How to cook buckwheat porridge - the best buckwheat porridge recipes. How to cook crumbly buckwheat in water in a saucepan recipe


  • Buckwheat - 1 cup
  • Water - 2 glasses

Regardless of which of the recipes listed below you choose, the result will be the same - tasty and healthy crumbly buckwheat. The only differences are the cooking time and the equipment used for this.

Buckwheat in a blanket

This is the easiest buckwheat recipe.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Salt - 0.5-2 teaspoons.

Buckwheat should be washed in water, then put in a pan, pour two glasses of water. Place the pan on the stove, close the lid and bring to a boil, then remove from the heat and wrap in a blanket (it is advisable to choose warm blankets and fold them in several folds). Buckwheat will be ready in 40 minutes. What is especially convenient about this recipe is that after cooking it is not necessary to remove the pan from the blanket and it can stay hot there for up to 7 hours and this will not in any way affect the taste and quality of the finished dish.

It is worth paying attention that buckwheat and water should be measured in the same glass, this way you do not need to pay attention to the weight of the ingredients and it will always turn out delicious.

Buckwheat boiled on the stove

This recipe is a little more complicated than the previous one as it requires time and there is a risk that the buckwheat will burn.

For cooking you will need the same ingredients, but a little more water:

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • Water - 2 cups + 1/4 cup for boiling;
  • Salt - 0.5-2 teaspoons.

Next, we put all the ingredients in a saucepan and put it on gas, the difference from the previous method is that you need to put it on maximum heat and cook on it until it boils, then reduce the gas (or heating power for electric stoves) to minimum, but so that it does not boil stopped and cook until the water has completely boiled away. Approximate cooking time can be estimated at 20 minutes.

The main advantage of this recipe is the time, it is less than the previous one, but there is a risk of spoiling the product.

There is no need to stir the buckwheat while cooking on the stove.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker

Some models of multicookers even have special programs for cooking buckwheat, rice and other cereals. If you are unlucky and your device does not have such a program, then in general it is not a problem; you can get by with standard programs. For preparation you will need the same ingredients as before:

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Salt - 0.5-2 teaspoons.

Everything needs to be put in the multicooker bowl and..., but here there are two options:

  1. Turn on the multicooker to stewing mode and cook on it until all the water is absorbed into the buckwheat - about 30 minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water over the buckwheat and turn the multicooker on to keep warm mode; the cooking time will also be 30 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave

Cooking buckwheat in the microwave is also not very difficult. As with other options, you will need all the same ingredients:

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Salt - 0.5-2 teaspoons.

Buckwheat should be placed in a microwave-safe dish, maybe in a deep plate or pot, the main thing is that it is not metal, then add water and salt. The container must be placed in the microwave and:

  1. Turn on at maximum power for 2-3 minutes until the water boils.
  2. Switch the microwave to medium power mode (about 400 W) and continue cooking until all the water is absorbed into the buckwheat - about 15 minutes.

That's all the simple ways to cook buckwheat. The result of different methods will be approximately the same side dish. Buckwheat porridge itself is not very interesting to eat, but as a side dish it goes great with meat, chicken, duck and goose dishes. Buckwheat can also be an independent dish if it is seasoned with mushroom sauce, minced meat or stew.

Buckwheat is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is useful for people with various diseases. Buckwheat is valued for its low calorie content. And the presence of beneficial properties makes it irreplaceable in dietary nutrition.

Not many people know that in addition to buckwheat porridge with butter, you can make an excellent dish. Today, we will talk about an unusual combination of buckwheat with other products, and how to cook delicious buckwheat.

Before cooking, you need to rinse the cereal. Remove unnecessary components (peels, pebbles, foreign objects).

Buckwheat tends to boil and increase in size. To prevent the product from becoming dry, you should soak the cereal for 30 minutes in warm water.

Pour cereal into the cooking container and add almost 2 times more water. Lemon juice and soy sauce, dill, ground pepper, garlic, paprika, and ginger will add a piquant taste.

If you add less liquid, the cereal will not be crumbly. This circumstance is perfect for salads and frying porridge in a frying pan.

What can you cook from buckwheat?

“Buckwheat the merchant’s way”

Pork is fried in a heated frying pan until crispy. The meat is cut into small cubes. It is advisable to choose the neck part of the carcass interspersed with fat. Separately prepare finely chopped onions and herbs. If desired, tomatoes are added to the meat.

The Dutch oven or slow cooker is heating up. Meat, onions and herbs are placed on the bottom. Buckwheat, salt and spices are added. Everything is filled with water. The recipe is suitable for lovers of spicy food.

Served hot. The dish is decorated with green leaves, cherry tomatoes, olives, and lemon slices.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

“Buckwheat with stew in sour cream and garlic sauce with porcini mushrooms”

Take the required amount of cereal. The water is brought to a boil. Salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar, stew and cereal are added to the liquid. For taste, it is recommended to add herbs, garlic and a few drops of red wine (it will create the aroma of expensive cuisine). The multicooker closes and the cooking time is set (the “Rice” button). Each model has its own taskbar; you should check the instructions.

Preparation of the sauce: 100 grams of white, unboiled mushrooms are mixed in a blender container (they are not poisonous and add a refined taste and aroma to the dish); 150 grams of sour cream; 3 cloves of garlic; a pinch of salt, a little lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. The sauce is served in a separate bowl.

Porridge with stew itself has a pleasant taste, the recipe is suitable for a regular meal. In combination with mushrooms or eggplants, it will take on a new flavor.

How to cook buckwheat with chicken in a non-traditional way

“Chicken carcass stuffed with buckwheat porridge and prunes”

The bird is cut up, the carcass is washed and soaked in marinade. The filling consists of white wine vinegar, vegetable oil, lemon juice and spices to taste. The meat is marinated for 20 to 40 minutes (depending on the chosen bird).

While the chicken is being prepared and soaked in juice, you should cook the buckwheat porridge and fry it in sunflower oil with finely chopped herbs. Prunes are soaked several hours before cooking. The bones need to be removed. Add to the prepared porridge and stir.

The carcass is stuffed with porridge with prunes and placed in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.

For gourmets - you can sprinkle the back of the chicken with grated cheese or soft cheese. If you don't have prunes, raisins will do. Dried fruits can be replaced with zucchini or eggplant. Before serving, the dish is decorated with herbs.

How to cook buckwheat with meat economically

“Buckwheat with veal and pumpkin in a pot”

An old Russian dish. Unusual combination of ingredients. Has a sweetish taste. Serve in a flat dish, pour over sweet and sour sauce, garnish with tomato and blue onion slices. A sprig of rosemary will add romance.

The products are prepared: veal and pumpkin are cut into medium pieces, buckwheat is soaked. Place meat on the bottom of the pot, then pumpkin and then croup. Salt, herbs and spices are added. You should not add spicy seasonings - the taste of the main components will deteriorate. Pumpkin gives a sweetish flavor to the dish. Paprika, ground ginger, white pepper are suitable. Everything is poured with boiled water or meat broth.

Place the pots in the oven and cook at medium temperature for 60 minutes.

Fans of spicy or savory foods are advised to swap pumpkin for zucchini, eggplant or cabbage. The presence of these components allows you to add other spices that have a bright taste.

How to cook delicious buckwheat

“Buckwheat soup with smoked chicken and pickles”

The dish can be prepared in a slow cooker or on a regular stove in a saucepan. Pickles should be firm and not fall apart.

For the soup, smoked wings or chicken breast are chosen; they do not contain fat. The meat is cut into small pieces, the wings can be separated at the joints. Cucumbers are finely cut into cubes. Peeled potatoes are cut into medium pieces (about 1.5 - 2 cm).

Finely chopped onions and carrots are fried in a frying pan. The root vegetable should acquire a golden color. Add a few drops of soy sauce. After frying, the vegetables are placed in a pan of boiling water. Then the chicken, cucumbers and potatoes are lowered.

If the soup is prepared in a slow cooker, then the herbs and spices are added immediately. When cooking on the stove, salt, herbs and seasoning are added to the soup 5 minutes before it is ready.

“Salad of buckwheat and green beans with ham and horseradish”

Buckwheat is cooked in vegetable broth. Bring the brew to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 20 - 25 minutes. Drain the remaining liquid and let the cereal cool.

Green beans are cut into pieces (4 cm each) and cooked for 12 - 15 minutes until cooked. The ham is cut into cubes (1.5 cm). Iceberg lettuce is torn into pieces by hand. Lettuce leaves are laid out on a dish.

Beans with 4 tablespoons of broth, ham and buckwheat are placed in a deep bowl and mixed. Sour cream, cream, finely grated horseradish, a tablespoon of white wine vinegar, salt and pepper are whisked. Add to the bowl with the main ingredients. The dressing and the main mass are mixed.

Before serving, vegetables and Greek are laid out on lettuce leaves. The dish is decorated with parsley leaves.

Of course, among all types of cereals, buckwheat is one of the most delicious and healthy. It not only has a special rich taste, but also contains a lot of useful nutrients. Buckwheat is rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, in particular iron, but if cooked incorrectly, it can not only lose its nutritional properties, but also become simply tasteless, so it is important to know how to cook buckwheat correctly. Many people think that they know, based on water, and they do it very roughly, believing that it is not at all necessary to know the buckwheat recipe, and they measure the amount of cereal and water by eye, and are often dissatisfied with the result. However, there is a recipe for buckwheat, and by following it, you can always achieve excellent results.

correct on the water

It is important to prepare the cereal correctly, use the right utensils and maintain the correct proportions of cereal and water. In order for the buckwheat to turn out crumbly, before cooking it must be thoroughly sorted and rinsed thoroughly with water. It is best to buy factory-packed cereal from a trusted manufacturer, since buckwheat by weight can be contaminated not only with husks, weed seeds and small pebbles, but which will then be extremely difficult to remove from the apartment. Before cooking, buckwheat can be dried in a large frying pan or baking sheet, holding it over low heat for several minutes. In order to prepare delicious buckwheat porridge, it is best to take thick-walled dishes, since the buckwheat must be steamed. For one glass of cereal, take two glasses of water and salt to taste. Cleaned and washed cereals are poured with cold water and brought to a boil. Then the water is added with salt, the heat is reduced, after which the pan must be closed with a lid and left on low heat for 15 minutes. At this time, do not remove the lid and stir the cooking porridge - otherwise the buckwheat can be spoiled. After 15 minutes, you need to check the amount of liquid by carefully spreading the cereal with a spoon to the very bottom. If there is still a large amount of liquid left at the bottom, you need to remove the lid and wait until it evaporates, while making sure that the porridge does not burn. If the water has completely evaporated and the porridge is not yet ready, it is better not to add water, but to wrap the pan with the lid closed in a thick towel and leave it like that for a while, the longer the better.

Another interesting recipe for buckwheat is to steam it in salted boiling water in a thermos, for example, overnight - then a very healthy and tasty product will be waiting for you for breakfast. The proportions and preparation of the cereal are the same. It makes sense to cook buckwheat this way if, for example, you need to get up very early in the morning - this way you can save almost half an hour of sleep, which would have to be spent on preparing breakfast. Also, this buckwheat recipe can be useful for those who are going on the road - this way you can take hot and healthy food with you, rather than eating sandwiches.

How to cook buckwheat deliciously

In addition to buckwheat itself, you can prepare other dishes. For example, it has enjoyed constant popularity for centuries. Beef is ideal for buckwheat, but it requires a long cooking time, especially since pork, poultry and rabbit meat also go well with it. The meat should first be fried or stewed in a saucepan until cooked, however, it should be a little tough. There you also need to add onions cut into half rings or quarters and, if desired, carrots, and, when they are fried, washed buckwheat. Everything needs to be poured with boiling water and simmered under a closed lid until the cereal is ready. For three hundred grams of buckwheat, take half a kilogram of meat, two onions, optionally one carrot, 600 ml of boiling water, salt and spices to taste.

Cooking buckwheat porridge does not seem at all difficult to experienced housewives. But what if you're a beginner? Then our article will help you. From it you will learn, crumbly, how long it needs to be cooked, as well as a few little tricks for successful porridge.

How to cook buckwheat so it’s crumbly and tasty

Not everyone can make delicious buckwheat porridge, as there are some tricks in preparing it, without which you will not achieve the desired result. Well, let’s figure out how to cook buckwheat so it’s crumbly and tasty, and what you need for this.

Cooking buckwheat porridge is a short but painstaking process. In order for it to turn out really tasty, it will need to be sorted. Do you agree that it is very unpleasant to feel the crunch of a pebble or other foreign body on your teeth?

Before you start sorting the cereal, you must measure the amount of cereal you need. This is quite a responsible matter, since it should be taken into account that after cooking there will be two, or even two and a half times more cereal.

The amount of cereal will depend on how many people you are cooking for. For example, one glass of buckwheat is enough for three people.

After you have measured out the required amount of buckwheat and sorted it out, you need to rinse the cereal thoroughly. This is necessary to ensure that all small floating debris is washed away. Rinse the cereal three or four times, this will be enough to keep it clean.

To make the porridge aromatic, heat the cereal in a frying pan. Take a dry frying pan, pour buckwheat into it, and fry it until it starts to crackle. It will take you no more than five minutes.

Now we come directly to the moment of cooking the porridge. The main thing here will be the right choice of saucepan.

A little digression. How did our grandmothers used to cook porridge? They took a cast iron pot, poured porridge into it, poured water, and put it in the oven. And the porridge languished there for a long, long time. The result was a tasty, rich, but not overcooked porridge.

Of course, now there are no stoves, but there are still cast iron pots, cauldrons, and just thick-walled saucepans. These are the ones that are suitable for us for making porridge. Take a saucepan, pour the prepared buckwheat into it, and pour in water.

