How to advertise a cafe examples. Cafe advertising: examples of texts from life

A varied menu, cozy interior and friendly staff are the basis of any good restaurant. However, no one will know about your institution if you do not declare yourself. What should be the text for advertising a restaurant? What photos to use to attract guests? Let's take a look at this material.

How to write text for a restaurant advertisement: examples

One of the most effective ways to promote is to promote a cafe or restaurant on social networks. How to advertise yourself? For example, if you have updated the menu, be sure to tell your guests about it.

How to write an invitation to a restaurant? Do not write standard phrases about a unique recipe and unsurpassed service in the text of an advertisement. It is also not worth writing a detailed description of each item of the new menu. Indicate 2-3 new dishes, tell us about promotions. Be sure to include a link to the menu so that the user can view it immediately. Address the guest as in personal correspondence. Restaurant ad text example:

We've updated our menu, check it out! It's cold outside, but the restaurant "Elegia" is cozy, warm and tasty! The updated menu includes creamy porcini mushroom soup, goat cheese pasta and delicate blackberry cheesecake. We are waiting for you daily from 10.00 to 22.00 at the address: Zhukovsky street, 34. The new menu is already on the website: elegy.rf / winter menu /

What text will work for a New Year's advertisement for restaurants

Are you planning to hold New Year's corporate parties in a restaurant? Do you invite guests to celebrate the New Year in your establishment? The text of a New Year's advertisement for a restaurant should be informative. Keep in mind that customers will be looking for your offer among hundreds of others.

  • State your offer clearly. Specify the cost of service per person. Briefly describe the holiday program.
  • Place a link to the site, as well as a phone number or e-mail for prompt communication with the administrator. So that the guest can immediately book a table or rent a hall.

How to write text for a restaurant advertisement on the radio

What should be the text for advertising a restaurant on the radio? Simple and memorable. The commercial lasts 20-35 seconds, during which 4-5 sentences are spoken. During this time, a potential visitor to the cafe should understand what is the advantage of your establishment.

  • Clear and short sentences
  • Facts (your benefits)
  • Numbers (discounts, promotions, prices)
  • Information on how to find a restaurant or where to book a table: address, phone

Be sure to give the address of the cafe and the method of communication. If the phone is simple (333-43-43), it is better to indicate the number. If the numbers are hard to remember, say the website address.

Restaurant "Elegia" invites you to have a pleasant evening. For you: Italian, French and Russian cuisine, live music and show program. As well as free food delivery in Moscow. Zhukovsky, 34. Phone: 555-85-85.

Rules for writing text for advertising a restaurant

Conciseness and informational content are your main assistants in restaurant promotion. The main thing is not to make the text too dry. Add your "trick", whether it's a healthy diet, food supplies from Europe, an original wine list or an unusual way of serving dishes.

Use our tips to write delicious text for a restaurant food ad. Tell guests about promotions and current offers, be interesting and you will succeed!

Cafes are usually associated with affordable prices and simple, understandable menu items. In the cafe you can eat lunch, drink a cup of tea at a business meeting or have a good time with friends. If you are thinking about cafe advertising, then the main leitmotif of cafe promotion should be the availability of the establishment for the majority of potential visitors. In this case, it is pointless to use expensive promotion channels, since they simply will not pay off the money spent.

Point decoration (including during the opening)



When decorating a window, there is a huge scope for creativity. You can leave it in its original form, where the cafe hall and the people in it will be visible from the street. You can also use showcases as a kind of counter, putting, for example, baskets of pastries and dishes with confectionery. In addition, you can design showcases in accordance with the season or upcoming holidays.

Outdoor advertising


Billboards are quite a popular tool that can help to tell the story of your establishment. It is better to place billboards within walking distance (within 10 minutes) from your establishment. They should be stylish, bright and clearly express what you would like to say to potential visitors. Advertising can be fashionable and be a beautiful photograph of a cafe with a slogan and address. Also on the billboard you can display information about promotions or special offers.

