How to cook borscht soup at home. No sour cream anywhere! Step-by-step recipe for borscht with beets and cabbage

Hi all! Today, on the agenda of everyone's favorite since childhood - borscht. I am sure that in any family this soup is prepared almost every day.

I myself just love this rich miracle. How can you do without it when you sit down at the table and dine. I have an older child who simply cannot live without him. Every day I pick him up from the kindergarten and returning home, he goes and asks me: “Mom, did you cook borsch, did you promise?” Therefore, soups are loved not only by adults, but also, as it turned out, even the smallest inhabitants of our planet.

I know many variations of this dish. I hasten to introduce you in this note.

But first I want to remind, or maybe introduce, that the homeland of this soup is Ukraine and the south of our Russia. Of course, they are now preparing them everywhere, for example in Lithuania or Moldova. Do you know in which country borscht is the most popular? Write your comments please 🙂

In this short note, I will provide you with information about Russian and Ukrainian stews.

Borscht with meat - a classic recipe

Have you ever noticed that this soup becomes more aromatic and richer the next day? This is such a unique property.

Classical Russian borscht and Ukrainian are very similar to each other. In our Russian red soup there is no bacon, but in Ukrainian it is always present.

In fact, there are many options for this first course, but for all, the presence of meat brisket, ribs or bone-in meat and chopped vegetables is a must.

My husband loves the classic version. He simply adores him, especially with a piece of tasty and pickled lard. You can serve this dish with any side dish, such as mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. And for dessert, donuts, sweet buns or bagels.

We will need:

  • pork ribs - 300 g or beef pulp - 150 g
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp
  • fresh cabbage - 200 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste

Cooking method:

1. In this dish, you can use either beef or pork meat. Here's who loves what. I will show on the example of beef in this variation. So, boil the beef broth. To do this, pour water into the pan and lower the piece of meat. Boil the meat broth for about one hour.

Important! After the beef meat has boiled, make the fire smaller and cook the beef over low heat. Do not forget to remove the foam so that the broth is clear. At the end of cooking, you can add a little salt.

2. After the meat is ready. And this is very easy to check, if it has moved away from the bone, then it means it is perfectly cooked. Remove the beef from the pot and let it cool down a bit.

4. After carving the meat, dip the meat pieces back into the broth.

5. While the broth is cooking, take care of the vegetables. Wash beets, carrots, potatoes well under running water.

6. Chop the cabbage into cubes and send it to the pan with the finished broth.

7. Cut the potatoes into cubes and, after the cabbage, send them to the pan.

8. Chop the beets into thin strips or you can use a grater. Take a small frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and put chopped beets and tomato paste there. Simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Important! The secret to the red burgundy color is that at the end of roasting the beets, sprinkle them with vinegar or lemon juice for a couple of minutes to fix the color.

9. After frying, add the beets to the pan and continue to cook the soup over low heat.

10. Now cut the onion into cubes, and grate the carrot. Pour refined vegetable oil into a separate pan and fry the vegetable ingredients until golden brown, but the onion should remain transparent. This is the second secret of red soup! 🙂

11. Add the onion-carrot dressing to the broth.

12. Cut the garlic with a culinary knife very, very finely. Garlic will add richness and enhance the wonderful taste of this dish. This also makes this option unique, we can say that this is another important secret that must be followed, that is, added.

13. At the very end of cooking, add salt, and various spices, I like bay leaves and dill. Oh, what a smell! Yummy! The soup will be very, very tasty! I wish you a rich and tasty dish with beets!

Important! Once you're done, turn it off and let it sit for 20 minutes. I cover the pan with a towel, just wrap it up, unless of course I cook it in a slow cooker.

Well, if you reheat this first dish the next day, you will be surprised, it will become much tastier than yesterday. A very interesting feature of this first course 😛 Therefore, cook more)))

Step-by-step recipe for borscht with beets and cabbage

Oddly enough, but the options for this soup are very diverse, it is cooked with beets and cabbage, boiled with mushrooms, and with fish, and even with beans. Probably, who is used to it, and whether anyone likes it. Classic Russian is necessarily cooked with beets. After all, it is the beets that give us a shade of reddishness.

How to make borscht red so that it becomes so, you will learn further. And also, so that it is rich and most delicious. Although I think that almost everyone knows how to give it this beautiful color.

This time I did not specifically indicate how many ingredients are taken, take it by eye, I personally always cook like this, but if you cook for the first time, then read the very first option, the proportions are indicated there.

1. To cook in any variation, you first need to boil the broth. Therefore, boil the broth from beef or pork, the meat must be on the bone. After all, it is the bone that gives the fat. This is trick number 1 .

So, take a pan, pour running or filtered water into it, and add the meat on the bone. Cook over low heat, after the meat boils on the surface of the broth you will see the foam, remove it with a spoon. This is trick number 2. so that the broth is clear.

Usually the meat is cooked for 1-1.5 hours, with a knife or two forks you can check whether the meat is cooked, if it is easily separated from the bone, then the broth on the meat is ready.

2. In the meantime, when the broth is being cooked, finely chop the onion into pieces (cubes), and grate the carrots. Fry vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil so that they have a beautiful golden crust, although the onions should turn out light and transparent. Therefore, it can be added to carrots not immediately, let the carrots fry a little without it. This is trick number 3. Remember to stir the ingredients while frying so that they do not burn.

3. The beets from which you will cook this first course should be fresh and not a bit soft. This is trick number 4. If you take soft beets of the desired color, it may not work. And there are a variety of varieties of beets, choose the most juicy and dark-bright in color and taste.

4. Cut the beetroot into small pieces, it is better to use a special grater for vegetables.
Fry the beets in a pan with vegetable oil over low heat, stirring constantly. In the end, the beets will become soft, and then sprinkle vinegar essence or lemon juice on it, or you can use sour tomato paste and mix well. If you use tomato paste, then the color will be orange and burgundy-delicate. This is trick number 4. This way the beetroot will release its burgundy color into the pan.

5. After the meat is ready, it will need to be cut into pieces and then returned to the broth.

6. Cut the potatoes into cubes and send to cook in a saucepan. Chop the cabbage and send along with the potatoes to cook in the broth.

7. After the potatoes have boiled for a while and are almost ready, add carrots with onions and beets to it. Add beets right at the very end of cooking, it should boil in it for no more than 3 minutes. In principle, it is already ready, after roasting.

8. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper to taste. Add fresh herbs and spices. And of course, for richness of taste, be sure to add chopped garlic. This is trick 5 to improve the taste of this dish.

9. To make the sua even tastier and more fragrant, let it brew for at least 30 minutes on the stove. Let's get better! The pan can be covered with a warm terry towel. This is trick number 6.

Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise. Sprinkle with herbs and pepper to taste. The dish is ready for dinner in your house.

Well, the saliva ran! Bon appetit my dears! Cook this delight with pleasure! I hope this standard method will help you prepare the most delicious, rich hot pink borscht!

Cooking the first meal at home

For those who like to watch and listen, you can watch this video:

Recipe with chicken

In this note, I would like to teach you how to cook this hot first course with chicken. I don’t know why, but I love borscht with chicken more, either because I just love chicken meat, or because, in my opinion, chicken soup is more tender than beef or pork.