A clarification should be made here. We take exactly twice as much water as cereal. Those. You took one glass of cereal, which means you need two glasses of water.

Take clean, filtered water, as water with various impurities can give the porridge a taste that is not at all what you expected.

Now put the pan on high heat and let the water with the porridge boil. After it boils, add salt to the porridge and reduce the heat. Let our porridge simmer over low heat. Now do not open the lid so that steam is not lost.

After about twenty minutes, turn off the fire. However, the porridge is not quite ready yet. Wrap her in something warm and let her stand for another twenty to thirty minutes. This method of evaporation is no worse than grandma’s ovens.

That's all, your delicious crumbly porridge is ready! Scatter it on plates, add butter and eat.

Bon appetit!

How and how much to cook buckwheat in water

How long to cook buckwheat in water? This is the question asked by novice housewives who are preparing this simple dish on their own for the first time and it is important for them to know the cooking time. After reading this article, you can find out about this.

So, buckwheat porridge. The cooking process itself takes no more than twenty minutes. But before that, you must prepare the buckwheat properly so that the porridge turns out tasty and aromatic. Her recipe will be described below.


  • one glass of buckwheat;
  • two glasses of water;
  • salt, butter.

Before cooking, you need to sort out the buckwheat if it is not too clean. And also rinse well to remove floating debris. It is best to rinse in several waters so that nothing remains.

Now fry the cereal in a frying pan. Usually it is calcined without oil, in a dry frying pan, but we will take a little butter and calcinate it in it. The cereal should crunch a little before you remove it from the heat. But don't overdo it so you don't end up with embers.

Now we take a saucepan that is the right size for us. Boil water in it and add salt. Now pour the prepared buckwheat into it and watch it until it boils. If foam appears, it will need to be removed.

Reduce heat to low. The porridge should simmer for about twenty minutes on the stove. Do not open the lid, as the preparation of delicious porridge largely depends on this.

After this time, turn off the heat and remove the porridge from the stove. Take a warm blanket and wrap the porridge in it, let it sit for another thirty minutes. This will allow our porridge to be saturated with heat and reach.

When the porridge has stood, put it on plates, put a small piece of butter in each and on the table. Bon appetit!

How to properly cook buckwheat as a side dish: a recipe for a buckwheat porridge lover

Buckwheat porridge is a very common dish that housewives prepare as a side dish. It turns out tasty, fast, healthy. You will learn further how to properly cook buckwheat as a side dish.

There are several ways to prepare buckwheat porridge, but today we will look at one that preserves all the beneficial properties of buckwheat, and when you use it, you will get a tasty and aromatic porridge.

What will you need for cooking?

  • buckwheat – one glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • butter – 50-70 grams.

Now how to cook. The cereals must be carefully sorted and washed with cold water. Place in a sieve (use a fine sieve so that the grains do not fall out).

Now take a saucepan and pour water into it. Place on the fire and wait for the water to boil. Throw the cereal into boiling water; now the water should boil along with the buckwheat.

After everything has boiled, add butter to the porridge and salt. Turn off the heat and place the pan in a warm place. You can also cover it with something warm.

The swelling of buckwheat will be completed in about forty minutes. Your porridge prepared in this way will be tasty and crumbly. The beneficial properties of buckwheat with such processing will retain all its beneficial properties (and there are many of them).

After the time has passed, you can pour the porridge into plates and serve. As a side dish, it is suitable for meat and fish dishes, as well as vegetable salads and gravies.

Bon appetit!

Sort the buckwheat thoroughly, then rinse in several waters. Dry. Now most buckwheat producers insist that their grains do not need to be sorted or washed. But we still advise you to do as our grandmothers and mothers did - spend a little more time and sort out the cereal by hand, and then rinse it thoroughly.

Heat a dry frying pan and fry the buckwheat, stirring constantly, until golden brown, 4–5 minutes. Pre-frying the cereal makes it more aromatic and crumbly, and also reduces the cooking time.

Bring lightly salted water to a boil in a large saucepan. The proportion of water and cereal is always the same: 1 part buckwheat to 2 parts water. Add the fried buckwheat and bring to a boil over high heat.

Remove the foam with a slotted spoon, add vegetable oil. Reduce heat and simmer for 6–8 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and let steep for a few more minutes. Previously, porridge was infused in the oven. Nowadays such luxury is available to few people. But there is a great way to do something similar. Cook the cereal 1–1.5 hours before serving. Wrap the pan first in 2-3 layers of paper (newspaper is ideal), and then in a woolen blanket and leave in a warm place. Serve buckwheat with milk or melted butter.