How to cook French fries in a slow cooker - recipes for French fries and sauces for them. Can a slow cooker be used as a deep fryer? How to fry French fries in a slow cooker?

Do you like French fries? I am very. Of course, I know that it is not healthy at all - due to the rather large amount of oil required for its preparation. But... But it’s so delicious that sometimes, very rarely, you can treat yourself, you must admit! My love for French fries is shared by my family. And until recently, we were sure that the tastiest food was at McDonald’s. Of course, I tried to make French fries at home by frying them in a frying pan, but, frankly, it didn’t work out so deliciously.

What do you need?

  • 2-3 medium potato tubers;
  • 50-70 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook

It is better to choose oblong-shaped tubers for French fries - they can be cut into long, beautiful strips. Peel, wash and chop the potatoes.

We rinse the potatoes in water several times to remove starch.

Dry with a paper towel or napkins.

How to properly fry potatoes in a slow cooker?

To prepare French fries, we need to warm up the multicooker bowl well. Pour vegetable oil into it, close the lid and turn on the “Frying” mode for 5 minutes. There should be quite a lot of oil so that the potatoes are almost completely covered with it. The exact volume you will need depends on the size of your multicooker bowl. Place dried potatoes into well-heated oil.

Close the lid of the multicooker and cook the potatoes in the same “Fry” mode for 8-10 minutes. During this time, there is no need to stir it - the multicooker will do an excellent job of preparing French fries without your help.

Carefully remove the potatoes using a spatula with holes so that the oil drains from the potatoes into the multicooker bowl. Place the potatoes on a paper towel or napkin and gently blot them - this will allow you to get rid of the remaining oil on the potatoes.

Then transfer the fries to a plate, add salt and mix.

And most importantly, The dish will be moderate in calories and quite healthy. Let's look at an interesting recipe for making French fries in a multicooker and describe the process of preparing it on different models of multi-kitchen devices.

The classic French fries recipe can be prepared in almost any slow cooker.

Required ingredients:

  • 6-8 medium-sized potatoes or ready-made semi-finished product;
  • 800 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. You can buy ready-made frozen fries to free up time. Otherwise, you can use store-bought or homemade potatoes.
  2. We prepare the potatoes: peel them and cut them into thin strips or cubes up to 1 cm - whichever you prefer.
  3. The chopped potatoes should be rinsed a little under water, placed on a napkin and allowed to dry.
  4. Pour enough vegetable oil into the multicooker and let it warm up thoroughly. In this case, depending on the model, you must select the “Fry”, “Multi-cook” or “Baking” mode.
  5. Place pre-salted potatoes (you can salt them after cooking) in a special frying basket, lower them into the bowl and cook until the potatoes are golden and crispy. If the multicooker model does not provide a frying basket, the potatoes should be fried in several approaches in small portions so that the fries are crispy.
  6. Place cooked French fries on napkins to remove excess fat.
  7. French fries can be served with various types of sauces.

How to cook French fries in multicookers "Redmond", "Polaris" and others

Since cooking French fries in a slow cooker will depend on the functions it has, I would like to focus on some of the leading brands of these kitchen devices.

French fries in the Redmond multicooker

Most multicookers from this company have the “Multicook” function, which will provide the required result. In the “Multi-cook” mode, you need to cook French fries at a temperature setting of 160 °C for 10 minutes.

French fries in a Bosch multicooker

French fries in a Philips multicooker

Almost all modern Philips multicookers are equipped with a “Frying” program, which should be selected when preparing French fries. The timer should be set to 30 minutes.
Pre-prepared potatoes should be placed in a slow cooker with preheated vegetable oil (about 1 liter will be needed).

You must wait until the oil begins to bubble and then close the lid for 10 minutes. After this time, you should take out the cooked dish, place it on a paper towel to remove excess fat, and do not forget to add salt.

French fries in the Polaris multicooker

There are often models from this company that are not equipped with the “Multi-cook” or “Frying” function. In this case, to prepare delicious French fries, you can use the “Baking” function, which almost all multicookers have.

After pouring vegetable oil into the bowl, select the “Baking” program and wait for the oil to heat up with the lid closed. Potatoes placed in hot oil should be left with the lid open for 20 minutes, during which it is important to stir them periodically.

