How to make banana soufflé. Sponge cake with banana soufflé, recipe with photo

When mentioning the soufflé dessert, associations usually arise with something exquisite and, unfortunately, difficult to execute. However, this is not so, we suggest checking this out by preparing a tasty and healthy banana soufflé.

Features of the dish

Souffles are light and airy desserts. Even the name is translated from French as “breath”. By the way, France is the birthplace of soufflé. The dish is prepared in the classic version from egg whites, which are beaten with sugar or powder. The composition often contains butter, cream, as well as fruits and berries. Banana soufflé is a delicate, “breathable” dish that goes well with coffee and tea, can be served for breakfast or an afternoon snack, and, with appropriate decoration, can even act as a holiday dessert.

Bananas themselves have a unique structure, which makes it possible to cook soufflés without flour or add it in small quantities.

If you regulate the amount of sugar and do not put too much of it, then the soufflé can be given in small quantities to children as early as one year of age.

Older kids will definitely love this beautiful and light dish. Most recipes suggest mashing the fruit into puree, so you need to use ripe and soft bananas. But it is better to refuse those whose flesh has dark spots. The dessert made from them may not rise or turn out watery.

Banana souffle can be baked in a large form or small (for muffins, cookies). In the latter version, the dessert is usually prepared for children - this way it looks more interesting and appetizing. You can prepare a soufflé on a small sand base. Today, there are not only classic recipes that involve baking a dish in the oven, but also cooking methods for a multicooker (select the “steam” mode) and in the microwave.

If the recipe does not involve the use of raw eggs, then banana soufflé can be made without heat treatment. In this case, it is prepared with pectin or gelatin, which provide a light jelly-like consistency to the dessert.

Popular recipes

Let's start with a classic banana soufflé recipe. It requires a minimum of ingredients, and even a novice cook can handle its preparation. But if you add other components to this basic recipe, you can get new desserts every time.


To prepare you will need:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt (to emphasize the sweetness of the dish, balance the taste).

Eggs should be removed from the refrigerator first (an hour before cooking). In addition, you will need to separate the whites from the yolks. You only need one yolk. Wash, peel and mash the bananas into a puree. This is not difficult to do, but you need to approach the process responsibly - there should be no pieces of fruit in the puree. Add salt, lemon juice and yolk to the banana mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

In a clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites until white foam, without ceasing to beat the mass, add sugar and continue the process. The whites should form into stable peaks. They should be carefully mixed into the yolk-banana mixture. Baking pans should be greased with butter. If you are afraid that the dessert will burn, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina. Silicone molds do not need to be lubricated with oil, except for the first use. Place the dough into the molds and bake at 180 C for 20-25 minutes. Carefully remove the finished soufflé from the mold.

With cottage cheese

This recipe is good because the cottage cheese in it gives a delicate creamy taste, but at the same time it is not felt at all in the finished dessert. This means that it is especially valuable if you want to feed a child (and an adult too) cottage cheese, but he does not like this fermented milk product.

You will need:

  • 2-3 bananas;
  • 150-200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon semolina;
  • sugar;
  • butter for greasing the pan;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

The cottage cheese should be paste-like. If you only have coarse grains on hand, then grind it through a sieve 1-2 times. Peel the bananas and mash them into a puree and only after that it will become clear exactly how much cottage cheese is required. The fact is that these 2 ingredients are taken in approximately equal quantities. Mix cottage cheese with bananas, add sugar and sour cream. The mass should be airy. Now you need to evaluate its consistency and gradually add semolina. The latter may require a little more or less than indicated in the recipe.

Do not forget that after 10-15 minutes the cereal will swell and make the soufflé consistency denser.

If you are cooking for the first time, it is better to add half a tablespoon of semolina, knead the mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour. After a while, evaluate whether the dough is thick enough. If it’s a bit runny, add semolina; if it’s too thick, add a little banana puree or sour cream. Grease the molds with oil, pour the dough into them and place in a preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 C.

For the cake

Using this recipe you can prepare a soufflé for a cake. All you need to do is bake regular sponge cakes (or buy ready-made ones), soak them in sweet tea, juice or syrup and place a banana soufflé between the cakes. It is better to use the same fruits, chocolate, and not too sweet cream as decoration.