Stretch marks

It is better to hang streamers over the road in front of a traffic light. Thus, the driver and passengers will have time to read what is written on the advertising medium. Also, the stretching can be placed on the opposite side of the street, thereby covering a larger number of potential visitors.


Pavement signs are usually installed in front of the entrance to the cafe or a little further on the sidewalk. The pillar should contain the name of the establishment, opening hours and information that can motivate a person to go to your cafe. For example, a lunch menu at a special price or a promotional offer.

Internal advertising

Price tags and pointers

Price tags and pointers are used to direct the guest's attention to the most relevant and attractive offers from your establishment. Pointers can be placed as in a showcase with products, for example, with confectionery. Also, signs can be in the form of hanging signs. It is important that they are made in accordance with the style of the cafe. Moreover, price tags and signs can become not only an effective advertising tool, but also an element of decor.

Table tents

Table awnings are a rectangular plexiglass structure. It is compact enough to fit in a small area - on a table or counter. Table tents usually contain a menu and various advertisements.

Internet advertising


The simpler the cafe website, the better. No need to overload your potential guests with unnecessary information. It is better to fill several sections with relevant and understandable information. The site must have a menu, phone number and address of the institution with a map, the possibility of online booking a table, a slider with promotional offers. Also, please note that the usability of the site is no less important factor than the design.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Groups in social networks

Pages on social networks should duplicate information from the cafe website. Also, it is here that you can easily communicate with your guests and answer all their questions. The key characteristics of such communication should be courtesy and quick response to requests from group members or subscribers.

Sending emails

Email marketing can be another effective advertising tool. Today there are many services that allow you to send mailings for free. The newsletter is appropriate when you have already formed a database of contacts from your guests, figured out their preferences and formed an offer that could interest them. You need to do the newsletter regularly, but not too often.

Printable advertisement

business cards

Business cards are one of the most budgetary advertising channels for your establishment. If you manage to negotiate with the owners of other nearby establishments (for example, barbershops, beauty salons), then it is better to place business cards near the cash register. In this case, the visitor will have time to get acquainted with your offer and hear a positive recommendation to visit the cafe.

Loyalty cards are another effective mechanism to attract visitors to your establishment. A progressive discount system can be not only a smart way to thank loyal visitors, but also ensure that your cafe is regularly filled. Discount cards are better to make numbered. Please note that in order to receive a card, you need to not only make a purchase for a certain amount, but also fill out a short questionnaire. This will be useful to you for further work with the guest database.

Ineffective Cafe Advertising

Advertising on TV and radio

Even if you own a cafe chain, advertising on TV and radio is a dubious undertaking. When using other promotion channels at the same time, it will be difficult to calculate how many visitors you actually acquired by placing on television or radio.

contextual advertising

This promotion channel is also ineffective for owners of small establishments. There are quite a lot of similar offers from your direct competitors, so it is better to bet on tools that allow you to establish the closest personal contact with your audience.

Any advertisement for a cafe: a page on the Internet, an ad on social networks, an inscription on a banner, even a caption on Instagram is text. The success of the entire enterprise will depend on how convincingly it is drawn up.

Cafe Opening: Rules for Persuasive Writing

What you need to know in order to create a selling text for an advertisement for a cafe?

Less words. Passers-by on the street and users on the Internet spend no more than three seconds reading ads. You should briefly and succinctly describe the advantages of your cafe in order to convince the guest to stop by:

  • “A good morning starts with a good breakfast”
  • "Second course free during happy hours"
  • "Final Sale!"
  • "Make the morning brighter!"
  • "Buy a fragrant cappuccino!"
  • "Increase the discount!"

A tempting offer. To attract new customers, constantly update your ads. The best way is promotions and discounts. For example, a salad at a ridiculous price or a dessert as a gift.

