How to make Gunkan maki sushi with flying fish roe? How to make Gunkan-maki sushi Gunkan recipe.

Sushi- This is fast food in Japanese. It’s easy and simple to prepare, even at home, if you know the little secrets. We have already learned how to prepare rolls at home, today’s post will be about how to prepare homemade sushi in the form of boats. Sushi (sushi) of this shape is called gunkan or gunkan maki.

How to make homemade gunkan, spicy and hot sushi

I liked the process of making gunkan sushi and its simple recipe. Unlike rolls, they do not require special skills and no traditional kits for making sushi in the form of a mat (sushi masters also call this mat makisu), cling film, or sharp knives. ... Therefore, if you really want to try different flavors of gunkan sushi, you don’t have to run to a sushi bar to order a delicious plate. Prepare such sushi with different fillings at home and surprise your guests and loved ones!

Nigiri sushi(nigirizushi) - a rice ball (oval) made with the help of hands. This oval lump is smeared with wasabi (a spicy green seasoning in the form of a paste, also called Japanese horseradish) and covered with a thin piece of fresh or salted fish, eel, large flattened shrimp or a strip of omelette. Sometimes nigiri sushi is topped with a thin strip of nori.

Gunkan(gunkan - maki) is a type of sushi that is molded by hand (in everyday life, gunkan is a warship or boat). The rice ball is oval in shape (like nigiri sushi), framed by a strip of nori (dried seaweed sheet). Various chopped fillings or caviar are placed on top of the rice. The following can be used as a filling for gunkan sushi: small pieces of red fish fillet (even leftover salmon, salmon, perch or tuna from preparing nigiri sushi will do), smoked eel, seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels, octopus, scallop, crab meat ), spicy chuka salad, caviar (tobiko flying fish caviar, red salmon caviar, masago capelin caviar).

Spicy sushi These are gunkan boats filled with seafood filling in a spicy sauce. The main components in the recipe for the right sauce for spicy sushi are spicy kimchi vegetable paste, eel sauce and Japanese soy mayonnaise. You can add tobiko flying fish caviar or masago capelin caviar to the spicy sauce for sushi boats.

Baked sushi(hot) are most often prepared in the form of gunkan (boats or boats) from crushed filling with sauce. At home, baked sushi can be baked in the oven (7 minutes), microwave under the grill or in a convection oven.

Rice for sushi The Japanese cook it in a small amount of water, without salt and spices, in special rice cookers. I propose to erect a monument to their invention, since the improved rice cooker is a multicooker, my irreplaceable assistant in the kitchen. When cooking rice for sushi and rolls, I only choose a slow cooker. Of course, you can cook sushi rice on the stove, but it will be a little more troublesome in terms of tracking the “escape” of water from the pot or pan at the initial stage and determining the cooking time. So, if you don’t have a multicooker, cook sushi rice on the stove, and if you have one, read my recipe for making sushi rice.

Sushiza– a special dressing for sushi rice. If you don’t have such a sushi dressing on hand, you can replace it at home with a mixture of rice vinegar, sugar and salt. It is the presence of sugar in the dressing that allows the rice in sushi to be both crumbly and sticky, and the rice vinegar makes it taste sour.

Homemade gunkan sushi with shrimp

My step-by-step photo recipe for making homemade gunkan sushi today will be very simple, the ingredients for the filling and a very tasty sauce are available, so everyone can prepare them! In the future I plan to update this page with new recipes for homemade sushi, so don’t forget

Most often I make rolls for my family; my daughter loves rolls with salted salmon, pickled cucumber and soft cheese. Recently, when I was visiting my mother with my children, I couldn’t pass by the TV, where a culinary program with the participation of Ilya Lazerson was on. I love cooking myself and experimenting in the kitchen. But watching food being prepared is no less interesting, especially when there is something to learn from world chefs. So, Lazerson, outlining his idea of ​​Japanese sushi, offered his own recipe for the sauce and assured that if you do not reveal the secret of its preparation, no one will guess, or rather, name absolutely all of its components. The taste of this sauce is so subtle and refined.