It also turns out to be very rich and not as fatty as from pork, although if you take poultry, you can get a rather fatty chicken broth soup. It's a matter of taste, whoever likes which one and cook it, in any case it will be delicious!

On chicken broth, of course, it cooks much faster than with other meat, this is a great advantage if you are in a hurry somewhere and you need to quickly prepare the first course.

We will need:

  • chicken meat - 500-700 g
  • cabbage - 150 g
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • lavrushka - 1 leaf
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • salt to taste, spices
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. In order to cook this chicken stew, it is enough to start cooking with broth. To do this, take a saucepan and pour water into it. Put the chicken in the water and cook until the water boils. After boiling, remove the foam and cook further over low heat for about 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the meat in this way, pierce it with a knife, if there is no blood, then the meat is ready.

2. While the rich broth is cooking, take care of the vegetables. Cut or grate the beets and carrots. Chop the onion into cubes.

3. Now place the onions in the pan and add a little vegetable oil, fry, then add the carrots and beets. Mix everything and fry until tender, until a golden crust forms on the onions and carrots. All vegetables should become soft, especially beets. Add tomato paste at the end, it can be replaced with ketchup or any tomato salad like lecho. Simmer the vegetables for another 2 minutes.

4. Chop the cabbage in your usual way.

5. After the chicken is ready, remove it from the broth. Cool, cut the chicken meat into cubes. Then return the meat to the broth. First, dip the potatoes into the boiling broth, boil it until almost cooked, cabbage can be added at the same time as the potatoes, or a little later. And then add vegetables (beets, carrots and onions).

6. At the end of cooking, throw in a bay leaf to add flavor. Salt. Serve warm with sour cream and herbs. Have fun and have a delicious lunch!

Chowder with beets and sauerkraut

Have you ever eaten something so sour? Of course yes, you answer. Yes, borsch with sour cabbage is very easy to prepare and gives a certain sourness to the finished dish. For me, it is not as fresh as from fresh cabbage.

Many generally cook such delicacies together with sauerkraut and fresh cabbage in one. It also works out pretty well. After all, vitamins for our body with such a combination will only increase. And how do you cook, according to what option, write in the comments.

We will need:

  • Beef or pork ribs - 200 g
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Sauerkraut - 100 g
  • Water - 1 l
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • Carrots - 0.5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes -2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Black ground pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Start cooking by cutting the meat ribs. Then rinse them under running water. Put the ribs in a small saucepan, fill them with water and cook for about 20-30 minutes. The ribs should not be completely welded.

Important! Do not forget to remove noise or foam from the broth with a spoon or slotted spoon, so that the broth turns out not only rich but also light. This is a prerequisite for the liquid to turn out not cloudy, but light.

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the boiling broth.

4. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the beets into strips. Put it in a pan and add vegetable oil and water so that it covers all the beets. Roast the beets until they are soft. At the end of frying, add tomato paste (or chopped tomatoes) and cabbage pickle to it. Stir.

5. Finely chop the onion. And also in a separate frying pan, fry it until golden brown.

6. Add grated carrots on a coarse grater to the onion. And stew it a little with onions until soft.

7. Next, mix all the vegetables together in a pan (beets, onions, tomatoes and carrots), add the final ingredient - sauerkraut. Squeeze the cabbage well with your hands. You can add a little water and oil. Simmer vegetables until cabbage is soft.

8. After stewing all the vegetables, add them to the almost cooked soup. Cook for another 5 minutes. Then salt and pepper to taste.

Important! Add bay leaf at the very end of cooking. If you add it earlier, the taste will be bitter.

Well, almost everything, it remains to add softened finely chopped garlic. Have a delicious meal! Cook with love!

Ukrainian real borscht

It is no secret to anyone that it is very fragrant and tasty, but all because it uses a secret ingredient. And here's what I'll write in my next issue.

Garlic is usually served with this first course. But more about that later...

In the next issues, this interesting and tasty topic will be revealed. Stay tuned for blog updates and subscribe! Good luck with your cooking!

How to cook bean soup?

Mmm, with beans, I really love it, all because I adore all legumes, because they are so healthy. Borscht with beans comes from Ukraine. The main and interesting ingredient in this type, you guessed it, is a legume vegetable.

To cook this dish you need to know some secrets, you will learn about them by reading this description further.

This first dish turns out to be very rich due to the products used in it, namely meat, garlic and, most importantly, lard and beans. The stew turns out to be the most delicious and rich, so you can’t pull any man by the ears from such yummy. Get ready too!

We will need:

  • beef, or pork on the bone -1 kg
  • beans - 200 g
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • beets - 2 large
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc. medium size
  • tomato (paste) - 2 tbsp
  • garlic -2-3 cloves
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and seasonings as desired

Cooking method:

1. As always, boil the meat on the bone first. After it begins to separate well from the bone, take it out, cut into cubes. And put it back in the pot.

2. Be sure to soak the beans in warm water for 6-7 hours before cooking, during this time it is recommended to change the water several times. This is done so that the beans cook faster. Beans can be immediately added to the soup to cook as soon as the broth boils. Boil the beans until they are almost soft. And then add the potatoes.

If you want the beans to stay the same color as they were before cooking, just leave the lid on!

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes. Cook over slow low heat.

Important! Do not salt immediately, otherwise, because of the salt, the potatoes can turn into mashed potatoes, the salt corrodes it.

4. While the potatoes and beans are cooking, start frying. Chop the beets with a knife and fry over low heat with vegetable oil. After the beetroot is soft, add drops of vinegar or lemon juice to it, you can even take apple cider vinegar. Remember, this is an important condition that affects the color in the future. After frying, add the beets immediately to the pan with the beans.

5. Now make another roast in the form of onions and carrots. Chop the onion finely, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry all this in a pan until the vegetables acquire a slightly golden crust. And then add golden juicy frying.

6. Well, that's almost all, add chopped garlic squeezed through a garlic press and bay leaf at the end. Add seasonings and herbs to taste, salt. And cook for 2 minutes. Bon appetit!

Delicious recipe without meat

Probably someone will find it strange how tasty this dish can be.Yes, and no meat. Maybe, because this option is usually prepared in fasting, when you can not eat meat. It will turn out to be peculiar, it will be just vegetable and lean.

We will need:

  • fresh beets - 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • greens - 2 branches;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • spicy Georgian spice - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into cubes. Cut carrots into thin sticks.

2. Peel the tomato by pouring boiling water over it. Cut it into small pieces too. If there was no tomato at hand, you can replace it with tomato paste by adding 2 tbsp.

3. It is also advisable to cut the bell pepper into cubes so that there is a soup idyll.

4. Now place all the chopped vegetables in the pan, pour some water and vegetable oil there, simmer until the vegetables are almost soft (this will happen in about 10-15 minutes). Now cut the beets or grate with a fine grater. Attach beets to carrots and onions. Sprinkle it with vinegar essence to imprint the bright beetroot color. And simmer vegetables until soft.

5. Cut the potatoes into cubes, and the cabbage into pelyus, straws. After the water boils in a saucepan, first add the cabbage, then, after boiling, the potatoes. Boil this way, for a while, so that the potatoes and cabbage have time to almost boil.

6. Then add the beetroot-onion-carrot dressing. And simmer for another 10 minutes. At the end, add salt, herbs and your favorite seasonings and spices. A rich vegetable dish without meat is ready. It is also, believe me, very tasty and appetizing.

Siberian version of cooking with beans and meatballs

Meatballs... I immediately remember how I introduced meat to children in their diet when they were very small, I also cooked such meat balls.

I call this option fast, because the meat in this form will be in the form of minced meat balls, and the minced meat cooks very quickly! This Siberian borsch with beans and meatballs turns out to be spicy and perhaps the most delicious for those who love beans and meat in the form of minced meat.

Moreover, the calorie content is not so high in this dish.

The calorie content of the Siberian soup with beans and meatballs is 82 kcal / 100 g of product

I myself live in Siberia and often cook this famous look. So, any composition of the Siberian delicacy with beans and meatballs contains: beets, potatoes, cabbage, beans, carrots and onions, tomatoes or tomato paste, vegetable oil, garlic, vinegar, meat broth, herbs and meatballs.

The recipe for this recipe is easy!

Moscow soup with sausage and sausages

This option was invented by us exactly in Russia. Well, the Russian people love sausages and sausages with us. Although according to gastroenterologists they are dangerous to health. But, nevertheless, sometimes you can cook such a soup, I think that in any case, everything should be in moderation. What do you think?

Cooking in Kuban

A distinctive feature of this type, i.e. Kuban borscht, is the presence of two types of meat in it, this is beef on the bone and pork on the bone. This soup therefore turns out to be one of the most delicious and rich, as the tastes of two types of meat are contained in it.

The cooking method is similar to the classic cooking option. Therefore, read all the cooking steps and ingredients for this miracle here, a little bit, where I told you how to cook a classic meat soup. The only thing is, add pork meat to that option, and do the rest as well.

Vegetable stew in oven pots

I remember at one time pots for cooking various dishes were very popular. I still use them, I like them, it is convenient and tempting to cook in them. Do you cook in pots?

It seems to me that this option resembles the option in the oven and my grandmother immediately comes to mind))) In my opinion, this is a wonderful creation, although of course it will not be possible to cook in the oven in the apartment as well as in the oven, but you can get closer to this option. It also turns out quite tasty and fragrant.

We will need:

  • Pork ribs - 300 g
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • White cabbage -0.5 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Ground black pepper -1 tsp
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves

Cooking method:

1. Boil the meat ribs in a saucepan until cooked, salt the broth.

2. Finely chop the onion and carrot into cubes. Next, cut the potatoes into pieces.

3. Cut beets and cabbage into strips.

4. In a pan with vegetable oil, fry the onions, carrots and beets. Add each ingredient to the pan in turn, 3 minutes apart. At the end, add sugar and sprinkle with vinegar essence.

5. Take the pots and start putting ingredients in them. Put the meat from the ribs on the bottom. Then cabbage, potatoes and frying. Fill the pot completely with broth.

Important! Pour the broth not completely into the pot, leave about 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the pot.

6. Send to the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees to cook for 40-50 minutes. And you can also add chopped garlic at the end of cooking, for aroma and richness of taste. Salt and pepper at the very end of cooking. Serve in pots with sour cream and herbs. Bon appetit, friends!

Borscht in a slow cooker

The first dish in a miracle device called a slow cooker, I cook almost every day.So I have to do it often! After all, it’s much easier, threw in all the ingredients and go do something else. And when you come, a fragrant smell is already waiting for you! 🙂

We will need:

  • Beef pulp - 1 kg
  • Cabbage - 800 g
  • Onion - 200 g
  • Potato - 300 g
  • Carrot - 100 g
  • Beets - 300 g
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp
  • Garlic - 3 Cloves
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 3 Art. l

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into small-fine cubes. Grate carrots.

2. Turn on the multicooker in the baking mode and fry the onion in vegetable oil, and then add the carrots. After a while, add the tomato paste. And stew for a very short time.

4. Take and cut the beef into pieces. Cut potatoes into cubes. Cut cabbage into strips.

5. Add all the ingredients to the multicooker bowl: (meat, cabbage, potatoes, bay leaf and black peppercorns). Fill food with water up to the "maximum" mark. Select the "Stew" / "Soup" mode, set the timer for 1 hour.

6. After the beep, open the multicooker bowl and dip the finely chopped garlic into it. Well, now let's insist! Close it again with a lid. Bon appetit, dear readers!

This is where I end this post. See you soon, friends! Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. There are many more interesting things ahead. 😛

P.S. I would like to wish everyone the most delicious, fragrant and rich borscht. You will definitely get them if you take a good mood with you and cook with love!

I wish you to find among all the recipes your favorite and unique! Cook with joy!

Borsch is one of the most famous Slavic dishes all over the world. Recipe for real Ukrainian borscht- this is what every hostess should know. Its various variants are found in Polish, Belarusian, Russian cuisines.

Of course, the primacy belongs Ukrainian borscht . Historians believe that it was on the territory of Kievan Rus that this dish was invented. Initially, it was food for the lower strata of the population, meat was not added to it, replacing it with salted lard, mashed with onions and garlic.

We will tell you how to cook borscht, the recipe of which has been perfected over many centuries of its culinary history. Such a dish is served in the best Ukrainian and Russian restaurants, and gourmets in the culinary capitals of the world are not averse to pampering themselves with it.

Ukrainian borscht recipe

Number of persons 5


  1. Red beets, or, as the Ukrainians call it, beetroot - 1-2 pieces;
  2. Meat for broth - 0.8 kg;
  3. Cabbage - a small head of cabbage weighing about 300-400 grams;
  4. Carrots - 2 pieces of medium size;
  5. Potato - 5 small tubers;
  6. Onions - 2 heads;
  7. Half a lemon;
  8. Sunflower oil - 30-40 ml;
  9. Salted lard - about 50 grams;
  10. Greens (dill and parsley);
  11. Garlic (a couple of cloves);
  12. Tomatoes, peeled - 3-4 pieces.


  1. Boil the broth, removing the foam. From meat, you can safely use both pork and beef. Do not be afraid of fatty fillet, borscht is a hearty and not dietary dish. It takes about 2 hours to cook the beef. Pork cooks a little faster.
  2. We cut the carrots and onions into small cubes, sauté in oil for 5 minutes, then add the tomatoes and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  3. Three beets on a medium grater, put in a separate bowl, salt, squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto it (you can replace it with table vinegar). Let stand for 20 minutes, then add to the sautéed vegetables and simmer for 15 minutes. We recommend that you choose small beets - they have fewer coarse veins.
  4. We filter the boiled broth, add diced potatoes to it. We cut the meat from the broth into small pieces. Boil the broth for about 10 minutes, then add finely chopped cabbage and chopped meat, cook over high heat for another 5-7 minutes. Cabbage of the Slava variety is great for this dish - it becomes very tender during the cooking process.
  5. We prepare seasoning from fat. To do this, finely chop the bacon, add garlic to it and grind it in a mortar. There is a lot of controversy about lard in borscht. Some gourmets believe that it should be as old as possible, already yellowed. You can use this as well, but we still recommend a good bacon with spices.
  6. Two minutes before readiness, add stewed vegetables to the borscht.
  7. Remove the soup from the heat and season with seasoning from the fat.
  8. We let the borscht brew for at least 6 hours - it is not served immediately after cooking. It should be infused in a saucepan wrapped in a towel. Read more:.