French fries in a slow cooker from a nutritional point of view

French fries themselves can hardly be called a dietary menu item, but home-cooked and in a slow cooker it becomes much tastier and healthier than in any public institution. Cooking a dish in a slow cooker preserves all the nutrients of potatoes: vitamins C and B, and also retains calcium and iron.

Calorie content French fries in a slow cooker is equal to 315.71 kcal(1321 kJ), which is 15% of the daily value.

How to diversify French fries in a slow cooker

It seems that any dish from a slow cooker not only looks appetizing, but is also very tasty. In order to prepare a complete dinner, you can make French fries with mushrooms in a slow cooker.

After frying the potatoes in a slow cooker, immediately add the chopped onion into the same oil and fry it for 5 minutes. Then you need to add sliced ​​champignons to the onion and cook the vegetables for about 15 minutes, and a few minutes before the end you need to add chopped garlic.

Ready-made mushrooms and onions can be easily caught with a slotted spoon and added to already cooked potatoes. You can add salt to taste, add pepper and chopped herbs. Hot sauce can be a great addition to this dinner.

How to cook French fries in a slow cooker - video

The presented video will show in detail the preparation of French fries in the Polaris multicooker. The most common French fries recipe is supplemented with cheese sauce, which gives the dish a special taste. In addition, this will not in any way affect the increase in calorie content of a frequently consumed product.

French fries in a multicooker, cooked in the “Fries”, “Multi-cook” or “Baking” modes, can be a good quick-cooking dish to both preserve nutrients and minimize calorie content. Using French fries cooked in a slow cooker infrequently in your diet, you can treat yourself to your favorite food and at the same time maintain proper nutrition.

How to cook French fries in a slow cooker

Making French fries in a slow cooker is very easy. It is important to properly prepare the vegetable and choose the right mode. The Redmond multi-cooker in the “Multi-cook” mode will especially make cooking easier. You can also prepare an unusual and spicy dish using spices: paprika, black and red pepper.

The only drawback of this method is that the cooking speed is quite high, so you also need to act at a fast pace. Otherwise, the product removed at the wrong time may burn somewhat.

This dish is not considered healthy, so you should not abuse it. But in order to sometimes treat yourself and your loved ones with tasty and crispy potatoes, you can use the simplest classic recipe.

The immediate process of preparing snacks in a slow cooker:

    1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into thin strips or cubes;

French fries in "Multi-cook" mode

Cooking French fries in the Redmond slow cooker will take a little time. To prepare you need to prepare:

  • 10 medium-sized potatoes;
  • 1 liter vegetable oil;
  • salt according to your own taste.

Cooking time – 20 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​312 kcal per 100 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of potatoes:

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, remove the skins, wash again and cut into long and thin cubes;
  2. Place them in a special bowl in the form of a grid - a deep fryer;
  3. Pour the entire volume of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl;
  4. Set the multicooker to “Multicook” mode. Set the necessary parameters: time – 12 minutes, temperature – 160˚С;
  5. After this, lower the fryer into the bowl;
  6. Do not touch the potatoes until the end of time;
  7. If the specified time is not enough, you can extend it further, but not for long, since the potatoes may turn out too dry.
  8. Remove the prepared product from the multicooker and place on a paper napkin. After a few minutes, the dish is ready to serve.

How to cook savory deep-fried potatoes

French fries prepared according to this recipe have a somewhat unusual taste and appearance. This will require the following components:

  • seven large potatoes;
  • vegetable oil with a volume of 700 ml;
  • ground paprika in an amount of 5 grams;
  • ground red pepper in the amount of 5 grams;
  • ground black pepper in the amount of 5 grams;
  • salt.

Cooking time – 25 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​347 kcal per 100 grams.

  1. Cut the potatoes into thin bars;
  2. Dry on a paper towel;
  3. In a separate container, mix all the prepared spices and salt. You also need to add vegetable oil there;
  4. Add the prepared potatoes to the mixture and mix well. Leave for 10 minutes;
  5. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and pour the entire volume of prepared vegetable oil into its bowl;
  6. Add the potato and spice mixture and close the lid. Leave for half an hour;
  7. After this, open the lid, stir the dish and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Delicious potato cutlets are a wonderful dish for Lent.