  • "Help us become better - get a dessert as a gift"
  • "1+1=1"

Cafe advertising: text examples

Caption: "The best coffee for the best you"

  • "Start of the project "Modern Tasty""
  • “Happy idleness, Mr. President! Do you eat karaoke? Sing with us!”
  • “We return the loot on Mondays!”
  • In a Spanish cuisine cafe, all advertising texts begin with the appeal "Amigos!"

Cafe: text answering the main question

Cafe advertising should answer the main question of the visitor: “How is it beneficial for me, as a visitor?”. A common mistake is advertising without a response. Visitors are not so interested in the design and atmosphere of the cafe, but in the benefits that it will receive.

Advertising for a cafe is a text that offers a benefit to the visitor. Promotions, discounts, bonus cards - everything that can distinguish a business from competitors. The more tempting the action is, the more guests will take part in it. Unless you offer a unique service, a flyer is a meaningless piece of colored paper. These are the types of promotions currently available:

  • "Give the code to the cashier and get a special offer"
  • "Dish fast or free"

The visitor is drawn into the game and interacts with the cafe. Various interactive games and discounts are great advertising on social networks. Apps are another powerful promotional tool:

  • “Gifts for points! Turn on: download the application, get points from each check, exchange points for gifts»

Cafe advertisement attracting customers

The most effective cafe advertising is flyers, pillars and posts on social networks. Therefore, we do not consider the example of advertising a cafe in a newspaper. It just doesn't work. Modern advertising should be bright, original and not overloaded with information.

The text of modern advertising for a cafe is very capacious and short. To make it look good, come up with a bright ad design and place an attention-grabbing photo. Templates for advertising cafes are easy to find on the Internet. These can be both ready-made layouts and standard blanks, from which it is easy to make your own recognizable advertising.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner of a modern person is always accompanied by advertising. She is everywhere ... On the menu, on the table, on the bar and even on the mirror is placed advertising in restaurants. Information for the client has a special taste and aroma. Nothing should distract from the meal, except for advertising!

Visiting cafes, bars and restaurants has long been an integral part of our lives, a tradition passed down from generation to generation. This is a great occasion to meet friends and family, have effective negotiations over a business breakfast and just have a cup of coffee when it snows outside the window. Cozy, tasty and comfortable. As a rule, visitors spend a lot of time in a restaurant or cafe, they have the opportunity to study the surroundings in detail. A resting person is positively disposed and ready to receive information.

This place can be your ad!

Table layout, video, branded restaurant supplies… Cost advertising in cafes depends on the level of the institution. Cafes at business centers are distinguished by a high level of attendance: up to 1,600 people a day. It is much cheaper to advertise here, but the institution cannot guarantee you a diverse composition of visitors. We recommend that you pay attention to network cafes located in different parts of the city. A wide coverage of the target audience will ensure effective results of the advertising campaign. Statistics show that from 100 to 2000 people visit the catering system on the day of establishment, the average number of tables is from 20 to 60.

All you have to do is prepare a creative promotional dish. This is art! But we promise you it will be delicious!

The chef is waiting for your compliment, Look at the table tent!

Cost: from 20,000 rubles / month.

Table tent is a desktop design of A6 or A4 format for advertising and menus. It looks like a house in which your information should settle. When waiting for an order, the client of the cafe will definitely pay attention to the original medium and study its content. The real estate agency placed table tents with an interesting slogan in the premium segment restaurants: “You are on the sea! You are in the Alps! Your property makes money!” The visitors appreciated the advantageous offer, and the next toast was: "For success in business." Table tents are made using various types of paper and cardboard (coated glossy and matte, different densities from 240 to 315g/m2, laminated with matte or glossy film, covered with UV varnish).

And in the folder - the bill is your advertisement, Tastefully, brightly and without spam!

Cost: from 25,000 rubles / month.

