How to make sugar color for cognac. Е150а - Simple sugar color I


When the distillate is aged in barrels, distillers are often faced with the problem of the color of the drink, not everyone is satisfied with the light straw color characteristic of whiskey, rum or calvados from a barrel in which another drink was previously matured. The barrel's resources are gradually depleted, and if the taste and smell are transferred to the drink in the required amount, then the color often remains quite pale.

In commercial production, this issue is a common thing and it is solved with the help of a color scheme, which is added even to very noble drinks made from cognac or grain alcohols of a very long aging period.

On the reverse side of such drinks, the content of the e150a dye is indicated. The "a" index says that the dye is made of sugar without the addition of third-party ingredients and a small amount of it will not damage the taste and aroma characteristics of the drink, but will affect the color, make it deeper and darker. Look at the bottles in your home bar and you will surely find the presence of this ingredient on your favorite drinks.

Why not try to make it yourself, especially since we had several samples, which would not hurt to slightly adjust the color for a couple of tones.

For the manufacture of the color scheme, we took 150 grams of regular sugar and 150 ml of water.

Stir sugar in water until syrup and began to heat it intensively, evaporating the water. At this stage, white small bubbles are on the surface of the syrup.

After a significant amount of water has evaporated, the bubbles increase and the syrup begins to darken.

Here you need to be careful, since the caramelization temperature should be about 190-200 degrees, and above this temperature, the sugar begins to burn. Burnt sugar in the color scheme will give unnecessary bitterness and may also cause the drink to cloud.

By the way, we could not stand the syrup in the indicated range and for several minutes the temperature exceeded 200 degrees, while we smelled the smell of burnt sugar.

After reaching the temperature range, we monitor the color of the syrup and after it turns dark brown, we stop heating and leave the syrup to cool down to 60-70 degrees.

After cooling down, add 100-150 ml of an alcoholic drink to it, which we plan to tint in the future. We added whiskey, but this color can probably be used for bourbon as well.

Try not to miss a moment with the temperature, as at a higher temperature there is a danger of ignition of alcohol, and at a lower temperature, the syrup becomes too hard and it will be extremely difficult to dissolve it in alcohol. It took us about 30 minutes to mix and this would probably be the longest procedure in the production process.

After the caramel has dissolved, it is recommended to lower the color with water. We did not quite understand why this should be done, but we added 100 ml of water.

This completed the production process, we received about 180 ml of the dye. This color can be stored for quite a long time, the caramel dissolved in alcohol does not crystallize and the syrup remains liquid.

To test this syrup, we took

500 ml corn bourbon 65% ABV, aged for about 1 month on medium roasted oak cubes,

500 ml smoked malt whiskey, ABV 42%, aged in a medium toasted oak barrel 6 months

500 ml of ordinary clean drinking water

When using food coloring e150a, dosages of 1-3 ml are recommended per 1 liter of drink, we took 1 ml per half liter.

When adding a dye to alcoholic beverages, we noticed a slight color change; it did not change dramatically, but acquired a deeper shade. In our opinion, the addition of color did not affect the taste and smell, the original taste and aromatic characteristics of these drinks were quite strong.

When we added the dye to the control flask with water, we noticed a significant color change, based on this change, we can judge what effect the color really has on drinks already dyed with oak. In the smell of water, we did not catch any extra notes, but in the taste they were quite a bit, but they appeared, we felt subtle shades of prunes and dried cherries.

Summing up, in our opinion, such a colorant can be used if your drink really requires a deeper and darker color, it does not give any additional noticeable taste or aroma notes with its reasonable use. Moreover, there is no need to be afraid of using it, if you prepared the color scheme yourself, this is quite consistent with the idea of ​​craft drinks, like those made with your own hands, with soul and imagination.

You can see in more detail the process of preparation and testing of such a dye on our channel.

Sugar color, or E150 additive, is a food coloring that dissolves in water. In everyday life, it is known as burnt sugar and is used in the manufacture of confectionery. It tastes like caramel, slightly bitter, and smells of burnt sugar. The color of the color scheme can be from light yellow to brown.

Kohler has been used for a long time. This is one of the oldest dyes. The additive is found in almost every type of industrial product: chocolate, sweets, black bread, alcohol, dough and many others.