Try making hot guacamole sauce using our step-by-step photos and tips. This is a great snack to go with chips or French fries.

Chinese fried rice is unusual, tasty and filling. Our step-by-step recipe is here.

  1. The oil used to prepare French fries can be used in the future for preparing other dishes;
  2. In order for the potatoes to be especially crispy, they should be cut into bars, dried well and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. After this, take it out and immediately start cooking;
  3. You should definitely use only fully ripened potatoes, since a young vegetable will not make a dish;
  4. Tubers often contain too much starch. This type of vegetable is not suitable for fries because it will become too soft during cooking;
  5. When cutting vegetables, you should pay attention to the fact that each of the bars is at least one centimeter thick;
  6. To prevent hot vegetable oil from splashing in different directions, you should first salt it a little.

French fries are a very popular dish and are liked by people of all ages. It can be used as a separate appetizer, or served as a side dish. Just don’t use it with meat, as it can put too much stress on the body.

Recipe for delicious French fries cooked in a slow cooker

As soon as French fries began to be sold in fast food chains, this dish gained enormous popularity, especially among the younger generation.

For some reason, adults are not as excited about crispy potatoes as children. But every mother knows that it is not worth pampering her child with a store-bought delicacy: it is not known how the food was prepared, in what sanitary conditions, and how often the cook changed the fryer.

The latter is especially important, given the rumors that even yesterday’s fryer can be used in catering establishments (and you don’t have to remember the dangers of used oil).

It’s different with French fries in a slow cooker: you know for sure that the frying is fresh, the dishes are clean, and the products correspond to your ideas about proper nutrition.

Of course, French fries in a slow cooker cannot be called healthy food. Even if prepared under ideal conditions, it will still not benefit the growing body.

Nevertheless, the recipe is definitely worth it, because there is nothing wrong with occasionally preparing such a treat for your beloved child.

French fries can also be prepared in a deep fryer at home. Its convenience lies in a special mesh where potatoes are placed.

But today this device is not a particularly popular kitchen appliance. So if you don't already have a deep fryer, it's unlikely that you'll want to buy one.

And you can fry golden crispy potatoes in a slow cooker - believe me, it will turn out just as good. Our recipe with step-by-step photos will help you prepare fries in a slow cooker so that this “junk” food will charm not only children, but also adults.


Our main ingredient is potatoes. It is this that determines the quality of the finished product. Therefore, before describing the recipe in detail, you should devote a few words to it.

To create a treat that tastes like fast food, choose varieties that contain minimal starch. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the type of tubers. They should be smooth, without deep wormholes and “eyes”.

Step 1

Wash the potatoes, remove the skins. Cut the tubers into medium-sized cubes. A potato cutter is ideal for this.

But if such an item is not available on the household, you will have to make do with a knife. The recipe strictly insists on the form of cutting into medium-sized cubes (as in the photo).

The thin straw will be overcooked and become hard - you won’t be able to chew it. You shouldn't cook thick slices either - you'll end up with regular fried potatoes.

Rinse the chopped cubes with cold water (this will remove the starch that the tubers always release during the cutting process).

Be sure to dry the washed potatoes: the reaction of boiling oil and water can be dangerous for the cook’s skin.

Step 2

Let's prepare the deep fryer. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Set the “Warming” mode. When the oil is hot, change the program to “Baking”.

It will take about 30 minutes. Place the chopped potatoes in the bowl and immediately stir them with a plastic slotted spoon (otherwise the cubes will “sink” to the bottom).

As you already understand, our recipe is quite strict. There are also strict recommendations regarding the oil used: vegetable oil must be exclusively refined.

If you plan that French fries in a slow cooker will regularly appear on your table, then it’s worth remembering one simple recipe: in order to prepare this dish no worse than a McDonald’s cook, it is important to build the fryer correctly.

The ratio of potatoes to oil should be 1 to 4. Take less oil and the French fries in the slow cooker will turn into regular fried tubers.

Step 3

Close the multicooker lid. At this stage, we will cook the potatoes for 10 minutes, after which we should open the lid and stir the cubes again with a slotted spoon.

Such active intervention will ensure that all the cubes are evenly fried on all sides.

Step 4

The appearance of the potatoes will tell you that the dish is ready: the cubes will change color and become a beautiful golden hue (see photo below). This means that the potatoes can be removed.

