How to cook coarse cottage cheese at home. Grain cottage cheese at home

Grain curd is a type of low-fat curd.

This dairy product is a fat-free curd grain mixed with fresh, lightly salted cream.

It is the salt that gives the cottage cheese a special flavor.

It can be used as an independent dish, as well as for preparing various salads (for example, vegetable salad with cottage cheese).

Cottage cheese is much less nutritious than cheese. Its fat content ranges from 0% to 0.9% and depends on the cooking process.

100 g of cottage cheese contains 155 calories, which is approximately 6% of the daily value for a working woman and 4.4% for a working man.

Also, grained curd can be stored longer than regular curd.

In Russia, it is sometimes found under the informal names "granular curd" and "Lithuanian curd".

In the USA and European countries, cottage cheese is called cottage cheese.

In Israel it has the name "Cottage", and is especially popular, being almost a must-have dairy product for breakfast.

The composition of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese contains:

  • milk protein, which includes essential amino acids - methionine, lysine, choline
  • minerals - calcium and phosphorus
  • vitamins of group B, vitamins C, PP

Nutritional value of granular cottage cheese

The benefits of cottage cheese

Due to its very high protein content and low fat content, cottage cheese is popular as a dietary and sports nutrition, in particular among bodybuilders.

In the composition of granular curd there are no purines, easily digestible proteins do not irritate the joints, unlike meat proteins.

Cottage cheese is indicated for use by young people (as a stimulator of bone tissue growth) and elderly people (due to the lack of purines), especially for nervous diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and diabetes mellitus.

The product is rich in calcium, its use helps to strengthen the nervous system, which is very important for modern people who are faced with numerous stresses on a daily basis.

Its presence in the daily diet helps prevent atherosclerosis, strengthens bone tissue.

Doctors recommend including cottage cheese in the children's diet, calcium and phosphate salts have a beneficial effect on teeth, its use in food helps to strengthen the immune system, and the proper development of bones.

Milk protein accelerates the formation of new cells in a child's body, so it must be present in the diet.

Granular cottage cheese speeds up metabolism, promotes the formation of hemoglobin.

Cottage cheese is a must-have on the menu of pregnant and lactating women.

The antibacterial substances included in the product contribute to the normalization of microflora in the intestine, and lactic acid bacteria facilitate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, produce B vitamins.

Doctors include cottage cheese in their diets in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver
  • hypertension
  • gastritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • pancreatitis

Since casein predominates in the composition of milk protein (and cottage cheese protein in particular), it is recommended to take it at night, before bedtime.

Harm of grained cottage cheese

Oddly enough, but granular cottage cheese has no contraindications and is absolutely harmless.

However, persons with food intolerance to fermented milk products should not consume cottage cheese, but this does not make the product less useful.

All components in granular cottage cheese, including fats, proteins and carbohydrates, are contained in moderate amounts without causing side reactions.

In its production, only natural products are used, there are no carcinogens and GMOs.

This condition allows even the smallest children to eat cottage cheese as complementary foods, having a positive effect on the body.

The product is useful for the body in small quantities, so it is recommended to limit its use.

The only thing that requires attention and mandatory control is the expiration date, since its composition is ideal for E. coli, which multiplies at a catastrophic rate.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the packaging, you need to buy it only in the store.

A prerequisite is the presence of a label, which should indicate the date of manufacture, the name of the manufacturer, GOST or TU.

In the first case, the composition of the product must comply with state standards, in the second, the manufacturer has the right to change the technology and individual components at its discretion.

Grain cottage cheese: benefits and harms, calorie content

Among the products of dairy origin, cottage cheese is especially popular. It is versatile in cooking.

You can eat cottage cheese as an independent dish, or make a variety of sweets or sauces from it, use it as a filling for baking and pancakes.

Today we will tell you about one of the varieties of cottage cheese - granular. What exactly is its benefit? Is there a risk of use?

Cottage cheese is similar to regular curd. The main distinguishing characteristic is the low fat content of the product. In appearance, these are crumbly small grains of cottage cheese. For better storage, a little salted cream is added to the product.

In granular curd, casein protein is present, which completely replaces animal protein. It is for this reason that it is recommended to be eaten during diets.

In addition, this type of cottage cheese is an excellent food for athletes, especially those who seek to build muscle mass. He is in favor with bodybuilders.

A good characteristic of granular cottage cheese is that it does not contain purines, which are found in animal proteins.

Purines are substances that negatively affect the joints, in particular, they have an irritating effect.

Considering these facts, this type of cottage cheese is useful for the younger generation - it helps in the structure and strengthening of bone tissue, as well as for the elderly - the absence of purines does not have a negative effect.

