How to cook large fish. Fish and seafood dishes

Many of us love fish very much, but we need to know how to cook it deliciously. Having good recipes in your arsenal and knowing some nuances, you can make a wonderful dish. In our article we want to talk about how to cook delicious fish.

How to cook fish deliciously? The tips we gave in the article will help the most inexperienced housewives understand the little tricks that can help you prepare a wonderful dish:

  1. Fish should be cooked over low heat. Experienced chefs say: if there is a fishy smell in the room, it means the dish was either cooked too quickly or took too long.
  2. The aroma of fish is best preserved during grilling, baking in the oven, steaming or stewing in broth or sauce. But you shouldn’t cook it, so as not to spoil the aroma.
  3. An overcooked product will absorb too much fat. It is not recommended to salt the fish in advance, as it loses its juice and becomes tasteless. The dish turns out delicious if, about thirty minutes before cooking, the prepared pieces of product are placed in the marinade or at least sprinkled with fresh lemon juice.
  4. Some types of fish lose their inherent transparency when cooked. Their flesh turns white (cod, haddock, flounder). In order to check the degree of readiness of the dish, you need to pierce the thickest part of the meat with a knife: in the finished fish, the fibers are well separated from each other. Cooking for too long will result in an unpleasant odor.
  5. The taste of dry fish can be improved by adding a side dish of peas, cheese, mushrooms, onions, and green beans. In addition, tomato and milk sauce are excellent for such purposes.
  6. Fatty fish goes well with seasonings that contain sour fruits - gooseberries or lemon.
  7. Vegetable salads and side dishes should be prepared in advance so that the fish can be served as soon as it is ready. Keeping such a product warm is not easy. It simply loses its taste. If it happens that you don’t have time to prepare the side dish, you can remove the fish from the heat and pour the sauce over it. And then before serving it can be reheated.
  8. To ensure that during frying the fish product does not lose its nutritional properties and liquid, and that a crust forms on top, the prepared pieces are breaded.
  9. To ensure good attachment of the breading, the fish is soaked in a lezone, which consists of eggs, water, salt and milk.

Crucian carp in sour cream

How to deliciously cook fish in the oven? I immediately remember the delicious crucian carp in sour cream that I liked so much in childhood. The recipe for such a dish is quite simple and does not require much effort from the housewives. For cooking we need fish; crucian carp (three pieces) will also do. In addition, we will also prepare one hundred grams of sour cream, a couple of tablespoons of mustard, salt, vegetable oil and black pepper.

Before cooking, crucian carp must be cleaned, the entrails removed and rinsed thoroughly. Next, salt and pepper the fish. For preparation we need a special form. Lubricate it with vegetable oil, lay out the crucian carp. Lubricate the top of the fish generously with sour cream and mustard. Cut the onion into thin half rings and place it on top. You can also add fresh or dried dill. Greens combined with sour cream give the dish a delicious aroma. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the crucian carp for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the dish is ready and should be served immediately.

Flounder in sour cream sauce

Continuing the conversation about how to cook fish deliciously and simply, we offer a good recipe for flounder in sour cream sauce with cheese. In general, it is worth noting that many housewives love to cook flounder, since it is quite easy to work with. In addition, such fish is very healthy and tasty, especially if it is baked in the oven.

One of the best recipes, in our opinion, is flounder baked in sour cream and cheese. Any side dish will suit this dish. Always use lemon to cook fish; it makes flounder taste amazing, and not just flounder.

For the dish we need to purchase one flounder and 70 grams of hard cheese. We also need five tablespoons of sour cream, salt, pepper, a bunch of dill, curry and butter (a tablespoon).

We clean the flounder by removing the head, all the entrails, tail and fins. Next, wash the fish thoroughly and dry it. To bake, we need to cut the flounder crosswise into small pieces.

Grate some lemon zest and squeeze the fruit juice into a cup. Salt and pepper the fish, and sprinkle lemon juice on top. Next, let's start preparing the sauce. Mix sour cream with chopped dill, zest, salt and curry. For baking, we will use such an indispensable invention as foil. We grease its surface with butter and lay out the pieces of fish so that it looks like a whole flounder, with the white part on top. Next, use a silicone brush to generously apply sour cream sauce. It’s very good if it gets even between the pieces. Top the flounder with grated cheese. Wrap the foil and place the fish in the oven. Bake it for about twenty minutes, after which you can unwrap the foil and leave for another ten minutes. Flounder can be served directly in foil, garnished with dill on top. Such a simple recipe for deliciously cooked fish will always help you make a wonderful dish.

How to cook delicious fried fish? It would seem that this is so difficult. However, many young housewives make a number of mistakes. As a rule, many people add salt and spices directly to the breading. This results in a tasty and aromatic crust, but the fish itself remains empty in the middle. It is better to salt and pepper the pieces themselves, letting them brew for a while.

Before cooking, dip each piece in the egg and roll in flour. After this, the fish can be fried. The resulting crust makes the dish juicy. In addition, it helps preserve the beneficial properties of the product. You need to fry the fish in a very hot frying pan in sunflower oil. It cooks quite quickly, taking about three minutes on each side.

Not all fish have only large bones. And as you know, eating fish that has a lot of bones is very uncomfortable. To cope with this problem, experienced housewives recommend making deep cuts on each carcass. This will help the fish to fry well, and the small bones will become soft and not dangerous.

Fried pollock

How to cook pollock deliciously? We suggest frying the fish in batter. As you know, pollock is a marine creature. However, sea fish has its own characteristics in preparation. Pollock takes a little longer to cook and has a tougher skin.

We will need about 700 grams of pollock fillet, a couple of eggs, 170 grams of flour and milk. Spices, olive oil, salt and a teaspoon of saffron are also needed.

We wash the finished fillet and dry it slightly with paper towels. Rub the pieces with spices and salt and leave them for a while. In the meantime, let's start preparing the batter. Pour flour, pepper and saffron into a deep plate, thanks to which the dish will have a beautiful crust. Then gradually pour in the milk and add the eggs. Mix the mixture until smooth. The batter should be quite liquid. Dip each piece of fish into the mixture and place in hot oil. There should be enough of it in the pan so that the pieces are half covered with it. On average, it takes seven to eight minutes to prepare. You need to be guided by the meat: if it turns white, then the fish is ready. During this time the batter should become golden.

Pollock with apple juice

How to cook pollock deliciously? The fillet of this sea creature is the most accessible seafood in our country. At the same time, pollock is very useful. But unfortunately, it is not so often used by housewives, since it does not have the brightest taste. But this nuance can be easily dealt with using all kinds of spices and other ingredients. We suggest cooking pollock in apple juice.

For this we need one fillet, a quarter of a lemon, five tablespoons of apple juice, pepper, salt and vegetable oil. How to cook fish deliciously? We recommend baking it in foil using apple juice. The fillet must first be washed and dried. Next, rub the fish with spices and salt, not forgetting to sprinkle with lemon juice. Grease the foil with butter and place the fillet on it, pour apple juice on top, and put onion cut into half rings. Wrap the foil and bake the fish in a preheated oven. Preparation takes approximately forty minutes. In order for the dish to brown, you need to unfold the foil and cook the fish for another ten minutes.

Hake in tomato sauce

Sea hake enjoys well-deserved popularity among housewives. The meat of this fish is very well absorbed by the body, so dietary dishes are prepared from it. Hake meat is rich in vitamins: A, PP, B12, B1, B2, B6, E.

Frozen hake is sold in our stores. How to cook fish deliciously so that all family members will like it? We recommend a wonderful recipe for hake in tomato sauce. Fish prepared in this way turns out very tasty and juicy.

To prepare it, you need to purchase at least a kilogram of fish, several onions, and the same number of carrots. In addition, we will need fish spices, pepper, salt, a few tablespoons of tomato paste and four tablespoons of flour.

In general, hake in tomato is a classic, simple homemade dish that is prepared quickly and always turns out delicious. Fish is good both cold and hot. To prepare tomato sauce, you can use tomato paste or fresh tomatoes.

Divide the fish into pieces, wash and dry. Next, rub it with salt and spices and bread it in flour. In a hot frying pan, fry the hake on all sides, then place it in a pan.

In a clean frying pan, fry chopped onions and carrots. Transfer the prepared vegetables into a container with hake. We also put tomato paste there. Now you need to add hot water. It should cover the fish by 2/3. Next, put the pan on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for twenty minutes. The dish is ready. As you can see, preparation does not require much effort. Therefore, if you have hake on hand, don’t even think about how to cook the fish deliciously. Hake in tomato is the best solution.

Fish with vegetables

How to deliciously cook fish with vegetables? A simple recipe will cope with the task. To prepare, we need to purchase about 800 grams of hake. You will also need one onion and carrot, a couple of cloves of garlic, three tablespoons of sour cream and the same amount of flour.

The advantage of this dish is that it is simple and quick to prepare, so there is no reason to rack your brains over how to cook fish deliciously. The recipe is simple and does not require any special products. The dish can be prepared from everything that we always have in the refrigerator. There is no strict recipe; some components can be easily replaced with others; no one forbids experimenting. Cooking delicious fish for dinner is not at all difficult, especially when you have the desire.

First we prepare the vegetables. Chop the onions and carrots, chop the garlic, and then fry it all in vegetable oil. As usual, cut the fish into portions, wash it, and rub it with salt and pepper. Now fry the hake on all sides in a frying pan. Next, take a baking dish and put vegetables on its bottom, and fish on them. Spread the top of the hake with sour cream or mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped dill. Bake the dish in the oven for 15-20 minutes. As soon as the sour cream has melted and the fish has browned, you can take out the mold. With such a simple recipe at hand, you know how to deliciously cook fish in the oven.

Mackerel fried in a frying pan

How to deliciously cook fish in a frying pan? Mackerel fried with vegetables is a wonderful and tasty dish that can be served, for example, for dinner.

To prepare it you will need at least 300 grams of mackerel, garlic, bell pepper and a bag of tomato. In addition, it is worth preparing pepper, salt, tarragon or tarragon, and vegetable oil.

In a hot frying pan, lightly fry the chopped garlic in vegetable oil, then add the sweet pepper and continue cooking. After a couple of minutes, add tomato paste and simmer the pepper with it. Now it's time to put the fish in the pan. It should first be washed and rubbed with salt and a mixture of tarragon and tarragon. You can also add a drop of vinegar. Next, place the mackerel in a frying pan and cook for about twenty minutes with the lid closed. If you think there is not enough liquid in the container, you can add a little water to prevent the fish from drying out. The finished dish can be decorated with herbs and any side dish can be added.

Fish and chips

If you are busy thinking about how to cook fish tasty and quickly, we recommend baking hake in the oven with potatoes. At the same time, you will receive not only a delicious side dish, but also an addition to it.

To prepare, we should purchase hake fillet (350 g), potatoes (7 pcs.), onions, sour cream (120 g), hard cheese (70 g). We also need seasoning, pepper, salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Fish and chips is a classic combination. And yet the simple dish turns out tasty and unusual in taste. Although it is easy to prepare, it is unlikely that working women have time to prepare such delicacies on a weekday. As a rule, we all try to do something quicker and more familiar for dinner. But on a day off you can please your family with something special. How to cook fish deliciously? Everything is very simple. For this dish, any fish that does not have small bones is suitable for us - pike perch, tilapia, panangasius, hake, pollock and others. We suggest using hake fillet. Remove the backbone and cut the fish into portions. Next, rub it with salt and seasonings, and sprinkle lemon juice on top. While the fish is infusing, let's do the vegetables. Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. To prepare, we need a baking dish. Lubricate its bottom and walls with sunflower oil and lay out half the potatoes. Sprinkle seasoning on top and add a little salt. Next, lay out a layer of fish fillet, not forgetting to pepper it. Spread sour cream on top and add chopped onion. Now you need to lay out the second layer of potatoes. Sprinkle it with grated cheese and add sour cream.

The dish is almost ready, put the pan in a preheated oven. Potatoes with fish are cooked in about 50 minutes. The potatoes should definitely brown. The degree of its readiness can be checked using a fork. The dish must be served hot.

Fish cutlets

Fish is a very healthy product, but not every child wants to eat it, thereby upsetting parents. In children's institutions, they often practice making fish cutlets. In this form, children are more willing to consume fish products. Moreover, the true taste of the dish, if necessary, can be masked with the help of sauces and gravies. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of preparing fish deliciously, the idea with cutlets can be used as an option.

To do this, take freshly frozen hake, a kilogram of fish is enough. You will also need a small piece of white bread, an egg, an onion, breadcrumbs and fish seasoning.

Fish cutlets are a wonderful dietary dish that can be prepared even for people who, for health reasons, are forced to adhere to a diet.

To prepare, you must first defrost the fillet. Next, separate the bones and remove the skin. The meat needs to be chopped. To do this, you can use a blender or meat grinder. Next, peel the onion and also pass it through a meat grinder. Combine fish, onions in a bowl and add a soaked piece of bread. Mix the resulting minced meat well, add the egg, salt, pepper and mix the ingredients again. We form cutlets from the mixture and roll them in breadcrumbs.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place the cutlets on it. Place them in a preheated oven. The dish is baked for approximately 40-50 minutes. After this, the cutlets can be served with any side dish. The dish can be varied with all kinds of homemade sauces. True, such additives significantly increase the calorie content of dishes, so they are not suitable for those who are on a diet.

Instead of an afterword

Fish is a wonderful and healthy product that should be regularly included in our menu. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook it. In our article we tried to provide tips and the best cooking recipes. We hope that our information will help young and inexperienced housewives learn how to deliciously prepare simple fish dishes.

Fish dishes– the most important source of essential fatty acids. Therefore, if you want to stay young, vigorous and healthy, do not forget to cook fish dishes at least a couple of times a week. Here you will find delicious and healthy recipes for fish dishes, as well as tips on how to cook fish so that it retains its nutritional and taste qualities as much as possible.

Tender fish balls

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I offer a quick recipe for mackerel baked in the oven. The ingredients are inexpensive and accessible, but thanks to simple tricks, mackerel turns out incredibly tasty and juicy...

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The recipe is very simple, quick and practical, suitable for children. Kids can eat them without fear of getting stuck on a bone. These cutlets are a great alternative to meat cutlets...

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You don’t always have the time or desire to tinker with the oven, so the universally recognized delicacy - crucian carp in sour cream - can be cooked in a regular frying pan. The fish turns out tender and very tasty...

According to this recipe, you can cook not only trout; you can similarly fry salmon, pink salmon or salmon. Fish with cheese, and even with the most delicate sauce, is simply delicious...

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Salting time is only 4 hours!!! Mackerel salted according to this recipe turns out very tasty, elastic and moderately salty. Ingredients: fresh frozen mackerel, salt, sugar, spices...

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This is one of the oldest dishes. But despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, you should know a few simple rules so that the fish always turns out juicy and with a crispy crust...

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Cod is distinguished by its tender and quickly digestible meat, which is why it is included in the category of dietary products. Prepare these delicious and unusual cutlets; hake or pollock fillets are also suitable...

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Prepare delicious, tender and juicy fish in tomato sauce. It’s not difficult to prepare; hake, pike, or any white fish are suitable fish. This delicacy is best served with a side dish of boiled potatoes..

You have never tried such tender, tasty and aromatic fish cutlets. Just imagine: fish fillet, cheese and mushrooms - this is just a gourmet feast! Be sure to prepare this unusual dish...

A very simple and tasty recipe for cooking pike perch. A minimum of work, but the lunch turns out great. Together with the fish, we simultaneously bake potatoes, carrots and other vegetables that are in the refrigerator...

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This simple seafood dish has many advantages: healthy, tasty, but most importantly, the sight of fried crispy rings invariably evokes an appetite. And it's not difficult to prepare...

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I first saw this recipe in Germany, in a diet book. I liked the photo so much that I definitely wanted to cook it. It really turned out to be tasty and light...

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Prepare a delicious, healthy and incredibly tasty fish dish. Nothing beats red fish baked in the oven along with fried mushrooms, fried carrots and onions...

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For this dish we will need a kilogram or a little fresher cod. It is better to take fish fillets that have already been cleared of ridges and bones. We proceed from the calculation of one such piece per person...

Anyone who loves seafood will certainly appreciate this light salad with a subtle taste. In addition to the traditional squid, eggs and cheese, it includes fresh tomatoes and onions. It's thanks to...

For this recipe we need a whole large fish, although purely theoretically we can take it in pieces. True, in this case the presentation of this fish dish will not be so impressive...

Who doesn’t remember the famous phrase about aspic from the movie Enjoy Your Bath. To prevent the dish from turning out like the main character's, it is enough to follow a few simple rules. One of them: the broth is being cooked...

Trout meat is tender and tasty, rich in vitamins and valuable fatty acids. This is one of the few products that it is advisable to cook immediately, avoiding freezing...

Trout.. The name alone sounds so delicious... Trout can be prepared in different ways: simply fried, baked in a sleeve, or you can make trout stuffed with mushrooms, nuts and olives...

Pike perch, catfish, trout, salmon, cod, and perch are perfect for fish pie, but in principle this delicacy can be prepared from almost any fish, even canned. Ingredients: pike perch, onion, dill, dough...

Do you want to impress your guests with a special dish? Then make this festive shrimp and melon salad. The exquisite taste and original presentation of this dish will only enhance the holiday atmosphere...

This simple and delicious seafood dish is perfect for a picnic. As auxiliary equipment we will need small wooden skewers and barbacoa...

To prepare this dish, we need fresh tuna, cut crosswise into slices one and a half to two centimeters thick. We remove the peel from each plate and remove the central ridge...

Everyone knows very well that fish is a very valuable and nutritious product. Highly qualified healthy nutrition experts say that fish dishes should definitely be present in our diet at least a couple of times a week. This is especially true for our children, whose bodies simply need this product. In addition to the fact that fish dishes are very healthy, they also amaze with their variety and, of course, unforgettable taste. After all, what could be tastier than unusual, delicious cold or hot fish dishes. In this category, you will find the most appetizing and delicious fish recipes. Thanks to the fact that here you can find recipes for fish dishes with photos, preparing fish dishes will not be difficult for you at all. Even the most inexperienced cook will definitely cope with the task and will be able to please himself and his loved ones with a delicious culinary masterpiece. Also in this category you can easily find a dish to suit your taste and needs. For example, fish dishes made from pollock, carp, trout, sea bass, hake, pink salmon and other equally tasty types of fish will definitely please you. The variety of dishes is so wide that you can cook more and more new culinary dishes every time. Well, if you closely monitor your figure and prefer salmon, but don’t know what to cook from salmon, then here, again, you will quickly find the answer to the question that worries you. As for the methods of cooking fish, recipes for baked fish, fish dishes in the oven, in a double boiler, in a slow cooker - all this is also given in this section. Hurry up to find a new recipe for cooking fish and amaze your household with your culinary skills. In addition, fish can become a bright decoration for the holiday table.


How to make aspic from pike perch so that the broth is light and does not smell like fish

Ingredients: pike perch, onion, carrots, garlic, hot pepper, verjus, thyme, peppercorns, herbe de Provence, lemon, quail egg, salt

Jellied fish, and in particular pike perch, turns out very tasty and appetizing if prepared correctly. We will be happy to share with you an excellent recipe for this dish.
- 1 pike perch head;
- 200 g pike perch fillet;
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 0.25 hot pepper;
- 2-3 tbsp. verjusa;
- 0.5 tsp thyme;
0.5 tsp peppercorns;
- 1.5 tsp. Provençal herbs;
- lemon;
- quail eggs;
- salt;
- pepper.


Dorado in the oven with lemon

Ingredients: dorado, lemon, bay leaf, olive oil, herbs, salt, pepper

Dorado baked in the oven with lemon turns out beautiful and tasty. This dish is suitable for both everyday life and holidays and will certainly please both your family and guests.

- 350 g dorado;
- 40-50 g lemon;
- 1-2 bay leaves;
- 2-3 tbsp. olive oil;
- 5 g of greens;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Whole pike baked in the oven

Ingredients: pike, butter, salt

Pike can be baked in the oven, whole, so it looks very appetizing and festive. And you will certainly like the taste of such a dish, especially if you do everything as in our recipe.

- 1 pike weighing approximately 1.5 kg;
- 2-4 tbsp. butter;
- 0.5 - 1 tbsp. salt.


Okroshka with salmon

Ingredients: potatoes, salmon, egg, cucumber, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, water, kefir, sour cream

Okroshka with salmon is an unusual dish. I advise you to prepare such okroshka. The taste is original. The recipe is quite simple and quick.


- 2 potatoes;
- 150 grams of salmon;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 15 grams of green onions;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice;
- 1 glass of mineral water;
- 1 glass of kefir;
- 2 tbsp. sour cream.


Heh from pike

Ingredients: carrots, pike, seasoning, garlic, vinegar, oil, onion, salt

Heh can be made from different fish, but this time we advise you to make this appetizer from pike. It turns out very tasty, don’t even doubt it!
- 1 large carrot;
- 0.5 freshly caught pike;
- 10 grams of dry Korean seasoning;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 40 ml wine vinegar;
- 50 ml sunflower oil;
- 1 onion;
- salt to taste.


Spicy salted herring at home

Ingredients: herring, salt, pepper, bay, mustard

Salting fish yourself is always better than buying it at the store. So if you love delicious, spicy-salted herring, then cook it at home using our simple recipe.
- 500 grams of herring;
- 30 grams of table salt;
- 2-3 pcs allspice;
- 5 pcs peppercorns;
- bay leaf to taste;
- 0.5 tsp mustard beans.


How to mince pike

Ingredients: pike

Pike is a very tasty and filling fish. Today I want to tell you how to beautifully and accurately cut pike into fillets or minced meat for cutlets.


- 1 pike.


Whole stuffed pike in the oven

Ingredients: pike, mushroom, orkovb, onion, bread, cream, paprika, lovage, salt, pepper, butter, herbs, lemon

Pike is a very tasty fish, which I enjoy preparing for the holiday table. Today I will tell you how to cook whole stuffed pike in the oven.


- 1 kg. pike;
- 120 grams of butter;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 150 grams of onion;
- 150 grams of white bread;
- 100 ml. cream;
- 1 tsp. sweet paprika;
- 1 tsp. dried lovage;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- vegetable oil;
- fresh herbs;
- lemon.


Pike perch cutlets in a steamer

Ingredients: pike perch fillet, onion, celery, egg, milk, dill, bran, pepper, salt, sesame, tomato

Pike perch is a very tasty, fatty and filling fish. It’s not at all difficult to prepare, but today I’ll tell you how to make delicious fish cutlets from pike perch. The dish, let me tell you, tastes simply great.


- 500 grams of pike perch fillet;
- 70 grams of onions;
- 80 grams of celery stalk;
- 1 egg;
- 65 ml. milk;
- 30 grams of dill;
- 30 grams of oat bran;
- pepper;
- salt;
- black sesame;
- Cherry tomatoes.


Fish cutlets from pike perch

Ingredients: pike perch, cream, butter, onion, crackers, paprika, salt, pepper, rice, cucumber

I suggest you prepare very tasty and satisfying cutlets from pike perch. The recipe is quite simple. The taste of the cutlets will amaze you.


- 450 grams of pike perch;
- 50 ml cream;
- 30 grams of ghee;
- 90 grams of onions;
- 80 grams of breadcrumbs;
- 5 grams of ground sweet paprika;
- 3 grams of fish seasoning;
- salt;
- chilli;
- vegetable oil;
- boiled rice;
- salted cucumbers.


How to fry carp without small bones in a frying pan

Ingredients: fresh carp, flour, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

Fans of fried carp will love this master class - because in it we will tell you how to properly cook this fish in a frying pan so that there are no small bones. Our detailed tips will help you cope with this task without much hassle.

- 600 grams of fresh carp;
- 2 tbsp. flour;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil for frying.


Pollock in a slow cooker with carrots and onions with sour cream

Ingredients: pollock, onions, carrots, salt, ground black pepper, fish spice, sour cream, vegetable oil

If you like fish dishes, we advise you to cook pollock with onions and carrots in a slow cooker - it’s very tasty and appetizing! This recipe will appeal to everyone in your family, without exception.
for 2 servings:

- pollock - 400 g fillet;
- onion - 1 piece of medium size;
- carrots - 1 small piece;
- salt;
- ground black pepper;
- spices for fish;
- sour cream - 4-5 tbsp;
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


Salted silver carp pieces

Ingredients: silver carp, water, vinegar, onion, bay, pepper, sugar, salt, oil

I really like salted fish. My husband is a fisherman, so I often salt the fish myself. What I like most is salted silver carp in pieces. Today I will teach you how to cook this delicious appetizer.


- 1 silver carp,
- 1 glass of water,
- 2 tbsp. vinegar,
- 1 onion,
- 5 bay leaves,
- 7 pcs. black peppercorns,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Delicious homemade salted salmon crust

Ingredients: pink salmon, sugar, salt, pepper

Having bought one pink salmon, you can pickle pink salmon yourself at home, which will taste like salmon. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 1 pink salmon;
- 1 tsp. Sahara;
- 3 tbsp. salt;
- 20-25 black peppercorns.


Cod marinated with carrots and onions

Ingredients: cod, oil, onion, carrots, seasoning, vinegar, parsley, bay, salt, sugar

I suggest you prepare a very tasty and satisfying dish from cod - cod marinated with carrots and onions. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 600 grams of cod fillet;
- 40 grams of butter;
- 15 ml. vegetable oil;
- 120 grams of onion;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 5 grams of ground paprika;
- 5 grams of fish seasoning;
- 20 ml. apple cider vinegar;
- parsley;
- Bay leaf;
- salt;
- sugar.

Amateur fishermen know how to prepare delicious dishes; they know several ways to prepare this tasty and sweet fish. You can fry it and make fish soup from it, but we will give a detailed step-by-step recipe with photos and teach you how to cook crucian carp with potatoes in the oven. The dish turns out to be nourishing and aromatic, and besides, baked foods are healthier than fried in oil.

Italian cuisine rarely leaves anyone indifferent. One of its signature dishes is pasta, and there are a lot of variations of pasta sauces. Today we will try to cook pasta with shrimp in a creamy sauce and a simple step-by-step cooking recipe with photos will help us with this. You don't have to be a professional chef to do this. The recipe will allow you to quickly please your family with an original dish. Moreover, it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Stuffed lemons will be a great addition to your holiday table. This dish turns out very tasty, and it looks very original. This recipe for stuffed lemons will be a great addition to your cookbook. There is no shame in serving it even on the holiday table. Making stuffed lemons is quick and easy.

In this recipe we will look in detail at how to cook trout in the oven. Our detailed recipe with photos will help you prepare delicious trout without hassle. Cooking trout in the oven takes a little time, especially if you have steaks already ready to cook. If you don’t have such a luxury, then you’ll have to

Mackerel in onion peels prepared according to this recipe can surprise even an experienced housewife. The thing is that the mackerel can be cooked in just 3 minutes. You say this is nonsense? Check it out for yourself and believe in this little culinary miracle. Mackerel in onion peel has an incredibly pleasant taste, and the fish itself is very tender.

An easy to prepare and very tasty dish that is suitable for both a romantic dinner and a dinner with the family. In any case, you can't go wrong with this dish. Delicate creamy taste and aromatic shrimp will give you an indescribable taste. Prepare fettuccine with shrimp according to our simple step-by-step recipe with photos and you will understand how easy it is to surprise your loved ones.

Don't know how to fry pike in a frying pan? Then our recipe is just for you! Adherents of an active lifestyle make sure that their diet contains only healthy and, of course, tasty dishes. For example, pike - you can cook it for yourself and your children with a rather unusual ingredient - milk.

This seafood pasta recipe will tell you about the tastes of Italy in all its glory. This dish is truly royal, tender and aromatic, in which all ingredients are perfectly combined. Italy is the capital of everything: fashion, interior design, cuisine. To prolong the incredible sensations inspired by the magical aura, we bring the spirit of our beloved country into your home: Italian national cuisine - what could be better!

Salmon in teriyaki sauce is, first of all, a healthy and very tasty food that will appeal to everyone. Adherents of proper nutrition know very well how difficult it is sometimes to diversify a healthy culinary system. That’s why they are constantly looking for new and unusual combinations of tastes. For example, salmon with teriyaki sauce - one of the dishes from the Smart Food chef - has taken root well in the home menu.

Herring forshmak is a very tasty appetizer and, if prepared correctly, it will be perfect for the holiday menu. In our recipe we will tell you in detail how to prepare mincemeat from herring and how you can beautifully decorate this wonderful, but for some reason forgotten dish.

Salted salmon at home is much tastier than in the store. Today we will tell you one wonderful recipe that will help you pickle fish deliciously. If you think that salting fish at home is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, then you are mistaken! Salted salmon at home according to our recipe is very easy to prepare. It will only take you 10 minutes to salt the fish. And she should spend a day in a cool place, that’s basically all.

Cooking salmon in a slow cooker is very easy and simple. Our step-by-step photo recipe will help you easily prepare a delicious dinner and please the whole family. Many recipes and options for cooking salmon can be found on the Internet. We offer a very simple but tasty way to prepare this dish in a steamed slow cooker.

This is an unusual and very tasty snack that can easily replace sandwiches. You can prepare this dish for breakfast or for an afternoon snack. Crab roll in pita bread can be prepared very quickly, while spending a minimum of time and effort. This wonderful appetizer will fit perfectly on any holiday table and will become a No. 1 hit.

Pink salmon fish cutlets. How to cook fish cutlets from pink salmon

Prepared according to this delicious recipe, everyone will like it, even children. Pink salmon contains phosphorus, iodine and many microelements necessary for our body. In 100 gr. Pink salmon contains only 140 kcal; the meat of this fish is considered dietary. Since this fish contains a large amount of protein, pink salmon fish cakes are very nutritious. Pink salmon meat is a little dry; we will tell you how to prepare fish cutlets from pink salmon in our recipe.

There are several tricks to prevent the cutlets from turning out dry, some add pieces of lard, but since this product is not very healthy, we will not spoil our dietary dish, but instead of lard we will add zucchini. Thanks to the addition

Home-marinated mackerel is a very tasty and easy-to-prepare fish that can be eaten within 24 hours. Mackerel is an incredibly healthy fish; it contains a huge amount of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. But that’s not all the beneficial properties of this wonderful product! Mackerel contains a large amount of proteins, which are much greater than in animal meat, and they are absorbed much better.

Oven baked salmon is an excellent dish for a delicious homemade dinner. To deliciously cook salmon or any other red fish, you don’t need to be a chef or spend a lot of effort, because this fish has all the necessary gastronomic qualities and has an amazing taste. But our recipe will help give the fish a special flavor and a more than attractive appearance. Salmon baked in the oven turns out juicy and very flavorful. Salmon prepared in this way retains many beneficial properties and is perfect for lunch or dinner. Sea salmon contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, and fatty acids, which cannot be replaced by anything and are very healthy. For our body,

Fried shrimp with garlic is an excellent dish that is quickly prepared and eaten just as quickly, but with gusto! If you are tired of everyday food, we highly recommend making fried shrimp with garlic. The taste will definitely not disappoint you, and everyone who tries this dish will certainly be satisfied and full! Many people don’t know how to eat shrimp, but it’s not difficult!

Once upon a time, throughout a large country, a single fish day was established for all catering systems and for good reason. Fish is an extremely valuable product, a source of many valuable substances that are so necessary for humans. But in everyday life, not every housewife takes up the task of preparing it. I don’t want to bother with cleaning and gutting, the smell comes from fresh fish and when cooking it.

But still, fish should be cooked at least sometimes. Now you can buy gutted fish in the store, and you don’t have to do it yourself. And sea and ocean fish will not be difficult to prepare at all.

This section contains simple step-by-step recipes for fish dishes with photos that will help you quickly and tasty prepare any fish dish. Everything you've been wanting to cook for a long time, but didn't dare.

Almost any dish can be prepared from fish: boiled, fried, baked, stuffed, cutlets, salad, soup - it is impossible to finish the list.

Delicious fish dishes

For each dish you need to choose the right fish. For cutlets, for example, meaty and large fish is more suitable, not necessarily fatty and juicy. For fish soup or fish soup - almost any. For pie filling - one that does not contain many small bones.

Different recipes require different preparation of the fish itself.

Fish cutlets

To prepare cutlets, it is good to take fish with a small amount of bones and a large amount of meat. Sea fish such as halibut, cod, haddock, greenling, and navaga are suitable. You need to take a large carcass, it is easier to cut it. It is difficult to buy such fish unfrozen, unless, of course, you live in the places where it is caught. Therefore, it will be easy to gut it, but removing the skin is a little more difficult.

But still, after defrosting the fish, you need to separate the head, tail and fins from it, carefully remove all the insides and remove the bones. There are few of them in such fish - the spine and ribs. If the fish is large, then its bones are the same; they are very easy to separate from the meat.

Boiled or steamed fish

If you want to make fish tasty, but simple, you can prepare a wonderful cold appetizer from it. You can take any fish, but preferably without a pronounced specific smell. Such smelling fish include mackerel and flounder. Simply wash the fish and remove the entrails, and then cook it in a microwave oven or slow cooker.

Baked fish

Another option for preparing fish dishes without the hassle. For such recipes, you don’t even have to defrost the fish, of course, if it’s gutted.

So, the whole fish is placed on a greased deep baking sheet, having first rubbed it with salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 170 degrees. With this method, the fish will defrost itself and then bake.

In this way, but after defrosting, it is good to cook large river or lake fish, such as carp. You don’t need to clean it of scales and entrails; you don’t need to cut off the head and tail. Rub well with spices outside and inside, put coarsely chopped onion and garlic in the belly.

As you can see, working with fish is no more difficult than working with other products, but the originality and taste of fish dishes will be fresh and will certainly satisfy all eaters. It is not necessary to cook fish soup or just fry it. You can cook a fish pickle, for which odorless white fish is suitable, or fry it with your imagination. Prepare a sauce for it, fry it in a Dutch oven with vegetables, bake it with potatoes in the oven, add it to a salad instead of the usual sausage, which will create a completely new salad recipe. Using liquid smoke, “smoke” hot or cold.

There are an endless number of options for fish dishes, you can safely experiment and the result will conquer everyone.

Today we’ll talk about how to properly cook river fish. There are probably few people who don’t like fish in general, but there are quite a lot of people who don’t eat river fish because of the specific smell and the large number of small bones. However, these troubles can be avoided if you know some culinary tricks.