Why do you need a supplement?

The main function of the natural sugar color dye is to color the products. But the E150 additive has another purpose as well. It is added to soft drinks as an emulsifier - it prevents the formation of flakes and clouding of the product. Light-protecting substances prevent the components of the drink from oxidizing.

The dye called "sugar color" is divided into 4 classes.

The classification is based on the methods of preparation and properties of the additive:

  • Additive E150a (I). This is a simple caramel that is obtained by thermal processing of carbohydrates. In this case, third-party substances are not used;
  • Additive E150b (II). It is made using alkaline sulfite technology;
  • Additive E150c (III). This caramel is produced using ammonia technology;
  • Additive E150d (IV). It can be made using ammonia-sulphite technology.

The preparation of E150 sugar color is called "caramelization". During processing, alkalis, salts and acids are present. The main component in the manufacture is fructose, dextrose, sucrose, molasses, starch - all sweeteners are inexpensive and affordable.

Sulfurous, phosphoric, acetic, citric, and sulfuric acids can be used as acids. Sodium, ammonium, calcium, potassium act as alkali.

Depending on what reagents are used, the dye charge can be negative or positive. To avoid the formation of a precipitate, it is important to select the correct class of dye. For this, the physicochemical characteristics of the product are taken into account.

Features of use

Natural dye has microbiological stability - it is produced at high temperature values, and the density does not allow microorganisms to develop.

Glucose is obtained from wheat, malt syrup is obtained from barley, and lactose is obtained from milk. This explains why color schemes can cause allergic reactions. All people who have a reaction to these substances should be careful with the additive - the sugar color can harm them.

If the sulfite method is used, sulfites or traces of sulfites may be present in the final product. However, this figure is very small and rarely causes allergies. Therefore, its presence is not always indicated on the packaging.

The JECFA organization has determined that 160-220 mg / kg of body weight can be consumed per day, depending on which class the supplement belongs to. E150a is considered safe for the body, therefore its daily dose is not regulated.

Is there a color scheme in cognac?

Ordinary cognac is made from alcohol that has been aged for 2-3 years. For this drink to be called branded, the aging must be at least 5 years. There is a special technology, alcohols are blended. But the composition of cognac includes not only alcohols.

The label must state that the drink contains water, sugar color and syrup. Sugar color is present in cognac in order to give it an intense color. Almost all manufacturers add it.

If the drink is prepared without this additive, it is easy to "declassify" it. Cognac will have a light, yellowish tint, unsaturated and shallow. As a rule, this scares off the buyer, so such drinks are rare.

The color scheme production technology is very complex, problematic preparation requires some experience and includes the following main stages:

The additive gives a rich color, but does not affect the taste and aroma. In addition, it is found in small quantities in cognac.

Kohler is widely used in the food industry to make unattractive and unappetizing products marketable.

Thanks to him, they look bright, lively and interesting. E150 belongs to a safe class, so there is no need to be afraid of this additive, it will not harm your health.

The article describes a food additive (dye) sugar color (E150, caramel, caramel color), its use, effects on the body, harm and benefits, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: caramel, E150, E-150, E-150

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Sugar color, E150 - what is it?

Sugar, or caramel, color is a soluble food coloring. Sugar color (food additive E150) is produced either by simply exposing carbohydrates to high temperatures, or with the addition of various acids, alkalis and / or salts. This process is known as "caramelization". At the same time, carbohydrates are oxidized much deeper than it happens during the production of caramel sweets.

Sugar color has a burnt sugar smell and a bitter taste. The color of this food coloring ranges from pale yellow and amber to dark brown. Depending on the method of production, the E150 food additive may belong to one of the following classes:

  • E150a - simple sugar color I (simple caramel obtained by heating carbohydrates without using any chemicals); Typical Uses: Whiskey and other spirits
  • E150b - sugar color II obtained by the "alkaline-sulfite" technology (alkaline-sulfite caramel); typical application examples: cognac, sherry, some types of vinegar;
  • E150c or sugar color III, obtained by the "ammonia" technology (ammonia caramel); typical application examples: beer, sauces, confectionery;
  • E150d or IV sugar color obtained by the “sulfite-ammonia” technology (ammonia-sulfite caramel); typical application examples: soft drinks.

A caramel color food coloring is produced from available food raw materials, which contains fructose, glucose, invert sugar, sucrose, malt syrup, molasses, starch hydrolysates and its constituents.

As for acids, sulfuric, phosphoric, sulfurous, citric and acetic acids can be used in the caramelization process. Among a number of alkalis, ammonium, sodium, potassium and derivatives of calcium hydroxide are involved in this process.

In addition, salts such as ammonium, sodium, potassium carbonate, bicarbonate, phosphoric acid salt (including mono- and dibasic), sulfuric acid and bisulfite can be used.

Sugar color, E150 - effect on the body, harm or benefit?

Caramel color E150 is a food additive approved all over the world, however, the methods of its use and restrictions regarding the permissible amount in each country differ. Sugar color has excellent microbiological stability. Since the production of this food coloring takes place under conditions of high temperature, acidity and high pressure, it is absolutely sterile, because the listed conditions exclude the possibility of bacteria development.

Potential side effects from eating foods containing the E150 food supplement can vary from allergic reactions to malignant tumors and reduced absorption of vitamins.

The safest food additive from the E150 group is sugar color I - simple caramel. Caramel color E150b and E150d, due to the production technology, may contain traces of sulfites.

Caramel color is obtained from a variety of elements. Certain ingredients used in its production can cause allergic reactions if the body is particularly sensitive to them, as well as in the presence of intestinal diseases or gluten intolerance. That is why persons suffering from these disorders are advised to avoid products containing the E150 dye, or, at least before using them, to determine the source of the additive's origin.

Food additive E150, caramel - use in food

Sugar color is one of the most well-known and long-used food colors. E150 food additive is an integral part of many food and drink products produced by industry, including dough products, beer, brown bread, baked goods, chocolate, cookies, cough syrups, as well as alcoholic beverages such as brandy, rum and whiskey; contain sugar color also confectionery with chocolate flavor, icing and sweet creams, decorations for ready-made confectionery products, fillers and gravies, potato chips, complex desserts, donuts, fish and caviar, frozen desserts, canned fruits, glucose tablets, sauces, ice cream, pickled vegetables and other pickles, soft drinks (especially cola and the like), candy, vinegar and other foods.

Sugar color is needed for the manufacture of any confectionery. It is a pale yellow to dark brown caramel-flavored food coloring. Most often, the color scheme is called burnt sugar. Caramel sugar has been produced since ancient times in products such as dough, sweets, alcohol, and so on. But what is it for?

Based on the word dye, you can guess that the main task of the sugar color scheme is product coloring... There are other uses for the dye, but they are divided into 4 classes, each of which has its own functions:

  1. Additive E150a (I) - ordinary caramel made from carbohydrates after heat treatment, in which there are no unnecessary reagents;
  2. addition of E150b (II) - a dye obtained from alkali-sulfite technology;
  3. addition E150c (III) - the resulting dye is created from ammonia technology;
  4. the addition of E150d (IV) is a similar dye to the second point, but in this case it has already been produced using ammonia-sulfite technology.

The first addition of dye "A" is most often called caramelization, in which there are acids, salts and alkalis after special treatment. As in any other dye, so in E150a (I) there are several important components. For example, starch, fructose, sucrose, dextrose and molasses. They are all sweeteners that are readily available in grocery stores. The dye can be replaced as an acid, and components such as potassium, calcium, ammonium and sodium are present here as an alkali. The dye charge, in which certain components are present, can be either positive or negative.

For the result to be satisfactory, it is necessary to correctly compare the classification of the dye with the reagents, paying attention to the characteristics of the product. Due to the high temperature and density, no microorganisms can develop in the product, which once again proves the high quality. However, due to any dye, allergic reactions are possible. This is because each sugar color scheme is made from certain components.

For example, glucose comes from wheat, lactose from milk, and malt syrup from barley. Therefore, when using products with different additives in the form of dyes, you should pay attention to the composition. But there are times when some reagents in the composition may not be indicated. This is the case with the sulfide method. when sulfites are contained in the product, but there is not a single word about them on the package. This is because the trace of sulfite or the component itself in the product is minimized and therefore allergic reactions are very rare.

How to caramelize sugar

To make caramel sugar for cognac, it will take from two to five years, because cognac is made from alcohol. But one can say this not about all cognacs, but only about those that are blended. If we talk about the recipe for cognac, then in this case there should be a special syrup, water and sugar color at hand, which we are talking about today. The last component is needed to make the color of the cognac more intense.

Many brandy manufacturers use caramel sugar, which once again confirms the safety of the components and their quality.

Cognacs with no caramel color added, can be quickly distinguished from others. First, the main difference is the shade of cognac. Most often it is pale yellow or, conversely, light and saturated. But cognacs of this production scare away their customers, so it is very rare to notice cognacs without caramel sugar on the shelves.

How to make caramel syrup

To prepare caramel for a skate, you need a lot of experience in this area and a good knowledge of recipes in several stages:

  • Cooking caramel sugar;
  • fortification;
  • aging in oak barrels.

The dye is added to the cognac in the smallest amount for a rich shade. But the taste of the additive can be overlooked, since there is very little caramel color in cognac. In addition to cognac, color is added to other products for a more attractive look. By the way, the E150 additive is completely harmless to the body, so you shouldn't worry when buying a product with a dye of this class.

Caramel vodka

To make caramel for moonshine, it is necessary to pay more attention not to the shade of the drink, but to their taste. For this, the caramel should be lighter in color. Many people say that moonshine is homemade cognac, so caramel is also needed for moonshine. There are two ways to make caramel syrup at home for moonshine, it is wet and dry. The recipe for the first: water and sugar are needed, with the compatibility of which caramel is later obtained. In the second case, the sugar must be dissolved in a hot container to the state of burnt sugar. Most often, experts in this area use the second method.

As for the amount of ingredients, for the wet method, this recipe: you need 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of moonshine and only half a glass of water. All this must be mixed in a large saucepan and heated over the fire for about 15 minutes until the water evaporates and the liquid turns brown. For the dry method, you can use a frying pan with high sides heated over a fire and gradually add sugar there, without stopping stirring.

Sugar caramelization

After a brown foam appears instead of sugar, you need to reduce the heat and leave to warm up to a coffee color. After the liquid is ready, you will need another container, but already a metal one, in order to put cooked in the freezer... For the best result, do not add too much caramel to the moonshine, this will only ruin the taste and color. About three drops per liter of moonshine will be enough.

This is how delicious syrup can be made very quickly thanks to an accurate recipe.

Attention, only TODAY!

General characteristics and obtaining

Varieties of E150 are divided according to the method of obtaining them. E150a is produced in the process of caramelization - strong heating of carbohydrate products. When developing E150b and E150d, ammonium, potassium or sodium salts are added to carbohydrates. To obtain E150c, organic or inorganic acids (sulfuric, citric, etc.) are used. Regardless of the variety, it smells like burnt sugar and tastes bitter. The color varies from light yellow to deep brown (Table 1).

Table 1 - Varieties of E150 additive

Depending on the acids, salts or alkalis used in the production, the molecules of the additive receive a positive or negative charge. This allows you to select the optimal version of the sugar dye for different groups of products, accelerate the caramelization process.

The source for obtaining E150 is natural raw materials:

  • molasses and starch from corn or potatoes;
  • barley malt syrup;
  • wheat grain glucose;
  • invert sugar (syrup made from equal proportions of glucose and fructose);
  • sucrose from beet or cane sugar raw materials;
  • fructose from honey or processed products of sweet fruits.


The main function of all E150 varieties is to color food and beverages. The substance is chemically safe for the body and microbiologically stable. Therefore, it can be added to any products (Table 2).

Table 2 - Typical purpose of E150 additive

In soft drinks E150d exhibit the functions of an emulsifier. The substance not only colors the product, but also prevents turbidity and sediment formation.

Effect on the human body: benefits and harms

The useful and harmful qualities of the additive are associated with the naturalness of the basic components for its preparation.

Studies of the effect of E150 on human health have shown no danger. From the point of view of the American organization FDA, the additive qualifies as safe, and therefore does not require mandatory certification for use. The international organization IPCS, which is responsible for the chemical safety of any substances for human health, issued a resolution in 2010 stating that the properties of E150a and E150b are similar to homemade caramel. E150 additive does not have carcinogenic or mutagenic properties.