Borsch Ukrainian recipe

Despite various disagreements and disputes, Ukrainian borscht is a truly and primordially Ukrainian dish. It contains two main features that indicate the nationality of this dish: the first is the abundant presence of beets, almost as the main ingredient.

Secondly, the preliminary sautéing of vegetables just before putting them into borscht, which is not at all a hallmark of national Russian cuisine, but for Ukrainian cuisine this is a common thing. Disputes about how to properly cook Ukrainian borscht are endless and doomed to be unreasonable in advance, since there is not and cannot be one single recipe for Ukrainian borscht. There are a huge number of them, because in each family it is prepared differently.

Almost all regions of Ukraine have their own recipes for making borscht, and they always differ from each other very much. The use of beetroot is common in all recipes, giving an even reddish tint towards the end of cooking.

Every experienced cook knows how to cook Ukrainian borscht. And each hostess has her own recipe for this wonderful dish. One hostess prefers to stew all the vegetables before sending them to the pan, another likes to use unusual spices and spices, the third generally cooks borscht only on chicken broth, which makes it possible to get an original and tasty borscht recipe.

Sometimes young housewives do not know how to cook Ukrainian borscht, and because of this, their husbands are deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the amazing smell and taste of this dish.

Nuances and tips for cooking traditional Ukrainian borscht

Since there are a huge number of recipes for making borscht, then we will talk about the traditional Ukrainian borscht. If you take this recipe as a basis, then you can easily give free rein to your imagination, and cook borscht with a new taste every time.

Beetroot gives borscht a bright red rich color. Beets are present in almost all borscht recipes. It is customary to cook borscht in chicken or meat broth, and on fasting days, mushrooms are generally added to borscht, thanks to which this dish acquires an amazing new taste.

If you plan to cook beef broth, then you need to be patient, because it is cooked for about two hours. For such a long time, more than half of the water boils away and therefore the cooking process should be monitored, and water should be periodically added, but not very cold, boiling water is best, so that the beef broth does not lose its color and taste.

Forty minutes before the end of cooking, a bay leaf, six to seven peas of black pepper, and four fragrant should be added to the broth. If you accidentally missed the moment at the beginning of the froth removal, then the finished broth must be filtered through a sieve, so it will become transparent.

Recipe for classic Ukrainian borscht

While the broth is being cooked, it is necessary to prepare vegetables - beets, onions, carrots. They should be cut into thin strips, peel and chop the onion thoroughly, and fry in a pan in vegetable oil until golden brown, along with beets and carrots.

Fifteen minutes before readiness, add tomato paste or finely grated tomatoes, from which the skin was removed in advance.

Gently lower the potatoes, cut into small cubes, into the pot with the broth when the potatoes are almost ready to finely chop the white cabbage.

After ten minutes, add the stewed vegetables from the pan and cook for another ten minutes. At the end of cooking, add chopped herbs and garlic. Let the borscht brew for thirty minutes, and then pour it into plates, and you can treat your relatives and friends. You already know how to cook Ukrainian borscht, now you need to learn how to properly serve it to the table.

How to cook Ukrainian borscht with beans?

If most people prefer to cook lean borscht, that is, without meat and broth, then they try to add beans to borscht without fail. It is thanks to beans that borscht has a perfect and rich taste in the complete absence of meat. Traditionally, in almost all villages of Ukraine, borscht is usually boiled in thick meat broth and with a lot of beans.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Beef brisket five hundred grams;
  2. Potatoes six pieces;
  3. Beans four hundred grams;
  4. Three beets;
  5. One big carrot;
  6. One onion;
  7. White cabbage five hundred grams;
  8. Bulgarian red pepper two pieces;
  9. Tomato paste forty grams;
  10. Vinegar forty ml.

Cooking process

  1. In the evening, the washed beans are soaked in cold water for maximum softening. The next day, beans are boiled in plenty of water for almost two hours until fully cooked.
  2. The broth is cooked from the beef brisket on a slow fire, when the broth is almost ready, chopped white cabbage is lowered into it.
  3. After the broth with cabbage boils, add potatoes cut into thin strips.
  4. Finely chopped or grated beets are fried in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Slightly fried beets are poured with a medium amount of water, tomato paste, vinegar are added, and stewed for fifteen minutes under a tightly closed lid.
  5. Carrots and onions are fried separately in vegetable oil. If the beets were cut, then it is recommended to cut the carrots, and if the beets are grated, then the carrots should be grated, the onion is cut into small cubes.
  6. Three minutes before the potatoes are fully cooked, pre-boiled beans, Bulgarian pepper cut into thin strips, stewed beets, carrots and onions are added to the broth. At this stage, salt, favorite spices and pepper should be added to the borscht. Usually these are two bay leaves, four peas of allspice, and dried herbs.
  7. After the next boil, the borscht is thoroughly boiled under a tightly closed lid for seven minutes. Then remove from heat and let it brew for about thirty minutes.
  8. This is the correct sequence of how to properly cook Ukrainian borscht with beans. The finished dish is served hot with sour cream and fresh herbs, a few cloves of garlic and slices of freshly baked bread.

How to cook red Ukrainian borscht?

Quite often, even the exact observance of the above instructions does not give a one hundred percent guarantee that the borscht you have cooked will be a bright red saturated color. This happens only because some of the nuances were observed incorrectly. Useful tips for making Ukrainian borscht red:

  1. It is generally accepted that if the vegetables are not grated, but cut into thin strips or very small sticks, then the borscht will turn out to be bright red.
  2. The color of the finished borscht directly depends on the color of the beets. Svela should have an even dark color. In the event that the beets have white streaks, then in the future the borscht will turn out to be pale pink, or completely orange. In addition, this will not affect the taste of borscht in a good way.
  3. Beets for borscht are recommended to be stewed, and not fried, so that in the future it does not lose its color after it is dipped into the broth. With quenching, you should be on the alert. Cooks with great experience recommend stewing beets for no more than ten minutes. In fact, all the recipes for making any borscht are not so complicated. It is enough just to put your mood and efforts into it, and you will be pleasantly surprised by delicious borscht.
  4. It is customary to cook real Ukrainian borscht strictly in meat broth. The most commonly used beef brisket. You can also use pieces of meat without bones, and best of all with bones, as the broth is more rich.
  5. First of all, it is recommended to pour twice as much water for borscht into the pan as it is planned to get a rich broth. Borscht takes a long time to cook, so half of the water has time to evaporate.
  6. The meat should be put into the water immediately. When the water in the pan boils, it must be reduced and simmered for three hours. Be sure to remove the foam. If large bones or bones in general are used for the broth, then the cooking time can be safely doubled. After this time, the meat is removed from the broth. Add it at the end when the dish is almost ready. Finely chopped or whole piece. The moment the meat is removed from the pot and the broth, it should be salted to your liking.
  7. While the broth is cooking, it is recommended to prepare all the vegetables. The most basic ingredients for Ukrainian borscht are: cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, and a lot of beets. Almost all culinary experts agree that in order to cook real Ukrainian borscht, it is necessary to use parsley root. For three liters of broth, the following quantities of ingredients are needed: three large potatoes; three medium beets, one large carrot, one head of onion, one parsley root, white cabbage one medium head. All vegetables should be thoroughly cleaned.
  8. Potatoes - cut into cubes, parsley - cut into strips, carrots and beets - rubbed on a coarse grater, onions - chopped, cabbage - finely chopped.
  9. After the broth is cooked, chopped potatoes are sent to it, and after fifteen minutes, finely chopped cabbage.
  10. While potatoes and cabbage are being cooked, beets are fried in melted lard.
  11. During the roasting process, the beets are sprinkled liberally with lemon juice or vinegar. So later it will retain its bright color. Also add two teaspoons of sugar. Separately from other vegetables, beets are fried.
  12. The remaining vegetables are simultaneously fried in another pan, onions, carrots, parsley root, lard or butter.
  13. Three tablespoons of tomato paste are added to beets during stewing, or to other vegetables.
  14. After fifteen minutes, after the cabbage was dipped into the broth with potatoes, stewed beets and fried vegetables are also sent there. Also at this time, chopped meat can be lowered into the borscht.
  15. After the borscht boils for five minutes, two pieces of bay leaf, four peas of black pepper are added to it.
  16. Ukrainian real borscht is unthinkable without a special dressing. It is prepared in this way: lard is thoroughly rubbed together with garlic, chopped parsley is added. This dressing is added two minutes before the borscht is ready.
  17. Ready borscht must be infused for some time. After cooking is over, it must be put on the slowest fire, or removed from the stove and wrapped around twenty.
  18. Sour cream for ready-made borscht is a must.

How to cook real Ukrainian borscht?

Interesting features of cooking varieties of Ukrainian borscht:

Chernihiv borscht It is customary to cook on a broth of beef and pork. Apples and zucchini are also added to it. Beets should be stewed without adding lemon juice or vinegar. All the required acid is taken from zucchini and sour apples, which are usually added along with tomatoes at the end of cooking. In addition, beans are added to Chernihiv borscht, which are boiled in advance.

Odessa or Poltava borscht It is customary to cook in poultry broth. Chicken, duck, goose are great. Poltava borscht is also necessarily seasoned with dumplings, which must be prepared in advance from buckwheat flour, and boiled, by the end of the preparation of borscht.

Kyiv borscht differs in that, along with vegetables, finely chopped fried lamb is usually added to it, and at the end of cooking, three sour apples.

Ukrainian borscht recipe

Many have heard the taste of Ukrainian borsch - bright and rich, and if it is served with donuts, then all this can be considered a full meal. Usually such a first dish is cooked in meat broth, and its color - rich red - makes it special. In order for the finished dish to acquire this color, you need to know some secrets.

We offer you several options on how to cook Ukrainian borsch, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you create a delicious and mouth-watering dish. Try to cook such a dish, your family will admire the taste of freshly prepared borscht. In addition to it, serve fragrant donuts with garlic, they will reveal its taste.

Ukrainian red borscht

To prepare such a borscht, you need a little inspiration and you will definitely get an excellent dish of Ukrainian cuisine. There are no special difficulties in cooking, you just have to follow each stage of cooking.

1 kg of pork;
3 potatoes;
1 carrot;
1 st. beans;
parsley root;
1 red beet;
3 cloves of garlic;
1 sweet pepper;
1 onion;
½ head of cabbage;
3 bay leaves;
65 gr. tomato paste;

How to cook Ukrainian borscht:

We take a pot of about 6 liters. Pour water into the pan, it should fill the dishes by about 2/3. We put the dishes on the stove, bring the contents to a boil. While the water is boiling, rinse the meat, and then cut it into large pieces. We place the pieces of meat in boiled water. After it boils, remove the foam.

Add bay leaves, roots, spices along with salt. You can also use a mixture of peppers, they will enrich the taste. We prepare a rich broth, this will take about 1 hour. During this time, the pork will become quite soft. If you are using ribs, the meat will come off the bone easily. Then add the beans, which were previously soaked in water, to the pan.

We are waiting for the contents of the pan to boil, then we make a minimum fire and boil everything for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the beans will be almost ready. After that, put the carrots, cut into pieces in the form of pieces, as well as sweet peppers and onions into the broth. Next, add the garlic cloves, which were previously crushed with the palm of your hand. We cook everything for 15 minutes.

We clean the beets, grate them, you can also cut them in the form of straws. We put the chopped beets in the borscht and mix everything well. Ukrainian borscht with beets takes on a corresponding bright color. Boil all the ingredients for 10 minutes, then add the potatoes, cut into cubes. When the potatoes are ready, add the required amount of tomato paste to the borscht. We taste the broth, a slight sourness should be felt, if desired, you can add a little more or less pasta.

After adding the pasta, boil the first dish for 10 minutes. Finely chop the cabbage, cook everything for 5 minutes. Then, to make a delicious Ukrainian borscht, add spices and salt. At the end of cooking this dish, you need to add chopped greens. We serve the finished dish with sour cream, it is better if it is homemade. Fresh garlic and onion feathers go well with borscht. Now you can treat your family to a wonderful dinner.

Ukrainian borscht, step by step recipe with photo

This borscht recipe uses lard, which is added at the end of the borscht preparation. Thanks to this ingredient, the dish acquires a special taste and aroma.

600 gr. pork ribs;
3 medium potatoes;
1 beet;
2 carrots;
a couple of heads of onions;
3 medium tomatoes;
60 gr. tomato paste;
1 bell pepper;
a small head of cabbage;
a small piece of fat;
1 clove of garlic.

Preparation of Ukrainian borscht:
We wash the ribs, transfer them to a saucepan and fill with water. Cook them until ready. Cut the potatoes into cubes, place in a boiling meat broth. In a frying pan, fry the beets, which we previously cut into strips. Add chopped onions and chopped carrots to the beets.

Fry all ingredients until golden. Then add cubes of sweet bell pepper to the pan. When preparing Ukrainian borscht, the photo shows that vegetables need to be stewed, the whole process will take 10 minutes. While the vegetables are stewing, we proceed to shredding the cabbage. When the potatoes are ready, add the frying, as well as chopped greens, to the pan.

The recipe for real Ukrainian borscht includes a special ingredient - lard, it must be crushed in a mortar along with a clove of garlic and immediately transferred to the contents of the pan. We turn off the pot with the first dish, let the borscht brew. Then pour the hot dish on plates and serve with fresh sour cream.

Aromatic Ukrainian borscht, step by step recipe

Do you want to feed the whole family with delicious and rich borscht? Try to prepare a fragrant and satisfying first course according to the recipe below.

820 gr. beef brisket;
2.6 l. water;
5 potatoes;
2 medium beets;
a couple of carrots;
320 gr. cabbage;
2 onion heads;
40 gr. tomato paste;
35 ml of lemon juice;
35 ml of sunflower oil;
50 gr. salted fat;
2 cloves of garlic;
salt and dill.

How to cook Ukrainian borscht:

First you need to prepare the meat, for this we wash it. We shift the brisket into a pot of water and put it on the stove. When the contents of the pan boil, remove the foam. After that, we make the fire minimal, cover the dishes with a lid and cook the meat for 2 hours.

While the meat is cooking, peel the potatoes. Cut it into small pieces. We take out the finished meat from the pan, and filter the broth. Place the potato pieces in a saucepan with the broth and cook it for 20 minutes. We clean and wash the onion along with the carrots. Cut the onion into cubes, and chop the carrots with a grater.

We heat the pan, add sunflower oil to its surface. Place the carrots and onions into the hot oil. We pass the vegetables for 3 minutes. After that, add the required amount of tomato paste to the pan. Fry everything for 5 minutes. We clean the beets, wash them, rub them using a coarse grater. Pour the beets with lemon juice, and then put them in a pan with vegetables. Simmer everything on low heat for 15 minutes.

Next, to cook Ukrainian borscht according to the recipe, we chop the cabbage. Add the fried and stewed vegetables from the pan to the pan. When the contents of the pan boil, add the cabbage. Boil borscht with cabbage for 7 minutes. Cut the boiled meat into pieces and return to the pan. We clean the garlic, and cut the salted bacon into cubes.

Grind lard with garlic cloves in a mortar. Remove the borscht from the fire, season it with chopped lard and garlic. We taste the dish, if necessary, add salt. We leave the borscht to infuse for 4 hours, and then add finely chopped dill. If you want to learn more about how to cook Ukrainian borscht step by step, the video will show the entire cooking process from start to finish. Now the borscht is ready, it can be served on the table. Bon appetit!

Ukrainian borscht with donuts

This hot first course must be served with donuts, because it is with them that you can feel what Ukrainian borscht tastes like. A step-by-step recipe for cooking the first course and muffin is offered below, try to cook it all.

Borscht Ingredients:

320 gr. beef;
½ head of cabbage;
1 medium beet;
6 potatoes;
1 carrot;
onion head;
4 cloves of garlic;
5 tomatoes;
20 gr. wheat flour;
25 gr. granulated sugar;
110 gr. sour cream;
lemon juice (from ½ lemon);
a few bay leaves;
spices and salt;

Ingredients for donuts:
300 gr. flour;
11 gr. dry yeast;
160 ml of milk;
25 gr. Sahara;
3 cloves of garlic;
75 ml kvass.

How to cook Ukrainian borscht, step by step recipe:

We clean the meat from the films, then fill it with water and cook until ready. We clean the beets, cut them into strips, sprinkle with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix the chopped beets and transfer to a deep and thick-bottomed frying pan. On the surface of the pan, add the fat that was previously collected from the broth. We put chopped tomatoes, sugar there and stew everything until half cooked.

Prepared roots with onions must be cut and sautéed with the addition of fat. We filter the finished meat broth, and cut the meat into pieces. We put potato slices in the broth, bring everything to a boiling state, lower the shredded cabbage. Cook all ingredients for 15 minutes. Add vegetables that were sautéed in a pan, dressing from flour and the necessary spices. We bring everything to a ready state.

Season the finished dish with bacon and garlic, first crush everything in a mortar. Let the borscht boil, add greens. Before serving, add meat and sour cream. To prepare donuts, dilute dry yeast with warmed milk. Add sugar and salt, sunflower oil and flour. Knead the dough and leave it to ferment. We divide the finished yeast dough into pieces, roll balls out of them and put them on a greased baking sheet, leave the dough to part.

We bake donuts in the oven at 190 C. Cooking garlic dressing. Crush garlic, add salt and sunflower oil. Pour in kvass, mix everything well. Pour the finished donuts with the resulting dressing, serve them hot to the borscht. Prepare Ukrainian borscht for your family, the recipe with a photo showed step by step the whole process of preparing this delicious dish. Now you can enjoy the taste of borscht and garlic donuts.

Real Ukrainian borscht

My husband has distant relatives who live in Ukraine. We visited them a couple of times, where we tried national dishes. One of them is "Ukrainian borsch"! The hostess prepares it according to the same proven recipe, passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter.

Borscht turns out delicious, rich and very rich! Real Ukrainian borscht, which I now make at home in Belarus! My family is just delighted with such a borsch!

Composition for 3 liters. water:

  • 1-2 small beef bones
  • 2 medium beets
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 1 small carrot
  • 2 medium onions
  • 100-150 g fresh white cabbage
  • dill and parsley
  • 20-30 g fresh fat
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste or 2 fresh tomatoes
  • 4-5 peppercorns
  • Bay leaf.

Preparation of real Ukrainian borscht:

Wash the bones and put them in a pot of cold water. Bring to a boil. We wash the beef bones and put them in a clean saucepan, pouring enough water to cover all the bones. When the water boils, put one whole peeled onion there, peppercorns and cook over low heat for exactly an hour.

After an hour, take out the boiled onion, put 2 tsp. salt and throw in the peeled potatoes, cut into strips.

Add water, so that you have a total of three liters! While the potatoes are cooking, clean the rest of the vegetables. Grate carrots and beets, cut onions and cabbage into small strips. I draw your attention to the fact that raw beets are put into real Ukrainian borscht!

Lightly fry the vegetables in vegetable oil (put a little oil) and stew for 5-7 minutes, adding a little water or broth from the soup, put 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste or the pulp of two fresh tomatoes.

We spread the vegetables in the borscht and cut the lard. We cut it finely, into small squares, then fry it over low heat until such cracklings form.

Peel the garlic and chop it finely.

Add to soup along with greaves fat. Throw in another bay leaf and cook for 5 minutes. We put finely chopped greens into the finished Ukrainian borscht and let the soup brew under the lid for another 15 minutes.

That's all, the real Ukrainian borscht is ready. Can be served at the table.


  • beets - 2 pieces
  • carrots - 1 thing
  • onion - 1 thing
  • potatoes - 4 pieces
  • head of cabbage - 0.5 pieces
  • tomatoes - 4 pieces
  • butter - 1 tablespoon
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • 3% vinegar - 1 tea spoon
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • pork fat - 3 piece
  • parsley
  • Bay leaf
  • black pepper
  • Calorie content of the dish: 176.55Kcal
  • Proteins: 3.015
  • Fats: 8.475
  • Carbs: 23.495


Output: 5 liters of borscht, that is, about 10 servings.
Finely chop the beetroot and carrots or grate them, chop the onion. Place everything in a small saucepan. Put there: 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of butter, a little broth or water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Simmer everything for about 20 minutes, then add the tomato and simmer for another 20 minutes.

Put chopped potatoes and chopped cabbage into a large saucepan with ready-made meat broth, and cook until almost cooked (10 minutes). Then pour stewed vegetables into it, add peppercorns and bay leaf and cook for another 10 minutes.