Any customer leaving the restaurant must pay the bill. A check for the services of the institution may accompany your advertisement. It is desirable that it be a discount coupon or a gift certificate. The main task of the advertiser is to motivate the guest of a restaurant or cafe to save information, to become interested in the offer. It can be a flyer with a discount on the services of a beauty salon or the nearest car service station. You can provide a flyer to each guest sitting at the table, or make one general tab on the bill. Among the main advantages of this placement method, one can note the low cost, the ability to analyze the advertising campaign by the number of returned flyers.

I'm sitting in a wonderful restaurant - And I see a video on the screen!

Monitors are installed in many establishments of the Horeca segment today. Visitors like to watch interesting and easy-to-read videos. Even in moments when a person is busy chatting with friends and does not want to make serious decisions, you can draw his attention to your advertising product. We advise the agency organizing events to show a short film about the events that have been prepared. The construction company will show on the screen a modern house that everyone can live in, and the dance studio will develop a creative concept for a video about learning incendiary Latin dances. Recommended timing: 10, 20 or 30 seconds with rotation from 2 to 10 times per hour. Even the most fastidious client will have to watch your ad to the end, there are no “turn off” or “switch” buttons for this format. The advertiser must be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy the broadcast in the entire network of cafes or restaurants. For example: institutions of the Ginza project, etc.

I'll keep the advertisement for sure, Because I found it on the menu!

We invite you to consider branded menu inserts.

Cost: from 20 000 rub./month. - for a logo up to 200,000 rubles / month. - for A4 format.

Very often, this method of presenting an advertising message applies only to products that can be purchased in a cafe. For example: mineral water. It must be remembered that a person holds the menu in his hands for only a few minutes, then the waiter takes him away. This type of advertising will provide 100% viewing and an instant decision to purchase products.

Paper menus

Cost from 35 000 rub./month.

Thus, it is possible to imagine a new alcoholic drink, upon ordering which the guest receives a pleasant gift. Among the disadvantages of such a dialogue with the client, it should be noted that advertising occupies only a block and is often placed on the back of the menu.

Branding of napkins, chopsticks and other restaurant supplies

Cost: from 25 000 rub./month.

This is suitable for advertising a cinema located near a restaurant. All of these products are usually provided by the customer. One of the main disadvantages is the limited space for creating a full-fledged advertising message. Most likely, you will be able to place only the logo, phone number or website address.

Advertising will not spill by, We have a stand for beer!

Cost: 15 rubles / piece. Accommodation individually, in agreement with the institution.

Today, in many bars, cafes and restaurants, along with a mug, a glass of beer, bartenders offer a branded stand with the logo of the establishment, brewing company, beer brand or any other image. This stand is called a coaster (bonfire, birmat). Your information can be placed on such a stand. For example: an advertisement for a taxi or a sober driver service.

Many bars use disposable beer coasters or coasters made from absorbent cardboard. Unfortunately, these coasters quickly wear out, become soft, become unsightly and end up in the wastebasket.

We recommend that you use plastic coasters - durable, wear-resistant, they are resistant to abrasion, water, chemicals, fats, and high temperatures. Such a coaster will be on the table for a long time.

And every right tray, Clients will provide you with an increase!

This option advertising in cafes and bars, you can consider in self-service establishments or in those cafes where the client must take the tray in hand to place an order. Such catering establishments are located in large, in shopping malls, in the city center and in. You must analyze the target audience depending on the objectives of the advertising campaign. Most likely, your potential customers are business lunchers. It is worth considering the fact that the average cost of lunch in such places is no more than 300 rubles. By presenting an advertisement for a stain remover or a new therapeutic toothpaste on a tray, you can be sure of the loyalty of this category of customers. This method of advertising will be effective for a mobile operator and for a family dentistry clinic. Advertising on such a medium cannot be underestimated. London cafes have recently begun using flying trays. The success exceeded all expectations.

We can't run away from advertising! And you will have to become a client!

Price:stickers next to sinks (from 15,000 rubles/month) A3 posters on booths (from 20,000 rubles/month) Video clips on mirrors with the possibility of targeting (from 25,000 rubles/month) or full branding of this space.