Be careful: hot frying may cause burns. Remove fries in small portions using a slotted spoon and place on a plate lined with a paper towel (the paper will absorb excess fat).

Step 5

Only now, when the fries are resting on a napkin, does the recipe allow you to add salt to the cubes. If you do this while the potatoes are frying, they may lose their desired crispy texture.

There is no need to say that used deep fryer is unsuitable for further use. Pour it out without any regrets.

French fries in a slow cooker will easily become your favorite dish, although you shouldn’t get carried away with them. And it is best to serve the golden treat with tomato sauce, as is customary in fast food establishments.

See another version of this dish:

French fries in a slow cooker



To prepare the potatoes, you can make them in advance and then freeze them. It’s quite possible to cook from frozen vegetables; you don’t even need to let them defrost. It is worth knowing that the name of the dish depends on how you cut the vegetable: coarsely or into slices - rustic style, into thin strips - fries.

Prepare the main vegetable and refined oil. Peel the vegetable, rinse in running water, cut into large strips. Use this cut as it is considered traditional. If you have a vegetable cutter, you can use it. When cutting with your own hands, try to ensure that the sticks are approximately the same.

After this, place the vegetable on a towel to dry, turning over from time to time.

Now prepare the Redmond multicooker. The roasting rack (also called the food basket) must be clean and completely dry. There should be no moisture in the appliance itself, as this will cause splashing. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the kitchen appliance.

Next, place the prepared cubes on a wire rack. Install the latter into the device and turn on the “French fries” or “Frying” mode. If there are no such modes, turn on the “Multi-cook” program (sometimes called “Manual mode”) and set the temperature to 180 degrees and cook for 20 minutes.

An appetizing dish, it can be placed on plates or suitable envelopes, like in restaurants. The dish is best served with sauce. If desired, the fries can be sprinkled with chopped herbs, salt or spices; this is a matter of taste. Bon appetit!


To prepare the potatoes, you can make them in advance and then freeze them. It’s quite possible to cook from frozen vegetables; you don’t even need to let them defrost. It is worth knowing that the name of the dish depends on how you cut the vegetable: coarsely or into slices - rustic style, into thin strips - fries.

  • Prepare the main vegetable and refined oil. Peel the vegetable, rinse in running water, cut into large strips. Use this cut as it is considered traditional. If you have a vegetable cutter, you can use it. When cutting with your own hands, try to ensure that the sticks are approximately the same.

  • After this, place the vegetable on a towel to dry, turning over from time to time.

  • Now prepare the Redmond multicooker. The roasting rack (also called the food basket) must be clean and completely dry. There should be no moisture in the appliance itself, as this will cause splashing. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the kitchen appliance.

  • Next, place the prepared cubes on a wire rack. Install the latter into the device and turn on the “French fries” or “Frying” mode. If there are no such modes, turn on the “Multi-cook” program (sometimes called “Manual mode”) and set the temperature to 180 degrees and cook for 20 minutes.

  • After 15-17 minutes (if the oil is already hot, then 7-10 minutes less), the aromatic potatoes, made according to a simple step-by-step recipe with photos, will be ready. You can remove the grate.

  • An appetizing dish, it can be placed on plates or suitable envelopes, like in restaurants. The dish is best served with sauce. If desired, the fries can be sprinkled with chopped herbs, salt or spices; this is a matter of taste. Bon appetit!

  • Potato pig
  • Hake with potatoes in the oven
  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • Tzimes
  • Stewed pumpkin
  • New potatoes in the sleeve
  • Canapes with olives

In a multicooker, "Redmond" is practically no different from a similar dish sold in fast food restaurants. Moreover, such a lunch, made with your own hands, turns out to be several times cheaper. It should also be noted that today there are several options for deep-frying. Let's look at two of them in more detail.

How to quickly cook French fries in a Redmond multicooker?

Most people believe that making such a fried snack at home is time-consuming and difficult. But this is an erroneous opinion, because deep-fried vegetables become suitable for consumption after 10-13 minutes of heat treatment.

So, to prepare this dish we will need:

  • long potatoes (preferably red) - 1 kg;
  • fine sea salt - add to the finished snack to taste;

Vegetable processing

French fries in the Redmond multicooker turn out the most delicious if you use a red-skinned vegetable to prepare them. Thus, the product must be washed well, peeled and cut into long slices up to one centimeter thick. After this, the potatoes should be rinsed again in cool water, and then shaken vigorously and completely drained of liquid.

Cooking process

You can cook French fries in the Redmond multicooker using different modes. In this recipe we will look in detail at how to make such a dish using the frying program.

To do this, pour refined sunflower oil into the bowl of the device (up to half the capacity), then turn on the above-mentioned mode and wait 2 minutes until the vegetable fat heats up. Next, you need to take a frying rack, put a small amount of potatoes in it and put it in the slow cooker. In this case, the oil should boil and not “explode”.

If the vegetables are evenly distributed throughout the metal basket, then there is no need to take it out again. If the potatoes are poorly fried due to an awkward position, then the deep-frying grate should be carefully removed and the contents scattered in different directions with sharp movements. At the same time, under no circumstances should you use a spoon or spatula to stir vegetables. After all, this will damage the potatoes, causing them to become too soft.

Proper serving to the table

After the French fries in the Redmond multicooker become golden brown and soft, the basket must be carefully removed from the boiling oil, then shake vigorously and place the contents on a plate. Next, the finished vegetable needs to be seasoned with salt and presented to the table hot.

Cooking frozen French fries in a slow cooker

Despite the fact that this cooking method takes longer, it is more popular among fast food lovers than the previous one. This fact is due to the fact that such a dish turns out to be especially tasty and appetizing due to the fact that slices of frozen vegetables in boiling oil are evenly covered with a golden brown and crispy crust, and the inside remains soft and tender.

To prepare potato snacks we will need:

  • oval-shaped potatoes (preferably young) - 1 kg;
  • fine sea salt, dried herbs, curry and other seasonings - add to the finished snack to taste;
  • tomato sauce or ketchup - for serving;
  • fresh garlic - a couple of cloves (for sauce);
  • refined sunflower oil - approximately 1 liter.

Preparing vegetables

As in the previous recipe, young potatoes should be washed, peeled and cut into long and not very thick slices. After this, they need to be dried, placed on paper napkins, and then placed in a bag and placed in the freezer for 2 hours. After this time, the vegetables should become hard as ice. They need to be kept at room temperature for several minutes, and then immediately begin heat treatment.

Roasting process

In a multicooker, “Redmond” should be cooked in a special “Deep Fry” mode until golden brown. To do this, you need to pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into the bowl of the device, and then insert a basket with vegetables. This appetizer should be made until the surface of the potatoes turns slightly reddish. After this, you need to carefully remove the frying grate from the hot oil and soak the vegetables in it until the fat has completely drained off. Next, the potatoes should be hot seasoned with salt, dried herbs and other aromatic seasonings.

How to serve it correctly?

French fries cooked in a slow cooker are recommended to be served only when hot. After cooling slightly, vegetables lose their crunchy properties, become soft and lose their shape. In addition to this appetizer, you should serve a bowl of tomato sauce or ketchup mixed with grated garlic and curry. Bon appetit!


Almost everyone knows that fast food is harmful, but incredibly tasty. One of the traditional dishes on the McDonald's menu is French fries. But in order to try such a side dish, you don’t have to go to a catering establishment. French fries in a slow cooker will turn out crispy, golden and appetizing.

Traditional recipe

Both adults and children love the crunch of French fries. Many people equate this side dish to an appetizer. Previously, it could only be tasted in fast food establishments, but today we will lift the culinary curtain and learn how to cook French fries in a slow cooker.

Yes, imagine, you can easily fry crispy potatoes with a delicious amber crust in your kitchen gadget, even if you don’t have a special deep-frying container on hand. Preparing French fries in a Redmond multicooker is very simple; the main thing is to prepare the vegetable correctly and choose the appropriate program.

French fries at home in a slow cooker turn out incredibly tasty, but keep in mind that they are only cooked in a large amount of vegetable oil.

On a note! To minimize harm to your digestive system, it is best to choose refined, odorless oil. And to get rid of excess oil, just place the potatoes on a napkin or paper towel after frying.


  • 1.8 liters of refined sunflower seed oil;
  • 650 g potato tubers;
  • salt and pepper mixture to taste.