Eating cottage cheese has a positive effect on the nervous system. The presence of calcium is good for human bones and joints.

Milk protein contributes to the rapid formation of new cells in the baby's body. This is an excellent complementary food product, but only in moderate doses.

Regular consumption of this type of cottage cheese normalizes metabolism and stimulates a high level of hemoglobin in the blood.

In the menu of expectant mothers and those who breastfeed babies, this product is irreplaceable. Granular cottage cheese is also needed in the diet of elderly people (good not only for bones and the nervous system, but also for the stomach).

Its use is shown in diabetes mellitus. Frequent use of this type of cottage cheese prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Another positive quality is to include the effective effect of the product on the intestinal microflora.

In addition to medical purposes, granular cottage cheese is very popular and in demand in cosmetology. Nourishing masks based on it have been used since ancient times.

These masks are suitable for all skin types and help moisturize and tone it. For example, for owners of dry and normal skin type, cottage cheese should be mixed with sour cream, and for oily skin, you should take a serum.

Such masks will even out skin tone, eliminate age spots, add shine, freshness and significantly refresh the epithelium.

Is this type of cottage cheese harmful to the body? Absolutely everyone gives an unambiguous answer - no. The product contains a moderate amount of possible substances and elements, therefore it is practically harmless. It is only important not to overeat granular cottage cheese.

Overeating any of the foods is harmful to the body. The product can be harmful only if it has expired. Be sure to look at the manufacturing dates when purchasing.

Also, observe the storage conditions at home and do not keep it open for a long time. It is better to eat cottage cheese after opening the package or a maximum of a day or two after, but no more.

The calorie content of granular cottage cheese is small. On the allotted one hundred grams, one and a half hundred calories are relied. In percentage terms, this is 6% of the norm per day for women and two units less for the stronger sex.


Grain cottage cheese is harmless and healthy, but it still has contraindications for use in the diet. First of all, it is intolerance to milk protein. In this case, an allergic reaction is provided.

It is also important to remember that the product is preserved in a salty environment. Therefore, you should not overeat them. This fact should be taken into account for those who follow a salt-free diet.

Grain cottage cheese at home

You can cook granular cottage cheese yourself at home. To do this, stock up on skim milk, calcium chloride, salt and cream. All ingredients are available and inexpensive.

The milk should be heated in a saucepan to a high temperature, but not brought to a boil. After that, calcium chloride is poured in and the mixture is stirred.

The procedure will be accompanied by a reaction in which grains and serum will begin to separate. After completion of the reaction, the curd is filtered off. The resulting grains are salted. The final stage is the cream. This is the whole feature.

They are mixed into the product. It is now ready to use. The proportions of the ingredients depend on how much volume you want at the end. Therefore, look on the Internet for recipes and the right amount of starting products.

Eat grainy cottage cheese from time to time. It is pleasant not only in taste, but also invaluable useful.

Make cheese cakes, casseroles, soufflés, ice cream from it, add as a dressing to salads. Gastronomic pleasure is then guaranteed.

Cottage cheese - the benefits and harms of a fermented milk product

First - mother's milk, then - milk porridge, then - sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese - like this, step by step, dairy products enter our life, becoming its integral part. Thanks to the "milk", the human body receives the substances necessary for the full development and functioning. And a very worthy place here is rightfully occupied by cottage cheese - a favorite product of a huge number of people.

Related to the word "creativity"

Cottage cheese has been known since time immemorial. How people invented it is not known for certain. But the reasons, most likely, were curiosity and frugality: the milk sour, whey peeled off, it was disgusting to drink it, but it was a pity to pour it out. They warmed it up a little, then poured it into a linen bag, hung it up, and waited for the serum to drain. Then the product was lightly squeezed out under pressure, tried it - I liked it. And we got cottage cheese, the homemade recipe for which has remained so to this day.

On an industrial scale, it is produced, of course, in a slightly different way, using the achievements of science and technology, due to which a large number of varieties of this product are obtained. Simplified flow diagram of this process is as follows:

  1. Milk normalization (reaching the required fat content).
  2. Pasteurization (heating up to 80 degrees with further holding at the same temperature for 20-30 seconds).
  3. Fermentation in baths, where the temperature is maintained at about 30 degrees. Depending on the type of coagulation, either only ferment (acid method), or, in addition to it, pepsin and calcium chloride (acid-rennet method) are added to warm milk. As a starter culture, mesophilic lactococci are usually used. Usually fermentation lasts about 8 hours, as a result, the mixture is stratified into a curd (curd grain) and whey.
  4. The end of the process is determined by the titratable acidity of the resulting clot (expressed in Turner degrees). For low-fat cottage cheese, it should be 66–70 ° Т, for semi-fat and fatty - 58–60 ° Т.
  5. The liquid phase is drained, the clot is cut to speed up the process with special strings into cubes with an edge of about 20 mm.
  6. After 40-60 minutes, the product is squeezed out, cooled, sent for packing.