Little secrets of cooking river fish

Som Large fish are sufficient, the weight of which can reach up to 50 kg. When choosing, it is better to give preference to small specimens, they are tastier (the smaller the catfish, the tastier).

“Channel catfish” are especially tasty. They have thin skin and are great for grilling.

The main advantage of catfish is that it has no scales, no bones between the muscles, it does not need to be cleaned, just slightly scraped with a knife.

Disadvantages: possible smell of mud, especially in large specimens.

How to get rid of the smell of mud

cooking fish on a fire

10 minutes before cooking the catfish, pour fresh lemon juice over it. Another option is to remove the skin from the fish. To do this, hang the fish on a string (pass it through the gills or eyes), make a thin cut around the head and, grabbing the cut skin with a dry cloth or gauze, pull it off like a stocking.

Carp- fish that are bred in ponds. On sale, as a rule, you can find common carp and mirror carp, which have no scales or with rather sparse round scales.

Carp has tasty, tender meat, but a drawback: there are a lot of small bones.

How to get rid of bones when cooking fish

You can put the carp into minced fish and grind it together with the bones, then the bones will not be felt.

Another option is to fry the fish in hot oil, after cutting the fish along its entire length.

With this method of preparation, the bones will also not be felt, they seem to dissolve.

Perch no less tasty fish than carp. More suitable for frying and preparing first courses, as it contains a small amount of meat. To make the process of removing scales easier, immerse the fish in boiling water for a few seconds before cleaning, then scrape off the scales with a knife.

See how to properly cook bony river fish

Pike Great for fish soup, as well as for frying or smoking, especially small fish soup. Stuffed pike is very good.

However, pike is considered a less tasty fish than perch or carp, but its meat is no less tender than that of these river fish.

As a disadvantage: it often has a muddy smell.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

10 minutes before cooking the pike, rub it with a slice of lemon.

How to determine the freshness of fish

Fresh fish has bright, shiny scales covered with a thin layer of transparent mucus. The color of the gills ranges from light pink to bright red. The meat is elastic, also pay attention to the abdomen, it should not be bloated.

  • Washing the fish in a strong solution of salt water before cooking helps eliminate the smell of mud from rudd, lake roach, and crucian carp.
  • Cold water with vinegar will help rid burbot of its specific odor; soak the fish in it for 2-3 hours before cooking.
  • To make the skin of catfish, burbot and eel light and clean, spread it with a mixture of salt and ash (1:1) before cutting, keep it like that for 10 minutes, then rinse with running water.
  • Salt will help make the process of cleaning fish easier. Rub the fish with coarse salt, then during cleaning it will not slip out of your hands.
  • When cooking, it is better to salt the fish just before it is cooked, then the meat will be more tasty and tender.
  • To prevent the fish from sticking to the pan during frying and the oil from splattering, sprinkle a little salt on the pan.
  • A more delicate taste of fish can be obtained by boiling it in water diluted with milk.
  • If you want to keep the shape of the fish while cooking, tie it with twine and place it belly down.
  • The special taste of the fish will disappear if you add a little cucumber brine during cooking. For tench and carp, you can add fresh sweet pepper or a pinch of dill.
  • Sprinkling it with lemon juice or table vinegar 15-20 minutes before frying will help improve the taste of fish intended for frying.
  • Salted fish should be soaked in frequently changed water, and over-salted fish should be kept in milk, bread kvass or tea.
  • To stuff pike, it should be cut along the back.

How to cook river fish. Recipes

Fresh river fish on the grill

River fish 4 pcs, lemon, small bunch of dill, onion, cut into rings, salt, pepper mixture, mayonnaise

Remove the gills and entrails, clean the fish, rinse well and rub with salt and a mixture of peppers.

Several cuts are made in the ridge area and a lemon cut into slices is placed in them.

The fish itself is coated with mayonnaise inside and outside. Large quantities of onion rings and 2-3 sprigs of dill are placed in the belly.

Bake the fish on both sides on a grill over hot coals.

Here you can see how to cook deliciously in the oven

Fish baked with potatoes and eggs

Pike perch fillet about 250 gr., boiled jacket potatoes 2 pcs. 1 tomato, 2 boiled eggs,

mayonnaise 2 tbsp. l., cheese, grated on a fine grater 100g. lemon juice 2 tbsp, vegetable oil, white and black pepper to taste.

Wash the fish fillet, dry it, sprinkle with lemon juice, rub with a mixture of peppers and salt.

Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Cut the tomato into slices. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes, then mix with mayonnaise, add salt, and if desired, add a mixture of peppers, mix everything. Place potato slices on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place pike perch fillet, tomato slices on them, sprinkle each layer with grated cheese. Spread the prepared egg mixture on top and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

River fish in a rustic way

For 150 grams of fish, 1 egg, 50 ml cream, fresh herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Take small river fish (crucian carp or perch are suitable), clean, wash and dry. Then roll the fish in flour and place in a frying pan with melted butter, fry on both sides. Mix eggs with cream, pour this mixture over the fish and place in the oven for baking. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.