  • 5 bananas;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1000 ml sour cream;
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 20 g gelatin (small pack).

Pour gelatin with cold water and leave for 20-25 minutes. How to do this correctly and how much water to take is best read in the instructions on the package. Bananas need to be peeled and cut into slices, and to prevent them from darkening, sprinkle with lemon juice. Beat the sour cream with sugar and then heat the gelatin. It is better to do this in a water bath, without allowing the composition to boil. Otherwise, gelatin will lose its properties.

Combine the heated gelatin and sour cream, beat everything again to avoid the appearance of gelatin lumps.

Cut the cakes into cubes and place them on the bottom of a springform pan. Pour a quarter of sour cream on top of them, and banana slices on top. They will be buried in the cream, however, this is how it should be. On top is another layer of biscuit “cubes”. Similarly, you should alternate between sponge cake, cream and bananas until the ingredients run out. The top layer should be cream; it can be decorated with bananas. Now you need to put the form in the refrigerator, preferably overnight. Decorate the finished dessert with chocolate chips, syrup or coconut flakes.

No baking

After reading the previous recipe, you can guess the principles of making banana soufflé without baking. However, it has a rather liquid consistency, which is justified by the presence of biscuit in the composition. If the dessert is served as an independent dish, then it is recommended to prepare it according to the following recipe.


  • 3 bananas;
  • 450 ml sour cream;
  • 25-30 g gelatin (if you like more viscous, dense soufflés, take 30 g gelatin);
  • ½ cup granulated sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • cinnamon, vanilla.

Banana soufflé is a delicate, cloudy, airy dessert. It can be prepared in a variety of ways, giving the delicacy original flavors, and receiving unearthly pleasure from it. Moreover, all this is easy to do at home.

Banana soufflé - general principles of preparation

The soufflé is prepared with or without baking. The base is most often eggs and dairy products. If the dessert is subjected to heat treatment, starch and flour may be added. The dough is prepared light and airy, it is laid out in small molds, then baked in the oven, steamer, there are recipes for the microwave. No-bake soufflé is prepared with gelatin or agar; most often it has a milk, sour cream, or curd base. After combining all the ingredients, the dessert requires cooling.

Bananas can be used as a filling or crushed and added to the total mass. They are often combined with other fruits, nuts or berries. Cottage cheese, chocolate, various creams, marmalade and other confectionery products are also added to the soufflé.

Banana soufflé “Breath”

The recipe for a French banana soufflé, which turns out light and airy, which is why it got its name. It is better to bake dessert in small molds for portion serving.


4 bananas;

2.5 tbsp. l. flour;

A glass of milk;

4 spoons of sugar;

2 tablespoons of oil.


1. Separate the yolks, pour them into a bowl, add a little more than half a glass of milk, about 2/3, and grind them.

2. Add flour to the yolks and stir.

3. Add sugar and vanilla to the rest of the milk and bring to a boil. Combine with the yolks, stir very quickly, and warm up. You should get a thick cream.

4. Add butter to the cream. There is no need to melt the pieces separately, just stir until dissolved. Leave to cool.

5. Grind the bananas to a paste or transfer them to a food processor cup and puree them. Combine with yolk cream.

6. Back to the proteins. Beat with a mixer until strong foam.

7. Now combine the whipped whites and the main cream. Stir carefully so as not to precipitate the foam.

8. Place the cream in the molds. Before doing this, they need to be lubricated; it is better to use butter. Additionally, you can sprinkle with breadcrumbs and almond crumbs.

9. Bake the aromatic soufflé at 200 degrees for 15-18 minutes, depending on the size of the dessert.

Banana soufflé without flour

A recipe for a delicate dessert without adding flour. The delicacy turns out light and airy. You can replace some of the sugar with honey, which will increase the healthfulness of the dish. Instead of lemon, you can use lime or diluted dry acid.


2 bananas;

1 yolk;

15 ml lemon juice;

5 spoons of sugar.


1. Peel the bananas, chop them into pieces, put them in a blender and beat quickly. Or we turn the pulp into puree in another way.

2. Immediately add lemon juice or acid to the pulp so that it does not darken and spoil the appearance.

3. Grind the yolk with granulated sugar, gradually add banana puree.

4. Beat the whites with sugar until stiff foam. All grains should dissolve. Place a third of the mixture in a clean bowl.

5. Add the prepared puree with lemon juice and yolk to the remaining whites, stir gently.

6. Grease the molds, spread the banana mixture in a layer of about 2 cm.

7. Decorate the top with whipped egg whites and sugar. They can be laid out just like that or squeezed out using a pastry bag.

8. Bake the dessert for a quarter of an hour. The optimal temperature for banana soufflé is 195-200.

Banana souffle with gelatin (no baking)

A version of gelatin soufflé that does not require baking. The base is sour cream with bananas. Similarly, you can take fermented baked milk and yogurt. Kefir is also suitable, but it should not be too sour and low-fat.


400 ml sour cream;

25 g gelatin;

0.5 tbsp. Sahara;

2 bananas;

Vanilla, cinnamon, lemon.


1. Dissolve gelatin in 70 ml of water. Let's brew. The liquid must be cold so that gelling does not begin prematurely. Instead of water, you can take any juice or ordinary milk.

2. Beat sour cream with sugar.

3. Peel the bananas and cut into pieces.

4. Dissolved gelatin needs to be slightly heated until it becomes liquid. You can use a microwave or water bath.

5. Mix gelatin and sour cream, add vanilla and lemon zest. You can add a little cinnamon. We choose spices to suit our taste.

6. Immerse the mixer and beat the jelly sour cream for about five minutes.

7. Add chopped banana pieces and stir.

8. Cool for 2-3 hours. You can put the jelly soufflé into small molds, decorate it as you wish, and sprinkle with coconut flakes, which highlight the taste of bananas well.

Banana soufflé with semolina “Tender”

For those who don’t like porridge, there is another variation of banana soufflé, which can always be made to your taste. The amount of sugar and flavoring additives can be easily adjusted.


250 g milk;

30 g butter;

50 g sugar;

50 g semolina;

0.5 tsp. vanilla sugar;

2 bananas;

2 large eggs.

You will also need some butter and sugar for the molds.


1. Coat the inside of the molds with butter, sprinkle with coarse sugar, and place in the freezer.

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan, immediately pour in all the sugar, add salt for taste, a third of a teaspoon is enough. Place on the stove and let it boil.

3. Pour in the cereal in a thin stream and prepare ordinary porridge. Remove from heat, add oil, stir and let cool.

4. The oven must be turned on to heat at 210 degrees.

5. Separate the yolks, pour into the porridge, stir.

6. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam, add vanilla.

7. Cut bananas into pieces.

8. First, add fruit to the porridge and stir.

9. Now mix in the protein foam, trying to maintain the volume.

10. Take out the cooled molds, quickly spread the mixture, put the banana soufflé in the oven.

11. Cook for about ten minutes, no more. Then turn off the oven and open it slightly so that the soufflé does not shrink. After a while, remove from the oven and turn over onto flat saucers.

Banana soufflé with cottage cheese (gelatin)

Another version of a lazy no-bake soufflé made with gelatin. This dish is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. The base is cottage cheese. To make the dessert tender, it is better to take fat cottage cheese of at least 12%.


400 g cottage cheese;

250 g sour cream;

250 ml milk;

20 g gelatin;

4 bananas;

150 g sugar;


1. Combine milk with gelatin and leave for the time indicated according to the instructions. Typically it takes 30 minutes to swell. If gelatin is instant, then ten is enough.

2. Place cottage cheese, sour cream, vanilla, sugar and 2 bananas into a bowl. Grind until smooth or beat with a blender.

3. Melt the gelatin, which should swell well by this point. There is no need to heat it too much; it is enough to give it a liquid consistency so that the curds melt and it is easier for the products to combine.

4. Mix milk gelatin with curd mass, put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

5. Cut the reserved bananas into circles. You can additionally take strawberries and tangerine slices, depending on the time of year.

6. Take out the sour cream mixture, place it in small molds or bowls, and place fruit in the middle.

7. Place the dessert in the refrigerator again and leave for two hours.

Banana soufflé from a steamer (curd)

A version of a simple dessert that is steamed. It can be given even to small children who are already familiar with all the ingredients of the soufflé. It is based on cottage cheese and eggs. You need to choose a dense banana, the pieces should not fall apart.


500 g cottage cheese;

4 spoons of semolina;

2 bananas;

6 spoons of sugar;


1. Grind the yolks with cottage cheese and granulated sugar. Add semolina. You can add a little vanilla sugar for flavor. Stir and leave for 15 minutes.

2. Beat the whites until fluffy. Since they are sugar-free, this can be done very quickly.

3. Cut bananas into pieces and mix with cottage cheese.

4. Add the whipped whites and stir.

5. Place the future soufflé into small greased molds and place in a double boiler.

6. Cook for about 30 minutes.

Banana soufflé with chocolate

For this banana soufflé you will need good dark chocolate. It won't be very tasty with simple tiles.


80 ml milk;

1.5 tablespoons starch (corn);

2 yolks;

80 g chocolate;

60 g sugar.


1. Grease the molds, sprinkle with sugar, place on a baking sheet and put in the freezer.

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add sugar and starch, add the egg yolks, immediately pour in the chocolate cut into pieces, stir everything thoroughly.

3. Place the saucepan on the stove and cook until the chocolate dissolves and the mass thickens. You will get cream. Remove from heat.

4. Grind the banana and add to the cream.

5. Beat the whites until foamy, mix everything together.

6. Place the soufflé in chilled molds.

7. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes; when serving, you can sprinkle with cocoa or powdered sugar.

To prevent bananas from darkening, after peeling and cutting, you can sprinkle the pieces with lemon juice.

If the soufflé turns out not very beautiful, the defects can easily be masked with grated chocolate, cocoa, powder, and fruit. Dessert will only get more interesting.

If you need to prepare a festive soufflé for the children's table, then you can add food coloring to the mixture.

Souffle molds are often sprinkled with sugar. You can use chopped nuts in the same way.

Step 1: take chicken eggs.

Let's take our chicken eggs. Next we will need to separate them. For this we need two bowls. Using a knife, carefully break one egg over the first bowl. The egg should be broken carefully in the middle with a knife. Now pour all the whites from the egg into one bowl, and pour the yolk into the second. Now mix the yolks in a bowl with 100 ml milk using a whisk or fork, add to them 2 tablespoons wheat flour and knead everything until smooth. Place the whites in another bowl in the refrigerator for now.

Step 2: Cook the mixture until thick.

Remaining with us 100 ml pour milk into a small saucepan. We also add here 3 teaspoons granulated sugar and 0.5 teaspoon vanilla. Place this saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil over very low heat. When the mixture in the pan boils, remove it from the stove, and in a thin stream, continuing to stir all the time with a wooden spoon, carefully introduce the cooled mixture of milk and flour with the yolks from the bowl into the pan. Place the pan on the stove again and cook the mixture over low heat until the milk mixture begins to thicken. Pour the already thickened mixture into a separate clean bowl and set aside to allow the mixture to cool slightly.

Step 3: take bananas.

Next, take the bananas and peel them, cut them into small pieces on a board and put them in a small bowl, mash the banana pulp to a puree. You can do this using a blender in a specially designed bowl. If there is none, then you can simply mash the bananas well using a potato masher. Then mix the prepared banana puree with 1 tablespoon butter and with the already cooled milk mixture.

Step 4: beat the whites.

Now turn on the oven and heat it up to 250 degrees. While our oven is warming up, let's do the following. Remove the cooled egg whites from the refrigerator and use a mixer to beat them into a thick foam.

Step 5: mix puree with protein.

Now carefully, in very small portions, add the whipped egg white directly into the banana soufflé. Then you should knead the whole mass with rather careful, one might even say slow movements, so that in the end it retains its lightness.

Step 6: pour the soufflé into the molds.