Naturally, various additives are introduced into it to increase the shelf life. Therefore, it is better to study the question of what kind of cottage cheese is, its benefits and harms for the body - the topic is also very important.

What is it good for?

The generally accepted classification of cottage cheese by its fat content is as follows:

  • fat-free (low-fat) - 1.8%;
  • classic (bold) - from 4 to 18%;
  • bold - from 19 to 23%.

Accordingly, the calorie content of various types of cottage cheese varies from 60 to 250 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, it will not be difficult at all to decide what to choose for those who want to lose weight.

In principle, in dietary nutrition, fat-free cottage cheese, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied for many years, is used very widely. It is also recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children from the age of five.

Curd goes well with various products ...

If we compare cottage cheese with other dairy products, then it has a high protein content (up to 20%), which is absorbed by the body better than its counterpart from fish and meat. And since it is protein that is the most important "building material" for cells, the benefits of cottage cheese in this regard can hardly be overestimated.

This fermented milk product is also rich in amino acids (in particular, tryptophan and methionine), and they help to improve hematopoiesis, protect the liver from obesity.

There is a whole vitamin complex in cottage cheese: A, group B, E, P; micro- and macroelements: magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium. Moreover, the ratio of the latter two is such that it can be considered ideal, and 9 tablespoons of cottage cheese are enough to satisfy the body's daily need for phosphorus and calcium.

It contains very little lactose, so people who cannot tolerate it can safely, without any consequences, eat cottage cheese (unlike other "milk"). However, before you introduce it into your diet, you should still consult a doctor on this topic.

What are we paying attention to?

It has been proved, unfortunately, that E. coli feels great in cottage cheese, multiplying in it catastrophically quickly. Therefore, it is better not to jeopardize your health and the health of loved ones by buying this product, as they say, "from hand". It is also important how it is stored in the store. It should only be sold packaged and only from refrigerated display cases. A prerequisite is the presence of a label on the packaging, where the manufacturer of the product, the date of manufacture, GOST or TU must be indicated.

Naturally, the shorter the shelf life of cottage cheese, the more natural and healthy it is. Such a product, as a rule, is packaged in paper packaging and is safe for consumption only within 72 hours from the date of manufacture. Unfortunately, such products fall into our hands less and less - the life of a modern inhabitant of a metropolis is farther and farther from the village and natural products ...

It is more profitable for the manufacturer to sell cottage cheese with a longer shelf life, and to achieve this goal, the membrane filtration method is used. This is a complex process carried out in several stages, as a result of which a product is obtained that has retained its main nutritional value, but has lost most of its vitamins and minerals.

It is of fundamental importance according to which regulatory document the product is manufactured: according to GOST or TU. In the first case, as we know, strict requirements are established for the feedstock, in the second, the manufacturer is free to take whatever he wants as such.

If the cottage cheese is made according to GOST, this means that natural milk was used for its production. If according to TU, then this is not cottage cheese at all, and nothing more than a curd product, because it is produced using cheaper vegetable fats (usually coconut or palm oil). But you should not be afraid, this is by no means a fake. Moreover, experts say that the curd product has its own advantages, which are that due to the lower amount of milk fat, it will not provoke an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

The most important thing is that everything is transparent, and the manufacturer does not try to pass off the curd product as real curd, as it happens with us from time to time.

Another point that many are interested in: is not cottage cheese made not from natural, but reconstituted from milk powder harmful? Experts reassure: this product is not so much inferior in its usefulness. It also contains a considerable amount of high-grade "curd" protein. And calcium is available in 100 grams of any kind of cottage cheese, regardless of what kind of milk it was made from.

Recently, grained cottage cheese is rapidly gaining popularity, the benefits and harms of which are of particular interest to those who are going to lose weight and go in for sports. This product looks very appetizing and is immediately ready to eat, as it consists of a mixture of curd grains and lightly salted cream. The fat content of such cottage cheese is from 0 to 9%.

Despite its enormous usefulness, any type of cottage cheese has contraindications. First of all, it should be eaten with caution by those who are prone to allergic reactions. If a person has an intolerance to milk protein, then cottage cheese, unfortunately, will have to be excluded from the diet altogether.

This product must be handled with extreme caution, keeping in mind the shelf life. After opening the package, regardless of whether it contains preservatives or not, cottage cheese must be eaten no later than 3 days, otherwise there is a chance of getting serious food poisoning.

Is cottage cheese healthier than regular curd?

Grain cottage cheese differs from simple cottage cheese both in taste and quality, as well as in lower calorie content. It is in no way inferior to high-fat protein products, and the high content of minerals in it significantly strengthens bones and improves the process of creating new tissues. It contains absolutely all the useful properties of ordinary cottage cheese, and the calorie content is only 155 kcal per 100 grams.

Regular cottage cheese is more unprotected than cottage cheese, because it has fewer lactic acid bacteria and low acidity.

Also, granulated cottage cheese, unlike ordinary fat-free cottage cheese, has a more delicate, pleasant salty taste and a soft texture, which is provided by the presence of cream. It is a rich source of calcium, protein, amino acids and vitamins, as well as phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Just nine tablespoons of cottage cheese will provide the body with a daily intake of calcium and casein milk protein. In addition, this curd contains the amino acids lysine, choline and methionine. Lysine strengthens the heart muscle, choline is involved in the nervous system, and methionine helps the body get rid of cholesterol.

Since cottage cheese is the leader among all fermented milk products in terms of digestibility, it must be added to the diet of children, adolescents, young people and the elderly. Unlike simple cottage cheese, proteins of grain products do not have a negative effect on joints, and their composition does not contain purines, the end product of which is uric acid.

Regular consumption of cottage cheese strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous systems, which is very important for sick and elderly people.

The casein protein found in cottage cheese is invaluable for bodybuilders, athletes and obese people. This type of cottage cheese is highly appreciated by nutritionists, who recommend it as an excellent dietary food. In addition, its easy digestibility and usefulness make it possible to give it to children in its pure form, as well as to use it for cooking various dishes.

And, finally, a very valuable advantage of cottage cheese is its neutral acidity, which makes it possible to use it in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the postoperative and rehabilitation period.

Cottage cheese is a kind of regular curd, with a slightly reduced fat content. This product is not a single mass, but grains filled with salted cream. The benefits of cottage cheese far outweigh both its possible harm and the danger to the wallet.

Why is grain cottage cheese useful?

Cottage cheese, like most other dairy products, is a source of calcium and. The combination of these elements in dairy products is optimal for bones. That is why granulated cottage cheese is recommended for children, the elderly and pregnant women. Granulated cottage cheese is valuable for its rich vitamin composition. B vitamins are essential for the brain, nervous system, strong immunity and effective metabolism, the speed of which depends on the burning of fat in the body. Lack of vitamins of this group causes increased excitability, problems with falling asleep at night and drowsiness during the day.

The presence of vitamin C in foods is necessary to increase the body's defenses. Since this vitamin is not stored or produced in the human body, it must be constantly obtained from food, for example, from cottage cheese.

A diet high in cottage cheese is indicated for high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver diseases, and hematopoiesis problems.

The salty taste of cottage cheese goes well with salads. You can also take such cottage cheese to work as lunch - it perfectly satisfies and satiates. The calorie content of cottage cheese is low - about 155 kcal (depending on the fat content, which may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer).

Harm of grained cottage cheese

Grained cottage cheese can become harmful if the terms and conditions of storage of the product are not observed - in this case, you can get serious poisoning. Allergy sufferers need to use grain cottage cheese with caution, and people who do not tolerate milk protein should exclude this product from the diet.

Cottage cheese is excellent for a diet for weight loss. If you want to reduce the fat content of the food you eat, buy low-fat grains. But if this indicator is not fundamental, it is more useful to use grained cottage cheese of 9% fat content - calcium from this product is absorbed by the body better.

Cottage cheese helps you lose weight due to its high content of casein - a special protein that is necessary in order not to lose muscle mass during a diet. And the greater the percentage of muscle tissue in the body, the more active the metabolism and burning of fats.

It is quite possible to cook grained cottage cheese at home if you have a proven recipe for this fermented milk product on hand.

Granular cottage cheese is loved by many for its creamy and slightly salty flavor.

And also this product has a very low fat content - up to 0.9%, and is suitable for diets.

Of course, you can buy it in any supermarket, the choice is huge, but in the purchased cottage cheese there are unnecessary components, which cannot be said about the one prepared with your own hands.

Therefore, let's try to make cottage cheese at home from natural products and save a little on packaging and advertising.


  • 10 liters of low-fat milk
  • 1.5 ml
  • 60 ml boiled water
  • 0.05 g
  • cream 15% fat
  • salt - 1% of the total mass or to taste

Homemade cottage cheese recipe:

1. Heat milk to 32-35 degrees.

2. Add the starter culture to it, wait 30-40 minutes, stir, then pour in each liquid enzyme and calcium chloride diluted in 30 ml of water. Stir and stand for another 40 minutes.

3. Cut the curd into about 1.5-2 cm cubes.

4. Gently knead for 35-40 minutes.

5. Very slowly raise the temperature to 50-55 degrees. At 10 liters, it will take about 30 minutes.

6. Continue kneading. At the same time, the curd grains are compacted and float up.

You need to stir until the grain, when pressed, will restore its shape. Or taste it. The third option is when an average grain of 1.5 cm shrinks to 0.5 cm.

7. Throw the grain onto a sieve, rinse with cold water and transfer to clean 0.5 jars, where you need to pour up to 1/4 of the volume of cream and salt in advance - about 5 g per jar.

At the same time, the grain is stacked so that about 1/4 of the volume remains on top. Top it up with cream as well.

8. Refrigerate for 12 hours or overnight. During this time, the cream will be absorbed into the grain, which will swell and become very tender. In the morning, be sure to stir so that the cottage cheese is not compressed into a dense mass.

The result is a low-calorie cottage cheese that is surprisingly healthy because it contains calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone growth, cell division, and skin and hair health.

It is useful to include cottage cheese in your diet for pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly and children.

Grain cottage cheese on rennet


  • 1 liter whole milk
  • 4 drops of liquid
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Method for preparing granulated cottage cheese on rennet:

1. Pour milk into a small saucepan and place over medium heat.

Heat milk slowly to 30 degrees Celsius. Turn off the heat when the milk is hot enough.

2. Place the rennet in the milk. Stir the mixture with a spoon for 2 minutes.

3. Cover the pot with a clean towel and let the mixture sit for about 4 hours. The rennet will begin to interact with the milk and turn it into curd.

4. Remove the towel and chop the curd with a knife.

Make several cuts in one direction and then several cuts in the opposite direction.

5. Add salt to the saucepan. Turn on medium-low heat. Stir while heating to separate the curd from the whey.

Stop as soon as the curd comes off and the whey looks yellow-greenish. Do not overcook, otherwise the grainy curd will be hard.

6. Strain the curd through a sieve lined with gauze. Loosely cover the cheesecloth with plastic wrap and refrigerate with the bowl for several hours to allow the serum to continue to drain.

Stir the curd from time to time to speed up the process.

7. Place the curd in a clean bowl and add the cream. Season with salt to taste.

Grain cottage cheese with vinegar


  • 3.7 L of pasteurized skim milk *
  • 3/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream

Cooking cottage cheese with vinegar:

1. Pour milk into a small saucepan, place on the stove and heat to 50 ° C.

3. After the milk has warmed up, add vinegar to it and stir for 2 minutes.

4. Then cover the pot with a towel and let sit for 30 minutes.

5. Separate the curd from the whey with cheesecloth, let it drain for 5 minutes.

6. Rinse the curd under cold water.

7. Transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl and add salt and cream to taste.

Grain cottage cheese with lemon juice


  • 1 liter whole milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon citric acid or lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons heavy cream

Recipe for cottage cheese with lemon juice:

1. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat on the stove, not boiling.

2. Add lemon juice (citric acid) to milk and stir for a few minutes.

In a similar way, Indian is made at home.

3. Cover the pot with a tea towel and let the curd separate from the whey for about an hour.

4. Strain the curd through cheesecloth and drain the whey.

5. Rinse the curd under cold water and squeeze to dry.

Add salt and cream to the curd to your liking. Bon Appetit!

01-02-15. Views: 19021. Comments: 0.

Glycemic index (GI) – 30.

Caloric content - 155 kcal.

Cottage cheese is a popular fermented milk product with reduced fat content. Represents curd grains, placed in lightly salted cream. The structure of the grain mass successfully balances between cheese and the usual curd. Such a product has a worldwide popularity, it occupies a special place in the diet of the inhabitants of Europe and the USA, where it is called cottage cheese and is translated as “village cheese”. It appeared in Russia in the early 2000s under the name "Lithuanian cottage cheese", now called grain cottage cheese.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

High levels of milk protein, mineral compounds, amino acids, the presence of rennet, ferments of lactic acid cultures make cottage cheese a tasty and healthy product. The nutritional value has a low calorie content of 88-155 kcal, it contains proteins (10-16.8 g), fats (from 0 to 9 g), carbohydrates (2-2.8 g). Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, C. Minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium. A significant part belongs to calcium and phosphorus - 220 mg, which are balanced and well absorbed. 100 g of granular cottage cheese contains 28% of the daily value of phosphorus, 16.5% calcium, 17% vitamin B2, 16% PP, 5.9% magnesium.

How does it affect the body

Granular cottage cheese is the most easily digestible of dairy products and holds the lead in children's nutrition. Neutral acidity, lack of purines and presence of casein make it beneficial for all ages, including the elderly.

The use of granular cottage cheese restores the intestinal flora, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of the cardiovascular, uneven, muscular and skeletal systems. Participates in the formation of cartilage, bone tissue, removes cholesterol, increases immunity, brain functionality. Prevention of anemia, stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity. Eliminates the possibility of developing osteoporosis, diabetes, and nervous diseases. Curd grains have a diuretic, antibacterial effect.

The beneficial qualities of granular cottage cheese include: acceleration of metabolism, activation of the number of enzymes, increased blood clotting, strengthening of blood vessels, toning the liver of the gallbladder, increasing hemoglobin. This product helps to reduce fat cells, promotes weight loss, and is included in the diet of athletes. Blocks the accumulation of fats in the liver, neutralizes and removes it from the body.

How to choose the right one

Grained cottage cheese is sold in opaque plastic and it is impossible to externally determine the state of the mass and liquid. When choosing, you need to read the composition. It often indicates the presence of potassium sorbate - this is a harmless preservative that does not have a harmful effect. But the presence of vegetable fats (palm oil) or E 536 is a reason to refuse such a product.

Curd grains with fruit additives indicate excess carbohydrates. A clear liquid indicates the use of whey rather than skim milk. In any case, an important point is to check the expiration date and integrity of the package.

Storage methods

From the moment of production in a sealed container, at the appropriate temperature indicated on the can, it is stored up to 21 days. After opening the original packaging, it is recommended to use it within 24 hours.

What is combined in cooking

Cottage cheese is used as an independent dish. It is used in baked goods, side dishes, casseroles. It is most often added to vegetable salads. Cottage cheese is combined with fried zucchini, beans, beets, chickpeas, buckwheat, baked with zucchini and eggplant.

A healthy combination of products

Reduced fat content, the presence of beneficial properties, the balance of protein and fat make cottage cheese a popular product in the diet. Easily absorbed, satiates and satisfies hunger for a long time, is an alternative to animal protein. It is used to maintain muscle mass, which usually suffers with weight loss. In the form of an independent dish, curd grain is included in many diets for weight loss, takes part in low-calorie and mono-diets.

Cottage cheese is ideal for fresh vegetable salads (bell peppers, tomatoes, radishes, daikon, radish, cucumber, celery). Combines with mint and spicy herbs. It is used in omelets, puddings. It is used with steamed fish, cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, rolled oats).

To lose weight, you can use a curd salad as a substitute for dinner. In addition to cottage cheese, the composition includes Chinese cabbage, avocado, dried oregano, cherry tomatoes, soy sauce, red ground pepper.

For those who take into account the energy of the diet, it is useful to know the proportions: 1 tbsp. l. has 17 g, which corresponds to 26.4 kcal, 1 tsp. - 5 g = 7.8 kcal.


Harm from granulated cottage cheese can manifest itself with intolerance to milk protein and with violations of calcium metabolism.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Grain cottage cheese is an integral part of medical and rehabilitation nutrition. Recommended for high cholesterol, hematopoiesis problems, obesity, metabolic disorders, dysbiosis, diabetes mellitus. It is prescribed for inclusion in the diet for hypertension, liver diseases, anemia, gastritis, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. It is used in the course of therapy for gastroenterological patients, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, rickets.

In folk medicine, granular cottage cheese is used as a compress for sprains, swelling, and hematomas. Apply to damaged skin areas for sun and thermal burns. In cosmetic methods, it is relevant for moisturizing, softening, nutrition. Helps eliminate wilting processes. Inclusion in the diet helps to restore the structure of hair and skin.

27.07.2013 12:21

Cottage cheese was familiar to many ancient peoples. This product was used by the Romans, Greeks, Assyrians. In the treatise of the Roman philosopher Lucius Columella, cottage cheese is mentioned as a food loved by both the rich and the poor. Since then, a lot has changed in production. Our video is about how cottage cheese is made in Belarus.

Today, curd is not simple in fashion, but elite - grained, tender, in slightly salty cream. His cooking based upon extraction of valuable components such as protein and calcium from milk and their concentration in a small capsule.

So how do you do something quicker and easier when it was already pretty quick and easy to get started? If you are an impatient type, skip the bottom of the page to expand. For those of you who don't fit into all the brevity and would like to go into a little more detail about the processes involved with the hammer, read on.

Why, you ask, would anyone want to make ricotta at home? Buying a ricotta store is almost always awful. True ricotta is obtained by adding acid to heated whey. The combination of heat and acid causes the milk proteins to stick together, trapping moisture and fat to form soft, white curds.

In factories, cottage cheese obtained from pasteurized milk and certainly of high quality, otherwise the whole process will go down the drain. The product introduces cultured leaven from lactic acid bacteria desirable for cottage cheese. Curious about which ones? We will tell you.

Usually these are pure lactic streptococci, calcium chloride and renal enzyme. With their direct participation in milk, a clot forms for eight hours. Thousands of small knives then cut it up and down, so as to get even cubes. Begins boiling process.

How to make cottage cheese at home

To make a really high quality ricotta, these curds are then carefully removed from the whey and allowed to drain, reduce their water content and concentrate their flavor and richness. The result is reasonably simple yet decadent. The reality is that almost all mass market ricotra producers are slow to waste time draining the cheese, instead loading the material with rubbers and stabilizers designed to prevent water leakage.

What you get is a gritty, gummy, rubbery paste that breaks when you heat it, making your lovely cheesecake or lasagne gritty and watery. No thanks. On the other hand, homemade ricotta poses some problems.

In order for the whey to separate from the curd, the mass is constantly knead and shake, but not chaotically, but according to a strict scheme, after all, we then need to get the product "grain by grain." Such filigree work can only be entrusted to an experienced craftsman. It regulates temperature and rotation speed.

The seed gradually ripens. Ideally, it should be a little tight on the outside, soft on the inside, but not rubbery. The finished curd grain is to be carefully Rinse. By the way, the serum will not be wasted either. Part of it will be used for the preparation of fermented milk drinks. The leftovers will be used to feed livestock.

But does it really need to be heated that high? So where did this piece of culinary desire come from? My first instinct is that it has been tolerated and misused since the days when custards were made with unpasteurized milk. At the time, milk had to be heated to 100 ° C in order to deactivate certain enzymes that could prevent custard from setting.

Milk is almost always pasteurized these days, so this step is unnecessary. But wait a minute! This is the moment the milk starts to boil: a simple temperature to measure, even without a thermometer. It was the most important variable in terms of both taste and texture.

Well, dry and salt our grains! Salt will allow our product to retain its shape and useful properties for a longer time, and there are many of them: protein, calcium, and useful amino acids. The magic product not only regulates metabolism, but also strengthens our bones, restores the nervous system. There is also cream in the granulated curd, in which the granules look well, just like a lord!

Since bottled vinegar is always diluted to 5% acetic acid, this is also the most consistent method. This gives the ricotta a very light citrus scent that, while not as distinct as buttermilk, can be slightly delayed in some savory applications.

  • The distilled vinegar gave the purest flavor, with soft, delicate curds.
  • The milk is fresh, you get the same results every time.
Bottom line? For the most versatile ricotta, stick with vinegar. Use lemon juice when lemon scent is appropriate, and avoid buttermilk unless you go into it.

Cottage cheese is a tasty and healthy low-calorie delicacy.

It is indispensable in the morning because it lifts your spirits thanks to the tyramine it contains.

Tyramine is a substance that increases the level of endorphins and is responsible for our feelings and emotions.

And how many delicious dishes from granular cottage cheese you can cook, you can't even count.

In an ideal world, my kitchen would be filled with oily muslin, or at least gauze. Of course, in a perfect world, my kitchen sink has veal demi-gloss right next to hot and cold. Paper towels, on the other hand, worked great and are cheap. How long should it drain? It's good that it all depends on what you are going to do with it.

Drainage length: less than 5 minutes. Texture: extremely moist and creamy with small, delicate curds. Best use: immediate consumption while still warm. For savory applications, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper and serve. For dessert, rejuvenate with warm ricotta with honey and served with fruit.

Homemade cottage cheese is both tastier and healthier. By the way, you can read about the benefits of cottage cheese in more detail.

Making cottage cheese at home is not a big deal.

Technology for preparing granular cottage cheese

All components of the dish are easy to get and they are not something expensive, for this reason, making homemade cottage cheese is not only easy, but also affordable.

Grain cottage cheese is the key to clean and healthy skin

Drainage length: 15 to 20 minutes. Texture: small, delicate curds with the consistency of curd. Drainage length: at least two hours or until night. Texture: hard, dry, crumbly curds that can be easily molded into a solid shape. Most Popular: Pastries such as ricotta pancakes, ricotta gnocchi or ricotta thomas.

How to cook granular cottage cheese at home

Now, while homemade ricotta is as hard to make as, say, ah, there are still two major issues that seem to shine. Problem 1: First, the milk burning at the bottom of the pan is a bitch to clean. There are all sorts of tricks to help prevent this, but the fact is, if you don't stir well and scrape the bottom with a spatula as the milk heats up, you're going to get some degree of coagulation of the burnt milk bark at the bottom of your pot - dirty to say the least. a business.

Only in Russia there is such a concept of "grained cottage cheese", in other states it is called cottage cheese. For this reason, some of our manufacturers began to call such products homemade cheese.

The composition and technology are usually the same: skim milk, starter culture, calcium chloride, enzymes, cream, salt are included.

Problem 2: Do you think the burnt milk on the inside of the jar is bad? How many of you have ever had to clean burnt milk all over an area? Chances are, if you've ever heated milk in your life, this has happened to you. As the milk heats up, proteins and fats on the top surface begin to coagulate, forming a kind of “raft” on the surface. approaching its boiling point, water vapor is generated, falling under this raft. Once enough pressure has been reached, the raft goes the only way: up and down.

Sometimes there may be a preservative - potassium sorbate, which is approved for use, is safe for health.

The grain product has all the good and necessary properties of cottage cheese, it has good proportions of calcium with phosphorus, which is good for the skeletal system.

The protein of cottage cheese is well digestible.

The product contains small amounts of fat, but calcium is much higher than in milk from which it is fermented. Where does it come from then?

This tipping point can happen in minutes, and in fact, it has been independently proven by several renowned chefs and scientists that milk will only boil when your back turns. Simply discard the pot and thermometer, combine your ingredients in a glass container, microwave on a high setting for a couple of minutes, stir once, and pour. Since we already know that ricotta has a wide range of temperature tolerance, we don't need a thermometer.

In this case, a simple visual inspection is sufficient. Unlike a cooker, which only heats the milk from the bottom, the microwave heats the milk evenly from all sides, preventing both burnt milk proteins and the possibility of a dangerous boil.

The technology implies: milk is fermented, lactic acid bacteria, rennet, calcium chloride are added (you can buy it at a pharmacy).

The last two components form a curd grain in the form of a knocked-down lump.

The lump itself displaces the serum, becomes dense, tender, not destructible.

There are almost no contraindications to the use of grain cottage cheese, except for people with kidney stones in the form of phosphates, there may also be allergies, intolerance to dairy products.

Finally, since milk is mostly water and microwaves are superior to efficiently heated water, your ricotta is ready in about a third of the time to take up the top of the oven. There you have it: perfect, fresh, homemade ricotta, in five minutes or less.

Homemade recipe

What do you love to do with your new ricotta? Chia seeds are originally from South and Central America - mostly from Mexico, and come from the Lipblütler family and belong to the Salbeigewachsen. They are rich in antioxidants and numerous vital nutrients. Already the Aztecs used chia as a medicinal plant. In Germany, these "miracles" are still relatively unknown, although they contain so many nutrients and contain the highest omega-3 fatty acids of all foods.

Grain curd recipe


  • skim milk - 1 l
  • calcium chloride - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • cream - 6 tbsp. spoons

How to make granular cottage cheese at home:

1. First, pour the milk into a container and heat it up to fifty degrees, the main thing is to monitor the process and not let the milk boil.

2. After heating, add calcium chloride and begin to mix the mixture thoroughly.

About 15 grams of chia seeds are recommended daily. You can just stir them with yogurt, let them swell in liquid form to chia pudding overnight, or use a low-calorie bread like here. 31.4 g Fatty acids: 3.8 g saturated fatty acids 5.7 g omega-6 fatty acids 18.5 g omega-3 fatty acids.

Incredible nutritional bombs not only have a positive effect on digestion, but also provide a healthy cardiovascular system and relieve joint pain. Chia seeds provide valuable energy and are supposed to help you lose excess weight. The seeds of the seed seeds are less bitter than regular flaxseeds. Both are from the same family. In the case of golden flaxseed, omega-6 fatty acids predominate. Apart from the taste, the two seeds also differ in color, which makes the baked goods less dark.

After that, the composition needs to stand for a while until the reaction is over and the grains separate from the whey.

3. The next step is to filter the resulting milk cottage cheese from the whey through cheesecloth and a sieve, and when the product dries it must be salted to taste.

4. The secret of turning ordinary curd into granulated curd lies in the cream, which is added to the product as the next step.

In addition, seed seed seeds such as chia seeds have a positive effect on digestion. Curd is nothing more than granulated cheese. It contains little fat and few carbohydrates, but it is rich in protein. It can be used super as a bread spread.

It can be both sweet and hearty. The version with butter and onion differs from the taste of non-"regular" bread. Get the latest recipes from the site straight to your inbox! Thank you for registering. Just go to your inbox and confirm your free subscription to activate the newsletter.

5. Now all that needs to be done is to mix the resulting composition, and the granular curd is ready.