  1. Pour 1.8 liters of refined sunflower seed oil into a multicooker container.
  2. Close the lid of the multicooker and select the “Multicook” program mode.
  3. We set the temperature to 170°. Set the timer for 40 minutes.
  4. While the vegetable oil is warming up, let's start preparing the potatoes.
  5. We clean the tubers, rinse with running water and dry thoroughly with paper towels.
  6. Using a special grater or a knife, cut the potatoes into cubes. To ensure that the potatoes are fried evenly, you need to chop them into approximately equal pieces.
  7. When the oil is well heated, place the potatoes in the multi-cooker container. For convenience, you can use a special stand for the deep fryer.
    Do not close the multicooker lid during cooking. The potatoes will cook in the hot oil.
  8. After the sound signal sounds, use the removable holder to remove the potatoes from the multi-cooker container.
  9. Place a few paper napkins on a plate. Carefully place hot french fries on top.
  10. Leave for a while so that excess oil is absorbed.
  11. French fries in the Redmond multicooker are ready. It should be seasoned with a mixture of peppers and salt to taste.
  12. It is better to serve the side dish with sauce and fresh vegetables.

For lovers of savory dishes

You have already learned how to fry French fries in a slow cooker. This can be done by selecting the “Frying” program mode. An important condition is that the sunflower oil must boil, otherwise the potatoes will simply be boiled and not fried until golden brown.

French fries are prepared in exactly the same way in the Polaris multicooker. The program name and cooking duration may differ. These indicators are determined by the power and functionality of the kitchen gadget.

You can make incredibly flavorful French fries with a zesty taste. Just follow the recipe below.


  • 7 pcs. potato tubers;
  • 5 g ground red paprika;
  • 5 g each of red and black ground pepper;
  • 0.7 l of refined sunflower seed oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. First, peel the potato tubers and rinse under running water.
  2. Dry and cut into thin slices.
  3. Pour paprika, ground red and black pepper, and finely ground salt into a dry bowl.
  4. Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Place the chopped potatoes into this bowl, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Pour refined sunflower seed oil into a multicooker container. Select the “Baking” program mode.
  7. Place the potatoes in a container. Cook it for half an hour with the lid closed.
  8. Open the lid of the kitchen appliance and fry the potatoes in the same mode for another 10-15 minutes. It is important not to overexpose it.

Assorted flavors

French fries can be cooked in the same mode. It will be even better. But unfortunately, not all multicookers are equipped with such a program. There is a choice - the options “Frying”, “Multi-cook” or “Baking”.

To ensure perfect french fries, try to cut them into pieces no thicker than 10 mm. During frying, hot oil may splatter. To prevent this from happening, add a pinch of salt.

French fries cannot be enjoyed without sauce. Therefore, while the slow cooker is preparing the side dish, we will make the sauce.


  • 0.1 l of ketchup;
  • homemade mayonnaise – 0.2 l;
  • mustard – 5 g;
  • Tabasco sauce - ¼ tsp;
  • half an onion;
  • 2 pcs. garlic cloves.


  1. Peel the garlic cloves and onions.
  2. Finely chop the vegetables with a knife. If desired, you can chop the onion in a blender or meat grinder, and pass the garlic cloves through a press.
  3. In a convenient bowl, mix mayonnaise with ketchup.
  4. Add Tabasco sauce and mustard, but not grainy.
  5. Add the vegetables and mix well.

Cheese Symphony

Fast foods often offer cheese sauce as an addition to French fries. It turns out that you can easily prepare it in your home kitchen.

On a note! Don't have the time or energy to make sauce? Serve the fries with ketchup or any prepared sauce, depending on your personal taste preferences.


  • butter – 30 g;
  • Cheddar cheese - 70-80 g;
  • 150 ml pasteurized cow's milk;
  • premium flour – 75 g.


  1. Place softened butter in a saucepan or small saucepan.
  2. Melt it over moderate heat and combine with sifted high-grade flour.
  3. Mix well, breaking up any lumps.
  4. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  5. Add pasteurized cow's milk in a thin stream. Stir with a whisk until the mixture has a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Put it on the fire again and boil after boiling until thickened.
  7. Add the chopped cheese to the hot sauce and stir until completely dissolved.