Prepare the soufflé baking dishes. They must be clean and dry. If you are afraid that the soufflé will not come out normally from these forms, you can additionally insert parchment paper into the forms. Using a greasing brush, grease the baking tins with the remaining butter and lightly dust them with granulated sugar. Using a pastry syringe or an ordinary spoon, transfer the soufflé into molds. At the same time, do not forget that with further heating, the entire mass of the soufflé will almost double. Then place the soufflé molds on a baking sheet, which you place in the middle of a hot oven and prepare the soufflé 30 minutes.

Step 7: Serve banana soufflé.

Remove the finished banana soufflé in the molds from the oven directly with the baking sheet. Then cover the entire baking sheet with waffle towels and let the soufflé cool a little. When the soufflé has cooled, carefully remove it from the molds onto a serving dish and serve.

If you do not have suitable molds to prepare banana souffle in, then you can easily use any fireproof cups for this.

Parchment paper for baking should be cut into strips 10 cm wide, and then wrapped with it inside the cup or mold so that your walls are completely covered with it.

When you remove the finished soufflé from the oven, be sure to close all the windows. Because for a freshly baked soufflé, a draft is strictly contraindicated.

You can also use overripe bananas to make soufflé. The essence and taste of the soufflé will not change in any way.

By the way, according to a famous pediatrician named Benjamin Spock, bananas are the only fruit that does not cause any allergic reactions in infants. Therefore, bananas should be introduced into children's diets from almost birth.

Bananas are not only very tasty and very affordable, but also incredibly healthy. They are very rich in natural sugar, and also help to quickly restore all previously expended energy - which is why many athletes eat them directly during their training and competitions.

Puddings, soufflé. Tasty and nutritious Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Banana soufflé

Banana soufflé

Compound: bananas – 4 pcs., egg (white) – 2 pcs., sugar – 4 tsp, powdered sugar – 1 tsp, butter – 1 tsp, lemon juice – 3 tsp.

Wash the bananas, peel them, and mash the pulp with a fork. Beat the egg whites with a mixer, adding lemon juice. Add sugar, 3/4 of the beaten egg whites, lemon juice to the banana pulp, mix. Place the resulting mixture into a greased soufflé dish, decorate the surface with the remaining whipped egg white and bake until golden brown.

Serve the soufflé hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

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Banana soufflé

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Banana soufflé Ingredients: bananas – 4 pcs., egg (white) – 2 pcs., sugar – 4 tsp, powdered sugar – 1 tsp, butter – 1 tsp, lemon juice – 3 tsp. Wash the bananas, peel them, and mash the pulp with a fork. Beat the egg whites with a mixer, adding lemon juice.

A delicate soufflé is a simple and completely low-calorie dish that will perfectly complete any meal or become a satisfying meal on its own.

The soufflé can be prepared with the addition of any berries and fruits; in this article, banana will be used as a tasty addition.

Banana soufflé recipe

This is a basic banana soufflé recipe that can serve as the basis for your own modifications to the dish.


  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • lime juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • egg whites – 3 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch.


Peel and puree bananas using a blender. Add lime juice to the puree so that the fruits do not darken, egg yolk and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form, add the remaining tablespoon of sugar, and continue beating until stiff peaks form and a glossy white surface forms. Carefully mix the protein mass with.

Grease round baking pans with butter and sprinkle with a small amount of sugar. Fill each mold with banana soufflé and place in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Chocolate banana soufflé cake


For the test:

  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • baking powder - 1 ½ teaspoons;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons.

For the soufflé:

  • heavy cream – 500 ml;
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • dark chocolate – 120 g;
  • sugar – 3/4 tbsp.;
  • gelatin – 1 package (15 g).


Mix soft butter with sugar, add eggs and beat the mixture until smooth. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients: sifted flour, cocoa, baking powder. Pour the dry ingredients into the butter mixture, mix and bake in a greased pan for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

We steam the gelatin with hot water and leave it to swell. Whip the cream with sugar, mix with melted chocolate and gelatin, mix and leave in the refrigerator for 5-7 minutes.

Pour the soufflé onto the cooled one, place banana slices on it and leave in the refrigerator until completely set.