Of course, I succumbed to Lazerson’s provocation and decided to “try” the recipe for this sushi on my family (my daughter and husband simply can’t stand onions, but here they are raw in the sauce!). The risk of being “fired at” by warships loaded with onion sauce was very high, so I still made a plate of their usual rolls :-).

True, I’m already doing this photo report at home. The success of my homemade shrimp sushi is stunning (provided that I never revealed the secret of the sauce components to them). They say make more delicious boats. So please don’t expose me to those people who still think that they don’t eat onions and garlic ;-).

So, for the sushi recipe, you, like me, will need very simple products; I found them without difficulty in a store in a small town where my parents live.


  • Sushi rice – 1 bag weighing 250 g,
  • Water for cooking rice,
  • Rice vinegar,
  • Salt,
  • Sugar,
  • Nori sheets - several pieces,
  • Shrimp (preferably large, tiger, king, but small ones are also suitable) - 500 g,
  • Soy mayonnaise (I replaced it with regular Provencal mayonnaise) - 3 tablespoons,
  • Ketchup – 1 tablespoon,
  • Raw onion – 1 small head,
  • Fresh garlic – 1 clove,
  • Vegetable oil (ideally sesame) – 1 teaspoon.
  • Cooking process:

    It won’t hurt if I repeat: cook sushi rice in a small amount of water without salt and spices. Rice must first be soaked in water until white and opaque.

    The packaging of special Japanese rice states that the proportion of rice and water when cooking rice is 1:2. This may be ideal for cooking rice on the stove, but when I'm going to cook rice in the slow cooker, I reduce the amount of water in the recipe on the package. Let's say 1:1.5, sometimes even a little less. I like it when the rice in rolls doesn’t look like crumbly soft porridge and when the roll is cut, it is slightly transparent when cut. But, these are my taste preferences, you just have to make sushi or rolls at home several times to understand what you like best.

    While the rice is cooking, you need to prepare the filling for the gunkan sushi. , cool them and clean them. We cut large tiger shrimps into large pieces to make your mouth happy.

    When the sushi rice has already been cooked in the slow cooker, immediately, while it is hot, transfer it to a deep dish (ideally a wooden bowl) and begin to season. The Japanese use sushi (a mixture of rice vinegar, sugar and salt) to season their rice; I season my sushi rice with a pinch of sugar, salt and rice vinegar. Stir the rice, wait for it to cool to room temperature and begin preparing the sushi.

    While the rice is cooling, prepare the sushi sauce according to a very interesting recipe. I deviated a little from Ilya Lazerson’s recipe; I didn’t add garlic to the sauce the first time, and I didn’t have sesame oil on hand (I replaced it with odorless sunflower oil).

    So, grate the raw onion on a fine grater. I took exactly a dessert spoon of onion pulp and mixed it with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. In a fatty environment, the aggressiveness of the onion is muted, so only a slight piquant note is felt in the sauce. Add the onion to the sauces, mix in a cup with mayonnaise, ketchup, and then add shrimp to it.

    Unfortunately, there are no photos from the first experiment with large shrimp; this time I repeated the sushi recipe at home with small shrimp. It turned out no less tasty. In the same way, you can chop and place salted fish, smoked eel, scallops, octopus or mussels in boats.

    The Japanese are familiar with these sauces; they use them widely in their cuisine; of course, they taste a little different there. In the absence of soy mayonnaise, we will use domestic Provençal. And we will bring the taste sensations from sushi closer to European ones, taking into account the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans. It’s no secret that California rolls are their invention, not the Japanese.

    The sushi filling and sauce are ready. We cut the nori sheet with scissors into thin strips 3 cm wide. You can cut directly along the perforations on sheets of dried seaweed. The shiny side is the face of the pumps, the matte side is the back.

    If you are planning to cook gunkan or spicy sushi at home for the first time, you need to know a few secrets on how to do it correctly.

    1. Your hands should be moderately damp so that the rice does not stick to them (excess moisture is not good, it will prevent the rice from sticking together). When shaping sushi, I use rice vinegar diluted with boiled water and wet my hands in it. I shake off the excess into a cup.
    2. Rice for making sushi and rolls should be neither hot nor cold. Cold rice does not stick well, hot rice heats up the fish and the filling.
    3. With a damp right hand (if you are left-handed, then with your left) take a small amount of sushi rice. There should not be a lot of rice, about the size of a large walnut.
    4. You need to squeeze your fingers so that the rice is in your palm. Rolling the rice in the palm of one hand, then squeezing and unclenching your fingers, you need to achieve a beautiful glued stick of rice. But such that it turns out to be glued and compressed on the outside and airy on the inside. Your movements should be light and smooth. After practicing, after a few attempts you will definitely get the correct preparation for sushi rice, and you will understand what pressure should be applied with your fingers on the rice.

    An oblong lump of rice should be placed on a dish and wrapped in a strip of nori. Secure the edge of the nori with rice.

    I first fixed several gunkans with sushi vinegar, in which I wet my hands, but the appearance of these boats was a little inferior.

    Using your index finger, lightly compact the rice along the edges of the boat and fill the sushi blank with filling (for us it’s shrimp in sauce).

    Considering that nori swells from the sauce, you can first prepare only the pieces without filling and fill the sushi with it just before serving.

    Sushi gunkan is ready!

    I served them with pickled ginger.

    Using the same principle, you can prepare spicy and baked sushi with different fillings.

    By clicking on any photo in the masterclass, you can enlarge it and view it.

    Anyuta, the owner of the Notebook site, wishes you bon appetit!

    Sushi is becoming very popular, so much so that soon every second housewife will be preparing it at home. And the big plus is that sushi is much healthier than pizza or a sausage sandwich. And making sushi is quick and easy!

    In the absence of a stamp, they write on a regular one. Not finding fish in the refrigerator (ha! where would it come from when no one put it there???), I accidentally stumbled upon crab sticks (and how did they survive???). I really wanted Sushi. So the crab sticks came into use.

    Gunkan maki with crab sticks and caviar

    Ingredients: rice, nori, wasabi
    Filling: finely chopped crab sticks, mayonnaise, flying fish caviar, Tobasco sauce
    Garnish with cucumber

    Spicy gunkans, but the level of spiciness can be adjusted to your taste - from just a light aftertaste to a bright, rich spice - just add less or more Tobasco.
    The cucumber does not just perform a decorative function. If you made the filling really spicy, it not only revives the taste, but also slightly dampens the spice with its freshness. very interesting taste experience!

    Gunkan maki with crab sticks and onions

    Ingredients: rice, nori, wasabi
    Filling: finely chopped crab sticks, green onions, Philadelphia cheese, Tenno mayonnaise Wasabi rich taste
    Garnished with leeks and flying fish roe.
    As an option, I added cucumber and avocado to the mixture. Nice!

    They are easier to prepare than classic sushi or uramaki rolls. This great article will show you that easily!

    What you need to make Gunkan Maki

    Preparation: 10 minutes. Servings: 8

    • properly cooked sushi rice
    • Fish caviar. For example: Tobiko (flying fish roe), Ikura (salmon roe), Kazunoko (herring roe) or Masago (smelt roe).

    How to make Gunkan-maki sushi

    Make a small ball of sushi rice the size of a ping pong ball and wrap it in a strip of nori. Place the ball at the bottom of our Gunkan-maki, thereby laying the foundation for sushi.

    Step 3 - "Seal the Gunkan Maki."

    Place the edges of the nori strip on top of each other, thus It turned out that the rice is wrapped in nori and you need to glue the edges together using water, wetting the ends and letting them dry, or using nori glue made from rice.

    Step 4 - "Add the filling!"