Washroom advertising is considered one of the most effective media. In 1939, electric typewriters were advertised in this way in London. Sales of this product increased by 30% after advertising. The advantages are obvious: the client carefully studies your message (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes), nothing interferes with him. For example: advertising can be placed above the urinal. Advertising in washrooms is novelty, originality and great targeting opportunities.

And the guests will have a reaction! After all, there is a promotion in the restaurant!

Price:from 6,000 rubles/day – sampling in an establishment by promoters of a new whiskey brand or issuing prizes for a one-time order of 2 glasses of a certain beer.

Promotions in a cafe or restaurant can attract a large number of visitors, increase the average check and increase the attendance of the establishment. This is a great opportunity to introduce a potential customer to the product. The nature of the promo can be different: from tasting alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to cultural programs. You can give a guest a New Year's Eve dinner or a discount upon presentation of a coupon from a magazine, for a check-in at, "like" on the page, organize a photo shoot for customers with an advertising product. The strategy for developing and conducting promotions depends on the level of the institution, on your concept of promotion. You are provided with instant contacts with the target audience and a loyal attitude. The main thing is to make your potential customers smile. A good mood is a great helper in all matters!

Follow the development of advertising! In cozy cafes, restaurants!

Interactive menus

Cost: from 15,000 rubles / month. up to 50,000 rubles/month

Advertisers are constantly offered new opportunities for advertising in public catering establishments. Pay attention to the interactive menus on the tables in a cafe or restaurant. Outwardly, they resemble a tablet in which the menu of the institution is loaded. A car dealership can place a video or a banner with a direct link to its website, where the client will be asked to sign up for a test drive. It will be interesting for a travel company to organize an instant drawing of a certificate for a tour according to the following plan: guests leave their data on the advertiser's website, the draw itself takes place, the server receives information about which phone number won, at what time, and if the guest is still in the institution, then he is given a certificate.

Making advertising tasty is an art!

Advertising in cafes, bars and restaurants is a great opportunity for your business. Efficiency is achieved due to many factors, but one of the main ones is the loyal attitude of visitors to and its positive perception. "Sir, your client is ready!"

To ensure that there is no end to visitors in a cafe or restaurant, it is necessary to create a special pleasant atmosphere, offer a good menu, make this place unique by offering something that competitors do not have. When opening a cafe, you need to immediately decide on its purpose. For example, a cafe that will be visited by couples with children or companies who want to drink and relax in a youth company, a pub or a cafe with national cuisine. The audience should be clearly defined, selected according to the similarity of interests and desires. If you want to combine the appointments of a cafe, you need to make sure that visitors of different categories do not overlap.

Cafe outdoor advertising

When choosing outdoor advertising objects for a cafe, you need to pay attention to the location of the establishment. If the cafe is located in a crowded area of ​​the city, on one of the main streets or close to popular places, then outdoor advertising can only consist of signs, stickers on glass windows, bright canopies over the windows. If the cafe is located in the distance, then you will have to install billboards, light boxes, and city formats, which will serve as a kind of guide. They need to be positioned in such a way that they stand along the route, along the roads, sidewalks leading to your establishment. In addition, you can place advertisements on public transport, both outside and inside buses, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis. You can make attractive stickers on the sidewalks with arrows indicating the way.

At the entrance to the cafe, be sure to put up pillars, hang flags, streamers that will invite passers-by. On the pillars, try to indicate the prices for the most popular dishes so that potential customers can navigate, correlate the cost of visiting a cafe with their budget. On such remote boards, you can announce discounts, show photos of new dishes.

It looks very interesting advertising with humor. For example, one of the cafes had a billboard on which it was written: “Beer is free, waitresses without clothes.” It is clear that this is a joke, but visitors came to such proposals, appreciating the sense of humor of the institution's management.

Ways to separate different groups of visitors

This separation is very important, because if a noisy company that drinks beer and behaves not too decently comes to a cafe, then most likely you will lose customers who have come for a relaxing holiday with their families.

