcs. - tomatoes;

100 g – cheese;

150 ml – low-fat mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The process is simple, cut all the ingredients - cabbage into thin strips, tomatoes into cubes, and thawed sticks into slices. We place the chopped products in a salad bowl, pour hard cheese on top and season all this beauty with light mayonnaise. The salad should be salted only after dressing with mayonnaise, otherwise it can be over-salted.

Recipe 3. Salad with cauliflower, mayonnaise and mushrooms

Cauliflower is a unique product that works well both when preparing hot dishes and when decorating holiday salads. The vegetable is so healthy and harmless that it is allowed as the first complementary food for small children. This time we will prepare a chic salad with cauliflower and mushrooms.

Required ingredients:

300 g – cauliflower;

300 g – pickled champignons;

150 ml – mayonnaise;

3 pcs. - egg;

2 pcs. - Bell pepper;

50 g – canned beans;

3 tbsp. l. - lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs and cut into cubes. Cauliflower is also finely chopped, but for convenience, first divide it into florets. Peel the sweet peppers from seeds and cut them into half rings or strips. Mix: mushrooms, beans, eggs, cabbage, pepper. Sprinkle the listed products with lemon juice and let soak for a couple of minutes. The finish line - season the salad with mayonnaise, and at the end garnish with herbs.

Cabbage salad with mayonnaise - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

Cabbage is exactly the kind of product that you don’t need to think too much about the combination of ingredients when preparing it. Mix Chinese cabbage with cucumber or apple - in both cases you will get a unique result!