Crush 3 cloves of garlic, and mix 3 pieces of finely chopped bacon with garlic and add to the borscht along with parsley. If there is bell pepper - stew together with vegetables.
Borscht to serve with sour cream and donuts with garlic.

The real one tastes better the next day. When reheating, make sure that the borscht does not boil over, as this will lose color and worsen the taste of borscht.

Everyone loves delicious homemade food. Traditional cuisine is always very tasty, satisfying and beautiful. Today I will teach you how to cook classic homemade borscht, and you will understand that anyone can make it.

For a medium saucepan, approximately four liters, you will need:
- beef bones with meat;
- four large beets;
- eight medium potatoes;
- two carrots;
- two large onions;
- 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and two tablespoons of vinegar;
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- favorite herbs and spices.

First of all, you need to boil a rich broth from meaty bones. When the meat begins to lag behind the bone, we send potatoes to the broth. We cut it into large pieces.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the rest of the vegetables. It is better to cut the carrot, and not to grate it, then it will give more taste.

We cut the beets into large sticks.

Let's start cooking the roast. In order for the vegetables to be saturated with spices and acquire a pleasant taste and aroma, all your favorite spices must be poured into the oil first.

After frying the spices a little, throw the onion into the pan.

Onions should be fried until slightly golden brown and only then add carrots.

Mix the vegetables in the pan, add a little more salt and cover with a lid. When the carrot changes color a little, you can add beets.

Cook everything covered. So that the borscht is a little sour, and the beets do not lose their rich color later, you need to add a little tomato paste and vinegar to the fry. Mix everything in a separate bowl.

Mix well and add to the fry.

Cover with a lid and fry for ten minutes.
When the broth with potatoes boils, add salt to taste and pour all the cabbage into it. To make it soft, it is important to add it to the broth at this stage.

At the moment when the potatoes become easy to break with a spoon, you can add frying to the broth.

As soon as you start adding it, the color of the broth will immediately begin to change. It is worth mixing the entire contents of the pan and all its contents will immediately turn into a beautiful red color.

Cover with a lid and leave to cook for another 15-20 minutes. After that, add any finely chopped greens, turn off the gas and leave the borscht under the lid to brew.

Bon appetit!

There is sometimes more controversy around borscht than around politics. In fact, no one knows what the right borscht is. It should be delicious - that's the main rule, - says Ilya Lazerson, President of the St. Petersburg Guild of Chefs. - Personally, I do not like it when there are potatoes and sweet peppers in borscht. In my version, they are not, and this is my right. Someone loves sauerkraut, and pre-boil or bake beets. I prefer raw beets. I cut it into thin strips, add a little sugar, water, vegetable oil, after 5 minutes - tomato paste. Then I add the carcass of beets and ready-made ones at the very end of cooking into the pan. Thanks to this, the soup acquires a rich, appetizing shade. And this is just one of the secrets of delicious borscht.

1. With or without broth?

Vegetarian borscht does not require meat broth. But, if you are a fan of the classic soup, then you need to cook a rich broth. For him, you can take beef brisket, chicken or pork and beef in a 1: 1 ratio. For flavor, it is better to pre-fry the pieces of meat. Or immediately put the meat on the bones in cold water and put on fire. As it boils, remove the foam, add salt, bay leaf, a few peas of black and allspice and cook for 2-3 hours until the meat is fully cooked. Then the broth must be filtered, remove the meat from the bones, chop and return to the pan.

2. Stew beets separately!

If you put the beets in a common pan and then cook for about an hour, all the color from the vegetable will go away and the borscht will turn out faded. To avoid this, you need to grate the root crop on a coarse grater or cut it into thin strips with a knife. Then add water, a teaspoon of sugar and be sure to add a little acid (a couple of tablespoons of wine vinegar or lemon juice), this will help the root crop retain its color. Put the beetroot on the fire and simmer until it becomes soft.

3. Or maybe cook?

The second popular option for preparing beets for borscht is to boil it in advance. It is important that before you lower the vegetable into the water, rinse it thoroughly without cutting off the roots and top, otherwise the juice will “leave” into the pan. For better preservation of a bright shade, do not salt the water, but pour 1/2 tsp into it. vinegar or citric acid. Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit and the season - young small root crops are usually cooked for 20-30 minutes, old ones - 1-1.5 hours. However, today most chefs advise not to boil, but to bake beets. To do this, wrap the fruit in food foil and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes (the time depends on the size of the tuber) at + 180 ° C. In baked beets, the taste and color do not “dissolve” in water, so this cooking method is considered the most successful.

Borscht classic Photo:


  • Beef brisket - 500 g
  • Pork - 500 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf, pepper, salt - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Put the meat in a saucepan, pour 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 2 hours.
  2. Cut carrots into strips, onions into half rings, fry until golden brown. Place in a bowl along with chopped peppers.
  3. Ten minutes later, add cabbage, then potatoes.
  4. Cut the beets into thin strips, simmer for 10 minutes, then add the tomato paste, cover and cook for another 20 minutes.
  5. Put in borscht 10 minutes after the potatoes. Cook for 10 more minutes.
  6. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Remove from heat, let stand 20 minutes.

4. Don't Forget the Cabbage

Many people call borscht beetroot soup. In fact, they are different soups. There is cabbage in borscht, but not in beetroot. Most often, fresh white cabbage chopped into strips is used for borscht. But there may be variations on the theme. For example, you can put red or Savoy in a saucepan - outwardly it looks like a white head, but it has a bright green color and corrugated bubble leaves. There are even variants of borscht with cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, but with them you still get a soup that is far from the classic one. Someone likes to add sauerkraut instead of fresh. It must be washed, cut, stewed separately until soft and only then added to borscht.

5. Unsweetened couple: onion and carrot

Nutritionists are against all kinds of passerovka, which add calories to the dish. But speaking from the point of view of taste and gastronomic rules, then borscht without sautéing is not borscht. First, in vegetable oil, you need to fry the onion into strips, then add the carrots chopped into strips. When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, you need to put the tomato paste and simmer everything together for a few more minutes. Some housewives believe that instead of pasta it is better to use tomatoes - fresh or in their own juice. Nevertheless, many professional chefs insist that only pasta has a concentrated taste that is so necessary for the soup, which will give borscht a beautiful shade and pleasant sourness.

6. Vegetables - to taste

In addition to beets, carrots, onions and cabbage, other vegetables are put into borsch to taste: potatoes, tomatoes and fresh sweet peppers, which are also chopped into strips. In general, do not forget that all products in the soup should be cut approximately the same. You can use any color of pepper: green, yellow, red, orange. The main thing is to keep the proportion: there should be a lot of beets and cabbage in borscht, and potatoes, tomatoes and peppers - 2-3 times less.

7. Who is first in line?

Borsch, like most other soups beloved by Russians, belongs to the filling first courses. It is in the West that pureed soups are preferred, but we should have a broth in which various tasty additives float. In order for these additives to harmoniously combine with each other and get the right consistency (and not when one product is overcooked and the other crunches on the teeth), it is necessary to observe the correct dressing of the soup.

First of all, shredded cabbage should go into the pan, it is cooked longer than others. Then - sweet peppers and potatoes. At the very end, you need to put browned onions with carrots and tomato paste in the borscht, and in the final - ready-made sour beets. After that, cook the soup should be no more than 5 minutes. If you cook borscht with sauerkraut, it must also be added in the final. If you put sour beets or cabbage first, and then potatoes, the latter will cook for a very long time (acid will interfere).

8. The final touch - lard with garlic

Many borscht lovers simply cannot imagine this soup without garlic dressing on lard. It gives the dish a bright juicy taste and a very appetizing garlic aroma... For dressing you will need skinless lard, garlic and fresh herbs: dill and parsley. Products must be cut and crushed in a mortar or blender to a puree state. Then this gruel, with a delicious aroma, is added to the finished hot borscht, the lid is closed, and the soup is infused for at least 15 minutes. You should not boil the contents of the pan after this, otherwise the aromas of garlic and herbs will disappear.

9. Pampushki lush, ruddy

We say "borscht", and the word "pampushka" comes to mind! Pampushka is a round bun made from yeast dough. It is better to start cooking it immediately after you put the broth on to boil, because the yeast dough should rise properly and have time to bake. Water, egg, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, yeast, flour - the ingredients for buns are simple. When the dough has risen, roll the balls and put them on a baking sheet, but remember that the donuts will rise during baking. If you want to get perfectly rounded buns, place them at a decent distance from each other. However, even if they stick together, they can be separated hot and sprinkled with garlic dressing. For dressing, take vegetable oil, crushed garlic, chopped dill with parsley and a little water. Mix everything and pour on freshly baked puffy donuts.

10. Without sour cream anywhere!

If a soup tureen has been gathering dust on the shelf of your sideboard for a long time, take it out and use it for its intended purpose - it is in this beauty that it is customary to serve borscht for a large company. Next, put the appropriate supplements and snacks for the dish - donuts, bread, chopped herbs and, of course, fatty sour cream. Well, what a borscht without sour cream!

Borscht with beans Photo:

Borscht with prunes and mushrooms


  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Dried white mushrooms - 20 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cabbage - 300 g
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Soak mushrooms for 2 hours. Then boil for 1 hour. Remove the mushrooms, chop, save the broth.
  2. Rinse prunes, pour 2 cups of water, add sugar and cook until soft for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the beets into strips. Heat half the oil in a frying pan, add beets, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and mushroom broth, simmer, stirring, over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut the onion, carrot and parsley root into strips and sauté with butter, tomato and flour for 5 minutes.
  5. Dip the cabbage into the boiling mushroom broth, after boiling add the potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Put stewed beets and sautéed vegetables in a saucepan. Add mushrooms, boiled prunes along with the broth. Salt, pepper and cook for another 10 minutes.

Garlic donuts Photo:

Garlic donuts


  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Rye flour - 120 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 7 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Flax seeds - 50 g
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - a pinch

How to cook:

  1. Warm milk to room temperature. Add dry yeast, mix.
  2. Put sugar, 1 egg, vegetable oil, a little sifted flour and flax seeds. Mix.
  3. Add the remaining flour, knead the dough and leave it to rise for 1 hour.
  4. Put on the table and let rise for another 1 hour, covered with a towel.
  5. Make 7-8 round donuts, grease the top of the buns with yolk and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  6. Grease still hot donuts with crushed garlic, mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil, salt and water.

Borscht (photo)

How to cook borscht, step by step recipe with photos.

Delicious Ukrainian borscht. how cook correct red borscht. Pictures of real borscht. We are preparing a dressing for borscht. Cooking broth for borscht. Secrets of cooking borscht. Borscht cooking technology.

Why wrote BORSCH capital letters? Because the recipe that I will give here is the result of a large number of research and experiments. I visited Ukraine (in Ukraine) a lot, my friends grandmother often cooked real Ukrainian borscht (Ukrainian borscht). The taste is unforgettable. I had something to compare. Time after time we cooked borscht and gradually developed a recipe classic Ukrainian borscht in our vision. It is clear that there are a lot of recipes for Ukrainian borscht in Ukraine itself, let there be one more.

Rule number 1. The most basic rule of any first course is water. This applies to borscht in a special way. We take water from a spring, if not, then we buy bottled water, if not, then we pour it from a filter.

As we write the recipe for the right borscht, we will discover the rest of the secrets of cooking delicious borscht.

What we need to cook borscht:

  1. Water.
  2. Meat, beef brisket.
  3. Cabbage 1/6 medium head
  4. Beets 4-5 medium size.
  5. Carrots 2 pcs.
  6. Bulb 2 pcs.
  7. Coriander 1/2 tsp.
  8. Pepper, salt to taste .
  9. Lemon 1/2
  10. Potatoes 2-3 pcs.
  11. Garlic 3 cloves.
  12. Tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons.

The meat must be fresh. I have frozen, but it was frozen three days ago. Didn't calculate.

Cooking broth for borscht. Pour the meat with water, throw the onion, bring to a boil. We reduce the fire. Cook for 2.5 hours to gurgle a little. We constantly remove the foam.

We prepare vegetables. Clean, wash. cabbage for borscht chop finely.

Beets and carrots for dressing borscht three on a coarse grater.

We start preparing the dressing for borscht. Rule number 2. For borscht dressings all vegetables should be fried together. They will soak in the juice and then give the juice and flavor to the broth. Fry carrots in sunflower oil.

Onion cut into half rings.

Add to carrots dressing for borscht. Fry.

Add garlic. Squeeze it into dressing for borscht garlic press.

AT dressing for borscht Throw in 1/2 teaspoon coriander.

We spread the beets in the pan with the dressing. We extinguish. How to cook borsch so that it is red? Put the beets in the dressing. and tomatoes.

We squeeze the lemon. (It is clear that in Ukraine they don’t squeeze lemon, somewhere they use vinegar. We have lemon, because small children eat borscht)

Simmer over low heat for one hour.

The photo shows that borscht broth turned out transparent. This is because they did not forget to remove the foam.

If you notice that there is not enough liquid in the dressing, then you can add a little broth.

Add tomato paste to the dressing, simmer for 10 minutes. Rule number 3. If you have delicious tomatoes (in summer), then you need to add 4-5 pieces to the borscht dressing, the taste of borscht will be more saturated. Three tomatoes on a grater, throw out the skin. We didn't have tasty tomatoes.

The fourth secret, we take out the meat from the broth before lowering the finished dressing there.

Salt the broth, pepper. Bring to a boil. Dip the cabbage into the broth.

We cut potatoes into small cubes.

We send the potatoes to the broth for borscht following the cabbage, cook for 30 minutes.

Put the borscht dressing into the broth.

Throw in a couple of bay leaves. We cook 10 minutes.

Dividing on the board meat for borscht into portions.

Add meat to borscht.

Rule number 4: there is never too much borscht, we cook a large pot.

Rule number 5: before serving, borscht should stand for at least a few hours.

Delicious borscht ready.

Whoever wants, adds sour cream to the borscht. For borscht, donuts rubbed with garlic are obligatory.