  • Open several halls with separate entrances;
  • Arrange the rooms according to the theme;
  • Provide different visiting hours - daytime for families with children and evening for youth companies;
  • Equip banquet halls for weddings, celebrations.

Creating separate zones in a cafe or restaurant

To attract more visitors, you can create separate zones. They are separated by partitions, screens, thin walls. In this case, at the same time, you can receive different categories of visitors who will not interfere with each other. For example, adult visitors who come to discuss business projects or relax after a hard day's work will be annoyed by the screams of children.

A good way to separate is the location of zones on different floors of the institution. On the ground floor, you can organize a small playground, with a set of toys, balls, crayons and pencils for drawing. Here you can attract a nanny who will monitor the children and keep them busy while the parents order meals and relax.

The second floor can be equipped for adults. If you intend to sell beer and liquor, you can hang a TV on the wall with broadcasts of football and other sports matches. Usually visitors gather at the TV in companies, get sick and drink beer. Watch a video that shows a rather interesting way to attract customers in a cafe:

You can introduce similar "compliments" in your establishments. Try announcing discounts during broadcasts, but be prepared for the fact that in this case your establishment will have an inappropriate audience that is used to behaving too relaxed. In this case, care must be taken to ensure that more decent clients do not intersect with this category.

Printing and souvenir products

For a successful advertising campaign for a cafe, you can issue a batch of leaflets, flyers, which can be distributed near the establishment, delivered to offices of organizations located nearby. Business lunches with set meals can become the main and stable income if you correctly compose the menu, provide a good selection of inexpensive and tasty dishes. Souvenir products can be distributed by the head of such organizations, handed over during festive city events.

Internal advertising of catering facilities

Inside the institution, you can put logos on chairs, tables, napkin holders, ashtrays, menu books. Napkins and tablecloths with embroidered logos look very attractive, which, moreover, increase the status of the enterprise. You can decorate the walls, the lobby, work on the overall interior of the room. It must match the name, style and purpose of the cafe. For example, in a cafe with Japanese cuisine, you can decorate the walls with paintings with cherry blossoms, with hieroglyphs, etc.; You can buy a hookah, put aromatic candles, dress waiters in national costumes, turn on the appropriate music.

What should be an advertisement for a cafe

Make sure that outdoor and indoor advertising comply with the following rules. Advertising must be:

  • Bright and positive. Looking at any object of advertising, a person should feel a surge of joy. It can be photos of mouth-watering dishes, funny pictures, text messages served with humor and promising a good, enjoyable vacation.
  • Well crafted by the designer. Color combinations, the choice of background and font, the size and size of letters are important here. It should be remembered that outdoor advertising is noticed on the go, and then if it stands out from a number of its own kind, if there is some difference in it;
  • Well located. Even a well-made advertisement can be overlooked if it is in the wrong place, too obscured by trees, blending into the background of nearby buildings;
  • Laconic and thoughtful. You should not put large text on billboards - no one will have time to read it on the go anyway. Look for bright solutions for your ideas, offer discounts or an entertainment program, author's dishes or special national cuisine. Develop your unique offers and let your future customers know about them.

Banquet service

It often happens that employees of neighboring organizations come to the cafe only during the lunch break. In the evenings and on weekends, the cafe is empty or filled very poorly. Organize a banquet service, spreading the word that there will be good discounts for large orders. So you can arrange birthdays, children's parties, corporate parties, weddings and parties. If guests are still not coming, you can invite them to come with their own liquor. This will benefit both customers, who can save on booze, and you, because you will need to shell out a rather large amount for a liquor license.

Additionally, you can attract musicians, artists, animators who will provide the proper level of entertainment.

Happy hours

In many catering establishments, it is possible to come at a certain time and get the same dishes at a lower price, or dine inexpensively. To do this, a special menu is created, which contains cheaper, affordable dishes for everyone. Often this rule applies during lunch time. During this period, the cafe operates as a dining room, but there is no end to visitors. This method is a kind of advertising, because visitors who come here bring their friends, return here in the evening, when prices are already different, and the cafe turns into a place of rest.