    Take a teaspoon of Tobiko, Ikura, Kazunoko or Masago and place it in your Gunkan Maki. You can put anything into Gunkan Maki, because sushi allows you to do whatever you imagine!

    Step 5 - "Done!"

    I hope you enjoy Gunkan-maki sushi! They are easy to make and very tasty!

    Sushi, which originated in Japan around the eighth century, has become a favorite culinary delight these days. However, making them at home can be challenging.

    Various types of sushi are known - nigiri, temaki, maki and, of course, gunkan. Despite the fact that they are less popular than rolls, they are easier to prepare. Gunkan is traditionally a ball of rice wrapped in strips of nori and filled with filling (usually caviar). Additionally, the rice can be flavored with wasabi for added flavor and spiciness.

    Gunkan - what is it?

    The word “gunkan” means “ship”; this name is fully justified by the appearance of the dish. At its core, gunkans are a generic, more traditional type of sushi. They are topped with any filling (caviar, fish, quail eggs, seafood, even vegetables), and can also be spicy and baked. The most common types of sushi include tobiko or masago. Often they use special wasabiko caviar (tobiko + wasabi powder), which has a characteristic pungent taste.

    What are gunkans? First of all, it is a snack that is simple. In the classic Japanese version, gunkan contains only caviar or shredded fish on rice, all surrounded by seaweed.

    Since caviar is usually quite salty, the rice should be as bland as possible. The exception is the filling in the form of eel - it is advisable to dilute its sweet taste. So, how to make gunkans?


    For 6-8 sushi you will need the following:

    • 2 sheets of nori;
    • 1.5 cups sushi rice;
    • 1 can of red caviar.

    To prepare rice for gunkan, rinse it well with cold water, place it in a saucepan with water (there should be one and a half times more water), let it boil and then cook over low heat with the lid closed.

    Make Japanese dressing for it while you're at it. To do this, take a separate pan, pour it into it and add salt and sugar to taste. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, but do not boil the mixture. When the rice is ready, transfer it to a large bowl, pour the dressing into it and stir with a few sharp strokes with a wooden spoon.

    Wet your hands with rice vinegar or warm water. Form a small rice ball with your hands or use a round cookie cutter. You should make koloboks approximately 1.5 cm long and 1 cm high. Cut the nori into the indicated strips. Wrap strips around the circumference of each rice ball. Place about one tablespoon of caviar on top of each rice ball. You will get a classic gunkan.

    What does it mean in terms of presentation? This dish should be served with soy sauce, wasabi and ginger.

    Hot boats

    Answering the question: “Gunkan - what is it?” - we should not forget about hot sushi, which is not a traditional Japanese dish. This appetizer is an international invention of chefs that has become popular both in post-Soviet countries and in Europe. To prepare them, a standard ball of rice is made, wrapped in a strip of nori, and the filling looks more complex.

    Usually the base is any finely chopped fish, seafood or mushrooms that are mixed with the sauce. To make the sauce, you need to mix chili sauce and tobiko in the desired proportion. Typically the ratio of mayonnaise to sauce is 3 to 1, but you can experiment according to your own preferences. In addition, you can skip the chili sauce and replace it with tomato paste. In this case, the gunkans will not be spicy.

    Then the main filling is mixed well with seasonings and applied in an even layer to the rice. In some cases, gunkan is sprinkled with finely grated cheese on top. These boats are baked on the grill or in the oven for a few minutes and served hot.

    This is how baked gunkan is prepared. What this is is described in detail above. But what is spicy sushi? In fact, these are the same gunkans that are not baked, but served immediately after formation. As a rule, they are not sprinkled with cheese. Sometimes, for decoration and additional taste, a raw quail egg is broken onto the top layer of filling.

    How do gunkans eat?

    Firstly, they are served immediately after preparation. This is due to the fact that under the influence of wet rice and juicy filling, the seaweed quickly becomes soggy and becomes less crispy.

    Secondly, such sushi should be eaten whole, since the filling may fall out when cutting or biting.

    Now you know what gunkans are, how they are prepared and how they are eaten.