The basic components for obtaining E150 (various types of sugars, wheat, starches) are often the cause of the development and exacerbation of allergies in those people who do not tolerate these products. The supplement can worsen the condition of gluten intolerance.

Use and application

Since ancient times, caramelized sugar has been used as a coloring agent for drinks, sweets, and confectionery creams. The substance is added to add color to alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

E150 is used for coloring sausages and meat products, sauces and desserts, bread and biscuits, snacks and dry breakfasts, fruit and vegetable preserves. The additive can be found in many types of drinks or food products.

The substance is allowed to be used for tinting medicines, care and decorative cosmetics.

The Joint FAO / WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) has set the permissible daily intake of food coloring E150 at a level of 160 to 200 mg / kg body weight, depending on the class of the dye. For E150a, the permissible daily rate is not regulated due to the safety of the additive for the body (Table 3).

Table 3 - The norm of the food additive E150 (a, b, c, d) in products according to SanPiN of 05/26/2008

Food product

Maximum level of E150 (a, b, c, d) content in products

Beer, cider

According to TI

According to TI

Some wines and flavored wine-based drinks made according to recipes approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

According to TI

Jams, jellies, marmalades and other similar fruit-processing products, including low-calorie

According to TI

Sausages, small sausages, boiled sausages, pates, boiled meat

According to TI

According to TI

Bitter soda drinks, bitter wine, made according to recipes agreed with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

According to TI

Table 4 - Acceptable content of food additives E150c and E150d in products according to Codex Alimentarius (FAO and WHO, 2007)

Food product

Maximum level of E150 (c, d) content in products

Dairy additives in drinks, condensed cream, milk powder and cream substitutes, fresh and processed cheeses, cheese substitutes

According to PPP (good manufacturing practice)

Dairy desserts (puddings, fruit yoghurts and flavored yoghurts

Fruit in vinegar, oil or brine, canned or bottled, candied

According to the RFP

Jams, jellies and marmalades, fruit-based desserts

According to the RFP

Fruit preparations including pulp, purees, fruit toppings and coconut milk, fruit fillings for baked goods

Vegetables (including mushrooms, roots and tubers, beans and legumes, aloe vera), algae, seeds, nuts - in vinegar, oil, brine or soy sauce, canned or bottled, as pulp or paste

According to the RFP

Cocoa pastes and fillings, confectionery (including caramel, candy, nougat), bakeware, non-fruit toppings and sweet sauces, egg and milk desserts

According to the RFP

Breakfast cereals, including oatmeal

Butter bakery products (sweet, salty, spicy) and mixes, desserts based on cereals and starches

According to the RFP

  • Meat and meat products (including poultry and game).
  • Fish and fish products (including shellfish, crustaceans and echinoderms) - fresh and processed.
  • Salmon analogs, caviar and products from it

According to the RFP

Ready-to-eat, including canned or fermented, fish and fish products, shellfish and crustaceans

Condiments and dressings, mustard, soups and broths, salads and sandwich spreads

According to the RFP

Sauces and similar products

Diet products for special medical purposes, for weight loss, nutritional supplements

According to the RFP

  • Vegetable nectars and concentrates for them.
  • Water-based and flavored drinks.
  • Beer and beverages based on malt, cider and perry.
  • Wines and liqueurs, soft drinks.
  • Distilled alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 15%, alcoholic soft drinks

According to the RFP


The food additive sugar color (a, b, c, d) is approved for consumption in most countries of the world. Its content should be indicated on product labels.

Russian legislation regulates the use of E150 in food products on the basis of SanPiN of 05/26/2008:

  • p.p. 3.10.1, 3.10.6, 3.10.7, 3.10.8, 3.10.9, 3.10.11, 3.10.12, 3.10.14. The list of food products in the production of which only certain dyes are allowed;
  • p. 3.11.3. Hygienic regulations for the use of dyes;
  • the use of food additive E150 is stipulated by GOST R 52481-2010 “Food dyes. Terms and Definitions".

For more information on the caramelization process to obtain the dye, see the video below.