Family breakfasts and brunches

On weekends, you can also organize family breakfasts, brunches, which will have some kind of theme. For example:

  • Christmas gatherings;
  • Maslenitsa festivities;
  • We try homemade cakes;
  • Summer cold dishes and drinks;
  • Berry desserts;
  • Degustation of sweets (cheeses, dumplings, dumplings, etc.)

Such breakfasts should be advertised separately. This should be communicated with the help of leaflets, flyers, handing over to guests during other visits to the cafe. You can distribute invitations, imprint this information on checks. The prices for dishes during such breakfasts should be reasonable, and the dishes themselves should be simple and uncomplicated. But people will have the opportunity to spend time with their families, children, friends, and your cafe will never be empty. Of course, such events will be successful if the cafe is located in a residential or crowded area. If it is in an industrial area, then this venture may fail.

Organization of master classes

On certain days, preferably on weekends, you can organize simple master classes for children or adults, which will show examples of cooking simple dishes. The entrance ticket for participants must include the cost of the meal prepared during the event, as well as a drink of your choice.

For example, one of the chefs can show the children how to cook pizza, sausage in dough, cookies, how to bake buns or croissants. At this time, parents will take tables, order the main dishes of the menu and rejoice with the children. Such master classes can become regular, because the costs for them are minimal. It is required to prepare a table, dough, fillings, tie aprons for children. You can invite animators who will entertain children and help them cook. On such days, the cafe's revenue can amount to a decent amount.

Lunch delivery to offices

You can enter into an agreement with various organizations that will benefit if you deliver meals directly to their offices. To do this, you need a car and a driver. Orders can be made in advance by phone, adjusting your menu in advance. For example, upon delivery, you can take applications for the next day, collecting pre-payment. Deliveries of hot, fresh meals may be of interest to those who do not want their employees to leave for a long lunch break.

Ideas to attract customers in a cafe

  • Pick up recipes for the children's menu;
  • Prepare vegetarian meals;
  • Some dishes are made much cheaper than others, so that everyone can find a reason to visit;
  • Install hookahs;
  • Organize romantic dinners. To do this, you can put candles or oil lamps on each table at a certain time to create a certain atmosphere;
  • Set aside a dance floor. Even if your cafe does not have live music, it will be nice if guests have the opportunity to dance to good recordings;
  • Think over the interior in such a way that there are places for photographing. People love to take pictures when they visit a cafe, for example, with friends, during holidays, etc. Give them this opportunity. For example, it could be a small fountain or statue, a plywood painting with a hole for faces, a national costume or parts of it that can be worn. Such a suit needs to be torn at the back and sewn on with ties that will fix it on a client of any build;

  • Spend free Wi-Fi. This will attract young people and those businessmen who are accustomed to always stay up to date. The presence of such a zone must be written on the doors in large letters;
  • Provide a takeaway service. This way you will attract those who are hungry, but do not have time to sit in a cafe or are not dressed decently enough for this. Food can be given out through the window, providing the opportunity not to go inside if the customer is not ready for this;
  • Ordering food at home. To do this, you need to make your own website, where you need to place photos and prices of dishes. The driver of the company and his personal car will help resolve the issue of delivery;
  • Subscribe to several popular magazines and newspapers. Many people like to read while eating. This will attract those who do not have satellites, and are embarrassed to sit in a cafe alone. It will be nice to collect a small library, then even on cloudy or frosty days you will have visitors.

A well-planned advertising campaign can attract a huge number of visitors. Take care of a pleasant, comfortable environment, delicious and always fresh dishes, think over the design of the facade, equip the surrounding area. Find an opportunity to surprise visitors with unusual services or additional services, and customers will love such an institution.

Watch a video about what mistakes are thrown first of all to cafe website visitors, how to make online advertising more effective: